Bull Reverse (Preview Version)

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#8 of For Sale Stories

Preview Version!

In a sequel to 'Bull Frontal', Two more men reach the same farm with bulls that are more friendly with each other than the average beast, and that those same urges come over those men...

For the full 26000 word version, please consider purchasing here for $20 USD https://gabrielmoon.ca/product/bull-reverse/

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"All right then, boys! Let's get you settled, and then I can show you around!"

Patrick smiled, breathing in the fresh country air as he jumped off the back of the pick-up. He'd been looking forward to this summer for some months, the stifling atmosphere of city life getting to him. Getting a summer job living and working on a farm seemed the perfect choice in between semesters. Besides, he was built, liked the heat, and didn't mind being dirty, so long as a few beers followed the workday, as they promised to!

Leon had similar feelings towards the work, having grown up in the country himself. He loved the outdoors and was eager to explore the surrounding woods for hikes whenever he was off-hours. He was smaller than his coworker, though no less built in relation to his stature. He, too, had his share of outdoor work on his resume, though this was the first time he had ever attempted farm work. Still, he was excited by the prospect of spending the two months on the property and working closely with the animals!

Having not met each other until today, the two had spent the ride to the farm chatting about their college courses, sports teams, and the usual stuff that two men might need to get to know each other before a summer working together. It didn't take the two of them long to figure that they would get along well in the coming months, having several shared interests.

They were not going to be there alone, of course; the farmer had regular hands hired from the townsfolk. But he also employed students from the nearby university in honor of the owner's son, who had gone missing with one of his buddies after a night on the town. It was tragic, but it had been a few years since. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, both Patrick and Leon had applied and had gotten the position for this year.

They had to ride in from town in the back of the pickup; their boss, Stephen, didn't have anything else. Though a little unsure about doing something obviously illegal, out in the boonies, no one would give them a second glance riding on the back of the truck like that. It did make trips into town somewhat of a luxury, but the farm was relatively self-sufficient for the most part. Well stocked with food and beer, Stephen promised!

The farm mostly raised livestock, focusing on an egg operation with several hundred chickens on site. There were the other odd farm animals, like bulls, pigs, and a couple of horses. The two boys would mostly be looking after those animals, which was fine by them.

The boss had spent a fair bit of the trip chatting about the operation and their place in it for the summer. One curious aspect did come to light as Steven talked about the animals they would be looking after. He was given two bulls for free a couple of years ago, in the hopes of branching out into some cattle ranching. But, something about the animals made him hesitant to look into purchasing any cows.

"Now, there's been something queer about those bulls, but don't worry too much about it! I got them dirt cheap, in the hopes to get some cows to go with them. But they ain't got any interest, not even with pheromones. Tried to borrow a couple of cows to get them to stud, but they, well, came up dry. If you catch my meaning."

Given the confused expressions on the young men's faces, they obviously did not. "The bulls prefer the company of each other, no interest in cows," Stephen stated, making both men nod. They were unaware that homosexuality was common among bulls, though found the notion more interesting than distasteful. Many animals partook in pleasures of the flesh for more than reproduction, of course. But bulls?

More interesting was how often each bull partook in each other's bodies. It was common for bulls to mate often with cows in season. But, in this case, the two bulls seemed to mate every day, prompting more than a few workers to be uncomfortable around them. Hence why the two young men would have to do the deed of looking after them.

"Don't wanna turn them into beef or nothing. Couldn't bring me to do it. Not since I got them right around the time that... well, it was a hard time back then, and then these bulls came into my possession... I don't know what it is about them, but I just can't see me making steaks out of them, you know? Been using them for semen collection, anyway. At least that's some profit!"

"Besides, the two bulls are kind of queer, in another way, I mean. They are smarter than most, you see. Sometimes I could swear that they can understand me when I speak to them, not that they always cared haha! Still, even though it bugs me sometimes, I go out and talk to them. Nothing too sentimental, mind you. It's kind of... anyways, I'm rambling on too much!"

