Ryu's Backstory

Story by Jess Rifter on SoFurry

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Transgenic, [5/26/2022 10:28 AM]

Ryu an anthro Typhlosion has been asked to act as a guide for a newcomer to their secluded islands and has really hit it off with Terrick the anthro Togekiss. He hopes their freindship will blossom into something more but before things can get too serious he has to tell him his unusual and controversial backstory. From idealistic pokemon rights campaigner to deluded Team Rocket commando and through a chance meeting with powers he could hardly have imagined his rebirth into his current anthro typhlosion form.

A very overdue gift for ViverViperi by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/transgenic

Well this may be a first for me, an actual story, with a plot and action scenes and character development and everything. And a load of sex scenes that end in popping. It is me after all. I'm very happy with how this one has worked out. An boy it's a big one.

it was my ideas and everything put together by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/transgenic to make this story. Please let him know what a wonderful job he did bringing it to life for me!

Ryu an anthro Typhlosion has been asked to act as a guide for a newcomer to their secluded islands and has really hit it off with Terrick the anthro Togekiss. He hopes their friendship will blossom into something more but before things can get too serious he has to tell him his unusual and controversial backstory. From idealistic pokemon rights campaigner to deluded Team Rocket commando and through a chance meeting with powers he could hardly have imagined his rebirth into his current anthro typhlosion form.

A very overdue gift for :iconjess_rifter: also nown as ViverViperi

Well this may be a first for me, an actual story, with a plot and action scenes and character development and everything. And a load of sex scenes that end in popping. It is me after all. I'm very happy with how this one has worked out. An boy it's a big one, unfortunately FA's text limit is sure to cut out half way through but if you like what you've read up to then make sure to download the full story.

Ryu's Backstory.

Ryu lifted the drinks from the bar and turned to face the large room filled with happy pokemorphs, he picked out Terrick sitting in a quiet alcove and headed towards him. He ran his eyes over the cute Togekiss's body and smiled, he was a real cutie and a total sweetheart, he felt so lucky to be assigned as his guide. "There you are." He said placing the drinks on the small table and slipping into the chair opposite. "So how are you finding the island." Ryu said. Terrick smiled nervously "It's great, I think I've seen every inch." he said. "Oh there's so much more to see. I think you'll love it here." Ryu replied. "Well you seem to love this place." Terrick said. "More than you could know." Ryu said smiling "So were you born here?" Terrick said, turning the conversation towards Ryu. "In a way, It's quite a story." Ryu said smiling. "Well you can't just say something like that and leave me hanging." Terrick said, leaning forwards. "It's quite a story, why don't you tell me a little about yourself first." Ryu said. "Well there's not much to tell, I was born and grew up just outside Eliria on Blazstone Island. A pretty standard childhood. I studded at the local college, culinary school was pretty fun, and it's gotten me a great job working for Seraph so it seemed to have been a good idea." He replied. "Really, well that explains why he asked me to show you around. What's he got you doing?" Ryu asked. "I'm here to look after his elderly furret, he's got fairly demanding dietary requirements. But it's a fairly easy job with a decent amount of free time. Once I've got enough money together I plan on starting a restaurant." He said. "I'll be sure to eat there a lot." Ryu said with a smile. "Heh thanks." Terrick Said. "So what about you?"

Ryu smiled and leaned in close. "Well I was born here, but first I was born in Kanto. I wasn't always the dashing young typhlosion you see before you. I was born a normal human child." Terrick's eyes went wide, realising Ryu was one or the rare and secretive Human pokemon hybrids. "I was always a bit of a loner just me and my pokemon. I would have done anything to help them, and well I fell in with the wrong crowd, I was an idealistic young kid so I believed their lies and everything just got out of hand." Ryu said remembering his time with Team Rocket, and his last mission for them.it would take some explaining but Terrick deserved to know before they got too close.


It had started fairly innocuously. He'd gotten back from his first trainer journey with his new team and was looking to earn some money before he set out to challenge the next gym. He'd spent a few days looking at his options then found what seemed like a perfect fit for him, a paid position at a smaller charity that set out to improve the welfare of working pokemon. It wasn't long before Ryu was promoted and making a decent amount for the position, mostly he was employed to visit businesses and industries that employed pokemon to make sure they were treated properly. He'd even earned a bonus when he managed to get a scrapyard shut down for their poor treatment of a charmeleon. After that his cute boss had invited him to attend meeting of a group that protested companies that were suspected of treating pokemon unfairly.

Only well after his new life had begun did he realise that both the charity and protest group were Team Rocket fronts that had been set up to slowly and carefully funnel idealistic young people into the lower ranks of the criminal organisation. When all you saw was the low level workings you could even believe their propaganda, Team Rocket said it wanted to protect pokemon and what better way to do that than taking all the pokemon for themselves. It wasn't long until Ryu was going on missions to 'liberate' pokemon for Team Rocket. The first mission he was sent on was an attack on a breeding centre that was rumoured to keep pokemon in terrible conditions. Ryu had managed to rescue six pokemon that night before the alarm was set off and they'd let him keep the Sentret, the first pokemon he'd saved. He had come back from that mission ready for more, the treatment of the pokemon there had not been an exaggeration and in the meeting after he'd said how he had wished they had stayed to show the owners a lesson. The mood had changed when he said that and after the meeting he'd been taken aside. Ryu had expected to be reprimanded but instead he'd been handed a small piece of paper with an address, and a date and time.

The address had led him to what looked like an abandoned office building but the door had opened as he approached and he'd been beckoned inside then quickly bundled into a shadowy meeting hall. "So this is the new candidate." A voice had said from the shadows. Ryu looked around making out the outline of several chairs, their occupants hidden in the gloom. He spun to face one as he heard the sound of pages being turned. "A promising candidate but I wonder if he has the will to live up to his words." The occupant said snapping a folder shut. Ryu wasn't going to be cowed by the secrecy and ran his fingers over the pokeballs on his belt reassured by the touch cool metal, if things went wrong here he was more than capable of dealing with them. The heft of the badge case in his inside pocket leaving him even more confident. A feminine voice behind him made him turn "His bond to his pokemon is unusually strong, and he seems to have no trouble training traded pokemon." It said and he could feel the owner's eyes on him. "A rather promising career as a trainer so far as well, all eight Kanto badges and three of the Johto badges." She added and Ryu couldn't help but smile, some of those battles had been tough but it was good to be recognized. Ryu chided himself, he wasn't here to show off he was here to help pokemon any way he could. "Perhaps, He will have to prove himself first of course." The first voice cut in. "You will face many challenges before we consider you worthy to be welcomed into our cell, are you willing to do what it takes to prove your worth to us." The voice added to Ryu and he nodded, "I will do whatever it takes to protect pokemon." Ryu said boldly "We will see if that confidence is warranted. Captain, show him to his new quarters." The voice said and a figure stepped from the shadows and lead him quickly from the room.

"You're playing a dangerous game. I hope you know what you're doing." The first voice said as the door slid into its padded frame. "We need more agents with actual skill for the grand tournament raid, cracking the vault will not be easy." The female voice replied. "Team Rocket has always held loyalty as its highest tradition." Another voice added. "Of late losing to children seems to have become a tradition, we need competent leaders." The woman shot back. "Let us hope your confidence in him is warranted." The first voice said as he leant back into the plush chair, the gloom hiding his vicious smile, if this raid failed his rival would be the one to take the blame and she had just gone and found the perfect scapegoat for his plans.

Ryu followed the captain into a sparsely decorated room, a heavy trunk stood at the end of a cheap metal bed. "I would get some sleep your first trial begins in nine hours." He said slipping out, Ryu spun as he heard the lock turn in the heavy door and sighed. It looked like they didn't trust him, he was stuck here until they decided to let him go. He flopped back onto the bed and tried to relax, soon drifting into a light sleep he was shaken awake and pulled upright. "Time to go." The captain said pulling him up and striding through the door, Ryu followed close behind as "So what am I doing?" Ryu said uncertainly. "There's a trainer in this area that is abusing a pokemon but we've been struggling to separate them, If you can rescue him that would count in your favour, managing it without resorting to using your pokemon would be a good start but if you have to battle don't hold back." The captain said. "What sort of pokemon are we talking about?" Ryu asked, wanting as much detail as possible. "Your target is a victreebel owned by the local ranger, he overworks his poor pokemon and keeps him in a pokeball when not working." "That might make the rescue a bit harder." Ryu said. "We've got a decent idea of when and where to find the victreebel out of its prison. From then on you're on your own." The captain said, handing Ryu a simple note, a time and date.

Ryu nodded and slipped the note into his pocket, "I'll have to get a few things from my house." He said. "Of course." The captain replied then suddenly blocked Ryu's path. "Do anything to betray us and we'll know." The captain said, stepping back to let Ryu leave the building. He rushed home to grab a few supplies, and to leaf through his pokemon guides, it took a few minutes to whip up a customised lure for a victreebel and he slipped it into his bag, along with a net and a few of his more expensive pokeballs. He had only a few minutes to spare and grabbed a sandwich as he headed to the park where he was supposed to make the rescue

A short while later Ryu arrived at the huge park, he took a quick look around but it was mostly deserted at this hour, that would make things easier. A few minutes later he found his quarry. The ranger was lazing on a park bench shouting orders at his victreebel, leaving it to complete the tasks the pair had been assigned with no help or supervision whatsoever. As much as the sight angered Ryu he knew it was just perfect for his plans. He stealthily skirted the clearing and waited for the victreebel to head towards him lugging a small sapling behind him. Ryu quickly unwrapped his homemade lure and tossed it deeper into the woods. The scent soon had the desired effect. Ryu stepped back as the victreebel approached, careful not to scare him off. He slowly moved in making soothing noises and reached out a hand, just as he hoped the victreebel let him stroke it's soft skin and pushed back, clearly it hadn't gotten much affection and it readily accepted Ryu. He reached slowly into his bag and pulled out a bottle of sugar water. The attention starved pokemon cooed happily as it drank the water. Ryu slid a pokeball out slowly, this was easier than he had expected.

Ryu reached out slowly to stroke along the pokemon's side, it flinched away at first but soon relaxed pushing back against his fingers as he gently stroked it. "How about you come along with me?" Ryu said softly to the victreebel and it nodded. Ryu raised the pokeball and tossed it gently towards the pokemon. Normally there were safeguards to prevent what he was trying to do, and an attentive trainer would easily block the theft. But the victreebel's cruel owner was nowhere to be seen and Ryu wasn't using any ordinary pokeball. With a flash the victreebel was caught and he quickly slipped the pokeball into his bag. Ryu tried to act calm as he walked away and was just able to keep himself from breaking into a run. Soon he was on the street and heading towards the meeting point. He reached the office building and strode towards the doors. They whisked open at his approach and he walked through confidently, the pokeball safe in his belt. He saw the captain from earlier approach and smiled at him. "That was quick, given up already?" He said but Ryu only smiled and pulled the pokeball out. "Not quite." Ryu said, flashing the pokeball. "Fair enough, hand it over." The captain replied but Ryu simply smiled. "Not until I know it's going to somewhere safe. No point in rescuing pokemon from cruel masters to put them in equally bad hands." Ryu said. The captain flushed crimson. "What are you implying?" He hissed furiously. "That will do." a soft voice said, the same one that had come to his aid in the earlier interview. The captain's furious expression vanished, replaced by one of utter servility. "Marm. Just collecting the pokemon." He said softly. "That won't be necessary." She said over and over "You may leave us." The captain flashed Ryu one last look full of hatred and turned away.

Ryu spun to face the woman. She was older than he had expected from her voice. Hints of white in her blond hair that was cropped short in a severe but fashionable style that matched her suit. Her eyes however were bright and determined. "Walk with me." She said turning with the absolute assurance he would follow. Ryu had to hurry to keep up with her fast confident, stride and took the opportunity to try and size her up. Her every movement exuded power and the hints of gold on the severe blouse hinted at wealth, quite unlike the nervous fanatics and vain, power hungry squabblers he had met thus far in his attempts to protect pokemon. "We were watching your progress this morning. A very successful mission, and your discretion was admirable. You are going to do very well here." She said, turning to face him suddenly. "I'm Aloe Maradine. Though it's probably best you stick to Commander for now. Perhaps later we can relax that a little." She said pushing a door open and stepping into a control room of sorts. "Normally a show like you gave us earlier would have resulted in a quick hiring but politics is getting in the way as always." She said walking towards a large screen. A few of the others in the room glance up but only when they knew she wasn't looking. "So you've got another mission, something harder. Pull it off and you'll silence the doubters. And at least this way I can justify you jumping the lower ranks." She said picking up a remote. A click and the screen jumped to life showing a blurry picture of a skarmory. "One of our other cells captured him a few days ago. Trust Trask's lot to mess it up. They let him break free during transport and now he's looking to try and dump the blame on us, using you." She said as Ryu studied the picture. It was a particularly large skarmory and the photographer hadn't wanted to risk getting in too close. "Capture him and you're in, fail and you might just end up mopping the floors here." She said, "I won't fail." Ryu said. "Confident I like that. You'll find him in the forests to the north of the city, there's a tracking beacon on his leg that'll help. Take what you need from here." She said. Ryu was about to turn away when he remembered the Victreebel. Commander Maradine smiled as he pulled the pokeball out. "Keep it, you may well need the help. This isn't likely to end without a battle." She replied, pushing it back into his hand.

Ryu walked to the station and slipped into a seat on the train, he checked through his supplies one last time, a wide selection of potions and salves for any eventuality,another custom lure and the strongest pokeball he could get his hands on, just in case. The tracker wouldn't work this far out so he left it for the moment, instead looking down at his pokewatch. He booted it up and switched to his own pokemon, smiling as he saw an option for his new victreebel, he looked over its moves and stats making sure he was familiar with everything he would need to know for the mission, already it was becoming fond of him. He pulled out his pokedex next and flipped it open, pulling up the Skarmory entry he read through it trying to fine tune his plans. Hopefully he could avoid a fight but if not it was best to know what he was getting into. If it did come to that it was likely to be a tough one, They were fast pokemon and could hit quite hard. He'd have to rely on Flamey His typhlosion. The type advantage would give him a real edge and fire moves would be his main avenue of attack. Of course until he laid eyes on his target he wouldn't know for sure what he was up against. Each pokemon was different after all

He arrived at a small station closest to the skarmory's last sighting and slipped off the train. He walked away from the small town and pulled out the tracker as soon as he was out of sight. He followed the blip into the hilly areas north of the town. Soon he was skirting a rocky cliff that stood over a small river. The skarmory was somewhere on the edge of the forest atop the cliff. He pulled out Flamey's pokeball and tossed it lightly onto the grass. With a whoosh his long time companion appeared, looking around confidently. "Alright Flamey, we're looking for a loose skarmory but not a fight just yet." Ryu said preferring to rely on his pokemon not Rocket's unreliable tracker. Flamey nodded and set off along the tail, nose low to the ground as he tracked their target. It didn't take long to find their prey, the trees had been shredded by the skarmory's sharp blade-like wings. It was a simple case of following the destruction through the undergrowth until he found a large thorn bush. The kind they liked to use as nests.

