Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 11 (Ending)

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#1 of Lost in your Eyes

Well, here's the ending of my first story. This will not be the last you'll see of me though. I have plans for a romance novel. I'll post up the first chapter as a teaster hopefully tonight :3

I was glad to test the waters, and the compliments really inspired me to write more. Not only that, but I have a reason to put more effort into the next story. This chapter will be very short. It's just a sweet little ending I wanted to tack on before I start on my seroius project.

A year had passed since the day Spencer rescued Mike from his self-destruction aided by Alkai. Mike laid in the pasture he always met Darty at in his dreams, but this time when he looked to his left to see someone approaching him, he saw Spencer. That magnificent hero of a horse. Mike smiled as he stood up, rushing over to him and pouncing him into the ground. "Hey Spenny" Laughed Mike. Spencer pushed him off, grinning up at the playful wolf. "Oh, you want to play huh?"

Spencer grabbed Mike's muzzle, pushing it aside as Mike tried to bite at Spencer's neck. Mike had a hard time getting around that mighty arm, but he eventually flanked his defenses to clamp down tenderly on the horse's neck. Spencer tried to push Mike off, but he had a firm hold of his neck, and would tigthen the grip if he resisted. "Okay! Okay i give!" Spencer pleaded, chuckling. Mike didn't leave him yet, his digits trickling up and down Spencer's sides to entice laughter from him. Mike was having so much fun playing with his new boyfriend, and best friend always.

Mike showed mercy, sitting up on his knees and letting Spencer do the same. They held hoof and paw, smiling at each other as they shared a gentl kiss. The sat down, scooting next to each other as Mike laid his head on Spencer's shoulder. The watched the sun set, Mike sighing before speaking, "Can we live here forever, Spenny?" Mike nuzzled Spencer's shoulder, arms wrapping around Spencer's to stroke up and down the length. Spencer planted a sweet kiss on Mike's head before resting on it. "Yeah...we will, love."

Mike looked up in the sky, a tear falling as he finally let go of the sorrow that had haunted him during those terrible months of his life. He will always miss Darty and his mother, but he could live on. He'll see them again someday in the afterlife.