A Tale of Dragon and Potions

Story by GryGry on SoFurry

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#3 of Adult

A quick and dirty story inspired by Braeburn's incredibly lewd Boss Fight Team Wipe piece on Fur Affinity. For kicks and giggles I might continue this in another post at some point. This is also posted on my FA here.

My talons click against the floor of the cave as the party and I descend deeper into the cave. A dragon has been eating much of the wildlife in the forest here, and the village nearby to its new den is going to run out of food in the next couple of months, currently surviving on stocks they need to conserve for winter. Unfortunately, dragons are overly proud bastards, so while they are fully capable of conversations and wielding magic better than anyone, they're still stubborn and do as they like. We need to drive him off, essentially. We have no hope to kill or defeat in direct combat, but all we need to do is annoy him until he leaves. He hasn't been here long, so in all likelihood he'll just piss off instead of defending the territory.

About 180 centimeters tall, I am male, slender, and covered in a fine lair of silver down with longer, heavier ventral feathers along my arms, forelegs, and a large crest along the top of my head, travelling all the way down my spine and ending in a rather large span of tailfeathers. Due to all of this, I can only wear a sash, armor or even normal clothes in general a cumbersome and sometimes painful experience. Said sash is made of a light orange silk with blue embroidery, a complement to my intensely orange irises. The only other things I wear are two satchels over both shoulders in the place of a rucksack and black cloth wrapped around my toes to protect the skin from any hazards on the ground. My black beak is broad and bears a sharp edge, a bit like a gryphon's, with neat, intricate patterns in semi-permanent purple paint: a gift from a bored little girl in a merchant caravan.

I am a healer and mage by trade, hence how I can get away with this. My other companions wear leather armor or a mixed combination of light metal plates and hardened leather. One of them is a short lizard-like man, resembling a kobold with dark green scales and thin, perked ears and wielding alchemy as his choice weapon. Another is a fox with ginger fur and a bow with poisoned arrows, courtesy of the alchemist. Third is a stout ferret with dark black fur, wielding a shield and spear. All of them are my height or shorter.

If I wasn't so down on my luck, I wouldn't be taking this job, but needs must, I suppose. It's not impossible for us to do this, but it will take some doing. We have a plan, but I'm honestly terrified these guys are just a bunch of shmucks who decided to pick up a weapon and become adventurers; I just have no guarantee whatsoever they'll actually stick to it instead of panicking because they've gone from being a laborer or craftsman to their first job as a hired sword being to antagonize a scaley death sentence.

Our ferret, Aruu, takes the lead with his shield raised. Our alchemist seems to be doing fine but the fox, Zoom, is having some anxiety. I put a hand on his shoulder and give him a squeeze along with a nod. He nods back and takes a deep breath, seeming to gain some resolve. It doesn't take long before I feel long something is wrong. I can sense magic of some sort, but not what exactly. It seems oddly familiar too, but different enough I can't say exactly why.

As we enter a dark, large chamber, bright lights flare up and a massive blast of energy in multiple glowing lines of color shoot through the room. I try to shield myself, but it goes straight through, and I take the full brunt as well. As my eyes clear, I see no one is visibly hurt, but finally put my talon on just what it is: lust magic. It could be argued it is illusion or alteration magic, and all I know is I refuse to give it its own school. It all is centered around disabling or vastly reducing the effect fear and adrenaline have on libido. Depending on how strong it is, it can also enhance the effects of arousal and even cause the affected to disregard any standards or reservations they may have on sexuality. I've only seen a couple discount hedgewizards try to use it. But this must be the real deal, expertly cast.

At first, I think it might not have an effect, but then a shiver goes through the rest of the group.

"Did... did you all think it would be that easy to enter a dragon's den? I knew when you entered this cave - Ohoho - oh no!" He laughs, his voice deep and silky, reverberating off the cave walls. "You're all newbies, aren't you? You must be? Aww, the little fox's legs are shaking already! Oh, my many days, this does not look good for you lot!"

The initial bright white orbs that flashed us hover in the air, revealing a small dragon with fine, slate grey scales, eyes bleeding a dark blue vapor, large wings flattened to his side, and a quadruple pair of sharp horns along his head. A mane of black fur grows along his head and neck, several locks falling over his eyes. He strides in, standing at the ready to pounce. Within the vapor, lambent blue irises regard us. He's about 240 centimeters long, his tail easily just as much and then some.

"Alright, come on, tell me why you're all here. Did someone I know put you up to this? Was it Gaross? It was him, wasn't it?" He chuckles. "That cheeky dickwaffle."

