Opening Up

Story by HermitCrabe on SoFurry

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This took way too long to write. Any feedback is always welcome.

Joel shifted underneath his blankets at the sudden beeping of an alarm, and his scaled arm reached out to slap at the snooze button. After taking a long moment to bask in the feeling of a heated blanket on a cool morning, the scaled anthro pushed the wonderfully warm covers away and swung his legs over the side of his bed. He had plenty of time before class, but he needed to find the room it was in first - the university's campus seemed bigger every time he had to hunt down a new classroom during this first week of school.

The pale-yellow and bronze snake padded past his new roommate, still sleeping in his own bed, and Joel had to pay attention to the long, thick tail trailing behind him to make sure it didn't slap noisily against the ground as it slid off his mattress. With an appendage that started as wide as your waist and was as long as you were tall, it took some attention to ensure it didn't impact or push anything you didn't want it to. The big doberman snored softly, apparently immune to Joel's alarm clock, and the serpent's eyes slid across his sleeping form for a moment before snapping back forwards. Even if Mike wouldn't notice, it didn't feel right to stare.

While Joel threw on some clothes and got ready to head to class, he thought back to when he had first met his roommate a few short weeks before. He'd found the dorm room's door already open when he had arrived, with Mike unpacking his stuff inside. The first thing Joel had noticed about the doberman was his stature. The well-muscled canine was huge, standing at least two feet above Joel's admittedly modest height, with sleek, short fur covering toned arms and strong hands. He looked like he had enough mass to match three of the smaller serpent - well, not counting the long, wide tail extending behind the scaled anthro. Deep chocolate-brown patches broke up the primarily black fur, typical for a doberman, but little of it was visible behind his clothing. The second thing that drew Joel's attention was the huge bulge just below the doberman's waist, barely concealed by a pair of overly-baggy jeans.

He knew the various species attending the university came in all shapes and sizes, and he'd even seen a few non-anthros on his way to the dorm, but that bulge practically looked fake. It had to have been at least the size of a basketball. Joel wasn't about to judge, though, regardless of whether his new roommate stuffed his pants or not. The snake still had to focus to keep his eyes from being dragged downwards, and after the pair had introduced themselves and started chatting while they unpacked, Joel was pleased to find Mike was a pretty easy-going guy, in spite of his massive, jock-like appearance.

The serpent's curiosity about his roommate's peculiar clothing choices had been sated soon after their classes had started. The pair had agreed not to worry about changing clothes in their dorm room, as long as nobody was stripping down naked in the cramped space; walking down the hall to the communal bathrooms was a bit of a hassle when you just wanted to throw on some pants or a shirt before class. Joel didn't have much to show anyways, his narrow slit easily concealing anything he didn't want detailed underneath his boxers, but Mike always seemed careful about turning away before changing, and seemed to be doing his best to finish as quickly as possible whenever he did.

Joel had stolen some guilty glances at his roommate on occasion, but he tried not to ogle the doberman's toned rear underneath his tight boxer-briefs when he bent over to reach some clothes, or those muscular pecs flexing as he pulled off a shirt, or that sleek black fur rippling along his back when he stepped into another pair of baggy jeans. Joel really tried. He'd had to force himself to look away once, when Mike had caught his foot in a pant leg and stumbled while in the middle of quickly changing, causing him to turn and reach for support from a wall. The bulge jutting from his crotch was most definitely not stuffed. The snake's eyes had traced along the outline of a soft shaft as thick as his bicep, the huge member draped over the top of a massive pair of balls, each looking larger than his own head. The smooth curves were well-defined under the straining pair of underwear, leaving nothing to the imagination, and Joel had had to make an effort to pull his eyes back to his laptop screen. It had taken a separate effort to keep his own genitals contained in his slit for a while.

That memory popped up in the serpent's head more often than he would've liked. He hoped Mike hadn't seen him staring - the canine was clearly self-conscious about it, and even though Joel had no idea why his roommate would be, he didn't want to add to the doberman's insecurity by leering at him.


In spite of his best efforts, the image of Mike's scantily-clad figure had been stuck in the scaled anthro's head for most of the day, and he had to mentally shake himself to be rid of it as he walked up to their shared room after finishing his last class. The snake opened the door and started to slip through, until the sight before him registered in his brain and made him jerk to a halt.

Mike was laying on his bed, entirely nude, large hands gripped around a pillar of pink flesh that towered above him, staring in horror at Joel. "Oh shit," the doberman breathed, before squeezing his eyes shut and letting out a strangled grunt. The tall canine's body tensed, muscles all straining at once, and Joel saw the pair of massive balls resting between Mike's legs lurch against him. The snake's eyes followed the visible bulge that raced up the base of that huge cock to see a similarly oversized condom wrapped tight around the throbbing tip, and he was pretty sure his jaw dropped a bit when he saw the deluge of cum start spraying into the thin latex. The condom inflated like a water balloon, rapidly filling with thick white fluid while the doberman twitched and grunted underneath it, hands still clamped tight around his thick shaft.

The serpent's eyes ran over his roommate's member as he came, unable to comprehend the size of the massive organ. Fully hard, it was as thick as the huge doberman's arm, and just as long. It looked more like the size of Joel's leg, and Mike's large fingers barely encircled the thing as they squeezed against it. He had no idea how the canine managed to fit that monster in his pants, but with how tight those boxers had been when the scaled anthro had been given a view, he guessed the answer was "just barely."

Joel felt like he was paralyzed, unable to tear his eyes from the sight of his roommate in the throes of an orgasm. The condom wrapped around the tip of Mike's cock bloated enough to start drooping over, the rubber barely clinging on to his shaft while the canine filled it well past what should've been the point of bursting. The doberman's muffled groans turned into soft panting, his orgasm apparently having ended, and the serpent realized he was still standing there staring like an idiot. Mike looked back at him with obvious panic in his wide eyes, seemingly frozen in place himself. Joel stumbled backwards from the doorway with a mumbled apology, almost tripping over his own tail in his haste as he closed the door, and made a beeline back the way he had come.

The snake plunked himself down on a bench near the entrance to the dorm buildings, his head spinning with images of his roommate. His tail tip flicked back and forth in agitation, and Joel tried to process what had just happened. Walking in on your roommate masturbating was awkward enough, but he'd walked in at the perfectly wrong time to see Mike start blowing his load. He tried to push the thought of that huge load out of his mind, with little success. On top of barging in, he had stayed and watched like a total creep; Joel felt his entire body cringe when he thought back to the terrified expression on the doberman's face, and he let out a hiss as he sighed in dismay. The snake sat there for several minutes, stewing over his poor handling of the situation, mind abuzz with potential futures - none of them looking great - and occasionally adjusting his pants. No matter what came next, he knew the first thing he had to do was apologize to his roommate.


Joel had given Mike a few more minutes - and maybe given himself a few more - before slinking back to their room. Knocking on his own door felt odd, but the serpent wasn't about to barge in for a second time that day. When the big doberman cracked open the door to peer around it, the snake's throat clenched at the still-fearful expression in those eyes. His scaled jaw worked soundlessly, trying to get an apology out, but his roommate spoke first, the canine's voice quavering slightly.

