Clarity - Chapter 20: Long Time Coming

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#21 of Clarity

A full decade of sitting on the sidelines has led up to this. Kylie, with help from Clover and Jill, is about to find out whether or not this would've worked out all along.

Well then... here we are. Something I'd been waiting forever to get to, but it's finally here. Another lewd sort of deal, and there couldn't be a better time for it, so... enjoy~

"...gah, just how long are ya gonna keep this up, Clover?!"

"As long as it takes to get that fur looking utterly pristine, charmer! ...Jill, how's that blush going?"

"J-Just fine, hehee... adorable, even." I've got no clue how long I've been sitting here. Brushes for miles, my wardrobe picked clean until they found something perfect, and even the makeup. Not something to break out often, with how rough it is to get outta my fur, but at least they're keepin' it simple. Putting on the finishing touches at this point, or so I'd like to think.

Still, with what they're preparing me for... I can't believe this is happening. All these years, just doing fine sitting back while Bone lives her life, and I... I'm finally gonna be makin' a push? ...well, no, I-I guess I wasn't fine. At all. I tore into Clover without thinking, even pushed Jill away, all because of that festering sore spot. If ever I needed proof that something needed to give, something needs to change, whatever it may be... that was it. All capped off by spending the night in Jill's arms after Clover wrapped up her call, whatever that was about, and took her leave. My shinin' star, always there for me. Even when it's hard to feel like I deserve it.

So here I am, the result of their efforts, in front of a mirror. My fur's never looked smoother, and there's a light sort of glow to my cheeks where the blush was applied. A brass hoop bracelet with a few greenish-brown gems in its baubles, probably meant to pair with my hazel eye color, is sitting on my black wrist. I've got the best dress on that they could find in my closet, which isn't sayin' much when I keep my stuff simple thanks to my gaudy fur pattern, but hey... hard to argue with a satin dress in burgundy, a dark enough shade to not blend with my hair. And my hair... i-it's... I normally keep a tight braid, it's so much easier to deal with the length that way. But... this... oh gosh. It's kind of... woven. Like, sort of still braided, but much thicker, looser, and draped over my shoulder. I dunno what kinda feeling is bubblin' up in my stomach from looking at it like this, let alone the whole package, but I guess I feel-

"Absolutely stunning, Ky. I think our work here is done, don't you?"

"...ya know what? Yeah. This, this is... holy crap. I dunno how to thank you two..." As that leaves my lips, I feel a grip on my shoulders, followed by a light squeeze. I know that touch anywhere.

"Well, don't thank us just yet, the main event for tonight's yet to come. Miss Bonnie awaits~" Jill... you're putting a lot on the line here, who knows how Bone would feel about what we've got if she says yes. And I dunno if we ever would've considered this option without you. I-I... I need to try. I have to give it my all. For you, just as much as I have to for me. Though, one thing strikes me as odd...

"Jill? What're ya bringin' a duffle bag for?"

"Just in case. Nothing special... really. Either I don't use it, or you won't see it anyway. Don't worry yourself, okay, bun?"

"Alright, then... I'll take your word for it. And I'm ready as I'll ever be, so... on we go." And like that, we're heading out the door. To where Bone's waiting. Where I'll see whether or not this was a pipe dream all these years.

That all being said... now's the rough part. A couple walks and a bus ride across the city, all the while letting my worries mount. Night's nearly fallen, hell, it might fall by the time we get there. What's it gonna look like, me walkin' in there dressed to the nines, flanked by the girls while she's just kicking back for the evening? How am I supposed to broach the topic, let alone ask her directly? I-I... god, why does it feel like there's a whole bevy of ways this could go straight to hell, even when Bone's hardly the type to flip out? Should I have ever agreed to this...?

...well, maybe the hand clasped in mine and the gentle nuzzle against my cheek can stand in for an answer. Jill's doin' everything she can to make sure this night goes off without a hitch, and that apparently includes keepin' me from losing my damn mind before we even get there. All while Clover's just enjoying the show across the bus aisle. Yeah yeah, kitty, drink it in, you'll get to see even more of this later tonight. ...wait, d-did I just act like... this was gonna work? Wow. Whether or not this has a chance in hell, these two've sure sold some part of me on the prospect. Guess that part's the one that's been backseat drivin' the whole time I've been letting this happen. And it's pretty far along to back out now, if I'm all dolled up like this. Heh, guess it'll get its wish.

