Sacred Springs

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A group of elves explore a previously unknown forest known for the mists that fall during the night. When they find a set of hot springs a few of the scouts believe the fortuitous find allows them a quick soak, though one must always be careful of what could possibly lurk in unknown waters.

This was a story voted on as a patreon exclusive.

Night had fallen in the forest and the three elves that were scouting the area had to stop for the night to set up camp, not from the darkness that had settled in through the undergrowth but due to the thick mist that settled in. After the leader of the group, an experienced hunter named Velri, nearly broke his leg falling into a hole that was obfuscated by the fog they agreed to stop each night. Though it meant significant delay in their scouting it was all they could do to keep themselves safe as they created a fire to banish the mist from the immediate area. As Velri watched the other two, the younger elves named Dolafir and Kat, he grumbled to himself and ran his hands through his long brown hair.

Normally he would be out with the rest of the hunting party but a bad run-in with a wolf that had chomped down on his arm. It had mangled him pretty badly and they had been days away from the village; while the others had managed to bandage him up enough to keep him alive during the trip back there was nothing they could do until they got him back to the healers, and by that point there had been permanent damage. Though he could still brandish a blade he couldn't use his bow anymore and that was a critical part of being a hunter. While he was glad that he could still be useful to the clan the fact that he was essentially a babysitter to make sure the other two don't get themselves killed was starting to wear on him.

"Hey, do you hear that?" Dolafir asked as the three sat around the fire, the other two looking at the other scout in question. "It sounds like running water." Both Velri and Kat strained their pointed ears in order to hear what their fellow elf was hearing and it didn't take long before they both heard falling water. As Dolafir stood up Velri asked what he was about to do and the elf explained that he was going to wash himself.

"Dolafir, you can't just go off on your own to take a bath," Velri said with a sigh. "We're out in the middle of unexplored territory with an unnatural mist that has been following us around. Even if there is nothing that is supernatural out there I don't want to have to scramble out there if you get attacked by something."

"C'mon, it doesn't sound that far away," Dolafir pushed back as he grabbed his satchel. "I know that you had a bad experience recently but we haven't seen anything dangerous out here for the entire week we've been out here. You going to come with me Kat?"

Kat glanced over at Velri before looking back down at the fire, which prompted the other elf to huff and go off in the direction of the water. At this point Velri just put his hands across his chest and said nothing as he watched his fellow scout quickly disappear into the wall of mist that surrounded their camp site. The only reason he hadn't jumped up and throttled Dolafir for his insubordination was the fact that he was right, he had been a bit overly cautious when it came to this scouting mission and it was taking its toll on himself and the other two. As he looked down at his bare arm he saw the scars that were still on his exposed flesh and glanced over at Kat to see if he would follow the other elf's lead.

To his surprise despite the initial look of excitement that had been on his face when the concept of having a bath was mentioned the youngest of the group remained in his seat. For Kat this was his first time even going out in a scouting party and he didn't want their leader to think ill of him. Though Dolafir was his friend he knew the other elf could be rather hot-headed and often thought of himself when he desired creature comforts, like the desire to not smell when they came back into the village. He had no such desire to try and romance any of the woman there and didn't mind smelling of the forest as he continued to sit by the fire.

After about ten minutes Velri let out another loud sigh and to Kat's surprise he was told to go and make sure that the other scout doesn't accidently drown while bathing. It was an open invitation to go and clean up himself and after making sure that their leader was fine with it he went in the same direction that Dolafir went. He could quickly hear the sounds of the splashing water growing as he moved through the heavy fog and suddenly found the campsite disappearing. There was still a glow from the direction of the campfire and he could even see it as the mist cleared once more to reveal the splashing pond and the elf inside it.

As the elf approached Kat looked in awe at the rocks that surrounded the small pond he saw a number of runes that were etched into them. He wasn't sure what they were but they looked extremely significant, and it wouldn't be the first time they saw the remnants of some ancient civilization. What quickly caught Kat's attention though was the fact that he didn't see the other elf around, and as eyes scanned the area the only thing he found of Dolafir was his clothing near the edge where he had approached. Just as he was about to turn back and run towards the campsite to tell Velri there were a few bubbles that broke the surface before the head of the other scout rose up with water dripping from his hair.

"Damnation Dolafir," Kat said as he breathed a sigh of relief as the other elf continued to approach him. "I thought that you had gone off and drown or something."

