Urgan - A Redwall Villain Oneshot

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#15 of Redwall Stories

This was a story I wasn't really sure how to end and was more playing with a random thought as to whom Urgan the wolf was and well, its about Silvamord, not about her mate.

Its not much in the way of details on what happens, more just writing practice so see what you think.


A tale of Redwall Villains

Out in the frigid cold of an unpleasant land where beasts had to be canny to survive or obey their warlords, a fox sat out behind a bank of snow rubbing his young muzzle in fury. He had recently 'happily' been married off to a vixen who should have made the situation more comfortable for him, but the warlord of the region had recently fallen and now the fox was awaiting his death. He was waiting for it at the paws of his wife though....

"You idiot fox! If you don't put gold on the table then we have to join the warband or become furs! You have no care for your new wife!" Silvamord wailed out at the bank of snow, she'd already learnt her husband's hiding spots and he was irritated... everyone just called him Fox these days, no one called him by name anymore! But he lifted his head from the bank and the vixen spat at the ground. "Fine... as you've done nothing but complain that I'm the rich one, I'll use my money and buy myself out of service!"

"What!" He leapt up with a snarl, he was going to hurt her! She was the most tight-fisted vixen he could have found and he wished he'd not fallen for looks! Everything in their marriage thus far had fallen to pieces, if he'd known she'd been barren despite her beauty, he probably would never have paired with her! At least, she claimed she was barren... he'd never much cared about whether that was true or not, the winters had been so harsh and the wolf Urgan's army had everyone under their heels. But he still had a comment to make on the matter as he spat out at her. "Don't even think about it... the moment you give the wolves money is the moment they'll raid the whole household!"

"Then you'll have to go into service then, won't you? The papers were posted at the trading point, we haven't got a choice... your name was on it, my dear mate!" She spat in frustration, making him growl as he straightened up and then marched back through the snow towards her. Silvamord was cautious of her mate's temper and padded back inside the household with a grunt. "I warned you we should have moved south!"

"There's nothing south!" The fox spat, only to see his mate's sneering face poke through the window to growl at him.

"There is something called 'spring'... that's enough!" She snapped in fury, but this time it was more than a bit too much for her as she gave a groan of frustration. She then decided to go into her part of the house, ignoring her husband whose name held no prowess in the region. With a growl, the vixen moved to her box of items she'd kept box because she'd never wanted to stay in this run-down shack in the frozen wastes, hooked it up and turned to her mate with a snarl. "I'll go deal with it myself..."

"...and where are you going?" Her mate spat, pulling the door open and charging in after her, concerned over what she was going to do with her box of items, including the majority of her money. He grasped her arm firmly, yanking her against him and snarling down at the smaller vixen as she snarled at him, only to receive a firm punch to the nose. She pulled back with a snarl, showing off her teeth and making her try to grab for her again, she kicked out at him, swinging her box up and thinking to smash it over his head but his hands went to grab it in return. The two then began to wrestle and snarl and shake each other as they tried to get the box free of the other and were ignorant to the world around them as they spat insults out at one another, fury visible in their features.

However, their front door was suddenly thumped open, knocking it almost out of the frame as the two foxes dropped the box to the floor, kicking it right out of view and then dropping onto their knees. They brought their hands up, showing that they had nothing to use as weapons as they looked at the ermine that stomped in with vicious expressions of glee. There were a few ragged looking old foxes stepping to them, holding onto a piece of paper and of course, Silvamord knew very well that these was Urgan's troops.

"We've come to collect either payment not to join the troops or a new recruit for Urgan's army... what's it gonna be foxies?" One of the ermine wheezed instead, his whiskers twitching forward and his expression excited. It was enough to make the two foxes let go of each other as they tried to think of how to answer them. The male was not an inexperienced fighter, he'd worked well under the previous warlord but because Urgan had skinned that old beast, he'd had to do his best to stay out of the limelight so that the wolf did not realise he was one of those listed up to be slaughtered from before. But he was rather startled when Silvamord gave a groan and stepped forward with a snort of frustration.

