"Wave, We need to Talk"

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Takes place after the end of Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue.

Ana can't take it anymore, and tells her best Friend, Wave, that she's leaving the team. She's Tense, nervous, and hasn't been fully truthful with him or herself.

[Story concept is roughly 8-9 years old, back when I was trying to figure things out. So, I fixed it up and made it a little better, just as my younger self would have wanted it to be told as.]

Ana walked into the Hut. It was a large space for their whole Rescue Squad to enjoy at once. As per Wave's Request, it was mostly a series of water holes to soak in in all different degrees of temperature. And used her vines to adjust the flower on her leaf, and took a few more breaths. She was not doing well from the start, and it was clear on the Chikorita's Face. She sucked it up, and walked toward to the currently occupied pool of water the Totodile.

"Wave, we need to talk... Wave?

The Totodile just leaned his head back and relaxed, spacing out again. Her bud bristled, and she yelled at him.


He blinked and sat up, looking at the Chikorita in front of him. She was blushing lightly, and looking at him as if she was upset. He paddled over to the side, and threw his arms over, and tilted his head in his usual sassy manner.

"Hey, Ana. How's it-"

"I'm leaving the Team."

Wave blinked for a bit, and stared at her. She eyes were being blocked by her leaf, and she didn't want to meet his gaze. Ana, the Chikorita he found one opportune day, and formed this Rescue Squad with. The one that was so confused about herself that she didn't even know what to say when asked for her name.

"L-Leaving? Leaving where?"

Ana started walking for the entrance.

"Anywhere... I just... Don't want to see you anymore."

Wave jumped out of the pool, nearly tripping over a decorative rock the lined the pool, and ran in front of her.

"What do you mean? What's going on?"

Ana lifted her head slightly, and he could see she was crying lightly. She then covered here eyes again, and tried to walk past him.

"Please... I just want to go."

Wave then touched her shoulders. He tightened his grip on her, and tilted her so they met eye to bloodshot eye.

"What happened? Why are you crying."

With a faint intake of air, the Chikorita's eyes let a floor of water come from them, and she slammed her face into his chest. Her tears would not stop coming, and she kept weeping as she tried to compose words to him. Only tears came out.

"My name is Alan"

The Chikorita looked at her reflection in a pool of water. The Female Chikorita looked back at him, and the reflection started slapping their face when she did. This was very confusing. Alan looked around, and then sat down, spreading her legs. smooth skin leading to a tiny slit that, when she touched it, felt weird, expecting a penis right there. She looked around, and then started running. Being on 4 legs felt weirdly natural, and she didn't know why. She just kept running, unsure of what's going on or why this was happening. Her movement was stopped the second she ran head-long into a bewildered Totodile, and she screamed in fear, cowering into a ball. Wave tilted his head, and then moved over to her side,

"Um... Ms? Are you okay?"

"I- What? You talk!? I'm... Just... Uh. UH!"

The Chikorita's eyes were wide in fear, and she looked around. She the felt him grab her by the shoulders, his claws lightly digging in to stop her from moving around.

"Okay, let's start again... Hi! I'm Wave. What's YOUR name Pretty lady~"

The Chikorita paniced. Not only was the Totodile talking, but was flirting with her. Then she realized it might be weird if she said a Male name.


"Huh, that's a weird name. but I can dig it. I'll try to remember it tonight~"

The amount of almost sleezy charm was palpable. Ana looked around, and then asked,

"Am I a chikorita?"

The Totodile raised an eyebrow,

"Yes... and a Pretty one at that!"

Ana shook her head, and kept looking around, seeing only trees along the riverside. She basically sighed and gave up, putting her head on the ground, sobbing lightly.

"Hey, hey..."

Wave put his webbed claws on her face, lifting her up a bit,

"Are you okay? Do you need a place to rest?"

The Chikorita nodded, still a little sick to her stomach, and a bit delirious. She then saw him grab a flower, and slide it over an ear. The second it touched her, head, the flower slowly integrated with her head, permanently stuck there until she removed it herself.

"There... How about we go into town, get something to drink, and find you some help."

A drink of Water and a rest would be nice.

"Only once?"

"Only Once, yes... NEVER AGAIN."

"But I can keep flirting, right."

"I WILL bite down."

"I get it... I get it..."

Ana sighed, looking at Wave's impressive shaft. After a year of doing this, she finally gave into his pleas, and offered him a SINGLE favor to cash in. He did it immediately, and asked for her to suck him off. Ana was certainly not versed in being on THIS side of one of these, but kind of understood the mechanics of it. She slipped the shaft into her mouth, and rolled her tongue on the underside of the shaft. Wave moaned in ecstasy, and caressed the side of her head. She took more of his shaft, and started blowing him. Suddenly, Wave grabbed her face with the other claw, and started thrusting quickly. Ana instantly was taken out of it as he fucked her face vigorously, barely giving her the ability to breath.

"Oh, yeah... that's the ticket~"

She then left him seize up, and then suddenly cum down her throat.

"Um... No, it's can't be over yet! That was too fast! That never happens, I'm sorry! I'm sorry... Can we go one more- YOWCH! Teeth! TEETH!!!"

She glared up at him. Deep inside, though, that was oddly fun. She wondered if they should do it again at some point.

"Hey... You're Cold..."

Ana shivered as they hunkered down in a Snowy cave as a blizzard roared outside. They were out of supplies, and out of strength to continue to the mountain top. Wave unwrapped their sleeping gear, and noticed one of the blankets got singed too hard when they went through the Lava Patch. He looked at the tiny fire that was being stared of fuel, and the shivering Chikorita. She walked over, and wrapped her in the blanket, and he then used the last of the Firewood to start up the fire, and sat in front of it. He looked over at his friend, companion, and maybe something more. He blinked a bit, and then realized he was laying on the floor. the light was dimmed to nothing, and the blanket was wrapped around him as well. He looked down, and saw Ana was nuzzled into his chest, and he tightened his grip on his lover, and he sighed, not wanting to let go.

Ana cried into the Totodile's chest,

"I told you! I'm not a girl... I'm not a Chikorita... I'm not even a Pokémon... I'm scared! I'm sad, and I don't know why I love you!"

Wave, grabbed her face, and tilted it up so they were looking at each other in the eye.

"I love you too."


Wave stopped her there,

"No no no... After everything we've been through: I. LOVE. YOU! I don't care what you were before you became Ana. I fell in love with you, and nothing is going to change that."

Ana and Wave looked at each other for a prolonged time as Ana's tears dried up, and he sobbing subsided.

Then; they kissed. The two embraced tightly, and they pressed against each other, and kept kissing. Ana then felt the floor on her back, and felt him press against her body. She then felt him shift a bit as he moved up, and she left his tip press against her entrance. She gave it a spin once or twice, but it always felt weird that she no longer had a penis. Wave didn't mind as he slid inside, moaning into her mouth as he started to lightly thrust into her. Something in the back of Ana's head clicks, and her eyes grow wide as she feels him actually fucking her. He starts slow, and slowly builds up speed. Ana and Wave's lips break apart, and she lets out a deep moan as he ruts her on the floor. After a few more thrusts, Wave thrusted in, and he started cumming inside of her. His expectedly premature ejectulation made her chuckle as Wave shutters, and collapse on top of her.


Wave looked up, and Ana kissed him on the tip of the snout.

"I love you too~"