Dead Sand, Silent Shadows - Chapter 1: Sweetest Failure

Story by Rukhal on SoFurry

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Dead Sand, Silent Shadows

Chapter 1: Sweetest Failure

Busy times and busier people dictated the coming of summer. More enjoyable weather brought about a rush of commerce with every one outside. Well it was mostly enjoyable but for Wi Orca and his fiancée Ral-Jiktar toil was all that happened in an outdoor workshop. Two years of planning, calculations, hard days, bruised tails, sour dispositions, cussing, defeated ramblings and over all hard work was about to pay off.

Wi pulled tools from his belt and tweaked small things until Ral handed him a pneumatic drill to start the final tightening of the massive device. The wiring and buzzing of the drill filled the room and Wi's body vibrated with each bolt. The smell of metal and steam mixed sweat was palpable as they looked at the machine.

"Now what's this supposed to be again Wi?" Ral looked at his fiancée in curious thought. His leathery skin beaded with sweat from their work. Wi was the inventor and Ral was the support and the passionate lover. Wi looked at him, rolling the ache out of his shoulders and twisting his black, the vertebrae popping softly.

"Kinetic energy generator," Wi's tone was more matter-of-fact as he spoke. "The turbines on the inside turn from the steam forced in through those tanks." He pointed to the first two tanks in turn and continued. "Then the steam condenses and is reheated and pressurized to be forced back out as steam again." He smiled and winked. "one third of the energy generated is used to keep the process going; the other two-thirds we can use to take out home of the power grid."

Wi smiled and stroked the lizard's chest seductively before lifting his prized possession, his wrench, and put it on the pressure release valve bolt of the steel steam tank and smiled. "Help me do the honors?" Wi asked , the taste of their joyful celebration already on his tongue as Ral pressed up close behind him, straddling his tail and rubbing his groin against it, and put his hands over Wi's and helped pull the wrench down releasing the steam, much like either of their loads of cum, into the device and began spinning the turbines.

Wi turned his head and kissed Ral, their tongues gliding along each other. Wi felt the French tickler press against his own tongue and tried to draw it in and suck on it. As they kissed and caressed their joyous moment was cut short when the machine cut out and died. They broke and stared at it. With no sign of restarting Wi took his wrench and slammed it against the machine with the hammer head.

"Damn it!" Wi growled softly before hitting the machine again. "So freaking close..." he sighed and closed his eyes leaning against Ral, utterly defeated. Ral kicked the device hard with the heel of his foot as he held Wi.

"Fucking piece of shit!" he kicked it three more times before walking Wi out of the shop and into the house. He slowly sat him on the couch in the living room before smiling softly and sticking his tongue out and smiling wider. He began to undress, his cock already stiff, the Prince Albert poised and ready.

Wi smiled and licked his lips, cupping his fiancée's balls, running his gently thumb up and down along the scrotal ladder and gently squeezed. Ral gave a hiss of pleasure as his long tongue slipped from his mouth and molded to Wi's chin. Wi pulled Ral down next to him before slowly slipping out of the skin-tight overalls and wrapped an arm back around Ral's waist, as he draped one over Wi's shoulders, and began to pump Ral's shaft.

Ral threw his head back on the couch and let out a breathy sigh that sounded like a raspy hiss. Wi worked his fiancée's cock expertly with his fingers; his thumb rolling Ral's cock head and teasing the Prince Albert. Ral was in the middle of enjoying it all when Wi pulled him into his lap, their dicks on top of each other, and forced Ral's hands behind his back, holding them with one hand while the other grasped both of their thick rods and began to fondle them both.

Ral gave a rumbling hiss as his eyes closed and Wi began to lightly bite on his neck and shoulders, driving the lizard wild with lust. Ral shuddered and jolted with pleasure and let out a shocked moan as Wi let go and hefted the lizard before sliding his throbbing cock into this ready ass and they both moaned as Wi hilted himself inside his fiancée.

They both growled and moaned as Wi rammed him. Ral's eyes were shut in pleasure as his mouth lie open and his cock slapped against his lower stomach from the force of the thrusts.

"Fuck!" Ral hissed, smiling dirtily. "You horny bastard, if this is what comes from a two year project then we need to do more... but in shorter timeframes." They both laughed and Wi began squeezing and rolling Ral's balls in his free hand.

"Well maybe if you didn't whine about all the testing we would do more." Wi laughed this time as Ral snickered. Ral remembered the cockring which kept him from ever cumming; that was a blueballs moment if he ever knew one. The snicker turned into another hiss as Wi flipped them so he was kneeling on the couch, his upper body over the back.

It was a full ten minutes before Ral began dripping; still holding back cumming but some was evading his grip. With a simple move Wi as upside-down, still jamming himself inside of Ral, and was sucking on the head of Ral's cock. He squeezed Ral's balls in an effort to make him cum; his other hand milking the deep pink rod as Ral moaned and fidgeted to hold back his seed.

It was all for loss; for as Wi's balls smacked Ral's ass in rhythmic timing the lizard's constitutions broke and his seed exploded from his erection, filling Wi's mouth with the bitter-sweet taste of male legacy. As Wi finished his fiancée's load, his hips went into a state of overdrive as his thrusts came faster and his orgasm built up within a few strokes and he released his own legacy into and all over Ral's insides.

He turned right side-up and held Ral in his lap, his arms tight around his fiancée's body as they embraced on the couch. Ral slowly rose and fell in Wi's lap as they sat there in a state of bliss. Ral wrapped in arm back around Wi's neck and the two kissed. The kiss lasted for a long and wonderful moment before they broke and Wi sighed softly in Ral's ear. His hands softly stroked Ral's stomach as the lizard's tail coiled lovingly around the orca's

"Well that was fun." Wi chuckled softly as he sat up straight. "As much as I love this I need to get back to the generator. You can join me if you wish..." Wi slowly got up and Ral gave a disgruntled hiss at having his lover leave so soon after. Wi turned and cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? You think I have more energy than I do?" He bent and kissed Ral, who kissed back toyingly.

"No," Ral smirked, Wi gazing over his fiancée's amazing sex appeal and getting hard again. "Not that. You've been working for two years.... Can't it wait for one more night?" Ral stuck his tongue out and flicked Wi's balls with it before curling it around his cock and pulling him closer. Wi smirked and returned, straddling Ral's chest.

"Alright Ral, eat up." Wi's hips moved up into Ral's face as Ral's tongue coiled and uncoiled around his shaft in the most pleasing of fashions, the French tickler sending shudders up the orca's spine. And day turned into night, all thought of the generator forgotten for now. The two impassioned lovers basked in the heat of their combined bodies and their love burned unspoiled.