Ryu approached slowly, slipping a lure from his bag and pulling out a wide mix of pokeblocks. He motioned Flamey to stay back as something rustled in the undergrowth. The skarmory cooed as it stuck its head cautiously from the thorns. The long barbed grating on its metal wings. Ryu could see its tracking collar tight around its neck, a blinking LED flashing against its shiny body. Ryu moved closer as slowly as he could to keep it calm. With another soft coo it moved closer to him, stepping from the bush and snatching a berry block from his fingers. Ryu stepped back and offered another berry coaxing the skarmory from its hiding place. It reached out and snatched the berry from his hands and pulled back, but with the next treat it didn't retreat as far. He reached out gently stroking over the cool metal of the skarmory's neck and reached for the pokeball he'd been given. It pulled back slightly and he raised his hand to lightly stroke the nervous pokemon. But as he tried to sooth it the collar let out a loud beep. The skarmory lurched trying to peck and claw at the collar but with a loud crack it shocked the helpless pokemon. The skarmory let out a harsh cry and Ryu reached out, concerned only for the pokemon's pain. Flamey lunged over butting Ryu aside as the razor sharp beak slammed into the ground where he had been, claws scratching into the grass. Maddened by pain, the skarmory lunged again and Ryu fell back, the pokeball falling from his hand. He stumbled to the floor and pushed himself back up ready for the powerful beak to find him but Flamey stood between them staring down the skarmory to protect his trainer.

Ryu stumbled back as Flamey held his ground and the skarmory flexed its sharp wings then lunged, driving its sharp beak at the typhlosion. Flamey dodged to the side but the quick attack found its mark. Glancing off his shoulder as he yelped in pain. "Flamey, Use flamethrower." Ryu called as his typhlosion jumped to his feet. He roared, sending a jet of flame towards the skarmory and it did its best to block with its steel wings. Stumbling back in pain but the collar sparked again, driving it back into battle. Ryu would have to take that collar out fast or he risked hurting the skarmory. "You'll have to get the collar off." he shouted as the two pokemon faced off. Flamey lunged forwards slamming into the skarmory as its sharp steel wings lashed into his sides. Flamey yelped in pain, claws scrabbling against the tight collar. They caught suddenly and he tore down, ripping the heavy band apart. With a lightning flash the collar dumped its charge into the two pokemon, Ryu was slung off with a yelp slamming into a tree while the skarmory stumbled back on the verge of fainting but still too dangerous to try the pokeball.

He hurried over to Flamey helping him up then turned as the skarmory let out a cry. It stumbled forwards and looked over at Ryu crouched over his pokemon then let out an uncertain chirp. It recognized the human who had been kind but the big pokemon was still maddened by pain. It moved closer still undecided if it would attack. Ryu slowly pulled out a pokeblock and watched the skarmory carefully. It chirped again then jumped back as Ryu tossed it at its feet. The skarmory lunged, grabbing the treat and gulping it down. It chirped again then cooed as Ryu pulled out more pokeblocks slowly offering them to the singed skarmory, with each treat it calmed down until Ryu was stroking over his once shiny wings cleaning the soot from them with gentle strokes. He reached for the pokeball but the skarmory jumped back uncertain. Another pokeblock drew it back close and Ryu lightly threw the ball towards his target. A flash and the skarmory was caught, it struggled against the ball for a short time but was too weak to break free.

As soon as he was sure the skarmory was captured he span rushing back to Flamey as he rummaged through his bag for a super potion, he lightly stroked Flamey's head as he sprayed the fine mist over his bruises. Is gentle touch reassuring his friend as the potion began to work with a sting. Soon Flamey was fully healed and Ru pulled him into a hug. "Probably safer to take him to a pokecentre." He said nodding at the silent pokeball. He would like to keep the skarmory but there would need to be some careful work to get him used to Flamey after that fight At least his typhlosion wasn't one to hold a grudge and anyway it was that collar that had done most of the damage. Wrapping his hand around his hand he bent to grab it, jumping as it beeped and sent a weak shock through his hand. Flamey had done a number on it, ripping through all of the main components. Not that Ryu was too sad to see it destroyed.

"Well a successful mission I think. It seems my confidence was not misplaced." a voice said in the gloom of the mission control. "Perhaps my esteemed colleague did not notice that he destroyed the control collar, an irreplaceable and valuable component of our plans." another voice cut in. "So you say but all I saw of your department's new toy was a pile of malfunctioning junk. Junk that nearly blew the mission." she shot back. "How dare you, our contributions are not for some field commander to question." he roared. "Oh so are we to believe that it was functioning as intended perhaps you were trying to cause my mission to fail." she replied. "However, it did not fail. My confidence in my abilities is not misplaced as yours seems to be. And I have no further need of your supervision." she continued striding to the door. "Well see about that." he said darkly as it slammed behind her.

He packed it into his bag nonetheless and turned back to the path. It was a fair hike to the station and was getting late but with Flamey at his side he'd be perfectly safe. A few hours later he was sitting on a train as it sped towards the station and his meeting with the Team Rocket higher ups. He finally had time to think and he was starting to suspect the collar had not malfunctioned. That the shock that had enraged the skarmory was intentional. He'd keep quiet on that for now but it was a good thing to keep in the back of his mind. He headed to the meeting wondering what the result would be and was once again huddled into a darkened room. This time commander Maradine was waiting in the brightly lit centre, and another figure. A man he hadn't seen before but when he spoke Ryu recognized the hostile voice from earlier. "Not dead then. We had wondered." He said as the door swung shut. Ryu choked down his first angry retort, there were others watching from the darkened chairs. Their opinion mattered much more than that of one asshole. "Charming as always Trask." Maradine said with a smile to his visible annoyance. "I assume your task went well enough, Ryu, '' she added before he could reply and Ryu smiled, lifting the pokeball. "There was some difficulty nothing I couldn't handle." Ryu replied confidently, now was no time to hold back.

"You'll have to tell us how that went, Someone didn't feel the need to provide extra surveillance." She said a quick glance at Trask showing where she felt responsibility lay. "That collar should have provided adequate coverage if it hadn't been sabotaged." Trask shot back. "Sabotage is one way to put it. I would say our new recruit knew just what to do about your collar. I've always felt that project was a waste of funds." Maradine said. It was fast becoming clear to Ryu that his results were less important than their rivalry. A third voice cut in before they could really get into their argument. "We should concern ourselves with the report before we argue about the specifics of our current policy." it said tone brooking no argument. Ryu swallowed and started to recount his account of the capture, making sure to convey the collar's effect on causing the fight. He knew where his loyalty lay. "Strange, we have had quite a bit of difficulty with the skarmory. And yet you found no difficulties. Other than those provided by the collar's failure." The third voice said and Trask winced. "Perhaps you should keep the troublesome pokemon, if you can train it it may still be useful to us in the future." The leader said. "Yes, perhaps a promotion is in order." Maradine said, pushing her advantage. "What!?" Trask blurted out. "He's barely more than a child and you've already over promoted him over many longer serving soldiers. What's next, making him a commando." He said angrily. "Perhaps we should, after all, an entire task force of your best men lost the skarmory to begin with. We need competent operatives that can act on their own" She shot back. "Very well. Let us put this proposal to a vote." The third voice said. There was a moment of silence then he continued. "In my case I approve. Let us see where this experiment leads." The others quickly followed his lead with unanimous approval. Trask glowered. Ryu had probably made an enemy for life but commander Maradine was sure to do her best, any failure on his part would rebound on her. "We will see how this goes." Trask hissed, unable to challenge the decision but he knew the rival commander would try to undermine any future activities of Maradine's cell. She meanwhile smiled in victory. "Well Ryu it seems you've made an impression, how about you head home, we'll be in touch." She said and he nodded.

He headed home. It had been a hell of a day and Ryu was looking forward to a nice relaxing bath and his bed. Flamey lent it brushing his head against his side as they headed home, a quick train ride to the outskirts of the city and Ryu was unlocking his bike. Flamey reluctantly returned to his pokeball and Ryu jumped on his bike and set off towards his farmhouse home. He peddled hard, enjoying the simple exertion of riding fast, a nice burn in his muscles to keep them toned. Pokemon training was a high intensity career put a little extra workout never hurt. He was soon approaching the edge of town and turned down a lane heading deep into the surrounding farm bike tires crunching on the rough gravel surface. A few more minutes and his farm came into sight, most of the land had been sold off long before he was born but he kept a small pasture for his pokemon and a berry bush orchard. The house itself, a tall three floor queen Anne farmhouse clad in pristine clapboard, was screened from the road by tall trees. He slowed as he cycled down the long drive that curled through the bushes towards the front of his home. His family had always liked privacy and he felt safest here. He swung off his bike to leave it leaning against the porch railing and jumped up the steps.

The door swung open as he pushed, he didn't lock it often. He didn't have much steal and he let his pokemon have free range of the house and garden. It was a brave burglar that would face off against a well trained houndour. A few of his newer acquisitions crowded in, brushing against him as he stroked and petted his pokemon to a chorus of churs and happy squeaks. He reached for his belly and flicked Flamey's pokeball down. Releasing his first pokemon and closest friend then he carefully lay down the victreebel and skarmory's pokeballs they would need to be carefully introduced to his team. Especially the skarmory. Ryu headed upstairs with Flamey close behind. He grunted as he climbed the steep steps then stepped out onto a wide hallway, his old bedroom now belonged to Flamey, the other for the rest of his team. He'd claimed the main bedroom and he headed there now dropping onto the bed with a tired groan. He felt the bed rock and the springs creaked as Flamey climbed up after him. Ryu rolled onto his back and Flamey slid into his arms. His warm body was the perfect blanket to ease the aches deep in Ryu's muscles.

After a few minutes he pushed up off the bed Flamey slipping from his back to sit next to him. "I should have a shower." Ryu huffed reaching for his shirt. As he lifted it over his head he felt Flamey's paws unbuttoning his pants, tugging them down as he tossed the sweaty shirt aside. He moaned as Flamey nuzzled into the bulge in his pants but gently pushed him away. "Not yet." he said but Flamey eased his claws into his underwear and pushed them down. Ryu's half hard cock bounced on the typhlosion's nose and he lent back to plant a kiss on his trainer's tip. Flamey licked over his rod then stepped back. Two could tease. He chirped and nodded to the bathroom. Ryu knew just what he meant, 'Hurry back.' Ryu stepped into the master bedroom and walked over to the shower leaving the door open behind him to further tease his favourite pokemon.

He slipped into the shower and span the taps until a nice warm spray was raining down over him, ha made sure Flamey could see the show as he reached for the body wash and began to rub it into his chest. Soapy bubbles dripping down his belly and over his cock. He wrapped his fingers around his cock loud wet faps echoing off the tiles as he slowly jerked off. Watching as Flamey moaned, his own cock starting to rise as he watched every bounce of the thick rod. He struggled to resist the urge to step out of the shower and sped up rushing to soap every inch of his body, giving Flamey an unintended strip dance as the thick suds dripped down his body and swirled down the drain. He couldn't resist any more and stepped from the shower. He grabbed a towel and quickly wrapped it around his waist and stepped from the shower. Using another towel to rub his chest dry then towelling his hair.

Flamey watched him sit on the bed then walked over nuzzling his towel open then pressed his nose against Ryu's cock. He murred happily then licked over his trainer's slowly swelling cock. He lapped over his tip, the warmth of his tongue making Ryu moan loud. The typhlosion slipped his tip into his maw and sank easily down Ryu's impressive cock. He moaned as he felt his master's cock sinking into his throat then with a gulp pushed even deeper feeling his nose press into his still damp belly. Flamey shivered at that touch but he loved his master and a little water wasn't going to stop him. He licked over the huge rod, even slipping his tongue out to play it over Ryu's balls. He pressed his lips to Ryu's tip then slowly pushed down the thick cock. Ryu moaned as Flamey slowly slid down the huge rod. taking his cock into his maw inch by inch until his nose was pressed into Ryu's pubes. Ryu stroked over Flamey's head as he started to bob, deepthroating his rod with practised ease.

Ryu started to pant, his cock starting to drool pre at Flamey's expert sucking. The taste of Ryu's pre showed how close his trainer was getting and he pulled back to focus his efforts on his tip, swirling his tongue over his rod. He lifted off slowly with a final lick. Ryu was panting hard, fingers digging into the bedsheets. He knew just what Flamey wanted and rolled onto all fours shaking his ass at his typhlosion, his oldest best friend and first lover. Flamey jumped up onto the bed and slid behind Ryu, his paws gently stroking over his ass. He spread his cheeks then pressed his muzzle between them, his rough tongue licking over Ryu's tight pucker. A few licks had him nice and wet But Flamey knew he needed to be through. He was big for a typhlosion and they were pretty big for pokemon anyway. He licked again, this time pressing his tongue against Ryu's backdoor, pushing in to lube the tight hole thoroughly.

He pushed up off his hips and shuffled forwards until his rock hard cock was nestled between Ryu's cheeks. He rolled his hips, hotdogging his ass and smearing his saliva over his rod. Flamey pulled back then pushed forwards to press his cock against Ryu's tight asshole. He rolled his hip, pushing against Ryu's ass with slow, shallow but forceful thrusts. Each push easing him open slightly more. He pushed harder and moaned out, Ryu gasping as he sank his fat tip into Ryu's ass. He rolled his hips to thrust shallowly into Ryu, working him open gently to make sure he didn't hurt his trainer. A few minutes of gentle lovemaking and Flamey was pressing his sheath into Ryu's ass a soft hug and he began to move a little faster, a little more force behind his thrusts. Flamey pushed up off his master's back and stroked over his shoulders, a warm massage to ease the tension of the day during a slow passionate fuck to make him huff and moan. Flamey could feel his orgasm building and slowed to prolong their lovemaking, his hips pressing slowly but firmly against his master's ass.

He sped up once more as pre drooled from his tip, humping forcefully until he was right on the edge then slowing down just in time. Flamey's cock throbbing and bucking as it leaked thick pre almost as much as a normal orgasm. He sped up one last time, his heavy balls pulling up as he pushed into Ryu with loud slaps, preparing a huge orgasm. He pushed deep and heard Ryu moan out as he came, his ass clenching down just the way Flamey loved to make him cum. He let go, huge spurts of cum let loose from his balls to barrel down his cock and deep into Ryu's belly. The heavy spurts swelling his belly out a touch, leaving him panting. Flamey felt his balls run dry and held still for a few moments before pulling back, slowly dragging his cock from Ryu's rear. Ryu rolled over and Flamey crawled into his arms, hugging his trainer tight, they stroked over each other's bodies, hugging and kissing until they fell into a deep calm sleep.