"Hey man, sorry you had to see that... I know it was, like, super weird for me to do that, especially... right when you walked in. I know I'm... different from a lot of other anthros, and I'm sorry I exposed you to all that." The doberman took a shaky breath. "I think there's some options for finding new roommates if you wanted to do that, I'm clearly not the greatest roommate," he finished with a nervous smile. It looked more like a grimace.

Joel was dumbstruck. He'd never actually felt at quite a loss for words before. Mike was apologizing to him? After he'd so thoroughly invaded the doberman's privacy, then stuck around to watch? The situation was certainly grounds for one of them to be requesting a new roommate, but was the canine seriously encouraging Joel to do that if HE felt uncomfortable with what had happened? He was pretty sure this whole thing was backwards somehow.

"Wait," the serpent started, blinking in confusion. "I should be apologizing to you! I barged in on you, then stuck around and stared like a total creep - that goes like, way beyond invasion of privacy. I thought..." Joel swallowed, trying to keep his voice steady. "I figured you'd be the one to want a new roommate after that, you looked... pretty upset," he finished quietly, trying not to think about the horrified look on Mike's face that had been burned into his memory.

The canine's brow furrowed in thought. "Oh... So, you're not, like... super weirded out by this? By me, I guess? When you were... looking... I thought for sure it was one of those 'can't look away from a train wreck' sort of things. Like I said, I know I'm kinda different." Joel realized Mike's ears were pressed back against his head. Was all this because his roommate was seemingly self-conscious about his body? Joel had to admit it was certainly out of the ordinary, but hardly anything to be ashamed of.

The snake furrowed his own brow. "What? No, you being a little... different had nothing to do with it. Well, I mean, I guess it was part of why I stared for so long, but like," oh gods he was babbling, "I was just more surprised than anything," Joel finished in a rush. "I really don't care what you look like." Okay, that sounded rude. Joel winced and waved a hand in front of himself, trying to clear the air. "I mean, I just don't think you look bad or anything, I... you know what I mean," he sighed lamely, tail flicking behind him in frustration.

To Joel's surprise, the tall canine's ears had perked back up. Mike breathed out a sigh and slumped against the door frame. "That's... kind of a relief to hear. I, uh, got picked on a lot as a kid for it," he finished quietly. With a start, he seemed to realize he was still holding the door, and stepped back to swing it open. "Sorry, you probably have stuff to do, I can get out of your fur for a while if you want." The doberman blinked at Joel's smoothly scaled skin. "I mean..."

Joel snorted in amusement, though he wasn't sure if it was at the poorly timed faux pas, or at the bizarre situation they were in. He stepped into the cramped room, and tried to tamp down the slight feeling of disappointment upon seeing his roommate was back in his usual pair of baggy pants. "Nah, I don't have any homework today," the serpent said, collapsing into his chair and coiling his tail underneath him before looking back up at the tall canine. "Wanna play Smash?" Mike's eyes lit up, and he grabbed his own chair to pull it in front of their small TV.


The following weeks went relatively smoothly, compared to that first awkward encounter. The two roommates became fast friends, often playing video games together when they weren't busy with their classes and assignments. Mike had found a small, rarely-used gym attached to a nearby dorm building, and had jumped at the chance to use it - apparently his parents had a small home gym in their garage that he'd often made use of, as evidenced by his strong physique, but the big doberman had been hesitant to go to the campus' main gym with so many other people always occupying it. Joel still spent most of his time outside of class either doing homework or playing video games, and it meant he was often in the dorm room when Mike would arrive or leave for classes or the gym.

After their brief heart-to-heart recently, Joel was pretty sure his roommate had gradually become more comfortable around him. While it warmed his heart to see the shy canine start to come out of his shell, it made a few things a little harder for the serpent. He'd redoubled his efforts not to stare or steal glances at Mike, whereas the doberman had started being less circumspect about hiding his oversized package. The big canine still only owned baggy pants, but he'd become less wary about turning away before changing clothes, and had stopped rushing to pull on pants every time. The scaled anthro was treated to more views of Mike's massive bulge, always encased in boxer-briefs that looked stretched to their limits, as well as the doberman's thick, muscular legs and rear.

Joel had done his best to respect his roommate's trust in him, and in spite of the more regular opportunities to ogle the tall doberman, he had been steadfast in keeping his gaze from wandering. Almost all the time. Sometimes his eyes had a mind of their own and slid over to drink in the canine's figure, but he always reigned them in. When his brain kicked in and he remembered to, at least. Mike was very distracting sometimes.

The serpent had even managed to keep the images of the doberman's nude form out of his head, for the most part. It felt wrong to picture that hulking shaft, gripped tight by strong hands. He really hadn't thought about it much since he'd walked in on his roommate, besides jacking off a few times to the memory. And struggling to keep his erections hidden during some of his more uninteresting classes was mostly just a result of him being a young male - he really was focused on the coursework, not on the thought of Mike's massive balls, lurching in the canine's orgasm. When he rushed home after class on days he knew his roommate would be there, he just wanted to greet his friend before getting a head start on homework, and definitely wasn't thinking about catching another glimpse of the muscular doberman's figure when he changed to go to the gym.

Joel's forehead landed on the papers scattered across the library desk with a soft thunk. He was hopelessly infatuated with his roommate, and he knew it. It hadn't impacted his studies - yet - but he was sure it wasn't healthy for him, and felt it wasn't fair to Mike. The canine was his first real friend at university, and he didn't want to ruin their relationship by trying to twist it into something more. He didn't even know if Mike was into guys at all, and the thought sent a sharp pang through the serpent's chest.

The snake's throat bobbed as he swallowed the emotions welling up, and he blinked back the blurriness threatening to overtake his vision. Joel was a strong believer in the old adage of "time heals all wounds," and he was going to do his best to ride this out. With any luck, these feelings would fade eventually, and he'd be able to keep hold of his solid friendship with the big doberman without feeling like an untrustworthy creep around him. For the moment though, there was no way the scaled anthro was going to be able to focus on homework, so he packed his papers and started the long trudge home, tail dragging dejectedly behind him.


Joel struggled to clear his mind of thoughts of his roommate as he arrived at their dorm room. The image of the big doberman lying nude on his bed flashed through the snake's head, and he flinched away from the doorknob he'd been reaching for. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the serpent told himself his situation wasn't going to get any better by standing out here, and he gently pushed open the door. He wasn't sure if Mike would be home, and his brain kept flip-flopping between hoping the doberman would be there, and praying he wouldn't. An unfamiliar sound greeted him as the door swung open, providing his mind with some blessed distraction from thoughts of the canine. It sounded... wet?

