Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather - Chapter 10: Round Two, Fuck!

Story by ZoomXof on SoFurry

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#10 of Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather

Summary: Loona is tasked to retrieve an important magic item belonging to Stolas from Reynard the Trickster. She finds him in the misty woods of Limbo, where she is taught how agility and trickery can beat out brute force. However, this isn't the only lesson she learns...

I've been a writer for quite a few years, but this is the first story I've felt like I truly got right. If you enjoyed what you've read, it would mean the world to me if you would take the time to share it with one other person, and then ask them to do the same.

Chapter Notes: It was fun to write in the imperfections for this interaction between the two. I know well enough that a lack of experience can make things awkward during sex. This is why Reynard has to take control halfway through, adjusting to make the situation more palatable for both of them. Their size difference was also fun to try to figure out, especially when dealing with digitigrade legs.

The other fun bit I had planned from early on was how I was going to resolve the story. At some point, Loona needed to lay claim to the feather to complete her mission. Also, without a trigger to change the situation, our hellhound would likely have kept indulging until she passed out from exhaustion. Such is the addictive nature of magic. So I decided I would take her inexperience and use it as a weapon. Don't worry, it didn't ruin her experience.

Chapter 10 - Round Two, Fuck!

Grinding her weight against the fox's cock, the petite hellhound stretches her tail out behind her, letting it sink into the similar softness of the fox's bushy tail. Sunlight filters down to the ground around them, but Loona's shadow encompasses Reynard as she rides atop him. Her hands rest in the leaf-dotted grass at his sides, supporting her, while her small breasts puffed out in front of his pointed, grinning muzzle.

She shifts and adjusts to his flesh inside her and tries a few thrusts, lifting herself up and down, and finds it to move and respond differently to her dildo. She changes her hip's angle and tries again, then changes the weight distribution through her legs, lifting more upwards. Reynard patiently waits for the young novice to get her bearings. Finally finding a comfortable motion, Loona begins to slip into a rhythm, gaining speed as her confidence builds. "Rrr~arr..." The trickster fox rumbles a squeaky groan of pleasure as her wet insides slide across his member.

As her pace reaches a steady speed, Loona calls down to the fox, speaking almost directly into his ears given her placement. "Make with the feather-play already, Reynard. Hnng..." Up and down, her breasts jiggling as each downward thrust bounces against the slender fox's frame.

Returning the mild aggressiveness, he reaches up with both hands to grope and tease her tits, pinching and tugging her nipples once roughly before putting his right hand on her thigh, by her knee, and letting his left hand begin its work alongside the magical implement it holds. He starts with a weak sensation; enough to get her motor running again, but not so much that she loses sight of the rest of the experience. She may be in control of the steering wheel but he is the one controlling the throttle.

She leans herself upwards, sustaining her bouncing rhythm, mid-day light glistening off her white fur, mists seeming to recede amidst the public display. "Ahhn~, oooh~hnn..." She squeezes her thighs around his shaft, grateful that he's somewhat endowed for his size. The feather brushes her again and she lets out another soft moan and squeezes again as she pauses to grind against him. " Hmmg -oohh~!"

Getting worked up again, she begins to slip on her form, her hip's angle clashing some and making the fox wince slightly. He still gives a slight moan of his own and further encourages the hellhound, intensifying the feeling from the feather. "Rrrgh, hrrr~... Go a bit further, lovely Loona. Rrr~really ride it." He begins to add his own movement, wiggling his hips in a small vertical circle. Following each thrust she makes, he brushes the feather against her clit, careful not to let the toy get damaged.

Lifting a little further up, to where he's almost falling out of her, she tries to keep her previous pace. Finding this a bit difficult, she ends up slowing down slightly. Still, she tries her best to ride the full length. Her clit is throbbing, to the point she starts to almost feel overstimulated. "Ohh-nng~ ahhn haah~! Yee~heess, ahhn~!" Leaning into that feeling, somewhat literally by leaning forward, she starts to move less in a line and more in an oval. Her breasts heave on each bounce, with even her fur shaking. Her hair moves wildly, slapping the fox in his face from time to time.

Reynard squirms and tries to keep up with her quickly changing moves. He gives her left boob a quick squeeze, watching her expressions of pleasure closely and appreciating the sensual moans directed straight into his ears. "Hhhrrr, rrng ~. Alright, here come the waves, you radiant beast." Loona's ears pick up the change of tone in his voice and she grins knowing he's getting worked up. She braces herself for the surge, burying her claws in the dirt with tensed fingers.

