They Cum From Beyond

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A woman encounters an extradimensional object full of sperm-like aliens, and now finds herself the ambassador of their arrival! Bigger breasts and bigger balls- the aliens need human bodies to reproduce so they exchange enhanced pleasure for the help. The problem is actually in people's restraint, or, lack of. The outsiders may be a little TOO accommodating.

This story was done on request!

(F BE, lactation. M tf sexual abomination; multiple uncontrollable hyper orgasms)

Melissa is a good looking woman, with a nice personality. Most people, including one of her neighbors assume she is taken already, or just not interested in relationships- too busy out having a good time. The reality however is that she is too busy grinding her minimum wage jobs to meet people in order to form relationships. Fast food server by day, inventory duty in a local mall by night. Most of her off-time is spent eating and sleeping to recover to go back to work the next day.

Melissa did not even know how close she was to someone. She lives in a rather large apartment complex and her apartment is on an awkward little corner, so from the balcony walkway outside her apartment she can see the apartment of Garry across from her. He is always friendly and occasionally talks to her on her way to or from work, but she never realized he actually has a massive crush on her. He never says anything because he assumed she was too busy for him, or just well out of his league.

One night Mel returned home and plopped heavily into her computer chair, her feet very sore from a long day of work yet again. While her body is worn down her mind is very much still awake. She furrows her brow as her computer restarts in the middle of the startup process. When it does fully power up, a strange wave of pixilation ripples across the monitor. The computer turned itself off again and now the lights in her house dimmed for a half minute before turning off entirely.

She slowly turned in her chair. "Greaaaat. No power."

She left her apartment since she couldn't do anything without power anyway. It seems the power everywhere wasn't off, though everywhere did seem to be affected. Streetlights flickered briefly and she could hear some frustrated cries from other apartments from other people experiencing the same thing. Brownouts are generally a sign of a surge in the power grid, so the power should return to normal soon enough. Melissa wandered to some vending machines around a corner from her door that were still on. She tapped her credit card to it and got a soda while she waited for the power to correct itself.

Melissa almost fumbled the soda can when she heard something slam into the ground and the entire building trembled! She looked over just in time to see a massive cloud of upturned soil and splintered trees rise up in a plume around an impact site- far enough from the complex that the building was not harmed, but not far enough that the shower of particulate didn't rain down on the far-facing side. She walked under a roofed part of the walkway to the other side to get a closer look, but was so caught up trying to see what happened that she nearly walks into an object right in front of her! Mel gawks at it a moment in the dim illumination from nearby lights that still work, trying to figure out what she is looking at. It looks sort of like a small... box? A black box, but... it is just floating there. It isn't attached to anything, it is just floating in the air silently somehow. Melissa had no way of knowing the box is what created the impact crater. It fell from the cosmos but does not interact with reality on the same level she exists in, so while the impact was in the distance- the actual object that created it stopped here.

Melissa plucked it from the air gently- there was no resistance but if she let go of it, it also did not fall. It would remain at whatever height or angle she moved it to. It felt hard as rock but when she turns it in her hands the shape actually shifted with the angle! It was sort of like looking through a kaleidoscope. When it felt like it had been turned 360 degrees it still changed as she turned it. It exists on a higher level of existence, so her five senses are unable to fully parse what the object is. It was not just appearance either- she could feel the shifting of its shape when she moved it. It actually altered itself depending on how it was moved. Melissa briefly seen what looked like text etched on it but was unable to re-align it in a way she could see it again long enough to actually read. She started to get nervous that another object would fall from the sky and bust open her head, so she started to wander back toward her apartment. The light was on again- she could see through the window, so her power was back on now. As she continued to examine the bizarre otherworldly object, her fingers slipped inside of it from the top and a thick white goo started to ooze... UP from it! She had exposed an opening in the object and the liquid was escaping, dripping up instead of down! Her first reaction was to try and cover it with her other hand to stop it from getting out at all, but her face scrunched up at the feeling of the glue-like liquid sliding around her hand. She pulled her hand away and flicked it in disgust to get rid of the liquid only to realize it was dry again! In the time it took her to pull her hand off and flick it, the liquid absorbed into her skin, making it appear as if it were an illusion entirely and there was never a liquid in the first place. What did not seep quickly into her flesh drifted into the air, branching and spreading looking like a circuit board suspended in the air. The further it branched the thinner each stream became, till it was invisible to the naked eye. Part of the object in her hand seemed to break off, causing it to fall out of her grip, and she tried to catch it again in surprise, but it imploded on itself and seemed to blink out of existence entirely.

