Fox in the Dragon Club

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When Ricter attempts to sneak into Dragon Heaven he finds that the security there is tighter than he expected. He is quickly caught and given two choices; face the consequences of his actions with the police or allow the one that caught him to collar him. The fox decides to stick go with the option that would allow him into the club, unaware that the dragon sponsoring him has a rather unconventional method of sneaking him in.

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Ricter found himself holding his breath as he carefully made his way through the fence that surrounded the alley entrance to Dragon Heaven, his green eyes glancing about mischievously as he looked around for any potential security measures before pushing further down into the darkened area. The club was the most premiere destination for those who are into rubber, and with the opening of the Dragon Tavern that allowed people to interact with the shiny dragons that could be seen walking around it had exploded in popularity. There was already talk of the club's further expansion and possible moving in order to cater to all the new people that wanted to be a rubber dragon and though Ricter was just as interested he didn't have the means or the connections in order to swing an invite into the actual club itself. What he did have was an eye for detail and when he saw that they were in the process of putting up new fencing to a more secure metal grate he saw that the wire mesh was no longer connected to the wall.

When Ricter got to the set of buildings that made up Dragon Heaven however it didn't look like it was anything special. Though he had visited the tavern and had seen several of the creatures up close there weren't any of them outside and other than a sign next to a large bay door that said it was the loading bay for the club he wouldn't have recognized it. He wasn't quite sure what he was expecting in the back alley outside of the old theater but he had imagined more draconic imagery or something as he went up to the delivery door. There was no turning back at this point though, the fox thought to himself as he jiggled the handle and found the door to be locked.

That didn't deter the wily fox though and as he looked at the metal shutters he saw that there was some give to the bay doors and they weren't connected to the floor. With his someone thin body the red and white furred creature managed to push his way underneath and slide through to the other side of the loading bay. Once he was through and got to the other side he found that he was where the old theater would make deliveries, but instead of crates and other storage items his eyes widened when he saw row after row of rubber dragon suits. This was more like it, Ricter thought to himself as he began to look down the rows, each one intricately designed and shined up as though about to be worn as he went from style to style of dragon.

As Ricter was looking at a particularly fanciful rubber sea dragon outfit he suddenly became aware of the fact that he was standing in the shadow of something that hadn't been there before. "Well what have we got here?" A deep voice said as the fox suddenly found a pair of very large shiny hands on his shoulders. "I thought that there might be a rat around here, but it turns out we have ourselves a little fox lurking around where he shouldn't be. How did you get in here little fox?"

When Ricter turned around he found himself facing a wall of shiny muscle that practically towered over him. The dragon that stood before him was covered in shiny cobalt blue rubber with a golden muscular chest, his horns, claws, and even his teeth glinting the same golden color as he saw that the creature only wore a half-shirt that said security on it that showed off his washboard abs as unlike most of the rubber dragons he had seen in public his latex-clad cock was completely on display. "I... uh... wow..." Ricter said as he saw the deep blue rubber member with golden ridges twitch.

"Seems like you might need a second to acclimate yourself to where you are," the guard said with a smirk on his face. "Since you want the Dragon Heaven experience so bad we'll be more than happy to give it to you, but since you didn't go through the traditional way you aren't going to have a traditional onboarding experience. Now you can either be my plaything for the night and we'll see how management wants to take your trespass in the morning, or I could call the cops right now and then you will have a very unfun night in lockup until a judge decides what to do with you in the morning. Pick your poison."

"I choose you," Ricter quickly replied, which caused the dragon to chuckle.

"Good choice," the rubber dragon replied as he leaned forward and the fox felt something get put around his neck, which when he reached up he found it was a collar that the other man held a leash too. "Name's Colt, though you can call me master, and I'm the head of security here at Dragon Heaven. Now the rule is that only dragons are allowed in but I think I have something special in mind for you, and though I probably won't use it much I would like to know your name."

