Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 5

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#7 of Lost in your Eyes

Okay, this is the last chapter I'm writing before i read back through the whole story for polishing...or half-assed polishing, whichever people will call it XD. I may make a lot of changed on how the story is told, but I won't change the main facts

If you read chapter 4 before the night of 10/17...read the last part again. I completely removed the cell phone apology. It conflicted with the rest of the story.

Mike dreamed the same dream of the beautiful landscape. He was running at the silhouette of the fox again. I could see the eyes of his beloved Darty. As he got closer, the mountains became darker. The leaves fell off the trees. The grass shrivelled...and the eyes changed into something evil. Mike stopped in his tracks before the world became utter darkness. He felt himself being lifted up, his cheeks spread open as the fox rammed himself in and out of the tight tailhole. Mike let out a scream for help, but no sound was made.

Mike woke up the next morning, still one the floor in all of his clothes. He stretched out, making the cutest little puppy noise as he did. "Awww...how cute." Mike jerked his head to see Spencer sitting on the couch in only his boxers, laughing down at the sleepy wolf. "Hey Mike, it's already noon. Did we miss school?" Mike looked at the clock. It was noon! He missed two days of school! He was going to get it for sure...

He rushed to the door, not bothering to wake himself up properly. He had to get to school now! He jerked the front door open, shoving himself out the door before jerking himself back inside, slamming the door. About three feet of snow pancaked against the entrance, some of it falling in when the door opened. Spencer began laughing. "Oh god...that was good!" Mike grinned and couldn't help but laugh too. It was fairly mean, but he didn't care.

"I hope you brought your supplies! We're snowbound for a while I believe. The school is expected to be closed for the rest of this week and next week. We have an ice storm comming...oh, I think it's here!" The roof made the sound of rain...really heavy rain. "Hey Mike, check this out." He pointed his hoof to the screen, the news bringing up a black silhouette with an unfamiliar outline for any creature. "The Morpher is believed to be around here. If anybody has any information on where they believe he may be, please give us a call. He is believed to be a..." Suddenly the power went off. Mike looked around, still able to see a bit from the sun that still shown through the side window. "FUCK! We need to get blankets...NOW" Spencer looked agitated. He frantically ran around, grabbing everything warm he could think of. Mike realized just a second later why...they would be freezing soon.

Mike knew that if he helped, he could add to the body warmth accumulating in the room. Every little bit helped. He followed Spencer's example and moved non-perishable foods and warm clothing into the bathroom. Spencer grabbed a radio and began pushing Mike into the fairly large bathroom. "Spencer, we can't bunker down here. We'll run out of air after a while..." Spencer pointed to the window. "Here's the plan. We have a shower that can supply us with the warmth we need if we need it...but it's a last resort. The window isn't sealed tight, so we'll slowly lose warmth, but we'll never run out of air. Let's just pray we don't end up freezing before the power returns..." Spencer sounded so frightened. Mike picked up on his vibes feeling fear as well. The smartest guy in the world was afraid...were they to perish like this? What kind of messed up death would this be. It's not fair! No, Mike refused to die like this. "Spencer, we're going to live. We'll do what the marines do. Take off your clothes." They had brought a sleeping back, and Spencer knew what the idea was. They both stripped quickly, Spencer jogging in place.

That's when it happened. The two of them gazed at each other's nude frames. "Wow...heh" Mike turned around and blushed. Spencer was so...hott! Damn he wanted him so much. Why'd he have to start dating someone else...such a hunk of a male was snowbound with him. "Mike, let me tell you something" Spencer came up behind Mike, wrapping his arms around his waist and swaying side to side with him. He pressed himself against Mike's back tenderly as he leaned down to whisper. "I've known you for eight years, and we've been best friends this whole time. We've fought, we've saved each other's hides, and hell, we're about to save each other again. But I know what you're thinking..." Spencer licked slowly across Mike's neck, sending shivers down his spine. Mike fell limp against the strong equine, hypnotized by the warmth and affection he was showing. Warmth stirred in his sheath, the shaft slowly emerging as the foreplay continued.

"Mike, you aren't dating Max. You were fooled by Darty's eyes which he doens't deserve to have. I'll miss the good fox too...Darty. But we need to move on...it's time to let go." Mike listened to those winged words from Spencer. He felt a great burden lift from him. His heart fluttered with passion as the horse healed his emotional wounds, only to be physically overwhelmed as the horse clutched Mike's chest. It was as if he knew what was happening inside the young wolf's body. "Spencer..." Mike whispered as he turned around, looking up at the horse. He gazed into the eyes of his best friend. They were the eyes of Spencer...the one who saved him from drowning...the one he saved from taking his own life...the one who would stick by him in the worst of times and make him laugh or help him through. The one who he should have been with from the very beginning. "I...I..." Mike stammered, unable to find words to say before the equine pressed his lips down against Mike's. Spencer took control of the kiss as he explored the roof and tongue in his maw. The mightly hooves showing how gentle they can be as they scritched the wolf's back in just the right spots. Spencer broke the kiss, laying down next to the sleeping back before scootching himself in. He guided Mike into his bedchambers, the two of them forced to smoosh against one another.

They were both rock hard, and their swollen members pressed against each other. They both grinded hungrily against one another, panting in growing lust. They wildly kissed each other as they let their passion build. Spencer's mighty hoof reached down to grasp around both of their lengths at the tips. He stroked them both rapidly at just that top portion, making them break the kiss as they turned up their heads to breathe harder. "Spencer...mmf...I'm gonna..." Mike let out a howl of ecstasy as the tension of the week finally spilled out. Spencer let out his own tension, joining with his new lover's seed under the privacy of the sleeping bag. The two of them panted heavily, Mike laying his head just under Spencer's.

Spencer reached around for all the warm materials they had brought, quickly covering themselves with as many layers of insulation as possible. "Mmf...think we'll be warm?" Asked spencer before he started scritching Mike's ears. Mike folded his ears back instinctively, giggling lightly to the soothing touch. "Yeah...as long as we're together."

Mike didn't care if this was their final resting place anymore. Here he was with the hunkiest guy in school...no...the world. He's also the sweetest, smartest...and he knows how to touch a guy! Mike knew that once the snow cleared and they could leave, he'd break up with Max. Their relationship was very new, and he was sure Max would understand. Even if he didn't understand, Mike didn't care. He had finally moved on from the passing of Darty. He was happy again.