Project 13 (Prologue)

Story by Unknownfur13 on SoFurry

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First story so please let me know how it goes as well as any advice, please comment

sorry this chapter is kinda confusing at first but im doing one of those things that starts right in the middle of the story.... so in time everything will be explained

I am also a Otaku (google it) so that is where some of my inspiration comes from

Tonight is the night that it ends........

The whole building was in a panic, he could hear the main alarm going off and the various guards and soldiers running around the compound trying to locate him. Every so often he would hear reports from the soldiers over the radio he stole off of one of the guards. The soldiers on the other end frantically reported that there was no sighting of "Him" also where they were and now where they were going to search, this information made it very easy for him to avoid the places he knew there would be a lot of guards and pick a new route with the least amount of resistance.

He knew this place intimately; with all the time he had spent here he memorized every corridor, every room inside and out. This "prison" he was in was a living hell, even the way it looked was enough to drive anyone mad if they spent more than a week straight down here. The hallways lacked even the simplest stimuli, the walls, ceiling, and floors were a pale white and they seemed to blend into one another, there were no windows anywhere and the only light source was from the fluorescent lights up above which created a bleak and hopeless environment. The rooms were soundproof so the only noise was the soft "Bzzzzzzzz" coming from the fluorescent lights. No clocks were kept anywhere on the compound, and anyone without a watch was left to wonder how long they had been trapped in this hell hole. This building lacked a soul, everything was artificial and there was no emotion anywhere... it was literally "hell on earth".

As he was quickly making his way through the halls, something caught his attention causing him to stop dead in his tracts and made his ears turn towards the sound. It was one of the soldiers yelling

"I think I picked up his trail! He's this way, follow me!"

He was a little confused as to why they picked up his trial so quickly but looking back and examining where he had just been answered his question. Behind him was a trail of blood, which had followed him since his first kill and the beginning of his "revenge". Examining himself closer he noticed that his paws were covered in the blood that left the trail, the blood matting down his fur as well. Also, the katana that he had acquired was also covered in blood; drops of the crimson liquid would roll down the length of the blade and then fell to the floor, leaving little splatter marks on the ground. He flicked the sword causing the blood of fly off and leaving a spray pattern on the wall, which also left the blade clean. He decided to press forward, it didn't matter that anyone knew where he was, and no one in this base was fast enough to keep up with him let alone capture him.

Rounding the corner, he was unfortunate enough to run into two guards who were stationed at their posts. The guards at the compound were protected by the best armor on the market but it held no power to that of his blade.

The bear guard was the first to speak "There he is!"

"Shoot to kill!" yelled the second guard which was a rat.

Both guards raised their guns, he sighed "Stupid bastards, when will they learn that guns have no affect on me" he thought to himself. The two guards pulled their triggers and the room was filled with the sound of rapid gun fire, the shots echoed through the corridor and bullets ripped through the air at blinding speeds. He, however, saw things a little differently, his eyes were special; he could see the bullets move at a manageable speed and dodged them with ease. From his perspective the bullets moved no faster than someone lazily throwing a ball and his body's speed and movements matched his eyes, to him it looked like walking slowly and easily dodging the projectiles as they roared past him and making his way to the guards. To normal eyes, however, this looked completely different. Normal eyes could not keep up with his movement and his movements would look like a blur until his slowed down enough to the point where normal eyes could detect him.

As the guars shot at him he disappeared, only to reappear no more than a second later right in front of the guards. Before either guard had a chance to react, he flipped his sword to expose the bladed side and with a quick upward slice he cut off the first guards arms (right about the middle of the forearm) and quickly spinning around and slashed the second guard from the right shoulder to the left hip, completely cutting him in half, then returning to the first guard (who just now realized his arms were gone) flipping the sword backwards and with his back still turned, driving the sword upwards and stabbing him from his bottom jaw all the way through the top of his head, before pulling the sword out causing blood to spray everywhere.

He stood up and wiped the blood from his faced, his fur now matted down, and looked at his kill. Blood completely covered the area and the once pale and lifeless hallway was now alive with the new color of the crimson liquid, the spatter patterns and blood pooling beneath the two lifeless bodies gave it a little extra life.

As the scent of blood reached his nose he doubled over in pain and fell to his knees, his left eye burned behind its bandages and he felt like he was losing control, his "hunger" was taking over. Flatting his ears to his head and wincing in pain he slowly managed to stand up and grab the blade that he had dropped. "I can't lose it here" he thought "I need something to hold me over" as he picked up the sword he opened his muzzle and slid his tongue along the length of the blade, taking up every last drop of blood and leaving the sword clean. Slowly his pain went away and he calmed down, regaining control, his eye still burned but he had to ignore it. "I have already fed too much today, if I take in any more I will lose control and I still haven't completed my objective..... I have to keep moving"

Putting his paw up to his eye to dull the pain he looked back one last time and disappeared, due to his great speed. "No mercy" he thought to himself, "Not after what they did to me... What they turned me into, and especially not after what they did to him!" that last thought made him furious on the inside but he had to suppress it. He had no emotions, the only time he felt emotions is when he "borrows" them from another fur or when "IT" is dangerously close to coming out. He was dead on the inside, no emotions, and had a cold emotionless look on his face, he feels nothing when he kills and his expression doesn't change when he takes another furs life, that dead stare that seems like he's looking right through you. He was the perfect weapon, that's how they made him, but this weapon backfired.

He rounded the corner and came upon two large doors that blocked him from his next destination; he slowly walked over to the lock mechanism and thrust his sword into the lock causing a malfunction and the doors to open. When he walked through them he was greeted by a small army for soldiers, guards, and anyone else who got a hold of a gun.

"Shit" he muttered under his breath, a handful of guards were nothing but a small army might cause him some trouble. His left eye started to burn again and he couldn't fight it any longer. He hated using "IT's" power but he had no choice and he was strong enough to stay in control.

The army took up their weapons and all set their sites on him, hundreds of red dots illuminated him and covered every in of his body as someone in the crowd yelled out...


"I hate using this" he sighed; he tightened his grip on the sword and brought it up to his wrist, letting the blade rest on his fur.


He dragged the blade across his wrist cutting deep into his flesh letting his "weapon" flow free from his veins.


Stay tuned to see what happens next and the origin of "Him" also the explanation on how this story began and what it is about.

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