Warm Welcomes

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#4 of Education, eh?

Oh wow, number four!

Robyn © Me

Dante Jones & Uri © DJT


It had taken about a week since her first time for the little arctic vixen to recover properly. She had only told one person, yet she felt that at school everyone knew, even though she had told Sarah to keep it a secret, which the bunny girl had done. Nevertheless Robyn felt like everyone was watching her out of the corner of their eye, in case she should suddenly start having sex with someone at random. Crazy, yes, but that's how she felt.

A few Fridays after the two girls had explored themselves and Robyn had asked her dad to take her virginity Robyn and Sarah were walking home from school when they saw a taxi pull away from Robyn's house's driveway. Sarah looked questioningly at Robyn and Robyn face-palmed a paw. She had forgotten about her dad's night out tonight and who would be babysitting her. She walked towards the house, knowing that her "guest" would be locked out for the moment as her dad took a little bit of time getting back home after school. She waved a quick goodbye to Sarah and walked up the path to her door, unheard by the new arrival that was busy banging on the door.

She snuck up behind him and slid her muzzle close to his ear, speaking very clearly "Hiya Uri". The grey fox yelped lightly and spun around, his heart slowing down when he saw it was only Robyn. He growled a little and ruffled her hair "Hey, little cousin. Going to let me in or what?"

"In my own good time" she replied with a slight snippiness at having her hair ruffled up like that. She slid past him, him not bothering to move out of the way so he was practically pinning her to the door as she got the key in the lock. She even swore to herself that she felt something ELSE press against her as she unlocked the door. But she thought nothing more of it and helped drag the boy's cases into the house with him. She was actually pretty shocked "For a boy you sure have a lot of clothes!" was her smart comment, which was answered pretty quick with "Don't think cause there's a lot of them I won't notice t-shirts going missing".

She helped him carry his stuff up to the spare room, noticing that when she went to walk past him in the doorway he didn't walk out of the doorway but rather turned side on so she had to do the same. In looking at him he wasn't at all the hell-cub his parents portrayed him to be. He was just short of five foot tall, giving him a good few inches on her. He was clearly a fox, but his fur was a soft grey so that in a certain light it actually looked silver. His hair was just long enough to hang in front of his eyes, but not so far that he had to part it to see, his hair black. He had a toothy sort of grin that was almost identical to the one her dad would wear when he was making a joke or doing something he knew she didn't like.

His room was set up pretty quickly, just five minutes before Dante's car pulled into the driveway. He opened the door and found his nephew at the other end of the hallway, smirking a little. The older coyote smiled back and nodded just a little with a neutral "Hello Uri. Planning to work hard?"

To which the young fox nodded and gave a very sincere sounding "Of course". Dante turned to his little girl with a slight grin "Have you shown him his room?"

"Yes dad" was the reply, Robyn grinning just as much as either of the boys.

A few hours later Sarah came over, just as Dante was getting ready to leave. She and Robyn vanished up to Robyn's room, leaving Dante and Uri alone for the first time today. Dante didn't want to come over a hard ass, but he felt that he had to do something before he left his curious daughter in the care of his...curious nephew. He motioned for Uri to come sit beside him, the young fox obliging to show he could do as he was told. Dante leant forward and said his piece, his voice trying to sound calm and gentle "Now listen Uri. You know Robyn is a bit more...aware of the real world than most girls her age. That does not give you the right or the excuse to try to pull any stunts with her while you're alone with her. She might try something with you...in which case you let me know."

Uri nodded obediently, being fluent at teenage level "lying through one's teeth". He smiled politely up at his uncle and replied with a particular salute "Fox scout's honour Uncle Dante."

There was a long silence, which was at last broken by the car horn outside. Dante rose and walked up to the stairs, shouting goodbye and then leaving Uri to sit and grin toothily on his own. Up till then he had had no idea that Robyn was "exploring". Well, if she was exploring then he would give her something to discover.

While upstairs Robyn grinned as she heard her dad leave, turning to her lapine partner in crime and giggling quietly. "I'm going to try to get him to catch me playing with myself later tonight." She said with a huge smirk.

"Who? Your cousin?" asked Sarah, cottoning onto her friend's idea suddenly "You're a deviant, Robyn Jones."

"Yeah, and you're still a virgin Sarah Henshaw!"

"Ouch...that hurts. Besides, it's not technically true anymore..."

"Explain please..."