"Nope, still here," Dolafir replied with a grin as he gestured with a hand. "Why don't you come in and join me? Turns out this is actually a hot spring, can finally get a chance to relax."

Kat perked up at hearing the words hot spring and relax. While he had just come over mostly to fulfill the wishes of their scouting leader the idea of a bath had been enticing, and with the added benefit of actual hot water it was almost too good to be true. He found himself biting his lip as he contemplated whether to jump in or to go back to the camp and report in until eventually he found himself taking off his clothes near the side of the springs. Dolafir merely watched as the other elf quickly stripped down, his ice blue eyes glimmering in the moonlight before he shifted his position to a nearby waterfall.

It didn't take long before Kat was completely naked and getting into the water. He had seen that the other scout had taken off all his clothing as well and given they were in the middle of the woods with a wall of fog around them it wasn't like they had to worry about modesty. Usually on Velri's order they would take turns however so this was the first time that he would actually be bathing with his fellow scout. It didn't really matter to him much though as he grabbed the soap out of his bag, only to hear Dolafir call out to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dolafir asked with a look of anger on his face.

"I'm... bathing?" Kat replied in confusion.

"Not with that you're not," Dolafir replied before beckoning him forth once more. "Come over here and let the pure water wash you, it will do a much better job then that hunk of soap that you were about to pollute this place with."

Kat continued to look at Dolafir in slight shock, but as that stern gaze continued to be leveled at him it caused him to put the soap back in his bag and swim over towards him. As he got closer to where the other man stood he found that he could stand on the smooth stone below and slowly walked up it until he was waist high. "I didn't realize that you cared so much about your surroundings," Kat exclaimed as he saw Dolafir holding a sponge. "Especially after we made that camp near the river and you ended up kicking the remains of our campfire into it."

"Perhaps you don't know me as deeply as you thought," Dolafir replied with a smirk as he dipped the sponge into the water. "Now stand in the waterfall and relax, let me take care of that body of yours." Once more Kat found himself taken slightly aback by the nature of his fellow scout, though it was mostly due to the fact that he was being helpful more than the somewhat provocative situation they were in. If they hadn't been traveling together for a week he would have suspected that he was into him as he took his place underneath the waterfall as directed.

For a brief moment Kat braced himself as he thought that the water would be cold, but just like what surrounded him it was almost body temperature as he felt the grime and dirt in his hair and on his face get washed away. It was rather refreshing and the longer he stood underneath the more he felt relaxed as the other elf came up behind him. When he felt the sponge press against his back he let out a slight moan despite himself, feeling himself blush when he heard Dolafir chuckle behind him. To his surprise he felt a bare hand press against his hip as the sponge was moved around towards his chest where it stroked up and down his toned body.

"Dolafir..." Kat said with a slight gasp when he felt something else press up against his back as their bodies became closer together. "I... you never indicated..." When he leaned back to try and look back at the other man he found the sponge pressing up against his neck to keep him looking forward. "Are you sure, Velri is nearby..."

Dolafir didn't seem to care as Kat felt the mouth of the elf press against the flesh of his neck and shoulder, showing a tenderness that he hadn't ever seen in the otherwise brash scout. "You don't know how long I've waited for this..." Dolafir whispered in Kat's ear as he joined him underneath the waterfall, the water cascading down both of their athletic bodies. "The touch of another body, feeling the heat from our skin against one another. Just relax, soon you will see what I mean."

Kat was losing himself in the situation as the hand stroking down his stomach made its way down to his own throbbing member that had just started to poke up from the surface of the water. Even though it still felt strange that someone that had seemed so distant suddenly was so amorous and they were doing it in the middle of a hot spring his lusts were getting the better of him. He turned around to smile at Dolafir and saw that the other elf had a wide smile on his face, and as the water poured down their faces he saw his eyes stare into his own. For the first time he realized just how blue the eyes of the other man was, in the moonlight they were almost glowing and as he was about to comment on it he suddenly saw them dim and a look of concern fall on the elf's face.

"Kat... unggg..." Dolafir said as he looked like he was concentrating on something, causing Kat to look at him in confusion. "Made... I made a mistake..." As Kat found himself taking a step back he felt something slither around his legs, which only made the situation even more bizarre. "Run..."