"Uhhhh.... wow. Maybe I should get a therapist after all."

The first thing she did was turn the PC on again and try to look up any meteor reports, or maybe satellites that were coming down in the area, but no one seemed to be talking about the impact that night. She started to feel feverish, her nose became stuffed, and she just felt dizzy and unpleasant so Mel ended up going to bed early anyway. Unaware that her ailments were caused by her immune system trying, and failing, to deal with an interloper. When she woke up her chest felt oddly sensitive and seemed to be firmer than usual- maybe even a bit larger. When Melissa went to get dressed for work and realized her bra did not close properly, she decided to call in sick. She no longer felt ill but... her breasts also should not spontaneously be larger.

Melissa spent the day having more fun than she would have thought she would ever have on a sick day- but not actually feeling particularly sick certainly helped. Her breasts did not get any better though. She found herself unconsciously touching them because they were oddly sensitive. Before lunch her nipples were standing in full attention for seemingly no reason. There was an odd feeling of being pent up inside of them, like an internal pressure that needed release. Her breasts were so taught at this point that you could bounce a coin off their surface. With a groan she pushed in on them while Mel was eating lunch to try to massage the skin to get it to relax a bit- what she caused was her stiff nipples to express fluid! The front of her loose white shirt became wet! She is lactating?! She hasn't had sex since shortly after high school, so she sure as fuck isn't pregnant. Melissa rushed to the sink and pulled up her shirt, pinning it under her chin and milked herself into the sink! Her breasts immediately softened... though, did not settle back to their old size. In fact- they got even bigger once they firmed up yet again by the middle of the afternoon and she had to milk herself a second time. She just preemptively called into both her jobs and told them she is going to need more sick days. Melissa wanted to go see a doctor but at the same time did not want to admit her only clue to her condition so far is a magical vanishing black box from space, which she has zero actual proof ever existed. Every time she milked herself though, her breasts returned to being plush but did not contract back to normal size- so with every milking she became larger! Melissa even woke several times in the night to milk herself while only half-awake. By the next morning, her breasts had gone from plump C cups to something that looked to be in the range of G or H cup. Each boob was a bit larger than her entire head, and still held pretty firm even when empty- and looked artificial once they filled, because they became unnaturally round and held themselves up further than normal breasts could achieve at that size. With every milking, she also expressed more and more fluid. She was so worried of her growing boobs that Mel failed entirely to notice the fact that it was not really milk. With increased volume it also became thicker, heavier, and slightly sticky. It looked like she was lactating cum almost... or the same fluid the cosmic egg contained.

In order to facilitate the expression of a thicker fluid- her nipples became much larger in girth and length. She started to need to milk herself more frequently, and released more fluid each time. Melissa started to feel very absentminded as well. Mel rubbed and pat the sides of her now huge breasts wondering if maybe she milked them differently somehow they would become properly emptied and settle down. For some reason she kept thinking of having someone drink from her, which made her blush- she never had a fantasy like that before now. Then again, she never had giant lactating breasts before now either. Melissa's shirt is supposed to be an oversized night shirt, but thanks to her increasing size it fit normally over her massive melons. Even her areola projected further than normal; having bloated into their own shallow hills separate from the curve of the rest of the breast. This is because human mammaries do not have a reservoir to collect milk in to store- now hers do, in the areola and base of the nipple. Normally the color of the areola and nipple darken quite a bit when lactating the regular way- hers remained a soft red-pink; unaltered, since it was not her own biology that brought this on.

Melissa slipped out at night to get some junkfood and soda from the vending machines around the corner. She often relied on them to avoid having to go shopping as often- and now it was more vital than ever since her body was sort of freaking out and she did not really want to go anywhere. Unfortunately she was so concentrated on getting there quickly and back again, she did not check her surroundings to see that Garry was outside his apartment just leaned over the edge of the walkway across from her.


She looked at him. "Oh, hey Ga-" She froze up a bit realizing his eyes were directly on her massive chest! Her unconscious mind had accepted the new form abnormally well, so for a brief moment she forgot she had a mutated breast size.

