Three Sides

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#8 of Misc

This one follows... well, my 'sonas. The insane rat Aric, and his delusional others, Jena and Xavier. After waking up for some coffee, Aric has a talk with his others and finds they had an interesting night without telling him. They even brought a friend home. A cute squirrel, Sarah... though she's not having as much fun now. Being left in a stockade for almost 10 hours will do that to a girl. Unfortunately for her, that was the nice part of the day.

For anyone ever wondering what the 'XP' part of XP Author stood for... well, now you know the X. If you're wondering what the P stands for... Anyway, enjoy the story.

Three Sides

By XP Author

Aric sighed as he opened his eyes. The brown rat was laying on his bed, the room around him dimly lit, the drawn curtains doing the best they could to block out the sunlight outside, but some still managed to sneak in around the edges near the top. He had been laying there for some time now, lost in his own thoughts and trying not to acknowledge he was as awake as he was. Exactly how long he had laid like this he did not know. He really wished he could just go back to sleep, but that was out of the question. Sleep was never kind enough to hold him when he wanted it to.

Eventually, he rolled over and grabbed his phone off the table beside him. He flicked the screen on and looked at the time. 5:38 pm. Another sigh as he set the phone down again. His sleep schedule had always been erratic, ever since he could remember. It made holding a regular job extraordinarily difficult. He had even been fired from more than one due to his sleep irregularity causing him to come in late and miss important things.

His mother and aunt used to make a joke when he was an infant. They used to say 'he never sleeps, he never eats, and he ne~ever shuts up!' 38 years later, not much had changed. He used to correct that he now ate, but lately he had been skipping meals, not feeling the energy to even go out for fast food most of the time. Talking constantly was one of the few things he did do, though in the last few years it was to himself. Mostly himself...

He eventually forced himself to get out of the bed, his back protesting a little at how long he had been just laying there. With a little stretching, he heard a few pops along his spine. "I need some coffee." He shuffled his way out of his messy bedroom, not bothering to make the bed behind him or get changed. He lived alone, so there was little reason to wear anything more than his briefs and stretchy green sleep pants, leaving his top half uncovered entirely.

The kitchen was only a short walk away, and he made a b-line for the coffee machine to start a fresh pot. The wonderful aroma alone was enough to start him fully waking up. Once the pot was finally done, he poured himself a fresh mug. Sitting at the table, he took a sip of the lovely brew within his mug, letting the taste and heat flow through him. Then he sighed, setting the mug down and looking up at the other... 'person' sitting there. "Why are you here?"

Sitting across from him was a shadowy reflection of himself. Inky black fur, beady red eyes, and a wicked smile. It was like a mockery of himself sitting there, grinning back. The thing was not really there. Aric knew that. It was just a manifestation of his broken mind, but he had long ago stopped trying to ignore the delusional dark self that occasionally haunted him like this. He called it Xavier. "I'm always here." The voice was dark, deep, gravely, and almost aggressively masculine. Despite that, the shadow mockery of himself was still just an 'it.' "I'm wherever you are. You know that."

He sighed. "Yes, I know. But you only show yourself when you want something." He took a sip of his coffee before adding. "Or did something..." Xavier just chuckled.

"You don't remember?" A third voice joined the conversation. Aric turned to see a far prettier rat sitting beside Xavier. Light, cream colored fur on an athletic, feminine figure, topped with long, sandy tan hair in a massive ponytail that spilled down almost to the floor. She was holding a mug of coffee much like him. This one he called Jena, and she was perfect to him. Many years ago, he was under the delusion that she was real, a lover who helped him in his time of need, pulling him out of a dark place. He came to realize later that she, like Xavier, was just a figment of his fractured mind. When he learned that, it had nearly broken him entirely. He spent the next six months in a mental institute voluntarily. It did not help rid him of his demons, though it at least kept him from killing himself.

He sighed again, though this time with a more positive note and a slight smile. "Oh good. You're here, too." He always preferred the company of the pretty woman over the inky shadow. He shook his head at her question. "No, I don't remember. What did I do?" The two just looked at him silently, both with variations of an expectant smile, Xavier's wicked, Jena's mischievous. He closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh. "Another one?"

Jena nodded. "In the second room. Still there, too. Might want to check on h-"

"Just finish your coffee." Xavier interrupted. "Maybe get some breakfast. She won't be going anywhere. You'll need your energy, after all."

He nodded slowly. "I'm sure I will." He took another sip of coffee, trying to remember just what happened. He had not blacked out in a long time, one of them taking the pilots seat fully instead of just pushing his actions from behind. There were still some fuzzy fragments of memory. He traced back to when he could last solidly remember. He was at his computer, watching some videos online. Theory videos about the latest series of comic movies coming out soon. That's when it got fuzzy.