Suddenly Kat felt himself getting pushed back but as he did he saw that the water that came from the waterfall had started to coalesce around his body, especially around his face as it covered Dolafir like a mask that twisted up in a smile. "Sorry, momentary willful interruption," Dolafir said once more, though this time the voice was calm, serene and almost unnatural as Kat felt something slither up his arm. "Where were we, my beautiful elf?"

"You're... you're not Dolafir..." Kat replied in shock, only to be more surprised when he felt something start to push up between his cheeks. When he attempted to try and run though it felt like his body was being actively resisted, and when he looked down at his body he found that the water was coating him in a similar manner and despite it just be a liquid it felt like he was pushing against solid stone. "What are you doing to mfffph?!"

Kat didn't get to finish his sentence as the water on his face seemed to congeal around his lips and form a muzzle that blocked him from saying anything as the other elf loomed over him. At this point he happened to notice movement down below and his eyes widened as he saw a thick tentacle of water appeared to be pushing up Dolafir's rear. "Can't have you screaming out for help, now can we?" The possessed Dolafir said with a chuckle, his voice deepening slightly as the water that continued to form around his face stretched out into a muzzle. "I've already been interrupted once by you, and though I will appreciate the company you bring its time to finish what I started... though I imagine you'll be attracting someone yourself rather soon."

Kat had no idea what that meant, all he knew for certain was that Dolafir was possessed by some sort of entity as more tendrils of water could be seen rising up on the elf. It wasn't just outside though either; Kat continued to try and break free from his mystical bindings as he saw the flesh of the elf being pushed out like snakes slithered around inside of him. It caused his flesh to ripple before more of the water cascaded over it as his hand began to stroke over the thick cock while more of the liquid flowed around it, shifting around his fingertips and becoming claws as the form of the elf was overwhelmed. With his body frozen in place all Kat could do was watch as a thick ridged cock formed over the other male as the translucent draconic hand stoked over it.

Just as Kat was about to renew his struggles in order to try and break free he found something had started to prod up against his own backside. Though the water on his body wasn't transforming him like it was doing to the other elf he could feel it thickening as the tip of the tentacle that rose up from the surface of the water began to push between his cheeks. "Just let it flow inside of you," Dolafir, or rather the creature that was controlling him, said as he brough his still elven hand pressed against his face while the liquid dripped down it. "We can make you feel so good, Dolafir already realizes it and soon you will too as soon as he infuses himself."

Infuses himself... with the water still muzzling him all he could do was let out a muffled gasp as he realized that he was about to share the same fate as Dolafir, who stroked down his chest with his free hand as more tendrils rose up his own exposed thighs. It was clear that despite the amorous nature the reason that the elf hadn't taken him was that someone else was about to, a creature that dwelled beneath the waves as he began to feel a presence in his psyche. As he looked back up he saw that the crystalline blue irises had spread to completely envelop his sclera as well. Kat could only imagine that the other scout had lost the battle against whatever possessed him, not knowing that his own green irises were shifting to the same coloration.

The water that had been around Kat's mouth flowed away from his lips, but the only thing that came out was a loud groan as the tentacle of water began to push up inside his hole. Though he tried to clench it was impossible to keep the liquid appendage out and his entire body tensed from the insertion. He began to pant as the tentacle took the form of a cock, and though it was relatively human shaped he could feel something else on the shaft as well. At first he thought they were the same ridges of the huge water cock that had formed on the one watching him, but instead it felt more like nubs as it pushed inside of him.

Kat had started to lean forward as he was penetrated, the pleasure causing him to lose focus which allowed whatever was inside of his mind to take hold while Dolafir stroked both their cocks together. "I can already sense that he's getting quite comfortable inside of you," Dolafir stated as his voice deepened, the water around his face forming into a muzzle with a pair of liquid whiskers that flowed down it. "Don't think of this as a loss Kat, together we can be so much more than just the scouts that you were assigned to be. Can't you already feel the power welling up inside of you, the sheer mystical force that is coalescing in their body?"

Though Kat tried not to listen to the words of the other elf, though at this point as the water continued to bulk up on top of Dolafir's form it would be more appropriate to call him a water dragon. Even though the liquid seemed to cover him Kat could see completely through the translucent set of firm pectorals and washboard abs, and as he managed to look down at his own form he saw that his hands had watery claws attached to them while more of it formed into pads on his skin. It was like the mystical fluid was his body, though as the dragon had pointed it out it was becoming less his by the second as his thoughts became muddled. More than once he felt his lips twitch into a smile as the water around his elf ears pushed into his skull while being coated as a pair of rounded ones rose up from his wet hair.

