Pain: Part 1: The Start of it All

Story by Fpuppu on SoFurry

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#1 of Pain

Hello all, long time watcher first time poster...

Please be nice as you can be, this is the first in a series I have written, but im a shy scared little bunny and want to test the waters with the first part, before putting the rest in. Please vote and comment and I wuvers every writer here for great stories that i have loved a long time :) Sofurry go!

This Story has things in it that some people may not like, if your these some people, please don't read.

(Violence, M/M, Slavery and lots of other things.)

His small body shivered, he had been tied down for three days, the water hit his small head again making him whimper and squirm wildly to no avail as yet another drop touched his head. It was maddening, so painfully maddening that the bunny would have done anything to make it stop. Another drop, his entire body strained, but again the bonds were too tight and his body too weak. The pain in his mind of being without sleep and food and just a small trickle of water, was overwhelming. As the bunny neared that horrible twilight sleep that would only last a few minutes and then be rudely destroyed and his brain brought back to that constant dripping. Drip....Drip....Drip...Drip....A thousand more drips, that never ended...a river...a sea of drips landed atop the small bunny's head....and then it stopped.

His eyes closed and his body shook with happiness it was stopped his prayers had been answered. Sleep took him and his brain rested happily. CRACK! A sharp spike of pain tore though his small body forcing him awake to scream and cry. His vision was blurred with tears as he opened his tired eyes. The male standing over him showed no pity for the poor creature as he looked down at him, "SPEAK!" The male said, the same order that had been given for weeks, the little bunny shivered and whimpered, his mind in turmoil, "SPEAK! NOW!" Another sharp pain came as his muzzle took the full force of the riding crop, blood and tears mixed over his face, "Pleaseeeee no moreeee." The bunny cried, "Please stop all the pain please." The male laughed such a evil laugh.

"I broke you....and I will continue to break you...your body is useless to me small it could never take me length nor could it bare my children, so what use are you? A worthless present that they could not sell nor get rid of so they gave it to break." The small bunny shook his head and cried. "Silence!" The male barked and hit the bunny across the face again, this time just barely missing his eye. Shaking, the little bunny crawled blindly until the air left his lungs as the male's steel toed boot caught him in the ribs, sending him rolling into the wall. With a whimper the bunny stood up and crawled away as fast as he could, the male following with a constant barrage of sharp painful smacks to his little back and neck. As the bunny finally made it to the wall the male grabbed his now hairless tail and yanked it back. Pain was all the bunny knew.

His vision blurred again as his muzzle was slammed painfully into the wall and his neck forcefully grabbed. His small body became limp for a moment. He felt his ears grabbed and then more pain filled his brain as he felt something sharp push though the tender flesh and into the wall he was being forced to. His other ear soon followed suit, but the pain from the first blocked all other feelings the little boy felt. Not moving or tugging for fear of tearing the male just laughed as the little bunny stayed there and cried and clawed at the nails in his ears. His hands were pulled back and tied behind him as the male looked at the boy, "You deserve to are going to die.." The bunny heard it all, the sound of steel slicing though his tender flesh, the sound of each tissue being sliced apart from the neighboring ones that connected it. The act lasted seconds, the pain would last hours.

The bunny rolled around screaming and crying in pain the wolf pulling his ears from the wall, before looking at the screaming bunny. With a grin he grabbed the small boy's head again, by his mutilated ears and looked him in the eyes as he placed them in his mouth and devoured them in front of the destroyed boy. As he was dropped down the wolf laughed and began to walk away. The bunny's eyes looked at the sword it was still in the wall, the male walked over getting the next item for the bunny's slow death. The bunny moved with speed he didn't know he had and as the male turned around the bunny pushed the steel though his unprotected chest, shaking as the blade seemed to cut into his chest and though the bone finding the large muscle inside. His eyes filled with pain, the same pain the bunny felt over and over for weeks under the male's house. The bunny showed no emotion, nothing was on the bunny's face as he pushed the blade as far as it would go. Blood covered the bunny, his own and his now dead Master.

The police came to the house and found the small bunny sitting, calm and quiet, the video camera the male had set up running the entire time. As they grabbed the bunny and removed him under blankets and armed guards, the bunny made no noise, no crying, no begging, nothing came from his mouth. As he was placed inside the ambulance the bunny made no noise. The words spoken to him by the doctors, seemed to do nothing to effect the small bunny. He answered with simple nods and sometimes didn't answer at all. Until.....He came.

The male was the thirteenth psychiatrist the bunny had seen, his ears now tipped with fakes to give the impression that they had never been sliced off, his tail now furred again, the scars buried under his fur. His mind not only scared, but still wounded. The male said nothing as the bunny was lead into the room by his current doctor, "He doesn't talk, he rarely eats and he is about to be put into an asylum for Abused Pets....His papers say he is a pleasure pet, with the ability to be more. Thats all I have Doctor Alex." The male took the papers and looked at the bunny, the bunny stared at the floor for a second, before he turned them upwards and looked at the male. The Doctor, stared deep into the small bunny's eyes, he could see the fear, pain, and loss. "Thank you...please leave us.." The male nodded and left the bunny standing there, closing the door behind them, The male crossed the room and sat down, "You may chose to sit, I will not command you." The male looked up and the bunny had already taken a seat on the couch, looking at nothing.

"Ok.." Was all he said

The bunny just sat there, minutes went by, no words were spoken. Finally the bunny spoke, to the surprise of the male, "Are you going to cure me? Are you going to give back what was taken away from me? Are you going to repair my ears and erase what I went though with fancy words and promises of how it won't happen again, of how I will have a new Master once i am better, one who won't cut off my ears and rip the fur from my tail? Maybe you will tell me of how what I did was brave or maybe you will tell me that even though I am damaged, that I may have a future...or are you here to tell me that nothing can be done....If that is it...please hand me that knife there....and leave the room....I will not go to that place were no pet may come back if you can't cure me....then I have no reason to live..."

The male said nothing as he listened as the bunny finished the male stood up, "I can't say I will be able to cure you to 100% bunny. That is beyond yours or my ability, this pain you have felt this torture will haunt and hurt you from here on out. But I will show you how to be a pet once more, how to deal with your pain. And little will not have to do this alone, your Master will help you...I will help you." The bunny looked up at the male with shock, "You?" The male nodded, "You may be confused and angry right now, but I have only had one other who was like you, abused and beat and mutilated. He has become quite successful author telling his story to millions of abused pets.

"Together, we will help you. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain little one. I will only offer this once and then I will try to help you via talking and all that stuff that has failed, and you will go to the Asylum and live there, never experiencing what you used to desire...what I feel you still be a pet to a Master to obey and follow his every word. Sign this paper, and...give being a pet one more chance." The bunny looked at the paper, "You would offer to take me, even with my history...offer to help me, even when I killed my old Master with no emotion?" The male nodded and the bunny looked down, this male was different and right....he had nothing to lose.

His paw moved across the paper signing his life to the male. As he looked up the male nodded and sat down, "Your first task is to tell me everything that happened to you..." The bunny nodded and began...