Nilo Seethes

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#2 of Nilo

Nilo Seethes is a story ordered as special short commissions quite a while ago, written for my precious Stonxag!Nilo is a live-in slave, owned by the renowned East Axom University -- greatest of lizard learning centers -- to serve their resident students from the wealthiest and most powerful families. Another year, another master, so the spirited mouse must adapt to their personality, and humbly service their needs.

This time around, however, Nilo faces a challenge he's never faced before: his lizard master turns out to be a mean-spirited jerk. Master and slave can't stand each other, which begins to brew real trouble for everyone. Nilo tries his best, but what can he do when the only thing he has in common with his master is the lust to fight each other?

6 000 words, PDF version available on FA.What to expect:

  • Male on male domination and submission between slave and master, where both profoundly irritate each other. They still have sex though. =P

  • Light tone. The story contains slavery, so I guess technically that's automatic NC, but Nilo is a strong-willed sassy slave that deals well with his rather humiliating situation, and likes to provoke and be put in his place.

  • First person narration from the sub's POV.

I bit my lip, but gave no indication that I was in any sort of agreement. Drez grunted impatiently, inclining his chair backward as he crossed his scaly legs over his desk. He nearly knocked his laptop down to the floor.

-- You know that your master called to complain again? It doesn't look good for either of us. At some point, it's going to reach my superiors too, and I would oh-so-appreciate it if it didn't come to that.

I shrugged.

-- It's a part of him. He's incurably pissed regardless of what I do, so I don't see a point in trying harder. I'm done.

-- Look, I've met the guy. In the real world, we both agree that you're in the right. He's got... issues.

Drez paused as his reptilian eyes became stained with contempt. His bronze-colored fingers wiggled with mesmerizing mechanical motions unique to him. Sometimes, I suspected him of secretly being the son of a machine. Something technically useful, but not in a good way, and definitely ever present. Oh! A parking meter! Drez was surely half parking meter.

"Honestly though, fuck the real world. My bosses don't live in it, and so neither can we. In their neat universe of silicon and plastic dreams, there are no people, only functions. Yours is to keep your master happy. If that's not happening, it means you're a failing rental, which means I'm a failing manager. That's no good."

I held my ground.

-- But I'm not the one making him miserable, therefore I can't fix it! I'm merely the one on the receiving end for his frustration.

My manager froze briefly. Was that a slight glimmer of actual concern for another living being that I saw dash through his traits? Probably not, although one can choose to believe.

-- Is he getting rougher than he should?

I shook my head emphatically.

-- Ha, no! There's no risk of trouble on that front. Even I could probably whop his ass. Nah, he prefers to whine and threaten. That's what he's good at.

Drez gave me a dubious glance, looking over my small white frame. Lizards never assumed a mouse could be anything other than vulnerable and weak. In this case, the truth was that physical prowess had little to do with it. My most recent and unpleasant master was a coward of the highest degree when it came down to any type of violence or fighting. He deeply reviled it, so at least there was that about him that was okay. Even though I'd learned in previous years that a wisely dosed amount of rough stuff could be quite fun in some cases.

Anyway, the half-blood parking meter relented, and seemed to accept what I'd said.

-- Alright then, at least that's that. I don't want a slave rights scandal to befall East Axon University on my watch. They'd have my butt on a platter.

I pretended to look dispassionately at my tiny rodent claws.

-- We wouldn't want that.

Drez suddenly straightened in his chair and pointed to me.

-- Also your safety... Umm, is paramount. Yes. Of course it is.

-- Uh-huh.

The manager looked eager to change the subject.

-- I'll do what I can from here to make sure the rector and the rest of the higher ups grasp our particular predicament, but I can only do so much to cover your ass. Do still make an effort to keep our guest pleased, will you?

-- No. He's insufferable, and I don't perform miracles. No more efforts, no more special attempts to placate him.

Drez, who thus far had appeared to be uncharacteristically on my side, finally turned on me.

-- You don't decide squat! he hissed. You'll get back in there and do exactly as you're told, Nilo!

I kept my cool and responded with a perfectly ironic smile.

-- That's what I've been doing this entire time. Guess what? It doesn't work.