The next few weeks went much the same way, the missions he was sent on growing bigger and more dangerous as they tested him to learn just how good he could be. And Ryu rose to the challenge, as they grew more trusting the missions began to change. fewer rescues, more that began to feel like crimes; Breaking into a museum to steal a newly discovered fossil. A boring corporate espionage mission posing as a delivery man to implant a bug into the pokemon centre hub's computer systems. But that changed when an attempted train robbery went bad. Without Ryu several of the agents would have been captured and he'd even managed to grab the new pokeball prototype they were after. That success finally proved his worth to Rocket. The next day he was on a train to another city. With just his pokemon, a change of clothes and an address. He arrived late in the evening and followed his instruction to arrive at an old warehouse. The door opened at once at his knock and he gave the password. Inside the huge space had been hastily converted into a base, crude walls blocking out a canteen, a few offices, a bunkhouse and a few private rooms. Somewhat to his surprise he merited one. Only then did he find out he was going to be a team leader. At least he got one of the private rooms. He was just settling in when a familiar voice called his name. "Ah Commander Maradine. What's going on?" He asked. "Well there's something big planned. Though it's still hush hush, even for us. For now you should get familiarised with your team. And get them in shape. I've lost too many good men and I need you to whip the dregs we could scrounge up into a competent force. You've got five days at most and then it'll be time for the first mission, whatever that is." She said, He could tell by her tone she didn't approve of the plan and it was plain to see the intense secrecy that left her in the dark grated.

Dregs had been putting it mildly, one or two of his team could have made for good agents with training and experience but most lacked both in spades. And those with it didn't inspire confidence either. The only reason they were still around was they hadn't been trusted with anything that could have gotten them captured. And the outlook for their plan only grew worse when he met the other teams. Commander Maradine had clearly pulled some favours to get him some of the better dregs, at least his could be trained into a half competent team. He did his best in the short time to do what he could. A few mock battles had Sara half confident with her snake based team. Even managing to level her ekans into an arbok. He did his best to learn their weaknesses and strengths. With no time to correct them he'd have to position his team carefully on a mission to avoid them breaking down. Wesley and his bird heavy team was perfect for surveillance but if rumbled he was sure to panic. Clint could fight better than most but would need to be kept on a tight leash lest his desire for battle lead to him blowing their cover. Carissa and Warren, the standard Rocket duo with far too many losses to their name might even make a reliable pair with decent supervision. That left Ben. He'd seemed good in training but finding out this was going to be his first true mission for Rocket made Ryu's heart sink. He hoped to hell they were just playing the backup act for a much bigger team, whatever this mission was would have to be big to make Rocket desperate enough to even think his team was up for anything.

But at the end of day five Commander Maradine returned to introduce him to another team leader. Brett, Trask's protégé. And of course they hated each other almost immediately. But that didn't come as a surprise. Rocket liked to match up conflicting personalities, the rivalry fuelled trying to outdo each other, so they thought it would lead to better results. It also kept any larger cliques from forming to challenge the higher up's might. With the unpleasant Brett she delivered their mission, they were supposed to pull a raid on a mail train. Make a mess and steal a few packages to cover switching one out. A simple enough task for two well trained teams, if only they had them. Brett would lead on the havoc front, Ryu would be in charge of the dummy package. Simple enough if everything went well but it would mean relying on Brett. Leaving him open to easy backstabbing from his newfound rival.

Much to Ryu's surprise it went well. Brett's team slowed the train by abandoning a stolen car on the tracks. They dropped onto the train from a low bridge and slipped into the cargo wagons without incident. They had a few minutes to have fun before Ryu and his team joined in. Dropped off by their larger pokemon. The heavy package carried by Ryu's skarmory. They headed into the cargo wagons as soon as they touched down. Only to find a huge mess. Something had torn up the place and Ryu thought he knew what. Many of Brett's team had over levelled trade pokemon to seem better trainers than they were. One had clearly rebelled against its trainer. He winced as he saw a dent in the box he was meant to snag. Too late to fix it now. He swapped the box just in time. As he slid it onto a shelf Wesley called down, the guards were coming to find out what the commotion was. They jumped from the train with moments to spare, melting into the bushes and heading their separate way. To meet up a few hours later back at headquarters. Ryu tried not to smile when he heard one of Brett's team had been caught trying to steal more than he could carry. Having to pull one of the lead teams off their assignment to break him out before he gave anything away was going to leave a sour taste in the big bosses mouths. And the failure was sure to reflect on Trask.

A few days later he found another opportunity to bring his odious rival down a peg or two. Commander Maradine had happily relayed a commendation from the bosses and boasted of Trask's very public shaming. She hinted that a little extra pressure wouldn't go amiss, then revealed that Brett had pulled strings to get his team the highest levelled pokemon Rocket could spare. But every good trainer knew there was more than level to training a pokemon and it was soon clear his team could barely control their new charges. Ryu was soon able to turn it to his advantage. He was heading to the small gym for a little extra training with his team. Only to find the new arrivals using every spot. Ryu shrugged and headed back to his room to do what he could there. A few hours into his limited training he heard raised voices from outside his door. Growing louder until they were bellowing. He huffed and pushed the door open, his team watching him as he looked out, to see two Rocket agents, wearing the badges of Trask's detachment yelling at a lucario. The anthro pokemon meditating, seemingly unaware of his trainer's rage. It soon became clear that they had been trying to make the notoriously proud pokemon act as a servant, and in reply he was simply ignoring the pair. Ryu felt Flamey nuzzle into his hand and gently stroked his head. More trainers were showing up by the second and Ryu waited for the perfect moment to act. He watched one of them pull his arm back, forming a fist. A gentle touch on Flamey's head and he moved in, lightning fast. Catching the weak punch then showing the trainer to the wall. Ryu stepped out and looked over the pair disdainfully. "I've seen a far few useless trainers that Trask calls agents but you two are on a whole new level. Do you know anything about the pokemon you've somehow gotten your hands on, anything at all. What sort of trainer tries to start a fight with his own pokemon." He asked, grandstanding to the crowd. The other trainer lunged in, swinging his fist at Ryu only to gasp as he found himself staring at his reflection. His fist slamming into Ryu's Skarrmory's wing with a crack, leaving him stumbling back cradling his wrist. His partner pushed forwards only to yelp as Flamey played a jet of flame over his chest, inches from burning him and he fell back panting. "It seems you two don't know who I am. I'm Ryu, a name you shouldn't forget. I don't think I need to know yours." He said walking in to snatch the pokeball from his belt. "But I'll be keeping this, since it's clear you have no idea what you're doing." He said returning the lucario to its ball then returning to his room. Closing the door behind him. A small smile playing on his lips.

It took a few hours for Ryu to calm the lucario down. His custom pokeblocks certainly helped. Soon he had something of a rapport with the lucario, enough to know his name was Rio and he had been passed around between Rocket agents without ever getting a reliable trainer. Ryu made sure to introduce him to his other pokemon and soon had him eager to join his team. As soon as he could he returned to the gym. Using the normally quiet hours late at night to train his newest pokemon. He soon found Rio's natural talent more than made up for his lack of any worthwhile training and he started to refine his innate abilities starting to turn him into a perfect fighter. He staged mock battles between his pokemon, training them together made sure they'd bond into a skilled team. The final session of the night was a long battle between Flamey and Rio, the new lucario was good, and his power was very impressive but he found Flamey more than a match for him, the typhlosion's skill easily neutralising his level advantage. By the time Ryu called it to an end, both were panting hard. He hugged Flamey tight then returned him to his ball before turning to Rio. He was panting hard, chest heaving cutely as he caught his breath and he smiled up at Ryu, happy to finally have a trainer who appreciated him. Ryu smiled just as wide, maybe he could introduce the next form of training early. He walked over to the gym door and checked it was locked then walked back slowly, hooking his hands into his belt. Rio's eyes on him every step of the way.

Rio moaned softly as Ryu slowly pushed his pants down, revealing the top of his rock hard cock. He whimpered and slid his hands to his own pants rolling over to show off his ass as he slowly tugged them down, looking over his shoulder at his new trainer. "Have you ever done this before?" Ryu asked as his cock sprang free and Rio shook his head making Ryu smile even wider as he looked over his virgin tailhole and impressively hefty balls. His knotted length growing bigger and harder by the second as he ran his eyes over his trainer's rock hard pole. Rio let his pants drop to the floor as Ryu stepped free of his clothes, reaching out to grope his muscled but still soft ass. Leaning in to hotdog those pert cheeks. His tip was dripping pre already. He slid back, reluctantly lifting his cock from Rio's rum then lent in to run his tongue over his ass, down from his tight tailhole to run over his hefty balls. Ryu planted a kiss on each bloated orb then licked back up to slurp over his ass. Rio moaning loud as his new trainer rimmed his perfect rump. Rio pushed back into his face, one hand sliding down his belly to squeeze his rod as he moaned lustily. Ryu tongue lapping over his ass soon da pre drooling from the horny lucario's tip Rio moaned louder face pressed into the gym mat as he jerked off. His hips bucking as Ryu kissed his balls once more. He slid his hands between Rio's legs and gently lifted his hands from his cock, slowing his licks to let him calm down. "Hold onto it. It's your first time, don't waste it on a gym mat." he said squeezing lightly on the base of his rod to keep him from cumming even as he pushed his tongue deep into his rump Ryu pushed his tongue deeper but slowed down to make sure he didn't cause an unexpected pop. Keeping Rio on edge until he was huffing and moaning. He pulled back slowly, relaxing his grip on Rio's cock then moved in to press his tip to his tight, well lubed hole.

He pushed in slowly, moaning loud as he sank slowly into Rio's tight ass. His tight rump hugging every inch of his long rod as it sank slowly into his butt. Rio moaned loud, shaking with pleasure as Ryu slid to the hilt. His belly pressed into his rump. "You OK?" Ryu huffed, holding still to let the lucario recover, it was his first time after all. When Rio nodded he slowly pulled back. Moaning loud as Rio's tight ass did its best to hold onto his cock. Ryu started off nice and slow, pumping his cock deep into Rio's tight ass pulling back to the tip then slamming in to the hilt with slow but forceful thrusts. As Rio grew used to it he slowly sped up. No longer pulling back as far to thrust faster. But he made sure to slow when Rio's moans grew too loud, he didn't want to make him cum. Soon he was pumping into his ass hard and fast, hips slapping against his plush but muscled rump as Rio moaned loud beneath him. The horny young lucario pushing back into his thrusts, his heavy balls swaying and bouncing as Ryu bred his ass. "Oh yeah you're so tight." Ryu huffed his hand on Ryu's cock keeping track of how close he was. Every time his knot started to swell he slowed his thrusts, holding himself hilted in his ass to let him calm down. But with every stop Rio's pleasure only grew. The repeated edging making him moan louder and his cock jump harder. It even seemed to be swelling in Ryu's grip.

He could feel just how close he was getting so decided to ease up on him. "Remember don't cum just yet." Ryu huffed as he began to thrust for the last time, this time both deep and fast. His heavy balls slapping into Rio's ass with loud claps. He held his base tight as he began to moan louder. Ryu huffing in Rio's ear as his peak built fast. "Ahh gonna cum." He moaned, feeling Rio's cock throb and ass clench. He pushed deep one last time as Rio's ass went wild and let loose a torrent of his hot jizz. Heavy spurts of his thick cream pouring into the lucario's rump. Rio's own thick pre stained the mats as he moaned loud. A growing puddle forming beneath them as his cock jumped and drooled. But somehow He held off cumming, even as Ryu's heavy load bloated his belly out. But though he hadn't cum his ass felt like it was orgasming around Ryu's rod. Clenching and squeezing Ryu's cock to milk him dry. Ryu stroked his free hand over his bloated belly. "Wow I didn't know I was that pent up." He huffed then slowly pulled back. Easing his cock from Rio's ass. He dropped onto his ass then lay back panting as Rio moaned weakly. He crawled over and nuzzled into Ryu's cheek, hugging him tight.

He let him relax for a few minutes then stood up, helping Rio to his feet. He hugged him to his side and walked arm in arm to the gym door, clicking it open then peeking out. He saw the hallway was clear and padded across to grab a pair of towels from the showers. He wrapped one around his waist then did the same for Rio,not that it helped much with the tent he was itching. Ryu gathered up their clothes and led the way back to his room. That he could confidently expect to sneak back half naked was probably a bad sign for the security here but he wasn't going to complain. Soon he was shutting the door behind him. Ryu led the way to the bed, dropping his towel as he climbed up. He bent over and shook his ass at Rio. Smiling as he saw the horny lucario's cock throb. "This is what you were saving it for," He huffed. Rio smiled and stroked over Ryu's ass then pushed softly to roll him onto his back. "How about this way?" He huffed happily. Stroking down Ryu's belly to squeeze his cock.

Rio lent in to press his lips to Ryu's tight pucker, running his tongue over his hole as his hands stroked up and down his rod. Feeling him throb in his grip with every lick. Soon his efforts had Ryu drooling pre and he stroked a finger over his tip, coating it in his own juices then pressing his fingers to his backdoor. Easing into him with his own pre as lube. He gently fingered his ass, his other hand coaxing more pre from his cock with long slow strokes. Rio lent in to kiss Ryu's balls, sucking and licking the heavy orbs to make his trainer moan. Satisfied he was ready Rio pushed up onto the bed, pulling his trained close to rub their rock hard rods together. He slid back then guided his tip to his backdoor, pushing in with a smooth thrust as his other hand squeezed his cock tight. Ryu moaned happily as Rio slid all the way to the hilt. The lucario however was already panting and gasping. His first time was intense, and all the edging had left him incredibly sensitive. "You can hold it." Ryu huffed as he saw Rio gasp and pant. He nodded and started to thrust, keeping things slow for now as he tried to regain his composure.

His fingers played over Ryu's cock, teasing his tip and moaning as his ass clenched in response to his touches. His other hand rose to stroke over his belly. The soft touches making him moan. Rio's hips slowly bucked as he pumped his cock into Ryu's rump. His long fat cock pumping deep in his well trained ass. Ryu huffed but made sure to keep things nice and gentle. He wanted Rio's first time to be one to remember. Rio held back for as long as he could but soon his hips began to pump faster. Driving his huge cock deep into Ryu's ass. His tip drooling thick spurts of pre as he humped into his trainer. Rio's hands coaxing thick spurts of pre from Ryu's cock with gentle squeezes and strokes. With every thrust Rio's huge knot pushed against Ryu's ass, not enough to push in yet and they both knew that he would pop when it finally slipped in. Rio started to hold at the bottom of his thrusts, shaking his hips to grind his knot against Ryu's backdoor. Easing him open as his cock jumped and drooled.

In response Ryu shook his hips, bouncing his cute bubble butt on Rio's thick canine cock. Pushing back into him to help open his ass up for the huge knot. Rio could only gasp and moan as Ryu's expert ass worked his cock. Contractions rippling down his rod from tip to base and back again drawing him in deeper. He yelped and pulled back. Squeezing his knot tight to stall his orgasm and groaned as he felt his balls swell tighter. The huge load flooding them, stretching his sack drum tight. He held panting and moaning while he recovered, then started to buck once more short hard thrusts to stretch Ryu out. He could tell he was getting close to sinking his knot into his loving trainer, and finally getting to empty his almost painfully tight balls.

