Jordan the Homophobe

Story by FootStomp on SoFurry

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I lay awake in my room with a torrent of images flowing through my head. It's odd though, I know what I'm thinking is wrong, but for some reason I just can't seem to be able to bring myself to stop. What I'm thinking of is my friend, my friend who just so happens to be sound asleep on my couch only a few meters away. I remember the day so vividly. It was the first (and only) time I'd seen Jordan completely naked.

I pulled my sweats up and padded across the slick tiled floor to a small shower stall, closing the green moth infested curtain behind me. I placed my bag on the bench and quickly stripped. Grabbing what I needed to clean myself I went into the shower, closing yet another curtain behind me. The shower dial squeaked loudly as I cranked it as high as it could go. I gasped and stepped back in shock as a struggled spray of ice cold water sprayed forth from the shower head.

My rear end bumped into the wall behind me with a thump. To my surprise I felt something hit the rear of my foot. Looking down past my long, lanky otter limb, I realized that a section of walling had fallen out. Oddly enough the piece was completely round, shaped just about the same size as a quarter, and I noted that it look as if someone had used a circular drill bit to cut it.

Curious, I began feeling up the wall where I had hit, all the while ignoring the icy cold water coming from above. To my surprise I found the source, a perfectly circular whole, and I did what any other fur would've done, I looked through it to the other side.

There, only inches from my face, was the view of a lion, all the way from his knee's to his upper abs. I stared in wonder at the incredibly built fur, and within moments I realized who it was. No other fur in my gym class was as well built as he was. It was Jordan. I inched my way closer so that my face was resting against the cold tile wall. I still couldn't see Jordan's face, so that meant he couldn't see mine. Perfect.

His abs where perfect, like individual planes of pure, toned muscle. His thighs where also extraordinary. If he where to flex them together, he would've undoubtedly been able to bend a sheet of metal in two. I only glanced at his abs and thighs however, I was quickly drawn to the thick package resting in between the lions legs.

His sheath was six inches at best, and the things that where resting loosely in his sack looked to be the size of golf balls. My jaw dropped as a large, vein in crested hand dropped into view. I watched as one of the hottest fur's I had ever had the privilege to meet began to work his behemoth of a shaft, only inches away from my face.

Without even meaning too I found myself following suit. With the cold water beating on my back I began to beat at my shriveled sheath, the view in front of me quickly making me hard. I watched as Jordan brought his paw up his shaft then back down, and with every pump he took more and more of his thick, red member came into view.

With struggled force I make myself slow down, Jordan isn't even close to release. I watch in guilty pleasure as each upward pump the lion takes cause a squirt of thick, white pre to shoot only inches above my eye. The lion's shaft is a good eight inches by the time is knot begins to swell. I watch, my pumps in time with Jordan's, as his knot grows larger and larger, quickly surpassing the size of what mine even has the ability to get too.

With every pump the lion takes his arm speeds up in quick succession, and then as I watch his whole body flexes in a tribute of raw power. He erupts at the exact same time as I do. Fighting the pleasure I keep one eye open and continue pumping wildly, watching as squirt after squirt of the lions thick essence hit's the wall slightly above my eye hole.

I finish much quicker than the lion, and I watch in awe and jealousy as he continues to pump his shaft, his hand nearly a blur, with squirt after squirt of his cum still shooting forth with a decent kick still behind it. When he is finished his last shot I fall backwards on my butt, feeling the floor desperately for the broken piece of wall. Finding it I place it back in it's proper place, then fall backwards, allowing the icy water to consume my sweaty body.

I can't help it. What I'm about to do now goes against everything I've worked so desperately to hide. I flip over to my side and look at Jordan. The lion's lower body is the only thing that is covered with blanket, the rest is laying in a tattered heap on my floor. Jordan's entire upper body is eliminated by the moonlight shining forth from my open window, giving him an eerie, yet hauntingly beautiful look.

The lion's body is so beautifully built that I can't seem to bring myself to look away. First I look to his thick, manly jaw, then I find myself looking down to the thick slabs of muscle that each house a single, thick, black nipple, one of which is pierced and holding a silver ring. I'm looking at his abs when A wall of dirty, inescapable thoughts explode within my mind.

I think of what it would be like to sit atop Jordan, with both hands stretched down and nestled within the short, golden fur that covers the lion's washboard abs. I wonder what his abs most feel like, so hard and so firm. I find myself looking to the arms that are resting behind the lions head, wondering what that hard ball of muscle would feel like. I imagine myself wrapped in those thick arms, and I think to myself what it would feel like in the lions embrace.

I begin slowly jerking myself to the sight of my best friend. With each stroke I increase my speed, and soon I feel a small wet spot on my blanket. The spot grows larger and larger, and I'm so very close to release when something horrible happens. Two beautiful blue sapphires flicker open suddenly, then focus on me just as I ejaculate.

I try to hide the pleasure, but it is fairly obvious to the lion in front of me what just happened. We lock eyes for a moment, and then I look away, blood quickly rushing to my face. I don't know what to say so I try to cover the now evident wet spot that is covering the area where my crotch is. It is silent for what feels like an eternity.

"That crazy old man was right..." Jordan mutters to himself as he gets to his feet, his eyes quickly flooding with anger. The lion advances on me and I watch in a mixture of fear and horror, wondering what is about to happen. The lion clenches his fists tightly, and then stops only a foots step away from my bed. I watch as the lion looks down at me his body blocking the moonlight from the window and leaving me doused in shadow. I could see it in his eyes, his view of me had just changed, drastically.

I am just about ready for the hit that I know is coming when Jordan turns around and walks to the corner of my room. I dare not look at the sway of his hips beneath the tight set of pajama pants he is wearing. My one guilty pleasure has just shattered my life, and I know that now nothing would ever be the same.

Jordan walks over to the corner of his room and begins rummaging through is bag. Within seconds he straightens up, then turns to face me. In his hand is a small vial, filled with what appears to be a clear liquid that looks like water. The look on the lions face changes from one of anger to one of lust, and I watch as the lion advances towards my cowering form. Without a second's hesitation the lion straddles my body, then uses a single hand to push me down against my mattress.

"You are going to drink this. If you do, I'll pleasure you in ways you can't even imagine." Jordan whispers, dangling the vial above my head. I look at in with a mixture of feelings, unsure of what to do next.

"B-but... what is it?" I stutter, trying to reposition my body to hide my hardening cock. Jordan evidently feels it and sits up a few feet, his face turning completely blank.

"It's... It's so you can keep up to me. Now drink it, or I'll make you." Jordan says, uncorking the vial and placing it to my lips. There looks to be only a few drops in the vial. Reluctantly I open my lips, then swallow the liquid.