Something New and Exciting 2

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#2 of Something New and Exciting

Kian encourages his father's slutty side.

Richard couldn't look at Kian on their way home. After Kian gathered his clothes and hopped into his car, he noticed that his father's eyes focused in every direction but his own, and whenever he moved, the older dog would subtly cringe backward as though afraid of what Kian might do. Subtle shifts of his hips gave away his eagerness, his rump grinding against the seat as his nose wiggled, no doubt catching a whiff of Kian's scent on the air.

Pretending not to notice the submissive habits his father showed, Kian respectfully left him alone for the ten-minute drive home. Picturing everything he wanted to do to his father's fat ass as soon as he could access it without risking a car crash, he tried to keep the corners of his muzzle from curling up. When he attempted to get a job at the massage parlor, he mostly needed money to move out of his father's house, but more than that, he wanted an easy source of ass to feed his appetites. Now, he didn't need to worry about either of those problems. If he could cure his father of his hesitation, he'd have an eager, submissive daddy at his beck and call~.

Stepping out of the car with his tail between his legs, Richard plodded to the front door, his feet carrying him faster than his frame would seem to support. Hurriedly unlocking the door before Kian could reach him, he hurried through the door, looking from side to side as if worried someone would see him.

Seizing the opportunity to corner his father, Kian kicked the door closed behind them, pressing him up against a nearby wall and giving him no room to slink away. "What's the matter, daddy? Don't you want to look at me?" He teased, gently pressing the pad of his nose against the chubbier dog's and slipping a hand under his shirt to squeeze one rounded pec.

"Kian. Kian, stop. We need to talk." Trying to sound stern despite his voice breaking, Richard squirmed, his ears twitching and his tail involuntarily wagging as Kian molested his soft chest. "We can't do this. It's wrong and fucked up, and I don't want to think about it again. Please, let go of me. We'll order dinner so that we don't have to see each other, and once you move out, we never have to speak of this again."

Bringing his other hand up to take hold of Richard's second pec, Kian squeezed his nipples, a growl coloring his voice. "No. Do you think you can give me a taste and then walk away?" Clicking his tongue, Kian nipped at Richard's lower lip, pressing forward until the bulge of his manhood smothered the older canine's. "I think I might move into your bedroom. I'll sleep like a puppy, knotted to this juicy ass." Surging forward, he took advantage of the shy dog's opening maw, stuffing his tongue past trembling lips and wrestling Richard's tongue into submission.

Silenced by the tongue in his maw, Richard's anger melted into submission, his growing cock dueling with Kian's as his hands pushed at the younger canine's in a desperate, futile attempt to deny his attraction. Muffled whimpers, like music to Kian's ears, vibrated through their mouths as Richard tried to turn his head, to escape the deepening licks grazing the back of his throat and filling his maw with the taste of Kian's drool. Spreading his legs as if giving up, he welcomed Kian's grinding shaft, his less impressive manhood tenting his slacks.

"Isn't it freeing to be honest with yourself?" Slipping his arms from underneath Richard's shirt, Kian trailed his fingers down the row of buttons, revealing fluffy, panting fur with each pop. "You want to lift your tail for me. There's no denying that, but I think there's something else you want even more. You want to bury your face in my balls, don't you? To lick them clean and sear my scent into your nose."

Shivering, with a vulnerable, almost ashamed expression, Richard nodded almost imperceptibly, his nostrils flaring as Kian played with his exposed tits, thumbing his hardened nipples in slow circles. Still seemingly unsure, he relaxed into Kian's touch, settling into his submissive role but not giving himself completely. Words seemed too much for his lust-drunk brain, and he couldn't meet Kian's eye.

"Aw, are you too shy to ask? I'll make it easier for you. Repeat after me: 'Please, Kian, let me sniff you.' Say those words, and we'll settle down all comfy-cozy, and you can huff your fill. Your car was so warm that I've worked up quite a sweat, so I should be extra musky." Lowering his mouth to the older canine's neck and trailing soft licks and gentle kisses along the shuddering fur, he groped Richard's jiggling chest more firmly, reddening pink nipples with gentle, tugging pinches.

"P-Please-" Steadying himself on Kian's body, his paws resting on the muscular dog's shoulders, Richard took a shuddering breath. "Please let me sniff you." Finishing his sentence with a trailing, quiet whimper, Richard finally gave into temptation, leaning into Kian's massaging fingers.

"That wasn't so hard, was it, daddy? You're just so adorable when you're honest." Tilting Richard's head, Kian leaned in for another deep kiss, mashing his crotch against the older canine's and letting him feel the sheer weight of his arousal. Nipping his lower lip, he carefully led the chubby dog toward the living room, his fingers lowering to cup heaping paws full of daddy's ass.