Even with the shirt on, her enlarged nipples tented the front at all times, pulling the fabric tight between them. Her nipples had adapted a small internal muscle structure to help eject 'milk' faster; but that means the nipples are always held erect. They can be springy or hard- but they always stand straight out regardless of which state they are in. Her face went beet red and she frantically stumbled over her words, telling him she was having a reaction to some medication and her bras did not fit. Garry assured her it is fine, and seemed genuinely concerned, asking if she was alright or needed him to get her anything, since she clearly isn't in any shape to be out shopping.

Garry also mentioned that he already noticed she had been missing. He says hello to her often or waves as she comes and goes but it never occurred to Melissa before that he actually pays attention to when she leaves and arrives. Garry looks forward to those moments, and noticed immediately when she missed a beat. Her heart continued to beat hard and fast, now instead of embarrassment- in realization that she had a male admirer in plain sight without ever noticing till now. They talked for a bit- Melissa using way more words than was necessary because she was making up stories to cover her condition literally as she spoke.

Mel paused and winced a moment, grabbing the side of her breast with one hand. She could feel a fat vein under the surface, as turgid as hard rubber with pressure. Garry immediately asked what was wrong but they both blushed as hard when she told him she needed release. Her boobs need to express. Melissa did not waste the chance to immediately ask him for help milking her, saying that she could not reach around her breasts easily to milk herself. That was a half-lie. She cannot reach around their extra-round curvature to milk herself... but also, she does not need to. Her nipples have adapted to the modified load so she could press anywhere into the surface of the breast and still explode her strange thick milk just as easily, without actually needing to touch the nipples directly. If she does not milk herself for too long after they hit capacity they will start to hurt, like a powerful cramping in her chest. Due to the milk being abnormally thick and somewhat sticky- it does not leak out on its own no matter how full she is.

She hustled back toward her apartment, now with Garry immediately behind her. He was internally praising his lucky stars that he gets a chance to be here right now. He went from just being glad to know her to her having huge lactating boobs out of the blue, and he not only gets to be with her and see them, but also milk her. Melissa was equally as pleased and also trying to suppress her joy. She had been fantasying about someone else milking her, not to mention it's been so long since she was with a guy- and now in her moment of need a good looking guy practically falls into her lap. Technically she could have lured in anyone with tits like these- but it's much better to have someone who actually already cared about her and not just her big boobs.

They once again both blushed as Garry tried to find a position to milk her in. She did not have buckets lying around and a glass is too small. She chose the bathtub because it could easily catch everything without making a mess but that means he cannot milk her from the front because she would be hosing him down. If he milked her from either side he would have to keep switching sides to make sure they are evened out, because he cannot milk both from a single side. She deduced the only way he could easily milk both at the same time is if he got behind her and wrapped his arms around. He was so glad to just get this opportunity that it did not occur to him that; that position puts his arms further back than her own- which means she would literally be able to milk herself better than him in that position which sort of defeated the purpose. It also did not take too long for her to feel his erection through his pants- because he was bent over her, which put her butt directly against his crotch. His hands against her breasts almost made her collapse from the pleasure stealing the strength out of her limbs. The release of pressure and the electric tingle of the pleasure nerves in her breasts being tickled from the powerful flow as they erupted forward into the tub. It almost looked like a garden hose blasting out white goo- though in short bursts.

Melissa stood up without warning and turned to ask him if he wanted to taste some. He was still trying to stutter out a reply as she practically thrust a tit into his face, guiding the massive nipple to his mouth. She walked forward so he would take it into his mouth and pinned him against the wall with her huge boob- having to back up a little when she realized her soft skin was pressed in so firmly that she might have blocked his breathing for a moment. She also miscalculated how far she needed to thrust her chest because yet again; milking them had made her sweater puppies still bigger. Now she moaned out loud, unable to suppress it. It felt even better now! Now his lips triggered the pleasure nerves from the outside and the flow from the inside at the same time! The breast he wasn't even latched onto started to spurt weakly because of the muscle contractions all the sharp pleasure was causing. She felt an odd pleasure and tension inside her breasts, seemingly digging deeper into her body, touching places she did not know existed. After a short while both breasts absolutely exploded with the fluid, soaking Garry and half her bathroom! It was like... her breasts had an orgasm.

