Bath Time Bunny

Story by WiteIris on SoFurry

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"Troy, I'm hot!" Rini exclaimed as she walked into the room.

"Hell yah!" Troy agreed, his ginger tail, swinging left and right to keep his balance as he hopped around on the dance pad in coordination with the arrows scrolling across the screen.

"That's not what I mean! You're supposed to be fixing the air conditioner, NOT playing DDR!" the bunny girl complained, scowling, her long black ears tensed in annoyance. "It's sweltering in here, I feel faint." She took a few dizzy steps, always being the melodramatic one.

Troy rolled his eyes, though he never moved them from the screen as he continued to hop around, "It's not that hot, I feel fine."

"That is because under all that fur of yours, you are a scaly slithery reptile!" She huffed, turning on her heel, storming out of the room. "Lousy good for nothing...such a cub...probably doesn't even know to fix it!" Rini muttered as she walked down the hall. She smiled then as she paused by the bathroom door, grabbing the molding on the edge of the doorway and swinging into it.

A nice cool bath would be a good way to get some relief from this heat. And hopefully it would give her back the strength the humidity had sapped out of her. Then she could kick Troy's ass and make him fix the air conditioner.

Using one of her large flat feet she kicked the door shut behind her and strode up to the porcelain tub. Kneeling down Rini turned the tap until the water running from the cool metal faucet and added a few scented oils as a finishing touch.

She stood up, letting the tub fill and began to strip of her confining clothing, sighing as she pulled of the simple white tank top and cutoff shorts, feeling slightly better already. She shrugged out of her undergarments and then knelt again by the filling basin, checking the water temperature, making sure it was cool, but not cold.

She shrieked suddenly as a pair of hands slid around her waist, taking a firm hold of her hips. "Easy Buff, " Troy snickered from behind her, "you don't wanna slip and drown yourself. I'd have a hard time finding someone else with an ass as cute as yours."

"Troy you jerk!" Rini exclaimed, glaring furiously at him over her shoulder. She must not have heard him sneak in over the sound of the running water. The mountain lion was smirking, quite pleased with himself. "And don't call me Buff," she added as an afterthought.

"Aww but you get to call me all kinds of names, " he purred, as he pressed himself against her.

She sighed softly, feeling that he was quite nude himself against her backside. "Yeah, but you deserve it..."

"Mmmm, maybe," one of his hands moved from its place on her hip and brushed over her leg, sliding down from the black fur on her outer thighs to the pure white fur of her inner thighs. It then slid up and stroked the soft fur there between her legs.

Rini draw a breath as her eyes slid shut feeling her cheeks, and certain other places growing warm. She leaned back against Troy's well defined chest and gasped softly as he drew apart the folds of her opening, sliding a finger down over her and slipping into her. He only went about as deep as his second knuckle, then drew back, using the moisture to slide his finger over her clit, as he began to rub her slowly. His other hand left her hip, and slid up her chest and over a soft breast, his fingers beginning to toy with her stiffening nipples.

Moaning softly, Rini began moving her hips up against his fingers, her own hands, reaching back to wrap around his neck. 'Oh Troy...keep going," she panted.

He continued to purr as his finger slid over her sensitive nub faster now, and he licked her neck, and the base of her long ears, "You really want me to keep going?"

"Oh yes..." she sighed, feeling the heat growing within her abdomen, bucking her hips against him, feeling herself growing closer to a powerful orgasm, "Please..."

'Hmmm..." he rubbed her a few more times, before pulling his finger away, his hand moving to simply cup her feminine parts.

Rini whined, looking up at him desperately. "Don't stop Troy!" He merely grinned at her. "Apologize to me first."

The bunny girl's soft blue eyes widened, "Troy I am going to turn you into a rug!" She wriggled, trying to turn around and pummel him, but he kept a firm grip on her breast and crotch, preventing her from turning around.

"Aww come on Rini, I mean you called me a reptile, that's low even for you! Besides..." he purred against the fur of her neck, his finger slipping back in-between her folds, rubbing over her once, drawing a soft moan from her, "You wanna feel good don't you? You want me to make you cum...don't you?"

Rini whined softly but nodded. "Well then?" Troy grinned as his hand caressed over her breast, squeezing her hard, pink nipple between his fingers.

Rini scowled, but uttered another soft moan from his touch, "I'm sorry."


"For calling you a reptile. Even if you really are one!"

Troy chuckled, "I suppose that'll do." He moved both his hands then to her waist, pulling her rear back. Rini let herself be position so that her hands were resting on the porcelain edge of the tub, and her knees on the tiled floor. She sighed softly as she felt Troy's hand move down between her legs, drawing her knees apart. She then felt him positioning his hardened length against her opening, then she gasped softly and he pushed forward, sliding into her tightness.

Troy growled as his slipped into her, feeling her warmth envelope him. He leaned over, his abdomen pressed against her back, her hands gripping her hips as he began his thrusts, drawing back and then pulling her rear back against him as he again buried him self within her. Rini moaned loudly, her fingers clenching the tub as she felt him moving in and out of her, going deeper with each of his thrusts. She felt his grip move on her hips back to her rear. He grabbed her tail, stroking it for a moment, before he gripped her cheeks, spreading her apart and she cried out in pleasure, the effect helping him to drive even deeper within her.

They kept at it and Rini felt the warmth that had previously been building up with in her returning, now with an even greater force. Her breasts swung freely beneath her with ever thrust and she groaned when she felt, Troy's hot breath against her neck as he sunk his sharp canines into her fur, not quite breaking the skin. His hands released their hold on her rear and drifted up over her back and then around to her chest, grasping each of her breasts. Slowly then he pulled her back against his chest so she was now bouncing in his lap, her legs spread far apart, draped over either side of his thighs.

Troy grunted and moaned, clenching his eyes shut feeling himself about to lose it but he was determined to bring her first. Reaching down, he picked up stroking her just above where his hard member penetrated the soft folds of her flesh, the combined moisture making is simple to slip his fingers over her swollen clit. Rini gasped feeling the return of his slick fingers over her and she gripped his knees, letting out a long moan as her climax overwhelmed her, sending waves of pleasure over her entire body.

Troy felt Rini's body tighten around him as she moaned out and he growled then letting out a howl as he let himself go, cumming deep within the warmth of her body. Panting, he pulled out of her slowly as he sat back, with Rini still in his lap, gasping for breath herself.

Rini fell limp in Troy's arms, shuddering slightly as the heat slowly receded, and she sighed in contentment as she turned around and snuggled up against Troy's chest. "You're not a reptile," She grinned, nuzzling him, "you're to warm and fluffy."

Troy smirked licking her nose, "You just say that cuz I do you real nice."

She stuck her tongue out at him, but jumped suddenly, yelping as something cold began to crawl up her tail. She turned around to find that the tub had begun to over flow and cold water was beginning to flood the tiled floor.

"Eep!" she jumped to her feet and turn of the flow of water, reaching down into the water filled tub to pull the plug and drain away the excess water. Troy waited until she had lowered the water level enough before picking her up and climbing into the tub. They both sighed as the cool water surrounded their bodies.

"See now this is an excellent way to cool one's over heated body down," Troy concluded. "Mmmhmm," Rini agreed as she settled back against his chest.

"We could just do this all the time and I wouldn't have to worry about fixing the air conditioner."
