Golden Week

Story by Lethalfurry on SoFurry

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#2 of Gifts

Birthday gift for a friend, featuring Ose from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners.

This work assumes at least a passing degree of familiarity with the game and its characters.

I always felt like writing in Second Person would be really cringe but it was surprisingly easy, huh.

Ose is cute. If you read this, please tell me how cute Ose is.

Golden Week.

A blessed time of the year for all of those who reside in Tokyo, a sequence of days where no one is expected to work or study. Even for those who must still abide by their duties, due to the universal understanding of this time of year as a moment of relaxation, they are rewarded with a daily salary that far outstrips the amount usually offered.

And as of right now, without any school or App battles to attend to, you find yourself getting ready for your date with Ose. You recall when you told him a few days ago that the other members of your guild would all be busy during this period...


"Hm? So you don't have any plans for the next few days, Boss?" The leopard asked you as the two of you walked down the street, running some of the errands for your guild. This time, he was in his adult form, helping you carry some supplies and documents.

You nodded your head. Though you made a lot of friends and acquaintances, it didn't really change the fact that you were an amnesiac with no prior relationships. You didn't really know what to do when left all by your lonesome.

"Hoh." He let out a small huff of interest upon your confirmation. "Then you won't object if I steal you all to myself for the next few days?"

Although you looked at him, Ose spoke without taking his eyes off the street, not even a single hint of embarrassment on his face from saying something like that in public; only that all-knowing smile he sported all too well. It almost seemed uncharacteristic of him to not try to tease you further with as much visual contact as possible, but...

As you felt his tail wrapping itself around your waist, you understood that he really was acting as he always did.

"H-Hey!" You instinctively bat at his tail as it begins to lightly tickle your stomach. Although you don't really mind it, you'd rather not let Ose know, and you most certainly don't want to look like a crazy lovey dovey couple in public. "Fine, fine!"

"Hmhm." Ose chuckled a bit as he saw your reaction, his smile growing just the tiniest bit wider. Even while joyful, he never let up on the image of a true gentleman. "Then it's a date. On my reputation as a spy, I'll make your Golden Week experience worth the gold in its name." He bent down a bit, planting just the faintest kiss on your head, as if you were something truly precious to him.

As if...

Even though you knew he spelled trouble, you couldn't help but look forward to his offer.


Now that the day had come, you couldn't help but be nervous, if not suspicious. Although you were Ose's summoner, and formally his boss, he wasn't above teasing you whenever he could--and this looked like just the right opportunity for him to do so.

Here you were, at the meeting place you had agreed upon with him: right outside the entrance to an amusement park in Ueno. Surprisingly for someone like Ose, he had picked a relatively normal place for a date, and with that, it meant that the place was swarming with people, all of them coming here for relaxation during their Golden Week. Since the spot contained not just an amusement park, but also other attraction spots, such as zoos and museums close by, the foot traffic got just as, if not more suffocating than the other main streets in Tokyo during rush hour.

Thanks to Ose's height and signature outfit, you figured it'd be easy to spot him when you got here, but you didn't see any signs of him. There was the possibility that he was just late, of course, but he wasn't really the type to mess up on something like that... unless it were to tease you.

Like any normal person, you'd have loved to simply send him a message asking where he is, but...


"Hm? Ah, why I don't reply to you through the App, you ask?"

Months ago, during an idle moment in the Guild's safe house, you asked Ose why he never replied to your messages in the App. If you ever got a reply before you saw him in person, it'd usually be during the dead of night, or other ridiculously inconvenient times.

"I could never risk your life for something so petty, Boss. This line of work is dangerous--and while I'm good at disguising myself, that doesn't necessarily apply to the tools I use, especially when they come from an unknown source. As your summoned familiar, I'd rather not put you in any danger coming from my part-time job. And besides..."

In the blink of an eye, he crossed the distance between the two of you and put one of his hands on the wall, blocking your path, while the other lifted up your chin to look directly at his eyes. Being caught by surprise, it was all you could do to blush and catch your phone before you let it fall to the ground.

"Don't you think communication is a lot more exciting when it's person to person?"


You already knew he wouldn't reply to you, if he even checked the app. All you could do was stand around and hope you saw him soon.




It was already three minutes past the meeting time, and yet there was no sign of him. As you were about to consider moving to a different spot to look for him, you felt someone come up from behind you.

"My apologies. You look very cute when flustered, so I couldn't help but watch for a bit longer after I spotted you."