"Dolafir... I... help..." Kat tried to reach through to the elf that was inside that dragon, but as he began to move his lips more water poured into his maw and formed into a similar cock like the one that had started to thrust into his backside. His transformation was happening much faster than the one before him and as the goo filled his body he felt a muzzle start to grow out of his face who started to speak and move his lips. "This one is so close, just needs a little more stimulation to go in the right direction."

The voice that had said those last words was not his, but Kat could feel his own face being pulled up into a smile as the water assimilated it while becoming more feline in nature. With the elf losing himself it was hard for him to keep grasp on his own mind, especially when he felt he other one starting to overpower him and mingle their thoughts together. It was as if their two streams of consciousness were flowing into one pond, not just having one take over the other but flowing into one as the dragon pressed his body against the increasingly muscular feline in front of him. The water tiger let out a groan of approval as the tentacle that had been inside the rear and mouth of the elf whose body had been possessed fused with the liquid within, eventually the two wrapping their muscular arms around one another as they stretched their tongues out and mingled them in their new muzzles.

For a while the two remained like that, the water from the falls continuing to bulk out their new forms as their muzzles pressed together. The tentacles that were still pumping underneath both their tailholes, a thick draconic one emerging from Dolafir along with a set of wings while a ropy feline one stretched out from Kat's body, eventually slithered up inside of him. Their bodies shuddered in pleasure as their cocks rubbed against the abdomen of the other, enjoying the slippery sensation of their gooey bodies. As they eventually pulled back from one another their tongues retracted as well and the water creatures knew that they had one more thing they had to do before they could fully enjoy one another...

As the fire died down back at the campsite Velri sighed and put on a few more logs while he waited for the two to return. The elf was growing increasingly frustrated with the fact that the two continued to fool around in the hot springs, and from the errant sounds that came he believed that they were doing much more than bathing. As a hunter it wouldn't be the first time two of their party would go off to slake their lusts and he doubted it was different for scouts. What was irritating him was that if they didn't get to sleep soon they would either have a late start or two tired elves that would trail behind him.

Just as Velri threw another log onto the embers of the previous ones he saw two figures emerge from the fog, his hand going to his knife briefly before he saw that it was Dolafir and Kat. He sighed and relaxed again but his frown remained when he noticed that the two had come back completely naked. "Did you forget your towels or something?" Velri asked, which only caused the two guys to continue to grin as they looked at one another. "Listen, I don't care what you two do, but let's try to keep it somewhat serious while we're in unfamiliar territory."

"Relax, we're just looking to dry ourselves by the fire," Dolafir said as he set his clothing next to his bedroll while Kat did the same before he went over to Velri while he held something. "Have you eaten yet? Dolafir said as Velri looked up to see him with a piece of dried meat in his hand. "Turns out Kat had been holding out some venison jerky on us and decided he wanted to share."

"Uh, thanks," Velri replied as he eyed up the meat before he took it. With the longer duration of the scouting mission they had eaten most of their more potentially perishable items which had left them with just normal rations, so he hadn't had meat in a while. "Seriously though, put on a loincloth or something, last thing you want is something getting you down there because you want to air dry."

Dolafir just laughed at that and sat back down over near the fire, Kat coming around right behind him as Velri took a bite of the jerky. The fact the two opted to remain naked was quickly overshadowed by the flavor of the meat as he coughed slightly. It was very salty even for jerky and though it tasted good and his body craved the protein he had to pause and take a drink from his canteen. Every few bites he had to take a drink but eventually he managed to finish off both, feeling full for the first time in a while as he leaned back.

As he leaned back and relaxed he felt his stomach gurgle, which caused him slight embarrassment as he looked up to see if the other two noticed. He saw that they were just grinning at him still and that they were still naked, and as his gaze traveled down towards their groins he found that both their members had started to twitch. Though he was going to chastise them once more for it he found himself licking his lips and continuing to stare despite himself. It wasn't until Dolafir had gotten up and walked towards him that he looked away, only to glance back and see that the other elf had walked right up to him.

"You need some help?" Dolafir asked.

