Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Ten

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#11 of Gaining Lost Time

Chapter Ten

"End of Semester"


Furry Sith Lord

I woke up and saw that it was evening outside the small window in my room. I couldn't remember returning to my dorm the last thing I remember was being in the Cafeteria with Justin and Lou gave me clover and then I awoke in my room.

I was not sure if Lou had actually been there or had I imagined him giving me clover. I had been bothered lately recanting my tale about how I came from the future and I was reliving the memories of my father being killed. I wondered if I had just hallucinated the whole thing.

The trouble was that Lou and I were still not on the best of terms. He saw me as competition rather than a fur that would one day become his son. Of course there would honestly be no way he'd ever know I was his son until I actually told him. Oziah wanted me to keep that a secret until he understood more about time travel.

I just could not figure out how he could learn more about it since I am the first and only time traveler that we know of. Movies and television address this stuff but none of the stories are real so we can't take what they say as being factual.

So talking to Lou about this seemed so problematic that I knew I had to avoid this with him. He disliked me enough as it is and telling him this might push him over the edge. My interactions with him might explain his dislike of rare white fur species.

I wonder what he thought when he first saw my brother and me? Did he remember me, as Eastwood, when he saw us? Maybe the only reason why he bought us was because of my interactions with him in this time period. This line of thinking reminded me why I hate time travel.

We have about a week left before the semester ends. My roommates were all packed and were moving in a day or so to get an early start back towards their homes. I really didn't feel bad about them leaving since we still didn't know each other and they showed no interest in me. It was basically like living with strangers and it would be nice to have the place to myself so I could stretch out more. I mostly remained in my room as they occupied the rest of the dorm room. Finally I'd have the place to myself.

Justin was telling me that Lou had been spending a lot of time with him. He had been trying to get Justin to spend the summer with us because of some summer job Oziah wanted them to do. Lou wanted to make sure everything went according to plan, as he usually did, and he was not about to leave anything to chance.

On the floor next to the door of my room I found a sealed envelope addressed to me. Opening it I saw a letter from my advisor requesting a meeting about the incident that happened yesterday.

"Great," I mumbled under my breath. I had no idea what to tell him because the whole thing seemed strange to me. I didn't want to tell him about Justin because he might get in trouble and what would I say about my father? I may have dreamed of my father giving me clover and I took ill from it?

I got myself ready because the appointed time was for this afternoon. I showered and wore my best t-shirt and jeans so that I looked respectable but not as uptight as my father looks. Of course none of the clothes I was given were as expensive as his suits.

I waited outside his office to b e called inside and was reminded of the times Uncle Jon had to do this with me. It didn't happen very often but the few times I was called it scared the stripes off my fur. Now I was feeling that again.

My left arm began to hurt and it suddenly became translucent as I looked at it. If I could I'm turn another shade of white as I watched it and the fear was rising inside me. After about a minute my arm stopped hurting and returned to normal. I began to fear that this event marked what could mean my death.

I thought about what could be happening and although I needed to speak to Juystin and Oziah about this, I came to a couple of conclusions. The first thing I thought of was that my body was breaking down and soon I would fade away into nothing. Maybe I had changed the timeline somehow and my very existence was being erased. This meant I needed to fix things or I may cease to exist.

The second possibility was that the timeline was trying to correct itself and that I was being sent back to my present time. This might not be a bad thing, but it's scary to watch yourself begin to fade away. There is no telling if this is what is really happening or something else.

I suddenly felt someone sit down next to me and I saw Leggo and he was holding Jon's paw as Jon was rolling his eyes. He made Jon sit on the other side of me.

"Hey," I said weakly.

"Heard you got in trouble. I hate these meetings so I thought you could use some company." Leggop said then I turned to look at Jon.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm only here because he made me." Jon complained.

"He threaten to steal your undies again?" I asked playfully. I was trying to calm my nerves and hopefully dad and Uncle Jon could do it... although they had no idea they would one day become my dad and Uncle Jon.

"Worse, he'd strip me down to my fur and tie me upside down to a flagpole." he replied and he glared at Leggo who pretended not to notice.

"My dad... did that to a bully once. I never actually saw it but this kid was picking on my brother Lyon and made him start crying... he did that a lot as a cub. Anyway my dad heard and stripped the bully down to his fur and tied him upside down from a tree. He left him there for his parents to find. He never made fun of my brother again." I said and realized it had been forever since I last saw Lyon. I was really starting to miss him and hoped he was doing OK. More than likely he hasn't even noticed I've been missing.