After her next downward thrust, the feather brushes against her retreat and her nerves light up, causing her to immediately come back down with more force than she planned. "Haoo-aah~!" She tries to lift again and electricity rocks her once more, her body colliding roughly with the fox's. " Haah ~-ah-hhh-hah~!!" She could swear he was adding in something else, but oh did it feel good. His creative use of the toy continues to impress. Her chest ripples with shudders, and her tail wags behind her.

Again she tries to lift away, and with more mental fortitude manages to endure the power threatening to overcome her. She strokes downwards with a clenched firmness, and then up with an assault from the feather, her already overstimulated nerves beginning to crest for a second time. " Haah ~-ah-hhnn~... Haaoo ~-ahhn-ahh~!!" Her body shakes and strokes in a barely-controlled manner until suddenly, it spills over. The last flick was just too much and she lets loose.

Her motions discard any shred of composure and she begins to spasm wildly. Almost entirely forgetting Reynard's presence, she quivers and rocks with three times the vigor of moments before. Barely able to lift herself, she squirms with her hips to add as much motion as she can. "Huu~waa~ahh- aaahhh _~!! **Aroo~! _Awooo~ooohhh!** Ohh fuck hooh hah-_woo oooh _!!!" Her voice shifts erratically between moan, whine, and howl. Her back arches, and her entire pelt awash with literal waves.

Underneath, Reynard struggles under her thrashing. The pleasure he feels is great, but her chaotic movements as she loses herself in her ecstasy leave him tugged at in awkward ways. "Hrrnn, oorg ~, kah! Mmmrrg..." He does his best to follow and contribute, and grunts with a mix of pain and arousal.

"Ahhn~! Uh-hunh, hmmph , haah hnnnggg~!" Loona persists in her twitching atop the throbbing dick, wetness clinging to both beast's fur. Her legs are jello, and she can barely even consider standing. Slipping from within, the fox takes the chance to take charge and better guide her into a more mutual position befitting her inexperience. The hellhound seeps back into reality as she feels a firm press against her back, running deeply through her fur.

Living in the moment, still feeling the rush and barely able to think, she flicks her ears and comes forward onto her hands. Another hand clamps roughly on her puss, fingers sinking into her moist fur, rubbing the wetness into her skin below. The hand pulls her upwards, thumb sliding inside her and pressing against the backside of her clitoral region. "On your heels, you sloppy beast." His tone is one of lust, but still rings of his caring tone from earlier.

She struggles a bit, still finding it hard to put weight through her thighs, and once she's up on her lower legs, she locks her knees and lets her back stretch out. "Haang. Mm~mm~nnh..." The hand on her lower back presses down firmly, pushing her to adjust her hips. The one inside her continues to tease and squish, keeping her arousal flowing. Her maw hangs open with her tongue hanging out the front, saliva dripping onto the ground.

With little delay, Reynard stretches out on his legs, balancing his tail behind him and aligning himself with her height difference. He curls her tail forward and pins it to her side with his right hand, before spreading her out with his left as he plunges himself inside. A wet shlorp is heard as his cock slides in and out with the perfect mix of pressure. He pulls himself to the very edge, letting the sensation tease his tip, and then pushes forward again to collide with the hellhound and send a jolt through her body as they continue their ride doggy-style.

Loona rocks slightly but his firm grasp on her hip restricts her involuntary movement. This time, the fox is the one in control, and an inner part of the hellhound is especially excited by this. Wasting no time, Reynard's tempo climbs and he returns to the magic of the feather. First, he tickles it against her perineum, an easy to reach spot for the current position. "Hah- arwoo -oongg! More, damnit!" Still right against the edge of ecstasy, her moans echo back with a touch of howling.

The fox's thrusts become rougher as the hellhound's contractions envelop him. Out and in, a butt squeeze, a twitch of her bound tail, tits rippling below, nipples clenched and warm. "Hrr- rrng , haahrr, hrrng!" His squeaky grunts become more noticeable, and he curls himself across her back in order to more easily reach her clit with the feather.

Its touch comes with slight inelegance, but its effects are as pronounced as before. Racing against exhaustion, she lets her body get swept away by the electric rush, mingling with the fulfilling mass thrusting between her legs. "Aroo-ooo-woo-hoo- ooog ~..." She manages a long and drawn out whimper as her small frame twitches from head to toe to tail. Aching for a bit of variety in her sensations, she shouts out to the fox, "Bite me! Hrrrnnng!"

