The Adventures of Bloodstrype ch3) homeward bound

Story by Quantumdragon on SoFurry

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#3 of The Adventures of Bloodstrype

The Adventures of Bloodstrype ch3) homeward bound

Open log:

"All hands prepare for Hyperlight translation, I SAY AGAIN, All hands prepare for Hyperlight translation."

Ah, damn, I was hoping to get my shower first. I begin shutting down all electronic devices in my cabin. In hyperspace no electronic devices will work, only photonic circuits operate. Therefore the water heater and shower flow controls wont be working for at least an hour or two. Oh well, at least I got my armor off before we jumped. That's a pain to take off manually.

I just finished closing down my computers when the bridge sounds the final translation alarm. I take a seat on my couch and prepare myself for the stomach twisting dislocation that comes from bypassing physics to get past light speed. I hear the hyper drive start up then the walls of my cabin seem to close in and blow out at the same time. I swallow hard as the feeling of dislocation hits me and then suddenly it's over. We're on our way to the next system on route to the capitol.

I strip off my armor's under suit, throw on a robe, and am just chopping vegetables for pasta when I hear my door chime. As the automatic door software is electronic and therefore unusable at this time I go to my door and open it. In front of me in a casual off-duty one-piece, is SolarFlare.

"I thought that I might make amends for this afternoon." She hands me a bottle of Chateau Dragon merlot special reserve from 30 years ago.

I step back and wave her inside. "How did you get a hold of this? I heard its extremely hard to get." As I head back to my cooking, Flare begins setting out the table.

"My family has owned a 10 percent interest in the vineyard for the last 180 years or so. That means that every year we get our pick of 3 bottles from that harvest year before they're shipped to the stores."

As I finish cooking we start talking. It takes us over an hour to finish the meal as we talk so much.

Just as we're getting up from the meal the intercom comes on again, "All hands prepare for real-space reversion, I say again, all hands prepare for real-space reversion." We both sit down and the light-speed dislocation sweeps over me again.

"Well," I begin, "now that we have power back would you care to join me for a shower? You know it'll be good for you if you let me give you a back rub." I stand up and offer her my hand.

She takes my hand and as she stands up she grabs the belt of my robe and gently tugs the knot loose causing my robe to fall open. "Well, we do have almost an hour until the next hyper-jump and that rub sounds heavenly." She leans in as I reach around her back and pull down the zipper to her jumper. As I grab the edges of the fabric Flare leans back and pulls her arms out of the sleeves. I let go and step back myself, dropping my robe as she steps out of the leggings.

Pausing, I admire her lithe, gloss black body, her well defined 6'5" frame, her pert 38D breasts, the curve of her ass, her....... "Ahem, distracted are we?" I shake my head and look up into her bright silver green eyes. I realize that I'd started staring. Noticing the sparkle in her eye I pretend to be embarrassed.

"Sorry. I'll go warm up the shower." I hear her gentle purring chuckle follow me into my large bathroom. Damn that woman can have an effect on me.

Getting the shower up to temperature I turn to call Flare only to find her almost muzzle to muzzle with me. Damn she can move quiet for such a big girl. She gives me a small kiss on my nose-pad and steps past me into the shower. "you coming?" she calls over her shoulder. Shaking off my startlement I step into the large shower stall with her.

As SolarFlare stands under one of the overhead showerheads just enjoying the hot water I step behind her and start massaging her shoulders. As I work out the knots from combat she veritably melts into my ministrations and starts purring. Not wanting to waste time that we might not have, I cue the shampoo spray. Working it into Flare's back fur we then turn and she works it into mine. Cutting off the shampoo we spend a few moments rinsing each other off. The rinsing quickly turns more intimate as I bend my head down to lick one of her nipples. She murrs in pleasure as I do it again while rubbing a hand down her perfect abs and sliding between her legs, coming to rest on her crotch. With my other hand I kill the water and start the drying sequence. As I do this Flare places one hand on my sheath and with her other hand guides my muzzle to hers for a passionate kiss.

We stay like this for a few minutes while the fur driers work drinking of each other and getting to know each other's mouths once again with our tongues. As the fur driers are working I rub a finger into her slit and gently begin to build her up. At the same time Flare starts rubbing on my sheath coaxing me to erection. As the fans shut off we break the kiss and slowly, without stopping our mutual rubbing, make our way to the bed.

When we get there Flare shoves me into the middle of the bed and, in a bit of play-acting, pounces on me. In an act of my own I move out of the way and flip her over. As I move out of her way I drag my tongue across her left nipple and smack her lightly on the ass. We go at it fro a few more passes before I "let" her "catch" me. Once she has me pinned she turns and licks my cock from sheath to tip causing me to shudder with pleasure. Since I cant move at the moment from where she has me pinned I reach up to where she's kneeling and run a finger down her slit. She takes the hint and as she continues to lick me she turns so that I can return the favor. Running my tongue over her crotch fur I slowly open her slit. As her juices start to flow over my muzzle I push my tongue into her vaginal hole causing her to gasp.

She then takes my cock slowly into her muzzle. Just the tip at first but she works her way down until only my sheath is showing. Working her tongue over all my sensitive spots she retracts just as slowly, repeating this several times over she begins torturing me with the pleasure, but I get my revenge as I retract my tongue from within her and gently alternate between nibbling and sucking on her clit. She murrs and moans as I do this speeding up bobbing on my cock until I can feel my knot forming. This then becomes an old "challenge" between us seeing who can make the other climax first. I reach down and start rubbing her breasts as I put my muzzle into her pussy while keeping me tongue to her clit. She responds by rubbing my balls with one hand and squeezing my knot with the other. We both keep going for a few minutes and I'll be damned if we don't come to climax at almost the same time. I blow my load right into the back of her throat, and as much as she tries to swallow it she just cant keep up, letting some drip down the sides back onto my cock.

After a few moments our climaxes subside and she rolls off me. Turning around she places her head on my chest and looks at me seductively, "ready for round two?" She glances down to where I'm already coming back to erection and answers her own question, "I take that as a yes."

As she kneels up I decide to turn the tables on her. I grab her and roll, coming to stop kneeling between her legs where she just was to me. "Now this is more like it," I say, lining my cock up with her moist and ready pussy. I slowly penetrate her as she murrs in pleasure wrapping her tail around my waist in encouragement. Building up to rhythm not much is said for the next few minutes as we build each other up in pleasure. As we spiral toward climax she starts bucking wildly and yells for me to knot her. Ramping up the force I slam my knot against her pussy a few times until it suddenly pops in causing her to orgasm first, her pussy clamping down on my cock leading to my own climax. I start howling as loud as I can as my cock shoots stream after stream of hot thick cum deep into Flare's pussy for what feels like forever before slowly spiriling down from the peak. As my knot shrinks and slips free we both lay there basking in each other's presence. We spin around one last time and lick each other clean before climbing into the bed for rest this time. We each take an anti-nausea tablet to help with the jumps, I turn my comm to emergency only mode and we settle down to sleep in each others arms.