"OK the stripped down to your fur part I get because it's embarrassing to have other species look at you and think you have no status. It's the upside down part I don't get." Jon remarked.

"It makes you feel dizzy and sometimes you have a headache plus your eyes feel like they are gonna fall out of your head." They both flinched and looked at me. I felt my ears lower as I tried to think of a way to explain. It was kinda embarrassing to get into because when dad did that to us we loved every minute of it.

"Our dad used to take us to our beds by holding us by our feet and carrying us upside down. Don't get me wrong we loved every minute of it but that was how I felt at times and honestly... I would give anything if he could do that again but I'm too big now."

"If I ever have a litter of my own I promise to do that with them. I'll take pictures of them and those shots will never be deleted. I will keep them forever!!!" Leggo said triumphantly. I chuckled because I remember the picture of him standing in only his fur as he held Lyon while he was crying. It was the kinda picture I, personally, would want deleted but I wonder if my dad ever got rid of it.

"If you ever want a litter you need to find a girl, buddy." Jon said.

"How do you know when you're in love with someone?" Leggo asked .

"My father explained it like this to me. How you feel determines what kind of relationship you'll have. When you love someone, I mean really love someone, you want to spend every moment of your life with them. You want to bring them pleasure more than yourself because pleasing them brings you a different kind of pleasure you can't get by only satisfying yourself.

Father told me had had sex with a few partners when he was in school. It had nothing to do with love it was just him fucking so he could bust a nut inside them. Until he met my dad he never really loved anyone else. He never knew that he liked other boys either but dad was a number of firsts for him but that first time they made love to each other he described it as magic and then he actually knew what it meant to be in love. Until then he was just playing the part.

"When you put it like that then I guess I've never been in love before." Leggo said and I turned to glare at Jon as he started snickering.

"You? the world oldest virgin? You don't think anyone would ever believe you've been in love before?!" Jon jeered. Leggo looked at him with a touch of pain but let the comment go.

Did someone say virgin? They must be talking about Leggo." Will said as he invited himself into the conversation.

"What do you want?" Leggo groaned as he rolled his eyes. Will put his arm around Leggo's shoulder and Leggo made a face as he smelled the tiger's musk scent. Leggo had to fight the urge to vomit and he quickly covered his snout and moved away.

"What?" Will asked in surprise but no one responded. "Anyway, what are you guys doing over break?" Will went on to ask.

"Visit my grandparents and hang out with my best bud." Leggo smiled and he saw a look of happiness in Jon's eye.

"I'll be visiting my family... at least I hope to, if everything works out like I hope it will." I said and I can not describe the joy I felt as Leggo smiled at me. It made me feel like I was one step closer to going home.

"Tyger Panthera-T?!" my counselor said as he opened the door to his office. My tummy suddenly felt like a rock that was knocked off a cliff. Leggo gave my paw a strong but sharp squeeze and I rose to go inside.

I saw Oziah standing with Lou and Justin as I made my way over to them. The meeting was fine and it seemed that Oziah had taken care of everything and the whole matter was going to just blow over. I had a feeling Oziah was going to have other plans for me but I knew I would not find out until later what they were.

"Are you ready to leave? I've had all your stuff packed and stored so we can depart immediately."

"Hey Justin, see you after the break?" I said as I attempted to fist bump him with my paw to his tail.

"What are you talking about?" Justin asked as his little snake tongue hissed out of his mouth as he tasted the air.

"You are coming back next semester?" I asked the question and the idea he might not be returning surprised me. He is the same age as my father and I believe they both have 1 semester left before they can graduate.

"No I mean, I'm coming with you guys!" Justin said and I shook my head in response then I looked at Lou as he was smirking to himself.

"Lou asked me to join his team and his father pulled some strings so I'm spending the break with you guys to get things rolling." Justin explained. I glared at Lou as he was pretending to ignore me. I knew he was watching my reaction closely even as he pretended to ignore me.

"From the notes we went over I can guarantee we can finish the machine by the end of next semester. There are a couple of things that I need your help with but once we figure those out we can be up and running in no time." Justin concluded.

"Wait, you figured out the machine?" I asked incredulously.