Jena leaned in, touching his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze with her long, slender fingers. "You want some help?" She was always concerned for him like this. It's part of why he fell for her in the first place. Of course, it's easy to fall for a woman who your own mind conjured up as the perfect girl. He still wished she was real. He did love her, and she loved him. It was only in his deepest delusions that he could actually hold her, be with her in any way. He had even learned to like Xavier, though more as a close friend he could say stupid jokes with.

Aric shook his head. "No..." He still squeezed her hand back thankfully. That seemed to trigger a fragment of memory. A hand touching his, gentle, feminine, covered in reddish brown fur. He followed that hand in his memory back up the arm. A blue t-shirt, the logo... he should know the logo. A company? A band? A... comic? It was a comic book character's logo. The same one he had been watching videos about. Maybe he had watched those videos after getting home?

"He still hasn't gotten to the good part." Xavier leaned back in the chair, putting his feet up on the table. "Almost there, though." The owner was a woman. Teenager? No, late 20's. It was a night club. No, outside of a night club. The thumping music was more muffled. She was drunk, perhaps more like tipsy, but needed a ride home. He offered her a ride to...

He sighed. "She's still here?"

Xavier grinned wide. "Bingo!"

He looked at Jena. "You just couldn't help bringing a cute squirrel home, could you?"

She giggled at him, a slight blush on her face. "Hey, she's adorable! You know how much I love those big, fluffy, twitchy tails!" Aric again debated going back to the mental institute, requesting they lock him up again, sedate him or medicate him, this time for good. Though he also did not really wish to go through that ordeal again. The meds made him someone else entirely. Not one of them, but not him either. Someone who lost the concept of time, just drifted from one moment to another with no emotion. He hated being that person, even if they were the safest version of him. Safest for himself as much as everyone else. Worse of all, the meds not only made him go away, but they took Jena and Xavier away, too.

He looked at Jena. "Did you at least have fun?"

She giggled. "Oh, loads! She's really sweet." She licked her lips. "In a bunch of different ways." Aric just smirked at her. "C'mon, finish your coffee so you can go see for yourself."

He nodded. "Yeah. Good idea." He still took his time with the coffee. Once upon a time, he had thought that the other two were some kind of odd id and superego manifestation within him. He now knew better. They were both the id. Neither one of them really guided his morality, they were just different flavors of instincts. Then there was himself. He was not sure he could call himself the ego, either. The judge between instinct and morality. Maybe he was just three ids and had nothing else. There was still the part of him that knew right from wrong, of course, but it had no voice or face to guide him. Not like these two. They were his closest friends.

Once he was done with the coffee, he stood up and walked down the hall back towards his bedroom. Instead of turning to the right into his own room, he entered the door on the left that led to the second bedroom. Jena and Xavier were already waiting for him inside when he got there. The room was fairly spartan, especially when compared to his own messy room. A queen sized bit sat against the wall, a light blue sheet normally covering it. That was bundled up in the corner. There was little other furniture in the room. Unless you counted the stockade as furniture.

Heavy and made of hard, thick wood, the thing looked like it would not be out of place at a renn-fair. Jena had actually bought it several years ago, along with some handcuffs and some heavy rope. She liked to tie people up. Normally the thing lived in the closet of this room. It was only brought out when someone needed to be put in it. Like the squirrel currently locked in it right now. He tried to remember her name. It came to him a moment later.

Sarah. She was indeed quite pretty, even if her cute face was marred by the tears that had soaked her cheeks, along with the bruises and little scrapes. A gag was firmly in her mouth, keeping her from making any noise more than a muffled grunt. Completely naked, she sat on her knees, her head and wrists still held by the stockade. She looked exhausted, like she had not slept, her large tail drooped onto the floor behind her. Not that he could blame her, it could hardly be the most comfortable position to be left in for so many hours.

When he walked in, she looked up at him with wide, tired, terrified brown eyes. He gave her a soft smile, holding his hands up a little. "Hey. It's okay." He knelt down in front of her, reaching up to brush a little of her messy hair out of her face. "I'm going to take the gag out. Please don't scream or I'll have to put it back again." Not that he had any neighbors that could hear her. He very gently untied the gag and slipped it out of her mouth.

She started to plead immediately. "P-please... don't hurt me anymore... I-I won't say anything!"

He shook his head. "Shhh, it's okay. But you know I can't just let you go, right?" Tears started to run from her eyes again. "I know you say you won't tell anyone, but you will."

She shook her head. "N-no! I-I won't! Please! I swear I won't! J-just let me go!"

