Devil in the Forest

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#3 of Angel In The Forest

Back to the forest we go.

Requested by an anonymous sponsor.

If you haven't read Angel in the Forest, you really should, and consider supporting FA: yinller on Patreon!

James ran through the forest, his breath visible in the cold air. The full moon was shining off the snow, giving him enough light to see as he fled from the beast that was chasing him. It was tough going, the newly fallen snow not yet packed enough to make running easier, and it was seriously slowing him down. He considered calling for help, but who would be close enough to help him? And if he did try calling out, there was no way the one hunting him wouldn't hear it.

But he couldn't stop. James knew if he did, he would never get another shot at freedom. He'd gotten lucky once, managing to sneak away, but he couldn't count on getting that lucky again. After letting his prey escape once already, the bat would make sure it wouldn't happen again.

James ducked under the exposed roots of a nearby tree, hoping the shadows would hide him long enough for him to catch his breath. He kept a watchful eye on the sky, unsure if he wanted to spot the bat or if he'd be happier if he didn't see him. It was possible he'd managed to shake him, but the bat's black fur would make him next to invisible, even in the moonlight. As long as he had the dark sky behind him, James might not see him until it was too late.

Clouds were starting to move in, which meant the snow wouldn't be far behind. If he was going to make it to shelter before he lost the moonlight, James couldn't wait any longer. He took a few more breaths to steady himself, and took off once again over the snow. It was packed a bit more tightly here and let him move faster. If he could just make it a little further, he'd be free.

And that was when the shadow passed over him.

For a fleeting moment, James hoped it was just a tree limb moving in the wind. But when the moonlight faded over him again, he knew what it meant. He knew he wasn't getting away. When the bat came down on him, the pair tumbled through the snow until James was pinned, the powerful limbs of the black bat holding him down.

"HELP mmphf!" James tried to call out for help, but the bat quickly covered his mouth with a hand, quickly replacing it with a strip of what felt like bandaging tape. He tried to tear it off, but he couldn't get his arms free of the bat's grip.

"Be quiet," growled Dusk, his red eyes flashing as the squirrel looked back at him. "You shouldn't have run. It would have been so much easier if you'd just accepted your fate."

James tried to fight him off, but there was nothing he could do to stop the bat. Shrugging a coil of rope off his shoulder, Dusk made quick work of binding James' arms tightly to his sides. Once his arms were secure, the bat grabbed the squirrel's ankles, lashing them tightly together. Once he was done, Dusk lifted James and heaved him over his shoulder, setting off back towards his den with surprising speed as the snow started to fall. James tried to get free of the ropes, to call for help, anything to save him from the beast that had decided to make the squirrel his prey. The only thing he accomplished was a dark laugh from the bat; his strength was far too great for the squirrel to get away from him, even if he wasn't bound. Now, he had no chance.

Now, he belonged to Dusk.

By the time they reached the base of Dusk's tree and began the climb to his den, the snow was falling so heavily James could barely see beyond the trunk of the tree. When they made it inside and the bat closed the entrance behind them, it was hard not to be grateful to be out of the cold. However, that also meant he was all alone with a bat in his den, and if the odds of help coming to save him had been low before, they were quickly dropping to zero.

Dusk carried James over to the sturdy wooden table where the bat ate his meals and set him down on it, a strong hand on his chest holding him down.

"Don't bother trying to fight me," growled Dusk, his red eyes boring into James', the intensity of the look freezing the squirrel in place. "I didn't keep you properly bound last time. I won't be making that mistake again."

Grabbing some more rope, Dusk untied James' ankles before quickly lashing them to the legs of the table. The squirrel wouldn't be getting up unless the bat decided to let him. It wasn't until Dusk walked around to stand near James head that the squirrel finally noticed it.

The bat was hard! Dusk's cock was standing stiff and proud between his legs. Given that there was nobody here to stop the bat from doing whatever he wanted with James, the squirrel started to panic, thrashing against the ropes, trying to break free and escape what he thought was coming. But it was no use, and soon he collapsed back onto the table, whimper as Dusk reached for him and grabbed the squirrel's face, making him look up into the bat's intense red eyes.

"Here's what's going to happen," growled Dusk. "I'm going to take off that gag, and then you're going to help me with this--" he gestured towards his erection; precum was already starting to gather at the tip at the thought of what he was going to do to the helpless squirrel, "--as an apology for making me chase your sorry ass down in the cold. And if you bite me..." he flashed his fangs, "it'll be the last thing you ever do."

Dusk pulled the gag off of James' mouth, stepping closer to the table. James hello his mouth shut tight. He tried to turn away as the bat got closer, but Dusk grabbed his face and turned him to face the bat's erection, the tip pressing against his lips and smearing them with pre.

"Open up," said Dusk, his eyes narrowing. "Don't make me tell you again."