They moaned loud together as a hard thrust finally sank his knot into Ryu's rear. His ass instantly clenching down around him as Ryu hit his peak. Rio managed to hold his own peak back for only a few seconds longer then howled as he came hard. His heavy balls bouncing in their rush to empty. He bucked uselessly against Ryu's ass, it held him too tight to let him thrust but every jet of his cream down his hefty rod made the lusty lucario thrust instinctively. Ryu slumped, burying his face in the pillows to moan his ecstasy. His own cock jumping to hose the bed with his heavy load. But compared to Rio it was nothing more than a trickle. Each pulse of his cock managing more than most male's entire orgasms. And it soon had an effect on his trainer. Bloating his belly out with every gush of hot cream.

Rio hugged Ryu tight, nuzzling into his cheek as they panted together. His still hard knot would keep them tied together for hours. And they lay together on the bed, panting softly as they slowly slipped into a deep satisfied sleep. A few hours later they awoke, Rio slowly easing his rod from his trainer's ass in a gush of his hot cream. Ryu's belly still hugely rounded from the last night. It looked like he'd be staying in his room for most of the morning. The last week before the mission passed largely without any major incident, just the sense of tension on the cramped base growing more and more oppressive, leaving his entire team highly strung. The day of the mission almost came as a relief. Revealing at long last the target of the raid; Emerald island the mysterious and hard to visit region that was more legend than fact. Merely getting there was going to be a struggle. He could hear the groans as the plan was revealed, two days in a shipping container. They were going to be smuggled in as cargo. At least they would have some time to study their individual team's role. That was being kept secret right to the last minute. Rocket's leaders were being impressively paranoid about this mission.

But it soon turned out not nearly paranoid enough. They broke out of the containers two hours after docking, Ryu taking a well earned breath of fresh air as he released his pokemon. Watching two of the teams rush off to take control of the ship as he stretched. He frowned watching Brett stumble from his hiding place. Of course they had been assigned to the same target. The main group was going to the coliseum, their target of this huge plan. Whatever it contained must be worth all this effort. His and Brett's teams were going to secure the way out for them and whatever they managed to get their hands on. To start with everything went well enough, the city was in chaos. The distraction teams had started several small fires and drawn off much of the police presence. Reaching their crossroads Ryu stopped his team,watching Brett head deeper into the city. The first challenge came mere minutes later, a squad of police. Lead by a duo of officers and their arcanine team mates racing down the street towards the boat. Ryu stepped out to meet them, flicking two pokeballs out as they slowed in surprise. Aquil his azumarill had been the easy choice. Flamey was the best second option his levelling would make up for the lack of a type advantage. His team stepped out behind him releasing their own chosen pokemon to deal with the other policemen and women and their easier pokemon. With that the battle was on. The twin arcanines lunging towards his pokemon. Flamey dodged in to draw the heat for Aquil just in time, his higher agility allowing him to dodge the devastating Helping Hand and Fire blast combo. Aquil's hydro pump however found its mark, the brutal attack taking the lead arcanine out of the battle. Flamey counter attacked with a simple tackle. Knocking the remaining arcanine back then dropped to let Aquil's water gun finish the job, the jet of water batting a hasty ember attack aside. Ryu looked around to see his team finishing their own battles, some worse for wear but it had been a quick fight. Their opponent running from the battle. He grabbed Clint's shirt keeping him from running off after them, his houndoor just as eager for battle as his trainer. "Wesley get some pokemon in the air. I don't want another surprise like that." Ryu called. Gesturing for his team to spread out.

The breather gave Ryu time to think, and the more he thought the less he liked. The police were running much stronger pokemon than usual, only their relative lack of real world training had let him beat the arcanine pair. But from what he had heard that was just the start of the trouble. The lack of experience that gave him that edge was due to an almost legendarily well trained team protecting the island, and from what he had been able to gather Rocket's plan relied on capturing their leader. His reflection was broken up by a shout from Wesley, more trainers were on the way. He turned to face them ready for another battle then realised the real danger. They were coming from the road Brett had been sent to secure. Whoever they were they had blown straight through his team. "What did he see?" Ryu yelled as Wesley's pidgeot landed next to him chirping nervously. "There's a load of them." He panted in fear "Hold. We'll be fine" Ryu said, calming his team even as hurried footsteps drew nearer. He recognized the leader as Brett, running full out with only two members of his team close behind. He tried to step in front of him but Brett barged past, running for the boat. "What the hell." Ryu said under his breath grabbing David, one of the less odious members of Brett's team "What the hell is going on?" He demanded. "Team emerald, there still all here." David panted trying to break free. "they just took us out. I've never even seen some of those pokemon before." He said, Ryu's strong grip seeming to calm his nerves somewhat. But with every word his own team grew more nervous. "OK change of plans then, we're heading for the boat." Ryu said. "What about our orders?" Warren said, his loyalty to Rocket overpowering his fear. Ryu was about to snap a reply when the sky over the coliseum glowed a ruddy orange. The deep boom rolling over them seconds later. "New orders, I for one have no desire to find out what the hell just did that." We're leaving. He said "Wesley I want some air cover. Carissa, Warren, you're on point. Clint you're with me at the back. We get contacts you and I will hold them off, everyone else head for the boat. Let's go, people." Ryu said knowing confident orders were the only hope he had of holding his team together.

Three streets later and Wesley's pidgeot returned revealing another group moving to cut them off. "Through there." Ryu called pointing to a covered arcade. They raced through the empty shopping centre dropping down a floor. Ryu looked around the atrium then pointed the way down a service corridor to emerge on a lower level backstreet. He peered out of the fire escape then slipped out. Seeing no one around. And headed for the boat. He had to hop the speedboats coming to pick them up were still there. If not they were sure to be caught. Thy crept through the alley to the end then ran across the street to another dark alley. The sounds of fights drifting on the warm air.

They ran through the twisting and turning streets of the old town, heading for the docks avoiding the main roads and keeping to alleys and backstreets as much as they could but with every street closer to safety the sounds of fighting drew nearer, finally bursting onto the promenade they saw the battle raging around the cruise ship. But to their surprise and luck one of the escape speed boats that had been driven off by the fighting was drifting on the tide mere metres out to sea. But with that their luck ran out. Shouts from both sides made Ryu groan. He had a police team on one side and the strange but recognizable uniforms of team emerald on the other. "Get to the boat." Ryu ordered "I'll hold them off." And he turned towards the police team. He would need to get them out of the way. If not, the lapras they were using would catch the boat in no time. He jogged down the beach then gasped as Clint overtook him. "I'm not going to let you have all the fun." he said, tossing out his pokeballs. His fighting and rock heavy team was poorly matched for the police's water based pokemon but like their trainer they would make up for it in bravery.

Unready for the ferocity of their assault the police fell back recalling the lapras as Ryu's victreebel landed heavy blows. He switched out for his skarmory as the police responded with a nidoqueen and nidoking team, the flying/steel type easily landing blows on the nominally stronger poison/ground team. From the corner of his eye he saw his team reach the boat and gestured for Clint to head for it. But as he turned to look at him a huge dark attack slammed into his pokemon, the edge of the attack sending him stumbling. Ryu caught him before he fell. Clint's natural trainer instinct recalling his fainted pokemon. He reached for the next ball but Ryu caught his hand. "Get to the boat." He yelled over the sounds of battle. Pulling his skarmory close to carry him to safety. He flicked out Flamey and Rio, his strongest pokemon. He would have to last long enough for his skarmory to return. He looked into the smoke trying to see his attackers then gasped. He'd never seen these pokemon before. They looked like a strange mix of trainer and mon. indeed there were no trainers to be seen.

His pokemon drew closer trying to protect their trainer from these strange pokemon. Flamey launching a stream of fire at the nearest to keep them back. But they simply split up, slowly surrounding the trio. Rio and Flamey launcteam Rockethed attack after attack but even their hardest hits were blocked or dodged. A cry from above made Ryu look up in time to see his skarmory tackled from the sky by what looked like a dragonite and as he looked down he found himself looking at the same dark blast that had nailed Clint's team with no time to dodge. He did the only thing he could. Recalling Rio and Flamey to spare them the hit. The full force of the attack caught him in the chest and slammed him down onto the cobbles. Ryu groaned as everything went dark. Knocking him into the deep nightmare racked unconsciousness of a heavy ghost type hit.

Ryu groaned and shook his head, he winced as a stab of pain shot through him leaving a pounding headache. He gingerly raised his head from the cold metal table and looked around the small room. Well at least he wasn't dead, that was about the only thing going for him right now, he struggled to put together what had happened, all he could recall was getting attacked by a group of pokemon unlike any he had seen before, he had tried to escape but he'd taken a psychic attack head on and everything had gone dark. And now he was in some sort of interrogation chamber judging by the looks of things. The large mirror in one wall was almost certainly a two way mirror and he was probably being watched. He slowly looked around but there was nothing but his chair and the table in the room. Ryu wondered who he had been captured by, there was a long list of options, maybe even another branch of Team Rocket, he would just have to wait. Ryu looked nervously at the heavy door as a pair voices approached trying to steel himself for whatever would happen next.

With a shriek of metal the door grated open and he saw a pair of shadow figures framed in the doorway. "I'll be fine Scythe, I need you to attend to our other ... Guests." one said stepping into the room "If you are sure, Sir." the other said uncertainly hovering by the door. "You worry too much friend, I will be perfectly safe, He won't be any trouble. Will you?" the first figure said. Ryu shook his head wincing at the pain. "He better not be." The other figure said, glaring at Ryu as he closed the door. The other figure pulled back the chair opposite Ryu and sat down leaning on the table. "Well I suppose we should start with introductions." the figure said, leaning forwards. "I am Seraph." Ryu winced and lent back. The mysterious leader of team Emerald had become a nightmare for team Rocket. Rumours abounded about his unique pokemon and the daring raids that had thwarted many carefully planned schemes. There were also darker rumours about what happened to the Rocket agents captured by his team. "Ah so you do know who I am." Seraph said. "And I know all about you Ryu." He added, pulling a file from his pocket.

He flicked through the file then spun it to face Ryu. He looked down at the thick file cataloguing his entire life from a troubled childhood to a difficult youth, his attempts to become a trainer and his slow slip into working for Rocket. The main part of the file covered his missions for team Rocket, even missions that he had thought had gone off flawlessly, there was more than enough evidence to put him in jail forever. Ryu looked down waiting for whatever Seraph would choose to do, he was entirely in his hands. "Well it's not looking good for you." Seraph said tapping the file. "What do you want me to do?" Ryu mumbled looking down. "If only it was that easy." Seraph said, pulling a small piece of paper from his other pocket. "Normally you might be useful as an informant." Seraph said as he flicked the paper sheet to Ryu, he looked over at the short message taken from team Rocket's secret network. "But it looks like someone chose to scapegoat you for the failure today, mainly to cover their own ass." Ryu slumped down in his chair, it shouldn't have surprised him but it still hurt to know how he had been betrayed. "If it is any consolation they believe you died in the raid, and that will serve our purposes." Seraph said, leaning forwards. "You must face certain facts Ryu, your old life has ended and there is no easy way to move on, it simply isn't possible for you to start a new life, the slightest mistake would mean your death."

Ryu shivered and hugged himself. "Why are you telling me this, and why do you even care." he mumbled. "I'm telling you this as I have a way out of your current predicament. As for the why you are not like the average Rocket agent, a petty, power hungry thief looking to use pokemon for their own gain. You are one of the rare idealists, misled by Rocket's propaganda, you believed you were saving pokemon from the very abuses Rocket hoped to perpetrate." "We were helping them." Ryu said quietly. "Some perhaps, but in your heart you know that isn't true." Ryu hung his head knowing the truth. "You at least tried to help pokemon, and for that you have been chosen." Ryu looked up at the mention of his pokemon. "You have my pokemon, how are they?" he asked. "Safe, they speak highly of you, but we thought it best to keep you separate for now, they are very loyal to you and we don't want anyone to try something... needlessly heroic." Seraph replied.

"Could I see them?" Ryu asked, sitting up slightly. "In time. First you must make a decision." Ryu looked confused so Seraph continued, "You must choose between trying to return to your old life, perhaps under an assumed name, I will not keep you here against your will but I do not believe you would be safe, you are now too well known, if Rocket caught even the slightest hint that you were still alive they would hunt you ruthlessly. Or you can be reborn, it would mean losing your friends, your family, everything you once knew but you would be safe and have a true chance at a new life." "Reborn?" Ryu asked nervously. "I am sorry I cannot tell you more, some secrets are too precious, if you wish to know more you must fully commit." "Can I have some time to think?" Ryu said. Slumping back in his chair. "Of course." Seraph said standing up, "I will give you a few minutes to think on my offer." he added turning to the door.

Ryu slumped forwards burying his head in his hands. It was all too much to take in, he couldn't imagine leaving everything he knew behind, but he didn't really have a choice. But just abandoning his friends was almost too much, he picked up the piece of paper carrying Rocket's secret message and read it again. By now most of his friends would be cursing his name. He shook his head trying to clear it of any mad scheme to get back into Rockets graces. He would have to accept Seraphs offer, he just wished this rebirth didn't sound so ominous. He jumped slightly as the door opened again. Seraph stepped in and sat opposite Ryu. "So have you made up your mind?" Ryu nodded meekly. "Are you sure? there is no turning back" Ryu hesitated then nodded again. "Very well, Come with me." Seraph said. Standing up. Ryu stood and followed him out into a concrete corridor, he was probably deep underground in whatever base he had been taken to. Seraph lead him through the maze of a base to a small room, medical equipment lined the walls surrounding a bed in the centre of the floor. "Lie here and we can begin." Seraph said, tapping the bed. "What are you going to do?" Ryu asked, lying back.

"In truth I do not think the underlying process would be at all intelligible to you. Even those who study it find the mechanics a mystery." Seraph said, his hand pressing Ryu back onto the bed with a gentle firmness. But a firmness that implied the pressure could be increased as much as necessary to achieve what Seraph wished. "I would ask you to stay still but the procedure is not without an amount of discomfort. Movement at the wrong time would have disastrous consequences.. He added and Ryu shivered as a heavy leather strap was laid over his head. Seraph left it loose for now reaching down to slip heavy padded cuffs over Ryu's wrists and ankles. Whatever he had gotten himself into there was no way out now. He watched the tall man walk away towards a low table. His fingers playing over a few gemstones before picking one out. The soft amber coloured uncut stone seemed to glow from within as Seraph tuned it in his hands. He nodded and walked over, laying the stone down on Ryu's chest. The heavy gem somehow warm even through his shirt. "Is, Is that some sort of evolution stone?" Ryu said, comparing it to the closest thing he knew of. "Not quite though you could say it can perform a similar function. Though in a more complex way. My use of the word reborn was perhaps more literal than you anticipated." Seraph said "In time I may explain more of the mechanics to you. For now however all you need to know is that you are receiving a gift many would pay fortunes for." He added turning back to the table selecting a few more unusual implements.