"Don't you worry none about looking after them! They are the friendliest bulls you'll ever meet! They wouldn't hurt anything bigger than the flies on their assess haha! You don't have to worry about getting them spooked or pissed off or nothing! They should be a breeze to work with! So long as you don't mind the smell haha!"

It took about twenty minutes more for them to make it to the farm, a vast expanse of land that impressed both of the men. It was a decent-sized operation, after all. They hadn't gotten to see it before being hired, given the town's remote nature. But it was obvious they were impressed by the size of it, much to Stephen's amusement.

"This isn't even the largest farm around! We've got a few smaller ones for miles around, but one or two that are about the same size or larger. Keeps a lot of the townsfolk employed, at least. Though, there's always a bit of competition to see who makes the most money! But it's all in good fun!"

Both boys were given the rest of the day to settle in and get their stuff put away. They were provided with a decent-sized room filled with bunk beds to share. Most of the staff traveled from their homes to work the fields each day. But, they usually stayed for supper. Stephen, as it turned out, was an amazing cook, and everyone was provided the luxury of being fed every day after work.

Sleep came difficult for each young man, not used to the new environment and excited for the day to come. The next morning arrived all too soon, neither man quite on the proper sleep schedule for the day's work. Naturally, their sleep-deprived states earned the jeers of their older peers, but it was of little consequence. With a generous helping of coffee and a hearty breakfast, the two boys were ready to start the day!

First, they were taken out towards the bullpen, shown where all the equipment was housed and what the beast's schedules were to be. The work was simple; mucking stalls, disposing of soiled hay, and replacing bedding straw and feed. The bulls were let out in the mornings and brought back in the evenings, save for days of inclement weather.

The two boys started their work, chatting all the while as the warm morning sun beat down on them. It wasn't too hot at the start of the season, thankfully, though they did need several breaks to down water and rest in the shade of the barn. They were soon taken to the horse stalls, required to do much of the same, though neither minded it. The afternoon consisted of general farm labor, though more spaced out due to the increasing heat.

With that, the day was over. All that was required, after an equally delectable supper, was to bring the animals back in and close up for the night, a task that both undertook eagerly. Though the work had been dirty and strenuous, the day did go by rather quickly, and both were tired and ready for bed. After their beers with supper were joined by one or two more, of course!

The two roan beasts stood just outside their pen, as though knowing it was time to go in for the evening. Much to both boys' relief, the bulls seemed to know it was bedtime, raising their tails to relieve themselves of manure outside the barn and saving their caretakers some work in the morning!

Looking out into the golden reddish sun setting on the horizon, Leon found himself filled with a reverence for the land that had escaped him until now. One too many times as of late, the familiar cityscape of his home filled him with a sense of anxiety, of shame. He was a history major in school, and although was close to finishing his degree, he had chosen it on the basis of interest rather than career advancement. What was his future going to look like? There was so much pressure out there to succeed, to be someone, to be anyone able to be self-sufficient and not have to rely on either the system or parents.

But out here... Leon wasn't sure how to put it. Things seemed... simple here. He knew that wasn't the case, of course. Farmers had to compete with each other, the costs of labor and the low market price of their goods, as well as struggle with a lack of government aid for their essential services. Gone were the days when farmers were self-sufficient, relying only on their own produce and trading with nearby families to make ends meet. Farm life was a far more difficult prospect now than even finding a career in Leon's chosen field!

But standing out here, listening to the lowing of the bulls, the clucking of distant chickens, the sounds of crickets and birds, it was impossible not to feel a sense of calm that city life simply lacked. Regardless of how difficult the lifestyle was here, the animals, at least, had it easy. The chickens and pigs seemed well cared for, despite their eventual fates as food. And the bulls would never be eaten, as best as Leon was aware. They simply lived a carefree life, grazing in the companionship of each other. In more ways than one, though Leon hadn't noticed any amorous behavior thus far!