I take a deep breath to steady myself. I need to keep stone cold, or my libido could become a downward spiral with no escape.

"We're here to drive you off," I reply evenly.

"And if I say no?" He grins, quickly cutting me off before I can continue.

"Then I guess we'll have to bother you. A lot."

"You really still want to fight? Sure, alright. I'll forgo my magic; I'd feel terrible for so much as putting a scratch on any of you. But I am in the middle of breeding season with no mate. If your party loses," He says, a magical barrier materializing behind and trapping us in with him, "You're mine for _at least_the next week. And oh, would you look at that, your only way out is through me."

I have been watching Zoom slowly break down as a person as the dragon speaks, his nose rosy red from the amount of blush on his face. He has his bow ready with an arrow knocked, but his hands are visibly shaking. Aruu is not much better, gripping his weapons tightly and his pants bulging at the groin. Our alchemist, Kir, is keeping it together far better, his eyes clear for the most part.

Our plan is no longer ideal for this scenario. I was expecting a bigger dragon with no magic, something we could use our smaller size as an advantage to keep one step ahead of them. Unfortunately, I don't think Aruu or Zoom are capable of complex thought at this point, so we'll have to go ahead with it anyways.

"Zoom, smoke now," I say softly.

He doesn't move and I shake his shoulder to snap him out of it. Shaking his head, he draws back the arrow and fires it at the ground in front of the dragon, creating a smoke cloud and drawing a surprised snort from the dragon.

"Alright, forward!"

Aruu hurls himself forward, his shy demeanor having evaporated with his arousal. There's a solid thunk from within the smoke and I use a quick blast of air to clear it, finding Aruu pinned and receiving a large lick across the face while his armor is being torn clear off by sharp claws, his sword and spear knocked far out of his hands. Throwing forward a jet of cold water, I splash the two of them, jolting Aruu back to reality.

"Kir, do the thing!" I yell, the alchemist throwing a bottle directly at the dragon's nose that explodes with a deafening bang, causing the larger being to violently recoil.

Darting forward, I grab Aruu and try to haul him back, but the dragon leaps right over us, pouncing onto Kir. He pins the smaller alchemist easily and whispers something in his ear before I can coat the dragon's maw in ice to shut him up, just trying to play damage control at this point. Zoom has not moved an inch, entirely transfixed by the raging erection the dragon now sports, well over 80 centimeters long and dark purple in color with several ridges and even more spikes along the top and bottom of its length, the point tapered for easy insertion.

I feel my sash begin to tent just looking at it and shake my head to clear it and check Aruu, relieved to find him unhurt from the dragon's claws. A jolt of steam issues from the dragon's nose as he lets out a burst of flame to clear the ice from his mouth, turning to Zoom and deftly pulling a few arrows from his quiver. I realize too late they're the smoke ones as he hurls them at the ground, sending the entire chamber into a miasma of thick, black smoke. I cough, using wind magic to clear it all down the open tunnel. It occurs to me I could grab Aruu and we all leave, but I've already lost my entire group twice before. I will not allow a third, even if they're not likely to die this time and I ultimately end up ruthlessly shagged by a dragon; it's a stupid matter of pride for me.

With the smoke cleared, I find the odd site of Kir being thoroughly bred by the dragon, the alchemist pinned to the floor on his back practically pink in color from the amount of blush on his face as the dragon wastes no time humping into his new toy. Zoom is trying to knock an arrow to do something, but it's quite evident he can barely stand.

"By the way, you can have this," The dragon says nonchalantly, pulling a grenade out of Kir's rucksack and sending it straight at Aruu and I with a flick of his wrist.

I raise a shield, expecting it to be one of his impact grenades, but instead it bursts into a puff of blue vapor that coils around us. I clear it away like the smoke, but not before both of us end up taking a large breath of it. The ferret and I lean against each other for support as our strength is suddenly sapped. Aruu's armor was hanging on by a thread, of which snaps, and falls apart off of him, leaving him entirely naked and evidently aroused himself.

Unexpectedly, he hugs himself to me, nearly causing us both to lurch off balance, grinding himself against my leg. Annnd I see this must have been an aphrodisiac grenade. Wait, why would Kir even have those? I realize it's quite a strong one as well when Aruu begins to look a lot cuter than he was a moment ago.

"Oi, focus!" I tell Aruu, snapping my fingers in his face about as much as one can with talons.

"Mmm," Is all he replies listlessly, moving his hands behind my back to untie my sash and letting it fall to the floor.

"Oi, no, stop!" I struggle, trying to weakly push the horny ferret off of me.