Ryu watched Seraph pull on a pair of green silk gloves, slim bands of gold connecting the gemstones set into the silk knuckles and fingertips to a larger gem on the palm. He walked back to the bed placing larger gemstones into marked niches around Ryu. Careful touches waking a soft glow in the heart of every stone and carefully moulding it as Seraph desired. He reached out to push Ryu's head down onto the padded bed gently pulling the leather strap over his head to hold him down. "Don't worry, just don't try to move." Seraph said. Ryu did his best not to panic, if Seraph had wanted to hurt him he had already had every opportunity. But as the door swung open he couldn't help but shiver. Figures who he had seen only a silhouette on the battlefield walked in. Taking up stations around the bed. With his head locked down only one was in his field of view. A tall figure that looked like a lucario. But somehow more human. His heavy set frame wearing the traditional pants of a normal lucario. Ryu jumped as he recognised the unusual pokemon as the one that had cast the final attack. "My associates are here to help with your rebirth." Seraph said, taking up his own place at the foot of the bed. "Perhaps in time you will come to work with them. But for now we will skip the introductions." He added and the lucario smiled. "We've already met. How's the headache treating you." He said gruffly, a smile on his muzzle. Ryu groaned but tried to smile. "I've had worse." He said winching at the dull pain behind his eyes. Earning the respect of the warrior like anthro pokemon. "Still brave even when you've been knocked on your ass, good, I like that in a fighter." He said pulling on a pair of gloves Seraph offered him. "I'm sure we'll get on like a house on fire. Just as well Seraph has chosen me as your sponsor, he's rarely wrong in such matters." The lucario said, reaching out to tap the gemstones in turn. A strange tingling, like static electricity filling the air with every touch. The others moved in closer, adding their power and the feeling of a storm about to break grew until the lucario reached out, pressing the gemstone down lightly on Ryu's chest, linking it to his very soul. Ryu watched the stone glow brighter, the others seeming to dim and as they went out he slipped into a deep sleep. The circle around him watched the final stone glow brighter and brighter, hiding Ryu in a blinding radiance that slowly faded to reveal a glowing orb, the very essence of Ryu's soul. It shrank slowly towards the glowing gemstone that lay in the centre of the bed, the reflection of Ryu's soul filling it with a deep lustrous fire. Seraph reached out, lifting the orb carefully and turning it in his hands, the small crystal ball sized orb seeming to ring slightly as it moved in his grasp. He studied the depths of the glow, it held a distance seemingly deeper than such a small thing should allow. Satisfied he gently placed the orb into a box held by one of his assistants. He was rarely wrong about the contents of a person's heart but it was always a pleasure to see them revealed so clearly. Much would need to be done to complete Ryu's rebirth but that was a secret few would ever learn, not even those who submitted to the process.

"So I had totally screwed up my life, everything was ruined beyond repair and Seraph offered me a way out, I didn't really have much of a choice" Terrick lent forwards patting Ryu's hand "Wow I didn't know." he said. "Well I've put all that behind me, it's little more than embarrassing memories now, but I don't tell many people, it's not really something you boast about." "You told me," Terrick said and Ryu blushed "Well since we seemed to be getting along so well, I thought I had to tell you, I thought maybe we could take this a little further, and I wanted to get it out of the way, I'd understand if you don't want to though, it's been a deal breaker before." Terrick blushed then lent across the table, his lips met Ryu's and he blushed even deeper as they kissed. "I'd love to." Terrick panted breaking the kiss. "Maybe we should take this somewhere more private." Terrick said sitting back. "Mmm, not yet, you haven't finished your drink, and there's still a whole lot of story to go." Ryu said.

"Sure, What was being reborn like?" Terrick said, picking up his drink. "Odd, it was like a long dream, and then I woke up as a newborn in my mother's arms." looking up at my new dad. Seraph had found a human and pokemon pair desperate for a child and had used my soul to allow their union, my soul merged with theirs and I was born as a hybrid. Mum was a typhlosion and dad a human. Other than that I had a fairly normal childhood, a few friends, two loving parents, a bit of trouble at school. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

"So you grew up around here?" Terrick asked. "Pretty close. I lived in Cryoss most of my childhood. It's a small town up in the hills. Maybe we can go visit sometime. I've got a house overlooking the town. It's lovely, big stone houses clinging to the slopes of the steep valley of the Vartik. A bit cold during the winter but that was never really a problem for a fire type. It's a quiet little town but after all I went through, that's not a bad thing." Ryu replied. "So what's there to do there as I might be visiting fairly often." Terrick replied, leading forwards to lightly peck Ryu's cheek making him blush. "It's great if you like the outdoors, lots of hiking and climbing in the hills and it was an old mining town so you can go caving if you like. Even go swimming in the river if you're completely mad." Ryu said.

"So what was it like growing up in such a small town?" Terrick asked. "Pretty good I was a bit of a hell-raiser, I suppose something carried over from my first life. Me and my small group of friends were always thinking of pranks to pull and getting up to all sorts of mischief. I got into a few fights too but only really one big one." Ryu said. "Oh what happened.?" Terrick asked and Ryu sighed. "A big bunch of us had broken into one of the old mines. It had been closed off ages ago due to a collapse and our parents had always told us it was dangerous. So of course we were always looking for a way in."

Ryu lent back in his chair as he started to describe the fight, his words bringing back powerful memories. He could almost hear the crack of the old wood over one of the air shafts giving way beneath the sledge hammer wielded by Ruka, the powerful marowak swung the hammer again and the wood disintegrated "Easy" He said as he handed off his hammer to his brother Maarus. They clustered around the deep shaft as the echoes of falling wood rose from the darkness then Vaaru dropped a long rope down, it hit the unseen floor twenty feet down and she tied it tight to the old stonework. She tossed down a glow stick and smiled as it landed with a thud on a narrow landing in the shaft. "looks like you were right." She said swinging out onto the rope and sliding down easily. Ruka followed seconds later and Ryu watched his friends climb down after them, he helped Kanis up and made sure the young poochyena got down OK then slid down the rope.

Ryu looked around the mine, then he pulled out the old map he had found in the town library's dusty record books. Childhood legend had it that the cave in had been caused by two thieves fighting over their treasure and that the gold was still there guarded by their ghosts still locked in combat even after their deaths. And He'd found a map that would get them on the far side of the cave in. but all of his friends had been unable to break through the wood that plugged the air shaft so he had to call on Ruka, Z'Arin's older cousin. As they followed the map deeper into the mine Vaaru started to tell the story of the treasure making sure to list the terrible punishments the ghosts exacted on earlier groups of kids that had disturbed their fight. And with the echoing drips of the abandoned mines and the creaking odd old fractured stones soon Maarus and Dunera were trembling. A loud crump from deep within the mine made them wail and the whole group stopped as a blast of air shot past. "That sounded like a cave in." Vaaru said uncertainly looking forward into the gloom. Dunera wailed and clung to Ryu's thigh and he gently hugged the young sandshrew. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea." Ryu said.

"Hah Chicken." Ruka snorted, snatching the map and striding off down the sloped passageway, after a few minutes they came to a dead end. A wall of loose rock blocked the tunnel and dust still hung in the air from the collapse. Ruka Snorted and grabbed a nearby boulder and yanked it free before Ryu could stop him. The mass of loose rock groaned and tumbled forwards and the big marowak screamed loud as he leapt clear of the huge boulders. "Chicken." Z'Arin said, sticking his tongue out at his cousin as Ryu did his best to calm down the kids. Ruka growled as Maarus laughed loud. "This was a huge waste of my time" He grunted trying to save face then threw the map back to Ryu. He stomped back the way they had come and Ryu was only too happy to follow. After a few minutes in silence they reached the rope and they climbed back up Ruka and Maarus first then Vaaru. "Your turn I'll look after these two." Z'Arin said and Ryu climbed up easily hand over hand. As he reached the lip and pulled himself back into the fresh air Ruka grabbed the rope and pulled hard. He heard Z'Arin yell and the kids scream as Ruka lent over the shaft. "I hope the ghosts get you. It'll serve you right." He yelled down then untied the rope. Vaaru and Maarus laughed as they turned away. "Hey wait, you can't leave them down there." Ryu yelped, springing forwards only for a rough shove from Ruka to send his tumbling against the rough stones of the air shaft. He watched Ruka turn and start to walk away then threw himself back at the marowak. Ruka spun only for Ryu's fist to catch him on the chin.

"So what happened then?" Terrick said, leaning in eager to hear the next part of his tale. "Well I got my ass kicked, hard." Ryu said smiling "But Ruka came off worse in the end, about half way through beating me up I found I could perform fire attacks with my hands. I'd promised myself I'd never use anything like that and it turned out I can't breath fire anyway but getting beat up must have triggered something so Ruka suddenly found he was punching a fireball and he ran off screaming with Maarus right behind him. Vaaru stayed with me and helped get Z'Arin, Kanis and Dunera out safely but she disappeared when the adults turned up. "Honestly letting myself be beaten up would have been less painful, it really upset mum and dad, but when the whole story came out they were a bit more forgiving, I still spent most of the next month grounded. But it was worth it." Ryu said.

"So what happened then?" Terrick asked. " Well when I was finally done with being grounded my parents set up special training at the local dojo. I was pretty nervous at first but I met another new student, he'd just discovered his powers too so we had quite a lot in common. He was a young growlnine called Arcy but his evolution hadn't fully completed, that had messed up his powers a bit and like me he was getting training to handle controlling them." Ryu said. "Wait you can partially evolve?" Terrick said nervously. "Yeah, it happens sometimes, usually it's not too bad but it will mess with your elemental abilities quite a bit. He still had a few growlithe features, honestly it made him look really cute." Ryu said, blushing a bit at the memory. "So we ended up sparring partners. He always managed to kick my ass, it took a while till I found out why. Arcy was a Lightbringer. He was fast becoming one of the best fighters on the island. if it wasn't for the hiccup with his evolution he'd have been able to win blindfolded and with both his hands tied behind his back. it didn't take long for him to regain control either so after a few weeks our relationship changed from sparring partners to teacher and student." Ryu said

"And along the way we became friends, he was pretty lonely at the time, between defending the island and his status as a hero it was hard for him to start any real relationships, but I'd always kept out of that sort of stuff so to me he was just another guy. He was still pretty young at the time and we were kids so I was back to pulling silly pranks in no time, having someone that could jump three times his height and move silently opens up a whole load of options for mischief." Ryu said, smiling happily to remember the capers they had pulled off. "and as we grew close he started to talk about being a Lightbringer, it was pretty tough on him and finally having someone to talk to helped."

"Of course he soon had to go back to his duties and I'd learnt to control my powers. So everything went back to pretty much how it was before, with a touch more respect from the older kids." Ryu said "you said you thought he was cute, did you have a special someone?" Terrick said, smiling wide. Ryu blushed deeply, he'd should have known Terrick would pick up on that detail. "I've had a few quick flings. Nothing too permanent." Ryu admitted blushing deeper. "Mmm you can't stop there I want to hear all about it." Terrick said, making Ryu laugh. "Oh alright but this might get weird. My first time was with a neighbourhood girl called Icee, she's an alolan ninetales. As kids we couldn't stand each other but starting with puberty we started to see each other differently, we ended up in a bit of a love hate relationship for a bit but started dating steadily just before her eighteenth birthday. Anyway a few nights after her party she called me and asked me to come over, her parents were away for the week and she wanted some company." Ryu said. "Nothing too weird so far." Terrick said. Ryu sighed and blushed "Well you know how some guys can be kinda potent. well that can have some unusual side effects" he said. "Oh? OH!" Terrick replied blushing deeply realising what he meant. "Yeah." Ryu said, he hesitated for a moment then Terrick lent in close. "Well now you have to tell me about it."He purred. Ryu's blush deepened, but he started to recount the events of that night and with every word the memories of his first time came back.

Ryu remembered their first time. She had been a bit quiet all day. And had headed to bed early only to call for him a few moments later. He walked through the door and into her arms. A soft and nearly see through silk nightdress was all that she was wearing. She kissed him passionately then pulled back. Spinning away to land on her back on the bed. She squeezed her pert breasts together and smiled wide "Well then time for you to finally show me what you've got." She panted as Ryu looked down in awe at her body. His hands rose to undo his belt and raise his shirt leaving him naked before her his thick rod bouncing as it surged out. He climbed up onto the bed the springs creaking. "How long have you been planning this?" Ryu huffed but Icee smiled. "Too long." she purred huffing as she eyes up her buff boyfriend then pulled him close. Her hands stroked over his back as he straddled her. His hands gently groped her boobs, fingers sinking into her soft fur. "You could have said something earlier." Ryu said, nuzzling into her cheek. One hand slid lower brushing over her dripping wet panties. "Ryu I need you. I've wanted you for so long. I want you to be my first." She panted needily.

He huffed and nodded "I will." He huffed, his fingers easing her panties down. "Just be gentle OK." She panted as his tip kissed her soaking wet lips and he eased into her slowly driving his cock deeper into her walls with shallow bucks of his hips. He soon ran into resistance and slowed down as he pushed up against her hymen. "I'm ready." Icee huffed after a few deep breaths and he pushed forwards once more. Her breath catching in a deep moan that ended in a squeak as he broke through to hold perfectly still within her. Letting her adjust to his thick cock she held him tight, his rod smeared with her virgin blood as she shivered and panted in a mix of pleasure and pain. But soon she wanted more. "You can start moving." Icee huffed, relaxing her grip on his neck. He nodded and lent in to kiss her as his hips started to pump, slowly at first. His shallow bucks easing into her. But soon he is pushing deeper, drawing back further as her eager moans urge him on. He keeps the same gentle pace for now. His hips meeting hers with soft slaps as he pushes to the hilt. "Oh, Oh it feels so good." Ice panted slumping back onto the pillows.

His hands moved from the bed to lightly cup her breasts gently squeezing them as he rolled his hips in time to her moans. His every move was his best attempt to make her moan even louder and his inexpert but eager technique was soon rewarded with the lusty moans he craved. She pushed up to hug him tight. Burying her muzzle in the soft fur of his chest. "Harder." She panted and his hips obeyed at once. The soft squelch of his cock plunge into her was soon joined by the slap of his hips on hers, and the thump of his heavy and oh so pent up balls spanking her ass. He knew he'd been getting a bit back up but he huffed as he felt his cock jump at her every moan, pouring his pre into her in a gush that he was sure must be swelling her belly. In fact he was sure it felt softer and more rounded when he pushed deep. With every thrust her once haughty demeanour evaporated a little more, leaving her an eager and lusty slut moaning loud under him. "Oh baby fuck me harder." Icee yelled between two deep moans and he pushed up lifting her hips to plunge his thick cock down into her hard and fast.

