SW: The Thundasa Crew: Defeat (8)

Story by TyrKangaroo on SoFurry

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#9 of Star Wars

Knot gets a new paintjob. He's unimpressed, but he'll deal with it. Bokoof gears up for a rough race on Malastare. The Doge has it out for everyone but his personal favorite. And he's not the only troublemaker on the horizon. FR-33 also has a favor to ask.


Dokraar and Bokoof had finished the repairs on Knot. The droid expressed his disapproval for not receiving a paint job after they had turned him on. So Bokoof was hard at work giving him a new paint job.

"I'm glad we were able to save you," said Bokoof as he sprayed paint across the droid's body.

Knot lowered his head, "I am too, meatbag."

Bokoof smirked, "That sounded like a thank you."

"Close as I can get I guess," Knot sighed, "Are M2 and Hamak ok?"

Bokoof lowered his spray can, "Since when did you care about others?"

"I just didn't want you to have to spend more hard earned money to buy new scrap heaps," Knot shot at him.

"Uh huh," Bokoof smiled as he went back to painting.

Bokoof covered Knot from head to toe in glossy bright blue paint. The shistavanen then took to stenciling over him. He first painted the ship's logo on his shoulders so he could hopefully be less mistaken as an Empire droid. Bokoof then went to town by spraying bright, red stripes on him which he accented with yellow lines. The stencils on his chest and back were that of a Gundarks head. When he pulled the stencils free, he then used his mini Gundark stencil he'd used on Zonk and Tunk to put the Gundark logo's between the stripes here and there.

"Alright, all done!" Bokoof said.

Knot turned towards a mirror, "I look like a travesty... But it is nice. Thank you, Bokoof."

"Just be careful," Bokoof punched him in the arm and then took off to check on his swoop before the evening's race.

Zonk and Tunk were ready to bring it to the race track. Bokoof did a quick maintenance check before sending them off. Thikok and Lokrut were going with Bokoof to watch the start of the race. The both of them had become closer friends since Thikok was more interested now in helping with training.

"You're a lot more calm these days," said Thikok.

"I'm surrounded by better influences than I used to be," said Lokrut, "You've made me feel like I belong to something."

"I can still sense your mind is clouded with dark thoughts," Thikok continued, "Maybe we can work on meditating a bit more. I know your past was troubling, but we need to help you clear your mind."

"It's hard to forget," Lokrut lowered his ears, "All the pain I caused..."

"You were used," said Thikok, "But you are moving forward, on a better path. None of what you were can be forgotten, but you need to turn it not into regret, but a tool of improving your self worth. You are more than what you were. You're a new person now."

"Sith, servant, and now free," Bokoof piped in, "And a good friend."

Lokrut smirked, "I try to be."

Thikok handed Bokoof his helmet, "You be careful on the track. The Doge did not put his bid in on you. He put down on Pikwi, Zinla, and Skuhskk."

"The dug I can see," said Bokoof, "Prideful as they are in their own, but the kaleesh and trandoshan? That means we'll have the brute squad on the track targeting anyone in the lead again. I wonder how much he's paying them all off to let Pikwi take the win?"

"He is the Doge," said Thikok.

Bokoof put on his helmet and mounted his swoop, "Well, I expected this. I'll see you guys at the end."

"Good luck," Thikok walked away with Zonk and Tunk.

Lokrut nodded to Bokoof, "Be safe out there."

"Don't worry about me," Bokoof pulled his goggles down, "I have my own team on the track."

Sirfhukk roared at him to get lined up.

"Right," Lokrut nodded and left to join Thikok in the crowd of onlookers.

"Qualifiers always get messy," said Thikok.

"Yeah?" Lokrut chuckled, "I can't imagine the amount of credits being invested in this."

"We may have trouble," said Thikok.

Lokrut followed his stare into the crowds. Caliti and Fing were standing with Doge Taka. They were in a deep conversation. The Doge appeared to be familiar with the both of them as both him and Caliti were laughing out loud together.

"That's bad news," said Lokrut, "What would the sith be doing with the Doge?"

"Tactical leverage," said Thikok, "They keep him happy, and he lets them do what they want. You never negotiated with any diplomats?"