Guess that's how I've found myself in the final leg of the journey, huh. Just... waltzing up through Clover's front yard, to the door. Both gals in front of me as Clover opens the door, and keepin' me close behind as we head towards the living room. Like they're trying to keep me hidden. Well, downside to this is I can't see a damn thing. I can hear, though... oh boy, can I ever hear that voice...

"Oh, welcome back, hun! ...oooh, Jill too? Would she be that guest for tonight you mentioned?"

"Ha! Well, she's certainly gonna be here for a while, but..."

"...I'm hardly your main concern, Miss Bonnie. We've got your guest riiight... here~" This is it, then. The big reveal. The girls move to either side, curtains on a makeshift stage, as I finally come into her view... just as Bone comes into mine. She's dressed down for the night, though not as much as she could be. She's wearing bottoms, for one, and I can see a bra strap peeking out. Good thing Clover told her she'd have a guest, or the view might be... a bit more distracting. Whew... regardless, she- oh gosh. I can feel her eyes on me. Staring, but not through me. AT me. Every detail, being taken in fully as her lips part in, I assume, some kind of awe. I catch myself idly playing with my braid as my eyes try to look anywhere besides her face; I swear I could see her tail wagging a bit, too, however slowly, so s-she... oh gosh, she likes what she sees...?

"H-Hey, Bone. Been a hot minute, eh?"

"...oh? R-Right, right, it really has been a while, Kylie. I don't think you've been here personally since we gave you the news. Sorry if that was a bit jarring, but-"

"Okay, angel, don't go worrying yourself about that all over again. What's important is that the little charmer's here... and she's got something she'd like to talk with you about."


"Well... y-yeah. Somethin'. I'd say nothin' much, but that'd be a loada crap." She... looks confused. Well, of any expressions to draw out of her, I can't say I didn't expect that one tonight. Just gotta see this through, if I can...

"Would I be correct to say you'd prefer it just be us talking about it?"

"Yeah... yeah, that'd be about right." Right then, I feel a hand on my back, pushing forward. Gah, Clover...!

"Then I'd suggest heading to the kitchen, you two. I'll keep our other guest company, eh, Jill?"

"Oh... alright, then. That sounds lovely, Miss Clover."

"You heard her, charmer! Get going, and say whatcha gotta say!"

"Alright, alright already! Geez, Clover..." At that point, Bone nods and motions for me to follow her while Clover and Jill settle into the couch. Who knows how those two'll keep each other entertained, but hey, that's a topic for later. All I need to know is that now, it's just me. Alone, with Bone, at the back of the kitchen. I can still hear the sound of those two talking, but I can't make out the words. ...meaning they can't hear us properly either. So we're well and truly alone for this. Oh boy...

"So, um... Kylie. Should I ask what the occasion is?"

"Wait, what do you- oh, the outfit?"

"The... everything, really. Quite the glow-up. I must say, I've not had the pleasure of seeing you done up for a formal occasion, whatever it may be." O-Oh. She's... lookin' me up and down again. And there's another little wag of her tail. God, I hope the makeup is covering my more natural blush, because I dunno if I can hold that back with her staring so... intently. Just, just keep it together, ya dumb bun...

"Ah... r-right. Clover's idea. I ain't one for all the pomp and circumstance, but it'd be a trial and a half to try and deny that I feel a bit... special, at the moment. Those two knew what they were doin'."

"So, this was all setup for what you'd like to talk about, then? And that matter was...?" ...god, I'm really doin' this, huh. Just... just ease into it. See where it goes.

"Okay... so. We've, uh. Been around the block quite a bit. Since middle school, an' all. Lots of time to think, about... things. Up until college, anyway."

"Oooh, yes, I remember. You got that offer from a really nice place, perfect for anything you could've gone into. Not the sort of school I could go along to, but... I'm really glad you kept in touch, Kylie. Really. It meant so much to me to hear your voice through all that."

"Yeah, well, that's... kinda what I mean. B-Bone, I- gah, I didn't actually get an offer. I applied to them myself..."

" But... why, Kylie? We had that whole plan and everything, I... I was looking forward to spending those years with you."

"Heh, you have no idea how much I wanted that, too. But like I said, I'd had time- LOTS of time- to think. And as much as I wanted what we had, I-I... I was more scared to lose it. By messing it up, somehow, from being that close."