"My mate here's got a nasty illness, having to use the snowbank as a latrine it smells so bad, so he's not healthy enough to join you right now, nor do we have money to pay. So come back in a month and his bowels should have tightened up by then. Last thing you need is an army laid down with the runs..." Silvamord scoffed, her mate's face turning to her with fury but having to play along and crunch downwards, grasping his belly. The other two foxes pulled back, looking more than a little concerned that they might be at risk, but the ermine lifted their spears to Silvamord and her eyes widened in shock.

"If he's not up to it, you'll do!" With that, she was jabbed and bullied out of the household, swearing at her mate for being a coward as she was led away to join the army of Urgan the wolf. Her mate watched her leave, a stunned look upon his face before his door was calmly put back and covered. Once it was back covering the gap, he waved his paw with a smirk of amusement.

"So long... bitch..."

Silvamord was not used to anything required of a soldier and all she wanted was to kill everyone that was around her. The first week in training had her beaten every time she failed something to the point her slightly silvery coat was patchy from the fur tugging. She was quick to learn to hurry and work well to build her tent, prepare camp and wield a spear in order to survive. She found herself having to spend her second week in wrestling matches with the other recruits, who were all dirty, thuggish brutes who had no care for the delicate and small vixen! But she'd learnt fast once more how to throw them into the ground and dreams of doing the same to her husband upon her return kept her going!

Curiously, she actually missed the clever fox, he usually had a good conversation with her and together they usually were decent company for one another, even when they did nothing but bully and complain at one another the majority of the time. But one of the things she'd realised too was that, at least he kept his fur soft for her, he was warm and he could be rather romantic when he was in the mood. But even with those desires to be around him again, they were tempered by her hatred at him not even thinking to come here and rescue her as she finally completed the training and along with the other groups, were brought out for the great wolf to come and see!

Urgan was a strange wolf, they always wrapped themselves in a thick cloak that hid their body and wore a nasty helmet made from the skull of a musk ox that was to heavy for anyone to really wear but they used just used it to make that terrifying initial impression. The big wolf then let their servants remove the skull from their head, letting the people see the gnarled old wolf that was staring at all of his new recruits with a sneer of frustration. He was hardly impressed with any of them and yet, Silvamord was rather startled by the vivid red-ginger flash down the wolf's face that almost made him seem to have a foxy shade, though the rest of his body was the usual grey coat of a wolf!

The big wolf then stepped amongst the recruits, pushing and barging them, watching their reactions in case any flinched or dropped their weapons like cowards. He wagged his thick tail about, smacking at them all to try and knock them over but most managed to try and keep steady. However, when he marched about to where the vixen was standing, he froze and stared at her in fascination and she was motionless for a while, not quite sure how to react to the glare of the wolf. He was towering over her and yet she only felt small because he was staring, not because of his height. The vixen gripped hold of her spear, unwilling to let go of it as it gave her a sense of more height whilst Urgan remained glowering at her.

"So who are you?" He growled, lifting a big paw and poking her firmly in the back, making her tail wag and her lips curl. She knew not to turn around and face him, but she was not even willing to open her mouth and answer him, insulted by the wolf's curt manner and the way he was poking her. Urgan awaited a response, looking up to his generals with a smirk before then grabbing her shoulder. "Whatever... bring her to me tent... I think I've found a bodyguard."

"WHAT!" Many of his tough old generals gave scoffs of disbelief as they looked towards the tiny vixen standing beside the giant wolf. They looked at Silvamord with expressions of disbelief and even disgust, just how could she even think of being any kind of guard when she was so small? Silvamord could feel their irritation over her, but she wished she could spit at them... it was not her decision to be here and be chosen for this... Urgan had chosen her! But to her surprise, he suddenly wrapped a paw around her waist, hoisting her up over his shoulder with a yelp as she remained stunned for a moment as he walked back to his tent, looking pleased.

"Heh... bring my food and drink, and my new bodyguard too..." The wolf grinned wickedly and Silvamord had the horrible thought that this wolf was expecting much more from her as he then turned to some of the female rat servants about his tent and insisted they prepare a warm bath. Silvamord was getting more and more worried about what was going to happen to her when she was brought into the great tent with its thick fur walls but deliciously warm fire. He popped her down on his bed and the vixen was holding her spear in front of her, ready to kill him if she had to before he gave a soft snort and then stretched. "Right... your first job is to ensure no one sneaks in during my bath. Keep your eyes on my servants... I don't trust anyone who works so close for me... got it."

