Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Six

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#7 of Gaining Lost Time

Chapter Six

"Tutoring and Revenge"


Furry Sith Lord

Uncle Jon was true to his word and he found me a tutor. I met Justin as he slithered up to me and introduced himself. He seemed bashful and did not look me in the eye but kept his head lowered and his gaze was on the ground. He wore black glasses and had to turn his head slightly when looking.

Justin is a garter snake and he's shorter than I am. His forked tongue periodically sticks out from his mouth and he had a special backpack that was attached to his back but since he has no arms or legs it was adjusted to cling to his scales.

"Excuse me, are you Eastwood?" he asked softly and I smiled at him.

"Hi," I replied and he seemed more relaxed as he saw me smile at him.

"My name's Justin and a friend of yours, Jon Lupus-L, said you needed a tutor and if I didn't help then you'd both remove my scales and bury me up to my neck." Justin said shyly. I used my paw to make him look me in the eye by gently tilting his head upwards towards me.

"He was teasing you, we'd never hurt you." I said but unfortunately I couldn't be sure if I was lying or not because the Jon in this time period was different from the Jon I knew.

"Really? I may look like a snake but honestly I'm just a harmless bookworm." He said and I started laughing to cheer him up.

"Justin, I think you and I are going to be great friends. Plus, if anyone bothers you; you come tell me and I'll take care of them. I'm kinda a book worm myself but what I'm working on is way too complicated for me and I need help."

"What is it you're working on?" Justin asked .

"I've been trying to understand what string theory is."

"Oh, I love string theory! The idea was first brought to my attention from a show I liked to watch." Justin said as his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Really? A TV show?" I asked.

"Yeah, I used to love the show "Quantinium Leaps' and there was an EP where they said it was based on string theory."

"I don't remember that show." I said hoping he would take the hint and tell me more about it.

"Well, the show is about a scientist that found a way to time travel," Justin explained.

"Time travel you say?!" I replied then he continued.

"Yeah, he built a machine that does it only he has to switch bodies with another species from that time period. It's like their minds get switched and he becomes them and they become him. His body is kept in a holding cell so that the fur he switches with doesn't freak out and hurt both of them.

Something went wrong and he can't return to his own body so he keeps switching from body to body in hopes he somehow finds a way back to his own time. In one episode they mention an idea of string theory and how the show is based on this idea. It's not how real string theory is, but I never knew that until I researched it."

"So wait, what does the show say it's based on?" I asked.

"The idea is that everyone's life span is a single thread, or string, and if you could find a way to curl up this string into a ball then it's possible to travel at any given point in that fur's life. Since we are all connected to each other by the evolutionary tree of life, if you could ball up a fur's life into a ball it might be possible to travel back in time by jumping from string to string.

The only problem is that the future isn't created yet so you could not travel to the future but you could only travel to the past."

"Wait so are you saying that if you traveled back in time then you could never get back to your own time? At all?!" I asked.

"That's the problem the scientist had. He never found a way back home." Justin said and his expression changed to one of concern as he saw my face. "Is something wrong?"

"When he switches, does he look like himself or someone else?" I asked.

"Well we the audience sees him as the scientist but everyone else around him just sees the original fur he switched with. No one can tell them apart except us viewers." Justin explained.

"So when you see me, what do you see? I think I look like a white tiger, what do you see?" I asked.

"I see a white tiger. Why did you time travel from the future or something?" Justin asked and I laughed trying to hide my nervousness.

"No, I sometimes wish I could. Like in the show so that no one knows I'm a rare white fur species." I said.

"Yeah, I guess I can understand why." Justin remarked. "However real String Theory has nothing to do with the TV show." Justin began to teach me about String Theory and I made careful notes and even added in what I remembered him saying about the Show. I had a feeling it was all interconnected somehow but had no clue why or how.

The other thing I wondered about was had my mind switched with the Real Eastwood from this time period or had I truly gone back in time? I wished there was a way to talk to Eastwood and see if he could tell me about how his machine works.

