Back at the Beginning (Chapter 10)

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#10 of Bus Stop

Chapter 10:

Nothing like finishing your hard day with the one you love.< Chapter 9Chapter 11 >

Soundlessly, the well-oiled iron ring doorhandle twisted, and the heavy wooden door to the cottage flew open with a loud slam against the shelf propped up behind it. Hunched over and bracing herself against the open door, stood a middle-aged woman, wearing a deerskin traveling cloak. Its hood was pulled over her head, leaving little more than her long strands of oily gray hair and a wrinkled chin to be seen in the failing afternoon forest light.

The sudden rush of sound and movement from the woman's entrance caused a flurry of red and orange around the cottage's living space, as the foxes waiting there scurried and scattered in a brief panic, each seeking shelter under furniture or toward the open kitchen space at the back of the room. After the brief panic, two black noses poked out from under the feather-stuffed sofa, followed by their owners, once they realized there was no cause for alarm. Slowly, the rest of the foxes began to reemerge, and the room was once again filled in a swirl of rusty orange and white, with a few blacks and grays peppered in from the silver foxes that joined them. The two foxes that had hidden under the sofa stepped up to greet the woman's return, one standing on its hind paws against her thigh, hoping to reach her hands and looking for scritches, the other slinking around behind to make sure she wasn't hiding any treats.

"Fools!" the woman cursed aloud, hobbling through the door's threshold, still bracing herself against the door. The fox that had been standing against her fell back to its four paws, and slunk off to the corner of the room, its ears drooping morosely.

Looking around the room from wall to wall, the woman took a minute to admire her home. It was cluttered but clean, and she had managed furnish it quite well, despite her meager means. Lining the walls stood countless shelves, each holding jars of spices and tools of her trade. She gave a wry smirk from under her hood, reflecting on her accomplishments. Slowly, carefully, she stumbled to the sofa and gingerly sat down. Her excursion had gone very, very badly.

Now that the old woman was sitting, five of the nearest foxes excitedly jumped onto the sofa with her, while another tried to jump up and perch on top of her head. Two of the foxes opened their mouths wide and started gekking over who would get to sit in her lap, but none of them were near her for more than a few seconds, because the woman shooed them away.

The woman winced hard, and pulled her hand out from under her cloak. Crimson streaks of blood flowed down from her fingertips before they were shakily wiped and smeared on her cloak. Pulling back the leather, she inspected the wound she had been staunching. A broken shaft of an arrow protruded from her side; the head buried deep in the puncture.

"I was just trying to help them, you know," the woman said to the fox that perched calmly on the sofa arm next to her. It twisted its head to the side and pulled its ears back, slightly quivering anxiously, not really understanding her words, but showing concern for her injury.

Help me up, she commanded. Two foxes jumped back onto the sofa, and began to push against her back and the back of the furniture. The fox on the arm hopped down with a light thud on the wooden floor, and the nipped the sleeve of the woman's outstretched hand, helping pull her off with sharp tugs.

With a painful groan, and the woman back on her feet, the foxes split apart, giving her space to move. She shuffled over to the stair to the back of the room, leaving a trickle of blood on the floor. Cautiously, she placed her foot upon it, and lifted herself with a grunt, leaving her in front of a free-standing mirror in the corner of the room. Now reminded that she was still wearing the hood, she pulled it back and saw her face staring back at her. Normally, she would have seen a woman in her late forties reflected back, albeit weathered and grayed heavily by the elements. However, today her face was pallid, and her eyes sunken with dark circles around them from the blood loss. Pulling back the cloak once more, she used the mirror to inspect her wound.

"Not good," she murmured aloud.

Taking her free hand, the woman pointed at the arrow shaft, drawing back her pinky and ring finger to the bottom of her palm. A glowing wisp of purple gossamer flowed out of her outstretched fingers, and swirled around the wound. Softly, it spread over the wood of the arrow, and then down into the bloody hole. For a moment, nothing happened, then her flesh spasmed, and the woman let out a scream in pain as she doubled over. Gritting her teeth, she watched from the mirror as the shaft of the arrow appeared to grow taller, only to reveal the broadhead on the end of the missile as it fell out of her body and clattered against the wood planks of her cabin.

The woman collapsed to the floor, gasping in pain. She waited for a moment, trying to compose herself, but the pain from her wound didn't cease completely. Shakily, she propped herself up with one arm, and then the next, trying to return to a standing position. Before she could continue, one of the silver foxes approached and nuzzled her cheek, moving a lock of her gray hair away, and encouraging and comforting her.

Still panting, she looked up at all the foxes around her, each looking at her with their amber, hazel, and green slitted eyes, distress mirrored in all their expressions. A few gave a sad whimper as they watched.

"Thank you, my child," she whispered to the silver fox at her side, and she lifted one of her hands from the floor to stroke its soft pelt. It wagged its black and white tipped tail from her affection, before leaning in closer to assist. With another grunt of exertion, and a bit of bracing from the helpful fox, she stood back up on her feet.

Now that the arrow had been extracted, she found that movement was a lot easier, but the damage it had caused was deep, and she had not prepared her Magics today to fully seal such a wound. Carefully, she shed the traveling cloak, and hung it on a peg near the mirror. Unrestricted by her cloak, she was free to access the hide satchel she had hanging from her shoulder. Blood had been smeared over the tan bag, but it still protected the invaluable contents she carried with her. Wiping clean her bloodstained hand on the cloak hanging next to her, she reached into the satchel and withdrew a large blue bound tome.

She stared wistfully at the book clutched in her hand. It was the Book of Regrowth, written in a primal language of nature, and it was likely that she was the last person left alive that could read it. And after today... Heaving a sigh, she winced hard as a sharp pain lanced through her, causing her to finish her exhale with a coughing sputter and to clamp her hand urgently over her mouth. The pain subsided, as did the coughing fit, and the woman pulled her hand away from her face, making her eyes go wide. New flecks of blood covered her palm once again.