Instead of trying to dry him off, she stripped him down, and the rest of the evening became a blur of frenzied sexual bliss. She pinned his hips to the wall between her massive mutated tits and tit-fucked him, though he was so aroused at that point that he shot his load almost embarrassingly fast. He also however did not go soft, so they took things to the bedroom. Melissa rode him while facing him so he could watch her gigantic breasts sloshing around. Now that they had been emptied out the boobs returned to being soft and squishy, so they bounced and jiggled with even the slightest movement. They are so large at this point that each boob is about the size of the chest it hangs from- causing the two of them to face slightly away from one another because of how they fight for room. When he came, it oddly felt like he blasted out a lot more than he did the first time. She flopped back onto the bed off his dick and as they both caught their breath- her eyebrow raised and she realized he still wasn't soft. She gently massaged his shaft while kissing and softly tugging on his balls before swallowing the shaft down, and another unusually voluminous load of cum. They both passed out soon after- still covered in sticky goo.

When they woke up neither of them had any mess on them. All of the fluids that had been on them was absorbed into their skin as they slept. Now with some of the hormonal haze removed, Mel thanked him for helping her the night before; not even bringing up the sex part. She scuttled away to cook breakfast, telling him to at least stay long enough to eat something. Garry was a bit slower to wake than her- feeling quite groggy and out of it. The moment he tried to get up he flinched from the feeling of tension in his groin! He felt very pent up- which seemed impossible given the events of the night before. He looked down and seen his balls were abnormally large and round, like something had inflated them! He shuffled to the bathroom in a hurry. His clothing that was discarded here the night before looked oddly clean too. The bathroom was already cleaned up- even though they both had only just woken up, so neither Garry nor Melissa could have cleaned it. He gently lifted his balls in the brighter bathroom lighting and felt the pressure shift and a dull but prominent pleasure build in him. Any movement around his groin seemed to trigger pleasure nerves- even around the base of his shaft or balls that was not actually part of his genitals. He had no idea what to think. Did she give him some sort of STD? It did not look sore or infected or anything, but clearly this was also not normal at all. He tried to pee but both his touch against the shaft and peeing seemed to trigger the pleasure as well and his dick became hard as he used the bathroom, forcing him to lean his hips further and further back to make sure the stream still went in the toilet. He let out a few suppressed moans and jerked his hips a bit as suddenly the stream turned white and Garry climaxed abruptly! The stream was a thick continuous pillar of goo into the toilet for two full seconds before it paused a half second and then the next stream of cum erupted- not ending till he turned the entire inside of the toilet white and it actually struggled to flush all the thick fluid down- almost clogging it. Well, his balls are still huge but now he feels fine again, so he decided to shrug it off for now.

Garry got dressed, had breakfast and decided to head back to his apartment, though told Melissa to call on him if she needed help again. Not just with her boobs- with whatever. He just lives a few apartments over, so he is always nearby. Melissa was sad to see him off again, and returned to being tremendously absentminded as she went to the computer, but then entirely forgot why. She tapped the keyboard idly then glanced at the screen and seen she had typed 'hello' into the search bar.

"Am I having a stroke? How did I just type a full word without even realizing..?"

She tried to focus, moving her hand about the keyboard, trying to remember what she originally came here to look up, and started to type random letters. Again, surprising herself because those 'random letters' were not as random as she would have thought. She unknowingly typed 'can you understand this?'.

"Can I understand this? Wha-?"

She started to type more- 'would you proffer auditory?'.

Okay, now she is starting to think she is possessed by a ghost. Melissa felt a sudden urgency to find something, but she did not know what. She stood up and wandered to the kitchen, visualizing a fork and quickly grabbing one out of the drawer. As soon as she did, her hand automatically clenched hard on it and it started to vibrate in her grip!

"Is this the greater of the communication methods? Are we poggers?"

It was a semi-masculine voice, though mostly monotonous and somewhat mechanical sounding.

"Uuuuh, who is this, where are you?"

"We are inside of you. Our voice is emanating from the tool you call a fork- your auditory receptors function through airborne vibrations, so we have chosen this as a medium."

Her eyes widened as she remembered the goo that seemed to vanish into her hand the other night! "Oh my god, you're that... goo stuff?"

