The Tentative Housemates chapter 1

Story by MrBo on SoFurry

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This is chapter 1 of Tenative housemates. A story of guests relaxing at a Bed and Breakfast run by Prisiuos and Drophin. In this story you will read from the prespective of the different guests that come to stay, and how the caring takers of the abode make every guest feel special in more ways than one.

The Tentative Housemates

"Rest and relaxtion" that's what it said on the welcome mat though the "and" was well worn from the many paws and appendages alike that crossed the decorative threshold. Intricate wooden inlays carved to look like woven vines seeded into a dark red frame.

I came to this nook at the referral of a friend. Saying "the care and love the hosts show is enough to rejuvenate even the most down trotted mammal. Being a loner myself, I'm trying new things. Being a bovine I stand out more when I stand by myself, not incorporating myself in the herd mentality.

Knocking on the door my heavy frame made the knock sound more menacing as it reverberated through the house. Pulling my hand back I curse myself for not being more gentle. We can't choose who we are. At most wishful thinking of having a more delicate physique.

Quick footsteps could be heard inside coming to the door. With the sound of the latch unlocking the door opened revealing a tiger. Her strong frame being squeezed tightly by the apron she was wearing. The light pink frills and heart stamps clashed against her orange fur. She smiled up at me her Fangs on full display. A genuine smile though, my internal instincts to run away from the lethality of situation is quelled with a quick downward glance. As she is shorter than me, my gaze made its way down past her gleeful face to the exposed cleavage that was poking out at the top of her chest.

Warmth quickly replaced any natural instinct, making my body stiffen slightly.

"Good afternoon hun"

My attention was back up to her. Smooth as honey she looked at me with joy her eyes looking over detail. My large stature, the horns that took up an extra half a foot away from my head. Continuing her gaze to my clothing which was a simple plaid button up opened to a white T-shirt over jeans.

"You must be Josephvine, it's nice for you to come to our joyous abode." She then wrapped her arms around me and lifted, and very much to my surprise I was lifted from the floor. Her strength was terrifying and shocking in that thier was no way to tell how I should react, being compressed in soft fur.

Her face snuggling into my chest a low grumble coming from deep within her own chest. That seemed transfer throughout my entire body.

She set me down but continued nuzzling against me. Confusion also seeded itself making me wonder if I passed through a patch of catnip on my way up here.

"Umm, excuse me" even though I was trying to get her off of me, the smallest part of my heart said to let it happen.

"Prisiuos! What are you doing?" Another voice came from behind the large tigress. "Get. Off. Of. Him" each word followed by a smack of paper.

The tiger Prisious begrudgingly let go. Standing aside she revealed a small wolf girl. Her hair was tan and grey. An unusual color that worked, she had a slim figure wearing an abnormally large apron that draped down, dusting the floor. Her ears were slightly drooped. Being weighed down by 5 earrings on either side, giving her a cute curiosity look when she tilted her head.

She stepped forward holding out her paw. "It's nice to meet you joesphvine

I'm Drophin, the affectionate one is Prisiuos, she's a hugger." Drophin gave Prisious and exasperated look.

She took her paw back and threw her arms in a cheerleader like pose and said.

"Welcome to the resting nook."

"Oh yes, thank you, I'm looking forward to stay here. My friend Tylonore recommended yall to me." My country accent slipping itself into my speech.

The women shared a glance with each other.

"Your friends with the otter" it was Prisiuos that responded. Though she didn't make it sound like a question. Almost like a statement.

"Well know sense in standing in the door come on it, Prisiuos will take your bag to your room."

The wolf stepped aside as my heavy bag was easily shifted away by Prisiuos followed by her swaying tail. Climbing up the stairs her shorts leaving nothing to the imagination.

Drophin continued to talk

"-and this the living room, we have a tv with a collection of dvds of movies and shows. Sadly no wifi, and no service."

