Alluring Nights II

Story by Midnights_Dreamer on SoFurry

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#4 of Alluring Nights

M'kay... blather blather... the usual about sexual situations and violence...if you don't like, don't read :P

Sorry about the delay, but well gotta be in the 'mood' to write these things ya know... ;) All Characters/situations are © by me, Midnight's Dreamer ~AKA~ Heather LaValle


The City by night was quiet in comparison with huge ones such as New York, or Los Angeles... But downtown Pittsburgh was busy enough for his needs. Residing in one apartment building on Duquesne Hill that had a splendid view of the city central across the Monongahela. His three favorite skyscrapers, the Steel Tower, One PPG Place... and the Fifth Avenue Place were brightly lit. One PPG Place's four cornered structure reminded him vaguely of a crown.

Dimitri watched the bustle of the city from the wide window of the spacious living room of his apartment. He would wait here tonight, going out wasn't necessary now.. .his trap was in place and it wouldn't take long to bear fruit.

Nicolae shifted in his chair, the paperwork hadn't diminished any and he was loath to sort through it. His mind kept returning to Alexi and Cory. Alexi in particular. Why had Dimitri abandoned him? And why now? The memory of the night before made him flush and he cleared his throat. The hot coffee that sat before him suddenly lost its appeal and he turned to the small refrigerator beside his desk.

All the assistants and other workers knew to leave this particular refrigerator alone... as if they could even get to it during the daylight hours of the agency; He kept the door securely locked while he wasn't there. The small supply of blood he kept on hand would ease the sudden want for it. He didn't need it, he had fed well enough, but just the thought of Cory roused the beast within him, wanting not only the taste of her blood. The chilled blood from his stockpile was usually revolting to him, too used to taking it from the source, but this time he downed it without hesitation.

The heady rush it gave him was similar to a shot of whiskey with a human. His face flushed and he grimaced, but it calmed him. Now he could focus on this anew. He didn't like the situation. Alexi had no control, conditioned to kill, and conditioned to take only the blood of aroused, he was glad that he had separated Alexi from Cory; Sequestering Alexi to his own apartment, and leaving Cory to hers.

Alexi paced. His wounds had healed, but the need to feed again for his hunger grew with each step. A beast that snapped and snarled at his restraints rampaged within him, and he ached to let it loose. His own arousal was strong now, and the beast was near chewing through his restraints when he heard a soft chuckle.

"Ah, but the game cannot end yet..." Spinning around, Alexi focused his eyes on Dimitri. His eyes widened as he spotted Laureen behind Dimitri and his hunger doubled as a growl formed in his throat. Laureen was wearing no more than Dimitri's coat, only the thin leather collar around her throat. While he was conditioned to only drink the blood of the aroused, she was conditioned to receive pain as pleasure and heat rushed to her cheeks, staining them red. Dimitri only chuckled softly. "It's too soon for our little game to end..." he purred a he stepped forward to Alexi. Alexi wanted to run, but his conditioning had been too strict for him to give into this whim, and Dimitri stopped only inches away.

"You still need something don't you Alexi?" Dimitri purred, his golden eyes half-closed, lazily. Alexi's breath quickened and he licked his bottom lip as he focused on Laureen, noting that her color was high and that she had fed well. The chains holding the beast were now only threadbare... Alexi swallowed hard as he nodded and met Dimitri's eyes, and was immediately lost.

"Good..." Was all he could hear. His eyes closed as he felt Dimitri's hands on him, rubbing him through the cotton of the sweats that Nicolae had loaned him.

Dimitri smiled, a wicked, unpleasant sight, as he felt Alexi respond under his touch. Keeping his hand in place, applying a subtle pressure, he moved to stand slightly behind Alexi, breathing into the younger vampire's ear. His gaze focused on Laureen, noting how her breath had quickened, and she whimpered slightly.

Alexi knew that the denied abuse and sexual contact for Laureen was enough to arouse her, and the combination of that heat and her blood made him groan under Dimitri's administrations. Now Dimitri could close his hand around Alexi's full erection, enticing a sharp intake of breath from Alexi. Dimitri grinned, though the feel of the cotton under his hand was annoying. With ruthless determination, Dimitri reached under the elastic waistband and closed his fingers around Alexi's cock, his cold touch making Alexi gasp, and harden all the more.