"What do you want?" Obi asked as his serval eyes glared at the lion standing before him. Roni saw a quick hint of fear as he looked down at the orange serval because he knew he could end the feline with one swipe from his paws. Unfortunately he needed him otherwise he would have ignored the worthless foreigner.

"You are roommates with a white tiger, correct?" Roni asked.

"Not by choice, my friend." Obi replied. He saw no hint of emotion from the lion and had no idea what to make of him.

"So you don't like your new roommate?" Roni asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing against him personally but we had a friend we wanted transferred in but instead he got the spot, for some reason." Obi said.

"I happen to not like him either! What if we could help each other out and maybe get him removed so your friend could move in?" Roni asked.

"No! Them white furs are bad luck! You don't mess with them unless you ask for trouble." Obi said and he took a few steps backwards as Roni moved forward and pressed him up against the wall of a nearby building.

"It might be bad luck for you if you keep him as a roommate." Roni threatened. The serval pressed his back against the wall and he frantically looked around for some help.

"Leave me out of it... please." Obi pleaded.

"I already have your friends in my pocket. I just need you and together I can make sure that the 'friend' you want living with you moves in. You just have to tell me what the tiger is up to, that's all and any bad luck will fall on me."

"You are asking for trouble, you know that." Obi said.

"That just happens to be my middle name." Roni said as he used one of his claws to pick at his teeth.

"What exactly are you planning on doing?" Obi asked.

"Make him late for curfew and once Campus PD are notified he'll be tossed out. Him, being a slave and all, he has special rules that he must follow if he wants to remain on campus." Roni explained and he smiled evilly.

"How will you do that?" Obi asked.

"I've been keeping an eye on him and I've noticed that he spends time in the library. The next time he goes I'll create a distraction so he can't return to your room. Then you call Campus PD and report that you're worried he hasn't returned. When they find him and learn that he's in violation of curfew then he'll be expelled and your friend can move into your room." Roni explained.

"I just don't like how dishonest it is."

"Relax, friend. Leave everything to me." Roni said slyly. He ignored the look of panic on Obi's maw but at the moment he could care less. He had won over the serval and with his help he would be able to get revenge on Tyger.

I was sitting on my bed going over the notes I made from Justin tutoring me when the door of my room burst open and I saw Lou look around then he glared at me.

"What the tail?!" I exclaimed and I tried looking behind him to see a couple of my roommates watching to see why a deer had suddenly decided to pay me a visit. What was especially odd was that Prey was visiting 4 Predators which never happens. It was clear to all of us that Lou had a big pair of balls to be so brave to do something like this. Knowing that Lou would one day become my fatherx, it seemed normal to me but I was thinking more in line with how the others felt.

"We need to talk," he stated and I rose and closed my door to give us some privacy. My roommates made a few disgruntled murmurs but I ignored them.

"What's wrong?" I asked coolly, trying to control myself. His charging into my room still had me a little flustered. This was something I never expected considering how he has been treating me. He still has that Big brother vibe going on but knowing that he will one day become my father, leaves me weak and I yield to his demands without question.

"Father is coming here for an inspection!" I saw the nervousness in his eyes.

"Does he usually do that?" I asked.

"NO! From what I gather, your grades have surpassed my own. He's going to yell at me for letting a slave get the better of me. How is it possible that you exceeded me? Did you cheat?" Lou asked and I blushed and looked down at my feet as I thought about how to explain it to him.

"My father is a brilliant fur and he hired the best tutor to teach me. Once I discovered good study habits and developed a love of learning because I wanted to please my... father. Learning became easy for me."

"So you remember all that but you can't remember your father's name?" Lou asked.

"Well... what if I told you that I do remember everything but my father is a fierce competitor of your father and if I told your father who my father is it might start another Great War. I'm actually trying to build bridges, or mend fences, or whatever the analogy is." I said. Lou just glared at me with his eyes scrutinizing me.

"When did your memory return or have you always had it?"

"It took a bit because I wasn't sure at first but I remember everything now. I just need to complete my deal with your father then I'll have to explain everything to my father. He is going to throw a fit when he finds out about this." I said but I wasn't sure if my father would ever know what had happened to me. Since he died before I was transported here.