The scaled anthro started to step through the doorway, and was frozen in place by an entirely too-familiar sight. Memories of his roommate masturbating flooded back into his mind as he gazed at Mike, laying back on his large mattress, entirely nude, again. The big doberman's hips were thrust high into the air, those huge balls nestled against his hips and thighs, and his massive cock was angled down along his chest... only to disappear into the canine's open muzzle. Mike's full lips were pressed tight around that huge shaft, sliding further down the rod with a wet sucking sound as his muscled abdomen contracted to bring his hips closer to his face. The doberman's balls balanced precariously on their perch atop his hips, wobbling slightly as he brought them down, then pushed them back up, the oversized orbs shifting against each other with each thrust. His eyes were shut, clearly lost in his own lust, and one hand held a piece of cloth up to the canine's nose. A handful of over-filled condoms and their empty wrappers littered the bed beside him, each latex balloon tied off to seal their contents. Joel blinked. He recognized the logo on the cloth in Mike's hand. Was that his shirt?

The serpent let out strangled gasp as he realized that it was, in fact, his shirt, then immediately felt his stomach drop through the floor when Mike's eyes snapped open to see him staring. Again. Joel tried to tear his eyes away, but his brain was fighting a losing battle against his body. His roommate sucking himself off was the hottest thing Joel had ever seen, and as the doberman pulled his member out of his maw to reveal that almost half of the leg-sized shaft was coated in saliva, the snake felt a shudder run through his body, all the way down to the tip of his tail. When he drew his gaze back up to his softly panting roommate's eyes and saw the fear in them again, it snapped him out of his reverie as if someone had slapped him. His own feeling of fear swelled in his mind. This couldn't be happening, not again.

Mike's eyes flicked between Joel and the throbbing member in front of him, before lowering his back to lay flat on the bed and bringing his hands up to cover as much of the huge shaft as he could, hugging it against himself in an attempt to hide it. It didn't do much good, the pillar of flesh coming to rest with the rounded tip reaching up next to his head, most of it still exposed. With a start, the canine released the shirt still clutched in his hand, now stained with fluid from being pressed against his member, and flinched away from it like it had burst into flame.

"Oh... Oh shit," the doberman said in a shaky voice, "I'm so sorry, I thought you had another class, I... Oh fuck, I'm really sorry..." Mike hid his face in his hands, ears laying flat against his skull, and let out a muffled "gods damnit." Joel barely heard him. All of his attention was on that shirt. Had his roommate been masturbating to his scent? Why? Wait, did that mean Mike was into him? He felt like he had gotten whiplash. The fear of ruining their relationship that had filled him was starting to crack, a small seed of hope growing inside. The snake's throat bobbed with a swallow, his mouth feeling suddenly dry.

"Mike... Is that my shirt?" After a long pause, the canine nodded mutely, face still hidden in his large hands. Joel swallowed again. "Are... Are you into me?" He had to force the words out. His roommate tensed, and appeared to be trying to sink deeper into the mattress. "Mike?" The big doberman flinched at his quiet prompting, then slowly nodded.

Joel felt like the world's heaviest weight had been lifted from his chest. It seemed too good to be true. Practically in a daze, the serpent stepped into the room and pulled his long tail in behind him, before closing the door with a soft click. The canine hadn't moved, but now it looked like he was trying to sink through the mattress and into the floor. "I'm... I'm into you too." The scaled anthro realized how awkward that sounded as soon as the words left his lips, and he winced slightly.

His roommate didn't reply for a moment, still laying there with his hands over his face and most of his cock on full display, until he spread his fingers and peeked out at Joel between them. "What?" the big doberman squeaked out, clearly confused.

Feeling like his tongue was made of lead, Joel cleared his throat before continuing. "I've been... into you pretty much since we moved in. I didn't want to weird you out or anything, so I didn't say anything... Sorry." He wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. Not saying anything before now? Being weird about it in spite of his best efforts? Walking in on his roommate again? Maybe a little of each.

Mike's hands lowered, exposing his eyes and more of his face. The doberman's ears had started to lift away from his head. "Have we... Have we been tip-toeing around this... this whole time?"

The snake's lips split in a nervous grin, and his head bobbed in a slow nod. "I think so." The quiet sound of fabric shifting rapidly drew his attention, and he saw that the doberman's small tail was wagging against the bed sheets. Holy shit, the serpent thought, he's adorable. "So... Now what?" Joel realized that he had literally no idea what to do now. His secret was out in the open, his roommate wasn't running for the hills, and he had no clue what was supposed to happen next.

The big doberman apparently didn't either. He drew his hands away from his face to rest them on his huge shaft before saying, "I... I dunno, I didn't think I'd get this far..." His eyes flicked back to the slick member his hands had just laid on, and he jerked as if he had just realized he was still nude. "Sorry, I'll... I should throw on some clothes," Mike said, and he shifted on the mattress, setting his massive balls wobbling again. Joel suddenly had a very good idea of what he wanted to do next.

The scaled anthro pointed a tentative finger at his roommate's exposed member, and said, "Actually, do you... Do you mind if I...?" The unspoken question hung in the air for a moment before realization dawned on the big doberman's face.

"Oh. Oh!" Mike exclaimed, looking down at his shaft then back up at Joel. "I mean... Sure, I guess. I've just... never done this before, so..." The tall canine stretched his legs out on the bed, thick thighs pressing against the huge balls between them, and released his shaft from under his hands. It didn't move much, the sheer weight of that pillar of meat keeping it firmly planted against the canine's torso, but Joel saw it throb subtly once Mike settled himself.

Stepping closer to the muscled canine, Joel's hands felt like they were magnetized as they reached for the pink shaft emerging from his roommate's hips. His smooth, scaled fingers touched the warm flesh, and he heard his friend inhale sharply. Slowly sliding his digits up the massive member, exploring the fluid-slick skin and the bumpy veins running across it, he gripped the cock as best he could - his fingers were nowhere near long enough to reach around the whole thing - and gently pulled it upwards.

It took more force to move than the serpent was expecting. The huge shaft was heavier than it looked, and he had to adjust his grip as he heaved it to point at the ceiling. Joel stared up at the tower of cock-flesh in front of him, rising to just above his head from where he stood, in awe at the display of masculinity from the shy doberman. His tongue flicked out to taste the air, and the musky smell of the canine's member flooded his senses. The scaled anthro brought his head closer to take in more of that wonderful flavor, and before he knew it, his thin tongue was dragging along Mike's cock, sending small explosions of sensations through his brain as he tasted the mix of canine cum and saliva that coated much of the shaft. His smooth hands ran along the doberman's member is tandem, drawing an occasional gasp or twitch from the big canine, and Joel saw him start to clutch at the sheets beneath him.

