A New Dynamic

Story by WritersCrossing on SoFurry

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This entry for the May 2022 writing prompt for Writers' Crossing comes to us from FinaLapel ! Be sure to click that link to check out other works from this author.

Prompt: "You discover your partner has been seeing someone else on the side. That's weird, you've been seeing them on the side, too!"

I'll admit, most people would call my relationship pretty idyllic. A spunky little brown-furred bunny girl, paired with a sweet, loving white wolf, the two of us able to afford a nice home and still spend time with friends whenever... to the outside looking in, this must be some kind of big dream of theirs, hoping to settle down so comfortably and securely. Hell, I'd say it even started like that. Devin's an absolute sweetheart, that bushy tail of his swaying whenever I get home late in the evening from my time with friends after work. A quick nuzzle, my shoulders being lovingly massaged, and I get the urge to gently scratch at his fluffy neck fur, reminding him that yes, the hard-working bunny sitting in front of him, Molly Stenton, is indeed right here with a wedding band around her finger, and she's worn it for several years now. Heh, he always did love reminding himself of that. Blushing like our first few dates, even. Of course, there's a couple of issues that have cropped up, yet to be addressed, but recently? There's exactly one that concerns me, in the here and now:

Devin's seeing someone else.

Maybe I should have expected this, in a way. Our time in the bedroom is nice and all, but it's always got this air of awkward tension hanging over it. When I want him to go harder, he just gets nervous and goes at it even more half-heartedly than before. When he tries to bring something up for himself, all he can muster is a whimper as he clams up. I guess whatever it is he's looking for in bed, he's found it in this person he's been texting. Talks of where they'll meet, implications of the private variety, even an invitation to our place if his "roommate" is out for the night. That one's yet to happen, at least. Though, another thought occurs to me that's rather intriguing about all this...

Just what is a nervous top like Devin doing with a forceful, dominant stud of a horse like Jackson? Jackson's the kind of aggressive partner in the bedroom that can take what he wants and make sure you're losing yourself in pleasure all the while; there isn't a single submissive bone in his body. Devin's never expressed a desire to bottom, though, let alone being interested in men, so that's even more questions added onto the pile. His brand of gentle ministrations would just get him met with a forceful press, leading into several hours at Jackson's mercy that he'd never be able to forget. I know that quite personally.

After all, I've also been going around the block with that stud~

Devin's a perfect partner emotionally, don't get me wrong. I've got needs, though, and if he's gonna fold the moment I try to assert them, well, then I'll... hm, how to phrase it? How'd Jackson's last text before the boys' most recent tryst go, again? Ah, yes...

"Then come get your horse, and ride 'til you fall off the saddle~"

I've seen that phrasing from him before. Not the most original, Jackson, but then again, I suppose he's too busy figuring out which of us he'll be screwing senseless on any given night. It would certainly explain the nights where he's just been a bit too busy to see me. Though, I can't say for certain whether he knows, which has led me to a deliciously mischievous plan for tonight. Chuckling to myself at the thought, I pull my phone out to revel in the texts one more time from my hiding place in our hall closet.

"hey babe, gonna be crashing at liv's tonight, idk what's up with her but she basically set up a movie marathon"

"Really? Huh. I know she's had her flights of fancy before, but this seems a bit much. Any guesses?"

"well i'm not gonna be surprised to see tons of chips and choccy pretzels among the snacks, lemme tell ya"

"I don't get it."

"girl thing babe"

"...oh. Anyways, not like it'll change much. Work had an extended meeting today, remember?"

"yaya but like, still weird if u come home and it's just empty"

"Fair point. Regardless, have a great time, hun. Love you~"


Pfffft, "extended meeting" my ass, the only meeting on his schedule is with Jackson for a quick dinner before presumably heading to his place for another round. This time, though... this time his "roommate" is out of the picture, as far as he knows. If I'm lucky, and I sure as hell am, those two'll be stumbling in here with a second sort of meal on their mind. I haven't taken Jackson back here before, either, so he'll be none the wiser. Oh, to see the looks on their faces...! Heheeeee, this'll be just perfect~

Sure enough, I hear the thunking sounds of the deadbolt being unlocked, followed by the door swinging open. There's a pair of much heavier footsteps alongside what I know are Devin's, as if the coming conversation wouldn't have already confirmed to me that they followed through on Devin's offer.