Ricter quickly introduced himself and the dragon just gave a nod before tugging on the leash and starting to walk towards a different exit of the room. Though the fox lamented getting caught like this it appeared that his night wasn't going to be a bust after all, in fact there was a way that the very dominant dragon spoke which seemed to imply that he was in for a good time despite this being a punishment. As he followed the dragon out of the main dressing room he found himself being led up a set of stairs to the upper floor of the old theater and as he was led into the next room he saw that it was an old set of box seats that had been converted into a security office. Ricter found himself looking down at the shiny dragons that dance and grinded with one another, and though he was envious that he had to look down from above he was just thankful to be a part of it as the dragon brought him around to a desk that was near the back and opened the drawer.

As Ricter was told to sit he found something get tossed in front of him, which was a set of bright metallic rubber tags with one that had the words Slave of Dragon Heaven embossed on it while the other had Property of Colt instead. "So I'm going to be off shift here in a few minutes," Colt said as he leaned back in his chair and continued to put his impressive muscles on display. "Now I could either lock you in the Aviary as you are now, or you can come join me and a few friends of mine for a bit of rubbery fun. If you choose to be a slave of Dragon Heaven then it's the Aviary you go for a night of being bound up, or be my rubber slave fox and show me that I should vouch for you and perhaps maybe even let you mingle with those handsome dragons you snuck a peek of.

Ricter found himself swallowing hard as he looked down at the tags that were presented to him. While the first option sounded interesting this was potentially the only night that he would be inside the club before he was banned for life, and there could be much worse things than being a slave for the handsome rubber dragon who waited for his answer. It didn't take the fox long to make his answer as he took the tag with Dragon Heaven on it and tossed it back to the dragon before putting the other one on the collar that had been put around his neck. Colt chuckled at that and nodded, then told Ricter to wait patiently and did his paperwork for a while.

As the minutes passed Ricter continued to wait anxiously for what was about to happen next, fidgeting slightly as he watched the dragon work. As the rubber dragon grabbed the pile of papers he had set aside and gathered them up he told the fox to strip down and leave his clothes on his desk. Though the request initially shocked him slightly he realized that he had been staring at the thick rubber cock and shiny butt of the other man while he worked and quickly stripped himself down until he stood naked in the security office of the club. Cold once more smirked at the vulpine's eagerness and grabbed onto the leash once more after clocking out, bringing him out of the security room and back down into the club proper.

At first Ricter thought that he was heading down to the actual club floor but as he was brought down a few hallways he could hear the pulse-pounding music of the DJ from behind the other wall. Though he would love to be out with the others Colt expressed that only dragons got to experience Dragon Heaven and he should feel so lucky that he gets to even be in the building. As the fox nodded he was rewarded with a good slave and grope of his groin, which caused shivers to go down his spine from the feel of the synthetic hand against his junk. When he thanked him Colt looked down and asked him to repeat himself while giving him a slight growl Ricter swallowed hard and said thank you master, which seemed to satisfy the security dragon before he brought him into a new room.

Almost immediately the fox could smell the scent of rubber even more as he felt like he had just walked into an apothecary as he saw shelves upon shelves of vials and bottles all with shiny liquid inside of them. As Colt led Ricter in he saw that there was someone else in the room, a shiny rubber dragon that had a purple rubber body with silver leopard spots over his body. "Well if it isn't my favorite security dragon," the one behind the counter said as his eyes glanced down towards Ricter, the naked fox blushing slightly. "Looks like you found yourself a new slave too, where did you catch this one?"

"Near the suits," Colt replied with a smirk as he gestured from Ricter to the new dragon. "This is Keldon, he handles our modified rubber potions and elixirs. We've come a long way since we've first opened and have developed quite a few fun things, one of which is temporary transformatives. Now Keldon, I would like a complete vulcanization for this one, and I was wondering if you also have a vial of Special Blue that is available?"

"Special Blue, someone is feeling frisky tonight," Keldon replied with a grin as he turned back, lifting his tail to show off his rear end to the fox before turning back and putting two vials on the ground. Once was a shiny, rich black and the other was a bright blue and as Colt took the blue one the other rubber dragon pressed his finger against the stopper of the other. "You know with special blue you can't engage in the vulcanization of this one, which means that if you want to have it injected into your slave you will need someone else to take it."