"But, but that's- why would you think being near me would mess that up, Kylie, I-I just... I don't think there could've been anything that would make me stop caring for you, short of a complete heel-turn. Because I- ...w-well, suffice to say we really were that close, Kylie. I mean it. So, why...?" Okay, so turns out, big lead-ups kinda blow. Somehow, I feel like I can say it, but at the same time, stalling it out's given my stomach time to be twisted into a mess of knots, knowing what I'm about to do. Bone, though... she looks lost. Worried, almost hurt. I can't leave her like that, not after admitting pieces of what happened back then. She needs the whole thing, or she'll come out of this heartbroken. I can't... I can't do that to her, no matter how many butterflies in my stomach are tryin' to get me to stop right there, all while I play with my braid in a nervous tic. So just...

"Haaah... because I, I was... I-I'd already fallen for ya, Bone. Real bad. Like, complete disaster levels of down bad."

"Wait, y-you were-"

"And, and if I got to be your roommate like that, I would've just- there's no tellin' what I'd have done, eventually. Just, always so close, together in that space, always comin' home to... to such a welcome sight, that... no matter what I did, it was gonna end with me either admitting it all or getting outed by doin' something stupid. And if you weren't up for it, well, that'd be the end of things. I doubted I'd have anything close to what I had with ya already. And I couldn't lose that, never, not in a- ...u-um."

She's just... staring. Even still. Her tail's goin' at the pace it had before, so I can't get a read off that, either. The most I can gather is that her head's tilted a bit as she looks down at me, frozen at my most vulnerable in years., wait, my most vulnerable since a couple days ago. Whoops. Well, if she's just gonna stand there, I-I guess I should... pop the question. Deep breaths. Deep breaths...

"A-And, well, that's been weighin' on me for years, just sitting back while making sure you're doin' alright. Happy, content, getting exactly what you want from your life. That was Penn, for a while. Then you... then things started goin' south, I guess. And I started wishing, just a little, that I could be who you needed. Like a fallback if things went pear-shaped. Though, however much was circumstance and however much was my own shortcomings... well, least I can say I gotcha introduced to Clover, eh? Heh... ahhhh, hell. That all got lit up in a blaze again when I learned you'd had a falling out and rebounded with her, so..."

"Oh... oh my..."

"So, everything was hurting fresh. A whole decade of keepin' it to myself didn't help matters, turns out. I even wound up takin' it out on those two in the living room, a bit. And that ain't gonna fly. So... Jill offered an idea. Not counting on it being likely, but even if it doesn't work out, hey, I told ya at least. So maybe that'll be easier for me, either way. So anyway, Jill's plan was... i-it was, um..." God, she hasn't moved a muscle for most of this! How the hell is she takin' it?! Am I doin' this right? Did I go into it too much? I haven't even gotten to the major bit, so just, what the hell do I do?!

"She- she wanted me to a-ask you if you'd, um... if you'd have me. As another partner. Alongside Clover. The both of us, with you every step of the way. L-Like I said, I dunno whether you'd even consider that, but Clover's in on it too, so that part's taken care of, and I dunno what's gonna happen with Jill b-but, I'm sure she'd like to stick around too, even if we're technically not official, 'cause s-she's been great, and- and... eh..."

What the hell am I doing? I look like a dumbass, rambling about the whole idea. An idea that wasn't gonna work. There's still no change. Still just staring. I should... I should just go. ...if my damn legs would move, gah! Just... baby steps. One step backwards, and- ...h-huh? What is she... Bone, she just, took a step when I did. And like that, I'm glued where I stand, arms hanging uselessly. All I can do is look up at her. Look, as she takes another step. And another, faster now. ...wait, faster? And her tail is... i-it feels like the closer she gets, the faster it beats. Is... is she really-

I don't get to finish that thought before I feel her arms wrapped around me, leaning down like the day I learned about her and Clover. A bit tighter than back then, though, so breathing's, uh... labored, to say the least. While I'm focused on that, though, I feel her nuzzling into my cheek, letting those giggles I know her so well for wash over my ears at point blank. Who knows what the hell's happening, but this? I'll take it, no matter what's comin'.

"Hehee... oh, Kylie, do you have any idea how much I missed you in college? Any idea at all?"

"Uh... a lot? You were always excited for those calls, I know... always so bubbly, full of energy, just... you. Entirely you."