"Hey man, you coming? Grab a beer with me?" Patrick asked, already starting to head back towards the house and the cold brew that awaited him.

"Naw, I'll be about twenty. Gonna stand out and enjoy the view!" Leon called back to his new friend, staring out at the setting sun with that same reverence.

A mutter of "Can enjoy it just as well from the porch" played over his ears as Patrick made his way back into the house. Leon supposed he had a point, after all. And a cold beer would be tasty right now.

But, there was just something about being here, so close to the animals, that brought a sense of peace to Leon that was difficult for even him to understand. He didn't want to get back to the house yet, even if it was just his coworker and boss. Being out here brought with it a certain sense of calm that Leon was remiss to explain.

After a few moments of contemplation, Leon decided he would enter the barn and check out the bulls. He wasn't sure why this particular compulsion had overcome him just now. He had heard so much about them before coming here yesterday and had hardly seen them at all, given his other chores. It just felt right to spend some time with his bovine charges before going to bed!

Entering the barn, Leon was hit with the now-familiar scents associated with it, though he'd acclimated well in the past few hours working here. And the space was as clean as they could make it in that time. Still, it smelled heavily of animals, especially in proximity to each other within the enclosed space. Leon had to breathe through his mouth for a few moments to get used to things.

Eyes scanned the room for a moment before settling on the beasts in the corner, standing one behind the other. He'd expected them to be chewing on some of the grains that had been left for them, perhaps lying down for the night. Imagine his surprise at the sight of the mammoth red erection hanging from the underside of the massive beast!

Leon had recalled that sexual acts were common among the bulls and that they were a mated pair for all intents and purposes. Still, he had not expected to see the larger roan bull sniffing at the backside of the other, both sporting massive hard-ons and clearly interested in each other.

Leon's first compulsion was to leave; after all, he didn't want to disturb such an intimate act. Yet, the bulls seemed to have no concern for his presence as the larger bull licked his lover's backside with obvious intent. And, besides, they were just animals, right? Animals cared not for human notions of morality.

In the end, curiosity won out, and Leon found himself wanting to watch. Leon normally had no interest in animals and their mating habits, but something about the display seemed to keep him hooked. The notion of watching such a rare event seemed to sit well with him, leaving Leon wondering just how two male bulls copulated.

Thinking it impossible for the male to find his much smaller mark, Leon was shocked to see how easily the larger bull penetrated his same-colored mate. It was like a practiced dance, the two of them rutting with more ease than a bull mounting an eager cow. In no time at all, the barn was filled with the sounds of balls slapping together, a cock slapping against a belly, and heavy huffs of lust escaping the bull's nostrils.

Leon felt that maybe he should leave, that the sight wasn't really that interesting after all. The thick stink of musk and sweat was starting to overcome him, making him uncomfortable to be in the presence of such beasts. Yet, Leon found he couldn't quite pull himself away from the sight. He was enraptured by the steady peace the two beasts seemed to keep up as they fucked and grunted together in their lusts.

In no time at all, the rank scent of ejaculate hit Leon's nose, threatening to make him gag. The smaller bull bellowed his release, unconcerned for the presence of the small man as he took his pleasure in being bred from behind. The bull's cock started to shake, blowing a load all over as it spasmed uncontrolled

The sheer orgasmic force seemed to fling cum all over the room, much to Leon's disgust. Too late, Leon could taste something rancid and salty on his lips that made him retch and gag. It took him a few moments to realize that the trajectory of the bull's release was such that it had hit the stall doors, the walls, and, worst of all, had hit the prone man in the mouth!

Leon started coughing, trying to rid his mouth of the terrible taste. Yet, the rank flavor was far too pungent to be relieved so easily. Remembering there was a hose outside, Leon bolted outward, forgetting to close the door in his haste. Turning the water on, he gulped greedily, spitting periodically and trying to rid himself of the rank flavor. It took several minutes, but finally, the taste in his mouth started to fade enough that Leon could think straight.