"That is a fair point," Colt replied before turning to Ricter. "Hey slave, go ahead and ride this dragon's cock so that at least I can bring you around the rest of the club without having others see your furry butt around here. Oh, and before you ask, you don't have a choice unless you wish to retake my offer of bringing in the cops... though more often than not we have one or two in the club at any given time."

As Colt's clawed fingers massaged into the sides of the vulpine creature Ricter could sense just how much the rubber dragon enjoyed exerting his control over him. Though the ultimatum was unnecessary to get the fox to do what he wanted it did help to show just how much power this dragon had over him. His master's will was absolute for tonight, and right now it was clear that he wanted his slave to have this smaller but still well-muscled man to take him. As the leash was clipped off of his collar he watched as Keldon took the vial of black liquid and drank it, then grabbed Ricter and lifted him up before putting him on the counter on his back.

If there was any thought that this might not turn sexual it was quickly dashed as Keldon took his rubber cock, which had quickly grown erect, and slid it along the stomach fur of the fox beneath him. The sensation of that smooth material against him was heavenly and he found himself groaning while he leaned his head back, only to find a deep blue rubber dragon dick pressed against his face. "I might not be able to convert you," Colt said with a grin. "But that doesn't mean that we can't have a good time, and I want to see how well that mouth of yours works before and after."

Before and after... it was clear something was going to happen to him and it would have to do with rubber, but they were vague on what it was. Were they going to cover his fur in liquid latex? That might seem fun but it would mean that he was going to have to get practically shaved afterwards, plus it didn't explain why Keldon was the one who had drank the vial instead of pouring it on him. As Colt leaned Ricter's head back and both pairs of dragon hands slid through his red and white fur he found it harder to care, especially when Keldon leaned back once more and started to tease his tailhole with the tip of his cock. Though the fox could feel some sort of liquid or gel get pressed up into his hole the fact that this guy was about to push into him without much prep caused Ricter to brace himself even as he used his muzzle to tease his master.

For about a minute Keldon seemed content to just tease his hole, but as a tingling sensation started to spread between his legs he suddenly took the head of his rubber cock and pushed it in. Every muscle in the fox's body tensed from the insertion but instead of the pain that he was expecting there was instead only a wave of pleasure that came from it. That must have been some lube, Ricter thought to himself as Keldon continued to push into him to cause more spasms of pleasure, though as the first ridge popped into him he knew that something strange was going on. With how big Keldon was, though he was smaller than the one that he had started to lick, and how deep he had gone he would at least be experiencing some discomfort by this point with how stretched his inner walls were. As a hand wrapped around his own erection and it felt like his cock was covered in rubber it was enough for Ricter to see what was happening, and as he brought his head up he gasped in shock as he saw that not only was his maleness shining in the light between the dragon's fingers but it was slowly morphing before his eyes.

As Ricter felt a pair of hands bring his head back down and the tip of the cock was pressed against his muzzle he heard a chuckle from Keldon that was punctuated by a moan of pleasure. "Hey, let him see my work before you start stuffing his maw like that," Keldon said, causing Colt to huff. "At this point you're just going to make his jaw ache and I like seeing their expression as they watch. Now if you want that Special Blue you're going to have to wait until I'm finished before you start plugging him."

Though it was clear that the situation was causing Colt to become increasingly horny he let out a huff and instead used his body to brace up the fox so he could watch, though it meant that Ricter felt the throbbing shaft of the rubber dragon against the back of his head. As his gaze went back down to his groin he could see that the shiny substance that had coated his cock was spreading more, and instead of just covering his fur into a matted mess the individual strands were melting together before forming into a shiny skin. Even though he had always suspected that there was more to these creatures than just being suits he was getting a first-hand look at what they were all about as he could also feel the rubber shifting around his insides and assimilating them as well. He was being transformed, Ricter thought to himself as his pleasure heightened from the realization as well as the fact that his new anatomy was allowing the hunky dragon to push the entirety of his cock inside of him, and as the rubber deepened to a crimson coloration he realized that he was getting a scale pattern just like the two that were between them.

