Midnight Siblings - Slave Edition - Chapter 1

Story by MasterAaran on SoFurry

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#1 of Midnight Siblings - Slave Ed.

NOTE: This may look a lot like my story contest entry... that's because at the base it is... I had another idea for an ending, so I switched some of it around and then I added the different end... now you have to look out for more...


It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of "Who am I?" "Where am I?" "Am I wearing clothes?" filled his head and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

"I want to tell you a secret."

His mind slowly came around at the words, waking up to realization of where he was. He was staring up the ceiling of his room, his covers were thrown about his waist, letting a cool breeze waft across him, making him shiver. He leaned up on one elbow and the hand left his lips, moving down to run across his chest.

"Wha...?" he began, only to be interrupted by a soft voice near his ear.

"Aaron...I love you..." He jumped a foot, causing the girl to giggle.

"Sarah!? What the heck?" he whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Shhh... you want Father or Mother to hear?" she whispered, "Aaron... I love you"

He looked over at where her voice was coming from, his eyes adjusting to the dark. He caught sight of red fur and a bushy tail, and he knew she was kneeling next to his bed. He was naked under his covers, so the 19 year old didn't move for fear of exposing himself further, "Sarah... I love you to... I'm your brother... go back to bed."

"Silly..." she chuckled and then stood up, the light from the moon falling on her form. At 16, her body was fully formed, her curves nicely established and very alluring. She was naked. Her red and gold fur shimmered in the pale light and her tail flicked back and forth as she climbed onto his bed to sit across his legs.

He shied away as she climbed onto him, but he couldn't move as she sat on his legs. His throat contracted seeing her naked and his cock started to become erect.

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

She answered with a smile, although her voice sounded a bit nervous, "Aaron, I've watched you for years now... I love you, I want you to be... I want you to" she bit her lip, "I want you to take me for yourself... I want to be yours"

He blinked a few times, his mind trying to comprehend her words, then finally accepting them. What else could he do? She was sitting on his legs, naked, asking him to take her. With his brow furrowed in concentration, he shook his head a bit, "Sarah, what do you mean? You're my sister...but... if you want this..."

Her head bobbed vigorously, "I do... more than anything... I need to have someone that I'm responsible to... and someone to serve... someone to love...I need purpose." Her fox eyes blinked as she looked at him, professing to the truth behind her desires.

He nodded, "Ok... but no one can know... you realize that... this is something that must be between us alone..."

She reached forward and hugged him suddenly, "Of course Aaron... I understand... but I want you to have me as your own..."

He took her hands and peeled him off of her, "Alright then Sarah, we'll do it... from now on your mine... you do what I say at all times, do you understand? I'm going to be your master, from now on you're my slave... I own you."

"Of course Aaron..."

"Good" he smiled, "Boy this night isn't going normally" he chuckled quietly, "perhaps I should tell you Sarah... I've been watching you for a while... and I've... I've been looking for a slave."

She giggled, "Yes I know."

His brow raised, "You do?"

She nodded, "Did you think I was blind the other day when I saw your email on the computer..."

He frowned, "Ok... so you found out."

She nodded, "Yes ...Master?"

He nodded, "Or Aaron...Get off my legs and climb in..."

She hurried to comply with his commands, getting off of his legs and climbing next to him to lay in his bed. She tucked her tail to the side, and laid down, looking up at him, her eyes showing that she wanted him. He tossed the covers off the bed and laid down next to her, his arms on either side of her, his muzzle next to hers.

His cock was already hard, dripping precum, and extended to it's full length. She reached down and took it in her hand, stroking it as he opened his mouth to lick her jaw. She responded with her own lick, and opening her mouth to let his inside.

Their jaws met, crisscrossed so that they both had their tongues burried inside the other's maw. His hands took her by the shoulders and pressed her into the bed as they kissed, him claiming her. She gasped as he released, remaining quiet but moaning. Her brother was going to give her what she needed... someone to serve.