"Once you explained it and showed me the diagrams it was easy. If it wasn't for you then something like this would not be possible!" Justin said as he beamed with pride. I heard a grunt from Lou who seemed unimpressed by the whole exchange even though he was pretending to ignore us.

"You're a better man than I am." I replied and I felt Oziah put his hooves on my shoulders. Something about it just silenced me immediately as it felt like something my father would do to get my attention.

"I've been discussing things with your friend and even I am amazed by his genius. However I will agree that you are equally as skilled," Oziah said then he leaned in real close so that only I could hear the last remark he made. "It is to be expected from family after all." He whispered and when none of the others were not looking he gave my head a quick kiss. I felt my face get hot as I blushed but luckily no one else saw.

I caught a glimpse of Roni sitting nearby watching us but trying to pretend as if he wasn't. I quickly excused myself from the group while they made a few last minute preparations.

"Hey Roni," I said to him and he turned to glare at me. He sat spread eagle on the bench as he watched me very closely as I quickly stomped my feet towards him.

"What do you want?" He growled then his expression immediately changed as I swiftly kicked him in his balls and I reached out and grabbed his maw to pull him close.

"That is for Lyon, you some of a bitch!" I said then stormed off as he sat there stupidly trying to figure out who Lyon was.

We arrived at the mansion and Justin looked around with the expression as if he had just swallowed gum as he looked around. I tried remembering what my expression was when I first arrived here after my brother and I were bought and brought home. I guess I was so used to the place that I could not remember my first thoughts.

I think I was mostly nervous about what dad and father were going to do to us. Father was always so strict that he was scary while dad was fun and we felt like we had to earn father's trust. The thing was that he was everything that I am not and I wanted to be like him. Smart, powerful, and able to protect my family, which was just Lyon at the time.

Because of his power we feared he would sell us at the drop of a hat if we made any kind of mistake. Which was why we sought his approval so that he would want us around.

"I've never seen anything like this?!" Justin said in wonder.

"Yes my father feels we should live modestly because bragging is a flaw the weak do." Lou said and I turned and smiled at him as his cheerful expression changed and he glared at me. I have to constantly remind myself that my father hates to lose no matter what it is he's playing at.

"You call this modest? Now my family lives modestly, this is just the grandiose of the weak. Still not every family can be as strong as mine." I said and the look of death from Lou made me smile but the smile from Oziah as he caught on to me made it better.

"Speaking of your family, they already know you will be working for me over the break. To pay back the semester I've paid for. You and Justin will be sharing a room together." Oziah said as he placed his arms around both of our shoulders and he led us inside towards our room.

"The movers will be here in an hour and drop off your stuff. You can set up the room how you like in a way that will help you be more productive over the next 4 weeks. You'll meet the staff you will be working with in the morning bright and early so make sure you get plenty of rest." Oziah instructed as he released us then just before he was about to leave he scruffed me and I helplessly left the roo with him.

"A word Mr. Eastwood." He said firmly and I knew I had little choice in the matter.

"Yes sir,"

"Any more episodes with your paw? Or any other limbs?" he asked softly.

"I've had a couple. The trouble is that we have no idea what is happening to me. Justin helped me come up with a couple of theories but we can't be sure they are even correct at this point." I explained.

"What are they? These theories you came up with?"

"Well, one is that I may have changed the past and my future is being erased. The trouble is I don't know what I could have done to cause that."

"Did you meet your parents?" Oziah asked.

"Not that I'm aware of. There is a tiger at school named Will that said he had a nephew born with rare white fur but he died. My brother Lyon thinks that Will and I might be related but there isn't much evidence to prove that."

"Don't you felines have excellent senses of smell? Maybe you and that tiger smell similar." Oziah said and I cringed.

"Oh my paws I hope not! Do you know how bad he smells!" I replied and Oziah chuckled.

"I'll run a DNA test and see if I can find a match just in case the first theory is correct. What are the others?"

"The other two are close to being similar. One is that my body is trying to return to my original time period and time itself is trying to fix the mistake of me being sent through time."

"OK, and the last theory?" Oziah asked.

"That I'm dying and I'll die before the machine is completely built. As you mentioned in the letter you sent my dad."

"Most unfortunate. I'll take you to a vet tomorrow. I want a blood sample checked and a DNA test. Maybe we can learn something to help us better understand what is happening. This leads me to another question.

Let's say you are dying, will sending you home stop that from happening?" Oziah asked.