Drez frowned and said the words slowly:

-- Try anyway.

I didn't dignify this with an answer, and left his office with a good kick in the door.

Back home, I carefully snuck through the entry hall, gladdened that "master" hadn't heard my return. Dinner time was approaching, but boy did I not feel like crafting any delicious meals for my despicable guest. I forced myself to head to the kitchen anyway, out of a sense of duty. Of course, there he was, standing in the middle of _my_cupboards and ingredients like he belonged there. He would've been unable to cook boiling water, yet he glared at me as if I was intruding.

-- What are you doing here, now? I'd already given up any expectation for such a grandiose concept as food being ready on time.

Julzios' ego occupied much more space in a room than his body did, but it sucked the air out all the same. He was long and flimsy, unnaturally orange of scales as if he painted them -- which was a distinct possibility -- but above anything else, he was the greatest stain of a lizard that I'd encountered in my life. He'd come here to study being a dick; that's what I usually said.

By an heroic effort of will, I succeeded in preventing myself from telling him that I was out clearing the trouble that he was causing, and kept mute. Since I ignored him and simply walked aside to get started on making dinner, he pushed further:

"I was about to cook everything myself! Is that what you tried to accomplish, you lazy slave?"

Savage laughter blurted out of me. I pointed to the toaster.

-- How does this instrument work?

Touché. Julzios darkened defensively. I pressed the attack with sadistic glee.

"Thought so. You, cooking? Ha! I won't be lectured on laziness by someone who can't make their own goddamned toast."

-- What arrogance! If you learned to accept criticism and focus on your tasks, maybe a meal would be ready on time, once in a while. But no, that much humility is above you! What a worthless servant! Can you imagine if we lizards were as incompetent in leadership as you are following simple orders? The country would plunge to poverty and desolation in a heartbeat! Why can't you simply accept your proper place?

I held a frying pan. I gently weighed it as I considered my options. Con: if I repeatedly whacked the lizard over the head with the pan until he entered the state of not alive, I'd get whipped and hanged for murdering a master. Pro: well...

I gave Julzios a dark smirk, but then I ceased that mental calculation, afraid of where it would lead me if I got to the end. My master caught my funny look and wisely changed the subject.

"Where the hell were you gone, this time, anyway? Did you get stuck in a hole, digging for something to steal?"

-- I was out getting ingredients.

-- No you weren't! I saw the recipe, and everything is right there!

Of course he would've checked. I dropped the wooden spoon I was holding.

-- Fine, then! I lied. I was out discussing you with my manager. We tried to guess what kind of severe damage caused you to become such a bitch. I believe the exact word he used was "issues", and then we had a hearty laugh at the thought of where you can shove your whiny complaints. It turns out that everyone who's ever met you hates you and thinks you're a joke. Better? Will you fuck off so I can roast something other than you, or would you like to take a few days to learn how to make toast?

This battle was overtly mine, and Julzios retreated after throwing me a last seething glare. The war wasn't ended by any means, but I savored my extreme triumph as I prepared dinner. Picking the kitchen as a battlefield was his mistake; these were my grounds. I imagined it was the lizard that I was decorating with slices of carrots and onions, and shoving in the oven.

Little did I know I was about to make a very similar error.

Tension was elevated in the dining room. Neither of us said a single word. Julzios chewed slowly, staring straight ahead over his plate, while I stood where I was supposed to be: at his side with a white towel draped over my arm, though I also made sure to never grace him with a look that might accidentally indicate that I cared about him. After several minutes, a mean annoying grin appeared on his face. He stopped eating and proudly stiffened in his chair, finally opting to establish eye contact.

-- Don't you at least know how to serve food? The vegetables are cold.

I sighed. I could see the steam rising from his plate. Retrospectively, I know that the right thing to do was to grab his plate without a word, heat it some more exactly as he demanded, and watch him look stupid for not being able to eat any longer without hurting himself. Sadly, I still felt too confident and let him drag me into a new fight, forgetting that, in the dining room, I was his servant, not the chef. If the kitchen was mine, the dining room was his. I instantly denied him, and escalated the conflict.