How had that happened? He wouldn't have expected such rotten luck in a million years to have that stuff in his mouth. What had he been doing, standing there like a dope while two male bulls fucked? What was wrong with him tonight?

Leon trudged back to the house, the notion of having a beer to fully rid the taste of semen from his mouth a wonderful prospect. "Hey, you get into a fight with the garden hose?" Patrick called out to him, making Leon wince.

"Yeah, something like that. I need that beer!" was the reply as Leon went into the house, soaking wet. He didn't even care that he was dripping if he could get a nice brew and try to rid himself of the memory.

The drink did help, though he was still a little stunned by the event itself. Leon didn't say much as he drank with Patrick, the other man seemingly aware of the awkwardness and not saying much himself. Leon just wanted to get to bed after the drink, trying to play the whole thing off as a bad dream as he crawled up into the top bunk.

To his delight, sleep came easy for him as he passed out to his buddy's snores. Though he'd been trying to focus on anything other than the events he'd witnessed, his dreams seemed to center in on the farm, and, much to his chagrin, the bovines that he'd seen rutting. Leon had never been one for self-aware dreams, but it was impossible to deny his awareness of this one!

The sun was beating down on him like it had that last day of work, only this time, he was out in the field instead of the farm. The air was warm on his skin, although there seemed to be no ill effects of the sun on it, as though he possessed a hide as thick as the bulls. He could see the two bulls out there in the field, close by and grazing, swishing their tails over broad backsides. They seemed oblivious to his presence as they went about their day.

Yet, something felt wrong, something that Leon had difficulty comprehending. It felt off for him to be standing up, as though he'd be more comfortable on his hands and knees. Getting down, Leon did, in fact, notice the immediate comfort of being on all fours, face closer to the grass and all its luscious delights.

Before he knew what he was doing, Leon had lowered his mouth and was pulling up handfuls of greens, chewing them down with the same level of obliviousness that the bulls exuded. It was peaceful, eating his fill, swishing flies from his backside as he wandered over the field. It took him some time to realize he was naked, but it was quickly of no consequence to the massive hide he seemed to now possess.

Something else seemed to catch his attention, and, turning a head far more massive than he recalled, Leon was greeted to the sight of a dark red bovine phallus as one of the bulls swiftly mounted the other. Soon, the two beasts were in rut, thrusting their powerful bodies with a synchronicity that had Leon captivated. How had he not noticed it the night before? The beasts were beautiful as they boasted their burden.

A heavy weight on his crotch was the only thing sufficient to distract Leon from the bulls in rut. Looking down, he was shocked to see his regular penis replaced by one that befit the two beasts fucking. Yet, it did not disturb him to realize that he was like them. A powerful beast. One suited to join their mating dance as he started to thrust his hips, feeling his massive phallus slapping against his belly...

The distant call of the rooster roused Leon slowly from his dream as he opened his eyes, a smile plastered on his face. Unlike his usual mornings, the memories of the dream did not fade away as they might normally. Rather, he recalled every moment just grazing in the field, peaceful and content in a way that surpassed human experience. It was almost a little sad to find that he had awakened to his familiar bed and human body!

A sweet smell entered his nose, one that took Leon a moment to identify. It was familiar, yet not something that he'd scented in recent memory. Notes of it carried memories of the barn yesterday, of the rank bovine ejaculate that had coated him and even gotten in his mouth.

It wasn't until he pulled the thin sheets down did he realize the source of the odor. The sheets were stained with what looked like his jism, as though he'd shot his bolt in the middle of the night and coated himself and the sheets. The smell was so potent it would be impossible to hide it from his roomie.

Waiting for Patrick to get up to relieve his bladder, Leon did his best to wipe down his sheets, embarrassed about the wet dream he hadn't experienced since he was a teenager. Leon didn't know what was worse; shooting his load in his sheets like a kid or the fact that it was a dream about ejaculating bulls that promoted his arousal!