Joel kissed, suckled, licked, and caressed the towering shaft before him, practically worshiping the huge cock with a single-minded devotion. This was everything he'd hoped for, and more; he briefly considered he might be dreaming, but it all felt too real, too good. He felt hot all over - particularly around his groin - and he panted softly whenever his mouth wasn't latched on to the slick member. Drawing his long tail up beside him, he snaked the tip up and around the massive cock in his hands, encircling it once, then sliding the thick appendage higher to surround it a second time. The serpent's smooth, pale scales rubbed along the big doberman's flesh, and a moan escaped Mike's lips when Joel's thick tail began to gently squeeze the huge shaft. Pulling his hands away, leaving the undulating tail to hold the canine's member upright, the scaled anthro tore off his shirt to expose a smoothly scaled torso, forgetting the garment as soon as he tossed it aside. The snake's fingers and maw immediately latched back on to his roommate's oversized cock, caressing and mouthing the warm skin, his long tail still kneading and squeezing along Mike's length.

As nice as this was, Joel knew he wanted more, and he had no desire to keep waiting for it. Pulling his head back and slowing his hands and tail - but never completely stopping their motions - he spoke in a breathy voice. "Hey, sit up for a second, I want to try something." The muscled doberman quickly sat forward, seemingly just as eager as Joel, and his shaft fell forward towards the scaled anthro. Joel had to take a hasty step back to stay out of the way of the looming member, which was now jutting out almost level with the floor, bobbing in space in time with the canine's heartbeat. The snake felt his friend's shaft pulsing in his tail's soft grip, and reluctantly let the appendage uncurl and slide away; he didn't want it to be in the way for what he had planned.

The serpent leaned down to bring his face level with the smooth, round head of that massive cock, and swallowed with a sudden feeling of trepidation. He was a snake, he should be able to do this, but he'd never actually tried it before. Sure, his ancient ancestors had swallowed large prey whole out of necessity, and it's not like that evolutionary ability had gone anywhere since then, but nobody really did that anymore. Joel took a few deep breaths, trying to psyche himself up - with limited success - and stretched his jaws wide.

Mike apparently had figured out where Joel was going with this, and the serpent saw his roommate's eyes go wide. "Woah, I think I'm too big for that, maybe we should -" Joel cut him off with a single raised finger, and he planted his scaled lips on the doberman's round tip. He shifted forwards slowly, spreading his maw wider, jaws straining to open further and further, until with a soft popping sound, the massive head of the doberman's cock lodged itself in the snake's muzzle.

Joel paused for a moment, and focused on breathing steadily through his nose. He could hear Mike panting a bit louder now, the big canine clutching the sheets again as he gazed down at the serpent trying to swallow his dick. Joel's jaw didn't hurt exactly, it more felt like he was getting a really, really deep stretch out of some under-used muscles. In the few short moments that had passed since his maw had been widened, it already felt easier, and he pushed forward with renewed confidence.

The snake slowly moved his head further down that thick shaft, hands reaching out to brace against his friend's knees, and he felt his throat open after some light pressure. He knew he didn't have to hold his breath as long as he breathed through his nose, but it was still a strange feeling to inhale around something that was now solidly lodged in his neck. He reached one hand up to his bulging throat to feel the stiff member inside, and instinctively swallowed at the sensation of his fingers pressing into the taut neck scales. The convulsions rippled through his throat and along the huge shaft to draw a surprised grunt from the canine above him. Joel grinned - well, he would have, if he could - as an idea formed in his head, and he brought his hand back down to grip the canine's knees tighter.

The serpent pulled himself forward, swallowing to help take in a few inches at a time, and worked his way closer to the big doberman's hips. His throat muscles undulated around that massive shaft, coaxing it down past his neck, deeper by the moment, and his own crotch throbbed as the snake grew hard inside his slit, threatening to spill out against his clothes. Joel's view of his roommate squirming above him, biting his lip in a failed attempt to suppress a moan and hands grasping at the bed sheets, was just the icing on the cake. He's never felt so turned on in his life, and he wasn't even halfway down that beautiful cock.

As Joel felt that huge cock head press deeper down his neck, starting to invade his chest, he had to suppress a momentary flash of panic at the strange feeling of his organs being compressed around the firm rod. It wasn't particularly uncomfortable, but the sensation still felt entirely alien to him, and he had to remind himself that his species had evolved for millions of years to do this exact thing. It helped a bit, but his heart still fluttered slightly - though he wasn't sure if that was from trepidation, or the intense arousal that washed through him at the thought of taking more of this monster cock. The serpent began to inch forward again, and was surprised to find when he worked his throat to swallow the shaft deeper, the motions instinctively ran through his gullet all the way down to the round tip in his torso. The tall canine above him gasped, and Joel froze when he felt a pair of huge paws rest on his head.

"Sorry," Mike panted, "Keep... Keep doing whatever's comfortable, you just feel amazing..." Joel glanced up to see his roommate breathing hard, tongue lolling. He hadn't started pulling or anything, just merely laid his hands on the snake, but the big canine's wide hands resting on Joel was sending his mind into a downward spiral of arousal. A small part of him hoped Mike would actually start yanking him down that huge cock. The serpent's slit began to open at the thought, unable to hold back his arousal any more, and he felt his pants growing tight against him.

The scaled anthro had to steady his suddenly wobbly legs before he could continue pulling himself onward, determined to finish what he started - and highly motivated by how amazing it felt to encompass more and more of that massive shaft. He felt the canine's member throb deep inside him, and the movement caused his entire torso to lurch along with it, much to the serpent's surprised pleasure. Joel's tongue worked furiously along the underside of the doberman's cock, flicking over the distended tube running the length of the shaft, filling his brain with the heady taste of arousal and slightly-salty cum.

Joel could feel the huge cock working its way deeper inside him as he pulled himself towards his roommate, taking in several inches at a time now with each swallowing motion. He pulled a hand from Mike's leg to rest against his abdomen, and a shudder ran through him when he realized he could easily feel the massive member distending his smooth stomach. The serpent groped at the muted shape of the cock head through his scales as he drew it in deeper, and the big doberman gasped and pressed his hands a bit harder against Joel's head in response, his huge shaft throbbing again to send pulses of its own through the scaled anthro's body.

The rounded tip bulging from Joel's abdomen began to lose definition as he worked to move it deeper, until a single, impossibly thick protrusion ran from the serpent's gaping jaws all the way down to his hips. Well, impossibly thick for anyone but a snake. Joel wasn't sure how much more room he had left in him - his legs had lost most of their strength six inches ago, and now he was mostly being held up by the doberman's throbbing member, but he was so close. His roommate's massive balls were right there, just inches away, and the front of the snake's pants were growing increasingly damp at the thought of being able to take this absurdly huge cock all the way to the base.

Clasping his hands on either side of the big doberman's waist, Joel made one final effort, swallowing frantically to pull that massive shaft as deep as it would go. He felt so full, muscles straining to drive his snout against that big hunk's sheath - then all of a sudden, he was there. His nose pressed into the doberman's short fur, and Joel held himself there, his long forked tongue slithering frantically along the smooth shaft and slipping out to touch upon the massive balls under his chin. The sensation of fullness was almost overwhelming, with the huge member stretching him further and deeper than he would've ever thought possible. While he could only hold himself tight against his roommate for a few moments, it felt like an eternity of bliss before the serpent collapsed in a heap, his relaxing muscles sliding him a few inches back from the canine. Well, he would've collapsed into a heap, but the huge cock speared into him easily held him up.