The bunny suddenly went red and giggled wildly "I've done stuff with way more girls than you. Like you know Ashley who sits up front?"

Robyn did know her, she was a little liger and quite cute. Robyn knew for a fact that she had a diagonal stripe down under her right nipple and one just above her left butt cheek that curled around her tail as well "What about her?"

"I went round to hers, no one answered so I checked around the back. You know how they've got that fenced off area? I looked over there and she and her sister were...uh...using...her sister's toys."

"So what? They...oh right...her TOYS...I get you now"

"Exactly...they freaked out for a few seconds but I managed to calm them down. The toys didn't hurt as much as you said it would, but of course I bet your dad's way bigger than them." She added with a giggle.

Outside the door, his eyes wide at the whopper of a secret that just fell into his lap. So that was why his uncle was being so defensive. He wanted to keep this little horny kit all to himself. Well, he would fix that...selfishness. He was also very interested in this bunny girl, and perhaps in the liger, and in any of Robyn's other curious little friends. Perhaps he would baby-sit for a little slumber party sometime soon. He darted off into his room and made a show of studying, setting up all his books but sitting with his ear to the wall.

Robyn grinned as Sarah said she was going home, walking to the top of the stairs, where she knew Uri could see them both if he was watching. Sarah blinked as she was stopped and turned. She felt Robyn's paw turn her shoulders to face her own and made a light sound of confusion as the vixen pushed her up against the wall with a very particularly forceful kiss. The bunny was shocked at the odd feeling of her friend shoving her tongue into her mouth, but found it much better than the random licking outside their mouths. It was clear that Robyn had been watching some movies or had been getting lessons or something. Uri was watching and his jaw nearly broke the floor. He winced lightly as his sudden erection hit the underside of the desk, watching Robyn even go to the lengths of slapping her bunny friend on the ass as she went down the stairs.

When he heard her come back up the stairs he was out in the hall with a shocked look on his face, trying to sound as cool and commanding as he could "Care to explain that show out there?"

"What show do you mean? I always kiss my friends goodbye."

"There's a difference between kissing and THAT. THAT was making out, I swear I saw tongue. Then you slapped her ass, care to tell me something? Like perhaps you're partial to munching rabbit rug?"

Robyn made a sound of disgust at the way he put it "Yeah, we did it once. So?"

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just a shame."

"What's a shame? What do you mean?"

"I thought you were all cute and innocent too"

She suddenly felt hot under her fur, biting to his comment "Y...you thought I was cute?"

"Oh yeah, but I heard what you and your friend get up to...not so sure anymore."

"Why not "anymore"? It doesn't matter what I've done...I just think it feels good. And hey, you can't talk after what happened with you-know-who!" of course referring to their older cousin.

She had taken the bait so easily, he thought, this was going to be fun. He smirked at how even she knew of his exploits, just pushing a bit further "Well what do you think feels the best?" he asked.

She went red as she tried to answer, looking at the floor and suddenly giving him pretty much all control "I...uh...like it when I get licked and stuff...and touched..."

It was as though she was just throwing herself at him, the amount of tips she was giving him. And it was obvious that she was still very shy about these matters. Her paws were fidgeting with the hem of her t-shirt and she was fighting to look as calm as she could, even forcing her tail not to wag. It was then that Uri leant in close and took one of her paws "Well I've got something you'll like" was all he gave her, dragging her into his room and showing her that he'd already got his stash all set up. He lifted the mattress and brought out a number of copied DVDs and a few magazines. "I bet you've already been watching porn on the computer, right?" he asked, slyly getting her to sit down beside him, close together. "Yeah...once or twice" this wasn't strictly true, as she'd had Sarah over a few times at the weekend while Dante was at the supermarket and they'd pawed one another to climax, cleaning off the other's paw when they were done.

