Lab Rat (4)

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#4 of Lab Rat Series

Lab Rat 4 - Ethical Treatment

By: DarkSerpent

Dr. Mills

Observational Journal


With passing time we have reached October and I've begun classes on speech with my creatures. Eric is acting as a teacher now as I write. He is fairly good at teaching other animals to form their vowels. They are all making process. Writing is another thing entirely. But I can't ask a lot from my pets. I have a large family now and yesterday I was given word that my experimentation on animal leaked. Some group working around the ethical treatment of animals is targeting me. But I'm not hurting my animals am I? I gave these animals the ability to smile which is all they tend to do. They must be happy; because I'm treating them like people. I haven't had any specimens today but I am to receive two new animals tomorrow.

Basic list of new and old specimens.

Eric, Sobek, Kahn, Rio, Diamond, Boa, Bruce, Vixen

Monochrome - Orcinus orca - Male - Behemoth (Orca)

Ellen - Bos taurus - Female - Abomination (Cow)

Arctic - Ursus maritimus - Female - Abomination (Polar Bear)

Damian - Canis lupus - Male - Behemoth (Timber Wolf)

Flame - Brachypelma Smithi - Male - Behemoth (Red Kneed Tarantula)

Kraken - Octopus vulgaris - Female - Abomination (Octopus)

Shadow - Pandinus imperator - Male - Behemoth (Emperor Scorpion)

Bianfu - Pteropus scapulatus - Male - Abomination (Flying Fox)

Contessa - Equus asinus- Female - Abomination (Donkey)

I have created more Centaur like animal with this batch. Boa and Diamond were the first. But this time I've created three. Shadow, Flame, and Kraken all have human like upper bodies but larger animal lower bodies.

Dr. Mills


I sat up in my chair as Adam explained how to read the letter "X". "Alight everyone pop quiz," I stood setting my journal down. Is stepped out into the groups of people. I pointed to Bruce and he sat up strait. "Name, Species, and Color?" I asked and he gulped slightly. "B...Bruce; um...Shark...Great White Shark; And...Grey," He stammered out and I nodded. "Very good," I tossed him a fish. With a quick snap the fish vanishes down his gullet.

I pointed to Bianfu. "What does your name mean?" I asked and he stuttered. His arms being immense wings. His fur being a mixture of light and dark brown. His tell ears perk up at my voice. "It means...Bat in Chinese," He roughed out drawing out his vowels. I grabbed an apple and tossed it to him. He caught it with his thumbs and bit into it with a loud crunch.

"You," I pointed to Flame. "Yes Master," He spoke. His upper body was that a young man with two normal green eyes and two smaller green eyes next to those. Two small fangs between each of his middle teeth. His fingers having small claws on the end of each finger. His whole body covered in fine hairs. His lower body being nothing but a massive tarantula body. "What is six plus four?" I asked picking a mouse up. "um...ten I suppose," He smiled and I tossed him the mouse. Eric looked away as the mouse vanished down his throat.

I continued asking questions judging their physical intelligence and ability to problem solve. When suddenly a sound hit my ears from outside. "Everyone stay here for now," I entered the elevator and moved upstairs. I opened the door and looked out seeing three men jumping over the fence and into the forest. I turned to see animal killer written across the entire front of the building. "Idiots; Just like how zoos protect animals from poachers and deforestation more than anything else; they hear the words lab and instantly think I'm hurting animals," I entered inside.

"They don't realize how much they kill in the process of their protests," I moved back downstairs and sat down. "What happened master?" Rio grunted out. "Humans, It's always humans; They think they're doing good when they're doing more harm than anything," I sighed and leaned back. They all looked at each other. "Aren't you human?" Sobek asked. "Yes but I'm trying to give animals the ability to fight back and actually defend themselves; I'm not didn't sit back and whine about what's happening or do something extremely stupid; I'm doing something about it through an actual thought out process," I explained and they all looked at me.

"We're happy your helping ussss masssster," Boa hissed out his tail wrapping around me hugging my lightly. "I know but I wish I could do more but I have limits," I sighed and Damian nuzzled up against my hand. I patted his head and They all gathered around me. I was happier with these animals then I was with any human. I enjoyed having these creatures simple conversations than I did anything a human could talk about.

I patted their heads. "Ok guys lunch time," I spoke and lead them to a special room with stalls and a large tank. Everyone moved to their specified place and I came in pushing a large tray. Rio, Ellen, Contessa, Bianfu, and Eric all getting fruits and vegetables. Kraken, Bruce, and Monochrome all getting fish and clams. Artic, Damian, Vixen, Sobek, and Kahn all getting nice fresh meat. While Shadow, Flame, Boa, and Diamond all got cages of live mice.

