Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather - Chapter 1

Story by ZoomXof on SoFurry

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#1 of Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather

Summary: Loona is tasked to retrieve an important magic item belonging to Stolas from Reynard the Trickster. She finds him in the misty woods of Limbo, where she is taught how agility and trickery can beat out brute force. However, this isn't the only lesson she learns...

I've been a writer for quite a few years, but this is the first story I've felt like I truly got right. If you enjoyed what you've read, it would mean the world to me if you would take the time to share it with one other person, and then ask them to do the same.

Chapter Notes: Welcome to the start of my Loona erotica. I'll be uploading a chapter every day leading up to the Season 2 premiere, so please enjoy a steady stream of content! Expect action, humor, and definitely plenty of erotic moments.

For this chapter, I tried to emphasize a comfortable roommate/familial situation with Blitz and Loona. Obviously, things can't be sunshine and roses all of the time, but even when things are annoying, Loona knows not to hold it against Blitz. I do hope they expand their dynamic in Season 2, elaborating on the circumstances of her late adoption and why Blitz is the only person Loona is able to respect.

Chapter 1 - A Job on Book Day

"Graaawwwooo... ahhh," squeaks the open maw of the young hellhound, as she stretches and yawns into the bathroom mirror. Her red robe falls open, displaying hints of curvature and a chest of soft white fur. Around her hips, a pair of black lace panties; their thin strings sink into her thick fur.

She pulls back her cheek and inspects her teeth, before readying her toothbrush. Her ears flick as she hears the phone ring in the other room. Stolas, probably. Book day, eww. She flattens her ears and does her best to block out any part of that conversation. She slides the brush along her fangs and works up a lather, and then stretches out her tongue giving it a scrub, too.

She gazes over the rest of herself in the mirror. Hair's flat and a mess, silver eyes staring back at her and looking tired. Still a lot to do this morning. She fondles one of her breasts, its thick greyish-pink nipple poking out from the fur, and feels its weight in her hand; a bit heavy today. "Ugggh, already?" While she is still growing, for just a little longer, the suddenness means it's more likely that she's coming into heat soon.

"...God _ fucking _ damnit!!" A loud curse from her foster dad, and the stomping of feet coming closer. The bathroom door suddenly crashes open and Loona immediately closes her robe around her chest and spits out the foam lining her maw. Her tail bristles and comes around to the front to make way for the rampaging imp.

"Dad! What the fuck! I've told you, you have to knock!" While not a regular occurrence, this happens more than she would like. But she knows it can't be helped, living in the small single-bathroom abode. He pushes past her and heads to the toilet, unzips his suede pants, and begins to empty his bladder. Loona groans in disgust and faces away from him. It's bad enough she can still hear it and smell it.

"Loony, have I ever told you why I adopted you in the first place?" He asks absently, speaking loudly over the sound of urine splashing into the bowl.

"Uhh, no, not really." She knows this is another sarcastic quip. She sighs inwardly and rinses her mouth out. Tying off her robe, she pulls out her hairbrush and begins to work the night's tangles from her thick silver hair.

"Well it wasn't because of your body," his response contains not disgust, but impatience. She does wonder what his reasons were, but he's always dodged the topic before, so she knew his response would be something like this. A zip and a flush, he finally turns to face her. "Hurry and get your tail ready, you've got a job today."

An instant scowl crosses her muzzle. "What?? It's book day! It's my day off and I have plans!" Book day, the day each month that Stolas gets his Grimoire back and Blitz goes along with it.

"Yeah well, change of plans! Some asshole broke into Stolas' place and stole a magic item. We need it back by tonight, and you're the only one available." His tone is agitated, but it's clear that none of it is meant to be directed at her. Without waiting for her response, he brushes past the hellhound's tail and calls back, "Now hurry up, we leave in twenty!"

"G_rawrr_rgh!! This is bullshit!" She screams at the now-closed bathroom door. Work is work, but some days she feels like an indentured servant, not a beloved daughter. With more haste than she'd like, she tackles the rest of her tousled hair, and spritzes it in place with her can of odorless Hellhound Hair Holder.

She takes a few deep breaths and pushes away her frustrations, before working on her make-up. A bit of eye-liner, some dark lip-gloss to bring out the black shine of her lips. Lastly a bit of blackening powder for her dark-grey nose--. Thunk thunk! A loud knock at the bathroom door makes her jump and causes a messy poof. "Hurry it up, Loona!"

Her nose twitches to one side as it deals with an intrusion of make-up powder. "Hiihgh.." Her maw hangs open and one eye squints closed. "Hyig-choo! Damnit, I am! Go suck an egg!" She takes a cotton-swab and cleans out her nostril with a snort.

"Bless you, dear!" A mocking quip comes from the other side of the door. She rolls her eyes, and fixes her nose make-up, making sure it's an even pitch-black, before checking her claws. Two of them on her hands need touched up, and three on her paws. When finished, she holds them up to the mirror and looks at the finished product. Make-up, check. She exits the bathroom and heads to her bedroom, making sure to stick her tongue out at Blitz as she walks by.

She doesn't slam her door, but she does make sure it's closed and locked. Throwing off her robe, baring her body to the emptiness, she digs around for her usual work outfit. Shorts first. As she bends down, she notices the extra weight of her chest shift, and a deep sighing groan rumbles from her throat. "Awwrrr'ghh... Today would have been a perfect day for some personal time." She puts her index finger to her clit and gently strokes it, with a bit of longing salivation forming under her tongue. Paw-to-puss, drowning herself in her imagination, riding the waves of pleasure.

Or at least, she wishes she could be doing that. Shaking her head, with a moment to note how pleasingly her freshly sprayed hair bounces with the motion, she refocuses. Pulling on her moon shorts, she rights her penta-top and slips it on. She adjusts the hidden cups woven into the fabric, and her nipples brush against the inside as they nestle into place. She ties the strings around the back of her neck, and clamps her collar over top of it.

After that, she pulls on her fingerless gloves and her leg cover stockings, before plucking a couple of earrings from a jar and fastening them as she heads out the door. "Alright, Blitz. I'm ready." A sniff reveals that the only breakfast today will be some slightly-burned toast, served with a single fried egg on top.

He hops off the couch and lashes his tail from his overflowing energy. "About damn time. Stuff your face and let's get going!" She wonders what the urgency is about, but she's learned that when Stolas is involved, it's best to not ask. Grabbing the decorated slice of toast, she chomps through half of it in one bite. She'll have to get something else to eat on the way to the job. I'm still a growing girl, you know, she grumbles inwardly. Another chomp, and the paltry breakfast is gone.

Blitz is already on his way out the door, so she quickly falls in step behind him. Grabbing the keys, she closes and locks the small apartment she calls home, and gives a small smile. Despite the chaos of these recent months, it's actually been a lot of fun. Just... really different. She perks her ears, straightens her tail, and heads down to the van. Off to the palace, and away we go.