Anger seared through her. She had done nothing to deserve this. The newcomers needed food just like every creature in the forest, but instead of thanking her for her help, they shouted superstitious nonsense at her and attacked her while she was trying to aid their crops. In the back of her mind, she felt them already beginning to burn their harvest to erase any help she had already given them. They would starve this winter if it meant ensuring she had no say in the matter.

Infused with a righteous fury, she shrugged off her pain, and walked over to the kitchen at the back of the room. A shelf filled with a handful of books of her craft hung from the wall, with a space left for the blue tome she carried. Placing the book on the shelf, she traced her fingers over the remaining books, looking for the right one: Decay, Climate, Renewal, and Change.

A cold wet nose prodded the back of the woman's leg, and she turned around from the shelf to see a pair of foxes had followed her into the kitchen. Both were looking up to her, hoping that her brief revitalization meant it was dinner time.

"No, my children, not yet," she cooed softly to them. Turning back to her books, she reviewed her options again, trying to come to one final choice.

Truth be told, the contents of any one of the books could be used to make the newcomers' lives a living hell for what they had done to her, but each of them required her to be present to guide and restore the Magics, and they had seen to it she would not be able to return. Finally, she selected the red tome at the end of the shelf: The Book of Change. It was the only one that could protect her forest after she was gone.

Nearly doubling over with pain, she turned around and placed the book on the table behind her, cracking it open to a page near the middle. Her hand slid over the pages, skimming the archaic text and looking for passages that would describe the curse she needed.

"Yes, yes," she murmured to herself. It was all theory, but it was very sound. To her knowledge, something like this had never been tried, but she was familiar with all the Magics involved. If she was to die today, there was no better hope for protecting her forest and driving away the newcomers all at once.

Looking up to her foxes, she called out to them, I need wormroot, alder, and a bit of figwort. Don't forget the spring water.

The congregation of foxes all sprang into action immediately. Two grabbed a wooden pale from the corner, while most of the foxes all darted through the large door that still hung open.

There was little time to waste. Shrugging back pain that threatened to make her pass out, she walked to the counter, and pulled out her mortar and pestle and placed them next to the open book on the table. Next, she returned to the living area and perused the shelves for the special herbs she would need for her revenge. Once she had everything she needed, she shuffled gingerly back to the table with her jars and began work grinding up their contents in her mortar.

She was nearing completion when the first fox returned, carrying a small tree branch in its muzzle. The fox jumped up onto the table and dropped the branch next to the book, swaying its tail dutifully. Rewarding the fox with an affectionate stroke on its fluffy white chest, the woman picked up the branch and pulled out a small silver knife.

"This will do nicely," she complemented, and the fox closed its eyes and opened its maw wide, accepting her praise.

Swiftly, the woman pinched off a small bit of the fox's fur, and added it to the mortar before the fox could react. Taking the knife, she shaved off a bit of the tree bark from its offering, and also added it to the powdery concoction accumulating in the mortar. Satisfied that it had accomplished its duties, the fox leapt from the table and scurried back outside.

She never needed to steal from her children like this before, but it was important this time. If everything went as planned, a pinch of fur was a fair price for the life her children were going to have. Her only regret was that she wasn't going to be around to see them prosper.

The pair of foxes carrying the water pail returned, both clasping the single handle in their jaws, and marching in practiced step to not splash the water around. They climbed the stair and gently placed the wooden bucket next to the table. Again, the woman rewarded the dutiful work with a few scritches between both of their ears.

"You two are finally getting along," she whispered reminiscently, but the foxes were already moving apart from each other, now that their job was done. The woman watched them both dart out the door as they gekkered to the other, their white-tipped tails flying in both directions now that they no longer had to work so close together. Outside, the sun had reached the horizon, and it bathed everything in the cottage with a deep orange glow.

Smirking at their ongoing rivalry, the woman shifted her stance next to the table, and nearly slipped over. Bracing herself against the edge of the table, she looked down. A pool of blood had been gathering at her feet, and she could feel her strength quickly waning. She had to work fast once the remaining ingredients were brought in.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long. As soon as a fox appeared with a sprig of purple flowers, a second one appeared behind it, white chin and whiskers covered in brown flecks of dirt, and carrying a root.

There was little time left. She ushered the foxes to her, and quickly scraped the stamen and carpel from the bottom of the flowers with her knife, adding them to the mortar. Then, she cut the root down its tap to let its juices drip into the powdery mixture. Both of the foxes waited next to the table for their praise, but the woman had none to give them. After a minute of watching her work, they both turned around to lie on the sofa patiently.

"Almost done," she said, feeling her vision starting to tunnel on her. Quickly, she bent over, and nearly screamed, but forced back the pain as she scooped water out of the pail with her bare hand and into the mortar, taking an extra splash to the face to keep herself conscious.

"One more ingredient," she announced to keep herself on task. Dipping her hand to her wound, she drew it back out covered in crimson blood. Holding her hand over the mortar, she let the blood fall from her fingertips, while silently reciting an incantation to herself.

The moment the blood hit the moist powder, it flashed with an explosion of purple light, before changing to a brilliant gold.

That was all she could handle. All the strength was sapped from her, and she fell to the wooden floor.

The two foxes immediately stood up from their spots on the furniture and ran over to her.

Weakly, she reached up and stroked their white necks, "I'm sorry my children, I can't stay with you."

Outside, the sun was falling below the horizon, and the dimly illuminated cottage was getting darker. Had she the strength, she would have lit some candles for the remainder of the night, but that was no longer necessary.

I need each of you to take a drink from the potion on the table, she chirped to them, voice barely strong enough to utter the words correctly. You will know what needs to be done after that.

Both of the foxes left her side and hopped up to the table, and took turns dipping their tongues into the golden mixture. She watched from the floor as they carried out her orders. For a moment, it looked like nothing happened, and the woman's heart froze in her chest, thinking her last efforts had gone to waste. But then the foxes turned back to her, and leapt back down to her side, both nuzzling and licking her sorrowfully, and it was then she noticed that their hazel eyes had turned a brilliant gold.