"So yeah, just make yourself at home! We've got the place to ourselves for the night, roommate got dragged into a friend's thing suddenly."

"As if I wasn't gonna settle in right away. What's the saying, 'what's mine is yours'? Gimme an offer like that, and I'll hold you to it, pup."

"W-Well, I mean, yeah... of course you know how to take what's yours. If there's anything I've learned from you, it's... it's that, oh gosh."

"And you love every second of it, that's for damn sure. Though, I hope you're prepared to clean up. Your roommate'll have some interesting questions for you if you just pass out by the end of it and they come home to you laying in a puddle."

"Oh, I can manage... I think. Maybe. S-So are we gonna...?" Hmhmmmmm, bit of a risk kink there, Devin? Then I'm sure you'll love what's coming soon~

"Eager as always, eh pup? Well, I'm happy to oblige..." Somewhere in all the movement, I hear the couch creak, a sudden weight flopping down onto it.

"Then come get your horse, and... well I don't think I need to say the rest, do I, pup?" This is it. I can hear more movement, paired with the sort of bashful giggles I'd hear in Devin's arms at night. No better time to slip out and show these boys exactly what's up... so I turn the handle as quietly as I can, thankful for the sounds of passionate kissing to drown out whatever little creaks the door might be making. All that's left is to tip-toe, ever so softly, sneak up behind the couch... and pounce!

"'Your horse,' huh? Whose horse is that, again?" With my sudden appearance from behind the couch, looking over them both, everything comes to a halt. Awww, they're all frozen up, like little statues for me to admire with the utterly smug look on my face. Haven't even broken their latest kiss yet. Careful, Jackson, wolfy there might just bite your tongue off if he tenses up any harder, hmhm~

"M-Molly, I just- what happened, why now, what about the m-movie, the pretzels, I-I... I'm sorry..."

"...hold up, you KNOW her?"

"What? Yeah, of course I do, how do- how do YOU know her, Jackson?" Ohhhhhohoho, the sweet, sweet sight of gears turning behind those panicking, confused eyes... nothing's sweeter! Let's put a stop to that, though, might as well get it all out in the open.

"Oh, he knows me, Devin. He knows me VERY well. Kind of in the way he knows you, if we're being honest here, and that honesty's a LOVELY change of pace from what we've been doing, dancing around the issue like this. Don't you think?"

"Wait, waaaaait wait wait, back up, pup. You too, buns, what exactly is your deal here?"

"Awww, should I tell him, Devin, or did you wanna break the news yourself?"

"I... um, errr..."

"On second thought, I should do it. I'm not the one who's hidden their ring somewhere, after all." Theeeere we go. Jackson's eyes went wide at that little hint. If I could see his skin beneath that smooth, black fur, he'd be white as a sheet right about now.


"Oh, yes, Devin told you about a roommate, didn't he? Well, I'm sure he skipped the part where that 'roommate' was more specifically his wife, but details, semantics, let's not let a little thing like that get in the way of our good time!" Rubbing that point in both their faces, I make a show of displaying the ring in full view of the two of them.

"...oh. Oh shit."

"I know, quite the hole you've dug for yourself, Jackson! Doesn't have to be, though... I was quite serious when I said 'our' good time." As the randy stud looks more cautious and confused than ever, my little wolf raises his voice, those cute, pointed ears of his folding back against his head.

"So... you two really have been...?"

"Hm? Oh, of course, hun. Long, hard, and thorough. Jackson's got what I've wanted this whole time from our more intimate nights together, though let's be real here, the same can be said for you. Maybe this would've been easier if you'd just admitted to me long ago that instead of being dominant, you were so much of a bottom that you'd top if your partner asked, hmmmmm~?"

"C-Come on, how could I just- SAY that?! And d-disappoint you..." I can nearly feel the heat from how flushed he's getting; whether it's from shame or moreso from general embarrassment, I can't say. ...could also be from these two still being pressed together. I wonder if they've noticed...?