"A yolk from a cosmic egg, yes."

"How do you know about human language? Are you an alien that has been researching us or something?"

"Bruh. We wish. We are how you would say... a based five-head mega-chad."

Mel cringed at his choice of words. "Please stop trying to use buzz words."

"We have scanned your social media platforms to adapt human vocabulary, but it seems we have overlooked a contextual divergence- apologies."

"Why are you here? More specifically-" She motioned over her body. "-HERE?"

"We cannot survive in your dimension outside of a host for more than a few hours. Ours is a comparatively short lifespan already- though we reproduce quickly given the right environment. We have adapted part of your body to be that host environment. We are here to explore- to understand."

"What is your name?"

"We have no need of a name. We are the only being of intelligence in our own plane of reality, thereby eliminating any need to differentiate. We are many but we act as one. Each individual acts as but a single brain cell- but we are all linked via telepathy to form a greater mind- a mind that is both figuratively and literally vast."

The white goo she has been ejecting is more of these aliens- they are the same size as a sperm cell! They move and think together as if they were all a single entity- which means the primary colony these came from is larger than the solar system. But in their plane of reality, they can exist on their own... they cannot do that here. That is why it broke into this world via the geometric egg; it needed to find a vessel to survive in, because our environment would otherwise be too harsh for them to live a full life- granted their full life is still only about five days. But also an individual dying to them is the equivalent of a single skin cell dying to a human- unnoticeable as long as the overall number maintains itself. They have been struggling to communicate with her because she is the first multicellular creature they have encountered and she isn't telepathic like they are- so their default communication method doesn't work with her. They are working on enabling her to hear telepathic projections- but it will be a bit before they build the means to do so while inside her body. They need her to reproduce, and they need greater numbers on this side of reality if they are to be able to properly interact with this world at all.

"B-but I am huge! I cannot go to work like this!"

"Your motor functions are unhindered."

"I wouldn't say unhindered- these things are heavy. Besides that though; people will notice when I show up to work with tits bigger than watermelons all of a sudden. Humans deject those who are abnormal- the more unusual, the harder they are rejected."

The aliens were silent a moment, calculating a solution. "Find a job in which no one recognizes you, and thus cannot interpret the difference. Also, if we are allowed to spread to more people, we can eliminate any problems you encounter ourselves."

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"If someone rejecting you poses a problem, you can spread us to their body and we can simply force them to comply. If you need them to give you currency to buy sustenance, we can simply make them give it to you. Or spread us to the harvester of such sustenance and we can convince them to give it to you without the need of further exchange."

Well... that sounded scary. "Uhh, I would rather just find a job that works. But that is easier said than done."

"You could be a stripper- with your assets you would make a fortune in tips."

" do you already know about strippers?!"

"We already told you- we used social media to learn much of your species. The internet is evidently, primarily pornography. Some of which on fictional beings and scenarios that are physically impossible... which is... odd."

Melissa had a lot to think about, and the aliens did not seem to mind letting her think- but they did have to have a discussion on her body's limits. Melissa can only hold so much and they cannot make her too much bigger than this at risk of disabling her- and if she cannot move; neither can they. They need to spread to other humans and as their only means of safe travel at the moment- that means Melissa has to be their ambassador. For the time being they studied her body's actions and reactions to better learn how to manipulate it without harming it. They need her to act as a host, so the Outsiders cannot risk any harm to her. They unfortunately already wiped out her immune system and white blood cells which attacked them. Fortunately they are so small that the Outsiders can very easily replace those functions on their own. Melissa had to fight the urge to milk herself, and because her huge breasts are so full; even pressing on them too firmly will cause the goo to spray out. The Outsiders signal to her that it is okay to vent every now and then- allowing their elder cells to escape to the outside on the off-chance they can establish a remote connection. They can reproduce so quickly on their own that it isn't that big of a deal to lose a good portion every now and then. Melissa also found she did not need to eat anymore... at least, not traditionally. Anything she touched could be dissolved seemingly into nothing- the Outsiders are so small they can dismantle and re-assemble atoms to build compatible food for her out of literally anything. She can drink a can of soda and then have them re-configure the empty can into a muffin.