I may be stuck here and have to live out the rest of my life from this point in time. The best I could hope for was to bump into my parents some time in the future when I'm an old fur... if I live that long. How could I explain that I am their son that was sent back in time and could never return home?

Lou started laughing and I looked at him trying to figure out what was so funny.

"This is rich. So the son of my father's enemy is gift wrapped into our hooves and now our slave. We can use you to cripple your father's business... providing he actually cares about you." Lou mocked.

"Really?!" I said as I started to get mad. "You don't think that if a father adopts a rare white fur species as his child, that he doesn't actually love them? Well reality check my father actually loves me. You, being adopted by your father and made into his own natural born son, like I was, should know what I went through." I said my voice nerely shouting and Lou's face almost turned white as I revealed the secret he had told me when he first made me his son. He had told me his secret and made a bond with me that I'd never tell anyone about it. It was his way of assuring that I knew he'd never sell me, like the adults that gave birth to me had. He had claimed it was to keep his secret from getting out. I slowly began to doubt if he was being fully honest with me that night. I think he was merely trying to erase my fears of being sold again.

"How could you possibly know that?!!" Lou exclaimed.

"My... father told me. He heard about it from your father when your father was trying to berate him for making me his natural born son." I lied. I had not lied this much since The White Citadel and although I still hated doing it. This stupid time travel was forcing me to do it again. I was still afraid of ruining the timeline if I revealed too much.

"My father would never reveal that kind of information to his enemy. He actually would never reveal it because it could harm his reputation." Lou said defiantly.

"He would if my father and your father were once best friends." I countered. Lou sniffed loudly not having a come back but he was still displeased. I suddenly worried that he might tell his father and that could cause me more problems later on. I needed to get him on my side!

"What if 'I' tutor you so that you could surpass me?"

"Tutored? By you? You must be crazy. I'd never allow that the huliation alone would kill my father. You must have cheated! Once I find out how I'll end your existence here." Lou threatened.

"Why do you have to be so difficult at times? Neither of you seemed to mind when I helped you beat him in chess. This is the same thing! You have a slave helping you so that the mundane can be bypassed and you focuss more on your studies. I'm not really teaching you, you're merely exploiting me to better yourself." I said hoping that by stroking his ego a little he would concede to my way of thinking.

"Of course you could always have Leggo tutor you." I added.


"Yeah, if he's not acting like a puppy then why couldn't he?" I asked. I was trying to throw him off guard because knowing my dad like I do he could not tutor anyone.

"You really think that the wolf, who constantly forgets to zip up his pants, is in any way qualified to help me. Are you out of your cotton tailed mind?!" Lou raged. I began to laugh and this made him angrier but he had taken the hook so now I just had to reel him in.

"Keeps forgetting to zip up his pants, huh. You seem to have quite an interest in him for someone you don't care about." I jeered.

"What? I...." Lou then screamed in frustration.

"Either me or Leggo. Take your pick." I said and I saw him blush slightly.

"This isn't over!" He shouted at me and stormed out of my room. He shouted at a couple of my roommates to get out of his way and they looked at me and shrugged.

Leggo was walking along looking up at the sky as the stars were coming in. He had a big grin as he was enjoying the evening setting in. He thought about finding the nearest bench so that he could lie on his back and watch the stars.

His thoughts were interrupted as something bumped into him and he shook his head as his focus was clearing. He looked and saw Lou glaring at him.

"Um... excuse me." Leggo said softly.

"You should be, there is no excuse for you!"

"Pardon?" Leggo asked as he wondered why the deer was so upset.

"Well if you weren't acting like a puppy, then you would have never bumped into me." Lou continued but Leggo saw a change in his expression. It was the first time he had ever seen Lou Cervus-D on the verge of crying. It was odd to think that he could have an expression other than self righteousness and for a moment he felt compassion on him.

"Sorry," Leggo replied absently but he was more interested in the tears forming around Lou's eyes. Lou just grunted and wiped his eyes trying to cover up his feelings.