-- No, they're not.

-- I think they are.

-- Yeah, but you're wrong. And stupid. If I heat them more, you'll burn yourself.

-- Is there a correct temperature for vegetables, now? What if I want them burning? Will you police my tastes, slave? Is that your place? Or is it to shut up and carry out my commands?

He waited. I thought about a response, but he was right, of course. Damnit.


-- Fine, I'll reheat it.

Before I could take it, Julzios swiped the plate away and held it out of my reach.

-- Yes, you will, but first you'll answer my question, or are you that ill-trained that you don't answer your owner?

I fumed, but I tried to contain my anger with only modest success. I could see how pleased the cursed lizard was with how much he was getting to me. I took a breath for courage.

-- My place is to shut up and serve. Can I get the plate, then?

-- So who's the stupid one?

-- Whatever. Me. Do you want me to do it or not?

The haughty orange jerk shoved the plate in my arms.

-- Go ahead, stupid slave. Reheat it, and don't mess it up, this time.

I took the plate away and pointlessly heated it for twenty seconds in the microwave. I returned and served it, burning hot. Julzios didn't even glance at it. There was no way he could eat this.

"I'm not hungry anymore. Maybe if you hadn't been such an incompetent stupid servant, and had learned to obey your orders to the letter, it wouldn't have taken so long to convince you to do your job, and I wouldn't have lost my appetite. Throw it away."

I'd made this. It was good food, and I hadn't eaten yet. I lost my temper. With a casual smile, I threw the plate over my shoulder. It smashed against the wall and the floor, splashing little dots of red sauce all over the place.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" exclaimed Julzios in shock and outrage.

I smiled bitterly.

-- Executing your retarded orders to the letter, master. I threw it away.

While I was satisfied with the immediate effect of my slightly insane reaction, once we were both past the surprise of what I'd done, I grasped what a bad move it actually was. Julzios did as well. I suddenly felt like a complete fool.

-- You must feel very proud of yourself. Who do you think is going to clean that up?

I was wordless, kind of stuck there. It really didn't feel great. Obviously, I had to get down on all fours and clear the mess. I couldn't believe I'd done this. It felt like such a _clever_thing to do during the impulse. No longer.

-- Shit. Yeah, I didn't think this through.

-- Do you ever? This is why people like you must be trained like beasts. No cold blood, no higher mind.

Julzios poured himself another half glass of wine. He licked his sharp teeth.

"Get down where you belong and clean."

I gave master a black look but I felt like I deserved the insults a little. I certainly couldn't think of anything to fire back. This would get me in trouble too. Borderline violent defiance. Hell, I wished I could go back in time and not do this. I lowered my eyes.

-- Yes, master. I'll take care of it right away.

I knew that showing weakness was a bad idea with Julzios, but what else could I do? I went and grabbed water and cloths. When I returned, the lizard stood over the mess, sipping his wine. I read in his cruel expression that he was ready to exploit this to the fullest. Fuck me.

-- You have some on your clothes, stupid slave. You'll spread it around. Remove them.

I froze.

-- What?

-- You'll strip down and clean up your mess on your knees, entirely naked. Or would you like me to report how you violently throw plates around?

Rage rose once more from the depths of my spirits.

-- You sac of perverted slime. You'll do it anyway.

-- Probably. Will I get to add yet another count of direct disobedience?

Ugh. It wasn't worth it. I dropped my things and turned to leave the room.

"No. You'll remove your clothes right here. I want to see you take them off."

Aw, this was just a very bad dream. It had to be. My stomach sank and protested while I unbuttoned my shirt. My fingers felt suddenly numb and cold.

"There you go. See? This is what happens to bad slaves. They get disciplined."

-- Please, go sunbathe on the highway, or whatever it is that you reptiles do.

-- Putting on a defiant facade, as always, but it doesn't appear as convincing when you're stripping and shivering, mouse.

The air stung when I exposed my chest to Julzios. I slowly folded my shirt and placed it on the table, perhaps unconsciously delaying the inevitable.

"My my, I understand why they picked you despite your inferior mind. A healthy male body, attractive enough to be serviceable. This is where your only value resides."