You heard the person behind you speak, and immediately turned to see who it was. It was Ose, obviously; but his voice seemed a lot lighter than the usual. Not only that, when you turned, you didn't see the leopard Transient towering over you as you were often used to; instead, you looked down and saw a much younger version of him, that just barely came up to your chest.

"Haha, are you that happy to see me? If I had known you'd miss me this much, I'd have spent the night with you instead of meeting up here." Despite his childish voice and appearance, despite his short shorts and kiddy socks, he winked and said something this outrageous right in the middle of public...!

You immediately covered his mouth and dragged him inside the amusement park, stopping only when you were at a clearing with next to no people.

" DON'T SAY THAT KIND OF STUFF IN PUBLIC WITH THAT FORM!" Using one of your rare opportunities to break out of your mostly silent protagonism, you admonished the miniature playboy standing right in front of you.

"I can't help it. If I see my Boss acting as cute as they were just now, I don't really have any choice, do I? It's like expecting a man who hasn't drank any water in days to not exclaim in happiness when they're given a glass." Without missing a beat, Ose recovered from your comedy routine and went right back to his flirting antics...

"Still, why this form today? It made it a lot harder to find you."

After the two of you calm down for a bit, you finally break the question.

"Is it not to your liking? I thought--" As he was about to follow up with some kind of flirty comment about your taste in men, you furrowed your brows and glared at him. "My, my, how scary of you. A spy with a reputation like mine doesn't really get to pick and choose his free days, you see. Kotaro contacted me with some jobs for me to take during this holiday, but I'd much prefer to hang out with you. So I chose a form that made it easier for me to slip through undetected and make it here."

"Doesn't he already know this appearance, though?" You questioned him right after. Kotaro was the main star of the Akasaka Agents guild, so any information that they were privy to, he was as well. And that was disregarding the fact that he and Ose were not only business partners, but drinking buddies now and then.

"Oh yes, he does. However, he won't come get me in person--much like Golden Week is a prime time for the entertainment industry to line their pockets, the same goes for Tokyo's underworld. He's currently swamped with job requests, so at best he'll only be able to send one or two men after me, if that."

He then proceeds to take your hand and kiss the back of it.

"So for today, Boss, the only thing you'll need to think about is me. And naturally, I'll only think of you... but that's not much different from the usual for me."

Unlike when he was in his adult form, Ose barely needed to kneel in order to get low enough to take your hand and kiss it. However... much like his adult form, you could feel your cheeks beginning to flush from what he had just said.

Even though he was currently smaller than you were, with a much lighter voice, with features that made him adorable rather than handsome... you still felt as if you were being swept off your feet, playing right along to his tune.

" Again, don't say stuff like this in public with that form!" You emphasized as you took his hand and pulled him towards you, holding him close and ruffling the fur on his head. "Not only are people going to give me weird looks, but it gives me incredibly complicated feelings!"

"Ahahaha, you may be scolding me, but this is just an excuse so you could hold me close, isn't it? You're not very good at hiding your own intentions, Boss. You just need to ask--mmf!" As he tries to keep teasing you despite the embarrassing position you were just in, you grab his nose and honk it as tightly as you can.

"If you already know it, then there's no reason for me to hide it either. I've been wanting to do this ever since I first saw you in this form!" You kneel down to his level, standing face to face with him, and begin pulling at his cheeks, feeling the incredibly soft fur around them.

Despite the pattern of stars and crystal patterns on his fur that almost makes it look as if it's solid, it's still just fur, only differently colored. At worst, the fur is a bit thicker on the darker parts, as if gel had been applied there so that the pattern would stay the same, looking sharp and jagged--but with enough ruffling and touching, it seemed as if you could make it look like the rest of his fur, simply with a different color.

"Boss..." Ose huffed as you played around with his cheeks and ears, completely enamored with how soft they were. If it weren't for the fact that you were in a public spot, you'd most definitely rub yourself on them--but this was already nearly crossing the line for public displays of affection. You could tell the people passing by only didn't really question it since, in this form, one could imagine he was just a kid from the neighborhood that you knew, or that you were just a nice babysitter taking someone's kid out to the park.

You could tell, however, that Ose had finally gotten flustered. Ever since you had met him, and subsequently contracted with him, this was the first time you had ever seen him be at a loss for words--he just called your name every few seconds as you played around with his face. You could tell he was trying to figure out some way to call you out and get out of this, not just by his face and voice, but also from how much his tail was swishing--just like a cat that was incredibly annoyed with how they were being treated.