Mike was panting hard above him, and was still trying to gulp down breaths of air as he spoke. "Holy shit, hah, I can't believe you just did that, hah... How did you even do that, hah... This feels, hah, incredible..." The big doberman was still throbbing inside Joel, and the snake hummed in satisfaction, drawing an equally satisfying groan from his roommate as his torso vibrated around that massive shaft.

The two sat there for a few long moments, each catching their breath, but Joel was far from finished with the tall canine. The scaled anthro fumbled to bring his feet under him and plant his palms on his roommate's thickly muscled thighs, before slowly pushing himself back, sliding several inches of wet cock flesh out of his maw.

It felt just as strange as Mike's cock moved in the opposite direction inside him, but the serpent figured he was going to have to get used to it pretty quick. Joel paused, then reversed course to drag himself forward again, sliding to a halt before he reached the point of having to excessively strain - he'd gotten to the end goal once already, his ego could survive staying back here for a bit. The serpent began to slide himself forwards and backwards, and the big doberman's hands on his head tensed as Mike writhed above him, soft moans and muffled groans being pulled from his lips as Joel's torso undulated around his massive cock. The feeling of that firm pillar of flesh running deep inside him was indescribable - the scaled anthro felt the heat already blazing in his crotch grow as he leaked pre-cum into his pants, straining against the clothes constricting him, the gyrations of his body creating some very pleasurable friction between his hardness and his clothes.

As much as Joel yearned to keep sliding along his roommate's huge shaft, his legs were growing weak again, and he struggled to push and pull his body against the big doberman. When Mike's hands tensed and clutched at his head for a moment - apparently the serpent had hit a sensitive spot - it made Joel's arousal throb violently as another wave of arousal crashed into him. Throwing caution to the wind, he decided he was going to need to make the canine help him out a bit. Releasing his hold on his roommate's thighs to grip those big, strong paws, the snake lifted his canine's hands from his head and planted them firmly on either side of his torso. They reached shockingly far around him, Joel noticed with a small shudder of anticipation. He flicked his gaze up to meet his roommate's own slightly-glazed eyes, and pressed the big doberman's hands forwards, then backwards, hoping Mike would get the message.

Fortunately, his roommate seemed to understand. "You... Oh, you sure?" Joel thumped the tip of his long tail once against the ground, willing the shy canine to put those wonderfully strong muscles to good use. Mike took a deep breath. "Okay, just... tap me or something if I should stop." The serpent had no intention of even letting the big doberman slow down, let alone stop, but he gave his friend a reassuring thumbs-up anyways.

The hands wrapped around his torso gripped him a bit tighter, sending tingles down Joel's spine, and the canine towering above him began to push. The scaled anthro felt himself slide backwards, that absurdly large cock dragging through his body, making his toes curl under him and his knees go weak. When nearly half of the slick shaft was exposed to the air, the smooth head still buried deep in Joel's chest, Mike adjusted his grip and started to pull. The serpent's legs failed him again, turning to jelly as he felt those furred hands grasping at him, driving the massive cock deeper and deeper, but the big doberman barely seemed to notice the sudden lack of support as his shaft took more of the scaled anthro's weight. Mike's strong arms flexed as he dragged the snake closer, his loud panting interrupted by groans and growls that made Joel's shallower breaths quicken in excitement. The canine pulled him closer, closer, until they reached the point where they'd started, and his friend began to push him again.

The tall doberman slid the nearly-limp serpent back and forth along his huge member, steadily increasing his pace, large hands gripping the scaled anthro's smooth sides. Joel twitched and spasmed, neck and torso pressing in around the massive pillar inside him, his own arousal incessantly leaking pre beneath him. He reached his hands up to clutch at his distended abdomen, groping at the bulge as it traveled up and down his body, drawing a new series of gasps from his roommate as fingers pressed in against the already tightly-wrapped shaft. The serpent felt like his brain was melting, eyes barely able to focus as he was manhandled by the huge doberman. It was all he could to to keep his breath coming steadily through his nose and his hands working along his bulging stomach, while the doberman moved him faster and faster, large muscles flexing beneath sleek fur with each push and pull.

Joel's awareness had shrunk down to little more than the feeling of his friend's massive cock sliding through his insides. The taste of the doberman's fluids had faded from the now saliva-slicked shaft, only to be replaced with the flavor of arousal that lay heavy in the air, and the snake's narrow tongue flickered out at every opportunity to drink in more of the scent. His eyes rolled in his head when a particularly forceful jerk brought his lips close to the canine's huge balls, and a surprisingly large spurt of pre-cum was forced from his throbbing arousal, still trapped against his too-tight pants. It almost felt like it had been squeezed out of the serpent, and a shudder passed through him at the thought of his prostate being compressed from the wrong end.

Mike seemed to be just as aroused as the snake below him, his muscular arms dragging Joel back and forth faster and faster. Wet slurping sounds filled the air, strikingly similar to what the scaled anthro had heard when he walked in earlier, and Joel began to groan himself at the increased pace. He felt like his mind was being clouded in a haze of arousal, the feeling of being man-handled by his roommate setting his hardness twitching against his clothes with each yank from those strong paws, and the noises coming from his taxed nostrils seemed to encourage on the tall canine. His hands gripped tighter to push and pull the serpent harder, and Joel had the mental image of his friend doing something similar with an oversized fleshlight. It sent another shudder down his spine, and a spurt of pre into his pants.

Just when the serpent was considering if he would have to start tapping at the canine to slow down after all, his friend let out a loud grunt, and dragged the scaled anthro close. Joel felt his roommate's hands tighten around him, and his breath hitched with the realization of what was coming. His groin throbbed in time with the big doberman's jerking shaft, the huge pillar of meat twitching violently as a deluge of fluid began to spray deep inside the serpent.

The sensation of the thick fluid gushing into him drew a hummed moan from the snake, his chest and throat vibrating around his friend's throbbing member. The canine looming above him squirmed and moaned as his cock unloaded wave after wave of cum into Joel's belly, and the scaled anthro's hands felt the sharp curves distending his abdomen start to lose definition. His roommate had to be rapidly outpacing the amount of cum that had filled the condoms lying just out of sight on the mattress, but Joel wasn't about to complain. Just about all he could do at the moment was moan around that massive pillar and work his hands along the now slightly-enlarged bulge beneath him, while struggling to keep from blowing his own load inside his jeans. The torrent of fluid gushing into him felt so hot inside him, and his scaled fingers danced along the thick bulge of that huge shaft, attempting to draw out more of the dense liquid. Joel shivered and twitched with each throb of his roommate's cock, feeling his insides becoming mired in the evidence of his friend's arousal, just as his pants became similarly mired in the pre-cum that leaked and spurted from his own throbbing hardness.