The unbearable lizard walked to me and boldly seized my chin. He examined one side of my shapely muzzle, then the other. He touched my round ears. He turned me away. I felt his scaly fingers trace down my white back very slowly, taking my figure in. I finally pulled out of his hands, but I did so very carefully, so as not to risk aggravating my situation with any kind of assault. The last thing I wanted was to make him fall, or something.

-- You love this, don't you? What an accomplishment! You can humiliate a slave. Does it help you feel better for what a loser you really are?

He grinned.

-- Yes. Yes, I imagine it does. Now, lower your pants, slut. I bet your undergarments are red.

I flushed and couldn't prevent my eyes from opening wide. How? How the hell? It burned and my heart pumped wildly but I undid my pants and pushed them low, revealing my flashy red underwear as I stood horrendously exposed for Julzios. Superiority flashed in his eyes. He traced a finger along the elastic waistband. I struggled not to twist in place from sheer shame for his amusement. He'd be way too thrilled.

"I knew it. So predictable. You frame yourself as hot and wild. You act defiant and reconcile this with your real status by pretending you don't mind it. It's less pathetic if you enjoy being a bottom in the first place, right? What a joke! In the end, you're no less a mindless cock rack for your betters. Look at you. When it really matters, you fall to your place. All this posturing for nothing. Just the sign of a low quality, insufficiently trained slave. You're a pair of holes who's allowed to pretend to be a person. I'm a real male."

This massive prick porridge! He had to go there and try to crack the mask didn't he? At last, he managed to make me angrier than ashamed. It wasn't so much what he said, than how hard he tried to be hurtful. I wasn't about to let him take such malevolent free shots at me without firing back. Consequences be damned. I didn't give a shit what he'd do.

-- Really? I asked with sarcastic curiosity. So what do you accomplish with your_real male_ freedom? Cause it looks like all you want is to make me miserable! I think you need it, too. The only thing that can assure you that you're not the saddest wretch in the world is bullying slaves. How impressive! You can't even bully your equals, can you? They know how empty you are. Is there a single thing in this world that doesn't terrify you?

After a brief delay, Julzios waved away my counterattack. He tried to sound detached, but I knew I'd struck close to home.

-- Spare me the pop psychology! You know nothing about me. If that sort of unintelligent trash is all you have to say, then you shouldn't be allowed to talk at all.

To my surprise, the lizard left and returned with a muzzle. What a coward. I gave him a black look while he walked around me.

-- This doesn't-

He slipped it on and my words turned into meaningless frustrated sounds. It wasn't like I could exactly prevent him. He was still the master, and I the slave.

-- See what little control you have? How easy it is to silence you? Why pretend that you have any spirit left when you don't? It merely makes you unpleasant to me. If you were smarter, you'd understand that only my opinion matters in the first place, but you're not. It's always the hard way with you. Always the whip, so to speak. Let's finish the demonstration, then. Take your underwear off. You'll clean up your mess on all fours, buck naked at my feet and silent. Do it!

I yearned to slap the grin off Julzios' face, but of course I didn't. That would've been real actual dangerous trouble for me. I wasn't crazy enough to throw my life away just because my master happened to be the biggest out of the considerable amount of lizard assholes in Axom. I sought a way to lower my underpants in a manner that would show him I didn't care, but that didn't seem to exist. Thus, I bit the bullet and bent over, exposing my intimacy to Julzios, standing nude for him for the first time. Then I... stepped away from my clothes and descended on my hands and knees to begin cleaning up the mess with the water and cloths. I tried to focus on the task, but my cheeks burned. He stepped closer and crouched, obscenely satisfied while I worked. It was taking forever!

"Let the lesson sink in. This is what you are. A naked butt meant for mindless chores."

My ears buzzed like current was running through them. I kept cleaning under Julzios, muzzle low. I waited for this to end, feeling his intense gaze on my round rear. Every once in a while, I got up to throw food and plate pieces in the trash, but I always had to return and drop at his feet again.

"That's what you get for defying me. Where's your fake pride, now? What good is your backtalk when you're muzzled? Clean! Obey in disgrace, you dumb slut."