"A-ah, sorry, sorry. I got carried away..." You rubbed the back of your head as you stepped away from Ose, regaining control of yourself. When you looked at him, he still had his eyes closed, seeming a bit irritated... and his cheeks were flushed?

You felt your heart skip a beat. Even though he was a good actor, since you knew the type of person he was, you never really fell for his "innocent kid" act. But... seeing him bashful... like this...

Before you could finish that thought, Ose straightened his clothes and fur from how much you messed it up, and then cleared his throat.

"Now that you've gotten your fill, Boss, shall we go?" He asked, holding out his hand to you, this time. Although it seemed as if he wanted to escort you as he usually did, making the two of you seem like a couple, or perhaps a master and their bodyguard... this time, the two of you really looked like a pair of siblings. Or rather, as close to a pair of siblings as the two of you could be, given one was a human and the other a leopard.

The two of you walked around the amusement park hand-in-hand, taking in all the sights. Holding hands was surprisingly useful, given how full of people the park was--it made it a lot easier to keep track of your now tiny boyfriend amidst all the people around.

Not only was there a lot of foot traffic from people going around buying food or souvenirs, the waiting lines for each toy ride were long enough to break out of their designated areas, making it so that it was a lot harder to walk around leisurely.

"Is there any ride you'd like to go on first, Boss?" Ose's hand pressed on yours to call out to you. "It seems as if most of them have a rather hefty line."

"Well, I had some in mind, but..."

You didn't really have much of a preference for any, since everything in Tokyo was still rather new to you. This was only the second or third time you had ever gone to a place like this, after all. You wanted to take a look at some of the more extreme rides this time around, since when you came with the other Summoners, you and Kengo were the only ones who wanted to go on them, so by majority vote, you ended up not riding on the roller coaster or even the teacups.

This time, however, it seemed as if it was going to be more of the same. The roller coasters and slingshot rides all had their waiting lines filled, so even if you got on them right at that moment, you knew that you might not even get a chance to ride on them until the end of the day.

"My apologies, perhaps I should have suggested another place for us to have our date in." Ose said as he looked around the place, hoping to spot any rides that weren't filled to the brim with people. You looked around too, hoping that your date wouldn't end there with him feeling bad, when you finally spotted one.

"Oh, that one! Let's go!" You exclaimed, pulling him along with you by the hand.

What stood before you was a merry-go-round that was fairly empty, at least in comparison to the amount of people in the park. There were only about two or three families with their kids, which made it so you wouldn't have to wait at all for your turn.

"Let's go on this one!" You told him, some excitement in your voice.

"Hm...? Boss, you don't really have to force yourself, you know? We can just go to the movies..." Ose said with a bit of a grimace. It was pretty clear that he thought you were just trying to make him feel better, seeing how he considered this to be a bit of a kiddy ride.

"I've wanted to go on this one for a while now, but it's awkward since I'm an adult. Since you're here, I have an excuse, though!" You told him, proudly puffing out your chest. That was partially true--you did want to go in just about every ride--but you weren't exactly dying of excitement to go on a merry-go-round. But still, it wasn't a particularly disagreeable activity, and you figured anything would be fun while you were with Ose.

"Is that so...? Fufu, I suppose you would have a childish side to you as well. Very well, then." Ose spoke in a tone that was very unbefitting of his current form, especially when he was the primary reason they were on that ride. Ignoring that, though, you went to the employee managing the merry-go-round to pay for your ride.

"Two tickets, please."

"Oh--what a cute little one! Is he your little brother?" The employee asked, fawning over Ose by your side. You wanted to retort with "what do you think?" given your obvious differences in appearance, but then again, this Tokyo was filled with all manners of people. It wasn't too farfetched that a human and a Transient with kids might both marry, making their respective children siblings in law.

"Haha, something like that..." You took a look at Ose, who just raised a single eyebrow and smiled smugly to the conversation the two of you were having. You prayed to every deity that you knew that he wouldn't open his mouth and say something to make you look like a ridiculously depraved person right now.

"Aw, is he shy? So adorable!" The employee commented, completely misinterpreting the smile on Ose's face. "Here you go, one ticket. The adult is supposed to accompany their child to make sure they don't fall off, so it's just one. Enjoy the ride!"

The employee then proceeded to guide you and Ose to the merry-go-round itself after the people that were on it had left. You felt a bit out of place given the numbers of parents carrying their kids there, but once you recalled just how weird your entire existence in this Tokyo was, you figured this was the least of your worries.

"Okay, please help your little ones get on their rides! We'll begin the ride once everyone is properly seated. Please hold on to the handrails until the ride is over, and make sure to support your child from the side, okay?" You heard the employee's voice through the speaker system around the ride, cheerfully explaining how it was supposed to work.