Without looking too suspicious, Leon was unable to wipe out much of the stain, hoping that the smell wasn't too strong and that Patrick didn't notice. His coworker was already heading down to breakfast, and it would look bad if Leon didn't join him. All he could do was pray that no one noticed his shame as he tried to get dressed and head down to eat.

Pulling over his work shirt roughly, Leon was surprised to feel how tight it seemed on his frame. Though he'd expected that farm work would help him bulk up over the course of the summer, he didn't expect that a single day would give him enough muscle that the loose-fitting clothing would be a struggle to put on! Chalking it up to the hearty food and a bigger gut, Leon forced it on, hating how the edge seemed to ride up as to not cover his belly completely.

As he headed down the stairs to breakfast, Leon couldn't help but scratch at his skin, noticing that his hair seemed to irritate him through the fabric of the shirt. Thinking it was an allergic reaction to the detergent, Leon would not have been bothered so much, had it not been for all the other strange occurrences afflicting him this morning. He kept quiet during breakfast, trying not to focus on the irritation that felt as though additional hairs were poking from his skin to rub against the fabric of his clothing.

The day went surprisingly quickly, to Leon's relief. His muscles felt a little sore, but lifting and dragging and the myriad of other actions seemed to loosen him enough that it wasn't too much of an issue. He even forgot about the odd dreams or the experiences of the day prior, able to get into the work rhythm and allowing his thoughts to simplify. It was almost akin to his visions of being in the fields with the bulls, though with much more work on his end. The damn bulls had it easy!

Though he had obviously cum in the night, Leon still couldn't suppress a twinge of arousal at the sight of the bulls as they went out to the fields that morning. He found it disgusting, really. Yet his body seemed to have a mind of its own as his erection pushed insistently against the fabric of his jeans. Leon tried to turn away, to focus on the tasks at hand. Yet, the images of bull cock from his dreams kept him fixated on the erection straining his pants, until the point that Leon thought he would have to sneak away to the bathroom and rub one out!

Fortunately, the heat of the morning and the list of chores for the two of them were finally a sufficient distraction to limit Leon's bestial erection. He could only hope that Patrick hadn't seen anything amiss with his demeanor this morning. His work buddy hadn't said anything, so Leon figured he was in the clear.

The two of them worked through the morning, Leon finally able to relax a little from the bizarre sequence of events. When signing up for the summer working here, he hadn't been entirely sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this. Thinking bestial thoughts, being sprayed by bull semen, having wet dreams, and unwanted erections. It was almost too much!

Leon almost dreaded the end of the day when they had to return the bulls to their pen. It was an unnerving prospect to get an erection once more, maybe be unable to hide it from his coworker. Even the slightest thought of the powerful animals sent twinges of pleasure through his loins. It was a challenging mental exercise to think of something, anything else, especially with the beasts so close to him!

"Hey, man. You OK? You've been acting really off today. Everything good?" Patrick asked, bringing Leon out of his reverie.

"Y-Yeah man, no worries. Just a lot on my mind," Leon replied, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. He hadn't even noticed he was sweating, straining to take his mind off his cock. Even turning around and staring in the opposite direction of the incoming beasts had little effect on his arousal. It was as though he could smell them from memory, view their actions from the night before, and from his dreams in vivid detail.

It took every ounce of willpower to take his thoughts from the events of yesterday and focus on other images. He would have taken off if he could, and, too late, wondered if he could still use the excuse to use the restroom.

Yet, the moment the smell of the beasts hit him, Leon was stuck. His cock was at full mast, straining to get out in the air, begging to be touched. The mere presence of such magnificent beasts was almost more than he could bear. The longer he stood there, the greater the chances of being caught in the shameful act. Yet, it was a near-impossible task to pull himself away from the thick musk that the beasts exuded. It was everything he could do to prevent himself from masturbating right there!

"Dude, you don't look so good. Head on in, and I'll join you when I'm done, OK?" Patrick offered, giving Leon the out he'd been looking for. Leon almost took it, even thinking of the possibility of going to touch himself away from the bulls that were causing his arousal to skyrocket.