"See, that's true, but... looking back, even that doesn't begin to cover it. Some nights, all I'd do was look forward to our next call, running through topics in my head, and early on? Ohhh, I was just a wreck! Though, hindsight's 20-20 on that one... I think, even after that night leading up to the repeat visit to the ice cream parlor, I didn't really grasp what I was feeling. I mean, goodness, I didn't even CONSIDER girls until Clover came along! What a dense little dog I was, hehee..."

"H-Huh? Bone, y-you were...?!"

"Mmmm, 'complete disaster levels of down bad?' Yes, I think so, coupled with not even entertaining the prospect itself, just... knowing I wanted you close. As close as possible. To hold you, care for you, a-and... well, it's harder to imagine what WOULDN'T have happened in those dorms, had we been roommates as planned, let's say that much~" Ha... haha. Haaaaahahahha, ohhh god, I dunno how in the hell to process all this! S-She was- all while I was- a-and we really could've, I just-

"Wait, so... so does that mean you're-"

"Well, you haven't actually asked me yet, now have you~?"

"...ya got me there, heh. So, Bone..."


"You, uh... wanna go out? Maybe think about a livin' situation? It'd sure beat the she-devil's domain, but- gah, no, not the point! Haaah... as I was sayin', would you, um... girlfriends? I-In the relationship sense, I mean!" At long last, she pulls away a bit. Nothin' but those blue eyes staring into mine... until I feel her stand up a bit, and, a-and... kiss the top of my head. Hnnnnnn-

"Hmhmmm, well, while I think I'd normally have to ask Clover, you let it slip that she already said yes, especially with all she did for tonight! Soooo... yes, Kylie. I'd love nothing more. After all these years, I can finally hold you like this..." Never in a million years did I think this would work out, and yet, here I am, held tight in her arms like that night ten years ago. God, was I ever stupid this whole time, but hey, better late than never! ...heh, it's kinda tempting to just... stay here. In her arms, the whole night. But of course, we're not the only ones here...

"You've got no idea how it feels to hear that from you, Bone, but... we do have a couple others waiting on us, ya know. Should we...?"

"Hm? O-Oh, right, Clover and- ahhh, come on, we'll give them the good news!" Hand-in-hand, now we're heading back to the living room. Our other partners await, eager to hear the result, but before we can reach them, I think I can catch a snippet of what's been going on.

"Wait, seriously? I could've been doing that this whole time? God, if I had a nickel for every headache that would've saved..."

"Yes, but... remember, it's not that intuitive. I can hardly blame you, honestly, even I didn't realize that for a while. Having it be most of your job and passion pushes you to learn a few things, though."

"Yeaaaah, graphic design ain't exactly my main job. Just... do what's needed, when it's needed. Even stuff I put out on my own time, when I feel like it, feels pretty average."

"Hm? C-Can I... can I see, Clover?"

"Er... I-I guess, but- oh, you two are done already?" Clover, from the far seat, is the first to see us come around the corner. Jill's quick on the uptake, though, and whirls around to see us both. Who knows who much I'm glowing after that, but Bone? Bone's frickin' radiant, pulling me closer to her before elaborating.

"Hmhmmm, yes, I think we are, dear. And it seems we have a new partner going forward! ...and Jill by extension, come to think of it. Oh wow, maybe I should try drawing out a diagram or something to keep track of this..." Yeah, yeah, Clover, laugh it up. God, her teasing's only gonna get even more specific now that I'm wrapped up in all this. Jill, though... she's on top of the world. Hands clasped together, practically risin' out of her seat, and good luck wiping that smile off her muzzle. Heh, you'd think she was the one Bone said yes to, lookin' like that.

"Oh, that's wonderful, Miss Bonnie! It really went that well?"

"Of course! I'd say Kylie had no idea how easy it would be to get me to say yes, Jill, both now and back when we started college! I'd say... we were both rather dense, in a way~"

"Ohhhohoho, well then, angel, if you've waited that long for this, maybe you two could do with some... privacy, eh~?"

"C-Clover!! Geez..." That kitty has no off switch, I swear. No amount of makeup's gonna hide how burnin' red that's gotten me. ...still, we... really are gonna do that at some point, huh. Ohhhh gosh...

"Well... are you sure about that, hun? I mean, I'd be glad to, but... wouldn't that feel a bit weird, knowing I'm off doing that, and you're just kind of- well, left out?"

