First day of school Part 1

Story by gabumonkid on SoFurry

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#1 of first day of school

author's note: finnaly my first chaper is done...well its been done but didnt have the time to post it...well i have time now so enjoy :).....

Edit (10/27/10): oh and did i mention that my stories for this series is gunna be based on real life events, fantisies, and dreams....yea and its gunna be alot :3

Jonathan awoke to the sound of a foghorn blaring in his room. he ot up and lazly turned off his alarm clock. he walked towards to the window and peered outside. it was a dark and gloomy morning, typical to a digimon who lives in a location as dull as Chicago, IL. Jonathan was a Gabumon with sleek and soft fur coat, not too puffy nor too rough. He was 5ft 4, wears glasses, is 14 years old, and has a light build.

As Jonathan got ready for his first day of high school, he started thinking about ow his first day of high school will turn out. 'hmm...i wonder how high school would be different from gramer school? best not to think about it'. As he finished getting dressed, he grabed his already packed bookbag and headed out of his room towards the kitchen.

Walking down the stairs he heard noises from the kitchen. When he got there he saw his big brother Ty already ready and eating cereal. Ty was also a Gabumon, 5ft 8, 17 years old, his fur spiked up from around his horn, has a smooth delecate fur coat, skinny but has a six pack showing off from his shirt.

"Well, well, well. Look at you who finnaly woke up." Said Ty. "First day of school and already your messed up."

"Huh?" said Jonathan puzzled. He didnt know what he did wrong until Ty pointed to a mirror. Jonathan looked and saw that his clothes were inside out.

"Aww man. Why does this always happen at the first day of anything!"

"Thats not true. You only do that when your nervous." Ty said in an sarcastic tone.

"Oh shut it!" Jonathan replied annoyed

"Hey its true right? Just tell me whats on your mind? or do i have to profile you to get it"

Jonathan just gave a sad sigh. He hated being profiled especially when Ty is right or when he wants to be nosey.

"Just get the car ready. Ill be out in a minute." He replied softly. he knew Ty was going to be a pain at school, especially since ty is a seinor and Jonathan is just a freshman.

As Ty finished his cereal and went outside to get the car ready, Jonathan quickly put his shirt and pants right side out and got some toast for the road. He knew today was going to be a long day.

As they drove to Von steuben high Jonathan stared out the window and saw all the kids who were walking or riding bikes to school. The school wasnt far from Jonathan and Ty's house but it was far enough that you need to drive.

"Are we there yet?" Said Jonathan bored out of his wits and said for the 10th time

"No, and dont say it again. Its geting on my nerves." Said Ty "Man theres too much trafic."

Jonathan just smiled. He loved to get his brother mad. Thats the only thing he can do so far.

"Anyway were here so you can shut up now."

Ty parked the car in the back of the school parking lot. As both Ty and Jonathan got their backpacks from the car they walked to the school, Jonathan was just amazed by the size and couldnt wait to see the inside.

"ok just go to the auditorium thats just o your left when you go in." Ty told Jonathan. "The people inside will give you your ID and tell you ur division and room and..."

"Blah, balh, blah. Just be quiet...i can manage." Jonathan said to shut him up.

"Hey its your first day and im trying to help here."

"sure whatever."

"Just get in there before i smack you!"

Jonathan gave Ty a mean glare before going in. Jonathan went to the auditorium and stayed there for an hour or so. He got his ID and went to the division room. While everyone in the room started talking when they got settled, Jonathan just sat quietly in his seat. He was always shy when it comes to making new friends.

Looking around he saw a Agumon siting in a chair near a corner of the room. he seemed to be almost as tall as Jonathan, wore a dark orange shirt and jeans, had shiny orange skin and some of his teeth were showing and are very bright.

'Hmm...might as well make one friend. especially one whos alone. at least we can be alone together' Jonathan thought. then he got up and started walking towards the Agumon.

the Agumon was a bit startled as he saw someone get up and walk towards him. Jonathan grabbed a seat from across the from him and tried to introduce himself.

" name is Jonathan. Uh...whats yours?"

"oh name is Casey....nice to meet y-you." Casey said shyly

"uh...well to be very nervous...especially talking to you."

"Really? I thought i was the only one."

"Are you kidding? I bet im more nervous than you."

Casey just giggled and so did Jonathan.

"Well can i see your ID? I want to see what classes you got." Jonathan asked now with confidence.

"Ok, sure" Casey said. then taking off his ID. Jonathan read the back of it where the class schedual were. He say that Casey had 4th peroid gym, 5th period lunch, and 9th period information technology(computers) together.

"looks like we have 3 classes together." Jonathan said as he gave back the ID

"Well thats cool. We'll get to know each other more." Casey exclamed.

The bell rung as soon as Casey finished his sentence. Everyone from division started going to their 2nd period class.

"Well I guess i'll see you at 4th then, if your not late" Casey said picking up his book bag.

"Yea same here" Replied Jonathan.

As Casey left the room, Jonathan grabbed his book bag and started leaving. 'Well that went well.' Jonathan thought to himself as he was walking in the hallway. 'How stupid of me to be nervous like that. I bet i left a bad impression...oh well at least he's cute and all.'

Jonathan, lost in thought, didnt see where he was going and ended up bumping heads with someone in front of him. Books flew to the ground with a big thump.

"Ow...OH im so sorry, i wasnt paying attention to where i was going, Are you all right?" Jonathan said as he got to his feet.

"Yeah im ok, well its not your fault. I wasnt moving fast enough." The person said.

Jonathan helped the guy pick up his books. As he was helping he managed to see who it was. He saw it was a Guilmon. He had a blue shirt and jeans which stood out from his bright red skin, has Brown eyes and seemed to be as tall as Jonathan. Hd managed to see his ID which said his name was Anthony and on the bottom right corner it had a big red "5" on it which ment he had lunch during 5th period, the same as Jonathan. After they were done picking up the books Jonathan introduced himself and Anthony as well. He told Jonathan just to call him Tony since it would be better for him, And told him to stop apologizing like 20 times.

"Sorry, i have a habit of 'Over apologizing'."

"Its ok i sometimes do that too."

"So whats with all the books?"

"Well i have so much stuff in my book bag that this stuff cant fit."

"Looks like someone bought a small bag."

Both digimon laughed a bit when the bell rung.

"Aw man im late for spanish class!" Tony said.

"You have spanish? Me too. What classroom?" Said Jonathan Quickly

"217." "Me too!" "Well we better run or we're going to be late."

Jonathan smiled. They both started running up the stairs where the class was in the 2nd floor. 'Looks like i made two friends in one day.' thought Jonathan as he ran up the stairs.

First day of school part 2

Author's note: well i finally finished typing this. well i had no choice since i was forced to finish it by this weekend. but all in all its done and now working on the next one. feel free to criticize it if there is anything wrong with it. and...

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