He realized the gag was actually the girl's panties. They had been tied in place by a cut strip of black fabric that was probably the remains of her dress. The panties were cute little pink things, with little yellow hearts on them. "You swear you won't tell..." She nodded. "But how can I take your word?"

The inky black hand of Xavier rested on his shoulder, leaving him feeling hot and cold at the same time where it touched. The dark mockery of his face was suddenly over his shoulder, speaking directly into his ear. "You could threaten her sister." He frowned, wishing he did not still have these kinds of gaps in his memory. However, the mention raised another fragment to his mind. The squirrel in his car during the drive home, talking about her twin sister, though they were not identical.

Xavier's intent came out of his mouth, its dark words using his voice. "Well, if you did tell anyone, I can't promise that your sister won't end up right in this same position..." It was not just his tone that shifted when Xavier's influence worked through him, but everything about him. His posture was a little more aggressive, his gaze at her darker, his mouth twisting into a slight sneer.

The shift in tone and mannerism seemed to work on the woman. She gasped, her eyes wider. "N-no! P-please, don't hurt Tammy!" Off to the side, Jena got a big grin on her face as the woman continued begging. "I-I promise I won't say anything!"

Aric reached out to gently touch her cheek again, though she still flinched at the touch. "You would do anything to keep your sister safe?" She nodded quickly. "Alright then. You're going to let me use you one last time. Then I'll set you free. You won't tell anyone, or I'm going to do terrible things to Tammy. That's the deal." Xavier was the one in control of him now. This situation was more within its comfort than his own. He sat like a passenger in his own body, driven by another. He did not resist it.

Sarah whimpered softly at the given offer, clearly knowing it was not a choice she was being offered. "A-alright..." She closed her eyes and seemed to droop even more in the restraint.

He stood and walked around behind her, running fingers along her bare back, feeling her short, soft fur, and the tremble that ran through her spine. His touch ran down her back until he touched the base of her large, fluffy tail, making it twitch slightly. "C'mon, raise this back side up a little." The woman whimpered again, but did as she was told at least. She grunted a little as she shifted stiff legs under her, raising up onto her knees and lifting her rump a little. When he gave a light swat to her tail, she squeaked fearfully, but raised it as well, bringing it up and out of his way.

Jena was behind him now, sitting at the edge of the bed and staring at the lovely view the squirrel was now presenting, her own thin tail swaying excitedly behind her. "See? I told you she was cute." He had to agree. As he stepped around, he also got a view of her now exposed, shapely rear, as well as her tight little slit. He knew neither of his others had used that pretty pussy yet, other than teasing with fingers or tongue. They waited for him to be more aware to fully enjoy it. It was not as thoughtful as it was they had no desire for him to scold them again for having fun without him. Within his loose pajama pants, he was already growing quite stiff, both from Xavier's constant aroused state and his own growing lust for what was on display before him.

It was quick work to slide his pants and briefs down, letting his cock spring free. Standing at just under 6 inches, he was not the most impressively endowed rodent around. He rubbed the tip against the squirrel's lips, making her flinch and squeak in fear, her tail twitching and nearly bashing him in the face. He pressed his face against her tail anyway, feeling the soft, fuzzy fur against his cheek. Like Jena, he also enjoyed these sorts of large, fluffy tails, so different than his own thick, furless one swaying about behind him.

He pushed his hips forward, letting out a moan as his tip pierced between those warm, soft lips and into her heated tunnel. Sarah let out a loud, quivering whimper as he pushed himself slowly inside, her body tensing up with every inch. She was not exactly wet or aroused, making his entry painful to her. Though hardly a virgin, she was still quite tight around him. When his hips pressed against her own, his cock fully within her, she grit her teeth, tears again running down her face.

He started to thrust slow, enjoying the feeling of her tight insides around him. He leaned again into her tail, nuzzling and even nibbling just a little at the twitchy mass of fur. It draped over his shoulder like a great, fluffy, living blanket. His hands rested on her hips at first, using them until he got to a good pace. Then his hands trailed up her sides, feeling her trembling under his touch. She was doing a good job of not screaming, but she did nothing to hide her sobs, either. Some part of him felt guilt at what he was doing to the cute squirrel. That part was easily ignored and crushed under Xavier's influence and the pleasure.

His hands slid under the girl, touch trailing up her thin belly, until he felt the weight of her breasts in his palms. She had a decent set, each a good weight under his touch. He gave each mound of fatty tissue a gentle squeeze, though she got no pleasure from it. He actually preferred smaller breasts on women, like Jena's much smaller, nearly flat chest, but larger ones like this were fun to squeeze and fondle. Behind him, he heard Jena moaning as well. He knew she was playing with herself, fingers between slender legs, her pleasure rising with his own, encouraging him to go harder with the squirrel.