"Guard my forest well, my children" she whispered before the darkness finally overtook her.

From a few paces ahead, I caught sight of the Vixen's tail dart behind a tree. Ducking under a branch of a bush, I gave chase as fast as my paws would let me in the dense wood. Between my fangs hung the packages of cheese crackers I had saved for Tyler, but I had nearly forgotten I was holding onto them while in playful pursuit of my mate.

Above me, the mid-afternoon sun was shining brightly in the sky, but it did little to illuminate the shrubbery under the canopy of the forest. While I was enjoying our game of chase on our way back to the den, I was getting winded enough that I had to stop to snort through my dark nose and catch my breath. My head fell, and I looked at the brown earth beneath me as I panted. In my jaws, I could feel a slick strand of saliva slide between my black lips, threatening to lubricate the plastic packages right out of my mouth if I didn't put them down on my own. Unless I wanted the taste of dirt on my tongue after picking them up again, I knew it was a bad idea to drop them right here. Instead, I angled my neck upwards and let my drool slide back into my throat, using the shift in gravity help me get a better grip on the crackers with a quick chomp.

Mate! This way! I heard the Vixen's harsh bark in the distant trees.

I returned her call with a quick but muffled yip, unable to communicate anything more clearly with my mouth stuffed full.

She had told me this was a direct route back to the den from the far corner of the forest where the city foxes had been exiled, but the trip was taking a lot longer than I would have anticipated. Maybe, it was because I was impatient to get back to familiar territory, or that my initial trip had used the wide-open road for a leg of the journey, but I couldn't wait to get back to the den. Her invitation to mate with me had awoken deeper feelings I didn't quite know I had for her, and my tail had barely stopped wagging since her suggestion.

Deep in the back of my mind, I knew I should have considered such a thing to be abhorrent, but now that I was a fox, being intimate with my mate was hardly something to be ashamed of. Besides, pursuing my former flings with human women was no longer an option, as returning to the human world for sex could only end in disaster.

Following her call, I rounded the next tree and placed my forepaw down, only to find it smooshing into a soft patch of mud. Because of my momentum, I barely had enough time to leap over the damp earth with my other three paws, not wanting to make a mess of myself right before I caught back up with the Vixen. My gait recovered, and I scampered onward, checking the greenery for her scent and following her occasional squeaks and barks.

More greenery flew on by while we gamboled through the woods, never taking a straight path toward our destination, but always advancing closer. Before long, I finally caught up to her next to a holly bush. The scents of other foxes were nearby, and I realized we had finally arrived near the den.

Panting from the edges of my muzzle, I made a muffled squeak, I have to drop these off with Tyler before we do anything. Can you meet me in our grove by my tree?

She flattened her ears in disagreement. Must mate in den. Flame not work by Mate's tree.

I felt my heart sink. If this trick of the Flame involves the den, then there wasn't much hope using it in the city. Catching the dismay on my face and the slowing of my swaying tail, the Vixen continued. Be important in den. Need Mate's help in den, she said with a wag of the white tip of her tail.

I cocked my head to the side, not fully understanding what she meant._ I thought you were going to show me this trick_, I chirped. How is that going to help you?

I show. You understand later.

That didn't answer my question at all, but she didn't wait for my reply. Instead, she turned around and dove in between two bushes, her fluffy tail trailing behind her before disappearing completely.

I shook my head, and followed after her. As excited as I had become about spending some intimate time with my mate, her non-answers didn't thrill me. However, the Vixen's cryptic way of explaining things had never led me astray, and I trusted that she would show me everything before we were done. With a crinkle of the crackers in my jaws, I jumped between the bushes to follow her.

The remaining leg of the journey was brief, and the trees and bushes broke to leave me standing before the towering wooden door of the den. In front of the door stood the waiting Vixen, her head cocked to the side while waiting for me to appear. A pair of foxes darted between us, both absorbed by their daily hustle and bustle to collect food for the clan.

I gave a snort through my nose and wagged my tail at my mate, happy now that we had finally reached our destination. Have you seen Tyler today? I asked. He's going to be thrilled I brought these, indicating the bags I held with another light chomp.

Tyler inside. Not leave when you gone, she wagged back.

She turned to the left, and darted around the corner of the building, and I followed her. Together, we crawled through the north entrance to find a line of foxes queuing for dinner time.

We were late. The hunter foxes had finished gathering their prey a long time ago, and the remaining pile dwindled while the line of foxes extended past our entryway and around to the interior of the front door. After seeing the pile of food, it finally occurred to me that I barely had a bite to eat today, but before I could select my own meal, I had to pass off the crackers to Tyler.

Nudging the back of the Vixen's neck after she had joined the line, I mumbled, I need to feed Tyler. Can you pick something out for me?

Closing her eyes, she squeaked cheerfully in agreement and I left her side to circle the room for Tyler.

I didn't have to look hard. After I passed the first cluster of foxes that were sitting in a circle enjoying their meals and chittering about their day, a loud squeal sounded from across the room. Before I had time to turn toward the source of the noise, I found Tyler scampering towards me at full speed.

His excitement was immeasurable. From wherever he had been laying when I had entered the den, he hadn't bothered to fully stand up on all fours, opting instead to launch himself at me like a torpedo while his furry belly dragged along the ground, and his tail thrashing behind him. Once he arrived at my side, he flipped onto his back and tucked his forepaws to his chest, maw opened wide in an ecstatic snorting pant.

Standing over him while he wiggled on the floor, I considered lifting my paw to give him the belly rub he was prostrating himself for, but I could feel the eyes of the clan watching us after his loud outburst. It was already weird enough being a fox with another pet fox; I didn't need to welcome more harsh judgements from everyone around me by awkwardly petting my ward.

I brought treats for you, I rumbled conversationally.