He was pushing himself to the limit and soon he started to pant and huff. His thrusts slipping off beat only to find it once more as he did his best to obey her wishes but the end was already in sight. "I'm getting close." Ryu panted his words driving a heavy spurt from his tip and a lusty moan from Icee's lips "Oh baby don't you dare pull out I want every last drop." She moaned loud. Her words making him pump pre even harder. Her belly was rounded for sure and he was moments from letting go, maybe flooding her wasn't such a great idea. "But I'm not sure..." Ryu stammered out but it was too late. Icee howled loud. Her legs wrapped around his waist pulling tight to drive him to the hilt. His tip kissing her cervix. "Cum in me. Give me every last drop" Icee begged. Even if he could have pulled out the sight of her writhing in orgasm would have stopped him. A few more tiny bucks of his hips and he joined her. Roaring loud as he unleashed a torrent of hot cum straight into her eager womb. He felt her belly surge out against his abs but that was only his first spurt and those that followed quick on its heels were even bigger. Each gush from his tip swelling her belly more and more, the lewd glug and slosh of his cum bloating the once lithe ninetails making him pump even harder even if he feared the inevitable result.

She writhed beneath him as he kept cumming. Her walls desperately milking him for every drop pushing her overly strained body closer to its limit. And now there was no way to miss she was ballooning on his spunk. Her once pert boobs looked three times as big and her belly lifted him higher with every spurt. He could even feel her tails growing under him and her arms and legs started to thicken as his high pressure cream flooded into every inch of her body. As she grew she squeezed tighter on him as if her own body wanted more. Strong clenches of her walls rippling down his cock to suck more of his jizz from his heavy balls. Her belly was like a beachball between him and he buried his muzzle between her boobs. Every pulse of cum making them grow even larger to drive even more cum from his cock. The bigger she grew the harder his cock pumped. And soon he had to push up. Keeping hilted in her pussy was more important than motorboating her ballooning breasts and this way he could finally see what his load had done to her. She was simply amazing. Her boobs were bigger than her head and her once slim arms and legs had thickened with his load. But best of all was the huge dome of her belly. It had him huffing loud and as he watched her belly button pop out with a thump. The last give her cum bloated body could offer. Now each pulse the sight drew from his cock only increased the pressure within her and she gasped and shuddered with every once, her bloated body jiggling lewdly with her every move. A loud creak rang out and she opened her eyes in shock, but it was too late.

"What the? Hey wait..." Icee spluttered as another even louder creak filled the air. She tried to push up but instead she burst like an overfilled condom. Her whole body exploding into a thick gooey cream Ryu was knocked back onto his ass as a torrent of white launched him from the bed and he lay panting against the wall as it washed past. The bed had collapsed under the force of the explosion and every surface was thickly coated in the jizz he had turned her into. Some even dripped from the lampshade overhead. He wiped the cream from his eyes and focused. Suddenly realising why Seraph had taught him a unique technique when he had entered puberty. It was the work of a moment to catch her soul and he pressed the invisible energy down into the gooey mess his mind focused on the irresistible body he had known oh so well. He sighed as he saw the ocean of cum on her bed rippled and froth then a gasping Icee pushed up from the mess. Every inch covered in the leftover goo. He stifle a chuckle as he looked over at her. His image of her had slightly bigger boobs and booty than she had started with, but he knew she wouldn't complain. It beat the much longer reform she would have needed otherwise. "What the hell just happened?" Icee gasped looking around at the mess. "You kinda popped." He said nervously. "You did say you wanted every drop." He added blushing slightly. "Damn that felt good though." she huffed, dropping back to the bed with a splat. She opened her eyes once more and groaned. "Look at the mess you made you ass, now I've got to clean this up before my parents get back." she said her words softened by the wide smile on her cum coated muzzle. Ryu groaned and started to gather up the ruined bedding. But he couldn't help but smile. "Worth it." he said softly dropping the bedsheets into the bin with a splat. Next time he'd probably pull out though, although as long as they made sure to make love somewhere they wouldn't need to clean he'd pop her again for sure. The thrill of her explosion had been beyond describing.

"Wow." Terrick breathed, dropping back into his seat. There was a small thump as the bulge in his pants knocked against the table and Ryu smiled. "Someone's a little kinky." He said quietly and smiled, now it was Terrick's time to blush. "So have you ever popped any guys?" He shot back and Ryu could clearly see where Terrick was going and smiled. "Remember Arcy?" Ryu said "No really? That must have been one hell of a thing." Terrick gasped. Ryu just lent in again and started to whisper in Terrick's ear.

Arcy had just returned from a long mission and he'd thrown a homecoming party to get caught up with his friends. Ryu had been slightly surprised when the invitation landed on his doorstep but there was no way he'd miss seeing his old friend. He'd been even more surprised when Arcy had pulled him into a tight hug and introduced him too all his teammates, it looked like Arcy had been missing him as badly as Ryu had missed him. They spent most of the night close together talking about the fun they'd had as kids, as the sun set over the sea guests started to drift off but Ryu stayed late, but as soon he went to leave only to find Arcy pulling him back into a hug. "Stay a while." The growlnine purred holding him tight and pulling him back to the beach house. There was no way Ryu would refuse and they walked together back to the deserted house.

Arcy lent back on the ravaged buffet table and grabbed a big bottle of cherry cola. The normally outgoing growlnine seemed a lot more nervous than normal but Ryu was even worse, he had a good idea what Arcy was after. Only Icee had ever found out about his secret and he was worried what Arcy would think if he found out, how he would react to knowing a night with Ryu always ended with a bang. He watched Arcy down the huge bottle and it swelled his belly ever so slightly making Ryu picture his long time friend swelling faster and faster until he came apart in an explosion of cum. He tried to hide his growing erection but Arcy moved in close to hug him tight.

Their erections rubbed together and Arcy moaned softly. "Mmm I know you want this as much as I do." Arcy purred and Ryu gulped. "We, we shouldn't." He stuttered but didn't pull back. "Don't worry I won't mind if you make a mess." Arcy said, nuzzling into him. "I, I might make more than a mess." Ryu said nervously. "Oh but that's what I'm after, I'm looking for someone to turn me into a nice big cum puddle, And I know you're just the guy to do it." He purred and Ryu's eyes went wide. How could Arcy know about that? Ryu opened his mouth to reply but his cock had already signalled his willingness by surging to full hardness and ripping his underwear apart. Arcy sank to his knees and nuzzled into the bulge in his pants then stroked up Ryu's thighs to slowly unbutton his pants, His cock flopped out booping Arcy on the nose and he sighed happily as the sent of Ryu's arousal filled the air.

Arcy ran his tongue over Ryu's tip then pressed his nose against his heavy cum filled balls. He murred happily as his powerfully arousing musk filled his mind then pulled back to take his tip into his mouth. Arcy bobbed slowly on his huge rod making Ryu pant and moan then pushed to the hilt, his nose was pressed against Ryu's belly as his throat worked the entire length of his cock. Ryu moaned as his pre stated to flow, and Arcy panted happily around his cock pulling back to the tip for a quick taste then plunged back to deepthroat his long thick cock. He bounced a few more times then pulled off his cock. "Mmm I don't feel a place is truly mine until I've been fucked in every room, so think you're up to the task?" Arcy purred, at his words Ryu's cock shot a drop of pre onto the growlnine's nose and he laughed. "I'll take that as a yes." He said happily. "We might as well start here. I'm thinking of something athletic." Arcy said, spinning and shaking his ass at Ryu as he slowly eased his pants down, The horny arcainine wasn't wearing underwear so he gave Ryu a good look at his perfect ass and beautiful balls.

Ryu slipped in close and slid his cock between Arc's soft ass cheeks, he moaned as he lightly hotdogged his perfect ass then shuddered as Arcy gently guided his tip to his tight tailhole. He pushed against him softly only for Arcy to push back hard yowling as he forced the cock deep into his ass. "Don't be gentle I like it rough." Arcy moaned as he started to roll his hips fucking himself with Ryu's cock. "OK grab my thighs and lift them up let that thick pole take my whole weight." Arcy panted. Ryu did as he was asked and lifted his feet from the floor. "Oh yess It's been too long. Fuck me hard." Arcy said happily and Ryu started to bounce him on his cock. His hefty balls slapped Arcy's ass with every thrust and he could hear Arcy's thick rod slapping against his belly with every powerful bounce. The erotic sounds merely drove Ryu to bounce him faster and soon the room was filled with the loud slap of flesh on flesh and their twinned moans. "Oh I'm gonna pop, And then so will you." Ryu gasped as his legs shuddered under the incredible feeling of Arcy's expert ass caressing his cock. "Don't be so sure." Arcy gasped back and his ass squeezed tight pushing Ryu over the edge, he slumped to his knees as his orgasm hit but rather than the expected torrent of seed only a small high pressure jet of cum escaped his tip. He gasped and whimpered as the pressure built and moaned lustily as he felt his own balls swell. No wonder Arcy was so desperate to pop. The feeling of his balls bloating was overwhelming and he moaned wordlessly until his orgasm ended with one last tiny sputter of cream. "Mmm a few more and I bet you really make a mess." Arcy panted slipping from Ryu's arms and helping him to his feet.

Arcy shuddered as he pulled off Ryu's cock and stood up. "I know you're ready for round two that's the beauty of that trick." Arcy purred as he walked to the kitchen, As he passed he grabbed another bottle of cola and spun the top off with a loud hiss. He downed the bottle in one long pull and smiled over at Ryu then tossed him the empty bottle. "It's stretch Cola, when I do finally let you burst me I intend to be huge." he said smiling wide. He walked across the room and lent against the glass door. "That's why I picked this place, I love being near the sea." Arcy purred then flicked his tail high. "Time to claim this room." He said shaking his ass at Ryu. The lust maddened typhlosion slammed his cock into Arcy's rear pressing him against the cool glass as he started to thrust hard. Arcy moaned happily as Ryu pounded into him it hadn't taken long for his nervousness to evaporate and he shuddered and moaned as his own cock leaked pre against the glass. "You might want to make this quick, this is a popular spot for night time strolls. Unless you want to put on a show." Arcy panted then groaned as Ryu sped up just as he had hoped he would. He could feel the thick rod ramming deep into his rear and moaned long and loud. "Oh yesss break me." Arcy panted then gasped as he let slip his deepest desire, to be bred hard and fast until he was a hopeless mess of exhausted arousal and then filled until he blew apart. Ryu grunted and sped up again until his hips met Arcy's plush rear with painful slaps and his hefty balls threatened to crush his own smaller orbs. Arcy whimpered as he came staining the glass with his pre and his ass gripped Ryu's cock once more locking him in place as he was forced to cum. Once more he felt his balls swell then slumped back against Arcy.

He gently pulled back until his cock popped from Arcy's ass with a soft moan then stood up. Arcy jumped up with a happy yip and hugged Ryu tight. They walked arm in arm to the dining room then Arcy span the larger typhlosion and pushed him down onto the wide dining table. "Let me do most of the moving this time." Arcy purred climbing up onto the strong table. He straddled Ryu then gently lowered until his tip was pressed against his tight tailhole. Arcy dropped suddenly and Ryu's cock speared into his ass making them moan loud together. Arcy pumped his ass up and down Ryu's cock slowly making him moan loud. Then wrapped his hands around his own pole. He stroked along his shaft in time to his bounces, smiling as Ryu's eyes followed his tip. Arcy drove his ass down on Ryu's cock with a loud slap and shook his hips from side to side to grind his ass on Ryu's cock as he stroked his cock fast. "Open wide." he purred and Ryu opened his mouth. Arcy bounced fast driving himself towards his peak as Ryu moaned weakly then hilted hard again. Arcy gasped and aimed his cock straight at Ryu's open mouth and moaned loud as he came spurting streams of thick cum all over the typhlosion. As Arcy's delicious cum splattered over him Ryu came. Arcy moaned loud as he felt cum pour into his ass and he clamped down on Ryu's cock but not fast enough to stop the first heavy spurt that bloated his normally muscled belly, his abs disappearing under the slight bloating. He moaned loud, feeling his belly fill with warm cum and stroked over Ryu's cum coated chest. "Whoops looks like I got a little too into that." He panted lightly, slapping his slight belly then lifting off Ryu's cock. He stepped off the table and lent back as he watched Ryu recover slowly.

Ryu slid off the table wincing as he ran a hand over his tightly inflated balls then followed Arcy towards the bedroom only for the horny growlnine to pin him to the wall. "You know a hallway counts as a room, you know what that means." Arcy purred then laughed as he felt Ryu's cock rise in an instant. He lent back against the wall as he felt Ryu's tip find his ass then lifted his legs to impale himself on the thick rod, he wrapped his legs around Ryu's hips and shuddered as Ryu started to bounce him up and down nice and fast. Arcy nuzzled into Ryu's shoulders then kissed him passionately. "Mmm this is the best fuck I've had in ages." Arcy panted and Ryu responded by bouncing up into him to hilt deep in his ass. "How about we take this somewhere more comfortable." Ryu panted nodding at the bedroom he walked towards the bed bouncing Arcy on his cock with every step then gently lay him down on the soft mattress He humped into him for a few seconds then pulled out slowly making Arcy moan loud. "Roll over for me." Ryu purred an the lusty growlnine obeyed at once. Ryu lent in to plant a kiss on Arcy's heavy balls then pressed his tip against his backdoor again, he slid in easily and they moaned loud as their hips met. Ryu lent over Arcy and grabbed his shoulders for extra leverage as he pumped his ass hard and fast. The bedsprings creaked loud as he pumped down into Arcy then nuzzled into his ass he felt his orgasm building fast and licked his neck. Arcy let out a shuddering moan as they came together but he still managed to clamp down on his cock hard enough to keep him from cumming properly. Once again he got the strange half orgasm as he pushed just a few drops of cum into Arcy's ass, every other drop swelling his balls if Arcy didn't let him cum soon Ryu was in danger of being the one that would burst.

They lay together for a few minutes, Ryu snuggling against Arcy's back as he recovered, then Arcy bounded up, he dropped to all fours in the middle of the bed and shook his ass from side to side. "I think that's enough teasing, time for you to give me every drop." The growlnine called Ryu smiled; it looked like he was finally about to get the release he needed. He slipped behind Arcy and stroked down his softly furred side as to gently pull his hips back, they gasped together as Ryu's tip pressed against his ass. He sank in easily, Arcy purring happily as Ryu's cock filled his ass once more. "Ahh I'm already pretty close." Ryu groaned as he started to thrust. His hips slapping lightly against Arcy's butt.