I wished he'd shut up. I wished it so hard that it eventually happened. Finally, I was done. The plate was gone, and so was the food and sauce. I just stayed there on my knees, suddenly unsure what was to happen. As much as I wanted to avoid this, I ended up glancing to Julzios in a way that asked: "Am I done, now?" He gloated and I freaking hated it.

"That's right. Wait there. That's how helpless you are. Did you learn your place, mouse slave?"

I scoffed and shrugged.

"How foolish of me to expect you to learn from your mistakes. That would require a modicum of intelligence. Ah, well. I imagine I should allow you to eat regardless. You see, I understand my responsibilities toward those under my charge, recalcitrant as they might be, because I know my place."

Julzios went around me once more, and soon his skillful fingers removed the muzzle. I wasted no time.

-- Under your charge? Ha! Don't make me laugh. You don't get to make it sound like you're taking care of me when I'm the one doing everything around here. You're under mycharge.

The lizard recoiled and hissed.

-- Do you want me to order you to go without food, that we might test who's in charge between the two of us?

That calmed me down a notch.

-- No, no I suppose not. I already said what I had to say.

-- Eat then.

-- The food that I made? Yeah, I will.

I went to dress up again, but Julzios instantly stopped me with a gesture.

-- You'll go naked until I say so. Maybe it'll remind you of your station.

I avoided granting him the pleasure of hearing me complain. I shook my head and went straight to the kitchen to get a plate for myself. I settled down at the other end of the table. The lizard also sat down and waited for me to finish. It was weird, to say the least. A heavy quietness fell over the room while I ate. It lasted. Eating naked was strange.

-- Don't you have anything better to do?

-- Better than spending time with you? he said. Take a guess.

-- Then why don't you?

-- Didn't anyone raise you? It's not proper to leave while someone's not done with their plate.

-- But you hate me.

-- It has nothing to do with you.

I took a moment to meditate this. I went back to my meal and ate a forkful of food. For several minutes, we said nothing. The calm was soothing. It was possible we both needed it.

-- This is the one lonely part of you that I like.

Julzios leered at me suspiciously.

-- What do you mean?

-- Don't get me wrong. You're the worst thing that ever happened to me. I have no clue how I'll get through this awful year. No currently existing words can describe the level of loathing I harbor for you. Nothing will remotely compensate that. But that tiny part of you that makes you do these weird-ass things; that makes you refuse to strike me, or make me go hungry, or even to let me eat alone? I like it.

My temporary master stared straight back.

-- I'd return that ridiculous attempt at a compliment, but sadly there's not a single part of your personality that doesn't revolt me. You suck in every conceivable way.

No grace. None. I squinted and swallowed the last delicious bite. I sensed the grand finality of this relationship dawn on me. I could've let that last offense go. It would've been easy. I didn't. The drive to fight was too intoxicating. Dang, was I actually relieved when he refused my dubious olive branch, a few seconds earlier? I had no time to dwell on it.

-- Wow. From the bottom of my heart: fuck you. You're the shittiest person in the world.

-- There! Insults again. You're the one who's utterly displayed. You're the one who can be silenced and tied like cattle. We're not equals. You only stand to lose, yet you do it again and again. You must be some sort of masochist creep. Let's find out.

Julzios sprang to his feet and pushed the dishes and cutlery away from one side of the table. He pointed to it.


I folded my arms and slumped further in my chair. I didn't want to move, since the table hid most of my nudity.

-- I'm already sitting, I grumbled.

-- Place your bare ass on that table, slave!

Reluctantly, I got up and took the excruciatingly revealing position. I sensed as my bum flattened against the cold wood, and with my legs open there wasn't much of my intimacy that wasn't offered to the reptile. I stared away, but he brought my pointy muzzle back and made me look at his infuriating face.

"Just like a trained pet. If only you could be taught proper manners, you might be enjoyable."

Julzios stroked my open thighs. Slowly, insistently, his clawed fingers moved back and forth from my knee all the way to my balls. It was terribly wrong, but also -- shamefully I must admit -- kinda hot in a twisted way. His possessive touches gently pushed my legs further open, bit by bit.

