Commission - The Gilded Cell

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#50 of Commissions and Rewards

3911 Words

A princess, a warrior, a lifetime apart... and the gilded bars that separate them come crashing down.

Something fun that I started right before the fun mental spiral. So sorry to the commissioner for the long wait, but I'm glad you thought it was worth it!

Story Contains: Unusual Anatomy, love, heat, impregnation, infidelity, court etiquette, and good ol' love making. Enjoy!

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Also, sorry for the disappearance! Depression got the best of me, and... well, you can help with that. If interested, click here to read a bit more

A cloaked figure slunk down the hallways of the labyrinthine palace, the pale white of their fingers shaking as they held the letter in their hands. This section was off-limits to even most servants, only women and eunuchs allowed here, and very few families still offered children for the second option any more. Though gilded and gleaming in the light of the torches that lined the halls, the scent was not the usual tropical air flowing through the palace, nor the perfumes that pervaded the king's, visitors, and concubine's quarters. There was no mistaking it: he had entered the Maiden's Ward.

The servant brought his cloak up higher, the beautiful flowing water pattern around the hem not out of place in the palace, but still of lower quality than the fine tapestries that hung from the walls. This section of the palace was built like a prison, though mostly to keep people out rather than in. After all, as the half-mast throbbing between his anxious legs revealed, just the scent of the area was enough to drive a male wild. It was important that princesses kept their maidenhood pure. Otherwise, how would they ever serve as future queens, or bargaining chips for far off rulers to strengthen alliances?

Lavish food, access to private baths, eunuch servants waiting on you hand, foot, and tail... it was all a person could dream of, barring the one thing their bodies in heat craved more than anything. And this knave was sneaking through, hands sweating as he clutched the letter. He knew the punishment: likely, he'd become an involuntary servant of this ward, were he found out, but this request was too important to pass up on. Especially with the current circumstances.

He found the room that had been written of, shaking from head to toe with adrenaline that he hadn't been caught yet. There was still one thing barring him, but that had come with the letter: a copy of the key, unlocking the door and letting him in to the lavish suite.

Beyond the gilded door was a decadent cathedral of a room. Lanterns lined the walls and hung from golden chains, bathing the pit in the center with a warm glow to blanket its pillows, cushions, and silks. One wall was open to a private garden save for a thin, fine screen that seemed more a mist than a barrier to block the insects. Beautiful trees, a personal waterfall, fresh fruits and fragrant flowers all filled the luxurious room, while the area around the pit was laden with books, wines, incense, bowls of fruit, jugs of water, and more instruments of self-pleasure in every shape and size, inspired by beasts both mystical and fantastic, than one could hope to use in a lifetime of kinky bedroom ordeals. More than one still glistened in the flickering lamplight.

Surrounded by all these lavish trappings of royalty was Anolina, one of the many princesses the king had produced with his wives and concubines. The day gecko's dark eyes gleamed with an intelligent and playful light, while the green scales that ran down most of her body glimmered like jade, with streaks of rose quartz crossing her nose and regularly lining her back. The light blue of her front and underside was only broken by two points, like peaches, tipping both her breasts, and the blush that rested on her cheeks. Right now her body was nearly on full display, only the thinnest silk veils drifting down from her neck and waist where the intricate golden chains held the flimsy, transparent fabric in place.

As the servant entered the room, Anolina's face lit up, her eyes shining in the light as she beckoned for him to join her in the silken pit. "Come, now, Jackie. I assure you, it's safe in here. You needn't hide beneath that hood. Let me see your face."

He didn't step much closer, but did as she instructed, lowering his cloak. The frilled gecko's green eyes darted around the room for just a moment, searching for some sign of instant retribution, before he smiled, looking at his friend. The dark spots that ran down his body shifted with the motion, and he sighed slightly at the relief he felt. "My Princess, you know it is dangerous for me to be here. Though I got your invitation, will you not get in trouble with your father for this?"

The princess rolled her eyes, placing a hand on her curvy hip, her body a work of art a sculptor would be jealous to get to chisel. And yet, there was a familiarity in those eyes as she giggled. "Come now, Jackie. Has all that warrior training gone to your head? Or have you forgotten how to be relaxed around your old friend Ann?"

A little of the tension left Jackie's shoulders at that, and he stepped into the room, his muscular, toned body moving effortlessly for his regimented training between his shifts at the castle. "Well, it's been rather a long time since you've been my 'old friend Ann.' Primarily you're Princess Anolina, and busy with the affairs of state." As he reached the edge of the pit she reached up, her silky soft hand grabbing his course one and bringing him into the lap of luxury with her, letting the two lounge side by side.