"I was just a weapon, remember?" Lokrut frowned.

"They're weapons too," said Thikok, "I wonder who's in charge of them. There has to be someone puppeteering them. Someone unassuming."

"We'll have to keep sharp," said Lokrut, "They will not sneak up on us this time."

"Nor any other time," said Thikok, "I'm fairly certain they're next move will be a full on attack against us. We'll have to stay on high alert and never travel alone."

"Even alone, that giant of hers is a monster," said Lokrut, "We struggled with all of us involved the last time."

"We just need to make sure we're a step ahead of them while we're here," said Thikok.

The race started and all the swoops took off. Caliti sat down with the Doge to watch the race with him on the big screen. The crowd started to dissolve to go watch the race in less crowded areas. Thikok and Lokrut retreated to go into the nearest cantina. Zonk and Tunk returned to the ship.

Daddus and Buklam were waiting for them. Buklam ordered them a round of drinks. Thikok filled them in on the Doge's company.

"They're likely following us race to race since they know who Bo is," said Daddus, "How do we shake them?"

"We don't," said Buklam, "The sith are relentless."

"We just have to wait them out," said Thikok, "We'll need them to go on the offensive."

"Or we wait until they're in an area where they can't protect themselves," said Lokrut, "They'll do anything to get at us now, and we should do the same."

Thikok sighed, "No matter how we approach them, we need to ensure our safety first. We can't go charging in."

"They would," said Lokrut, "I know how they operate. It doesn't matter to them whether they live or die. But all Force users and Jedi are their target."

"Let's finish up here and get to the finish line, we can watch the race there," said Buklam.

* * * * *

Bokoof went to get his winnings. He was scraped up from getting rammed into and dislocated his shoulder. Sirfhukk was happy to pull it back into place. Bokoof came in first, and SIrfhukk second. The wookiee took out the troublemakers, at a large risk to his ride. He was going to need to replace his engine as he pulled through the finish line on fire.

FR-33 came marching up to Bokoof upon seeing him, "Well done, Bokoof! A great finish for a qualifying round."

"Haha, thanks FR-33," Bokoof rubbed on his shoulder, "Hope my pain was worth it."

"You are getting a rather large sum today!" FR-33 announced happily, "However, would it be alright if we deliver it to your ship. I'll just need your coordinates, and Bruuk and Mecca will help me deliver."

"It's not that much, is it?" Bokoof had never been offered a home delivery for his winnings.

"Here's your standard winnings," FR-33 gave him a case of credits, "This will help you free your selections of the servants. I will meet you at your ship."

"Thanks," Bokoof took the case and FR-33 retreated with his yuzzem bodyguards.

"Acting funnier than usual, is he?" Sheef had come to pick up Bokoof in the speeder.

"I can only assume it's a lot of credits," said Bokoof, "Come on, let's finish up here, and get back to the ship."

Bokoof went through his selections and paid for each individual to move on with their lives. Sheef and him went out to their speeder where Enko was keeping a lookout for them.

"That was quicker than usual," said Enko.

"FR-33 was quite hasty in getting me in and out," said Bokoof, "He said he'd meet us at the ship."

"Very well," Enko hopped up on Bokoofs shoulder, "You drive."

Bokoof plopped himself into the driver's seat. Dokraar and Daddus had fixed it up a little so the engine wasn't as loud. They took off back to the ship. Bokoof saw a familiar sight on their way down the sideroad. His swoop was sitting off the side of the road. Tunk and Zonk were in their standby modes next to the swoop.

Bokoof stopped the speeder far from the swoop, "It's a trap."

"Unfortunately," said Enko.

"Sheef, drive," Bokoof stood up and jumped out, "Enko, go with him back to the ship, get help."

"I won't leave you," Enko protested.

"Don't be foolish old man," Bokoof picked him off his shoulder and dropped him into the passenger seat, "Don't let Sheef go alone. We don't know what we're up against."

Bokoof started to walk toward his swoop. He leaned down and turned Zonk and Tunk on. Both droids instantly chattered in fear trying to tell Bokoof to run. Bokoof was ready for it. He force threw Zonk and Tunk out of the way as a red blade came flying out from the trees. He deflected it just in time with his own lightsaber.