Releasing my firm grip, I let the packages of crackers fall from my jaws, and shower the supine Tyler with the treats I had been protecting for him. The crackers gave a light crinkle as they collided with Tyler's white chin and the wooden floor. For a second, he stopped squirming around, only now realizing that I had been holding food for him. With the same blink of an eye that he had flipped onto his back for his belly rubs, he flipped onto his paws, and squealed out another happy gekker. His requests for attention forgotten, he bent his neck down and nabbed up all three bags before carelessly slapping his fluffy tail across my face and darting back out the hole in the southern wall.

As I watched him leave, a smirk played across my muzzle. It had been a long day, and getting those snacks for him intact was one of the hardest parts to overcome. Seeing him thrilled at the gift had made it all worth it, and it renewed my faith that a part of Tyler was still in that furry noggin of his.

Nudging my ear from behind, the Vixen arrived at my side, carrying our dinner in her fangs. She dropped the carcasses of two animals at our paws, letting me choose between the wood rat and a vole.

No birds left? I asked, hoping for a meal I could relate to a chicken dinner.

Bird rare, she chirped. _ Bird learn quiet in forest, or we eat._

That's understandable, I whimpered back, looking up to the hole in the roof. Just the other day, a single noisy bird had woken us up, and it took no effort to kill it for the fox that wished it down to him.

Opting for the wood rat, I bent my neck down and plucked the rodent from the wooden floor. Between my hunger and the faint but insatiable nagging of the void, I felt almost ravenous enough to eat it raw like all the other foxes, but feeling the furry hide against my tongue reminded me instantly that I still needed to cook my meal. Stepping a few paces away from the Vixen, I placed my food back onto the floor and stared at it.

Silently, I closed my eyes and conjured up thoughts of the uncontrolled retching I would be in for if my food wasn't cooked. With a flash, my golden eyes snapped open and blue light shone forth.


As soon as the light left my vision, I realized I had been too anxious to eat and forgot that it was better if I cooked in private. However, it was too late, and the rat began to hiss and steam as the magic took effect.

Mate, the Vixen said at my side, nudging my shoulder as I watched my meal cook with my ears pricked. Not time for Flame. Must show you first.

The scent of the roasting rat was starting to waft around the den. Looking around, I saw more and more foxes turn their attention toward us as the delicious smells reached each of their sensitive noses.

Responding to the Vixen, I inquired, Didn't you say we needed to mate for your trick to work? An uneasy feeling was starting to bubble up inside me from the audience I had gathered. Surely, she didn't expect us to have sex in front of everyone here.

By now, every fox had gone quiet and was looking at us. Near the pile of remaining prey, one fox rose to his paws and started to wander over, head cocked curiously and licking his chops hungrily. My mate turned her head to watch the approaching fox, who caught her stern expression and sulked back toward the line he had been waiting in.

Yes, must mate, she confirmed. Cook food too soon. Wait after mate. Safer.

The faint hissing of the rat subsided as the Flame finished its work on my meal. Judging by everyone in the den, If I didn't eat it quickly, half of the clan was surely to descend on me to take my prepared food. Prodding the rat with my nose, I found it too hot to gnaw down on immediately, so I took a step forward to stand over my meal while it cooled.

And you're wanting to do this in front of everyone here? I whimpered, craning my neck backwards at her.

Twisting her head to the side, I watched her ponder the question, like the concept of privacy hadn't even occurred to her. Right as I was expecting her to reply with an affirmative, she took a step back and sat on her haunches. With a loud cacophonous scream that made everyone's ears twitch, she shouted to the room, _Fox go outside! _

Numerous groans and growls sounded around the room. Reluctantly, the different cliques and gatherings of foxes picked up the remains of their meals with their jaws, and shuffled out the exits in the walls. The remaining foxes that were taking their turns picking from the pile of food hastily broke ranks and reduced their orderly conduct into a snarling and screeching free-for-all as they fought over their picks for dinner. Thankfully, the bickering was resolved before the Vixen had to intervene, and only a few short moments later, the den was empty, save for the two of us and my hot meal.

Eat rat, she chirped at me. Then I show you how fox use Flame.

She didn't need to tell me twice. Now that the clan was outside and the threats to my food were gone with them, I laid down on the wooden floor with the steaming rat meat between my paws, and gnawed at it greedily.

We sat together in silence, each enjoying our prospective meals. Every now and then, the Vixen's fluffy tail would lash merrily while she enjoyed her food, and I would flick mine back at her affectionately. A short time later, she finished her meal and then crept up next to me to cuddle while I finished my dinner. I couldn't resist nuzzling her back a few times while she waited. Before long, my rat was also consumed, leaving little more on the floor than a few bones and the crisped pelt.

Ready? The Vixen panted as she stood up, shaking out her fur.

Truth be told, I wasn't sure. I hadn't mated with anyone after being turned into a fox. The closest I had was last week when the Apartment vixen took me to her home while I was in a Flamestarved stupor. Back then, I let her do all the work for me, as I didn't have the presence of mind to engage or object to the act. Now it was on me to perform with a body I barely had for two weeks.

I may need a few pointers, I whimpered sheepishly as my ears dipped to the side.

Yes. Must tell Mate how to use Flame, she wagged back excitedly.

Not waiting for a reply, the Vixen darted to the center of the room, only a few paces from the stairs, and pointed her muzzle up at the hole in the roof.

Mate here, she instructed. Must use Flame while mate. Use Flame to fix den, but too dangerous to fix all. Need many fox at once, and Mate run away last time.

If the performance anxiety creeping up in the back of my mind wasn't already bad enough, she was now telling me I had to think about making a wish while we were mating. And it wasn't a fun wish either; roof repairs weren't much of a turn-on for me.

So that's all there is to this? I yipped, shoving aside my misgivings. We mate, and then I can use the Flame for anything I want? Why didn't we do this while we were alone outside?

Need help den, she barked out. No help in forest for purple Flame.

That was true. I needed to be able to freely use the Flame on bus drivers and whomever would be able to help out the city foxes. There were no humans in the forest to practice on, and fixing the roof of the den was a practical example.