"What, you think I'm gonna take issue with knowing you two are having a good time? You get some funny ideas in that cute head of yours, you know that, right?" Well, at least I ain't the only one blushing up a storm from the kitty's jabs now. She's pulled me even closer though, so... seems like she intends to make good on that idea. It's really happening...!

"I-I just... alright, then. You're sure, dear...?"

"In that case, Miss Bonnie..." Oh? Jill... just what are you planning, walking over to Clover and laying your hands on her shoulders with that familiar, firm grip? Hah, this oughta be good!

"...if you're worried about her feeling left out, then... I could take c-care of that, if you'd like. We've had some time to talk, and I must say... I'm intrigued. Only if you two are alright with that, though." Well well well, it would seem this plan involves Clover getting a taste of her own medicine, with her sporting that bright red glow she sees fit to bring outta me all the time. How's it feel, kitty~? ...more importantly, uh, wow. Getting into this even more than you thought, eh, Jill? That's partly up to Bone though, and she looks... deep in thought. Huh. How much is this sweet girl open to...?

"Ooooh... hrm. What a night this has become, really! But... you know what, with all we're discovering, why not? So, Clover..."


"Whatever happens, happens. As far as you feel comfortable with, okay? I'm sure I'll hear all about it tomorrow, regardless~"

"...oh. Oh, oh god, okay, wow, u-uh... right. Just- gonna think about that myself, for now. Could be nice. Probably. Heheh, heh... heh..." Aww, where's all that bravado from before, ya tease? Hah! And you've got no idea what you're in for, if you say yes to my little shinin' star! Oh, the sights to see tomorrow morning... that'll be a treat~

As Jill sets her sights on a new prize, eyes gaining that gleam I know all too well, Bone's started those trademark giggles again as she leads me by the hand, heading through the hallway, down the stairs, and finally... to her bedroom. Well, Clover's, but it's hers too now, come to think of it. Hers, and maybe mine. We'll figure that out later, because now? All that matters is that the door's closed behind us, and Bone's leaned down again. Another embrace, the first of many, though not resembling a vice grip like before. Fine by me; gives the both of us room to explore, feel each other in that curious way, knowing we're each thinking of what to do to the other once we- ...a-ah. She's, uh. Kinda cradling my head in her hand. Wish I could say that were more welcome, and maybe it will be when I'm more used to this with her, but... not yet. A hand of mine rises to meet the arm that's leading the expedition, and my grip becomes firm.

"Ah, Bone... m-maybe not there. Just... not great things, there."

"Kylie...? What do you mean?"

"We can go over it another time. Maybe with the others, that'd probably help. But for now, just try to keep that in mind, 'kay?" The brief stint of confusion is replaced with a smile as warm as ever, and her hands move away from that spot to rest on my shoulders. That's it, sweet thing... we'll work up to that yet, you'll see.

"Alright, then. So... did you have any ideas of what to do? Any cute little fantasies you've kept close to the chest all these years~?" Girl, you have no idea. None whatsoever. So let's make it known a bit, eh? Arms wrapped around her as far as I can go, chin resting on her bust... followed by nuzzling into it, even softer than my wildest dreams. Never was small, even back when we first met, heh! Looking back up at her, I narrow my eyes a fair bit, seeing if I can channel Jill's usual stare to make my intentions known.


"Yeah... yeah, I think I've got a few ideas, Bone~" Letting my hands wander downward, I walk forward, nudging her towards the bed. Once we've arrived, Bone having sat down quick as the back of her legs met the bed, I curl my fingers around the bottom of her shirt. One cocky look into her eyes is all it takes to get her caught up with the idea, and she raises her arms as I lift that unnecessary piece of cloth up and over her head.

Now THIS... this is a view. The girls, so to speak, nestled comfortably in that light blue, lacy bra, though there's enough real estate beyond the cups that I don't have to imagine much. There'll be even less I'll need my imagination for, in a hot minute. Leaning in, at last... my lips meet hers. Images in my head, flashing back to her bubbly self in middle school, her ever-caring moments in high school, and all our time together at the office and dinners at her place... everything, leading up to this, at last. It's hard to care that I could've had this sooner when it feels this good to have in the moment. One more little adjustment, though...

As the kiss continues, tongues beginning to explore, I wrap my arms behind her again. This time, though, they're exactly where they need to be.'s been a while since I've fiddled with a clasp though, I'm a bit reliant on simple sports bras. After remembering how these little hooks work, it's a simple matter to separate them as I hear a muffled giggle of excitement through our lip lock. Breaking the kiss, I look down at my handiwork: Bone, topless, and pulling down her bra straps, with nothing left to hold them in place. Almost perfect.