She sighed, leaning against the cushioned wall and tutting apparently to the lantern above her. "Yes, it's true. It's been a good many years since we've been able to do more than wave in passing. And even longer since I've seen your face, rather than the top of your head as you bow in deference. I forgot the white of your underside, you goof." She nudged him on the shoulder, and immediately a sense of that playfulness returned. Two children in the palace, running around the grounds rank and station meaning very little. Laughter, climbing tree, playing pranks... and a connection that spanned all the years to now. She'd always been a little taller than him. She still was, though where life had hardened him into a servant, it had softened her into a princess. "Eat. Drink. Let me find out what you've been doing all these years while I've been stuck learning etiquette and poise."

As nervous as he was, he could only nibble on some of the delicate cakes and fruits resting on the golden platter beside the pit, yet the symphony of flavors that danced upon his tongue and twirled through his mind weren't lost on him. Royal Guardians weren't treated poorly, by any means, but this? The royals really had it made. "Well, not a lot, highn- prin- Ann." He caught himself twice, blushing softly, while she giggled at his awkwardness. "Strength training, troop formations, military etiquette for royal affairs and state events. Bowing to those of higher rank, but keeping a keen eye on any situation. For example: were this not a very well protected wing of the castle and the walls beyond sheer and carefully maintained, one would be worried about the open air. The stone on this side seems so easily climbed, who knows who could get in and what they could get up to with the maidens."

She looked at him with half-lidded eyes, taking in his muscular, toned form. She'd always spotted him practicing balance and poise, muscles rippling as his staff twirled in his hands and the clutches of his tail. He was a beautiful specimen of a lizard from head to toe. She softly licked her lips, cleaning some glazing from a pastry that had 'accidentally' ended up on them. "Oh, I'm sure the maidens wouldn't mind. It is the one thing they crave, after all." The scent of her heat was overpowering here, and the gentle breeze carrying the soothing sounds of the waterfall also ensured Jackie would be swimming in the smell. As though the entire pillowed pleasure pit didn't reek of what she'd been doing to herself alone.

His pupils widened a little at the implication, and he took a sip from the nearest gilded chalice, finding it filled with a sweet yet powerful wine. It burned so wondrously sliding down his throat, complementing the food impeccably. He gasped a little after draining the cup, his courage as a soldier still fighting his nervousness at the current predicament. "Still, it isn't right. The king has reasons for his wishes... reasons I cannot question as a guard." He leaned back, smirking a little. "Though, it's still surprising I got into the guard regiment. After all the pranks we pulled on the cooks, you'd have thought stable hand would've been the best I could manage."

Ann giggled, leaning against his shoulder and prodding his side. His toned body had nearly no give, while he couldn't stop thinking about how soft her scales felt against his. "Well, you were following your princess's orders, after all. The son of a clerk made for a perfect playmate, and nobody would question my judgment. Except you, you scatter-tail"

He laughed, looking at the flickering lanterns above them, then down into her eyes. She had always been beautiful, even when young, and that had only blossomed. In another life... He shook his head, blushing at the insinuation. "Hey! You know that's an involuntary defense mechanism. The head of the guard had me by the tail and was threatening execution or, worse, telling my dad! He still chides me about it."

The princess stuck out her tongue, laughing. "Though with it wriggling in his hand and you skittering out the door, you should've seen the look on their faces! I'd never seen them so stunned." She then nuzzled up to his neck, breathing in the scent of a male, the familiar scent she'd missed for years and hadn't even known. "Besides... you looked adorable while you were growing it back. And it's a magnificent specimen now."

He didn't lean away when she nuzzled him, her touch as electric as it was when they held hands as kids. And that smile had him enchanted, the definition of beauty across her muzzle as she looked into his eyes. His pupils dilated a little, taking in her beauty, while he sighed. "Not nearly as nice as yours. And we weren't able to spend much time together after that..." He left questions unspoken, wondering about what could've been, had they not been so far apart in station. Had he been more bold. Had card played out differently. And in the images running through his mind, a tent began to form in his clothing, his tight servant's garb doing little to conceal it.

A silence grew, both of them simply enjoying the feel and the scent of the other, similar thoughts being shared, though neither expressed them. At least, not until Anolina's hand slid along Jackie's thigh, resting near enough the tent in his tunic to make it clear she had it on her mind. "You know, father has arranged a marriage in the lands far beyond. A rich noble, one that would secure favorable trade relations across the seas." Jackie looked at the resolved look on her face, then down to her hand, where a small golden band was wrapped around her ring finger, an engagement locked against her supple skin. As he looked back at her face, their eyes met, a flash passing between them. "But... I can't go on wondering what could have been. I needed one evening with you... I hope you don't mind." Her fingers slid higher, wrapping around his throbbing length through the clothing.