-- You love hearing yourself talk.

-- And you love sitting naked on tables, it seems. This vulgar display! Perhaps this is the key to your taming, then? Fitting, for such a creature of lowly instincts.

No, I wasn't hard yet, though it was true that this was pushing my buttons. I didn't fight it; it would've been pointless. The body wins every time. Instead I focused on not giving him the satisfaction of my embarrassment.

-- Shut up.

-- Ooh, touchy, are we? Let's see what other interesting reactions I can get.

Suddenly, he wrapped his hand tight under my pectoral and squeezed my nipple. He bullied it, moving his claw over it continuously, pressing it to one side and then the other. It didn't do much, at first. I remained stalwart while he toyed with my chest. Gradually, the sensations built up. When he moved to my side and began groping my neck and shoulders as well, the tickle of pleasure increased. All of my flesh was warming up, getting activated, more alive. It was... aggravatingly fun. From anyone else I would've welcomed it, but I knew this master of mine would be most eager to interpret any honest feeling as surrender. He didn't deserve that. I closed my eyes, trying to accept the pleasure without giving up anything; to separate it from my mental image of his face.

"Ah yes. This is very cute. Please do try to look like you're above this. At least you entertain me with your naivety."

Entertainment. A revelation! That was exactly it. For his innumerable flaws, at least Julzios wasn't boring. Picking fights with such a complete dickhead was near rapturous, if also exhausting. I couldn't help myself.

The lizard kept wrapping himself around me, like a snake coiling comfortably around his immobilized prey. I was unarguably getting very hot and bothered at this point, and I tensed in his hands when he cupped my balls. With a slither of his tongue at my naked torso, he went up and suddenly slid his index and thumb along the length of my shaft. It shuddered as my master played with me, hardening more and more. I gritted my teeth.

-- Gah. Are you always this slow?

-- Right, because you're not loving this.

He poked the tip of my erection with one sharp claw. It stung briefly. I contained a moan, and made sure to carefully control my voice.

-- I've seen much better. You're not doing so great.

That was an exorbitant lie. His touches were ambitious and pushy in all the right ways, but I just had to spite him. He did look wounded, too. I grinned meanly.

-- Dishonest thing! he accused, and hurriedly took off his shirt.

His paler abdomen scales gleamed in the warm light of the chandelier above our heads. They were more salmon than orange. To my massive surprise, he threw both arms around my waist, and briefly managed to pick me up from the table. Groaning in effort, he chaotically fell back into his chair with my naked rear on his lap. We nearly tumbled to the floor.

-- You moron, I whispered between breaths. You almost threw us down.

He grabbed my ass and squeezed me against him, delightfully trapping my cock between us. I started giving small impulses with my hips. For my own pleasure exclusively, of course.

-- Why don't you try lifting me up, he panted. See how you fare?

I flashed a superior grin, and poked his slick forehead with my fingers.

-- I've nothing to prove. I don't have your issues.

Julzios ignored me with a frown. He placed his hand flat against the side of my muzzle, and patted it possessively. I jerked my head away. He immediately touched my neck instead, and rubbed it as dominantly as he could. Only when he was sure I was quite insulted by his show of ownership did he open his mouth wide and dive. I felt his sharp teeth grazing delicately against my throat as he pretended to bite, wildly kissing my neck.

-- This is where a useless pet like you belongs, he hammered between kisses. On master's lap.

The lizard undid his belt and his own stiff shaft joined mine. He urgently rubbed himself against me.

-- Control yourself! I mocked. It's like you haven't had sex in years. You that much of a reject? Too good for jerk-

He clawed hard under my ballsack, interrupting me as he loved to do. I reflexively squeezed his scaled body with full strength. The world went black and blood red as I shut my eyes. A sudden wave of excessively intense need informed me that I was damn close to a finish. All of my willpower was barely enough to hold back from pressing my reddened dick against him even faster, in an unleashed frenzy.

"Fuck..." I gasped.

-- You're one to talk, slut, he groaned with increasing difficulty. Puffy and flushed as you are, you'll come first like a... a trained bitch. It's all you can do properly.

