Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather - Chapter 2

Story by ZoomXof on SoFurry

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#2 of Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather

Summary: Loona is tasked to retrieve an important magic item belonging to Stolas from Reynard the Trickster. She finds him in the misty woods of Limbo, where she is taught how agility and trickery can beat out brute force. However, this isn't the only lesson she learns...

I've been a writer for quite a few years, but this is the first story I've felt like I truly got right. If you enjoyed what you've read, it would mean the world to me if you would take the time to share it with one other person, and then ask them to do the same.

Chapter Notes: In preparation for this story, I rewatched the whole first season of Helluva Boss. I tried to pay close attention to how the characters interacted and I was surprised at just how anti-social Loona really is. It's hard to say what her relationship would officially be with Stolas, but I did my best to interpret her personality in their interactions.

Also, for the first half, I wanted to take the time to smooth things over between Loona and Blitz. In case it wasn't clear, Blitz was looking forward to sexy-times today, and with the feather stolen, some of his plans are now in jeopardy, leading to some reasonable agitation. On her end, Loona doesn't wanna hear any of the details of their happy-fun plans. She just wants to get the job done and get back.

Chapter 2 - A Visit with Stolas

Behind the wheel, the lady hound patiently makes her way through the chaotic but thankfully minimal traffic of the underworld. His highness and his mansion are only about a ten-minute drive into downtown. Along the way, Loona tries once more to claw out of her obligation. "Why aren't you sending your imp squad to handle this one?"

"Now, Loony, you know Mills gets extra touchy when I bother them on their day off." He lets out a dry cackle. "Haaah~! Never get between that one and her man-time, am I right?"

She clenches her hand around the wheel, claws threatening to scratch the grip. "What about me and my man-time? I had plans today, too!" It was a lie before, and it's a lie now. She glances over with indignance, and sees Blitz stifling a mocking laugh. Her ears flatten against her head, and she glares back at him. "What..? ...What??"

"Oh sweetie, we both know that isn't true. Besi~ides, you were asked for by name!" He reaches over and tugs her fluffy cheek, in an obnoxious form of praise.

"Yeah, sure," she sulks, "the guy barely even knows I exist." Just like your other friends, she thinks bitterly. Her hackles begin to rise in her self-pity and Blitz pulls himself back and takes a more comforting tone.

"Okay, okay. No, not by name, but he did ask for your help. It's a tracking job, right up your alley. It'll be fun~!" He stares disarmingly at her from the edges of her peripheral vision, and her fur flattens itself back down. When no further argument comes, he adds in, "Thanks, Loony. I'll owe you one."

"A big juicy steak," she quickly responds. Gyrrroougghh... Her stomach growls loudly as it pleads for more food.

"Deal. Oh, and look at that, we're here already!" With the van barely parked, Blitzo is already on his feet and out the door. Loona lets out an exhausted sigh, and ducks her tall figure out of the driver's door. Locking up, she follows after the pain in the butt from a respectable distance. She never did like coming to this place. It's filled with weird smells, including a lot of scents of unhappiness.

Padding up the entryway steps, she walks through the still-open door and closes it behind her. She can hear music playing softly from a side room; a band she not only recognizes, but actually likes. She did meet Stolas' daughter on one visit, Octavia was her name. Loona enjoyed the time she spent talking to her, and they had a lot in common, but there was always an air of awkwardness. Probably because their dads are literally having an affair with each other.

With a moment of hesitation, she shakes off the funk and strides to catch up. Ahead, Stolas and Blitz turn to greet her. The Goetian lord is just a bit taller than her, and he spreads his arms out with a flourish. "Hello~ dear! Has Blitzy here filled you in on what took place?"

She glances over at Blitz, her look saying she doesn't really care, while also asking if she should care. Answering for her, and drooping his tail a bit, he says "Not yet, Stolas. I figured I'd leave that to you."

"Quite alright, quite alright." He begins to pace around the hellhound, locking his gaze on her. Despite his disarming tone, she can't help but feel like prey under his scrutiny. "You see, a very important magical item was stolen from my..." His gaze breaks for a moment, and he glances over at Blitzo. "... Repository. It is called the Sense-Feather."

She turns her body to continue facing him as he circles around her. He continues, "It is, in fact, one of my own tail feathers, imbued with a special magic." She glances down to the bottom of his robe, and sees further examples. A foot and a half long, grey with a black tip, and somewhat stiff. "Do be careful around it. It's not harmful, not directly, but it is a powerful magic."

If she was less intimidated, she may have spoken up and asked why. As it is, it was taking most of her willpower just to maintain her aura of confidence. Her tail bends around her body, her back now to Blitz. Stolas pulls out a card from a pocket in the inner lining of his regal-looking robe and hands it to her. "This was left in its place. It's a calling card from one Reynard the Trickster, a fox thief with a penchant for mischief."

Glancing at the card, it reads:

I've stolen your toy, and wounded your pride.

Escaping so cleanly has stoked my ego!

If you want it back quick, find where I hide.

Send your best hound to the forests of limbo.

_ -Reynard the Trickster_

"This development has put a damper on tonight's... festivities." He glances behind Loona, with a look of lust ruffling through his feathers, and she stifles a gag at the imagery attempting to conjure itself in her mind. "But then I remembered Blitzy's little hellhound and called you over. I'm certain~ you'll be able to get the job done."

She glances down at the card, and gives it a sniff. Canid smell, fairly strong. Shouldn't be too hard. I'll put that scrawny fox in his place and be back before the early afternoon. Plenty of time to enjoy my day afterwards. Her inner thoughts stroking her own ego, she manages to overcome the intimidation of Stolas' gaze. "Hmph, piece of cake. I'll get your stupid feather back."

His response is quick and stern, closing the gap and staring straight down her muzzle, feathery face just an inch from her nosepad. His eyes narrow as he ushers a warning in a low and stern tone. "Do not let any harm come to the feather. Do~ you understand?" She gulps in response and gives a soft nod, tail tucking between her legs. He pulls back. "It took a good deal of time to get it enchanted, and I do not have the patience to wait through that again. Besides, I don't think my little imp would appreciate tonight's little games being cancelled."

She stands up straight and takes a deep breath. Right, Stolas is not one to be fucked with... Her right ear flicks and her hackles raise slightly. "Yes... your highness. I'll bring it back in one piece." She swallows again, and tracks the owl with her eyes and ears, keeping the rest of herself as still as possible.

"Good~! That's all. Be off with you." He waves his hand dismissively, and strides elegantly behind Blitz. "Blitzy and I have some work to do. Hee he-he." He begins to massage the shoulders of the red imp, who seems to melt backwards into the touch.

"Oooh~ ... Ahem, bye Loony, we'll see you soon!" Blitzo gives a parting goodbye with the last of his attention. She offers a lazy, backwards wave as she turns away with her shoulders slumped and gives a small shudder through her spine, sticking her tongue out slightly and tuning out the extra noises escalating behind her.

Exiting the mansion and heading back to the van, she gives a deeper sniff of the calling card and finds the smell to be a curious one. Familiar, but not. She's not sure what to make of it, but she is sure which direction to go. Starting up the vehicle, she puts it into gear and heads off for the highway. It's going to be a long drive, and she still needs to grab a better meal...