He gasped at the touch, heart pounding as the beautiful princess gently teased his cock. He swallowed, cursing the situation he'd let himself be in, and yet the sadness that coursed through his veins at her words felt like stinging ice. He couldn't resist her, even leaning forward as she went in for the kiss, their lips meeting in a spark that jolted through both their bodies.

The yearning of years rushed through them both, tails twining together as panting breaths washed over each other's scales. The kiss broke for only a moment, agony rushing from head to toe, before their lips met again, arms wrapping around each other. With lips locked they both moved instinctively, his hands cupping her perfect, firm, yielding breasts, while hers removed his cloak and lifted his tunic to reveal his shaft peeking from his underwear. Another moment and she was over him, pressing into his hand as his fingers teased her nipple, his cloak falling from around his neck and the the chains of her thin clothes released, baring her skin fully to the air.

His other hand slid down her back, rounding that perfect ass before sliding under her tail, feeling the damp heat burning there. His coarse hands were immediately lubricated by her arousal, and at just a touch she moaned, leaping back like she'd been struck by lightning. The tunic was practically ripped from his body, only for their tongues to reconvene their meeting moments later, his fingers sliding into her love tunnel while her soft thighs ground against his drooling shaft.

Sparks rolled through his body every time her scales slid along his shaft, her supple body like silk compared to his hands, when he'd gotten to use them. Just hearing her moans as they kissed, his fingers spreading her lips and her thighs clenching around his cock... Even without entering, he could feel himself building, release achingly close, though his body only wanted that outcome in one particular place.

Suddenly she broke the kiss, her dark eyes looking into his as she moaned her next two words. "Take me." They dripped with passion, and when he heard them, they sounded like the pleas of an angel. And yet, the only motion he made was to pull his hand free of her, his soaked fingers resting on one of the pillows in the pit. Surely it was to make room for his rod, right? But he feared what could happen. As much as he wanted this moment - had dreamed of this moment, had pictured those supple lips spreading for him as his rough hands made an abysmal approximation of what he felt - what punishment would await him? Would a moment of weakness ruin his manhood, or worse. Could it trace to his family? How far would this go?

All the way, as far as Ann was concerned. She needed his cock, needed him, and his hesitation was a signal to take control. Her hips moved forward, smooth scales sliding along his slick member until it lined up with her love tunnel. From his touches, she had bloomed like a flower, and now those delicate petals were sinking over his length, spreading apart and surrounding him with warmth unimaginable. She threw back her head, groaning in ecstasy as she slowly sank down, hips meeting to become one.

He hissed, feeling his cock throb, pre threatening to fire off inside the fertile female riding him. He clenched his jaw, looking up at her pleadingly as she grabbed his shoulders, slowly lifting off of him. The warm night air felt like the arctic compared to the oven within her, and she was preheating it for a very particular bun, he could tell. But could it be his? Looking at her face, at the joy she was showing and the pure pleasure he was giving her... this was all he wanted. He always said he'd risk just about anything for love, but words and actions were two completely different things.

Her hips moved like a dancer's, teasing his length in every direction, her pussy squeezing him perfectly, practically milking his length with every motion. Her moans were siren songs, each one pushing past his hesitation, urging him to take control. As her chest pressed against him her tail wrapped around his to be used as a handle to help slam her onto his cock. She clearly wanted him and only him, her body aching as his was for her. But he had a duty to king and country... One he couldn't quite ignore. As he felt that telltale buildup, rapidly reaching the point of no return, he finally broke his silence.

"Ann! Ann, stop! Please, I can't, STOP!" The last word nearly echoed, and for a moment his heart stopped, wondering if he'd woken the others in this wing with his shout. But the normal sounds returned in the following silence, the water feature designed to drown out moans of pleasure when the maidens tried to combat their own heats. A heat he was sitting here and fucking his old friend in. His cock throbbed, moments from bursting, but he bit it back, glad she'd listened to his pleading. "I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't be here. What of the consequences? The danger of me taking advantage of you in your heated state..." He looked into those beautiful eyes, then away, ashamed. "I wanted it so bad I didn't think."