Standing up on my paws, I trotted across the room to where the Vixen stood, avoiding the fallen support beam that stood prominently in the middle of the room and stretched to the gaping ceiling above. Looking up at the roof, I could see the twilight sky through the hole. She had chosen a much better vantage point than where we had been eating.

So, how do we get started? I rumbled to her. Turning my muzzle toward her to see if she agreed, I barely had time to brace myself as she happily lunged at my face, planting a huge kiss along my whiskers with her pink tongue.

A more direct invitation wasn't necessary. My black lips cracked open and I kissed her back with my tongue, dampening the white fuzz under her black nose. Leaning in closer still, she smiled brightly as her golden eyes caught the light pouring in from the amber heavens. Her lips parted again, and her tongue found its way into my muzzle as mine probed back around her fangs. As we kissed, an electric buzz tingled on my tongue: its golden taste energizing me further.

I felt my haunches buckle, and I let my rear sag down to the floor. The Vixen took the moment to break from our kissing, giving a seductive look out of the corner of her eye as she turned her hindquarters toward me. Playfully, she wagged her tail against my face, softly patting it with her white tip, and fanning her feminine scent into my nostrils.

Something stirred within me, and the same excitement I felt back in the forest returned in force, making my springy vulpine limbs quiver. The doubts in my mind melted away and only my beautiful mate existed before me, as nothing else mattered anymore. Warmth started to spread to my loins, and I could feel the nip of cool air on my foxhood as it started to poke from its sheath.

Skillfully, I caught her fluffy tail in my fangs before it could gently collide against my whiskers for a final time. Now caught, the Vixen relaxed her playful flailing, but the musty vixen odors in my mouth were starting to drive me wild. Carefully, I pushed her tail out from my fangs with my tongue, and gave my black nose a lick where her guard hairs had tickled it. She took this moment to lean downwards and raised her tail high, exposing her fluffy rump in all its glory, signaling that she was ready for me.

Head spinning and almost in a trance, I reared up on my hind paws and took a few steps forward, black paws scraping lightly on the wood flooring before I let myself fall down on top of her back. She grunted as my weight crashed on top of her, but she dutifully stayed standing, holding both our weight on all four paws.

I could feel her soft, warm fur between us, filling me with need to hold her tight. Carefully, I shifted my stance, leaving my digitigrade hind paws on the ground, and tucking my forepaws behind her flanks. Resting my chin on the back of her neck, I breathed in the scent of her fur and embraced her closer, thrusting my member into her hindquarters.

The prickly strands of her fur teased the tip of my foxhood and her warm nethers was like a second sheath. However, despite the heat she was giving off, I couldn't quite find her opening. Awkwardly, I shifted on top of her, letting my white chest rub against her warm back fur, but aligning myself with her properly was proving impossible for my quadrupedal body.

One more sinful thrust against her rear, a dismayed squeak sounded beneath me.

_Tail stuck. _

I stopped cold for a moment, not understanding the problem. Then I probed again with my tip and finally noticed that it was her fluffy tail I had been rubbing against. When I had mounted her, it had become pinned between us.

Pulling myself back, I dropped my forepaws to the floor. I'm so sorry, mate, I yipped to her backside. Underneath my ribs, I could feel my foxhood twitch in unsatisfied need. Our scent of arousal weighed heavily in the air around us. I haven't exactly done this before.

The Vixen didn't reply, but wagged her white tipped tail, partially to accept my apology, and partially to free it from being plastered against her by my weight. Holding it high and exposing herself again to me, she rumbled, Try now.

She didn't need to ask twice. I nudged her tail with my muzzle and climbed back on top of her before it could fall back in the way. Hooking my paws again around her haunches, I pulled myself closer again, even more anxious this time to mate properly with her.

My member drew closer to its mark. The wispy undercoat of her hindquarters welcomed me once more, now warmer and more welcoming than her tail had been. A shudder ran through my body from the front of my black nose to the end of my tail as the sensitive flesh of my foxhood was teased by her welcoming vagina. Slowly, the hot tip of my member reached the hot flesh of her folds, and I triumphantly pushed inside.

Immediately the Vixen lurched beneath me, and she shrieked loudly, shaking me off her back and throwing me to the floor with a loud thump. I was too stunned to move.

Wrong hole! She gekkered angerly down at me with her maw hanging open.

I tried to stand up, but she put her black paw on the side of my neck. Between my legs, I could feel my member hanging freely from its sheath.

Flame not work if you do it wrong, she chided.

Looking up at her golden eyes, I could see she wasn't as mad as she sounded, but I knew I had screwed up.

I know, I'm sorry, I chittered back. _ I'm ready to try it again if you'll let me._

Snorting a sigh through her nostrils, she agreed. Yes. You fox now. Must get right. With that said, she took her paw off of my neck and turned around again, keeping her fluffy tail held high.

Untangling my limbs and pulling myself up from the floor, I climbed on top of my mate's back for a third time. The soft orange fur of her rump was as inviting as ever, and it caressed my sensitive member while I pushed against her, now aiming lower than last time, and letting the curves of her body guide me to my mark. Brushing my tip across her waiting vagina, I shuddered again as its heat welcomed my arrival, and without further hesitation, I pushed myself fully inside.

Underneath me, my mate shuddered and began to pant heavily while I felt my tongue loll out the side of my muzzle. Her vagina immediately clamped down on my unsheathed member, welcoming it once again. I pushed in further, harder, letting her take in all of my foxhood to envelop it with her warmth and milk it for all that it was worth.

Over and over, I pushed into her, feeling the hot friction start to build inside. The sounds of one of us squeaking in ecstasy reached my flattened ears, but I couldn't tell if it was coming from me or her. I tried to close my maw, but I was panting too hard from each thrust of love. Slowly, as her vagina pulled me deeper inside, a warm golden buzz started to build, heightening the pleasure, and strengthening our entwining connection.