Whimpering, James slowly opened his mouth, worried what his captor would do if he didn't comply. He'd barely parted his lips before Dusk thrust his hips forward, stuffing his penis into the squirrel's mouth until his sac bumped against James' face. The squirrel was thankful he didn't have much of a gag reflex anymore, because Dusk was big. Big enough to poke at the back of his throat. James gulped around the bat's cock, which got a pleased grunt from Dusk as he started moving his hips, fucking the squirrel's face.

James tried to push the bat out of his mouth, but all that accomplished was running his tongue forcefully over Dusk's cock, which only seemed to drive him to push himself a bit deeper down the squirrel's throat, letting his tongue reach more of his sensitive pink flesh. Despite himself and his situation, James couldn't deny that the bat tasted good. Very, very good. Good enough to get a reaction from James whether he wanted it or not, and soon he was whimpering as his own cock grew from his sheath and pushed his tunic aside, his face burning as he exposed himself to the bat.

When Dusk noticed James' state of arousal, he didn't even try to hide his amusement at the other male's predicament.

"Well, well," laughed Dusk, reaching down to flick the squirrel's dick, making him yelp at the unexpected touch. "Looks like my prey likes the taste of bat. Guess I better make sure to give you plenty of it then."

Dusk slowed his humping, moving his cock in and out of James' mouth at a more measured pace. By now James was actively sucking on Dusk's dick, his tongue attacking every bit it could reach. It was humiliating to admit it, but dear god did the bat taste amazing. But what really got him was when Dusk would push himself far enough forward to block the squirrel's throat, cutting off his air. Whenever he did, it also pressed his black-furred balls firmly against James' nose, smothering him with the bat's scent. And it was clear how much James was enjoying it, because every time Dusk's balls rubbed over his nose the squirrel's cock would give a powerful throb, firing precum that splashed down to stain his fur and tunic. Every time that happened, he would moan around the bat's cock, the vibrations making the predator's knees shake with pleasure.

"Yes, just like that," moaned Dusk, continuing to fuck James' face. "Such good, obedient little prey. Oh fuck, that's good! Mmphf! You keep sucking me like that and I'm going to... to...nngh!"

Dusk groaned loudly as he came, quickly flooding James' mouth with his cum. The squirrel was caught somewhat off guard by the first shot, but he was soon gulping it down, swallowing the bat's load. Fuck, why did he taste so good!?

Dusk thrust forward, smothering James one last time before pulling out, leaving the squirrel trying to catch his breath. When the bat started approaching him again, more tape him hand, James started thrashing against the ropes holding him, trying to pull free.

"No! Get away from me!" cried James. "Help! Somebody help mmphf!"

The squirrel's cries were silenced -- or at least muffled -- when Dusk gagged him again, the bat walking down his body and taking hold of James' penis, making the bound male gasp.

"Would you just look at this?" chuckled Dusk, slowly stroking James' cock while the squirrel tried in vain to pull out of his grip. "Apparently you're enjoy this more than my other prey has. I may like to play with my food, but none of them have been quite so... receptive."

The bat ran his thumb over the squirrel's tip, making James' back arch at the feeling of that strong hand squeezing his dick. Dusk lifted his fingers to his mouth, licking the squirrel's precum from them before staring down at him hungrily, making James whimper into his gag.

"Delicious," said Dusk. "You certainly seem to know how to use that mouth of yours. Let's see if the other end is as welcoming."

Dusk untied James' legs, but before the squirrel could try to run the bat pinned him down, untying the ropes holding his arms and flipping him over. Pulling the squirrel's arms behind his back, he bound James' wrists tightly, making sure he wouldn't be able to so much as loosen them without help. Getting free wasn't an option. Turning him back over again, Dusk leered down at James, a wicked grin on his face.

"Just one last thing."

Dusk raised his claws, and James yelped as the bat tore his clothes to shreds, removing the tattered remains of his tunic and leaving the squirrel lying naked on the table, his hard cock leaking over his belly.

"Much better," said Dusk, cupping the squirrel's balls and giving them a friendly squeeze, letting his prey feel just enough of his claws to make him whine in fright. "Now we can get to the real fun."

Dusk snatched James off the table, dragging the squirrel kicking and struggling into his bedroom. Tossing the squirrel down onto the cushions and blankets that made up his bed, Dusk held him down, lifting first one of James' legs, then the other, using the ropes still around his ankles to tie them to hooks set into the wall. When he was done, he moved back, sitting on his knees and licking his lips hungrily as the squirrel fought against the ropes until he was left panting for breath.

If James had felt exposed tied to the table, it was nothing compared to the situation he found himself in now. With his legs pulled back and spread as they were his lower half was totally exposed and vulnerable. His erection was resting against his belly and his ass was presented to the bat, his tailhole a pink bullseye between his cheeks. James tried to cub his bushy tail up over himself for a bit of cover, even though he knew it wouldn't be enough to stop the bat from taking what he wanted.