"Oh please, with what's come to light now? Water under the bridge, dear. After all, I'm sure you had plans for tonight, and I'm just about getting in that sort of mood, too."

"...uh, doooooo I get a say in this?" Noting Jackson's objection, I turn to him, the wry smile on my face having lost none of its mischievous spark.

"Sure you do! But thinking on it, just what would you have to say about this? Both people you've been making utter messes of on your bedsheets are right here, both receptive to the idea of picking up this fun where you two just left off. I know he hasn't said it yet, but seriously, Jackson, just LOOK at Devin." Hehee... my little wolf's inner conflict has settled on letting the eager, bashful side win out, covering his face with his hands, but he can't hide that awkward smile of hope and excitement.

"See? Here's the deal, Jackson... the whole reason we both got involved with you individually is because neither of us can really please the other, fulfill those urges that burn oh so fervently. He's all subby and demure, but I prefer taking it, and you better damn well know by this point I like it ROUGH."

"Hmph. You also have an uncontrollable bratty streak, buns..."

"Oh, dooooo I~? Regardless, all you have to do is say yes, and suddenly, no one needs to sneak around. No one needs to make plans, figure out excuses, or worry about being discreet... and all that means is you'll be getting your fill of us far, FAR more often than before, should we feel like it. You seeing the value in this yet? I'm making you an offer you can't refuse, stud!"

"Uhhh... I guess you've got me there. This is seriously gonna be a thing?"

"Hmmmm, well how about we get one more opinion? Devin?" Leaning over the couch, I prop myself against him, making sure my far arm reaches riiiiiight in the spot on his neck where he just MELTS from a tender scritch, and let my fingers go to work.

"What do you think of Jackson fulfilling our needs from now on, dear?"

"Hnnn... Hhhhhaaaahh, I..."

"Hmmmmmhmhmhm, I can't heeeeear you, Devin~"

"I-I, yes, yes, PLEASE! Any time, I just... god, I need it, Molly, I need it so bad...!" Offering a nuzzle into his cheek and slowing down the scritches, I return my focus to our new companion.

"That sounds like a yes to me, Jackson. So... you up for this? Because I'm pretty sure the bed'll be more comfortable for him than trying to keep his balance on the couch cushions."

"Okay, okay, just... back it up a bit. How's this even gonna work?"

"Oh, we'll figure that out in time, I'm sure. For tonight, though... what's your preference?"

"Well... I was looking forward to sinking into the pup here tonight. Maybe some one on one for now?"

"Fine choice, stud, fine choice indeed. I've recently developed a burning curiosity to see just how enraptured he looks getting exactly what he wants while you TAKE what you want from him, regardless. I wanna see him melt under you, completely spent... don't forget about me afterward, though. That'd just be a shame."

"You two're gonna run me ragged, aren'tcha?"

"Oh please, you've got the stamina to handle both of us and more, don't play coy. ...that's my job, after all. What was it you called me, again? 'Bratty'? Don't think I'll ever let you have an easy go of it again."

"Like you ever did before?!" He's right, of course, but where's the fun in admitting it? He'll get to punish me for it later, anyways, his complaint on stamina didn't manage to be anything but a token resistance to the unique situation, and a weak one at that. Hard to find excuses to get out of something you want so badly, isn't it, stud~?

"So with that settled... how about we head upstairs, and you boys can get started? I'll even get water bottles out. Keep ya in the ring, fighting fit and all that, hm?"

"Heh... alright, buns. Whatever you say."

"T-Thank you, Molly... thank you so much!" And like that, the both of them are wrapped around my little finger. Oh, what a night... the only thing that could make this better is if I had some of those white chocolate pretzels from Liv's totally-not-made-up movie night. Girl could learn to share, I'll be so worn out by the time tonight's over... and most any day from now on, to be honest.

Despite my bravado, this'll take some getting used to. But then again, what doesn't? Took long enough for Devin and I to adjust to living together way back when, and look at us! Perfect, in all but the physical. This'll take care of that issue, too, so long as we're careful... don't wanna drive poor Jackson away in all this. All he wants is some eye candy that can take a pounding, none of the complicated messes of a relationship, so ya know what?

We'll be happy to oblige~

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