"So, hmhm... what now, then?" For my final move, I reach an arm out, grab the center of that huge support piece, and pull. Pulled over her like the shirt, if a bit more leeway. I toss the thing behind me. It'd just get in the way for what's to come, with full view of those plush peaks...

"Now? Now... I dig in~"

* *

For as much as sleep was able to take me the night before, it doesn't stand a chance against the usual wakeup time my body's all too familiar with. Rolling off of my side and onto my back, I find myself starin' up at the ceiling, just thinking. About what all this means, and how things will change, finally. I was able to wake up to something better. No enduring intrusive thoughts or anything, just... some measure of peace, amidst the stress.

Another morning. Another day. Another chance to relax over the weekend. Though, there's one key difference this time: I'm not waking up alone, or next to Jill, as nice as the latter is.

I've woken up next to Bone. Poor thing tuckered herself out last night after my initial gambit. Knowing Clover, I doubt Bone finds many opportunities to be all that aggressive when her kitty's ravenous in that regard, so I guess that was a new one on her. Good for her. Getting some well-deserved rest... though, I could never resist the chance to cuddle up to her. Not when she looks so perfect like that, covers draped over us both, not a scrap of clothing left between us. Just shuffling right up to her, laid on her side towards me, and resting my head against that now-familiar cushy set of chest pillows as my right hand finds a comfortable place at her hip. ...and right on cue, I see those eyes twitch a bit, then flutter open as her ear adjusts itself.

"Mmmf... oh? Hmhmm... good morning, Kylie."

"Nice to see ya among the livin', Bone. Especially after a night like that. Thought you'd exhausted yourself with all ya did, heh."

"Hehee, yeah... it really was a night of playing catch-up, wasn't it? Though..." Before she can elaborate, she starts getting all giggly again, this time to the point of trying to hold back outright laughter. Alright, the heck's so funny, eh?


"Oh, nothing, it's just- snrk... you know, you could've been less obvious about what you wanted the whole time, I mean, the nickname you gave me all those years ago was pre-e-etty on the nose, don't you think~?"

"Oh, for- ...those are bold words for someone in nip-grabbing range, ya know that?" That's done it, now she's in a full laughing fit. And of course, I gotta deliver on my promise. You're not getting off scot-free for that one, and we both know it, ya gremlin! Lucky me, then, that I don't exactly have a small target to aim for, pinchin' it between my fingers as she lets out a little 'Oooh~' in-between laughing so damn hard. Almost like she WANTS me to keep goin'. Oh, don't get me wrong, Bone, I'd be happy to oblige, but we do have some guests upstairs waiting for us. Who knows how late in the morning it's gotten.

"So, sweet stuff... whaddaya say we go see what kind of fun our two cuties have been up to, eh?"

"Hm? Ohhhh, right, Clover was gonna tell me how it went! ...assuming she's even up at this point. Who knows with her, but she's been getting more used to my schedule, so... coin flip, I guess."

"Huh, that'd be a sight to see. Clover, an early riser. Well, that settles it, clothes on, this I gotta see!" The both of us scramble out of bed, on the hunt for our clothes, strewn about the place. Bone's bra is the easiest to find, tossed over a bunch of Clover's reference books, but the rest is all mixed together. I do wish I had somethin' a bit more casual than the dress to put on after my plain-ass unmentionables are back where they should be, but hey, guess I can get changed back at my apartment later. I'm not even gonna bother with my hair for now; Bone's nightwear was way easier to put on than my dress, so she's already just about out the door, with me hustlin' to catch up. So now it's a matter of racing up the stairs, 'til-

"Ah! Good morning, you two! Last n-night went well, I take it?"

"Ooooh, it was just perfect, Jill, and Kylie was so- well, so enthusiastic, let's leave it at that, goodness~"

"I take you discovered a... preference, of sorts, then? It took a bit for her to indulge in that one with me, but when she did... my oh my, you'd think she really expected there to be mi- ...erm, you know, a certain result. Oh gosh..."

"Hmmm~? I noticed that a bit, but expecting something more? Now that's an interesting little detail, Kylie... one you might actually get to partake in someday, you know!"

"Er, I, um... o-okay, yeah, fair 'nough. Ya got me. Can we just... not mention that one to Clover? Girl's got enough material to work with as it is."

