First Anniversary

Story by Rykar174 on SoFurry

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The sun was setting in the crisp October sky. June gazed from the mouth of the cave into the distance to see her love, her mate, silhouetted among the abundant foliage of the naked forest. The deep orange of the sunset continued to wane as the image of a strong and dexterous werewolf grew closer and closer to her, until at last it was cloaked entirely by his masculine form. A cold wind brushed upon the waving fur of her tail as Sar gazed into her brazen yellow eyes; his warm breath fighting the wind that caressed her muzzle for what seemed like an eternity. Their lips then touched each other with a gentle kiss. Enter the evenfall.

The final wood log was placed on the quiet fire in the center of the cave. Her heart beating with anticipation, June knelt with both knees by the side of the bed; only a pile of rugged sheets constructed from common foliage around the cave. Sar knelt down with both knees behind her, and admired the shapely feminine form that he had so anxiously waited to explore. Her fur, as was his, was a deep silverish streak along the chest, as the rest of their fur was as dark as the night that hid them together from the world. He reached his black brazen arm around her body and rubbed his paw along her firm chest. Sar arched his head forward, and breathed deeply over her the side of her neck. His other arm extended forward and his fingers reached down to her vagina. June shivered as his warm comforting breath swayed the fine hairs on her neck as she clutched his paw with her own. Their paws moved up and down her toned furry body; the fine hairs of her beauty displaced by the thick rubber armor that dotted their joined fingers. Sar's fingers gently rubbed her vagina, which started to drip onto his fingers. Sar then withdrew his paw, and cupped her breast. "I love you." he quietly whispered, his heart being faster. Her nipples erected. Sar's other hand probed above her breasts under a tuft of fur; he could feel her heart also beating faster. Suddenly without warning, a large branch snapped outside! June gasped, and Sar quickly turned her around, bringing her eyes into meeting with his aroused member!

The sight of it nearly took her breath away. She bent down and cautiously nuzzled his stiffening penis. He closed his eyes and began to drift back into a state of quiet yet heated passion. She encouraged him further with continuing aggression in her foreplay. Her tongue danced over his sheath, and continued upward to his erection. Little by little, she licked the whole circumference of his penis, and repeated her efforts as a thin stream of pre-cum dripped down from the top. Sar responded by playfully nipping at June's ear. She jumped back and squealed! Their eyes met again, now brighter even than the flames that further heated the room of their passion. No longer able to hold herself back, she jumped head-first into Sar's crotch and began sucking his member. Sar laid back and spread his body along the floor as her paws crept up and down his hard furry legs. Her muzzle moved up and down, her teeth gently meeting his member from moment to moment as her tongue involuntarily explored all of it. His tail started to wave wildly, despite being restricted between his majestic form and the floor. At last, he realized he was close to cumming ? and so did she.

Not to have spent so long waiting only to have the moment last as quickly as it had come, she released his crotch from its blissful captivity in her muzzle and began to advance on him a second time. June grabbed Sar by his ankle and lifted up his foot paw up to her face. She tenderly caressed his foot with her paws and the tip of her muzzle, and proceeded to feel her way up his bulging thighs of iron. Sar looked down at her in approval. June worked her left paw up and down his leg, and used her right to explore the muscles above Sar's groin. "You're so, so strong" she moaned, her paw spread out caressing his strong barren chest in circular motions. Her left paw then met with her right, and she advanced further on him. Sar started to growl in ecstasy, while June breathed faster and deeper with every waking moment. Her paws separated, and moved along Sar's hips; the utter excitement they both felt as they curved along his studly form from the hard narrow abs to his broad and handsome chest. The pre-cum from his member touched June's heaving belly, and it glistened by the dancing flames. At last they came face to face. They looked deep into each other's eyes, and slowly locked their muzzles. Their tongues wrestled as furiously as the fire; as furiously as June's paws hastily rubbed the breadth of Sar's chest; as furiously as Sar's paws traveled up and down the length of her back. Sar then grabbed June's hardened breasts; tongues still wrestling, and fondled them as if they were soft as summer fruits. Their heated passion was only matched by Sar's discipline; for he had not cum yet.

Nonetheless, the moment was neigh. For Sar was still lying on the floor, and June was lying on Sar. Faster than lightning, Sar quickly grabbed June by each of her wrists, and wrestled her to the floor. Sar seemed quite calm, staring at June's supple breasts as she playfully struggled to free her pinned wrists from the bed. Sar leaned forward and began licking her left nipple. June ceased fighting her position, and began to moan in quiet howlings. Sar gently nudged her nipple, and caressed it further with his eager tongue; his paws still grasping June's wrists. At last, he paused, and scanned her entire body from top to bottom with his eyes. June's eyes were half closed from her erotic exhaustion; and she looked at Sar like a puppy begging its master, or like a fawn at the height of its interest of what is to come. Sar released her wrists, and grabbed his outstretch penis with his trembling hands. Very slowly, he guided the tip of his member to her clit. June sat up part way, and let Sar embrace her with his arms as his member taunted the edge of her clit. They looked into each others eyes once again, and then without warning, Sar clenched her against his heaving chest, and thrust his member into June! June threw her head back and shouted, and Sar pushed them both against the bed of sheets as hard as he could. He fixed his hind paws past the end of the bed, pulled his member out almost the entire length of June's clit again, and repeated his thrust with such intensity that she was pushed forward. This time her head was resting against the bed, so she could only tilt her head back with another cry of joy. "More! More!!" she yelped as Sar pushed himself into her again and again. Their fur was glistening with sweat and juices. Their hearts were pounding as fast as they could! Thrust! Sar huffed and puffed, breathing as hard as he could while June grew weaker, all of her feelings converging on her excited pussy! Thrust! His embrace grew tighter and tighter. "Don't stop!!!" He cared no longer about gazing upon her perfect body; only to shut his eyes and lock his muzzle in her own in an immaculate kiss that could only perfect the moment! Thrust! June freed her arms from her sides, and her paws notoriously swept Sar's glistening back; his fur loyally following her paws! Thrust! Heave! Their excitement knew no bounds; Sar growled louder and louder while June's moans alternated with howls over their kissing! Grrrrrr!!! Suddenly Sar could feel his penis fill with cum as June could feel her loins about to orgasm. Sar instinctively pulled back his groin, and then released her from their passionate kiss and relaxed his embrace. Within a mere second; both glanced at each other, their eyes wide with bliss, and they gasped one final time. Then he grasped her as tightly as he could, shot his head back and thrust with all his might. HUUAAAOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Sar's cum shot into June as they let out a piercing howl that shattered the still of the night!!! Together they collapsed into their heavenly passion.

An unnoticed leaf drifted from a dry branch, and landed in a small puddle near the unbeaten dirt path. An owl sit perched on a tree, tiring of its hooting as it scanned for its next supper. The wind died. All was quiet, and peaceful in the night. June opened her eyes, and looked at Sar. Sar sent a returning gaze, and gently lay his paw on June's cheek. His thumb stroked her fine fur while his other things lay still. Though the fire quietly withered away, they smiled in satisfaction, unbroken peace; and undying affection.