No one ate until I gave the order then they dug in. Monochrome was just like Bruce. Different colors and no claws. His face blunt with flat teeth and bright blue eyes. His tail horizontal instead of vertical. The two ate away at their fish sharing what they had. Kraken was also a "taur". from the waist down he was eight; twenty foot tentacles. His upper body being human with long arms. His fingers having suction cups on the tips. All of his skin able to change color but he is usually a dark purple. He has the classic Octopus eyes with short ink black hair. His powerful tentacles always made short work of the though clams.

Flame and Shadow could have easily been twins. Shadow had massive three pronged pincers for hands. His body black with large plates but the same facial look as Flame. His more triangular body supported by eight powerful legs. His tail usually curved to one side but when he's aggressive it sticks up in a stinging position.

I moved over to Eric who was now finding the graham cracker treats at the bottom of his fruit bowl. Ellen sat next to him. A black and white milking cow who's body resembled her purpose. Walking on two hooves with a thin tail. She's a chubbier girl with large perfect hips. She easily had DD breasts and lactated from time to time. Small nubs for horns and a broad nose at the end of her muzzle. Long auburn hair going to her neck making her more human looking. She pushed her fruit forward and I exchanged it for grass. "Thank you master!" She smiled happily and clicked her hooves.

Poor Contessa next to her slowly eating. She was abused when she was a work donkey and it carried to her transformation. She's become nicer but for the longest time she wouldn't talk. She's a dark brown color with long ears. Her longer muzzle having a broad nose like Ellen's. She had smaller breasts but her hips were the same size as Ellen's. Her fingers ended in small nubs like hooves making gripping things hard. I slipped another apple into he bowl and she smiled up at me.

I moved to the meat trays seeing Kahn, Sobek, and Vixen pulling their pieces apart roughly. Artic ate a bit faster then the others. Her thick white fur always having a thin red tint to it after eating. She had a nice body with the only color change at her eyes nose and paws. She nudged my hand wanting more and I raised an eyebrow. Her big brown eyes fluttered and I laid down another piece of meat.

Damian sat next to her. A behemoth by definition but not resembling one. A grey wolf with a white underbelly. His long muzzle ending in a black nose. His powerful arms and strong legs making him faster than any other. He was like a loyal hound always ready and willing to do what it takes. "Master I'm done, Treat?" He asked his tail wagging vigorously. I reached into my pocket and tossed him a treat. Who snapped and instantly swallowed.

I've offered them cloths before but they prefer to be nude. I always assumed that with fur and scales; cloths were never really important. I turned to see a flash hit my eyes blinding me temporarily. The flash made all of the animals blind for a second making them roar and growls. Eyesight quickly returned and I ran out into the lab seeing the same three men running out through the tunnel. I growled and all the animals quickly ran up around me.

I snapped and pointed. "Catch them!" I ordered and the animals charged. Damian and Eric ahead of everyone. The one with the camera at the back behind his two friends. Damian jumped forward tackling the slower man pinning him to the floor. The camera slipping out of his hand and sliding across the floor. With a slight plop the camera fell into the pool and slowly sank to the bottom.

His friends made it out abandoning their buddy. Kahn and Monochrome blocked the exit as Damian got off the boy. I used my foot to turn him over. He wore a black ski mask hiding his face. I snapped again and Eric pulled off the mask showing the man was really a women. She was speechless looking at the creatures around her. Kraken wrapped his tentacles around her lifting her up off the floor. "Now who are you my dear?" I asked and she huffed not saying anything.

"Speak!" Kraken growled out and tightened his grip. She let out a long groan. "Alright! My name is Sarah!" She yelled in pain and he loosened up slowly. "Why are you here?" I asked and Eric hid behind me. "Well...We first came here to show what your doing to these animals, but it's beyond that! Your going against gods work!" She screamed in anger and I couldn't help but laugh. I turned and they pulled her with us pushing her onto the grass covered platform. "I'm not going against gods work; I'm simply forcing his work advance faster than usual," I stepped back. "Boys, I have no use for her, she's all yours," I turned and headed upstairs.