He did just that. He grabbed her tits harder, enough that she let out a pained gasp at his firm grip. His hips started to thrust harder as well, slapping against hers to get himself deeper into her. His heavy balls swayed under him, his cock twitching and pulsing within her. She felt all of it, openly sobbing now as he fucked her harder and harder with each passing moment. The wood of the stockade creaked each time he hit deep into her. Her tail, draped over his shoulder still, quivered and trembled against his back. He grunted and groaned with the effort of his thrusts, his own tail nearly thrashing behind him as his pleasure grew more and more.

He squeezed her dangling tits hard, then pulled at them before slipping his hands away. "I will set you free..." Xavier's words spoken in his voice again. One arm wrapped around her middle, just under her breasts, his chest pressed to her back. His other hand reached out and gripped something else, the handle of a sharp kitchen knife. He had no idea where it came from. One of his others had probably brought it with him without his realizing. They liked to do that. He wondered if he had been brandishing it when he comforted her earlier. He knew he had. Jena's loud moans of anticipation let him know it was her idea.

Sarah squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the cock pounding into her pulsing. She figured the words meant he was close. She knew he would not pull out. He would spill his seed into her, knock her up most likely. She just hoped he would then dump her somewhere to go home and deal with the aftermath on her own. Her hopes were dashed as pain stabbed through her chest, brought on by the knife stabbing into her. Now she screamed, tasting the blood in her mouth as the knife sliced through her flesh, sliding right between two ribs just beside her right breast. Blood drooled down Aric's hand as he plunged the blade deep. It stabbed the wrong side to hit her heart, but it still carved through a lung. Fatal, but not as instantly as it could be.

He drew the blade out again, blood running freely from the wound, dripping onto the carpet. It was an easy to clean carpet, designed not to hold stains. Xavier's words spoke again. "I will set you free from this life." He rammed the blade into her again, this time into her belly, piercing through her insides. His hips thrust harder as he felt her body tensing up and trembling from the pain, thrashing in his grip. He dragged the knife down, splitting her belly open, her guts slowly spilling free with a torrent of blood to hang loose. Her screams filled the room as much as the scent of her blood and impending death.

He brought the knife up again, the tip poking at her left tit. "Then I'm going to go find that sweet sister of yours." He felt her tense up again, her struggles growing more wild. She tried to speak, but the only sounds that came were wet coughs and sputters. "I'm not breaking my promise." He grunted as he grew closer. "I promised I would do terrible things to her if you told. I never said I would do nothing if you didn't." She coughed hard again, trying to plead with him, but her words failed her. Then the stabbing pain again, as the blade thrust deep into her. He did not miss her heart this time, piercing the wildly beating muscle and slicing it almost in half.

Blood erupted from her mouth, gushing down her chin and down his hand from the fresh wound. Her body tensed up, then started to quiver and tremble, struggling to keep itself alive at any cost. He let out a loud moan of pleasure as her inner tunnel quivered and squeezed around him at the same time. He let go of the knife, leaving it buried within her chest. He instead gripped at her sides, his hips pounding harder than before. His cock pulsed and twitched and jerked almost as much as the tail smacking against him.

The last thing Sarah felt was his cock exploding inside of her, blasting her insides with his hot seed. He poured shot after shot, emptying his hefty balls into her dying insides. Then a coldness spread through her, a numbing cold, and a great fatigue she could not fight. He was still pumping his jizz into her when she died, going limp in his grip. Only his hold on her hips and his cumming cock in her cunt kept her hips up, her legs sliding out as they went slack. Behind him, Jena was screaming her own pleasure, which drove him on even more to keep filling the corpse in his grip with all he had to give.

When he finally felt his orgasm starting to ebb, he pulled himself out and let her go. Her hips slid to the ground, cum drooling from her abused pussy to mix with her spreading blood. She hung from the stockade, her guts hanging from her split belly, her tail laying limp on the floor, motionless. He sat back on his ass, his cock still drooling out a few last gobs of seed from the tip. Xavier stood beside him, a big grin on his face. To his other side was Jena, her own pussy dripping and drooling her juices from her own orgasm, her chest heaving. She also had a huge grin on her face.

Jena leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. He felt her warm cheek against his fur. "I hope her sister is a cute as she is."

He reached over and gently brushed a little of her hair out of her face. "I'm sure she is." He smiled a little as he looked at the dead girl. He would have to clean her up soon, and dispose of her. He had a place he liked to dump bodies, way out in the woods. It had been Xavier's idea to chop his victims into pieces and leave the meat for wild predators to finish off. So far it had always worked out. For now, he would sit and enjoy the afterglow, his cock slowly deflating as he cuddled with his love and best friend beside him. He was alone in the room, but never alone in his head.

* * *