Normally I would use magic to just force him off, but my thoughts are starting to muddle, and I worry I would overdo it. Instead, I waste a lot of time trying to get his attention before finally coming up with a solution: creating a large tuft if snow in my hand and throwing it right at his junk. The cold shock makes him yelp and his eyes focus again, blinking as if coming out of a trance before looking around. We both turn our heads towards a pleasured moan as Zoom is mounted by the dragon now, a very befuddled but still hanging on Kir searching through his rucksack with no small amount of dragon cum leaking out from under his tail.

I get the feeling he's looking for the potions wrapped up in the dragon's tail above his head as the bastard gulps them down three at a time in his maw with a very pleased look on his face, rapidly going through them and letting the bottles fall to the ground as he thrusts into a very enthusiastic Zoom, giving the fox everything he wants and more. Well... shit, this isn't good. Aruu and I look at eachother, unsure of what to do. Picking my sash off the floor, I pull a small crystal out of a hidden pocket.

"Just so we're clear, you don't want your own go with the dragon?" I ask wryly.

"No, no I do not!" He says, evidently struggling to avoid looking at my shaft or the sexual event going on at the other side of the room. "I'm not attracted to males. Or... so I thought."

"That's the dragon's doing. Here, take this, I'll distract him. Grab the other two, make sure you're touching them, and I can get you all out of here."

He nods, taking it. A pleased growl and more bottles falling to the ground marks the dragon's second orgasm, Zoom's belly rapidly filling with cum and spilling out onto the ground below. Pulling out of him, the dragon lurches around to face Aruu and I, the potions evidently related to the grenade in some fashion when he looks at us with pure lust, not the mischievous eyes he had before. Using illusion magic, I create a myriad of glowing crystals mixed throughout my feathers, making myself a bright beacon. The dragon's sight locks straight onto me and strides forward as I edge away from Aruu, the ferret darting away and dragging Zoom by the scruff to Kir, putting a hand on his shoulder.

I flick a blue dart of light at the crystal, the three disappearing in a flash. Confused for a brief moment and sobering up a little in the process, the dragon whirls around in surprise, his toys now gone.

"Well, look at that," He says with evident shock and reassessing me, his voice having cleared, "You're actually a real mage."

"Healer, but yes..." I sigh.

I bruise quite easily. I'm going to hate myself for weeks after this, I imagine.

"I could use a mage."

"Are... are you offering me a job while your dick is out?" I question with disbelief, keeping myself covered with my arm feathers.

"Ah, fair point," He replies, his brief moment of clarity fading as he saunters up to me and wraps his tail around my back while nuzzling my neck, breathing hot breath over my body. "There's time for that after."

That is not what I meant! Unfortunately, I'm unable to even say that as I am only half unwillingly pushed to my knees and then on my back, the dragon standing formidably over me with his shaft drooling hot precum onto my own.

"Valiant of you to save your comrades, but that just means I have you all to myself now," He breathes in my ear.

Purring, his tail wraps around my waist and lifts my rump up towards his shaft. He's so slick from his previous excursions his tip pierces straight through my tight ring and inside, eliciting a squirm and a sudden gasp from me.

"H - hey, please be gentle. I'm not used to this sort of thing."

I only get a rolling purr in response as his arms wrap under my armpits to grip my shoulders, gradually pushing his entire length inside me. As someone who's never been with anyone before, let alone a male, I am barely managing to keep a grip on my intelligent thought at the intense filling. I don't feel any pain, courtesy of the magic more likely than not, and every spiked and ridge grind against my prostate as he hilts inside me. My discipline finally reaches its limit as he begins to hump into me, hilting halfway before pulling out, and then repeating it faster and faster until starting a slow tempo, sinking in and pulling out a little more each time just to force it back in.

I melt in his arms, rubbing my beak and forehead against his snout with the occasional small coo. Breeding me with far more deliberation than the other two, he grins watching my calm demeanor shatter into a shuddering wreck. Over time I figure out his occasional lick or nuzzle is praise, and I learn how to pleasure him back until I am constantly showered in kisses and soft strokes. He holds out longer than I thought he could until finally slamming back into me one last time. His precum was already spilling into me at an alarming rate, and his cum is far worse, filling my belly with roiling heat as it slightly expands, finally forcing an orgasm out of me as well and painting his stomach with my own ecstasy.