Ricter let out a low moan as Keldon began to pound into him with the transforming fox being stopped from sliding off the edge by the other rubber dragon as the changes continued to progress through his body. As the cock inside of him visibly stretched out his stomach he could feel the rubber inside of him flowing much quicker than the stuff making its way up his chest and down his legs, though it was hard to keep track with the pleasure that was being pumped into him. His legs quivered as he watched the rubber cascade down the limbs and eventually reach his feet, which caused his back to arch as the paws that he had were morphed and grew until he had a pair of draconic ones that were much bigger and featured three toes that had merged form his five. As Ricter let out a huff of sublime satisfaction at seeing himself changing he was just about to see his tail turn from fluffy and vulpine to rubbery and reptilian before he was pulled back yet again.

"Alright slave, you had your fun," Colt said as Ricter felt a pair of fingers push into his mouth, his eyes widening slightly as he realized the vulcanization of his insides had occurred quicker than he thought as the scales squeaked against his shiny mouth and tongue. "Now that Keldon has properly assimilated you it's time you service your master's cock. You should be more than capable of handling it now so open wide."

There was no way Ricter wanted to ruin his chance of letting this be his form of punishment for sneaking in and quickly opened up, feeling his mouth able to get wider than he was used to until he suddenly found his lips getting stretched out by the thick cock of the dragon. Though his head was still furry save for his mouth and the inside of his ears he once again only felt the pleasure of feeling the throbbing latex flesh get pushed into his mouth. The dragon put one hand around his muzzle and pressed it down to get even more pleasure out of his maw while the other held onto his collar, using it to push down deep as he quickly filled the vulpine muzzle and began to slide down into his throat. Combined with the cock of the dragon that somehow felt like it was pumping deeper into his body than before Ricter found himself reaching his orgasm, squirming and letting out muffled groans as most of his body had become that of a smaller maroon dragon.

Though he could hear Colt and Keldon talk about something it was hard to discern what was being said over the squeaking of rubber against rubber as those two hard dragon shafts slid easily inside of him. He really was just like a toy to them, and since most of his physique hadn't gained the musculature of the two he was still easily the smallest of the three. It almost felt like they had just covered him in rubber and put a set of dragon feet and a sheath on him, though as the fur of his throat stretched and bulged with each time the head of Colt's cock stretched his neck he could feel that similar changes were already happening to his head. The green eyes of the fox rolled back into his head as he already started to feel himself starting to build to another orgasm even though Keldon had stopped stroking his admittedly bigger cock, his back arching between the two muscular dragons as he felt a pair of horns start to grow from his head and his muzzle shifting more than just with the ridges of the thick shaft that kept popping in and out.

It was hard for Ricter to see any of this though with the shiny, thickly muscled pair of dragon thighs that obscured his vision as Colt used his throat like a cock-sleeve, though it felt like the two were wrapping up rather quickly now that his transformation had seemed to reach its completion. When the two reached orgasm it caused him to have another one as well, this time with it being hands free as his hands pressed against both lumps inside of him to feel the spasming cocks within his new rubbery form. The sensation was unlike anything that he had ever experienced in his life and as the two leaned forward and pressed their groins against his synthetic groin muzzle he let out a groan stifled by the this shaft that his throat muscles still massaged while they rubbed against him.

"Not bad for a temp job," Colt said with a grin as he rubbed down the smooth chest and stomach, which while not gaining the definition that he or Keldon had still had adapted a lithe, toned quality to it that the rubber showed off. "The maroon is going to be an interesting effect once I'm done with him, do you know if there are any private lounge areas that are currently available

Colt just chuckled and nodded, then pulled his cock out of Ricter while Keldon did the same. As the former fox got used to being empty for the first time in his new body the rubber alchemist showed him to a mirror in order to see his changes, which as he looked at himself he was surprised at how he looked. Though he had retained his ears that were covered in the same maroon rubber as the rest of his body he also had a small pair of blunt horns, a draconic muzzle, feet, and a tail that he stroked with his clawed fingers. As he stood next to the other rubber dragon he noticed that it actually looked like he shrank slightly, which as he started to look between them he realized that perhaps dragon wasn't the best word for him.

"What, you didn't think you were going to become an actual dragon, did you?" Colt said as he came up and put his hand on the head of the smaller male, a smirk on his own shiny lips. "Not for a little sneak like you, but I think a kobold does just fine since you're going to be worshipping me anyway. But let's go, the night wears on and I want to make the most out of my time."