But, to his chagrin, the sight of the bulls entering the barn had his full attention. Leon could not pry his focus away from them now that he had them in his sights. They were the source of his deep-seated needs, and nothing else mattered but getting inside and relieving the pressure in his prick. Preferably to the sight of the bulls in rut themselves!

Leon took off like a bolt, rushing into the barn from the side door and closing it behind him. He didn't want Patrick to see; that would literally be the worst thing he could fathom. Yet, the siren song of the bellowing beasts had hold of him now, and it was an impossible task to even conceive of pulling away.

The heavy footfalls of the beasts followed him inside, and, although the main door was open, Leon had his zipper open and was stroking his leaking head. At that moment, he didn't care that he could be seen. He desired to see the bulls fucking, and needed to jack off to the sight of those massive red cocks!

It would seem that he was to get his wish as the smaller bull this time started sniffing at his partner's backside, pulling back enough to allow the larger bull to raise his tail and relieve himself. It was of little deterrent to his smaller mate, who went back to sniffing, his turgid erection already bobbing underneath as he prepared to mount.

Leon had his underwear pulled down just enough that he could see his cock as his fingers encircled it. It seemed as though the shade around his cockhead was darker, though he had nary a glance as his focus was all over the bulls about to fuck. He wanted to stroke himself off to the sight of their rut, and it seemed as though he would get his wish at any moment!

"Hey, wh-what the hell man! Geez!" Patrick exclaimed, leaving Leon to blush his shame. Leon could see the man silhouetted in the smaller door and his heart sank. He needed to get off, but not in the presence of another man!

Yet, as the smaller bull got on the back of the larger roan, a powerful need overcame Leon just then. It was an overwhelming lust to take someone or be taken in the same manner. Looking at the two breeding bulls was arousing, but even better would be to have a mate of his own that he could get off with! And, in the room with him currently...

Leon stumbled forward, as though drunk as he made his way towards his friend in the doorway. It was almost as though Leon was in a trance, thinking the whole thing to be a dream, much as he had dreamed about being with the bulls the night before. And dreams had no repercussions in the real world, right?

Before Patrick had the chance to move, Leon was on him, wrapping his arms around the larger man. Patrick was momentarily stunned, though still had the wherewithal to try and push the smaller man off of him.

Yet, in his possessed state, and with muscles that did not befit his stature, Leon held on tight, making Patrick momentarily panic. In his trance-like enchantment, Leon seemed not to care as he raised himself, looking at the man in the eyes before reaching with his mouth and taking the man in a slobbery kiss!

The sensation of the man's lips on Leon's was sublime; never before with his past girlfriend had he been so excited. He could taste the beer on his buddy's breath, the familiar flavor making him more enamored. It seemed as though Patrick was trying to yell for him to stop, but the moment the man's lips opened up, Leon's tongue was inside of them, taking the other man in a French kiss.

Leon didn't know what had overtaken him at the moment. Part of his mind told him to stop, that he didn't want this and neither did Patrick. But as the bulls began their fuck behind them, Leon's boned-up state knew nothing more than to take the other man in a passionate embrace. His partner willing or no, Leon had little control over his actions at the moment!

Patrick, meanwhile, struggled to get out of the man's grasp. His entire body flailed about as he pushed away from the lips that were on his own. Patrick tried to keep his mouth closed, but the other man was just too strong, too determined to allow him the needed escape. Patrick could only continue to fight in vain as his mouth was assaulted by the deranged man's tongue.

A bellow from the bulls stunned Leon out of his reverie, their activities evidently coming to a head. Leon pulled back enough to see that the side of the barn was again splattered with the bottom bull's cum. He could smell the seed leaking from his rectum as his mate filled him up. Never had he seen something so erotic! The sight set his loins alight, and despite himself, Leon started rutting against Patrick's pants, leaking fluids onto the other man.