The thick blasts of cum filling the snake soon began to falter, growing slower as the big doberman's hands gradually relaxed their grip around Joel, until they finally came to a stop. Joel almost didn't notice - his mind was still spinning, focused on the feeling of the warm, almost hot, fluid now filling him. The pair of them breathed hard, trying to catch their breath, and the bellows that were Mike's lungs allowed him to recover ahead of Joel's quick, shallow breaths. "That... was amazing," the canine panted, his voice steering Joel's attention back to the present, and the serpent looked up to see the canine gazing down at him. A concerned look crossed his furred face. "Do you... Do you want me to pull you off?" he asked, hands shifting on either side of the scaled anthro.

In no position to respond verbally, Joel had to take a moment for his arousal-fogged mind to process what his friend had said, then another moment to contemplate if he ever wanted to let go of this wonderful cock. With some regret, he weakly lifted a hand to give his roommate another thumbs-up, before letting it drop back beneath him. The doberman sat forward slightly, and pressed his fingers into the serpent's sides; he did so much more gently this time, but it still sent a small shiver through Joel's long spine. With a soft push from the canine, the snake began to slide backwards, arms dangling limply below him as his legs made a half-hearted attempt to begin supporting his weight. More and more of that huge, pink shaft emerged from Joel's maw, and with it came the strong taste of the big doberman's cum. The heady flavor drew a happy hum from the serpent, and he flicked his forked tongue out to swipe across the receding member, trying to catch as much of it as he could before each section of shaft was dragged beyond his reach.

Mike grunted at the serpent's ministrations, but in spite of his apparent sensitivity, continued to steadily push Joel away from his hips. The scaled anthro felt the bulge running up his torso recede, pulling further through his chest and into his throat, until the huge cock head emerged from his maw with a wet slurping sound. His tongue flickered in and out from between his lips as he slumped back to sit on his haunches, the slim appendage eagerly reaching for the member that was no longer there.

Able to breathe deeply again, Joel gulped in a few lungfuls of air, and tried to focus his bleary eyes. The pink blob swaying in front of him resolved into his roommate's massive member, and he blinked in surprise. Had he really just taken that whole thing? He closed his eyes and took a few more breaths, trying to clear the bleariness from his mind as well as his vision.

"Oh... sorry..." The snake's eyes cracked open at his roommate's words, and he glanced up to see the tall doberman gazing down at him, leaning to one side in order to see past his wide shaft. Following his friend's gaze, Joel looked down to see he had acquired a noticeable paunch to his stomach. Lifting a hand to rest on his gut, he shivered at how warm it felt inside him - it was like it was heating his whole body, but maybe that was more due to his arousal than the mass of cum. His pants still strained against his own hardness, the front of them fully soaked through with pre-cum.

Joel ran his hand over the small bulge in wonder, and found he had to cough several times to clear his throat of a mix of warm, sticky fluids before he could get a response out. "No worries man... This is kinda hot, actually..." His hardness throbbed, aching for release, but his attention was drawn back up as the big doberman shifted suddenly on the mattress.

The canine had scooted forward while leaning back on one arm, and Joel watched in a near-trance as his roommate cupped his massive balls in a large paw and tugged at them, pulling them up and away from his rear to expose a ring of dark flesh. His huge cock rose up with the movement of his hips, before flopping down against his strong chest with a wet-sounding slap. "I... I dunno if you finished or anything yet, but if not..." Mike's tone sounded a bit too casual, and the scaled anthro could see his small nub of a tail beneath him flicking back and forth furiously. A smile split the serpent's lips - the big doberman wasn't fooling anyone.

"I mean, I'm not gonna turn an offer like that down," Joel said with a laugh. Suddenly very motivated, the scaled anthro planted his hands on the floor and made an attempt to stand. His legs wobbled, and his knees felt like they were going to give out from under him, but the serpent successfully tottered to his feet and began to fumble at the clasps on his pants. The latch holding the fabric around his thick tail was always difficult to undo behind his back, and his fingers still felt a bit weak. With a triumphant hiss, he pushed the garments to the floor, exposing his crotch, and he grinned again at Mike's surprised gasp.

The tall canine stared for a moment before speaking, eyes flicking left and right. "Woah... I didn't think... Wow..." His tail had stopped wagging for a moment, but now it picked up even faster than before. Joel tried to keep his ego from inflating like a balloon as he stepped out of the pants resting around his ankles, and wrapped one hand around each of the shafts jutting from his hips.

Each of the serpent's pink members was a bit shorter than their owner's forearm, appearing quite large on his shorter frame - maybe a bit less so if the large tail draped along the ground behind him was taken into account. While two of his hands together would've been able to easily wrap around either of his shafts, one hand alone was only just barely able to encircle each member. As big as the twin cocks were, they couldn't hold a candle to the doberman's leg-sized pillar of meat, but Joel didn't really care at the moment. He was too busy gazing at his roommate's muscular form, idly stroking his shafts as he drank in the sight of those massive balls being held up by the canine and the huge, glistening shaft draped over his chest.

The scaled anthro couldn't wait any longer. With a deep breath, he stepped forward - putting a bit more sway into his hips than was strictly necessary - and sauntered towards his friend. Resting his shafts against the canine's oversized balls, he slowly rocked his hips forwards and backwards, rubbing the smooth skin of his twin cocks against the short fur of those massive orbs. The valley that formed between those titanic balls made a groove that fit the serpent's members snugly, and Joel took his hands from his shafts to gently grab hold of the pair of seed-heavy tanks. He pressed against them, scaled fingers dimpling the taut chocolate-brown fur, marveling at the firmness and weight of each gigantic orb. Glancing first at the handful of balloon-like condoms scattered on the mattress, each filled to bursting with the big doberman's thick seed, then down at his similarly-filled paunch, Joel had no doubts about how much more he'd be able to pull from the canine. His long tongue flickered out to swipe across his lips, the taste of the doberman's fluids thick on his taste buds.

The snake's slow grinding between the canine's oversized orbs drew a low rumble from somewhere deep in Mike's throat. The big doberman began to squirm slightly, his breathing growing a bit louder, and his massive shaft visibly throbbed. Apparently this was the right spot, Joel thought as he pressed his twin cocks a bit harder against his friend's huge balls, a smile splitting his scaled lips when he got another moan out of his roommate. The serpent's rocking motions rhythmically pressed his hips against the canine's, bumping into those massive orbs and pressing them further around his pair of leaking shafts. The pre-cum still dripping from Joel's twin members made the valley between his friend's balls become slicker with each thrust, and the scaled anthro pressed his fingers against the cum-filled orbs to push them against his cocks. Mike slumped backwards onto the mattress, bringing his free hand up to grasp at his huge shaft, stroking its full length where it lay on his chest - his breathing had turned more to panting, and his eyes were glued to the sight of the snake's members sliding against his sack.