Ricter found himself nodding and as the leash clipped back onto his collar it was mostly just for show at this point. The rubber had not only altered his body warped his mind slightly so that the dragons he saw were worthy of such devotion in his mind. He couldn't think of anything other than serving not only Colt but anyone else, the thought of this being part of him staying out of jail for the night leaving his mind completely as he was led to a different area of Dragon Heaven. As the two went into the new room Ricter found himself standing in a private lounge where he saw Colt take the vial and swallow down the contents.

Once he had finished off the liquid and tossed the vial in the trash Colt sat down on one of the overstuffed chairs and told Ricter to put those hands and tongue to work while the serum took effect. The rubber kobold immediately did what his master told him to do and as he worked the meaty pectorals and washboard abs with his smooth latex hands he could see the cock of the other man start to twitch and throb. If they had a potion of some sort to turn him into a creature like this it made him wonder what this Special Blue the two talked about would do, especially since it seemed that it was made mostly for the dragon whose breathing steadily increased. Whether it was from the serum, the kobold trying to lavish as much attention on that powerful shiny body, or both the kobold slave could see he was getting erect once more.

As he went to the lick the shaft with his tongue in order to give his master even more pleasure he suddenly felt a hand grab him by his new rubber horn and pull him back. "While that would be rather interesting to see I wouldn't recommend that," Colt said with a chuckle as he brought Ricter up into a standing position as he leaned forward on the chair. "While normally I wouldn't mind taking you on all fours or up against the wall I had a long night of work up until this point, so you are going to show me your devotion by impaling yourself on this monster. The faster you take your master's cock into that subby little slave body of yours the more time you will have to mingle with the others in Dragon Heaven, fair deal?"

Ricter couldn't believe what he was hearing, and though the dragon smirked at him while rubbing his butt he found himself growing excited at the possibility of actually being out there with the others! The idea alone was enough for him to take a deep breath and shift his position so that he was squatting with the head of that erect cock pointed straight at his tailhole. As Keldon had shown him the body he had would be able to take it easily enough, though as he grabbed onto the shaft and began to push the head inside of him he still didn't expect the tidal wave of pleasure that came with it. He wasn't sure if it was because he looked at the bigger dragon behind him as his master or just from the sensations being shared by two rubber creatures, all he knew was that he wanted that cock deep inside him so that he could please Colt and get out into Dragon Heaven.

Once he had gotten it in deep enough where he wouldn't need to guide it in anymore Ricter pulled his hand away and allowed gravity to push him down onto the throbbing shaft. As he could start to see his stomach bulge once more from the increasing amount of dragon dick in him there was a tingling sensation coming from the fingers that had been holding onto the cobalt blue rubber. When he looked at his palm he saw a thin layer of a gooey residue on it and wondered if this was from the potion, but as he tried to rub it off on his stomach scales he found that his hand adhered to the latex of his body! By this point his tailhole was completely stretched and was almost at the hilt, and when he tried to pull back up it felt like his inner walls had been suctioned to the cock inside of it.

"Uh, master..." Ricter said as despite not being able to pull off he still could sink further down on it, and as he did he found his stomach stretching out wider to the point where he could see the outline of the dragon's ridges in his scales. "I can't seem to pull back up."

"Don't worry about it slave," Colt merely commented, Ricter turning back to see his grin growing wider as he took his hands and pressed down on his shoulders to push his cock deeper into him. "Just enjoy the sensations, I'm told that they can be quite powerful, and when we're done I'll show you off to all the others. Now silence, this is one of my favorite parts of the process."

Though questions continued to swirl around in Ricter's mind his master had given him an order, but as he chewed on his lip he found that they were starting to stick together slightly. When he tried to squirm once more he found that it was growing harder to move his legs and even with pleasure growing inside of him and causing him to lose track of his thoughts he still found it strange enough to look down. When he did he saw that the deep blue legs of the security dragon had started to shift to an even darker purple, and when he couldn't see his own he had to flex his body around the cock that seemed to be growing longer inside of him to see where his were. When he finally was able to figure out where they were his eyes widened as he saw that his thighs were the only thing left and as the rubber flowed into the increasingly muscular form beneath it he was melding with the dragon!