Arcy moaned happily and pushed back into Ryu's thrusts. "Don't worry I'm ready for every drop you've got." Arcy purred. Ryu nodded and started to thrust harder, leaning forwards to hug Arcy tight. "Mmm I'm going to enjoy feeling you swell." He panted as pre started to pour from his tip. "Ahh you won't have to wait long." Arcy panted as he felt warm pre flooding his ass. Ryu murred and nuzzled into Arcy's shoulder as he felt his belly swell out. "Wow and that's just my pre." he panted, squeezing his pudgy belly. He sped up bucking harder against Arcy's ass moaning happily as his cock fired huge spurts of pre deep into the growlnine, filling his belly with his warm pre to the brim. "Mmm that's it now give me every drop of your cum and watch how big I can grow." Arcy moaned, slamming back into Ryu's thrusts.

His words were the trigger Ryu needed and he pushed deep with one last thrust to bury his entire length in Arcy's greedy ass. They moaned together as he came. Ryu shuddered, slumping against Arcy as the most powerful orgasm of his life hit like a freight train he panted and gasped as he felt his overinflated balls draining into the growlnine beneath him. Arcy Smiled as he felt the first huge gout of cum explode into his ass, Ryu was shaping up to be the most potent male he'd played with, and he kept up the pace firing spurt after spurt into his ass. He felt his belly surging out and shuddered as it pressed against the bed just in time as Arcy's arms gave way. His belly creaked loud as they landed on it and Ryu huffed the amazing sound making him cum even harder. It had been so long since he had heard the creaking of a partner as he pushed them towards a boom. With every spurt he was lifted a few inches higher by Arcy's ballooning body and was glad they'd made it to the bed before the pop. It looked like Arcy was going to get huge and he'd have something soft to land on when his friend blew.

Arcy's swelling belly showed no signs of reaching its limit yet and Ryu's hugely inflated balls matched its amazing capacity still hugely swollen and his cock kept up the volleys of huge cumshots with his slightest movement. Ryu stroked down Arcy's side as he felt the growlnine's grip on his cock relax and began to hump into him once more. As he bottomed in Arcy's rump his balls clenched hard, unloading a thick stream of cream that made him creak amazingly with every thrust. Arcy could feel the huge pulse of cum driving into his belly stretching him out as he filled with a deep warmth Ryu's cum starting to dissolve his body in preparation for the inevitable pop. His chest swelled out as his belly ballooned and the swelling started to spread out into his limbs rounding his once muscled arms and legs. Arcy moaned happily as his body grew he had always wanted to pop but had never been able to find anyone who was potent enough but now his explosion was guaranteed. A sudden change in the direction of Ryu's cum flow made Arcy gasp. His huge load was draining into his own balls displacing his own seed as it swelled the small orbs out and with a sudden surge it poured into his cock ballooning his long rod thicker and thicker.

"Ahh I'm getting close." Arcy managed to moan as the warmth spread through his entire body, softening him as he rounded out fast. "Ohh yeah. That's it just pop for me." Ryu huffed back grabbing his ballooned friend, his hands sunk deep into Arcy's soft cum filled form and he held on tight as he began to thrust hard fucking him as he orgasmed. With every thrust a huge gout of cum exploded from Ryu's cock and he could feel Arcy getting tighter beneath him, his hands being pushed up as he was filled. Where once they had sunk deep into his belly they now only left the slightest impression as Arcy grew almost drum tight. "Ahh come on and pop." Ryu panted as his huge orgasm started to slow, He didn't want it to end he just had to pop Arcy. Ryu's worry was not shared by the one slim growlnine, he could feel his skin stretching as it thinned out and knew he was little more than a thin bubble of fur over a huge balloon of warm cream and he could feel the vibrations of his skin stretching, suddenly the vibrations stopped and Arcy gasped he'd reached his limit, his skin had no more to give.

Arcy threw back his head to moan loud and panted "Ryu it's ti-'' but he misjudged his limit and didn't manage to finish the sentence as his stretched body let out a soft snap, he ballooned out pinning Ryu to the roof then came apart with a huge sploosh Ryu yelped, even though Arcy had been pretty tight the pop had caught him by surprise. The growlnine's forceful explosion pinned him to the roof for a few seconds as gooey cream splattered out to cover every surface and over the deep boom of the pop he heard a loud cracking as the bed beneath them was crushed to matchsticks by the force of Arcy's explosion. Ryu dropped into the mess and landed on the cum sodden mattress with a wet splash then rolled over panting hard, it had taken every drop he could give and his balls ached badly but he'd fulfilled his promise to pop the growlnine. He slumped back with a wet thump and waited for Arcy to reform.

The room half hidden in darkness, the force of Arcy's explosion had shattered the lights and only the soft glow of the stars through the smashed windows lit the gloopy mess but a new soft glow began to fill the room. Starting as little more than soft embers it quickly swelled to a blindingly bright brilliance and Ryu closed his eyes as the brightness doubled then with a soft pop vanished. Ryu opened his eyes blinking through the purple after image and saw something move towards him, he had barely a moment to react before the apparition threw itself at him and yelped as Arcy hugged him tight. The growlnine was slim once more and he nuzzled into his cum soaked friend "I shouldn't have done that, it was a huge waste of power but I couldn't wait to reform." He said happily as he lay on Ryu's belly hugging the exhausted typhlosion as he drifted off into a deep and happy sleep.

"Wow that was intense." Terrick panted, blushing deeply and squirming in his seat. The waiter arrived with their bill and Ryu paid for them, pushing Terrick's offer of money aside. "I'm being paid to look after you, at least let me pay." He said and Terrick nodded as they slipped from the restaurant into the cool night and walked though the quiet streets towards one of the footpaths that let up the surrounding hills. "It's a bit of a walk." Ryu said sheepishly looking up at his house on the slopes of the highest hill. He had always liked privacy and the gardens around the large villas were beautiful. More than worth the climb. "That's OK More time to talk" Terrick said and Ryu smiled, knowing he wanted to hear what happened next.

The next morning he woke to find himself alone in the bed. But he could hear soft footsteps and grunts coming from the beach. He pushed up and rolled out of bed. Heading for the door with soft steps. But as slow and silent as he tried to be Arcy looked up as soon as he stepped out onto the sand. "I thought you were trained better than that." He chided returning to his exercises. The powerful growlnine stretching with slow deliberate movements. His strong naked body shining under the rising sun. "It has been a while since I've tried anything like that." Ryu replied stretching himself. "Well I could always use a partner." Arcy said softly gesturing to the sand beside him. Ryu slipped in close knowing his friend wanted to talk and started to run through their poses. It had been a while but Arcy had taught him this routine. And he would never forget it. The sand was soft and cool under foot but the sun would soon have it deliciously warm. The soft ache of last nights exertion soon left his muscles as he copied his teachers gentle moves, the inner calm Arcy had sought to teach him soon returning. It had been too long, but it had been a while since he had needed the help to control his powers, even so it felt good to work out once more with his friend. The familiar routine perfect to calm their worries. Arcy would talk when he was ready.

"So should be here for a few more days." Arcy said softly as he stretched. "Ah that's good, time to get all caught up." Ryu replied. "Yeah." Arcy said then huffed. "Then back out. Bit of a rough situation out there at the moment." he added after a few seconds looking at the horizon over the rolling waves. The soft rumble of the azure water on the pristine sands of the island always made Ryu want to take a dip. "Want to talk about it?" he said. "I shouldn't really, secrets, though you're acquainted with the one at the heart of it." Arcy replied. "Oh?" "Someone's been trying to copy Seraphs transformation techniques. There'd be a lot of money on the line if they could pull it off." Arcy said "Can they do that?" Ryu said in surprise. "No, But that's not stopping them from trying, and the results aren't pretty.''Arcy said and shivered. Ryu could well imagine the results of such failures. And knew why Arcy had wanted some company.

He reached out and gently squeezed his shoulders and Arcy lent in to hug him. "Hope your stretches worked because it's time to spar, just like old times." He said turning to pull Ryu into a hug then lightly punching him in the shoulder. Ryu laughed then jumped back, taking up his fighting stance and raising his guard. "It's been a while. But I've always liked a challenge." He said bouncing lightly from foot to foot. Arcy just smiled back "It's not like you could beat me anyway so I'll not be able to tell the difference." He shot back lightly taunting his friend. Then bowed then moved in slowly trying to gauge the other's plans. Their fights had a simple rule. No powers. Any pokemon could win a fight with their innate abilities, it was how you fought without them that counted. And two fire types could hardly hurt each other with fire attacks anyway.

Ryu took the first shot, to his cost, Arcy jumping back and landing a light jab on his shoulder. He always pulled his punches, just a way to show off but Ryu swung wide and caught him in the stomach. The light thump making Arcy smile. "So much for not practising." He called jumping back. He lunged in again and it was Ryu's time to doge but he was bigger and bulkier than Arcy and he just managed to dodge one punch, only to put his ass right in the way of the kick that had been his real plan. They split apart once more slowly circling. Trading feints as they looked for an opening. Ryu watched Arcy jump forwards and dropped his guard for the kick only for Arcy to throw a punch. Ryu smiled as he dodged then landed a gentle blow on Arcy's nose. "You had to know I'd eventually stop falling for that trick." He said happily Arcy huffed and lunged again, using his speed to overwhelm Ryu's defences. But two could play at that and Ryu charged, he was bigger than Arcy and much bulkier, batting his arms aside and he hugged him tight. Arcy yelped and tried to strike back but Ryu had his arms pinned to his sides and he lifted him high. "Give in?" Ryu huffed and Arcy nodded. Ryu dropping him back to the sand with a wide smile. "Not bad." Arcy said. "Well I have been training on my own." He shot back. "Well you're definitely stronger." Arcy purred stroking over Ryu's chest, "And after last night I can say for sure your endurance is amazing." he added to make Ryu blush. "How about a swim to cool down?" Arcy asked, heading for the waves. Ryu's gaze dropped to his ass as he walked behind him.

They walked into the gentle waves and swam out a short distance. The sun warmed water was perfect to ease the last twinges and aches from their muscles. "Every time I'm out here it reminds me why I fight for this island." Arcy said as he lay on his back. Floating easily in the gentle swell. Ryu swam next to him then nuzzled into his cheek. "You deserve more time to relax." He said and Arcy shrugged. "If only. I can't stop for long. There's too much at stake." He said sadly. Protecting his home was worth more than his own comfort. "Well I guess we should make the most of it." Ryu purred. Even if he had only a few days he'd make sure Arcy enjoyed every moment he could spare. A short while later they lounged on the sand. Thick towels protecting them from the heat of the dunes. The warm sun beating down on their short fur. For fire types lounging on the beach was heaven and Ryu's hand was in Arcy's, his other gently massaging his back.

They lay together for a few hours chatting about what they had been up to since their last meeting and reminiscing about being kids together. Like always it soon turned to more romantic questions. They were both fairly open about their relationships and had a few exploits to share. And it wasn't long until Ryu noticed Arcy lightly humping into his towel. "How about we make another story cutie?" he purred, rolling over to reveal his rock hard cock. Arcy smiled wide and shook his cute butt for the bigger pokemorph. "How about we take things nice and slow this time?" He huffed as Ryu pushed up to crawl towards him. He buried his muzzle between those perfect cheeks to plant a kiss on Arcy's heavy balls. "I'm not sure I can resist this ass for long." He replied as Arcy bounced his cheeks back against him with a soft moan. "How about I'm on top to start then?" Arcy huffed back. Ryu nodded and dropped back onto his towel. His rock hard cock pointing at the sky.

Arcy slid over his friend and nuzzled into his shoulder as he crawled on top. He sat back slowly, one hand reaching behind him to guide Ryu's thick rod in. the long pole kissing his ass then slipping in easily. The gooey cream Ryu had pumped there last round easing him to the hilt in Arcy's hungry rump. He bounced slowly on the thick rod eyes locked on Ryu's as they huffed and moaned together taking things nice and slow as he rode his friend. The soft plap of his plush but muscled ass landing in his lap making him gasp. Ryu's hands rose to grope his cheeks then stroked up his back to pull him down into a hug. Their lips meeting in a passionate kiss as Arcy gasped and moaned. His own rod trapped between their bellies was already leaking thick spurts of his thick pre.

Ryu's legs rose to wrap around his back pulling him down gently into the slow bounces driving his cock deeper into Arcy to make the cute twinky boy moan loud. Ryu had to admit Arcy had one hell of an ass and he always thought he was lucky that he got to tap it so often. Not that he didn't offer to bottom for him in return, but Arcy liked to let the bigger male have his way with him and only occasionally took him up on the offer. They both made sure to keep things slow. But there was only so long they could draw things out and Ryu pushed Arcy back up. His hands holding his hips tight to bounce him on his cock. Arcy's thick pole bouncing on his muscled belly as it coated his fur in pre. "Go on cum for me." Ryu ordered, aiming his thrusts to hammer his tip against Arcy's prostate. There was no way he could hold back and he moaned loud as he hosed down Ryu's chest with his cream. His ass clenching on Ryu's cock pushed him over the edge and with a happy moan he let go. Pumping heavy spurts into his tight ass to bloat his trim belly. He stroked over it as it swelled, his abbs sinking into a nice bloated pudge but Ryu did his best to hold back. Even so the filling was enough to make Arcy look pregnant. He slumped into Ryu's arms and hugged him tight once more. Planting a kiss on his cheek. "One last swim before the sun sets and then we can go for a nice meal." Ryu said, holding him tight. "Then back home and no holding back this time." Arcy replied.

Ryu hugged Terrick to his side as they climbed the steep hill above the town, They stopped side by side at a turn to catch their breath and looked down onto the constellation of soft lights. Terrick felt Ryu step close behind him and shivered as the larger male hugged him from behind wrapping his arms around his lithe form. Terrick moaned softly and pushed back against Ryu's warm body, he moaned slightly deeper as he felt a growing pressure on his ass. Terrick rubbed his ass on the growing bulge in the typhlosion's pants and braced himself against the cool stones of the wall. "It's only a little further." Ryu panted reluctantly stepping back. Terrick groaned but stood up hugging Ryu tight as they climbed up the dark hill.

"Here we are." Ryu said quietly, turning down a narrow path, fragrant vines hung over the smooth cobbles with large flowers faintly visible in the moonlight hanging down just over their heads. Ryu reached out and plucked one from the vines and handed it to Terrick, He blushed slightly as he took the flower, but smiled as he sniffed the bloom he leant in standing on his tiptoes to kiss Ryu, they stood there under the flowers for a few moment kissing as they ran their hands over each other's bodies. Reluctantly Ryu broke the kiss and he lead Terrick though the shadowy garden to a small door, He pushed it open and beckoned Terrick inside. Terrick stepped in and gasped, The soft glow of the fire illuminated the room, shining on a wide sofa covered with comfortable cushions. A large oak table stood opposite the fire with a few heavy chairs around it, an open plan kitchen was just visible beyond.