I pulled out my phone to confirm and sure enough, no bars, no wifi, no hot spot. Which makes the laptop I brought practically useless. It was to be my escape if my time here wasn't as enjoyable.

"We do have a landline" She pointed at a cute stand holding a rotatory phone. I questioned if I can even fit one finger into the circle.

Drophin then led me into the next room that looked to be a dining area. Plates and placemats already placed to sit three people. Seeing the table had me sniff the air, sure enough the smell of something sweet filled the air.

Seeing my reaction Drophin she turned to the open doorway on the other side of the dining area, supposedly to the kitchen.

"We have afternoon sweets in the oven, they will be ready in 20 min." And just like the potential future sweets her words sounded just as candied.

She then showed me, where the bathroom was and where to find extra toiletries.

Taking me upstairs there was a long hallway. With doors on either side. Beautifully crafted all of them. However at the end of the hallway a door faced us.

The other doors were of all similar design and color. This one was a dark black color. The immediate details obscured by the way most light was sucked into the dark wood varnish.

Drophin paid no mind to it and showed me to my room which was the first door on the left.

Spreading her arms I took in my room. Spacious the bed was perfectly my size. The drapes that covered the window where a light hue of green, bringing a great accent to other forest colors Of the room. From the carpet to wall color everything blended in beautiful.

"We have many rooms that can accommodate any guest from size to environment. We pride ourselves on guest comfort and compatibility."

My time here quite brief had me already feeling a sense of belonging. Ridiculous as I've never felt that home, at work, or with my own family. As I was defiant to be left alone.

The thought of acceptance was replaced again with my inner voice saying "they are paid to be nice too you, it's not real"

I replied to the petite wolf girl "it's nice, thank you"

I looked down on her and could see her smile falter, her face showing the slightest tinge on sadness. As if she could hear my own inner monolog.

In an instant she was bubbly again

"I'm glad You like it" she then turned to leave.

Stopping At the threshold she said over her shoulder.

" I'll call you down when afternoon tea is served, Prisiuos is a master of the kitchen." And walked out.

Observing the room I spotted my bags at the foot of the bed. I then got to work putting my various possessions into the provided wardrobe. After looking around I notice that the drapes hid a handle. Pulling back the drapes I realize that it was a balcony.

Opening the door fresh air filled the room. Walking out I was greater by lush forestry all around, looking left I could see other balconies like mine.

Coming to the house I had failed to relate exactly how big this place was. Most of it covered by natural barriers in the front, guaranting a sense of privacy and Simple seclusion.

Looking down I could see steam and other savory smells wafting up to my nostrils from the open kitchen window below. There also came sounds of the two girls getting the food ready.

I went back inside my room, then to my open door out into the hallway, I was about to head down the stairs when I stopped and turned. There at the end of the hallway, was the ebony door. Looking at it didn't give me any sense of foreboding auras, though my curiosity was building. Tentatively I walked towards it. When I came here I was given no rules really on what not to do while I stay here.

Upclose I could see there were in fact many details carved into the hard wood. That the varnish was extremely dark. Going for the handle I was about to open the door.


Yelp, I turned around and saw Prisiuos standing before me.

"Afternoon tea is served with of course some savory treats." She said with a sly smile, she definitely knew she scared the bejebees out of me.

"Sorry, yes, the tea and snacks. You scared me."

She gave alight chuckle that her large chest amplified to a low baritone.

"Yes, my apologies sugar, I may be a bit large on my portions" she gestured to her assets.

"But that don't mean I can be graceful"

I gulped, I didn't know if she was going to eat me or tease me into submission.

"Ah, I can see that, but, ahem, whats behind this door"

She walked around me and placed both hands behind her and leaned against the door.

"This is a room that is granted to special guests and used for special occasions."

She then leaned in close, so close I could smell the slight floral scent of conditioner in her fur.

"So honey please do me a favor, try to stay out of this room please." With that she grabbed my hand and lead me down stairs.