Julzios was certainly quite excited himself. The tip of his reptilian rod moved up and down against my length at a steeper angle. Lizard was impatient. However, he'd properly hopped into the action far later than I had, so it didn't look like there was any possibility that I wouldn't reach climax first. It wasn't a fair competition in the least, yet it still felt like a defeat, simply because I hated making him right. I desperately tried to fight the final urges, slowing down and focusing on anything other than my crazed erection or the hot movement of our bodies, but the monstrous waves of arousal crashed harder and harder, so much that I could contemplate the pointlessness of my resistance. If anything, it only made things worse, more overpowering, and further out of my control.

And then, out of nowhere, inspired by some demon haunting his vicious soul, undoubtedly, he bit my left nipple. The same one he'd so eagerly teased... Curse that bastard.

I threw my head back and screamed helplessly in his arrogant hands, ravaged and vanquished by unfurling ecstasy. I shook and burned, paralyzed and unable to think any longer. Good thing too cause I couldn't truly take in his insufferable victorious smirk as I orgasmed for him, on his lap. I was so into it, so vulnerable as I yelled and began to ejaculate that I only noticed that my dickwad master had pushed us off the chair once we were down. I'd been turned around with my chin flat against the harsh floor, and I spurted endless white lines right under my open knees. I kept emitting exquisite whines of tortured pleasure while Julzios savagely shoved his cock against my buttocks and the base of my tail. He bent low over me, and I felt his whole body as he pressed the back of my head with one hand. He fondled it and pressed himself against my back.

"See, you lying bitch? Total defeat is all you get if you go against me."

I was starting to recuperate enough to have my own mind back, but he was still way into it, and exceedingly excited. I scoffed.

-- What, are you impressed that you can get a male to come by rubbing his penis? Flash news, master! That was a fairly known fact already.

The lizard pulled on the scruff of my neck, and I very generously pushed myself up to help him lift me up, otherwise it would've been a pathetic sight indeed. Then, when I was up on my knees, he oriented my face toward the thick jizz stains on the floor.

-- Now, for your ultimate humiliation, slave! You'll lick your own seed off the floor!

I took one look at the mess.

-- Ha. Not a chance.

My complete lack of hesitation before I adamantly refused his command broke Julzios' stride. He sounded much less confident than a second before.

-- Yes, you will!

I turned to look him in the eye over my shoulder to display my resolve.

-- Uh, no, I won't. It's fucking gross and unhygienic.

-- Whose fault is that? That's the price of shirking your duties! Lick!

-- The floor's clean enough to walk on. My tongue isn't going anywhere near it.

-- But I command you! You're a slave, and it's your punishment for insulting me and lying to my face! You'll disobey my direct order?

-- I don't give a shit if it's a direct order or not. I won't ever do that.

"Not for you, anyway" I added in my thoughts, as memories of docilely lapping Sorham's dragon seed off of various things including his fingers and -- in one particular instance indeed -- the floor, flooded my mind. That one of my previous masters even made me thank him for it.

I expected a fit, but Julzios instead glanced at the floor and shrugged.

-- I guess I could let it slide. After all this I thought it possible that you at least had some daring in you, but it seems I was misled. It's merely one more disappointing facet of you. Can't even take punishment properly. I'm not sick enough to impose something you're too weak and scared to endure. I'll show mercy.

-- Frame it however you like. I'm not doing it.

-- Fine, fine.

Julzios sighed and stood. He was still plainly erect and his prick shivered with the anticipation of release. Neediness made him more amenable. I made a mental note of this quirk for the future.

"I'll forget about this defiance and your previous outburst if you take your appropriate place here in front of me and suck my cock as a replacement humiliation. But you'd better swallow everything!"

I rolled my eyes.

-- Finally, a reasonable demand! How difficult was it to-

That was as far as I got before my mouth filled up with throbbing lizard meat.

Thus did this battle end, with a reluctantly pacified lizard. As certain as the sun would rise again, the war would go on. It wasn't an easy year with Julzios, not remotely. Yet, come bedtime, despite how incensed he used to make me, I still recall some of our best fights fondly. Sometimes, I wonder if he does as well.