Caliti came jumping down from the high branches and caught her lightsaber. She landed with grace and sneered at Bokoof. Zonk and Tunk ran to the speeder and clambered in. Caliti looked over at the speeder. Sheef floored it directly at her. She went to ready herself to jump on top of the speeder but Bokoof greeted her in the air. The speeder sped off when they hit the ground.

"You'll regret that padawan," Caliti shot at him.

"I am no padawan," Bokoof smirked.

They both circled around each other. Caliti was eyeing him up and down. Bokoof was wondering when she would attack. The sound of crackling branches told him he was in double trouble. The giant whiphid, Fing, came flying out of the woods with his monstrous lightsaber in hand. Bokoof dove over the blade as it roared beneath him.

Caliti jumped in and out, dodging both Bokoofs swings and the out of control whiphids swings. Bokoof ducked and dodged his way around Fing, getting a few shots against the beast. Caliti came sliding in and swung rapidly at Bokoof as the shistavanen flipped himself out of the way. Fing's blade clipped the tip of one of his ears.

Bokoof held a hand against his ear, "Karabast."

Fing came charging at him swinging wildly. Bokoof kept leaping back more and more, keeping clear of the swings. Caliti's blade came flying in from the side. Bokoof had no choice but to hit the ground, the blade narrowly missing him. Fing's blade came flying down and he rolled out of the way. He swung himself back up onto his feet to be greeted by Caliti.

"Go down, mongrel!" she growled at him, the zeltron was rather unforgiving with how much force she was using to push him back, "Your hide will look great on my floor!"

Caliti ducked just in time for Fing's blade to come swinging in. Bokoof tried his best to block it and got blown away. He gasped for air when he slammed into the ground. Fing came running back upon him. Nuz and Enko leapt in from the side, both of them sinking their blades into the whiphid.

Fing roared and flung them off. Thikok joined the two of them as they became Fings new targets. The rest of the crew had taken a safe stand some distance away, taking blaster shots when they could to help bring down Fing. Lokrut came sliding in next to Bokoof and helped him get to his feet.

Caliti snarled at them both, "Really? You turn from the darkside to help Jedi filth?"

Lokrut glared at her, and turned on his lightsaber, "It's better than being corrupt."

Caliti leapt at him. She turned on the other side of her lightsaber as the two exchanged blows back and forth. Lokrut deflected every shot as he backed away. Bokoof regained his composure and joined Lokrut in the fight. Caliti seemed determined this time to take them on.

"Give it up, you can't beat us," she shot at them.

She started to twist and dance between the both of them. She brushed Lokrut right across his gut, making him drop to his knees. Bokoof picked up the pace against her, driving her further back. Her foot slid over the edge of a steep cliff dropping into a chasm below. She smirked.

Caliti leapt over Bokoof and force pushed him over the edge. The shistavanen dropped his lightsaber as he flew over the side. She looked over the edge and saw him clinging on for dear life below. She started to carve her blade against the cliff's edge, sending rocks plummeting down on him. Bokoof did all he could to hold on, but his shoulder still ached from earlier.

Caliti cackled as she turned back to Lokrut, "You see!? You see how weak and pathetic the Jedi are? Why would you keep fighting with them?"

Lokrut sat there, holding his gut, as he looked up at Caliti, "I just want to be a part of something..."

"Oh, come on," Caliti scoffed, "I can feel the darkness welling up inside you. All that anger and hate. You could never be like them!"

Lokrut picked himself up to his feet, "So, there's no fixing me?"

"Of course not," Caliti cooed, "What sith have you ever heard of turning to the lightside?"

Lokrut shook his head.

"You see?" she said, "They filled your head with nonsense, trying to turn who you are. You've always known that. So, why don't you come back to us? Join us in taking over the galaxy. In the emperor's absence, there's much we can do."

Lokrut held tight against his gut.

"Don't listen to her!" Bokoof shouted.

"Now, I want you to kill him," Caliti gestured toward the cliff, "Just one blow, and the brain washing filth will be out of your life."

Lokrut stumbled towards the cliffside and turned on his lightsaber.