My slitted eyes squeezed shut, unable to keep them open as the pleasure swept over me. Between thrusts, I tried to ask aloud what this golden feeling was, but all that came out of my mouth was a long high-pitched squeal. The energy kept growing, brighter, hotter, trying to envelope both of us. I started to lose track where my body ended and hers began. All I could feel was golden pleasure building bigger and stronger as I approached my climax.

Just as the golden energy reached the intensity of the morning sun, I exploded inside my mate, screaming loudly and filling her with my fox seed. Spurt after spurt erupted from my member, and her sex greedily throbbed against mine, pulling it deeper inside.

Now, mate, she shakily gasped from under my chin.

Again? I weakly grumbled, still feeling myself unload the last of my seed into her. My head was spinning, and the feeling of golden energy had not dissipated out of my body. Finally opening my eyes, a golden haze filled my vision as I tried to focus on the twin peaks of her pointed ears in front of my snout.

No, now! She yipped, and a purple flash filled the room, masked by the golden haze hovering in my eyes.

My head was still swimming, and I couldn't think straight. I was only vaguely aware she had asked me to do something, but her throbbing vagina was still holding me tight inside her.

My eyes slid shut again, and the golden energy flowed around and through me, through us, holding me tight in its warm embrace. I needed to last like this forever.

Above me, I heard the loud cracking and snapping of wood being bent, and I opened my slitted eyes again to look up. Part of the hole in the roof was warping and twisting, growing and splitting off new shingles to mend the damage.

It all came flooding back to me at once, and I remembered why I was mating with the Vixen in the first place. She needed me to use the Flame to help repair the den.

My eyes fell shut again and I rubbed my cheek into my mate's back, trying to concentrate on her, rather than the euphoria enveloping every inch of my furry body. Her scent was heavy from our mating, but pungent enough to pull myself back to reality. Mostly out of habit, and without thinking about what I was doing, my imagination started building images of the foxes' dire need to have the roof fixed, as if it was a matter of survival. Preposterous notions of the clan being threatened by drowning in the next rainstorm if the roof wasn't closed swam into my mind's eye, as well as threats of lightning strikes and other tree debris falling through the hole and maiming the poor foxes inside. Within my clouded mind, I believed the danger was real for just a moment.


Blue light shone from my whole body and erupted out of the top of the cottage, filling the sky with its brilliant radiance. Beneath me, the Vixen screamed in shock at the sudden assault of bright light in the den. As the light dimmed, so too did the golden energy that was binding us, leaving me feeling just a little cooler without its embrace.

What do?! The Vixen shrieked again, and she wriggled around, trying to see if I was OK while still laying on top of her.

She didn't get a reply. Before I could tell her anything, a deep, booming crack echoed loudly through the den. In the center of the room, the fallen support beam that spanned between the floor and broken ceiling, shuddered, and went limp, like a stale vegetable. Where the wooden beam connected to the rafters, a long creaking noise filled the room, and the beam started to regain its rigidity, now aligning itself inch by inch with the roof and joists. As the beam realigned itself, the end that sagged to the floor lifted into the air, and stretched forward, eventually meeting the roof where it had broken away untold ages ago. I watched in awe as the beam grew new vines and branches to tie itself back into place, and heal the damaged wood. Above the restored beam, the hole that no longer sagged inwards started to stitch itself closed as the wooden shingles began to mend just as the beam had. Within a few more moments, the dimming twilight outside no longer was visible indoors, leaving the Vixen and me to rely on our vulpine eyes to see in the darkened room.

Flame blue. Big blue, rumbled the Vixen, awestruck at the display of my Flame.

So shocked by the massive expenditure of magical energies, I had forgotten that I was still inside her. Putting my weight back on my hind paws, I tried to pull myself off of her, but her vagina was still holding me tight.

Not yet. Too soon, she barked as I pulled, returning to her senses. She quivered for a moment, and then collapsed to her stomach, pulling me down with her.

It wasn't her that was gripping me. It was my own knot. I had knotted her, and her pulling against it threw me into momentary pangs of bliss.

She arched her back and licked at the air in front of my face. Turn around. Get off.

Unconsciously, I obeyed. Placing my paws down on one side of my mate, I dismounted and tried to turn around. I nearly collapsed again as the friction of my foxhood turning around inside her and lubricated by our juices nearly forced me to orgasm a second time. _ _

Blinking back the intense stimulation, I rose up on all-fours, and felt the Vixen do the same behind me, her warm fuzzy rump pressed against mine. She fluttered her tail for a moment before lovingly tangling it with mine, and we stood together in the darkened room, locked together.

Blue flame not right. Blue flame not for fixing den, she squeaked pensively.

Does that mean I did it wrong? I grunted, pressing my golden eyes closed to try to remain focused.

No. Flame fix den, she panted out heavily. Is Mate feel Flamestarved?

Not yet, I confirmed tentatively, opening my eyes just a bit, still fighting back the intense pleasure I was tied in. So, if I had used a purple Flame, I wouldn't go Flamestarved either? I asked, flatting my ears back toward her.

Strong feeling from mating make Flame not work same, she whined.

I'm still feeling some -yip- strong feelings right now, I remarked, unable to keep myself from barking mid-sentence. Is it too late to try again?

Den fix now. No fix left.

My eyes stopped spinning long enough to focus them on the shattered mirror a few paces away from us. Images of the two of us entwined were reflected in each of the shards of broken glass. I closed my eyes again.


Purple light filled my closed lids, and I opened my eyes again in time to see the shards of glass in the mirror meld together as if quicksilver, forming one clear image of me and the Vixen finishing our mating ritual.

I was worried I had made a hasty decision in testing the purple Flame on something as trivial as the mirror, but within a few moments, I could tell the void was not growing any further than it had from this morning, but it was hard to be certain while my foxhood was locked inside my mate and clouding every sensation with pleasure.

We stood in silence for a few more moments, each holding in our squeaks and panting to the best of our abilities, when suddenly a shocking thought entered my mind. My seed was inside her, and she was drawing it in as fervently as I had given it.

Vixen, are we going to have kits? I yipped urgently. I didn't think I was ready to be a dad to a litter of baby foxes. This last week had proven I was barely ready to be a fox at all, let alone a parent.