"Oh... yes, sir." The vixen scoffed, only to watch a large wooden tub to be brought in and then hot water and cold water was being poured into the tub that was steaming the room up. He picked up some herbs and crushed them into the ground, a strong herbal scent filling the air as he then stood beside the tub as the rats continued to fill it and pulled his cloak off with a firm shiver. It was then that Silvamord got to see how thin the wolf's fur was, startled that such a beast would be so thinly furred as if he were not full wolf at all! "A bit patchy aren't you..."

"Heh... you wear armour into battle and your fur gets snapped off... one of my servants proclaimed I looked moth-eaten, so I got the rats to bath and brush me. They have the best grooming skills so why not utilise them to my advantage? Only problem... some try shifty things when they think I'm unguarded." Urgan growled softly, lounging back into the hot bath after lifting his paw to stop the rats filling it up any further. Silvamord was startled he hadn't snapped at her for the observation, but she was quick to notice that one of the female rats holding onto a bucket of boiling water was eyeing the wolf up with murderous intent. The vixen was amused though, it might be interesting to see if the wolf could help himself on this matter, or whether she should try and do something about it, but he just eased into the water and she watched in silence.

He scrubbed eagerly and the female rats brushed oils into his fur and brushed it out, Silvamord watched and recognised the scents of flowers and herbs that were rare to find but certainly looked to be doing well to soothe his fur. It was interesting, but pretty soon the female rat was causing trouble, brushing his fur a little too harshly and then moving something sharp from the satchel about her waist into her paws. The vixen watched and curled her lip, she guessed it was a pin, but those could hold poison and with a soft grunt, she looked towards Urgan and gave a soft cough.

"So do these girls end up sharing your bed?" It was the kind of comment that made the rat females drop all their items, including the pin as they stared at her in disgust and Urgan cackled away in amusement. He sat up in the water, insisting that he had no use for that sort of companion as Silvamord approach and carefully lay her tail over the pin to stop the would-be poisoner. She then stuffed her paws into the water, grinning down at him and then smirking. "Shame... but you get pretty lonely..."

"Perhaps... ladies, you can leave now, I'll dry myself..." The big wolf chuckled in amusement, swatting them away with his paw to insist they departed before he turned to Silvamord with a look of amusement. She moved her tail and hooked up the pin, showing it off to him and grinning as he clapped his hands gently. Silvamord placed the pin aside, but then, rather suddenly she was grasped and yanked down into the hot bath where she spluttered and grunted as she was sat in the wolf's lap. "That was an offer... wasn't it?"

"An offer? I thought it was a distraction!" The vixen snapped, her fur sagging about her face and going a greyish shade as she sat within his lap and glowered at him. Urgan just seemed to be grinning in amusement at her reactions, lifting his paw to stroke at her cheek as he gave a pleasant smirk and then started to stroke his paws around her hips. She gave a gulp of confusion, just what did this wolf want? Suddenly, she was dragged to his groin, her belly fur forced to feel the erection the wolf was concealing within the water as he gripped her and licked his lips.

"Normally I ignore offers because the females haven't got the willingness to fight back... I have a fondness for my partners to be aggressive and you've got quite the attitude. I like how you're small too... even for a fox. I wonder if I can even fit it inside you..." The big wolf smirked, grasping her legs and pulling her legs apart as she found herself floundering back into the water with a hard splash. She gave a grunt, waving her hands about and then pulling herself up, kicking at Urgan's stomach as he gave a smirk and then held her groin to his, rubbing his long, slightly larger cock against the fur of her groin, rubbing at her lips to make her shiver as she sneered at him and he smirked. "You feel like you're interested... I get the feeling you've felt a male between your legs before..."

"I'm married... but to a coward who refused to join your army and left me to do it. I've felt a male inside me but it's hardly moved me to tears... yours however might TEAR me!" Silvamord hissed in irritation, unwilling to have the encounter that the wolf seemed intent on. She grasped the edges of the bathtub, grasping the edges and pulling herself up, trying to get out of the tub and yet Urgan gave a grunt and grasped her hips again, yanking her down onto his lap to make her feel himself as she snarled. "Let me go... I'm not interested in betraying my husband... coward or not!"