Bokoof was straining to hold on, "Lokrut, please, don't do this."

"I have to," Lokrut raised his lightsaber.

He then turned around and threw his hand out at Caliti. Her and the earth beneath was lifted up into the air. She tried to scream out but nothing escaped her lips. Lokrut threw his lightsaber down onto the ground and roared as he raised both hands against her. She started to gasp for air. Lokrut then threw her off the cliff, her screams finally escaping from her as she flew down into the chasm.

Lokrut turned back to the cliffside and force lifted Bokoof up into his arms. He pulled Bokoof into a tight hug. Bokoof held onto him. Lokrut started to cry.

"I'm so sorry," Lokrut sobbed, "I would never..."

"It's ok," Bokoof patted him on the back, "You did what you had to."

"I'm sorry if I worried you," Lokrut pressed his head against Bokoofs, "I would never hurt you, I love you."

Bokoof blushed, "I think I love you too."

Fing roared in the distance. He was overpowering Thikok, Nuz, and Enko. The three of them had spread out across the area they were fighting in. They were using the trees as cover to help dodge against that ferocious blade.

An idea hit Enko, "Thik, Nuz, I'm going to need you guys to run! I have an idea!"

"We're not leaving you alone, Enko!" Thikok shouted.

Enko sprang from tree to tree until he caught up with Thik, "I need you and Nuz to go. Now. I have an idea on how to take him down, and I might not survive. Neither will the both of you if you're close by."

"Enko, no," said Thikok, "There has to be another way."

"Sure, we can leave and then we keep dealing with this monster the next time he gets dispatched," said Enko.

Fing came swirling in with his blade making Enko and Thikok duck out of the way.

"Go! NOW!"

Enko leapt up on top of Fing. The whiphid grabbed hold of him and flung him off. Enko was quick on his feet and leapt back in. His lightsaber slashing viciously against Fing. Thikok shook his head and took off running. He grabbed Nuz as they went.

"What's he doing?" Nuz asked.

"I don't know, but do as he says," said Thikok.

Once again, Fing managed to get a hold of Enko. Instead of throwing him this time, he started slamming the kushiban into the ground. He gasped for air with every hit before shoving his lightsaber into Fings hand. The whiphid roared and released him. Enko mustered the last of his strength to leap up onto the whiphids arm and he shoved his lightsaber right into the core of Fings monstrosity of a lightsaber.

There was a dinning hum as Fing's red blade flickered and burned out. Enko leapt upwards into the trees as fast as he could. A moment later, the stabbed kyber crystal erupted. The flesh from Fing was ripped off his arms before he could even let out a howl of pain. Then he was gone as the explosion blew outwards. The ground and trees getting blown apart as the corrupted kyber crystal blew out its source of the force.

Bokoof and Lokrut watched in awe as the forest was torn apart. Bokoof and Lokrut hurried over to Bokoofs swoop as they took off toward the explosion. Once they got there, the force wave was gone. A fifteen meter wide hole was cleared out from the forest floor. The surrounding area had caught fire.

Bokoof leapt off his swoop, "Thik! Nuz! Enko!"

Thikok and Nuz came sprinting from out of the other side. Bokoof and Lokrut ran to meet them in the middle.

"What happened?" Bokoof asked.

"Enko," said Thikok.

The kushibans body was hanging from a nearby tree. Nuz ran and leapt up into the branches. He pulled Enko down to safety and laid him on the ground. Half of his body was covered in burns from the eruption. Nuz checked his vitals. He shook his head.

"You're a lousy doctor," Enko groaned out.

"You farkin' lunatic," Nuz cried out and hugged him.

"Ahh, careful, I'm pretty sure I've shattered every bone in my body," Enko coughed.

"Let me get him to Grok," Thikok picked him up and jumped onto Bokoofs swoop.

Nuz, Bokoof, and Lokrut exchanged glances. They looked over to the center of the field. Nothing was left of Fing. They took out their hunters. At least they hoped. The three of them started to head back to the ship.

Buklam came running out into the field, "THIK!" He saw the three shistavanens and came sprinting over, "WHERE'S THIK!?"

"It's ok," Bokoof grabbed him by the shoulders, "Enko got hurt, Thik took him back to the ship."