She slowly lifted his head to look her in the eyes, a hint of sadness in them overpowered by determination. "Jackie... I'm sorry too. I'm using you as well, though, these consequences? That's what I'm hoping for." She leaned back, a hand going to the burning heat of her womb, resting on that fit, fine stomach. "An egg would break the betrothal. Any egg would do, ending the contract and negating my worth as a bargaining chip, and I'd be free of these golden chains." She motioned to her clothes, then glared at the band around her finger, before she leaned forward again, muzzle inches from Jackie's as she sighed. "I don't want to leave, because then I won't have you. Only you will do for me, Jackie. And the only eggs I want, I've ever wanted, have been yours."

The joy on his face was palpable, but the hesitation was clear, with Jackie still not moving, his cock still twitching on a hair trigger. She slipped up off of it, removing the threat as she got even closer, her breath washing over his face, her scent filling the air. "Trust me, Jackie. I'll make it work. I'll protect you. I won't let anything happen to the man that I love. You've trained so hard to protect me and my family... let me protect you."

"Ann..." The silence hung in the air for a moment, her eyes searching his for his answer, before he pressed forward, kissing her deeply. But the motion didn't stop there, taking her off balance and rolling her onto her back, the soft pillows making a nest beneath her while Jackie took the top position, his powerful form shielding her from the cold. Her eyes fluttered as the kiss broke, her body gasping for air, while he slid a finger slowly up her side. "Of course I trust you. How could I not trust the one I've always loved?" He kissed her again, his hand sliding up her arm to hers, fingers twining together as he positioned his hips and thrust forward.

Her fingers clenched as tight as her pussy, the moan caught between them as he took control and filled her to the brim with his shaft. As much as she had needed him, with him doing nothing, the act had mostly been impassioned rubbing. But now it was so much more, her tail pushing her rear to the perfect angle, his nips at her neck making her swoon, their muscles rippling together in this glorious union. They weren't just fucking, or rutting, or getting rid of a heat. They were making love, the tension of the night, and all the years building up to it, melting away with each shuddering gasp that escaped them both.

He was as strong as his training suggested, the impacts of his hips against hers sending waves of pleasure up her spine. One hand wrapped around her back, pressing his chest to her pillowy breasts as his cock ground right against her womb, perfectly hitting all the right places like they were made for each other. "Oh Jackie, right there, I'm about to- Ahn~"

"Me too Ann. Here it comes!" He bit her neck possessively, holding her in the perfect position as their hips met and his shaft exploded, warm splashes of cum firing deep inside her and hitting their mark. Like the marksman he was trained to be, every shot was a direct hit, painting her womb white, while her body milked him perfectly, ensuring every last drop got right where it needed to go to break both this heat and the gilded shackles she wore. His grunts and her wordless cries of pleasure harmonized, their hearts beating together as words unspoken for years were made manifest within her.

She stopped holding herself up, the both of them falling fully into the pillows as she wrapped her legs around his, pulling him closer as he started to slide free. He chuckled, nuzzling her softly, while she did the same, enjoying his warmth and closeness more than anything in the world. Slowly spent cum oozed its way out of her, dripping down and wetting one of the pillows between them, but neither cared, just caressing each other and gazing into each other's eyes like newlyweds.

Time marched on, though, and Jackie looked nervously to the door. Every moment spent in this bliss was another chance of being caught, and he didn't like his chances if found in her chamber. Sensing this, Ann simply hugged him close, kissing him softly on the top of his head. "I won't let anything happen to you. Don't worry Jackie."

"But if I'm caught in your room... Or worse, not at my morning post..." The lashing he'd get from his superior was probably about as bad as any immediate punishment for being in the room. And his captain knew how to put fear in their troops. But Ann pouted, caressing his cheek.

"Aww... I wanted to feel your morning post. But I guess there will be plenty of time for that later." She kissed him softly, then motioned to the door. "Just be careful leaving. If you're gonna get caught, you might as well be loving me while you do it."

It was clear he was conflicted, her warm, soft scales feeling much too amazing to leave, but that was the problem with clandestine meetings. They had to remain a secret until the time was right. Slowly he slid free of her pussy, watching it ooze for a moment and knowing she would be growing with his egg soon. It made him thrill, and once he put on his clothes and gave her one last, long, loving kiss, he left the room.

Ann watched him go with a sinking heart, but only because she wanted a cuddle partner. For the first time in days she felt properly satisfied, the heat within her dying down. But, just to be sure, she took her favorite toy and slid it into place, the wyvern's ridges perfect for locking away the life giving seed within her. She sighed, then leaned back on the pillows, smiling fondly at the memories of this amazing night. It, along with many more to come, would be comforting memories for when Jackie was out in the field, and the twins currently taking root would only be the start of their loving lives together.