You knew that Ose could definitely get on that horse all by himself, being the capable spy that he was, but you could feel the situation getting rather awkward as the two of you saw all of the other adults helping their child up into their horses. You looked down at Ose and met his gaze.

"I can get up---"

"No, it's fine, it's fine! I'll do it."

You expected him to tease you about touching his body or something of the like to help him up, but instead, he was surprisingly bashful about the whole thing, to the point it caught you by surprise. Without even noticing it, you had agreed to help him up...

You gulped a bit as you stared at him.

"...Boss, are you okay?" Ose asked as he stared at you, seeing your face beginning to sweat. Your vision kept darting around from place to place, trying to stare at anything that wasn't the cute leopard boy in front of you--especially not the spot under his arms where you were supposed to grab him from, or the cute little legs that you were going to feel around your waist as you helped him up into the horse.

Chiding yourself for being a weirdo, you gulped and decided to face your destiny. You put your hands under Ose's arms, feeling not just his warmth, but the soft fabric of his little suit. If your fingers were just a little bit longer, you felt as if you could close your hand around his petite arms.

You hoisted him up into the mechanical horse in silence, the two of you not saying a single word. You didn't really want to look at his face--if he was currently smug about this situation, you would probably drop dead out of embarrassment. And if he was currently bashful or also embarrassed about this situation, you'd drop dead out of happiness.

Without lifting your face up to stare at him, you proceeded to get up on the mechanical horse as well, seated right behind Ose. Needless to say, knowing that there was a grown man in this body, you felt a little weird about being seated so close to him, having to hold him close worse of all. But you didn't really get to think about it too much, as the ride started half a minute after, with the horses beginning to bounce up and down to the tune of a carnival song.

The lights around the ride turned on and began to glow, too, making it a very gaudy experience, to the point it was hard to tell what was going on outside the ride due to all the lights.

Both you and Ose held tightly to the handrail once the ride started, but by the start of your horse's third loop, Ose's hands left the handrail... and instead went behind him, putting his hands right around your thighs. He also stopped sitting upright, letting his body lean backwards towards you.

"O-Ose?! You're gonna fall--mmh?!" You reacted quickly, taking one hand off the handrail and putting it on his stomach, holding him close to you. As you faced down to look at him, though, he looked up, and as your gazes met, he drew his face closer to yours and planted a kiss on the tip of your nose. Your own lips were right on his neck, feeling the smell of perfume coming from his fur.

"Ah, that's too bad. I was so enchanted by your face, I ended up missing your lips." He said, before maintaining his gaze on you in silence. What was probably only a few seconds felt like an eternity, until he finally went back to looking straight ahead, but kept his hands on your thighs, caressing them with a gentle motion that could only come from an experienced lover.

"Sorry, Boss. But even if I'm in this form, enjoying things that can only be enjoyed in this form... I don't want you to forget that, first and foremost, I'm a man... and a demon." The music coming from the merry-go-round, along with all the other noise from the amusement park, all seemed to deafen, as the only thing you could focus on was Ose's voice, that now took on a much deeper inflection--not quite at the level of his adult form, but very close.

"I'll conform to all of your desires...but the one thing I can't have you forgetting is that. Because when you do... I'll remind you just like this. Or rather...even more than this, in bed. Seeing and hearing the 'you' that only I know... okay?"

He caressed your thighs for just a bit more, before his hands went even further back, towards your crotch. Once he felt the tent that had begun to form in your pants, he snickered, and finally put his hands back on the handrail. In that moment, the sounds from the ride and the amusement park seemed as if they finally had volume again, with you snapping back to "reality". You almost wondered if that was just a small hallucination, but there were two things pointing otherwise...

The first, being the tent that you desperately tried to hide right now.

And the second being the back of Ose's head, laying on your chest, feeling just how fast he had made your heart beat.


"...Mhm...." The sound of a cellphone vividly vibrating, moving across the wooden desk as it was carried by the recoil of its own ringing upon the smooth wood filled the room, that had previously been completely silent, if not for the rather quiet...

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The always-stretching, ever-distant road. One could say that the feeling that it kept on going forever could induce calm in anyone that looked at, or even dared to try to feel the experience of walking along it. Much in the same vein, it could be...

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"Some say that the world is actually merely one conscious. That all of us human beings, merely pieces controlled by one great you understand?! Yes, those who die are merely those who are disconnected from the ultimate server, sent to...

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