Uri put the DVD in the player that was in his room, it was clearly amateur, unlike her dad's stash. He smirked a bit and put an arm around her, watching her breathing slowly get heavier even before the action had started. Two girls came onscreen, both giggling, and made out at the camerafur's request. After this the two girls sat down in an unusual position for Robyn. One was straddling the others' muzzle, facing the camera, and the other was on her back with her legs spread. Robyn couldn't believe her luck, feeling Uri's tail beat against hers. She also felt something else, finding that his arm had slid around her waist and was unbuttoning her pants. She did the same back to him, feeling her paw slide to his crotch and unbuttoning his jeans. To help with the comfort he pulled them down for her a little and told her to close her eyes. She did as she was told and he took her paw in his free paw, leading it down to his crotch and sitting it on his sheath. Her fingers rubbed and explored while her eyes were closed, feeling the smooth skin of his balls, covered with a thin layer of soft fur. She could feel his stiff sheath, pulled tight over what felt to her like a huge knot. Her paw moved higher and over his slick shaft, already feeling a bead of pre running down his length. He told her to open her eyes and she saw it for the first time, gasping quietly. She had expected him to be much smaller than her dad, but there was no comparing either of them. They were just so totally different. For one thing Uri's shaft was totally black from tip to base. Another thing that shocked her was the sheer thickness of it, he was alright in terms of length but in terms of thickness he got an A+ from the little vixen. His shirt had been pretty much pulled off in a rush and tossed onto the floor.

She had been staring at it so much she had missed a lot of action onscreen, but neither was caring. Uri's paw had found its way inside her panties, also exploring something new and to his liking. Their older cousin was much...furrier than Robyn down there; she was so smooth to his fingertips. He actually found that he was breathless just from this exchange of feeling. He could feel a light heat coming from her puffy lips, knowing she was already quite excited. He leant over and found a good spot to sit and whisper in her ear. "I'm sure you know what to do with what you've got in your paw..." was all she needed, her fingers curling around his shaft and slowly sliding up and down like she'd seen on the videos she'd download. While she did this he slid his finger between her lips and rubbed it up and down against the soft, puffy skin and the warm, damp spot between them.

He pulled off her top and started to kiss down over her shoulder, finding a spot just above her shoulder which she could cover with any t-shirt she had. He nuzzled this spot, kissing and biting and sucking the same spot until a little red mark appeared under her white fur. She leant her head against his while he did this, her paw rubbing up and down over his shaft, her legs parting as much as her pants would allow. Uri took this as an invite and gently let his middle finger find her tight entrance, pushing the tip of his finger in and wiggling it around. This got a positive reaction from the little vixen, who quickly pulled her pants down and kicked them off onto the floor, letting him sit with his paw inside her panties while she pawed him off; all of this on /his/ bed. She felt his other paw turn her head to face his, kissing her as forcefully as she had Sarah. She felt something unusual, looking down at his shaft and seeing it glisten. She turned her paw over and saw that it was the same, both covered in a liberal layer of the young fox's precum.

She couldn't believe she wasn't dreaming, if Sarah could only see her now. Her little bunny friend was right, she was a little deviant vixen; and she was enjoying this fact. She leant over and got her muzzle under his, finding a similar spot on his shoulder as his muzzle was on. This required a little turning on both of their parts, so Robyn's leg moved a little, bringing her foot up onto the bed while he slid his leg through the arch her leg made. Both of them sat on his bed, necking each other while their paws got a good feeling for the others' crotch. His finger was slowly sliding in and out of her, using what knowledge he had of the female anatomy to use his thumb over the front-most spot of her pussy, trying to feel out her clit. She had to admit that he was much better at this than Sarah, even though the bunny was getting much better at it than when the two of them had first tried it. With no previous experience in "handling" male equipment she could only rub her paw up and down on his thick black shaft, squeezing from time to time purely by accident.

He was suddenly overcome by the feeling of her paw on his shaft and the warmth of her pussy around his finger. He pulled his mouth away from her neck and pulled her head away from his shoulder. He pushed her back onto the bed and crawled towards her. She closed her legs lightly as he crawled between them, only to have them pulled apart by the grey fox. He took a deep breath in and shivered lightly, having never felt so much want since he had been babysat by their older cousin. She lay there, seeing a look in his eyes that she had never felt upon her body before. She could feel pure lust coming from him, but there was something else there. A calculating cunningness; a look that suggested that he knew they wouldn't be caught at all. He crawled further up her body than she expected to be normal, until he ended up straddling her chest, his thick, jet black shaft waving lightly in front of her. He rubbed her cheek with the back of his paw, his breath cracking as he let it out slowly. She rubbed her cheek back against his paw, loving this sense of subservience "Do it..." was all he said.