Without hesitating, he immediately chomps onto her fluffy tail, narrow mouth digging its way in to her spine. He continues his even pace as he pants and groans into her tail, the sounds almost completely muffled. The hellhound cries out. "Mmgh! Ye~ehs, harder!" She isn't even sure of what sensation she's crying out for, she just wants more.

The fox clamps a bit harder on her tail, but hesitates from applying pressure beyond that. With his left hand, he strokes the feather along her front and holds to his pace otherwise, edging against his own satisfaction. "Hooh~ f-f-fu-uck! Haaahhh..." She struggles to catch her breath, and the sensation seems to drop for just a moment, before driving her straight off a cliff.

Her body clenches, more howling erupts, and she pushes herself backwards against the form engaging with her from behind. "Haaa'ahh-_ awooo ~ooo_~ ooo!!" She throws her head back and lets loose in a way she could never do at home in her apartment. Her crotch clenches onto its contents, and her tail is yanked free in her thrashing. She grabs both breasts with one hand and squeezes them together, panting deeply.

At the edge of her senses, she can feel a strong spasm, and hears a moan from her partner. "Hrrooo~ohh yesss..." He holds her hips and lets himself loose inside her. Her throbs of arousal have been joined by throbs of release, a milky fluid mixing into the day's sloppy mess. With sudden panic stifling her afterglow, the hellhound pulls away with a loud shlup. Leaking onto the grass, she glances down to confirm what happened.

She immediately lashes out at the trickster, putting her left hand to his throat, and pinning him to the ground. Fear paints her expression, and she shouts at him with rage. "_ What the fuck?! _ Did you just nut in me?!" The fox writhes under her grip, legs kicking against the ground and voice struggling to get out. "I am not about to have your pups, you bastard!"

Reynard manages to raise a hand, holding up a finger for her to wait. She releases the pressure, just slightly, to allow him to speak. "Igk-... Impossible, khh'k..." He gives a small cough, fighting to get the words out. "Naht... grr'k, not compatible. K'hmm. Prom... ise..." Her grip lessens further, but she continues to hold him pinned to the ground. She takes a few deep breaths and then gives a hard swallow.

"If you're lying, I will hunt you down and kill you with the force of a hundred imps," she growls low and deep. Noticing the feather tucked between the fingers of his left hand, she quickly reaches down to take it. "...Hmph. What was that you said when we started?" She presses down again on his throat, but with a bit more playfulness than ferocity. She bares her teeth and he stares back with more uncertainty than any other point in their encounter. "If I caught you, I'd get the feather back. Well. Look who just got caught."

She releases him and they stare into each other's eyes. Loona's soften, and Reynard's relax. Standing up slowly, the hellhound turns with a saunter, watching him from over her shoulder. Tucking the feather into her voluminous hair, she begins to gather her discarded garments, starting with her underwear and looking nearby for other pieces.

"Well done, madame Loona. Wonderfully played. It seems that in the end, you have won your prize." He remains laying on the grass, his nude form shining in the light of their little spot of wonder. His dick grows cold with the absence of play, but his toothy grin remains ever-present.

She scoops up her gloves and shirt, draping them across her arm and opting to remain naked as fluids drip down her leg. The smells of their romp drift through her sinuses, and she fights the burning desire to return to their little dance. With the last of her personal effects collected, she leaves the thieving trickster with a word of caution. "I think I'll be off now, Reynard. You stay away from Stolas' shit, or you really will get yourself killed."

He rests lazily with his back across the grass as she begins to walk off, tail flicking randomly as the memories replay through his mind. "Thank you for your concern, dearest Loona." He then calls back to her, with one last tease, "You know, dear. There's one thing I've stolen today that you can't take back."

Loona calls back to him in exhaustion, without really considering the possible answers to his question, "Oh yeah, what's that, brush tail?"

His reply is a simple two words. "Your virginity."

Fur bristling at being caught off guard, and face flushing with recollection of her earlier embarrassment, she grabs a rock from the nearby slope and hurls it his direction. " Goddamnit , I'm not a fucking virgin!"

"Kah, hah-hah! Not anymore, you're not! Ka-hah-hah, kah-hah hah!" His gleeful gekkering laugh fades into the mist as she stomps away with an exaggerated huff and a roll of her eyes, her thighs still quivering slightly with lingering pleasure...