Dusk happily watched the panicked look on James' face as the bat reached for a small bottle of oil beside the bed. He also grabbed hold of James' tail and yanked it down, exposing the squirrel once again. He even bent down and gave James' sac and dick a teasing lick, making his helpless prey squeal into his gag.

"Don't you try to cover up again," said Dusk. "I'd hate for anything to happen to that pretty tail of yours if it gets in my way. Be a good boy and I can make this more pleasant for you."

Dusk poured some of the oil into his palm, setting the bottle aside and spreading it over both hands, rubbing them together to warm the oil up a bit. Scooting closer to James, Dusk rubbed his fingers over the squirrel's tailhole, covering him with the oil. James couldn't escape his touch in this position. All he could do was wriggle and squirm, trying to pull away from his touch. But rather than pull away, Dusk moved closer, pushing an oil-soaked finger inside of James, the squirrel whining at the sudden intrusion.

"Now don't be like that," said Dusk to the whimpering squirrel. "You wouldn't be hard like that if you weren't enjoying this. But just in case you aren't..." he raised an oil-covered hand, "...I think I can help you with that."

James shook his head, trying to shift his hips away before Dusk wrapped a warm hand around his cock, stroking and squeezing the squirrel's length. The oil let his hand sliding along James' penis smoothly, the firm grip driving him crazy. James couldn't stop himself from moaning as the bat worked him over; not even when Dusk added a second finger inside him, thrusting his fingers in and out in time with his stroking.

No matter how much he didn't want to, James could feel the pleasure inside him building. Dusk had found his prostate, and every time the bat tickled it with his fingers, James would buck and moan, bucking into the bat's grip, his dick throbbing and sending precum spurting over his belly. Dusk even bent down to lick at his tip a couple times as he toyed with the squirrel, happily swallowing everything he had to offer. James reached the point where he was right on the edge, his orgasm so close he could almost taste it.

And that was when Dusk pulled away.

The bat backed away, releasing James' dick and pulling his fingers from inside him, leaving the squirrel slick and slightly gaping and with no way to get that last little push of pleasure he needed.

James could have screamed from the need, whining and whimpering into his gag, thrusting his hips and pulling against the ropes binding him. If he could just get his mouth or even one hand free, he could finish himself off. But it was no good. Dusk had done too good a job of tying him up, and he was left to sit there as he slowly backed away from the brink, his body yelling at him for release.

"Such needy prey," said Dusk, helping himself to more oil and spreading it on his dick until it was slick and shining. "Well, let's give you want you need."

Dusk moved up between James' legs, letting the squirrel watch as he slid the length of his cock over James' entrance, between his legs and poking at his balls, humping at him a couple times before pulling back and lining himself up. James' eyes went wide, looking up at the bat and shaking his head furiously.

"Mmphf! Nngh unff!"

James shook his head, but Dusk just nodded in reply, thrusting his hips forward and quickly burying himself balls deep inside the squirrel. James' head snapped back as he felt Dusk inside him, his groans overshadowed by the happy moaning of the bat as he felt his prey's tight backside surround his dick. The squirrel was stretched wide around him, and it was so amusing to Dusk to listen to him whimpering and whining when he ground his hips against James' ass, letting the other male get a feel for just how big he was before pulling back and starting to hump the helpless squirrel beneath him.

The squirrel's hot body felt so good. Dusk ran his hands over James' inner thighs, grinning as he felt the muscle's in his legs flex and twitch, either because James was trying to pull free of the ropes keeping him so helplessly exposed to the horny bat, or because Dusk's dick had hit his prostate, sending a rush of pleasure through James' body. And Dusk made sure to batter his prey's prostate as much as possible, his cock getting even harder at the way it made James moan and squeeze down in him whether he wanted to or not. The squirrel might deny he wanted this, but there was no denying the pleasure he was feeling; every spurt of his leaking dick was proof enough of that.

Even without Dusk touching his dick, James could feel himself building up towards the edge again. Every thrust against his prostate, every movement of that thick bat cock inside him hit spots that had him seeing stars. By this point he'd stopped trying to pull away from Dusk's advances. Quite the opposite in fact; he was trying to thrust his ass back towards him, wanting Dusk to go deeper, fuck him harder. But the bat's hands and the ropes kept him largely still, being driven made by the knowledge he could get the relief he needed, if only the bat would give him more!

Dusk took his time, enjoying teasing James and watching him squirm, but he quickly felt himself approaching the point of no return. Shifting his hands and taking a tight grip of James' hip, Dusk opened up, putting the full strength of his hips into fucking the squirrel hard and fast. James was moaning non-stop, his penis bouncing with every slap of Dusk's hips against his ass.