With a soft grunt, his hands slid from her shoulders down to her tits, feeling the globes of flesh under his palms. He rolled then under his hands, then grasped them in his fists and squeezed, thumbing her nipples and rolling them.

She yipped at the sudden sensations, then became quiet again, knowing the importance of silence. Their parents were only one room over, and if they should discover...

But her thoughts were cut off as her brother moved on, feeling and discovering her body as he went. If she would be his slave, he would know her entire body, head to toe, and memorize it. He would memorize her reactions to his ministrations, so that he could know exactly what to do to get the reactions he wanted from her in any situation.

She melted into his hands as they slid across the short fur of her stomach and down to her center. She opened her legs under him so that he could put his hand there, feeling her folds. He was the first male that had ever touched her there, or anywhere on her naked body before.

He spread her folds, feeling their softness, and then pushed a finger inside her. She was plenty wet already, her feral desires awakened in her even as they were in him. He removed his finger from her and tasted her juices, humming as he did so. He again plunged his finger into her wetness, and then held the finger to her own lips.

She obediently licked his finger off, murring as he then pulled his finger out of her mouth and scooted down until he was seated between her legs. He picked up a towel from the floor that he had dropped after his shower earlier and held it to her muzzle, "To keep you quiet"

She nodded and bit down on the towel, holding it between her sharp teeth. He placed his erection at her entrance, and she tensed, knowing that it was coming. Her body was ready though, the fur around her pussy was damp and glistening in the moonlight as he leaned over her body and pushed his rod into her.

Sarah moaned into the towel as she felt him begin to split her, widening her love tunnel around him. He paused for a moment when the end of his cock felt her hymen, then he smiled and plunged his hips forward into her.

The towel only barely managed to keep her scream in. As it was, her hips bucked on his, making his bed squeak, and a tiny bit of her scream echoed in his ears. He froze, as did she, listening with his fox ears for the slightest sound that would indicate she had woke their parents. When nothing was forthcoming, he nodded and began to slide his length into and out of her.

Aaron took her hips with his hands, and used the leverage to begin fucking her. Through the towel, he could here little yips with each thrust as he pounded her. The bed would squeak every once in a while, but he gradually forgot about it, the feelings in his cock over riding anything else.

She shivered, both from the cold and from the feelings emanating from her slit, her brother's cock making her feel things she never knew she could. She could feel something inside her building, something she couldn't stop.

His thick rod continued to slip into her, his hands moving from her hips to grope her tits again, driving her pleasure up even as her walls began to contract around him, signaling her impending orgasm.

The squeezing on his cock made him groan and give her a harder thrust, smashing her ears against the headboard as she rocked away from him. Her dam finally broke, her cum jetting out of her pussy around his cock like a stream as she screamed and the towel fell from her mouth. He grunted also, "Fuck" he cursed as he came, filling her pussy and womb with his own juices, coating her insides.

He collapsed on her, breathing deeply as she clutched at his fur while she came down from her high. There was a squeak from the next room, probably his father getting up to see what was going on. In a flash, Aaron pulled her from the bed, propelling her towards the door, hissing, "Hurry!"

She bolted from the room, still naked, and across the hall to her own room, just managing to slip her tail in the door and close it before their father came around the corner and stomped up to Aaron's room. He peeked in, shining a flashlight onto the bed.

Aaron was laying on the bed, half covered, breathing deeply and peacefully, no signs of the ruckus sex that had just taken place were evident anywhere. Their father frowned and turned to open Sarah's door, peeking through.

Aaron heard him open the door and held his breath...if she hadn't gotten in bed... but she must have, for their father turned and walked back to his room, trying to figure out if what he had heard was a dream.

Aaron nodded and, smiling contentedly, closed his eyes, going to sleep. He didn't expect Sarah to return to his room, and she didn't, not wanting to risk their father's sensitive hearing. He drifted off, his mind flying through the world of his dreams, all centered on where their new relationship would lead.