Ryu stepped into the room and hugged Terrick again. "There's bedrooms upstairs, But judging by how you were acting on the walk up here you can't wait that long'' He said sliding his hands down Terrick's sides, he hooked his hands into Terrick's shorts and pulled then down smoothly, nuzzling into his neck and rubbing the huge bulge in his pants against his Terrick's ass. Terrick moaned then stepped forward, he turned and slid to his knees in front of Ryu eagerly tugging the typhlosion's pants down. He kissed Ryu's hardening cock then licked over his tapered head. Ryu Moaned as Terrick ran his tongue over his foreskin then gasped as he slid his tongue under the sensitive ring as he licked around his head. Terrick pulled back for a second then slid Ryu's head into his mouth using his deft tongue to roll back his foreskin he ran his tongue over Ryu's sensitive tip then slowly pushed forward sinking a few inches of Ryu's huge cock into his mouth.

"Wow." Ryu huffs as Terrick pushes deeper. "I've never seen someone do it that easily before. I've had a few offer but once they saw my cock they chickened out." Ryu panted stroking over Terrick's head softly. Urging him to go even deeper. "What do you think, can you go all the way." He pants. In response Terrick pushes forward until his nose brushes the soft fur of Ryu's belly, He holds still for a few seconds then pulls back panting. He licks Ryu's tip then looks up at the larger male. "Mm I've never taken one so big." Terrick pants "But you never know what's possible until you try." He adds. Terrick springs up and spins around then beds over to give Ryu a look at his perfect ass, the tight black boxers barely hide a thing as Terrick bounces lightly on his toes, the shiny silver crescent moons on each cheek twinkle in the fire light as he bounces. "So what do you think?" Terrick asks placing his hands on his ass and spreading his cheeks, stretching the fabric of his boxers to the limit

Ryu smiles and pulls down his tight boxers, dropping to his knees to run his tongue over his blue-white hole, leaving a thick string drool between his tongue and Terrick's tight ass. Before Terrick can even move he presses his muzzle to Terrick's ass once more and drives his long tongue into his backdoor, pushing deep to make him squirm. Terrick moans loudly as Ryu's tongue slides deep into his body, his eyes flutter as he pushes back against the intruder desperate for even more. "Oh, Oh yeah, So Good." Terrick pants between lewd moans, He slides a hand to his cock and gently strokes along his twitching shaft as Ryu pushes his tongue deeper into his needy body. Terrick lets out a strangled moan as Ryu's muscular tongue brushes his prostate. In response the typhlosion pushes his tongue against the sensitive spot even harder. Terrick's moan ends in a gasp as a few spurts of warm cum shoot from his tip but he stays rock hard.

Ryu pulls back with a slurp then moves in to hotdog Terrick's ass. His huge rod rubbing between his cheeks. Terrick moans as Ryu's huge cock presses against him. The warmth making him shiver with need. "That was amazing." He panted pushing back against Ryu. "I'm going to need something to brace against if you want to slam everything in." Terrick added pressing back to bounce lightly on his toes to make Ryu pant. He pushes up and walks over to the couch dropping into it with a thump. His cock slapping his belly. "Why don't you take a seat instead?" He purred. "Well If you insist." Terrick said smiling as he walked over. He spun slowly then rubbed his ass against Ryu's rock hard cock. "Here we go." Terrick gasped as Ryu's tip brushed his tailhole, He slowly pushed down feeling Ryu's cock spread him open. "Oh wow, so full." he moaned as inch after inch of rock hard cock slid into his body. At last he bottomed out, Ryu's tip brushing against his prostate coaxing a dribble of pre from his tip with every movement. Terrick slowly pushed up lifting from Ryu's cock agonisingly slowly then slid back down just as slow. "It's going to take a while to get used to this." He panted rubbing his bulging belly. "There's about 5 or 6 inches left, Take it slow Terrick, you're almost done." Ryu says reassuringly. "Oh wow." Terrick pants starting to move again, He rises a few inches then pushes down managing to sink a tiny bit more of Ryu's cock into his ass. "Looks like I'm going to need a little help." He says guiding Ryu's hands to his hips.

Ryu took a firm grip on Terrick's hips and gently pushed him down, biting his lip as he sank more of his rod into his tight ass. In reply Terrick gasped as he felt his balls brush Ryu's cum filled orbs, He shuddered at the idea of the warm cum they contain pouring into his body, his earlier stories had left him fully aware of just how potent Ryu could be and he couldn't wait to feel that for himself. He slid a hand down his bulging bell to lightly grope Ryu's heavy balls. "these feel tight and full. I can't wait until they empty into me." Terrick panted. "Careful don't set me off too early, I don't want to hurt you." Ryu huffed his cock throbbing deep in his ass. He gently started to bounce him on his cock. "You won't hurt me I trust you." Terrick said speeding up the bounces, Soon he was rising nearly to Ryu's tip then plunging back down almost to the thick base. "I want to feel you fill me." Terrick panted slowing slightly, the effort of bouncing on Ryu's huge cock already starting to tire him out.

Ryu was shocked by his eagerness. "Did you... just say... You want me to pop you?" he huffed softly. His hands on Terrick's hips helping him to take him. Easing him up and down his thick cock shaft to a steady rhythm while not letting his own pleasure build too fast. "Oh yeah fill me up, It sounds so amazing." Terrick gasps, still bouncing hard on Ryu's cock. "I want you to push me to the limit." He groans as Ryu's tip batters into his prostate forcing a few more spurts of cum from his tip. "OK but I've got to build up pressure first." Ryu huffed his balls already starting to swell. "OK let's get started" Terrick said, taking a deep breath and somehow managing to speed up. He could hear Ryu moan louder with every bounce,his ass clapping against his hips. Ryu held tight to Terrick's hips holding him steady for a few moments then letting him bounce once more. Each pause swelled Ryu's balls out a few more inches and every bounce session had them both panting hard.

"So close.... I-I'm about to..." Ryu grunted and grabbed Terrick, pulling him balls deep with a loud slap as he unloaded into Terrick. Terrick gasped as Ryu's warm load flooded into his body, He could feel it filling him to the brim but knew this was only the beginning. "Oh yesss." Terrick moaned as the huge load pushed him over the edge. He spurted cum high into the air as Ryu kept pumping gallons of his seed into his ass. After a few exquisite moments Ryu's orgasm slowed and Terrick slumped forward panting "That was amazing." he said rubbing his hands over his slightly bloated belly "There's a lot more to come, love." Ryu purred nuzzling into his cheek. "How about we change position then? Something more ... dominant." Terrick replied clenching as he revealed just what he was after. "Oh I'm sure I can do that." Ryu said softly as he stood up. Holding the cum bloated boy tight as he lifted to his feet. His strong thighs barely noticing the extra weight of the ballooned boy. Much to Terrick's delight. He did love big strong buff guys and Ryu fit the bill perfectly. He pulls Terrick close and kisses the smaller male passionately slipping his tongue into his open mouth. Terrick moans in bliss and hugs Ryu tight as the larger male runs his hands over his body, sliding them down from his shoulders to his ass to give Terrick's perfect rear a squeeze. Ryu slides his hands back up and hugs Terrick tight then gently lifts his feet from the floor. Terrick gasps as he is picked up then melts into Ryu strong arms as he is carried towards the table.

Holding Terrick tight with one arm Ryu pulls out a chair for his new partner to use as a step. "Climb up onto the table and I'll mount you." He purred as he gently lowered him until shaking legs were pressed to the floor. Ryu held him tight just in case the hard fuck proved too much for him. But he managed to step up and Ryu grabbed his ass groping his cheeks as he slipped behind him. Stepping up onto the back of the chair as he pushes Terrick down onto the table his huge belly still lifting him high as he pressed his long rod deep into his gaped ass. His thick tip slid in easily and Terrick pushed back to take his tip. "Oh yeah baby fuck me hard." Terrick moaned and Ryu was more than willing to pound him hard, but not just yet.

Ryu hugged Terrick tight, his hands stroking over the downy soft fur of his bloated belly. He stroked one hand up to hug the smaller male to his chest as the other wrapped gently around his cock stroking up and down in time to his deep thrusts. Terrick gasped and moaned as Ryu's thick cock bounced in his ass, his own rod leaking pre every time he bottomed out. "Oh Oh yesss." Terrick panted happily pushing back into Ryu as he clung to the chair, his legs shaking under the onslaught of intense pleasure. Ryu huffed and moaned trying to hold off his peak but he could feel a massive orgasm building. "Oh I'm gonna blow you up." Ryu huffed his cock spurting pre. Terrick moaned again, he could already feel his belly stretching once more as Ryu's hot pre poured into his gut. The big typhlosion could only huff and moan as he felt his new friend swelling once more and he reached down to hug his huge belly.

Ryu slowly built up the speed pushing into Terrick's bloated body hard and faster with every thrust until the claps of their hips meeting sounded like applause. He'd huffed and stroked over his back and moaned as he felt him surge out at another heavy jet of pre. Terrick really could take it but the load swelling his balls drum tight was sure to be big enough to push him past his limits. But just to be sure he pushed deep and held there. With only the clenches of Terrick's ass squeezing his rod he felt his peak receding. Giving him a few minutes more to build up his load. Soon he started to buck again, pushing deep with hard and fast thrusts only to hold hilted once more. After a few repeats his balls were aching slightly and dangerously tight. "No holding back this time. I'm gonna make you pop." He cooed stroking over Terrick's back to grab his shoulders. Even they were soft with the cum filling every inch of the once slim boytoy. "Oh fuck, fuck me to bits." Terrick panted as he painted the table with his lust.

Ryu held tight to his shoulders as he bucked hard just the thought of what was to come nearly had him there. And a few hard thrust was all it too to hit his peak, hard. With a roar Ryu let loose a huge spray of his hot cream swelling Terrick out nearly a foot in one pulse and he pushed up to lie on his back, hips pumping in time to the spurts from his cock. Each pulse swelled Terrick even more. His belly was already drum tight and the intense pressure sought out any relief, swelling his chest and limbs out just as fast. Ryu lifted higher with every shot from his mammoth cock could only moan and pant as he felt him growing firmer and tighter under him. Terrick meanwhile was in heaven, waves of bliss blanking his mind as he gave in to the pleasure. His balls draining as his own cock let loose only to fill even tighter with Ryu's seed. It took almost every drop he had but no one had ever resisted his massive balls and with a loud groaning creak Terrick reached his limit. He held there for a few amazing moments then let out one last moan.

The explosion tore the table in two as Terrick detonated into a huge ball of gooey white cream, one moment Ryu had been bouncing on his drum tight friend, the next he was falling through an ocean of creamy jizz he had turned him into. He dropped heavily to land with a splash while a huge wave of cream sloshed through the room, extinguishing the fire and leaving Ryu in a moody musky darkness. He rolled over panting hard then waved a hand watching as Terrick reformed above him, the soft glow of his return lighting the room until he dropped into his arms once more. Ryu held the panting boy tight. Feeling him shiver and ant against him. The first time was always intense and he would need a while to recover. Pushing himself up Ryu hugged him to his chest as he carried him to the bedroom nuzzling into Terrick the whole way until they were both sleeping deeply on his wide bed. Their bodies entwined in a loving embrace.

Ryu woke a few hours later as the dawn sunlight slipped in through the open curtains. He hugged Terrick gently then eased his head from his shoulder and onto the soft pillows. He slipped from the bed and padded on silent feet towards the kitchen. A nice breakfast in bed was in order for Terrick. It had been too long since he'd let loose and popped someone. As he walked through the main room he spotted a package on the sofa, freshly cleaned of stains by the same power that had helped Terrick reform. He grabbed the heavy box and looked around. The ruins of the table still took up the centre of the room so he shrugged and balanced the box on a chair to open it. Sliding his claws over the tape with a soft tearing sound. He pulled a few bits of packing paper aside then gasped. He was looking down at a pokemon trainer's belt, and he knew every scuff and scratch on the pokeballs that filled it, each and every one was dear to his heart. Footsteps behind him made him turn and he saw Terrick standing in the doorway, a huge smile on his muzzle. "Well I should do a bit of explaining. I am here to look after his furret but Seraph asked me to do a little favour for him too, and that's the result. He wanted to be sure you're ready to be reunited with your pokemon. And well, I'm sure you are."

Terrick nodded towards the kitchen, "How about I get breakfast going? Give you time to get caught up." he said softly and Ryu nodded, hearing him slip away. He was still in shock but he walked out into the garden towards the wide patio. He lay the belt down on the lichen covered wall of the terrace and looked out over the sea, eyes dropping to the stadium and the vault that had caused his first visit to the unusual island. This would take some explaining but for now he knew where to start. He eased Flamey's ball from the belt. Taking a deep breath he tossed it lightly onto the tiles. With a flash Flamey landed on the tiles arms raised and ready for a fight but there was no one there, he turned slowly and stepped back, unsure of what was happening Ryu felt his heart hammer as he started to raise his arms once more but stopped short. Flamey frowned then sniffed softly, his head turned to the side as he recognized his master's scent coming from an unfamiliar form. "This might take some explaining." Ryu said softly to his first and most treasured pokemon.

He didn't know just where to start but it was Flamey that made the first move, hugging him tight to press his muzzle into his shoulder. Huffing deeply as he clung to Ryu. "Damn I've missed you so much." Ryu said tears beading in his eyes as he held Flamey tight, pressing his face into his cheek as he clung to him in return. After a few seconds they stepped back. "It might be best to leave this until you're all here." he said softly, reaching for his belt. Aquil was the next, the azumarill had an easier time of it with Flamey to ease the shock and after a few minutes of hugging it was time for another. A flick of his wrist and his skarmory was joining in the group hug. Even in stasis in the pokeball there was a sense of passing time to some degree and they held each other tight. Rio was the next reunion and he quickly grasped the nature of his trainer's change, hugging him tighter than the others, it was less of a shock to the already anthro pokemon after all. Last was his victreebel, there was one missing buy Furry had been with Seraph for years and he already knew of his owner's change. He sank into a seat built into the wall and gestured for his pokemon to gather around. It would take a while to explain what he knew of the change that had happened to him and he started at once, there were parts he didn't understand himself but he felt they understood why if not how their once human owner had become an anthro typhlosion.

Soon his explanations devolved into a massive group hug. The how wasn't really important now they were reunited. And Ryu held his pokemon tight. Their love for him hadn't changed a bit, no matter the time or his new body they were still devoted to him. A soft cough made him look up and he smiled through his tears at Terrick. "There should be enough for everyone." He said waving a hand a the dining room through another door the table piled high with his pokemon's favourite foods and treats. "Seraph sent me a pretty in depth guide when I let him know you were going to be reunited." he admitted. Ryu couldn't help but smile. Dating a chef was sure to have some upsides judging by the smells wafting from the door, and the hungry looks on his pokemon's faces. He pushed to his feet and led them towards the table pulling Terrick into a hug. "This is Terrick, hopefully you'll be seeing him a lot more." He purred gently squeezing his ass as he nuzzled into his cheek. He slid into a seat and watched the others sit each eagerly pulling their favourite dish closer. He couldn't help but smile. He was really going to make the most of his new chance at life.

The End