She nervously leant forward, like the first time she and Sarah had explored each other, and let the tip of her tongue flick over the glistening tip of his shaft, listening to him groan lightly. She couldn't say much for the taste, but she felt the same way when she licked Sarah's pussy, so she guessed it was to be expected. He put his paw on top of her head and started to encourage her, running his fingers through her hair and edging her head closer to his cock. She decided to just suck it up, metaphorically, and just bare the taste. Her lips touched the head of his cock and parted ever so slightly just to let the tip in. His fingers curled around her hair and got a firmer grip, just letting the grip encourage her further. Her head slid forward slowly and took more of his shaft into her mouth. He moaned quietly through his gritted teeth, feeling her tongue slide along the underside of his length as she wasn't really using it for much else.

He all of a sudden grabbed her head with both paws, leaning down slightly and whispering to her. "I'm gonna cum pretty soon, you're gonna have to swallow or we're gonna get caught". He couldn't really help lying to her like that, he just wanted to see if she was as willing to do what he told her to do as she seemed. She just nodded and moved her head back and forth slowly as she'd seen in the videos she'd downloaded. He suddenly lurched forward lightly and she braced herself, feeling her mouth filling up with about two loads of his cum. Her cheeks puffed up lightly as her mouth filled with his cum. The taste was particularly sickly, and fairly salty. She almost gagged as she tried to swallow an entire mouthful of the warm, gooey liquid. Once she had managed the sickly-tasting cum she pulled her head away from his shaft and panted heavily while Uri fell back onto the bed, also panting heavily. He didn't want to admit it to her but their cousin was his only other source of comparison, and the fact that she had both sucked him off without question and swallowed without question made her by far better than their cousin in that department.

He knew there was no chance of getting any further tonight, as it'd take a bit of time for them both to recover and it would take even longer to get cleaned up afterwards. He leant over and pressed his muzzle into her neck, leaning against her and sliding his paw down her stomach to her crotch. He slid his middle finger back inside her again and started sliding it back and forth, sucking just above her nipple lightly and raising another red mark under her fur, visibly pink already. She turned onto her side, leaning into him and moaning into his neck softly. His finger was moving at quite a rapid pace and his thumb was pressed up against where he had felt her clit was, rubbing back and forth just as much. The little girl's body shook lightly and rose from the bed for a few seconds, her walls tightening around his finger with a series of light clenches. She pressed tightly against his body, breathing hard against his neck while he moved his cupped paw away from her slit, which had been covering against any...drips that might've given them away. Her head lifted just in time to see one of his toothy grins before he lapped at the palm of his paw, cleaning it of her essence. He put his slowly relaxing shaft back in his shorts and pulled his jeans up, pulling away from her and kneeling between her legs to clean her up a little better, and just for the sake of doing it. Once she had been cleaned enough so as not to get her even more excited he helped her back on with her underwear, her pants and her t-shirt, grinning as he nuzzled her neck gently.

He helped her down to the living room and turned on the TV, while she laid her head against his shoulder and snuggled up to him. She watched whatever he had put on for about fifteen minutes, and then fell asleep against him. He grinned broadly and laid his head against hers softly. He smirked a little and rubbed her paw, enjoying feeling her pressing against him. He knew he'd have to wake her up and have her gargle with some mouthwash so her breath wouldn't be noticed, and he would do the same. He sat and watched TV for a couple of hours, with her shifting only a few times. He checked his watch, enough time to freshen their breath and then order pizza with the money Dante had left. He gently nudged Robyn softly, putting a paw on her thigh and shaking her gently, speaking very softly "Robyn, Robyn, c'mon...get up."

There was a soft mumble as she started to wake up, nuzzling his neck softly and moving up to his cheek. He grinned and sniggered quietly to himself, shaking her a bit more as an excuse to rub her thigh. In a sleepy daze she lifted her head and turned his to face her, pulling him into a kiss that he got a little too into before he remembered where her mouth had been, pulling back in the most inoffensive way he could, with a nervous grin "Uh...gonna order pizza...think it's a good idea to use a bit of mouthwash". She blushed as she realised suddenly what she'd done, giving him an apologetic grin and nodding. The two went upstairs and felt all the better for having freshened up. Uri ordered the pizza for both of them and they sat and just chatted for the rest of the night, making no references or even having thoughts about what they had done a few hours previously.

At about midnight the two decided they should go to bed, Robyn walking up behind Uri. At the top of the stairs Uri made to wave goodnight to her when she smirked and pushed him against the wall, only to kiss him very gently and follow it up with a cheery "Goodnight Uri!", walking off to her room with her long blonde hair bouncing as she went.