All it took was one final powerful hit against his prostate to push James over the brink. The squirrel's head fell back against the wall, his eyes rolling back as he came. His entire body clenched up with each shock of pleasure, his dick jumping and making a complete mess of his chest and stomach; one shot of cum even managed to splash across his face.

The sight of the squirrel coming completely undone was too much for Dusk. Well, that and the vice-like grip of James' ass on his cock. Dusk hilted himself inside his prey, his balls pressed firmly against James ass as he emptied them into the squirrel, grunting and growling as he rode the waves of his orgasm. He even went so far as to reach up and yank off James' gag, grabbing the squirrel's head and forcing his mouth down around his spitting dick, laughing wickedly as he watched the squirrel swallow his own load, thrusting into his prostate a few more times to milk him of every drop.

When Dusk finally let him go and pulled out of him, James was left panting, coughing to clear the cum out of his throat while the bat watched his leaking tailhole and laughed at the mess he and James had made of the squirrel.

"I wish all my prey was this much fun," said Dusk, running a claw around James' entrance, teasing the squirrel's sensitive ring. "I'd keep them around a lot longer."

"Let... L-Let me go you fucking monster," gasped James, pulling weakly at the ropes. "You got what you wanted, please just let me go!"

Dusk raised an eyebrow, laughing darkly at the squirrel's words.

"Let you go? Oh no, I don't think so. There are so many wonderful things I can use you for." He gripped James head and turn the squirrel's face up towards his. "You aren't going anywhere."


"Such a mouth on you," said Dusk, wagging a finger admonishingly. "Well, if that's the way you're going to talk to me, we'll just have to put that mouth the better use."

Dusk untied James' legs from the wall, but by this point the squirrel was to spent to put up any real resistance. He couldn't even summon up the energy to kick at the bat as he slide back to lean against the wall, pulling the squirrel along with him. He knew Dusk was strong, much stronger than him, but James hadn't fully understood what that meant until Dusk lifted him up and flipped the squirrel so he was ass up and his face was aimed right at Dusk's cum-covered dick. He wasn't entirely sure what the bat had in mind.

Until he started to lower James down.

"Better open up that loud mouth of yours," said Dusk. "And don't you dare let me feel your teeth on my cock, or you just might be feeling mine on yours."

That threat was more than enough to get James to obey. Even if the bat was bluffing, that wasn't something he was willing to risk. Whining to himself, James slowly opened his mouth just in time for Dusk to thrust his dick inside, the new position threatening the choke the squirrel on the predator's penis.

James was having a hard time sucking Dusk's cock in this position, but he managed to at least get the bat moaning, which he took as a good sign. His legs kicked slightly when Dusk lowered him even further, smothering him once again by shoving his nose down onto the bat's balls, the black-furred male laughing at the way his squirming made the squirrel's cock sway. He stated bouncing James up and down on his dick, but even with his strength he wasn't going to be able to manage this for long.

Luckily, so soon after two orgasms, he was pretty sensitive down there, and it didn't take much more of James tongue on his cock before he came once again. It felt strange hanging upside down like that, but James managed to drink most of the bat's load down, though he couldn't stop some of it from leaking out around Dusk's cock and running down to mat the fur on his balls. Although if the bat had any problem with that, he didn't show it, moaning and gently humping his hips up into James' warm, wet mouth.

When Dusk's orgasm finally stopped, he lifted James off of him and laid the squirrel down on his bed, completely spent. He barely moved even when Dusk untied his arms, laying down behind the squirrel and pulling him close, pressing his chest against James' back and wrapping his arms around him.

"So? Was it everything you wanted?"

"Holy. Fucking. Shit," panted James, who couldn't resist pushing his ass back against the bat. "That might be hottest sex I've ever had in my life."

"I still can't believe you wanted to do it like that," said Dusk, laughing softly. "Who would have thought you had a predator kink?"

"Ah, excuse me," said James, looking over his shoulder at Dusk. "But I seem to recall a certain bat that seemed to be way too excited to have just been playing along."

"Chasing you like that got me riled up," said Dusk. "And you just looked so sexy all tied up and helpless." He let his fangs graze James' shoulder gently, a breathless gasp coming from the squirrel at the feeling. "How was I supposed to resist?"

"You're just lucky I let you catch me so easily."

"Please," said Dusk. "You were fighting not to get hard from the moment I grabbed you." He reached his hand down around James' hip, giving the squirrel's sheath a playful squeeze before James pushed him away with a laugh, his body far too sensitive at this point to take any more.

"Admit it, though -- aren't you glad I talked you into making me your personal prostitute?" asked James. "Who else is going to let you have fun like this?"

Dusk laughed, grabbing a blanket and pulling it over both of them. They could worry about cleaning themselves up after some rest.

"You are worth every coin, James. Every last one."