Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather - Chapter 11: The Sense-Feather's Final Secret (THE END)

Story by ZoomXof on SoFurry

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#11 of Loona and the Stolen Sense-Feather

Summary: Loona is tasked to retrieve an important magic item belonging to Stolas from Reynard the Trickster. She finds him in the misty woods of Limbo, where she is taught how agility and trickery can beat out brute force. However, this isn't the only lesson she learns...

I've been a writer for quite a few years, but this is the first story I've felt like I truly got right. If you enjoyed what you've read, it would mean the world to me if you would take the time to share it with one other person, and then ask them to do the same.

Chapter Notes: I really liked writing this part. I made sure that during the story that Reynard never uses the feather on himself, and that Loona doesn't use it on him as part of her exit from the scene. I've always been amused by the thought that, as a general rule, tickling is something that has to have a partner to indulge in. I decided I would make the Sense-Feather function the same way, to make it a bit more poignant. If it was you, would you have done the same?

That's all for this story. I don't know when I will be posting again, it all depends on the muse. My typical writing is science-fiction, realistic erotica, and things that focus on the sensual nature of life. If you enjoyed reading this, please interact. Words are a writer's lifeblood, and even negative or critical comments can be fun. A true thanks to those who read the story to the end.

Chapter 11 - The Sense-Feather's Final Secret

By the time Loona makes it back to the van, much of her has had the chance to dry off. Feeling the imperfection nonetheless, and wanting her drive back to the apartment to be at least halfway pleasant, she digs around in the back to find a towel. Tossing her clothes onto the flooring, she locates one with reasonable speed. A small one, but good enough for now. Stepping back outside, she runs it through her fur, and then digs herself out.

Checking the side mirror, she gasps in horror at how awful her makeup and hair looks. She quickly scrubs off as much as she can on the back of the towel and reaches in for her hairbrush. Pinning the Sense-Feather safely in the car's ash tray, she works on taming her mane and goes back to the back to start getting dressed. After a few moments, "Ugh, I still look like shit." Tossing her brush back to its spot, she hops into the driver's seat and puts the car in gear. Pulling out of the forest, she psyches herself up for a long and boring drive back home.

After about two hours, she finally pulls up to the garage. With a look around to make sure she's not seen in this state, she sneaks her way up and then heads to the bathroom to clean up. After stripping herself nude, she readies a hot, damp towel and begins to spend the next thirty minutes degriming her body and freshening up. The next fifteen she spends on her hair and make-up. Checking the time, she finds herself with another hour or two to herself, if she chooses.

Her mind wanders back to her exciting adventure in the woods, and he tail begins to wag at the various pleasant memories now cataloged deep within her. About five minutes later she finds herself rubbing and grinding into her hand, trying to recall some of the intensity she was able to feel. Then, something clicks in her mind and she throws on her robe, giving it a loose tie. Claws clattering on the stairs, she dashes down to the van.

Securing the pilfered plumage, she more calmly returns upstairs, and sequesters herself in her room with a satisfying clunk to the door's lock. No one said I have to bring this thing back immediately, heh! Now, let's give it a go. She tosses the robe onto the chair, flops onto her bed with a jiggle, and spreads her legs wide. Thinking to herself what she wants to have happen, she places the feather against her clit and begins to swirl it around.

It feels ever-so-slightly ticklish. She can feel its barbs connecting to her sensitive flesh. "Oh fuck..." Loona curses and her ears droop. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck..!" She brushes it against herself again. She spins it around. She puts it to her nose and gives it a sniff to make sure it's not a fake. She dashes to the bathroom to try to rinsing it off and then starts rubbing it all over her body, trying to make anything at all happen.

"I'm dead. I'm so~ fucking dead..!" She stares at herself in the mirror, eyes wide in terror. Her mind scrambles to find some sort of words to tell Stolas as she inevitably drags herself through his doors, tail between her legs, and has to explain how his special feather no longer works. It's magic is drained, it got broken, it's somehow a fake. All of the possibilities boil down to her failure.

Her pleasant glow now completely gone, she clenches her hand around the edge of the bathroom sink, threatening to crack through the porcelain. "Hnng... shit." With one last sigh and curse, she resigns herself to eat crow and beg for forgiveness like the failure she's managed to be. Slinking to her room, tail dragging limply behind her, the hellhound digs through her closet to find an outfit that fits her mood. A fuzzy dark sweater and simple pants, as modest as she can manage.

Putting on some white underwear first, she pulls the sweater over her head and steps into the pants, fastening them around her tail. With a heavy sigh, she flops onto her bed and stares at the ceiling, trying to think of nothing at all. She checks the time again, finding it now well into mid-afternoon. Too late to track Reynard down and grill him for answers. She rolls her head to the side and looks at the feather resting on her nightstand.

She begins to call into doubt the sincerity of the trickster. That she shouldn't have taken any of his words at face value, despite the sugar they were laced with. Taking her pillow and smothering it over her face, she screams at its underside. "Rrr~raarrghh! Bastard!" She then flings the pillow at her headboard and with a deep sigh, she scoops the feather up and stomps out of her room. She tucks it through her shirt's collar and into a cup of her bra, hiding it from sight. "Might as well get this over with."