No kits, she replied solemnly, and I felt her tail limply brush my back as she let it fall. Fox have Flame. Take care of forest. Bring human to forest if need more fox.

She fell silent, and the pleasure between us lessened as her grip on me started to weaken. Without knowing it, I had touched on a sore subject for her. I tried to wriggle free a little, not wanting to burden her while she was feeling so much regret, but all that managed was to pull a yap out of both of us. _ _

Sorry, I squeaked, apologizing for pulling too soon, but also for upsetting her mood.

If I had asked her about this yesterday, I may not have understood her reaction. However, after seeing Mary Anne and her family today, holding together as foxes, I could see how the Vixen would be missing having a family of her own. Mary Anne's family would be together forever, having been changed in the prime of their lives. My mate and I would have each other, but there never would be a Mary Anne for us to cherish, and she already had lived a long time with the burden before she found me.

Over at the north wall, a faint rustle of fur and paws whispered in the air, followed by a thud of a head lashing sharply into a solid object.

_I want to see it too!_Gekkered a voice from the hole in the wall.

My heart jumped in my chest. The clan was starting to come back to see what I had done to the den, and I was still embarrassingly indisposed. Before I could bark at them to go away, the Vixen called out.

See den now!

A rush of orange fur flooded into the den from both walls, as the foxes that had been quietly waiting for us all returned indoors at once.

Vixen, we're still tied, I whimpered quietly to her as all the furry bodies filled the room. Suddenly, the pleasure of being inside her wasn't enough to keep me as aroused.

If any of the foxes were paying attention, they didn't seem interested in the pair on the dais held together at their buttocks. Instead, everyone was surveying the roof, or scampering around the vacant area where the support beam used to lie. Murmurings of approval squeaked out from the mass, and finally a few of the clan started to approach the two of us with their accolades.

Hole gone, how do?

Are you alright fixing it all in one go? We all agreed it was too risky.

It looks great, ma'am. Hopefully a tree won't fall on it for another hundred years.

I wanted to curl up and die from embarrassment. The surge of questions directed at her while I was still trying to pull myself free was too much to bear right now. My only saving grace was that no one was looking at me with their piercing golden eyes.

Fix small part. Mate do rest, the Vixen gekkered merrily.

I couldn't have drawn everyone's attention faster if I had screamed for it. Immediately, all the foxes in earshot were now facing my direction. My ears curled against the back of my neck in horror from all the unwanted attention I was receiving.

The fox closest to me spoke again, now addressing me instead of the Vixen. _Well, kid, you sure like to play it close to the edge. _

It was the Lumberjack fox. I hadn't noticed who was talking to my mate while shying away from the clan's attention.

I'd have thought you would've been more careful after everything you went through the other day, he continued.

This wasn't the time for a lecture on proper Flame usage. I had been in the throes of passion with my mate only minutes ago; they knew it, the Vixen knew it, but it seemed like I was the only one that cared.

Rumbling distractedly, I murmured, _It just sort of happened. _ Glancing over to the south wall, I saw a break between a few of the foxes gossiping there, leaving me with a straight shot to the exit.

I don't know how you managed to fix the hole with blue Flame--, the Lumberjack fox continued, but I wasn't paying attention. With an audible squelch, I held my breath and pulled myself free from the Vixen, now that my knot wasn't fully engorged anymore. She gave a surprised squeak, but I was already scampering toward the exit hole. Just before I dove through it, I turned around long enough to catch sight of the Lumberjack fox's confused expression, and the Vixen in mid conversation with another fox, curl into a ball and hoist her hind leg over her head so she could lick herself clean.

The evening air was freeing after being in the dusty den, but the real relief was being out of sight from the clan. Everyone had been so anxious to see the repairs that they had forgotten my request for privacy before we started. After the Flame had erupted from me and out the hole like a blue signal flare, I wouldn't be shocked if every fox in the forest had been excitedly waiting to get inside to see what happened.

I considered for a moment to hide out in my sanctuary to calm down, but my glimpse of the Vixen reminded me I needed to wash up too. Scurrying across the yard and leaping over a few of the pitfalls left by the other foxes, I dashed down the game trail toward the stream. Hastily trotting through the woods, I arrived in less than a minute.

Welcomed by the cool water, my black paws splashed through the shallows until I got deep enough to dip my loins in. As I sat in the cold water and felt my fluffy tail get waterlogged, I remembered the hot shower I had back at my house.

Such luxuries were no longer an option for a fox such as myself, but at least I still had the dignity of bathing available nearby. I could have rolled over and started licking myself clean like my mate was doing in front of everyone, but I wasn't born as a wild animal as she had been. Bathing after sex was such a foreign concept to her that she had outright interrogated me about it when I got home that one night.

As I sat in the water and let its cool flow wash over me, my gaze turned toward the long grass on the far bank. The Apartment vixen's den was a half-mile off in that direction, past the deep grassy field. I had left her alone in exile after she told me she was responsible for all the new foxes that had showed up, and now that I had made contact with them, she should know what their plans were for moving on, in case she would rather go with them. After all, she had been a resident at the apartment complex as well, and she wasn't exactly welcome with the clan.

After a short moment of deliberation, I decided against it for now. If my mission to the city was successful, she would be able to rejoin the clan without anyone caring who was at fault. On the other hand, if she chose to go with the former apartment residents, she would be cast away again should they discover she created the mad fox.

Still, I worried for her, as I was responsible for her, and as I dwelled on my thoughts, I heard a rustle behind me. Snapping my head around, I saw a fox sitting calmly at the shore, waiting to catch my attention. It was the Leader fox.

We wordlessly made eye contact in the waning light; his eyes glowing green from the reflection of what was left in the sky. After a moment, he was the first to speak.

Vixen say you bathe when mate. Came here to speak, he huffed loudly through his black nose over the din of the stream.

I cocked my head to the side curiously. After what I had been through today, I couldn't imagine what he would want to talk to me about. I'm listening, I chuffed back.