Sensitive and feeling vulnerable, I am entirely unprepared for him to start going right back at it again, my weak pleas of resistance lost in his rolling purrs and deep, pleasured breaths. The intensity of it all was already overwhelming and now so much worse I entirely lose track of time, taking so much effort just to make sure I'm breathing as he abuses my prostate. I let out a twitter as I cum again, the dragon snickering a little and knowing exactly what he's doing. Pulling me closer against him, his thrusts become more forceful, less controlled until he flips us onto our sides and fucks me with wild abandon now that I can take it.

He continues thrusting through his orgasms and continuously fills me until I look fat, and it all spurts out of me from around his dick, evermore pushing the hot cum into my depths and racking me with just as much pleasure until the ground in front of me is white and a large pool of heat can be felt along the underside of our flanks. It isn't long before the combination of drugs and magic finally becomes too much and I pass out in his arms, fucked silly.

I wake up some time later with his legs wrapped around me, his warm breath spilling across my neck; it's too fast for him to be asleep, so I know he's awake.

"What state are my poor tail feathers in?" I murmur.

"I straightened them back out," He assures me. "You're still a gorgeous little bird."

"Well, at least I got that going for me then."

"So, about that job."

"Please, do go on. I think we're well acquainted at this point," I remark dryly.

"Indeed," He agrees, nuzzling my neck in a way that feels surprisingly nice. "I'm a little tired of getting attacked is all. As amusing as this encounter was, the last few have been painful for me. Having a mage to support me would be nice."

"Support how? I'm not much for offensive magic, if that's what you mean."

"Oh, absolutely not! They're sending inexperienced recruits after me. I can't bring myself to actually hurt them. No, I just want a shield against arrows is all. Maybe something to disrupt their attacks, throw them off balance. Occasionally, they keep finding a gap to stab me with something and it hurts!"

"I see. I suppose I could do that. Do you know why they're attacking you?"

"I was hoping you could tell me the same thing. Honestly, you'd think someone at this point would say something."

"I wasn't told anything either, just to drive you off."

"Ah. I see. That little lord must be upset with my presence on his land. Heh, I wonder if he thinks I'm eating their goats and cows."

"Are you not?"

"Pfff. No," He says with an annoyed puff of smoke. "Besides, I was here long before him."

"I didn't mean it like that! It's just... where can a giant creature reasonably be expected to get so much food?"

He chuckles and boops his snout against my beak, making a bit of heat go to my face. "I eat the deer and elk away from the human territories, silly. Besides, I eat other things."

"Well, fair enough."

"For instance, I do enjoy demolishing fowl from time to time," He snickers, rubbing my entire chest gently with a big paw. "You're a cute one too."

"I - erm... thanks?" I stammer, twittering as he gently strokes my head with a big claw.

"So, how about it. Want to work for me?"

"I would need to be paid... but yes."

"I think I can manage that," He says with a backward glance.

I realize he moved me and we're laying on a silk rug across a giant pile of treasure.

"Where did you get all of this?!"

"Ohhhh, I helped a few kings here and there. Made some wizard friends. Saved a dwarven city. It happens."

"A humble dragon, eh? Rare, that."

"I merely state the truth," He chuckles. "But I think a part of your job will be to let me pet these feathers. They're so soft, and you smell nice."

I let out a little croons as he nuzzles my chest, his fingers digging into my feathers and massaging the flesh beneath.

"As long as you're gentle," I reply, pressing my crown back into his paw as he strokes my head.

His response is a gentle, rolling purr as his nuzzling goes lower, tickling my belly and making me laugh as he does so. I realize his plan too late as he pounces on me, his long tongue wrapping around my shaft, aroused from his teasing.

"You - nnnmf - greedy dragon," I huff as he takes me into his warm maw, the scaly bastard smiling cheekily as he does so.

Pinned to the floor, I'm relatively helpless as he lavishes licks across my dick and pumps me with his wet maw, his tongue lolling down and slipping inside my rear, making me squawk in surprise and then croon in pleasure. It becomes too much for me and I grab his horns, thrusting into his willing maw as his tongue buries itself inside me. The dragon chuckles in satisfaction, his warm breath blowing across my belly and taint.

Finally, I hilt myself in him one last time and explode down his willing throat, muscles locked as I blast several heavy pumps inside before laying back, breathing heavily. I shudder a little as he milks the last few drops out of me with his tongue stroking along my shaft.

"Is this how you plan on amusing yourself with me here?" I ask, basking in the afterglow as he cuddles up with me again.

"At least until the long term effect of those potions wear off."

"Looks like I'm stuck here for a while, then. That guy was a competent alchemist, at least. Heh, oh noooo, what a terrible fate to befall me..."

"I hear getting eaten by a dragon is truly a terrible end," He laughs.