"Need some help with what?" Velri asked in slight confusion, jumping slightly as the bare foot of the elf tapped against his groin that had started to tent. "I... that is not necessary, honestly I don't think it would be very proper since I'm supposed to be leading you."

"Oh come on, we know that the hunters all have their fun," Dolafir replied as he knelt down, his hands initially meeting resistance as they slid up the tunic of the older elf before the were allowed to roam. "At least get naked with us, that way you can relax. You've been tense with us all week and if you're not going to bathe then you should at least air yourself out."

Velri let out a sigh but found himself a bit enticed with the idea, especially feeling increasingly aroused that was distracting him from his previous irritation at the situation. "Hard to believe that all this is coming from a bath," Velri said with a gruff but lustful tone as he allowed the other elf to take off his tunic to leave him bare-chested, though as he looked down at himself he found his arousal turning to confusion as he saw that his stomach was slightly inflated and sloshed a bit when he pressed his fingers against it. "Wait, that's not right, how much water did I drink?"

"Enough," Dolafir replied, his glimmering eyes staring into the elf's as he saw the look of concern grown on Velri's face. "It's already beginning to manifest inside you, just relax and go with the flow. We can help distract you while it happens."

Velri could sense that something was very wrong as he pushed back and scooted away from the elf, only for his insides to feel like they're shifting. The sensation was enough to cause him to fall backwards all the way and as he laid back he arched his head up to see that the swelling in his stomach began to disappate to the rest of his body. "What have you done?!" Velri shouted, though he gasped slightly as it felt like he had water in his throat. "Is this some sort of... of trick..."

"I think you already know that this is no illusion," Dolafir said as his elven form began to shift, two long dragon whiskers pushing out of his upper lip as a pair of horns began to grow on his head. "Considering what brought you here in the first place we found that he would be most fitting to join with you, one of his kin already marking you on your arm. We can make this all the more pleasurable if you just give in."

Velri could feel the pleasure rising in his body, his cock standing to attention despite the situation, but as he saw what looked like a clawed hand slightly press out the flesh of his chest while feeling it inside him was enough to keep up the fight. He managed to get to his hands and knees but as he crawled away more water began to leak out of his mouth, making it feel like he was drooling as tendrils began to be seen pressing out his tanned flesh. One larger one could be seen near his rear as the entity in his body took form, taking his mind with it as he let out a moan. The two made their way over as they watched grey fur starting to spread over his back and chest, his physical transformation manifesting due to only having a limited supply of the mystical water.

Dolafir and Kat had the remedy for that as they started to stroke their thickening cocks, muscles bulging as their flesh rippled and quivered from the changes happening within. Much like the elf that had started to moan loudly their changes also swelled out their bodies as they got on either side of the one on the ground. Even though they knew he was feeling rapturous amounts of pleasure the scout leader continued to resist, though as they saw his head shoot up and a lupine muzzle push out the front of his throat they knew the water wolf would be emerging shortly. As Dolafir looked down he could see the eyes of the panting elf start to turn a similar color as their own as water began to pour out of his mouth.

"We can't let all that go to waste," Dolafir said as he watched Kat pull the pants off of the elf, leaving him completely nude as they saw his toes growing and stretching while claws pushed out from the tips. "You'll never finish changing at that rate, why don't we go ahead and plug you up?" As the increasingly draconic man grabbed Velri by the back of the head, feeling little resistance from the one in front of him. He could feel the skull starting to reshape as the lupine creature within took control and it wasn't long before he didn't need prompting to wrap his lips around that thickening member.

As the face of the elf stretched out as though to accommodate the cock inside of it the lips and nose turned black, though the greatest changes were happening as Kat slid his own throbbing length into the other hole. They could see the spine practically flow down to form the new tail as the water within manifested the lupine creature that had taken control of their former leader. Being the most muscular of them all the tentacles of water that were suffusing through the elf's body only added more to the bulk as scales and fur grew on the other two while their own physiques grew. Soon all three were drooling monsters as the water that had created them dripped from everywhere while the dragon and tiger thrusted into the wolf man between them.

Once the water wolf had completely possessed the last elf the two continued to hump into his muzzle and tailhole, though eventually a bubbly growl from the one they were plowing caused them to stop and pull out. "Gather as much from the sacred springs as you can," the wolf creature said as they stood up, all their cocks still dripping water despite being soft. "Between our canteens and ourselves we should have more than enough to make sure we quench the thirst of all the elves of that village..."