Ricter let out a gasp and when he tried to pull off once more he found that not only did he no longer have the leverage to do so as the last of his latex legs disappeared but when he tried to do so it was like his butt was fused to the groin of the rubber creature. The pleasure was indescribable at this point and as the cock of the dragon continued to push up into his chest he could actually start to feel the head swelling, though in reality that was from his shrinking body as the mass flowed into his master in order to make him an even more hulking creature that before. Colt chuckled as he could see the look of shock in his slave's eyes as he looked back and saw a deep purple streak on his thickening pectorals, the lump that used to be his tail melting into the scales beneath it while the same coloration spread over his groin. When Ricter looked down where his hand had stuck to his stomach he found that not only had his entire hand and most of his arm merged into his body but his entire torso was starting to form around the cock that was growing inside of it.

As Ricter continued to shrink and transform Colt reached out a helping hand and pressed the other arm into the increasingly shaft-like body of the rubber kobold, which as his palm rubbed against the shiny skin of the other creature's body it caused them both to shudder. The pleasure wasn't just coming from the cock inside of him, the rubber kobold realized as he could feel the tip press up against his throat, it was also coming from his entire body. Though it had become increasingly apparent as the changes progressed as he felt the cock head merge with and stretch out his throat he knew what he was becoming, especially as he felt himself start to drool out a thick substance that he had tasted slightly. Ricter's entire body shuddered as his facial features began to smooth out and become distorted as his head became part of the dragon's cock, becoming hard to see anywhere but straight up as ridges began to form over his body.

"Now that is a good look for you," Colt commented as he watched the last of the maroon scales become purple from their shared rubber as Ricter began to feel his body throb in time with the cock that he was merging with, those green eyes looking back as the muzzle of the kobold tried to respond but couldn't as the liquid rubber cum that coated it aided in it becoming nothing more than a slit. "I couldn't just have you wandering around Dragon Heaven when you hadn't gone through the proper way, but I also didn't want to have to babysit you until morning and I had friends that were waiting for me. Since you were so eager to join in any way you could I figure you wouldn't mind if I brought you in a different way, as well as add a little extra rubber to help entice someone."

While Colt continued on it was getting harder for Ricter to think as his body began to shrink down the rest of the way, the excess mass not absorbed into his master leaking out as cum while he felt the pleasure of both their bodies reach a crescendo. His vision became hazy before he blinked and found himself unable to open his eyes anymore, the last of his features smoothing out until he looked much like the rubber cock that he had attempted to stimulate. When Colt reached down and began to stroke his body it was like he had been struck by lightning with how intense the pleasure was and he could tell that he was stimulating his dragon as well. His dragon... though it was becoming harder to think as he found himself growing once more it was erect this time and Colt quickly brought their shared form to a climax as the last of his muzzle disappeared while he felt the rush of cum fill up the tube inside him and come bursting out.

Colt let out a roar as he came, his toes curling on the carpet as he used both hands to jerk himself off until he orgasmed. Though not nearly as intense as what he knew the former rubber kobold and even more former fox experienced the pleasure of turning someone into his cock was almost as good as using them as one for the first time. As he panted heavily and looked at the deep purple member he could see that the ridges had grown even more pronounced and he had gotten quite a bit of length and girth, though not as big as when he had turned other slaves he had caught as a security guard. As he recovered he gave Ricter a squeeze to show his appreciation to his new equipment and feeling the pliable nature of it made him wonder if a few further adjustments could be made to it, potentially even having one of those dragon-headed cocks like he had seen some of the more hardcore dragons have.

For the moment though he wanted to make as much use of his new cock as possible as he left the private lounge, especially since he was off-duty for once before the club closed. He smiled as he imagined his friends would be fawning over his cock, knowing that Ricter would feel every sensation as he was groped and fondled. Plus the fox would get what he wanted, the security dragon thought to himself as he went to the club dragon, he had every intention of allowing him to interact with as many of the other rubber creatures as he could handle!