"Okaaaay, fine~!" ...Bone, I can SEE you makin' the damn crossed fingers behind your back, ya gremlin! Gaaah... ah well. ...wait, where's Clover, anyhow? And... is Jill eating a jelly donut? With a different dress from yesterday...?

"Uh, Jill... I can see you're up and about, but where'd the tease go? And care to explain what's in your hand?"

"Oh, this? I picked up an assorted dozen this morning. Figured we could all use it after... last night, hehee..."

"Aaaaaand what about Clover...?"

"Oh, Clover's doing wonderfully. ...she j-just, might not be up for moving around for now. Right this way." Can't argue with a couple donuts, at least. But Clover... what happened? In search of that answer, the both of us are following Jill, but as she reaches the living room, she turns around, backs up to give us space, and... bows, while gesturing to the side with her donut? 'Kay, then. Bone seems excited, whatever's goin' on, so I turn the corner, and- ...oh. The couch. Well then.

"Hrrrrnnnnnnn... h-huh? Oh... hey angel, charmer too. Things... go alright? Whew..."

"Uh, yeah Clover, but... if ya don't mind me askin', care to explain why you're splayed out under the blankets? ...and I'm just gonna assume the blanket's all ya got, with the mess of clothes everywhere. And... wait, a sleeping bag?" I scan the place, and sure enough, the duffle bag's open. I throw a side-eye at the ever-prepared hellhound, to which she just smiles, narrows her eyes, and shrugs.

"I told you... just in case! And wouldn't you know, it worked out. Can't say I expected to need the backup dress, but it's easier than sifting through the pile, plus the... the mess that's probably on it. If you catch my drift."

"Ohhhh, so you really did wind up takin' her offer, eh, Clover? And how did that go, do you think~?" Hah, poor thing barely wants to move, even for that chocolate-glazed donut in her hand. Guess Jill brought it to her from the box on the dining room table. I'll have to take a peek myself, after we address... well, aaaaall of this.

"I-I- god, Ky, how often do you deal with that? She's just... she's amazing, but holy shit! Never a moment of dead air with her, never a break! Just... going, and going, no matter what! A-And the thing with her tongue, that's... what the hell was that? It was good, REALLY good, but like... what???"

"Heh, yeah, Clover, she really goes for it! And that... well, you definitely got her full attention if you're mentioning 'the thing with her tongue,' pussycat! Hah! You weren't prepared for a damn thing, now were ya?"

"W-Well, Clover, I... I must say, this is a surprisingly welcome sight to wake up to. And, I'll admit... you two being so coy about 'the thing with her tongue' has me curious. Any chance you could elaborate?"

"Oh? W-Well, then..." All eyes turn to Jill. ...'cept maybe Clover's, but she's outta her skull right now. Anyways, that shinin' star gets a look on her face I can only describe as... hungry. Oh god.

"If you're curious, t-that can be arranged... Bonnie~" As if to drive her point home, she runs her tongue along her lips. The whole tongue, too, whipping up to the top of her muzzle at the end before pullin' it back. I'll give her this, girl's got every way to use that thing committed to memory. She's even sizing Bone up, letting her eyes wander over every inch of those curves. There really is no satiating her, huh?

"...o-oh. Well, then. That... explains a few things. ...gosh, was I really this dense before Ladies' Night...? A-Anyway, that's... maybe. Give it time, we'll see. I'm sure I'll get to know you plenty as we go, then we can... r-revisit this. Oh gosh." The steady rise in the heat on her face is interrupted by a ringtone. Her own, I'd assume, given she stood up straight along with her tail raising.

"That's for another time, I suppose. I need to take this, Penn was going to call about how we'll handle the legal matters going forward, how to split things, all that. Might be a while, so please, enjoy yourselves! I'll be in the kitchen."

From then on, it's all one big game of trading stories about last night. Every detail, move made, and grabbed boob makes its way through our conversation, and I'm sure we'll have more to throw in once Bone gets back. Getting hungry, though, so ya know what? Might as well take advantage of Jill's planning ahead with the donuts. I walk over, search through the box, and settle on a Boston cream. One bite, and the fluffy cream filling oozes out over my tongue, just like I remember.

Sweet stuff aside, though, I do wind up hearing one little tidbit from the phone call goin' on in the kitchen. One that I'll admit has me curious.

"...w-what? I... I can't have heard that right! Say that again, Penn...?"