Joel's initially slow thrusting had increased in pace slightly, twin cocks sliding against his friend's massive sack, and the tall canine's hand released his balls to allow them to settle against the mattress beneath him, bringing both paws up to clutch at his huge shaft. Mike's fingers slid up and down along his member, fingers squeezing into the still-firm flesh, clearly enjoying Joel's ministrations, and the serpent in front of him dragged his shafts against the canine's massive balls again and again. Joel's hands kneaded and pressed against the orbs, shifting them back and forth, the groove between them deepening with each thrust of his pre-slicked cocks. The snake's members throbbed against his friend, leaking more and more pre-cum in small spurts of pleasure, but he reluctantly pulled back to leave both him and his roommate panting again. He wasn't going to let himself get distracted from their true objective tonight.

Sliding his hands underneath those huge, warm orbs, Joel pulled his friend's balls up, with some difficulty - they felt impossibly dense. Impatiently shuffling forwards, the serpent lined up one of his thick shafts underneath the tall doberman's balls, and shifted his hips forwards until the tip of his cock touched on the canine's smooth entrance. Mike's breath hitched, and the scaled anthro's eyes were drawn to his friend's face. It looked like the big doberman was just as eager as him, lust filling those big brown eyes, hands still clutching that massive member tight against his chest.

The snake pulled his eyes back down to his twin shafts, one disappearing beneath those massive balls while the other slid back into the groove between them, and gently pushed his hips forward. His cock-head, slick with copious amounts of pre-cum, pressed against the canine's entrance for only a moment before slipping inside. The sensation of the tall doberman's rear surrounding one of his heads, the warm flesh surprisingly tight against him, pulled a gasp from the serpent, but he didn't slow his press forwards. His thick shaft slid deeper into his roommate, the warmth surrounding his length turning into heat, and his second shaft slid along the pre-slicked valley between the canine's oversized balls. Mike's breathing sounded loud in Joel's ears, and the scaled anthro's eyes drank in the sight of his friend's furred hands stroking steadily along his own shaft, the huge pillar flexing occasionally as it throbbed in his grip.

Joel continued his steady slide forwards, pushing hips his closer to his roommate's much wider waist. The warm flesh surrounding one of his cocks pulsed and flexed, the doberman's strong muscles squeezing around every inch that entered him, and the serpent's second cock pressed harder against those massive balls as he sank deeper into his friend. The snake had to lift the oversized orbs higher as his hips closed in on the canine's, pushing them forwards until his crotch finally pressed against Mike's rear. The big doberman's firm thighs felt like they'd molded around Joel's waist, and he let out a soft hiss when his roommate clenched around the full length of one of his shafts.

Shifting his grip on those huge, heavy balls, the serpent moved his hands to rest on either side of them. He glanced at his friend's face, but the canine's eyes looked unfocused, his breath coming in short pants as his hands continued stroking along his massive shaft. Joel guessed that was as good of a "go ahead" as he would get, and he wasn't sure he could've stopped at this point anyways. The scaled anthro's fingers dimpled the soft fur of the canine's oversized orbs, the feeling of their absurd heft sending a shiver through him, and he began to slowly rock his hips.

Mike gasped at the new movements, his muscular body squeezing down hard around the serpent's shaft, but the lubricating pre-cum still leaking from both of his cocks allowed Joel to keep up a steady pace. Slick, clear fluid dripped down onto the canine's balls from the thick shaft nestled between them, and the snake pressed his hands closer, pushing the huge balls together against his exposed member to create a warm tunnel between the orbs. The sensation of one cock dragging through his friend's tight rear and the other sliding between a pair of massive balls made Joel quiver - it was like an electric shock had run through his body, tensing his muscles as he drove himself forwards and backwards faster against his roommate.

The scaled anthro's movements became more discordant as he fought against his approaching orgasm. Joel had been close to blowing even before he'd even removed all of his clothes, and holding it back filled him with a mix of agony and ecstasy. Gulping down deep breaths of air, he struggled to ignore the feeling of the canine's muscled rear clenching at his shaft, the slick tunnel drawing him deeper, coaxing small spurts of pre from his tip, practically milking him to orgasm. The slick tunnel formed between his roommate's huge, firm balls teased his other shaft, growing slicker by the moment as his twitching cock leaked clear pre-cum between them. Joel could practically feel the oversized pair roiling around his cock with unspent seed, but he was pretty sure that was his over-stimulated brain imagining things. Probably.

The snake's eyes focused on his roommate's upper body in an attempt to draw his attention away from the wonderful sensations below, but he realized his mistake as soon as he made it. The tall doberman before him seemed to be lost in his own pleasure, large hands jerking along his massive shaft, clear fluid leaking and spurting from the rounded tip over his shoulder with each push and pull of his paws. The muscles along his strong arms flexed and bulged with his movements, as did his large pecs and well-defined abdominal muscles. Joel tried not to think about those clear-cut abs rippling around the shaft buried beneath them right at that moment, but all he accomplished was releasing a particularly large spray of pre-cum both inside and outside the canine as his cocks throbbed in unison.

Joel's eyes drank in as much of his roommate's large, powerful body as he could at once, squirming and shifting in front of him as his friend hugged and squeezed at the massive pillar laying across his chest. Flashes of memories ran through Joel's mind, images of the tall doberman masturbating in his bed, blowing his load into a too-small condom, driving his own shaft deep into his muzzle...

The scaled anthro's twin members throbbed violently, another spurt of pre-cum leaking from the twitching shafts, and he mashed his hips against the canine's. Holding them there, he leaned forward, letting Mike's huge balls slump against his scaled abdomen to squish pleasurably around the small cum-filled bulge that still distended his belly. He had to curl his body slightly over those massive orbs to reach his roommate's member, scaled fingers clutching at the huge shaft, struggling to find purchase against the fluid-slick skin. The doberman's eyes flickered and focused on Joel, but his hands never stopped their sliding and caressing as they moved along his shaft.

"Hey... Remember what I walked in on you doing earlier?" Joel panted, breath feeling hot in his throat, tongue flicking out to taste at his friend's huge member now that it was so close to him. He tried to shift the massive thing, fingers pulling against the firm flesh, but he had no chance of moving the heavy shaft from his hunched position.

He didn't need to try for long, though. The big doberman's maw split into a grin, and without saying a word, heaved the oversized cock up above him, then slowly brought it back down. Mike's muzzle opened around the rounded tip, seeming to barely fit in his mouth, but his roommate drove the shaft deeper and deeper with each passing moment. Joel was frozen in awe, watching that massive cock slide into his friend's maw, and he saw a long canine tongue peeking out from one edge of the shaft to drag along the already-wet skin as it was pulled deeper.

As several inches of cock-flesh were buried in the tall doberman's muzzle, Joel glanced up to see his roommate gazing at him. Those big, brown eyes were filled with lust, and the snake's twin cocks throbbed. He was sure his own eyes looked the same - he'd never felt so hot before, it was like a fire raged in his groin, his internal testes straining for release. He leaned back to grasp at his friend's massive balls again, pressing them back around his exposed shaft, and returned to thrusting his hips with gusto. Both of his members twitched and spurted pre-cum as they were assaulted by the canine's clenching rear and cum-filled orbs, and Joel felt his legs wobble slightly while his brain tried to process the intense pleasure coursing through what felt like his whole body. Mike had started moaning around his cock at the scaled anthro's increased pace, and the snake heard grunts and hisses coming from his own maw as his hips moved with a mind of their own.