Breaking his dominating liplock once they reached the couch, Kian sat back, his legs spread and bulging denim outlining his shaft, wetness spreading at the tip of his cock. "Pants off, and I'll let you unwrap your treat. I want to see just how much you enjoy this." Commanding the older male and rubbing the bulge of his shaft, Kian purposefully met Richard's gaze, unwilling to let him forget who he was servicing. There was something too delicious about their dynamic; he wouldn't have it ruined by wishful thinking.

Still hesitant despite his helicoptering tail, Richard unbuttoned his pants, letting them fall to the floor and revealing a distinct lack of underwear beneath. Shifting uncomfortably, he clenched his paws, his fingers moving to try to cover his manhood before he caught himself, jutting his dripping shaft forward and spreading his legs to show damp fur marked by the drip of Kian's cum from his rump. "C-Can I-?" Biting his lip, he openly ogled Kian's cock.

Spreading his legs and kicking off his shoes, Kian reached for a nearby pillow, handing it to the bashful older canine. "Put that under your knees. You'll be down there for a while, and I don't want you to get rugburn." Leaning back and placing his paws on either side of his legs, Kian offered his crotch to the ravenous older canine, his legs spread wide.

"O-Oh. Thank you." Looking as though he wanted to say something, Richard dropped to his knees, shuffling forward until only inches separated him from Kian's bulge. Nearly hyperventilating, he reached out, drool dripping from his lips as his nose twitched, inching closer until the pad touched Kian's pre-stain. With the air of someone unwrapping a long-awaited present, he rolled the denim down, peeling it from Kian's legs and tugging his pants off, his eyes following the heavy flop of Kian's cock against his stomach, still straining against the fabric of his boxers.

Slipping down until his thighs wreathed Richard's cheeks, Kian guided his eagerly snuffling snout against heavy balls, smirking as warm breath dampened his underwear. "Such a greedy daddy. I wish I'd known how well-behaved you were. I could have claimed you years ago. I bet my Eighteenth birthday would have been much more fun if I spent the night inside you."

"Y-You're not turned off by how I look?" Meek and muffled by Kian's balls, the older canine traced the base of Kian's cock with his nose, tentative paws rolling against his waistband and slowly tugging his boxers down to free Kian's dribbling shaft. Swallowing with a shudder as Kian's member flopped heavily against his nose, he nuzzled in, sniffing leathery balls while sticky strings of approval messed his head fur.

"Do you think I'd be this hard if I didn't want to breed you?" Scratching behind Richard's ear, Kian guided his drooling tip down along the bridge of his muzzle, leaving a claiming trail of arousal until his cocktip smeared through dripping drool. "You're so soft and welcoming. It's like I'm fucking a nice, warm marshmallow. And don't even get me started on how mindblowing this muzzle is."

Eyes sparkling with Kian's compliments, Richard stared up at him, enfolding the tip of Kian's cock in wet warmth and reverently wrapping his knot in eager paws. Tail helicoptering at his praise, he made love to Kian's cock, his tongue rolling along the underside with each shallow suckle and his maw growing messier with the steady drip of Kian's masculinity. Hints of shame reappeared in his eyes, but he seemed to warm to the idea of submitting to his son.

Easing the process with stroking paws and gentle praise, Kian doted on Richard, bucking his cock with every eager tonguing. "That's it. Nice and slow. We've got all night." Resisting the urge to fuck his father's mouth as he had on their first mating, Kian offered himself to the worshipping dog, his legs spread to give a gently bobbing head and stroking paws room to work.

Melting into a submissive puddle, Richard cradled and massaged Kian's balls, his lips kissing the younger dog's sheath with every slow stroke. Big puppy dog eyes stared up at Kian, filled with appreciation and a strange, perverse sort of love as if Richard silently thanked him for taking charge and showing him his place. Speeding bobs seemed determined to earn his reward, and soft thumbs stroked the space behind Kian's knot.

Feeling his orgasm approaching, Kian took a firm hold of chubby cheeks, pulling Richard's maw from his shaft and slowly grinding his drooling tip against desperate, whimpering lips. "Uh-uh. Daddy needs to be marked. You've already gotten filled twice." Flopping his cock between Richard's chubby pecs, Kian sawed his shaft between soft, jiggling hills.

Unable to resist the allure of the panting dog's face and his jiggly, chubby tits, Kian painted the pretty sight in shotgun blasts of cum, marking him as the bitch he was always meant to be. Dripping strings of masculinity smeared through white fur and dripped from pink nipples, a few shots even basting his heaving, soft stomach.

