Lef and Seru, of brothers and love. Chapter 1

Story by bunnycatmira on SoFurry

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The start of a story about two brothers, one male one genderfluid. The start is a touch clumsier than we usually manage, but still reasonably proud of the piece so far!

Marked as adult for adult scenes to come, though this chapter is reasonably tame

"What do you think your first kiss will be like?" Seru asked, he'd of coursed talked with his brother before about girls, though, neither of the pair had exactly much dating experience, Seru had had a few crushes sure, but Lef hadn't seemed to have had much experience even in that regard, still he'd always seemed more than comfortable talking about that stuff.

"You first!" Lef replied, grinning that mischevious grin that told Seru that he wouldn't exactly get Lef to be the first to speak.

Still Seru tried turning it back around, "I'm the one who asked!"

"But now my curiosity is burning hot enough to ignite, so how about you tell me before I catch fire?"

Seru rolled his eyes at his younger brother's theatrics, "Fine fine, but you have at least thought about it yeah?" once Lef nodded Sef continued, leaning back against the wall, "I've always imagined mine would be, I'd be standing with whoever my girlfriend is, and I'd get close, wrap an arm back around her neck and kiss her, pulling her close. I mean, of course if she didn't want to I wouldn't hold her there but, you know? I like to imagine I wouldn't go for a kiss if she wasn't interested." Seru sat thinking about the idea a moment before glancing over to Lef, "Okay, your turn."

Lef hadn't ever had all too much to say in most of these discussions in the past, but he seemed rather excited to share, shifting from the same sitting and leaning back position the pair had both been in, onto his knees, more facing Seru now, "I always imagined something," he reached out and pulled Seru's shirt, bringing the older male's lips close and engaging with them, slipping his tongue in briefly between Seru's surprised teeth, before darting it back just as quickly, purring tenderly across Seru's lips as he carressed them with his, before a moment later pulling back and releasing Seru's shirt, "Like that~"

Seru was stunned, sitting in the position he'd been left in a bit before closing his mouth and swallowing, mouth suddenly feeling dry, head swirling in confusion as his mind tried to catch up, "I-what?"

Lef shrugged, "I mean, maybe not the perfect first kiss, but first anything tends to be a little awkward. It's more about who it's with than what it's like that's the draw."

Seru couldn't figure out how Lef was so casual about this, sure their tongues hadn't touched, but that kiss still very much contained tongue! And it was with him, "I-I, okay so who did you want it to be with?"

"Exactly who it was with, one who was always reached more easily with action than with words," He punctuated this with a kiss on Seru's cheek, "What, did you think I was just being polite when I reassured you that you're stunning? I've noticed you Seru, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't imagine a first kiss with anyone else."

Seru's mouth was so dry, "But you always said you didn't like anyone that way?"

"No, you always asked about girls or about people in my class, you are, last I checked, in neither category." Lef's most charming grin flashed across their face, "Though, if you are a girl I'd accept that too."

Seru shook his head, "Wait so, you_like_ me like me?"

"Please, you're a grade ahead of me don't pretend to be this dense." Lef leaned back onto his arms, "I'm into you yeah. Want you, can't get you out of my head, ect. I love you as my brother, but can't exactly honestly claim I don't want more."

Seru felt dizzy at that last admission, "Are you asking me out?"

"Would you say yes if I did?" Lef asked, tilting his head, before looking off to the side, "If the answer's no I could try dating someone else, I've seen how some of the guys at school have started looking at me. But you're the only one I've actually been interested in." It was true that by looks alone Lef wasn't exacly masculine, taking much more after the pair's mother in physicality.

Seru slumped back against the wall, quiet for a moment, rubbing his eyes so he didn't have to see for a bit and could just think. His heart had stopped pounding from the shock of the kiss, and his head was slowly starting to stop spinning. He was left faced with the simple fact that his younger brother had apparently a massive crush on him, and had for a while. Lef for his part was quiet until the older of the brothers spoke again, "And what would you do if I said I was willing to try?" He almost regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He wasn't even sure what entertaining the possibility would accomplish aside from possibly making things harder for the both of them.

"I'd ask you out on a date, next town over where we'd be harder to recognize, find something fun to do together, with no expectations on where that'd lead." Lef's eyes shined as they looked into Seru's, "So, Seru, will you go out with me?"

Seru swore at himself internally, he felt like even if he wanted to back out he couldn't. He wasn't sure what he wanted but, "One date?"

Lef smiled, "That's all I'm asking for."

The pair didn't really talk about the idea of the date after aside from scheduling a weekend for it, and things were otherwise completely normal between them. Seru was surpised at first, but then realized that for Lef nothing had really changed except now Seru knew how he felt. They didn't even really talk about it when the day itself rolled around, Lef carrying a backpack of who knows what, and telling Seru he won't have to pay for anything.

The bus ride to the next town over was spent in reasonable quiet, Seru couldn't help but notice that Lef seemed more chipper than usual once they were on the bus, but neither really said anything. When they got to the bus station in the next town though Lef disappeared into the bathroom, it was fine because it was a while still before the bus for the first thing Lef had planned, but Seru couldn't help but be confused what was taking him so long. Seru just sat to wait where Lef said the bus was to turn up, not paying a huge amount of attention to what was going on around him, until a girl sat down next to him, "Oh sorry!" Seru said starting to move away before stopping.

Lef glanced at him, "You've always given the impression of being more interested in girls, so I figured in the unlikely event you do get recognized you'd rather be seen with one." He grinned, "I have even come here previously in preparation for this so you might hear me get referred to as Skyla."

Seru's mind was blank, confused about how Lef could have gone through so much effort to come up with an entire alternate identity, all to make Seru comfortable on the unlikely event they ever went on a date, "Skyla? And when did you get so good at makeup?"

"I had help," he said like it was nothing, "Same friends who met me as Skyla taught me this stuff." he said gesturing to his face.

"You went through all this effort to make friends under a new identity in a different place? Why?"

Lef leaned back, "I wanted to see what it was like in part, partly it's fun, I dunno. Maybe I even wanted to do it to try and figure out how to date girls by talking to girls as a girl, before of course realizing I don't really want to date girls. Might've even helped with that realization. Can't imagine trying to be Skyla full time, but sometimes is nice." he looked back over at Seru, "I thought you'd be more comfortable being seen with me like this, but, I'm still me. I don't want to date you _as_Skyla, or at least not just as Skyla. I want to date you as Lef. I want you as Lef."

The bus pulled up before Seru could really respond to much of that, leaving him to digest all that information while they rode together to the first stop on their date.