Fifteen minutes later, she stands outside the imposing central doors of Stolas' mansion. Each step feels like it's five feet high as she pads up to the door and strikes the ornate knocker. It pulls open and Blitz greets her with an excited grin. "Loony~! You're back! So, tell me~, how'd it go~? Did you kick that fox's ass? Come in, tell me all about it!" With a barrage of questions, he places a hand to her back and pushes her inside with anticipation.

The pair take a seat on a loveseat in the wide foyer, and before Blitzo can bombard the hellhound with a fresh wave of questions, Stolas emerges from his study to join them. "Ah, Loona, you've returned. I trust all went well? Do you have the Sense-Feather?" He strides closer and looms over her. His mood seems bright for now, but she still feels weak at the thought of explaining.

She starts deliberately. "Yeah. I got it back. Wasn't too hard, just like I said." Her words then begin to falter as she pulls it from under her sweater. The feather emerges and Blitz's eyes sparkle with delight to be reunited with the exquisite magical tool. He stops himself just short of snatching it from his daughter's hands. Facing away from him and looking up at Stolas, she stammers slightly. "But... Umm..." Her expression is broken, and while she keeps her ears from going flat, her brow does display traces of regret.

Stolas, wise Goetian lord he is, looks at the feather and at the sense of worry the hellhound is showing. Knowing Blitzo's personality, and the details of his relationship with his adoptive daughter, he speaks quickly before Loona can say anything further. "Oh Blitzy, be a doll and bring us some tea and cookies, will you?"

His worries having melted away upon seeing the feather, he hops up without complaint and exits to the kitchen, several rooms away. Stolas takes the seat that Blitz was just in, and gently speaks to the anxious hellhound. "Now, dear, continue what you were saying."

She takes a slow breath and tries hard not to stammer under the pressure. "I... I got the feather, but I think it's broken. It... doesn't do anything." Her tail folds against her, and her eyes dart around, trying to look anywhere but at Stolas, but not daring to fully look away.

Delicately, he takes the feather from her fingers and brushes it along her neck. A cold tingle radiates across the spot that he touched, and her eyes go wide, her body flooded with relief, backed by confusion. "It doesn't look very broken to me." He then disappears the feather to an inner pocket in his robe and continues, "But it does seem that we need to have a talk, miss Loona."

Her ears flick at those words. Talks are never a good thing. Stolas continues, "Now, why, exactly, did you believe the feather to be broken?" A rhetorical tone, so the hellhound keeps quiet. Her ears still dip with embarrassment from her actions. "I don't remember telling you about how it works, after all. This leads me to a certain conclusion."

"One, you've personally experienced the power of this little toy of mine. Two, the only one capable of doing this is the trickster you were tasked with besting. Three, you then tried to replicate this experience yourself, only to be met with failure, leading you to believe the feather to be broken." Her hackles raise with a chill, slightly spooked by his ability to read the situation. She fidgets slightly, but Stolas seems to have more to say, so she stays quiet and lets him speak.

"Now, I can only guess the full extent of what you've experienced today, but I do know that Blitzy would be very displeased to learn of what transpired. I would rather not have him running off in a murderous rampage tonight." She finds herself in complete agreement with that likely outcome. He would spend the whole next month hunting down Reynard if he knew everything that transpired.

Loona lets her gaze connect with the owl lord. "Yeah, umm... Thanks for that. That's probably for the best." She tries to gather her thoughts, with Blitz likely to return any moment. "But, why didn't the feather work when I tried it?" She asks the question most burning through her mind.

"Have you ever heard how it's impossible to tickle yourself? Well, this magic works by quite the same principle. It's only possible to induce sensations in other people, you see. It requires a partner in order to function." Adding this fact to his other words, she now understands why he was able to figure out so easily what took place. Reynard called her to an isolated spot, and she had basically admitted to trying to use the feather on herself. "If you'd like to avoid any awkwardness, you're welcome to go ahead and leave. I'll make up an excuse for you."

She glances back in the direction that her dad headed off in, and back to Stolas. She didn't expect to be revealed so fully, her dirty secret immediately coming to light. However, she also feels a warm relief that Reynard hadn't actually deceived her. Maybe she'll meet him again, some day. "Yeah, that's... probably a good idea. Umm. Thanks again, Stolas. You're not half bad. I guess."

Stolas stands and stares down at Loona with a mellow tenderness. "Any time, dear. Off you go, and don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."

Loona also rises to her feet and grunts with bluster. "Hmph, yeah, I'm out. I'm hungry, anyways, and cookies aren't gonna cut it." She flicks her hand in a half-assed wave and then pockets her hands, slinking out the door.

During her drive back to the apartment, she once again reflects on the day's excitement. With a bittersweet smile, she realizes how unique today truly was. She may not see the fox again, but she'll try to never forget the special time he showed her.