Patrick took the inch given and pushed the other man off him, the taste of the guy's saliva in his mouth disgusting and uncalled for. Leon tripped and fell backward onto his ass, a dazed and confused look on his features that almost left Patrick feeling sorry for him. But, the smaller man had all but tried to rape him. What the fuck was wrong with him?!

"Get away from me, you fucking fag!" Patrick yelled, immediately ashamed of the slur he'd used. Still, the other man's action left him so enraged that he couldn't restrain himself from social convention.

Pissed off beyond belief, Patrick stormed back to the house, leaving the prone Leon to contemplate what had happened. What had he tried to do? Why had he gone to kiss another man, much less one clearly unreceptive to his advances? What the hell was wrong with him? Leon had never been a 'fag', leaving him to question his sexuality now.

Now that the action was over, Leon was overcome with a shame that made him shiver. He had all but raped the other man in his fit of lust. Why had he done that? He couldn't believe himself. No amount of arousal was worth taking something by force. And Patrick clearly wasn't into him. How could he ever approach the other man again?

With nowhere else to go, Leon trudged back to the house, waiting to receive his now-former friend's ire. Yet, Patrick wouldn't even look him in the eye as he sat on the porch and drank his nightly beer. In some ways, the silent treatment was worse. If Patrick took his rage out on the other man, it would be over and done with. Leon felt he had no place to say anything as he made his way into the house and up to the bed.

Despite his shame and self-flagellation, Leon still managed to fall asleep before Patrick came up to join him. Patrick was a little drunk at his point, not really knowing how else to deal with the situation. He knew it was a bad idea to do so on a workday, but given the events that transpired, he was inclined to overindulge to take his mind off things!

In his alcohol-infused stupor, Patrick had no problem falling asleep, his snores enough to rouse Leon from his own slumber. Leon soon fell back asleep, even though irritated by something in the back of his pajamas that made him rearrange himself in the bed a few times. The events of the day simply left him too tired and drained to remain conscious for long.

Both men had beastly dreams that night. Leon's were much the same as the night before, of being in a field, naked, relieving himself in the open, and generally grazing without a care of the world.

Yet, he and the other two bulls were not alone. There was a fourth bull there, a massive black beast that made Leon's cock slide out of his sheath. He wanted to be rutted so badly, but the other bulls had each other, after all. They had no need for a third. But this beast was lonely, and just as horny as Leon was by the sight of his massive red prick. Leon realized with certainty that he could help the other bull. That he wanted to, more than anything.

He snorted, walking towards the other beast, and licked his lips, taking him in a sort of messy kiss. Though the action was largely akin to the act he had performed with Patrick last night, this time, the bull did not respond negatively. Rather, the other bull leaned back into the kiss, taking Leon willingly. He seemed to be loving the taste of sod and the sweet qualities of the other man's breath that left him himself breathless.

Patrick found himself in the same scenario, only he was the black bull. It was as though the two were sharing the same dream, where Patrick was being willingly kissed by a brown beast. Why he saw himself as such a beast was currently beyond him. Why he was turned on by the sight of other bulls mating escaped him. Why the taste of this other bull's tongue was so wonderful eluded him. And how did he know for sure that it was Leon as the other bull? Either way, Patrick had never been more turned on in his life.

The sight of the other bulls, one atop the other, started giving Patrick ideas. It seemed impossible that he should want something so depraved as to fuck another male, let alone a bull. But, he was a bull too, right? And a horny one, if the massive red erection dangling under his belly was any indication!

It took little prompting to have his mate turn around and show off his stained backside to the eager bull whose body Patrick was inhabiting. A few sniffs told Patrick all he needed to know about the bull's virility. Not even caring how dirty his mate was Patrick lapped with excitement, wanting to prep his mate for the inevitable fucking. He was so horny, he felt he could blow his load just by slapping his cock on his belly! In fact, it was too good, being this close to a massive, musky male, needing to cum as badly as Patrick did...