Big and Bigger: Epilogue

Story by Spoonfed on SoFurry

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#3 of Big and Bigger

The door to the house suddenly blew open as a little filly dashed out at full speed. She whizzed past Sugar Belle, nearly tripping the mare up.

"Take care, Apple Bloom, ya almost hit Belle!" Applejack shouted from behind her. "She should get all the space she needs right now, ya know."

"Ah'm sorry! Ah didn't see 'em coming," Apple Bloom shouted back, turning her head only for long enough to wave at the mare and the red stallion that accompanied her. "Ah'm already late as it is, so..." She swiftly ran out into the street, her sentence left unfinished.

"It's fine, dear, don't worry!" Belle chuckled, following the energetic filly with her gaze.

"Howdy, family!" Applejack grabbed their attention. "Come inside, the dinner is hot and waitin' for y'all."

Big Mac nodded to his sister and graciously helped Belle up the porch. She covered the stairs with slow steps, placing one of her hands on her big round belly. It wobbled lightly under her spacious dress as she ascended and made her way into the house. Her husband followed right behind.

"It's great to see ya, Belle." Applejack hugged the mare, careful not to squeeze her too tight. Taking a small step back, she placed a hand on Belle's pregnant belly and gave it an appreciative squeeze. "How's our little apple doing? Been kicking some more?"

"A lot more," Belle laughed. "It should be a month away still, but sometimes I feel like it might pop out at any moment."

"Gonna be a strong one. Like the father." Applejack glanced at her brother with a smile.

The three of them went into the kitchen, Mac and Belle taking their places at the table beside each other, while Applejack poured each of them a bowl of hot soup. With the moment of their foal's birth getting ever closer, the conversation centered, as it often did lately, on all the ways in which the family was preparing for the coming of its newest member. Applejack once again reinstated her commitment to do everything that was possible on her part.

"Harvest season is coming soon, so it's gonna be a busy few months. If ya need any time off, Ah can handle yer part too, brother."

"We'll see. But Ah don't plan to be slacking off," he responded.

"It's not the kinda thing ya can make plans for. Just know that Ah'm always ready to pick up the work if Belle needs ya."

Mac nodded, while his wife beamed Applejack a wide smile.

After they were done with the dinner, the stallion helped Belle raise herself from her chair, while AJ quickly placed their empty bowls into the sink. She circled around the table, coming up behind the pair.

"Ah'm gonna be at Twilight's for a few hours. But lemme take a good look at that pretty belly of yours before Ah go." Applejack began raising Belle's dress before she even finished her request.

The pregnant mare just giggled softly as both her round tummy and her pink panties underneath it were unceremoniously exposed. Getting down on her knees, Applejack pressed her lips into the belly button, tenderly massaging the bulging flesh with her hands.

"Can't wait to finally hold our little baby foal," she whispered, rubbing her muzzle across Belle's skin.

Before standing back up, Applejack casually tugged on the mare's underwear. She raised it just a little bit and then let go, making the stretched fabric hit Belle's waist with a pleasant smack.

"Stay safe."

Up on her feet, AJ leaned toward Belle and planted a farewell kiss on her lips, one that was more than simply friendly. Mac could swear he even saw their tongues darting out to meet each other, swapping little bits of spittle. His cock jerked within his pants as watched it, imagining sinking his shaft deep inside her throat. Applejack was clearly asking for it with her brazenness - something that had become quite usual by this point. He didn't mind it though, it just gave him another opportunity to discipline her afterwards.

"See ya later, sis." The stallion said, rubbing his crotch.

Applejack's gaze darted down for just a moment. Raising her eyes, she smirked at him and licked her lips. "See ya later, big brother." Her fingers trailed lightly across her chin and neck.

And with that, Applejack turned around and strolled towards the exit, giving her big cowgirl booty a little teasing shake before she stepped out of the doors.

I'm taking story commissions. See the details here.

Big and Bigger: Brother's Right

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Big and Bigger: Helpful Sister

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