Silvamord would love to turn around and attack this wolf, but she had a very bad feeling that it would only go badly for her. Showing disinterest might be the only way to deal with it, but Urgan was grinning rather wickedly as he pinched her hips and held her down more tightly. She tried to cope with the feel of his hard heat against her groin, but she was glowering at him and he knew he would not get his way easily. He continued to smirk though, smiling happily as he pulled her waist so her pussy was being rubbed against his swelling cock as he licked his lips and she grimaced.

"You're so delicate... I'm quite sure it would rip... but I'd rather enjoy watching you fight..." The wolf's face seemed to split into a wicked grin and it meant Silvamord was not going to be able to escape! She kicked outwards, making sure to hit him in the belly, snarling and snapping as she started to swing her legs to scratch at him! With a snarl, Silvamord snapped her teeth at his muzzle and pinched and scratched at him as he just lounged backwards, watching her wrestle against him as he gave a chuckle before then seemingly letting her go.

When she splashed back into the water clumsily, Silvamord gave a gasp, the water surrounding her and startling her, till she pulled her head up out of the water. She growled but to her horror, the wolf changed his position, towering over her and grabbing her by the throat. He squeezed tightly, not enough to choke her but enough to make it difficult to breathe without knowing he held the power as he held her tightly and pushed himself between her legs. When she started to kick out at him, he suddenly stuffed her head under the water and she groaned, gargled and her nostrils were burning before her head was pulled back up out of the water and the wolf grinned.

She could not even try to fight without the fear of being drowned and as good as her fighting and swimming skills were, the sudden squeeze on her throat was enough to tell her that she really could not battle any more. With a growl as her head was pulled up, the vixen's eyes were bloodshot and she was gasping and gagging in agony and yet looked up at the big wolf as he was grinning down at her in total delight. He then dragged her behind him, pinning her back up against the side of the tub, pushing his whole body into her and barging her legs apart as she gagged and choked with the bath water filling her mouth as she wrestled to lift her head up as Urgan grinned.

"You shouldn't worry, it won't be unpleasant..." The big wolf snarled viciously and with his thick cock already swollen and eager between his legs, he grasped her thighs, yanking her feet up to almost hit herself in the head. She yelped at the pain he was causing, only to receive a humiliation she had not expected... Urgan to did not push himself into her body through the hole that belonged to her husband, but instead the one hole that had never been touched. She felt him barge himself right into her backside and she screamed out so loudly that the tent itself seemed to rattle in horror! Now Silvamord knew why he'd picked her out... he was making an example to everyone! She continued to scream as her body tried to squeeze him out and fight but he just smirked and drooled onto her. "You'll have to try and relax, otherwise you'll snap it off..."

"I'd rather snap it off and then rip your throat out!" Silvamord snarled out at the wolf, but she could do nothing more but then gasp and try to breathe as he pushed his thick length deep into her backside. She groaned and growled, agony gripping her as he pushed in and out of her as best he could against her tight passage. Every moment she seemed to think her body was just relaxing to the fact blood was dribbling into the water and being filled by him, Urgan squeezed her neck to make sure her insides tightened for him. She groaned in agony, tears in her eyes as she tried to cope with the horror of this wolf violating her so badly as he just licked his lips and stared down into her tortured face as she closed her eyes and tried to think of something else.

She tried to think of summer... of the south lands that held no wolves like this beast....

Silvamord was not sure what had happened after passing out, but she'd been removed from the wolf's tent and dumped out in the snow. The freezing weather had soothed her wounded body and she had been quite accepting of the possibility that she might have died, but somehow luck was on her side. She did not know why he'd done what he'd done, but her cowardly mate had collected her, brought her home and when she woke up, there was a wolfskin lounging upon her body as she groaned at her mate in confusion.

"The problem's dealt with, it was good to use you to keep him distracted... sorry your arse hurts but, at least now you're the queen of a horde." The fox grunted, but Silvamord could only grit her teeth and groan in fury towards him. She looked to the wolf skin sitting upon herself and grinned when she noticed it's patchy form and chuckled in amusement.