Eric entered the elevator with me as well as Bianfu. I leaned back against the back of the freight elevator. "I need to find the other two," I mumbled and the elevator stopped. The doors didn't open and Eric nuzzled up to me. Bianfu wrapping his wings around us. "Relax master we'll get them for you, we don't want you to be mad," Eric kissed my cheek and I smiled. "Yeah we'll catch them no sweat," Bianfu smiled and nuzzled up against me. "Thanks guys," I laughed a little.

Eric got on all fours in front of me presenting himself. Bianfu moved in front of me and pressed himself up against the awaiting entrance. With little effort he slid into the rat making him squeak in pleasure. He leaned over growling to him softly. Eric reached his hands back grabbing his ass pushing him in completely. He also opened Bianfu slowly revealing his waiting entrance. I got on one knee and leaned in licking his small pucker. His legs shook and he pushed back letting me run my tongue along his entrance.

Eric pulled him in swiftly burying him into his ass again. With a nice gob of saliva I made the bat below me wet enough to enter. I lowered my pants and pressed myself up against him. He let out his own distinct squeaks as I entered his unused body. I forced into him roughly with one thrust making him slam into Eric. The two rodent like creatures below me breathed heavily. My hands gripped his hips making him groan knowing it's coming.

I pulled him back onto me and thrust him forward into Eric. I was fucking two of my creations at once. As I fucked Bianfu harder and harder he fucked Eric at the same pace. Their squeaks filling the small elevator. The heat began to build and I felt Eric groan the first to cum; shooting onto the floor. I pulled the bat out of Eric and grabbed his already wet cock. I stroked it as I fucked him. He groaned and fucked my hands as I pounded into him

He opened his mouth in a loud moan and released him load into the back of the rat. He jerked as the last dripped out leaving only me. I pounded the poor bat making him squirm. "I'm gonna cum inside you; I'm gonna fill you up bat," I grumbled into his ears and they twitched. He gripped my and I released inside him. His toe claws digging into the floor as I held up against his thin body. "Good boy," I whispered to him making him groan. I pulled out and pulled up my pants. The two relaxed on the floor and I rubbed Erics back.

I was thinking if this was the right thing to do. But they were my work and I would never let anything come between me and them. Eric nuzzled up onto my lap and I pressed the up button. The elevator lift to the floor and the three of us exited onto the floor. I looked out the windows seeing a small boat on the shore. It had to be how these humans got here.

An hour later I set the girl out on the shore tied to a rock. Her cloths torn and she sat covered in the animals cum. The two men returned to free her and began to cut away at her binds. "um...where's the boat?" One guy asked and stopped cutting seeing his hand onto a vine on the cliff. "It should be right over there," The other guy said cutting down the bound women. She fell and as she hit the sand they noticed the deep gashes from claws deep in her back. Bone exposed to the salt air. No blood ran from her showing she was already dead.

The first man tried to run but his hand stuck to the cliff face. He looked seeing what he thought was a vine was actually a wire thick spider thread. His hand stuck to it like glue. He pulled trying to get away just before a few bits of dirt hit his face. He looked up seeing the massive Archnotuar clawing down the cliff face toward him. He let out a yell as Flame jumped behind him.

His leg brought up a load of threads which he wrapped his hands in. He began to wrap the boy in threads encasing him in a cocoon of threads. His friend watched in horror as he sank his fangs through the threads hitting his neck. Blood seeped out through the holes as the cocoon quickly stopped moving.

He turned to run but ran flat into Monochrome who towered behind him. He growled and picked him up. With a grab he tossed the boy out into the lagoon. He surfaced quickly taking a deep breath just before tentacles wrapped around his legs pulling him under. With his eyes open he stared around himself through the water. A grey blur moving closer.

He reached down trying to get the tentacles to release him. He pounded on the thick muscle to no avail. He let out a gulp and looked up seeing the grey blur floating in the water just feet away. The black eyes staring back at him. With no provoking Bruce lunged forward opening his jaws. His hundreds of teeth biting around his head. His teeth sunk into his neck and like a guillotine removed his head from his body.

The water ran red as the body was pulled down into a large group of corals. Red running from the tiny cavern. Kraken slipped out leaving the body inside for the crabs to feast on. The two swiftly made their way back to shore and climbed up onto the sand. I waited sitting on a rock watching the crabs move out of the rocks to feed off the women. "The deed is done; master," Monochrome spoke in a deep voice and I smiled.

As long as our secret island remained a secret I didn't care how many humans perished. They would die eventually as it is I simply sped up the process. I looked up at the cliff seeing all of my creations looking back at me. I smiled and nodded that everything was done. But now I got a nice boat out of the deal.