"We... dunno but all this started when I was sent here so maybe it is time trying to correct it's mistake." I replied and Oziah nodded then walked away leaving me to return in the room and decide with Justin how we wanted to set things up.

When I entered the room Justin was busy setting up a radio. I watched him wondering what he was going to listen to because he had never mentioned any radio programs he liked.

"Oh hey, you're back. Hurry before it starts!" Justin said excitedly.

"Before what starts?" I asked and he looked at me skeptically. I just shrugged because I did not remember him talking about this.

"It's my favorite radio program! This guy is a host and people call in talking about a ton of weird stuff like aliens from outer space and UFOs or the supernatural. The host is really cool because he listens and he's like OK, sure, wow, and nice. I don't think he believes them for a second but he just has this calm, relaxing voice and he tries to 'seem' supportive."

"What's it called?" I asked.

"A Toast to The Coast. It stars Arty Carnabell, but not sure if that's a real name or a stage one. Tonight should be a good one because he's talking to a fur that says he's traveled through time."

"What?!" I replied making sure I heard him correctly.

"He's been advertising this for a few days now. I was hoping we could hear it together to see if it could help us." Justin said.

"Wait so how do we know that this is true and not just a story someone made up?" I asked skeptically.

"I dunno, we just have to listen and decide for ourselves if it's true or not." Just said his voice, and scent, carried a bit of hurt and I guessed it was because I was not as excited as he was. The truth is that I wanted to believe it was true and that this program could actually help me but feelings alone don't make things true.

The big thing that I've learned is that evidence makes something true. Someone could claim they have a big pink invisible dragon that lives in their backyard but if the dragon does not manifest in reality in some detectable way then it becomes unfalsifiable and not worthy and even entertaining the notion that it is real.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence so if someone said they have a tree growing in their backyard then the claim is not extraordinary and usually nothing that has to be specifically proven because it's a very mundane claim by itself.

The invisible pink dragon is extraordinary and requires evidence to prove that the person telling us about his 'pet' dragon is not lying, or mistaken, or playing a game. This becomes the building blocks of the Laws of Logic.

The problem I face is: how could I prove that I actually traveled through time? I'm not sure what evidence I could provide to prove what happened to me. I've been lucky that my friends and family believe me but if pushed I don't have a satisfactory level of evidence to meet my burden of proof.

Justin was leaning in to listen to the radio because he was trying not to play it too loudly and I felt my paw begin to twist and contort as it briefly faded and then was restored as if nothing had happened. I watched all this and realized I may have a bit of evidence to support my hypothesis but still not enough to convince others fully about my claim.

"Welcome to A Toast To The Coast! I'm your host Arty Carnabell and for the next two hours we will be looking at the strange world we live in. A world that the skeptically minded do nolt think is real. Some may call us conspiracy theorists, others call us by other names but I put forth the question... How do you know?

Tonight's quest is a dear old friend I've had on at other times. He has become known affectionately as Mad Mikabeans. Who has become known as the world's first time traveler. This was something that seemed to happen by accident during one of his experiments as a younger fur. As the legend grew many considered him crazy and he spent some time in prison but through all this he has never given up on his dream. Can you tell us about how all this began and what led you up unto this point in history?" The host explained. His voice was indeed soft and calming and on any other given night it might make me fall asleep but I was too focussed , as was Justin, listening to what this guest had to say about his supposed adventures of time travel.

"This is gonna be good." Justin whispered to me and I politely nodded and smiled. I didn't want to completely bash his dreams but the whole thing so far just sounded like made up conspiracy theories. Even the host admitted that, still there are species that like to dream and it seemed harmless in a way.

At least Justin was trying to grow and learn more about science and broaden his intellect rather than remain a gullible dullard that would just believe anything he was told. I liked video games and lifting weights to relieve stress so maybe this radio program was his way of doing the same.

"What kind of species are they?" I asked as I was curious to know more about them as I heard their voices.

"Arty is a White Ibis and Makabeans is a fishing cat but I know nothing about his species other than the name fishing cat." Justin explained.

"Mad Mikabeans, we will have you begin by telling us the story of how all this began after this commercial break." The host said and the music changed as it led into some commercials.

"Do you think this will help us?" Justin asked hopefully.

"I hope so," I replied, trying to remain neutral but again not dashing his dreams. After all I could be wrong and maybe this show could teach us a few things.... Then again maybe not.

To Be Continued...