Dimitri grinned and felt himself begin to stir as he motioned for Laureen to come closer. She moved then, and stopped a mere hands-breadth away from Alexi. She fixed her gaze with Dimitri's and he nodded. She didn't need any more prodding as Dimitri freed Alexi's erection from the sweats. Dropping to her knees, her mouth closed over it, making Alexi tense and jerk in Dimitri's strong grip. Dimitri dropped his head as Laureen continued her ministrations, allowing his lips to graze Alexi's throat.

As conditioned, Alexi tilted his head back, bearing his throat. Dimitri didn't need the invitation. Alexi bit back a cry as Dimitri bit deep, tasting the blood of his brood. The pleasure-pain was almost too much for Alexi and he nearly whimpered. Laureen echoed it, as her tongue swirled around Alexi's tip.

Dimitri sealed the wounds, and raised his lips to Alexi's ear. "Does it concern you at all that Nicolae may return at any minute? Or does it only arouse you further?" He growled, as he pushed Laureen away. She gasped and cried out in longing. Dimitri stepped back and allowed Alexi to come to his own conclusions. Laureen lay sprawled on the floor, panting with need as her hand slipped down between her legs. The crimson flush on her cheeks only heightened as her gaze strayed towards Alexi, the hunger in his stare.

"Please...." She moaned, begging for this salvation.

Cautious, Alexi glanced up at his sire, his master... and only moved when Dimitri waved at him nonchalantly. Alexi moved to Laureen, and kneeling down he pushed her back to the floor, his nails cutting into her skin, making her moan with the pleasure she derived from pain. She gasped as his tongue rasped the inside of her thighs, teeth nipping at the flesh above the femoral artery, while the other hand splayed across her stomach, thumb applying firm pressure against that single, most sensitive spot...

Her back arched as he leaned over to swath the area with his tongue... but she whimpered, lacking in something.

"You forget, her conditioning begs for violence, for pain, to induce pleasure." Dimitri purred.

Taking cue, Alexi pinched her, and she gasped in pain. Alexi moved to his knees, and drew her near, forcing her to suck on him, pushing her head down so that she nearly gagged. His hand continued to alternatively pinch and stroke her, causing her to tremble. Growling with impatience, Alexi pushed back, and forced her over, onto her knees. She cried out when he slammed into her, riding her painfully high. He twisted one arm behind her as he continued, his own arousal climbing as her cries of pain intensified.

Laureen gasped and moaned as he slammed into her again and again.. He wasn't Nicolae, that was sure, but it wasn't as if she had a choice. Each painful thrust bought her closer to the edge that Alexi desired...and as if he could scent the arousal level of her blood he leaned over her, riding even higher, intensifying the pain. She could feel that elusive edge draw ever nearer, as her blood and body heated. Beads of sweat, laced with blood formed on her forehead, and dripped down her face and chest. The scent obviously driving Alexi wild.

Alexi could smell the blood-laced sweat as it formed and then dripped steadily as she steadily approached that crescendo of pain induced pleasure. He reached around, one hand clamping tightly on her mouth muffling her cries as the other firmly pinched one breast, nails drawing blood. She bucked against him, and he allowed his hand that had been clamped over her mouth, grasp her jaw in an unbreakable hold, and pulled her up against him.

His teeth grazed her throat teasingly as he pinched the opposite breast, her cry echoing in the small room.

Finally deciding that it would be enough for him, Alexi bit deep. Laureen's scream was coupled with her climax, and was quickly followed by his own as he drank. Spasms wracked them both, as they slowly came down from such a high... as the last spasm wracked his frame, he sealed the wound on her throat and released Laureen.

Thoroughly abashed, Alexi wiped at his mouth with the back of one hand, wiping away a small rivulet of blood. Reluctantly, he met Dimitri's gaze.

"Very good... that should slake you for now... this game is far from over, and I want Nicolae totally unawares as to where the attack will come from. Dimitri stepped forward, and knelt before Alexi. Dimitri pulled him close, clamping his mouth over Alexi's. Alexi only tensed as Dimitri thrust his tongue into his mouth, indirectly tasting Laureen's blood.

Pulling away, Dimitri only smiled as he pulled Laureen to her feet, wrapping his coat over her shoulders. "Rest for now Alexi, I am sure we shall come for at least one more visit...."

With those words, the two vanished from the room, and Alexi collapsed to the floor. Sobs wracked his shoulders as he pulled his knees up to his chest. He knew that he should run, get away from his brother as quickly and as far as he could... but deep inside, he was a coward, that it wouldn't take Dimitri long to find him...

"Stay away from me, brother... please... for the sake of your own life, stay away!"