Come out of water, he commanded with a low yip.

Bending down, I tried to sniff myself to see if I was ready. Cold stream water was hardly an adequate shower, but I didn't reek of fox sex anymore, and I was starting to get a little numb anyway. Standing up, I let the water drip from my heavy tail, and I splashed over to the shore where the Leader fox was waiting.

What did I do to piss you off now? I lightly gekkered, closing my eyes as they flashed blue. A warm breeze formed around my hindquarters, drying my fur and sopping wet tail.

No. Not use my tree again, he chirped, misunderstanding my expression. _You busy fox today. Scout foxes tell you take food for new foxes. I smell you cook food in den. Vixen say you go to city now. Take her with. You make trouble. Too much trouble. I not happy, but you fix den. _

If my tail hadn't been so heavy with stream water, I might have wagged it appreciatively for his recognition, but it was still drying. _ _

My mate helped, I said, not wanting to take full credit for what was little more than an uncontrolled accident.

No. Leader Vixen know not use Flame for fix den. She need more fox help. Many fox need help from human essence for fix, but you run from forest first time, he explained. Fox work together for fix, but you fix without help. Need know how.

I-- I don't know how I did it, I stammered, trying to think. In the moment, I was lost in a glow of passion, and I couldn't remember much about the details of the wish I made.

How you cook food? How you ask Flame for help? The Leader fox pried, twisting his head to the side. Clan must know how you use blue Flame.

You guys told me that the Flame was for survival stuff, so I always end up thinking about barfing out my raw food if I have to eat it uncooked.

He turned away, and looked at the stream flowing by, lost in thought. He stared quietly for so long I thought he had forgotten that he was here to talk to me. After a few more moments, he turned back and answered, No.

'No' what? I questioned, twisting my head to the side. Steam was starting to waft off of my hindquarters as the dampness in my fur evaporated with the Flame's help.

Not it, he snorted. _ Flame not work that way. You do something._

Wracking my brain, I couldn't think of any reason I could get free wishes from the Flame. It had always been blue when I was getting food, or doing anything a fox could need to survive. Fixing the den had to be part of survival, as it was shelter to all of the clan.

No, I'm pretty sure that's all I'm doing, I confirmed for him.

I read book again. No need help from you today. Book not say how you use Flame. Book say many Flame secrets, but not say what you do for fix den. Den take long time for fix without new human. You fix anyway.

I'm sorry? I whimpered out, not sure what else to say. He seemed irritated that I had managed to confuse him.

Den fix. You no Flamestarve. Not mad, he chirped back with a flutter of his tail. _Now, tell why you feed new fox. _

Because it's the right thing to do, I half growled, half gekkered defiantly. What you did to them was heartless, and I'm not going to stand around and let them die!

His pupils narrowed to slits at my challenge, but he kept his composure. _ I say new fox can't stay, but you help them stay--. _

They aren't staying if there isn't food for them, I interjected before he could continue. _They understand the situation, and they are going to move onto the suburbs if I can't bring them food soon. _

Sub urb? He growled with a confused twist of his head.

It's the place between here and the city, I explained. They won't be eating our food.

You make blue Flame for help foxes? He asked.

No, I don't think so. I accidently used it on a human today, and it was purple. Whatever trick you think I have doesn't work all the time.

Not good if new fox go to sub urb, he rumbled out pensively.

That's what I told them, I replied. But we looked at a map together, and there's no forest like ours close enough that could keep them alive.

He sighed, and turned around, showing me his back as he stared over the water. My wet extremities were almost dry, so I stood up and joined him at his side.

Fox belong in forest, not sub urb, he rumbled, almost thinking aloud as I sat down. He turned to me at his side, _No want send fox away, but no choice. _

I know, I said, sensing his reluctance. His tough façade had fallen away for once, now that it was just the two of us alone, and I had earned some of his respect.

Winter not easy. Have to choose now. Lose new foxes or all clan.

I'm hoping it won't come to that, I yipped back. There should be enough money in my account to buy food for the rest of the winter.

His ears twitched, probably confused by my mention of money and accounts, but he didn't bother asking for clarification. Instead, he turned back to the water.

Maybe fox in sub urb not bad thing, he snorted, the sound of defeat lingering in his tone. Fox and human fight long time ago. New fox can fight again for us. No lose clan fox anymore.

What? I coughed, not really understanding what he was talking about.

Yes. Clan big long ago, he explained._ New fox every day. But some human not like fox. Sometime run away like you. Sometime fight clan. Many fox die in fight. We stop fighting human and live in forest so no fox die. Make human forget we in forest._ His ears fell to the sides of his head, lost in the memories of the past.

I don't think Big Mike's clan are up for fighting anyone, I said. Some of them are families, and they don't want to turn anyone else into a fox after what happened to them.

Fight always happen, he said flatly. _ Important to keep clan safe, but never forgive human for killing fox. _

Not forget human try attacking forest. New fox can help clan this way.

I felt a lump in my throat. Big Mike didn't come here to be the clan's foot soldiers for an ancient war between the foxes and humans. If the Leader fox had his way, they would all eventually end up dead, only to be replaced by their unwilling victims in the conflict. Now, more than ever, I had to get a source of food for the new foxes, or I would find myself in a war between the forest and the city.

Swallowing back the lump, I asked shakily,What if I find the food for them? Are you going to send them to the suburbs anyway?

His ears dipped, but he turned to me once more, now rising from the water's edge to stand on all-fours. No need. Fox can outlive human. Fight will happen again some day. Human forget. Human come back to forest. But fox is patient. If you bring food for new fox, new fox stay with clan. Fight will wait.

He took a few steps toward the game trail before turning around to face me once more. Yesterday, no chance for find food. Today, you fix den. Maybe you fix food tomorrow. With that final word, he trotted down the trail back to the den, swishing the white tip on his tail as he padded his way out of sight.

As soon as he was gone, the last wisps of moisture left my tail, leaving me feeling just a little cooler than I preferred.