Mike's wide paws still stroked along his exposed shaft, but more and more of it was being hidden as the tall doberman hunched his body forward further with each thrust of the serpent's hips. Joel could feel his cock being squeezed harder and harder inside his friend, firm muscles rippling along the shaft as his roommate's strong abs strained to pull the doberman further along his own massive member. The scaled anthro's eyes were glued to the sight of that cock sliding deeper into his friend's maw, a wide canine tongue sticking out to slide across more of the flesh, and he could see the doberman's throat beginning to bulge as the rounded tip was pulled deeper and deeper.

With a mix between a groan and a hiss, Joel felt his body shudder violently, and his cocks spasmed with need. He couldn't even get a word of warning out between clenched teeth before an orgasm crashed through him. The serpent's twin cocks began to spray out waves of seed, one spurting deep inside his roommate, while the other shot thick ropes of cum across his roommate's massive balls, some leaping up and over the orbs to splatter against the canine's shaft and abdomen.

The big doberman before him moaned as the snake came, and with one final crunch of his strong abs, drove his shaft even further down his throat. Half of his long, thick member was lodged in his muzzle, and Joel gasped as his still-spraying cock, sliding between a pair of oversized balls, was squeezed tighter. The canine's huge orbs clenched and lurched against the serpent's shaft as Mike came down his own throat, and from so close, Joel could see the thick tube running the length of the doberman's massive shaft inflate with seed. The scaled anthro knew that thick cum was shooting down his friend's throat, filling him like he'd filled Joel, and the serpent let out another hiss while his twin cocks let out a particularly large spurt of their own cum.

Joel could feel his roommate's balls twitching and pulsing around his shaft while they released their massive load down his friend's throat. Scaled hips still thrusting against the big canine, his own orgasm went on and on, lasting longer than any orgasm the near-delirious serpent had experienced before. The muscles rippling around one shaft and the massive balls clenching around the other kept up even as Joel's twin cocks began to lose steam, spurts of cum growing weaker and weaker, until only a slow dribble of fluid leaked from their tips. The snake slowed his hips, deep breaths hissing through his teeth at the new-found sensitivity, but didn't they come to a complete stop - the big doberman before him was still cumming, and Joel wanted to make it last.

Mike didn't even need to work his throat to swallow the pulses of cum that visibly raced through his shaft, given how deep the massive tip reached, but Joel could see the doberman's neck clenching and squeezing around his shaft regardless. The canine's huge balls danced and quivered under the serpent's fingers, and Joel began to gently push against them, squishing and rolling the oversized orbs under his palms, drawing a louder moan from the doberman. Mike's hips bucked slightly, striving to push that huge cock deeper into his muzzle, and the scaled anthro gasped at the sudden movement along his twin shafts. The serpent kept fondling his friend's clenching, jerking balls as the big doberman's orgasm raged on, seeming like it would never stop. Joel half-hoped it wouldn't.

Much to the serpent's disappointment, his roommate's orgasm soon began to wind down, the canine's twitching balls and tensing muscles relaxing to their regular firmness. With a long, drawn-out slurping sound, the tall doberman pulled his cock from his muzzle, torso flopping back against the mattress while the huge shaft flopped wetly against his heaving chest. Mike's breath came in ragged gasps, and Joel's own breathing was still recovering from his exertions. The snake took one more deep breath before pulling his hands from those massive balls, letting them slump against his abdomen, and braced his scaled hands on the thick, furred thighs on either side of him. The scaled anthro slowly pushed himself back, one shaft twitching at the stimulation as it felt like his roommate's tight rear tried to hold him in. He shivered slightly when those massive balls slipped lower to drag along the top of his fluid-slick member, before he finally pulled it free from the warm tunnel.

After taking a deep breath, Joel took a few wobbly steps around Mike's leg to crawl onto the soft mattress beside the big doberman, his thick tail dragging behind the serpent on his way up. Joel spread himself on the bed sheets, not caring that his slick shafts smeared a mix of pre-cum and cum on the fabric, and gazed at the hunky canine's form beside him. Mike tilted his head to stare back at the snake, both of them still panting softly.

"I... Wow... Just wow..." the tall canine breathed, warm breath blowing past Joel's face. The serpent's entire body tingled, all the way down his long tail, and he wasn't sure his addled brain would be able to form a coherent sentence at the moment. Fortunately, he didn't have to quite yet, as his roommate spoke again. "So... Are we, like, a thing? 'Cause I... I really want to do that again." Joel felt his eyes go wide. Now? Was he serious? The scaled anthro felt like he could barely move, what was this canine made of? Mike must have seen his worried look, and his furred ears tilted back towards his head. "I... I mean, we don't have to... I just thought, like, in the future, maybe..." The big doberman trailed off, eyeing the serpent with a worried look of his own on his face.

Joel's expression relaxed, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thanks gods," he muttered, "I thought you meant right this minute. I don't think I can feel my legs." The snake heaved one arm up and over his roommate's large chest, forearm squishing against the huge cock still draped atop it, and dragged himself closer to press his body against the tall canine's muscled form, half-burying his face in his friend's fur. The smell of the doberman's exertions mixed with the heady flavor of cum in the air, sending a small shiver through the serpent. "If you think I'm letting you get away from me, I got news for you, pal." He slid his long tail closer, wrapping the end loosely around his roommate's thick calf where it hung off the side of the bed. "We snakes are very good at hanging on to things we like."

He felt Mike's muscles relax, and his friend let out a relieved-sounding laugh. "Sorry, yeah, not like right now..." In spite of the canine's words, Joel felt his friend's thick shaft flex slightly under his arm. He was insatiable, the serpent thought to himself, slightly in awe - and a little turned on. Okay, more than a little turned on, but he could still barely move, in spite of how much he may have wanted to keep going. His exhausted body was getting the better of him, and a yawn forced his slightly-sore jaws wide, a shudder running along his long body with it.

"Also," the snake quipped as a thought came back to him, "I still want my shirt back." His roommate froze, and Joel poked him in one well-defined abdominal muscle with a finger, giggling when the big doberman jerked slightly at his touch. The serpent poked at a few more abs, laughter bubbling from his apparently ticklish roommate, and the canine attempted to fend off his nimble fingers with an oversized paw. Joel relented, and the pair's giggles faded to satisfied sighs.

The two of them laid there for a few long moments, the scaled anthro simply enjoying the feeling of his friend's short fur against his scales. The big doberman shifted, pulling in one strong paw to wrap around the serpent's torso, the other shifting atop his chest to engulf the scaled hand that lay resting on the canine's gradually softening cock. Joel certainly had no idea how his own hand had ended up there. His mind danced with images of his friend's wondrous body and lovable face as his eyes drifted shut, breath coming slower, and he soon fell into an exhausted - and deeply satisfied - slumber.