"Karabast," Buklam fell to his knees, "That explosion..."

"A story for when we get back to the ship," Nuz helped him back up to his feet, "Lets go."

When they approached the ship, FR-33 came waddling towards them, "My goodness, you're all ok! Master Bokoof, I was so worried about you!"

The rest of the crew went onboard the ship as Bokoof stopped to talk with him, "Thanks, 33. It was a bad situation. But it's taken care of, for now."

"I am sorry to trouble you now," FR-33 said, "I have brought you your winnings, and I did have a favor to ask. I had already spoken with your captain, but I feel I should speak with you as well, as I am your investment contact. And it does feel a bit unprofessional of me to ask for help."

"Help?" Bokoof asked.

"My ship has been compromised," said the droid, "And I do not want to endanger Bruuk and Mecca. That would be unfair to them. So I have requested to take passage with you to our next destination. I will be looking out for a new ship in the meantime."

"We can go and check your ship out for you," Bokoof offered.

"No, no," said FR-33, "I'm fairly certain it's been rigged with bombs."

"Certain?" Bokoof raised an eyebrow.

"Bo!" Dokraar came down the ramp, "Let's get loaded in. I've had enough of this planet."

Bokoof nodded, "Alright! 33, you're welcome aboard only if you explain to me what's going on when we get under way."

"Of course, sir," the protocol droid agreed.

* * * * *

Dokraar took them quickly out of the system. Once they hit hyperspace, everyone went to check on Enko. Grok did what he could. The ship wasn't equipped with a bacta tank, and Grok used their whole supply on him aside from a little bit to patch up Lokrut.

"We'll have to stop at the nearest medical facility in the next system," said Grok.

"Use my winnings to get all the supplies we need," said Bokoof.

"Thanks, Bo," said Grok, "He's going to need a lot of treatments. There's several lacerations all across his body, almost seventy five percent of him was burned. He's extremely lucky he survived that blast."

"How much is a bacta tank?" Bokoof asked.

"Not much," said Grok, "We can install one in the cargo bay, captain permitting."

"Of course!" Buklam exclaimed, "That little bugger saved everyone. We'll do anything to get him back on his feet. I'll have Knot let you know when we get into the next system."

"Thank you, Buk," Grok nodded, "I'm going to go back in to keep him company and keep an eye on his vitals."

"Bo, what's with the droid?" Buklam asked.

"Not sure," Bokoof sighed, "Let's go find out."

FR-33 was exploring the ship. Bruuk and Mecca found themselves enjoying the company of Mudd. The three of them were play fighting in the cargo bay. They're large size was quite accommodating for Mudd. FR-33 saw Bokoof and immediately shuffled over to him.

"Master Bokoof!" FR-33 enthusiastically greeted him, "We can't thank you enough for having us."

"It's no worry to us," Bokoof smiled, "Can we talk in the galley?"

"I guess I should fill you in on some things," FR-33 went with Bokoof to the galley where everyone was waiting except for Grok.

"So," Buklam started, "What happened with your ship?"

"When Bruuk went to pick up supplies, he saw several dug leaving our ship," said FR-33, "I believe we were targeted by his excellency the Doge Taka."

"Why would the Doge target you?" asked Thikok.

"I guess the truth has finally caught up with me," FR-33 crossed his arms over the table, "Bokoof, I have not been entirely honest with you, not since day one."

"This should be good," Bokoof smirked.

"Time and time again, I tell you your investor wishes to remain private," said FR-33, "That is only because I am your investor."

"How does a droid end up with so many credits?" Buklam asked.

"A perfectly pointed question," said FR-33, "And one I'll gladly answer. It's a tale from forty three years ago. I was owned by a wealthy businessman, my name at the time was CX-33."

"Heh, cocksy," Nuz laughed.

"Many called me that at the time," FR-33 said, "But this is about one rodian named Dhirthee Kree. He owned a ship manufacturing business, several mining facilities, bazaars, cantinas, you name it. He was one of the wealthiest Rodians of his time."

"What happened?" asked Bokoof.