"What is that smell? It's making me tear up!" Lou asked defensively and Leggo raised his arm and smelled his armpits but did not smell anything out of the ordinary. He just smelled like a husky wolf to himself.

"I must be allergic to your cologne... You are wearing cologne, aren't you?" Lou asked and he raised an eyebrow and Leggo shrugged.

"OK out with it," Leggo replied.

"Out with what?"

"Come on, why are you ready to start crying?" Leggo asked firmly. It was too beautiful an evening to waste by listening to Lou lie about his feelings.

"I don't know why you think I'm crying but even if I was, which I'm not, it's none of your business." Leggo gently reached out and grabbed Lou's head and pulled him close then made him look up at the stars.

"You see that? How beautiful the stars are? I love how peaceful the evenings are. They make me feel like all is right with the world." Leggo said and as Lou gazed upward he suddenly noticed that he was clinging onto the wolf and he abruptly pushed him away.

"I have to get going,"

"You don't have to. The best part of watching the stars is doing it with a friend. Jon used to watch the stars all the time but now... he just got bored and went after other interests. Not me! I still like the stars because unlike my grandpa, they never argue back." Leggo explained. He lowered his gaze and saw Lou blushing.

"They never blackmail you either." Lou remarked and Leggo flinched.


"Someone I was becoming fond of found out a secret about me and now I fear he will try and use it against me to ruin my family name."

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure. I've seen how he acts around my father and how my father pays him more attention than me."

"Maybe that's because he knows your secret, whatever that is."

"So it proves that I am an embarrassment to my father." Lou said as his voice began to choke up.

"I didn't say that! What I mean is maybe your father is trying to silence him. What does he have on you anyway? I've never seen you this upset." Leggo asked. Lou turned his back to him and Leggo hesitated a second then reached out and began to rub his back. He could smell how content Lou was and had he been a feline he would be purring.

"That's personal,"

"OK then tell me who it is. Maybe I can reason with him and turn this around." Leggo said.

"You'd do that for me?!"

"Yeah, can't have you bothering me when I'm trying to watch the stars. If I have to punch him in the nose to get him to leave you alone, I will." Leggo replied.

"First time someone said something like that; that wasn't being paid."

"Maybe you don't know half of what you think you know. Species can surprise you sometimes."

"Huh," Lou said to himself. "You're right, I need to find a way to stop him on my own. If I let my father handle kit; it'll show how weak I am." Lou nstated to himself.

"But I never..." Leggo tried saying but he saw that Lou was ignoring him now. He sighed deeply because he knew that no matter what he said that Lou had made up his own mind and would not listen to reason.

"Hey Leggo," Jon said as he was walking by with a female poodle holding onto his arm. Leggo guessed it was some new girl he had just met and his dating life rarely lasted longer than a few days.

"Jon," Leggo said and his friend stopped and stared at Lou as he was ranting and raving as he spoke to himself.

"What's his deal?" Jon asked.

"I don't really know. First he was complaining that someone was bullying him then he started acting like this."

"Maybe I could pretend to be on his side and secretly sabotage his project. If he fails in front of my father then I'll have the upper hoove." Lou said, still trying to convince himself of what he should do.

"Jonny, I haven't got all night." The poodle said and Leggo noticed she was chewing bubblegum with her mouth open.

"Is she a poodle chewing gum or a cow chewing cud?" Leggo mocked and Jon tried to suppress a smile as she rolled her eyes.

"He hasn't even started it yet so what can I do?" Lou mumbled.

"What happened to Ryanna?" Leggo asked and Jon cringed then shrugged.

"She said I didn't have enough muscles."

"Leggo, how are you at tying knots? Think you could tie him up in a bag and toss him off a cliff?" Lou asked and Leggo cringed.

"How do you get yourself into these messes?" Jon asked.

"Jonny! I don't have all night." The poodle whined.

"I better go because we both have things to do." Jon said with a grin that made Leggo growl softly.

"Thanks," he replied gruffly. He watched as Lou sat on the ground and was using leaves and sticks to make a poorly designed model as he plotted what he was going to do. Leggo shook his head then decided to walk away to enjoy the stars, while he could.

To Be Continued...