Licking his lips, Richard squirmed, his cock seemingly painfully hard as he basked in Kian's cum. Looking at his son in wonder, he rubbed the sticky gift into his fur, his fingers digging into chubby flesh and his paw pads playing with his nipples. "W-Wow. S-So much." Reaching out, he stroked Kian's still spasming dick, eyes nearly crossing to follow the slow drip of the last few drops of cream.

"Come here, daddy." Patting the seat next to him and helping Richard to his feet with a grunt, Kian dragged him into a lazy embrace, arm around the older dog's shoulders. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it? Nothing to be ashamed of, just two adults exploring what they want." Uncaring about his sweat-drenched, he tilted the embarrassed older dog's face to the side, offering another form of scent for him to huff under his arm.

Entranced by Kian's sweaty fur, Richard nodded, his nose easing into the offered armpit. "I-I guess not. Maybe it's not so bad to explore." Like a seasoned musk-slut, he nuzzled into the swampy space, his lips suckling at dripping fur to taste Kian. Without warning, his thighs clenched, his small, thick cock releasing a few thin strings of cum to dribble weakly over Kian's thigh.

"I'm glad you agree. I've never had such an obedient daddy to play with before, and there are so many kinky things I want to try." Lifting his arm and stroking Richard's ears as his tongue grew sloppier and his body twisted for a better angle Kian watched the older man's fat ass jiggle below his fanning tail. His cheeks still sticky with Kian's earlier load, he looked so deliciously slutty that Kian wanted to give him another batch of puppy batter. Sadly, his cock wouldn't cooperate, stubbornly retreating into his sheath.

Licking his lips as he finished cleaning Kian's pit, Richard finally seemed to notice the rest of Kian's body, his fingers tracing over padded muscle. "When did you get so damn hot? All this muscle. Maybe I should lay off the sweets to look like you." Some of his personality seemed to return the longer he spent in his new role as Kian's cockslut, though he seemed a bit more relaxed than Kian ever remembered him being.

"Dad, I work out every damn day. Did you never question where I was from six pm to eight?" Chuckling, Kian flexed his chest under squeezing paws, making his pecs bounce. Admittedly his fluffy fur hid most of his physique, making him look chubbier than he was. Only his ass showed its actual size. Jiggly but perky and undoubtedly inherited from his father, though Richard's glorious mountains put him to shame.

"Drinking with friends? I don't think we've had a conversation longer than thirty seconds since you turned eighteen." Shrugging, he sighed and leaned into Kian's embrace, chuckling ruefully. "Fuck. How fucked up is it that it took me sucking your cock to get us to spend time together?" Tentatively, he reached out, his paw playing with Kian's sticky sheath.

"Yeah, we could have been discussing your cock addiction years ago. Poor daddy." Teasing the slowly stroking older dog, Kian followed his lead, playing with Richard's massive breeder balls and dipping a finger into his sheath to play with his short, fat shaft. "Feels nice to be able to flaunt that sexy ass, huh? It must have been agony keeping your tail down all these years when all you want to do is beg for a knot."

"Hey, I'm still your dad. Don't push your luck." Richard couldn't hide his shudder, pressing closer until his lips were inches from Kian's. "You think my ass is sexy?" He asked, adorably shy and fishing for compliments. "Everybody seems to want a younger guy with a tight body and a bubble butt these days. I feel like a gross fluffy blob."

"You're just snuggly. I wouldn't change a thing about you." Coaxing Richard to sit on his lap, Kian took double hands full of that perfect chubby butt and nuzzled into sticky pecs, chomping down on yielding flesh in a gentle bite. "Give me about five minutes. I'll have you whimpering my name while I show you how goddamn sexy you are."

"Mmph. Not so rough. You'll leave a mark." Rocking his hips softly in approval of Kian's love bites, the older dog closed his eyes, wriggling until his experienced hole kissed Kian's sheath tip, smeared with the sticky remnants of his drool and mostly dried cum. Wrapping his arms around Kian's shoulders, he smothered the younger dog in softness, his ass enfolding Kian's lap completely.

Taking Richard's words as a challenge, Kian wreathed a nipple with his teeth and bit down, careful not to draw blood. Claws dug into the softness of the older canine's rump and his hips pumped up, his cock already starting to awaken. Richard was in for a long night, and Kian expected to breed him until he couldn't walk, but this was only a warm-up. Kian had so many plans for his slutty father. So many toys to try, so many things to do. So many new and exciting opportunities.