"I had served by his side since his youth, and he was rather fond of having me around," FR-33 continued his story, "But, as with all living beings, his time came. He succumbed to old age and passed away."

"So, how old does that make you?" Sheef asked.

"Irrelevant to the story," FR-33 continued, "As always with one's death, the family gathers to see what would be theirs. I had assumed I was there to be given to one of his twelve children. But I soon found myself in a room full of enemies. Master Dhirthee had left me everything. All of his businesses, his estates, his credits. All of it."

"Whoa," Buklam breathed out, "He musta really loved you."

"It was a terribly confusing moment," said FR-33, "His family did everything they could to prevent me from taking over, but to no avail. Master Dhirthee had taken careful steps in making sure I was the sole heir to everything, and he even preemptively hired security to ensure my safety. And the very last thing he did for me was change my designation."

"FR-33," Bokoof nodded, "Free."

"Precisely, Master Bokoof," FR-33 sighed, "But, the children would try and take me out at every turn to get revenge, so I took to traveling. I would run the businesses from afar, and frequently visit them when I could. I sold off the estates as I had no need for a home. And then, I started making further investments in things, and I'm now probably the wealthiest droid who's ever existed."

"I'm going to guess the children's children are coming after you as well now," said Bokoof.

"Indeed, they are," FR-33 said, "It's all for naught though. Even if they do dismantle me, I've left my fortune to no one. It feels as if that fact has been completely missed by them."

"They don't sound too bright then," said Thikok.

"They've probably spent more credits trying to get revenge than they've had in making their own investments," said Buklam, "Surely no one can be that mad about daddy's droid making off with everything."

"I've survived this long," said FR-33, "They laid off for a while, but attacks have been becoming more frequent these days."

"I wonder what changed," said Bokoof, "You've kept a low profile as far as I know. I'd see no reason for them to have increased attacks on you."

"That's why I beefed up my security," FR-33 motioned over to Bruuk and Mecca, "It's quite useful having someone that can pick you up and run away with you."

"Captain," Knot came on over the intercom, "We're approaching Eriadu. Dropping out of hyperspace."

Buklam stood up, "Lets gear up. Eriadu isn't the best planet to visit, but it's the closest stop to get supplies."

"I'll look for a ship when we land," said FR-33, "I appreciate your hospitality, but I wish not to burden you for too long."

"It's fine," said Buklam, "You've taken care of us, the least we can do is take care of you as well."

"That's a nice change," FR-33 gleefully responded.

"Thik, Bo, help Grok locate a bacta tank," said Buklam, "The rest of us will get what's necessary. And I'll be looking for a haul for us to pick up as well." Buklam left for the bridge.

"33, you can stay as long as you need," said Thikok, "Don't rush into buying a ship for our sake."

"I appreciate it, sir," FR-33 bowed, "I will do my best to be a humble guest."

"It's what we're good at," said Bokoof, "We help those in need. Food, shelter, medical, transport. That's why we travel. Swoop racing is just the sweet iced topping for me."

Lokrut followed Bokoof out, "Hey, can we talk?"

Bokoof nodded towards their room and they entered, "You ok?"

"About what I said earlier..." Lokrut began.

Bokoof held a finger up to his lips. Lokrut blushed as Bokoof pulled him to him. Their lips connected. Lokrut held on tight as he tangled tongues with the other shistavanen. Bokoof squeezed his hands against his shoulders as he pulled from the kiss.

"Go on," Bokoof smiled.

"I think that's all that needs to be said," Lokrut laughed.

"We could say more later," Bokoof caressed his cheek, "We have things to take of first."

"Of course," Lokrut nodded.

SW: The Thundasa Crew: Droid (7)

Gamorr Buklam was locked into a missionary position with Thikok on top of him. Their trip to Lira San had put Buklam into a great mood. The lasat locked his lips with Thikoks. The both of them made out passionately as the shistavanen plowed his...

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SW: The Thundasa Crew: Rescue (6)

Hutt Space Sheef is sad that Hungo is gone. He started to hang out in the gun turret which was Hungos favorite spot to be when they traveled. The squib had been roommates with him since he moved onto the ship. Hungo wasn't happy to share his room...

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SW: The Thundasa Crew: Bounty (5)

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