She took up their suggestion on trying to get a job as a stripper. The bar owner clearly was not impressed with her dancing skill- but begrudgingly still hired on the merit of her gigantic tits. The owner would train her to dance- the assets would bring in an audience, skills or no. Melissa was so nervous about getting that job and figuring out what she does from here that it did not even occur to her that Garry drank her 'milk'. She isn't the Outsiders' only host now; she already recruited another before she even knew what she was doing.

Garry found himself horny and pent up again only two hours after leaving Melissa's house. His balls were also slightly larger looking again. Normally this would be cause for worry, but he found himself completely blind to that. The Outsiders disabled his worry instinct in this regard. They need their hosts to survive in this world so naturally they try to be as accommodating as possible so they can remain as guests- so having their host stressed wouldn't do at all. He chalked being horny up to the still fresh memories of last night. His crush suddenly grew huge boobs, got him to milk her, and then had sex with him without so much as a single date. With those delicious memories in mind he masturbated and blew an abnormally massive load. Every bit of it he got on himself absorbed back into his skin before he could even attempt to clean it up- just leaving the portion that landed elsewhere to actually have to clean.

His own nipples started to turn a lighter red-pink and the few hairs around them immediately fell out. The nipples and areola puffed up and became always erect, but that went unnoticed. It was not till he had grown lil A cup hills only a few hours later that he noticed; and was immediately embarrassed. Did he have some hormonal shift for some reason? They disabled his ability to worry about it, but not his ability to be confused, or embarrassed.

Even after he still felt oddly horny. He was experiencing phantom pleasure- pulses of pleasure from within for seemingly no reason that seemed to urge his penis back toward another erection. He did not realize the pleasure pulses were originating from his prostate which the Outsiders were greatly expanding. Like sperm; they are so minuscule that in order to get around they generally use a body of liquid that they can use to share momentum between their individual bodies. That means; any part of the body that is able to make or discharge liquid is useful to them. Some entered the bloodstream to monitor and maintain the overall health of the host- most swarmed to the prostate. They are only now discovering the sexual dimorphism of human bodies and it seems the male genitalia is considerably better a host for them. In breasts there is no real space dedicated to storage after production- they had to make a space and greatly increase the size of the breasts to make it work at all. The urethra is also an easier exit to use that a nipple- a nipple is sort of like a sponge; made up of hundreds of pours for fluid to escape from where the penis has one massive cannon-like passage to blast it out.

They had already started to give him breasts though- not realizing he already had something better. He is the first male human they had ever encountered after all. Rather than undo their work, they just decided to go with both. And so his A cups became B cups. Now there was no mistaking the gentle tear-shaped slopes on his chest. At mere A cups he could have passed it off as just some pudge(even though he has an athletic build), but at B cups; they are definitely breasts, no one was going to mistake them as anything else. Garry found his hand wandering to his crotch with one hand and chest with the other. He would be doing something and idly touch either, then the soft smooth skin and oversensitive pleasure nerves within would urge him to touch more. Every time he masturbated, he burst with a little bit more fluid than the time before, and his balls veeerry subtly grew larger. His little tits started to look puffy and his touch there also caused them to swell bigger. Soon he was sporting C cups. Now they had a nice round curve to them and the collection of weight on their extra rounded bottoms caused them to jiggle this way and that- further distracting him from anything other than his body.

He did not know what to make of the presence of breasts. On one hand his junk was a bit bigger and over producing, which was weird but very fun so definitely a welcome change. Boobs though? He loved to look at them, he loved even more to play with them- and he admittedly also loved how they feel to be squished. But he wasn't fond of the idea that they were attached to his body. That did not at all stop him from playing with them, a LOT. Commercial break while watching TV? Grab some titties. Waiting for a page to load? Play your boobs like bongos while you wait. Waiting in queue for a match in a game? Boob squish time. Every time he was anywhere near the bathroom or his bedroom he would stop in front of the mirror and give himself a little show shaking those boobs around. By the end of the day they swelled still bigger into D cups- which makes him slightly bigger than even Melissa was before her mutations kicked in. At that point his areola started to billow forward, gaining the storage capacity they already modded Mel with. Unable to worry about it- when he grabbed them later that night and they erupted with milk, all he could do is chuckle at the absurdity of the continually stranger situation, and just revel in the good feelings.

Normally he would only masturbate maybe once a week... he had gone off seven times in this one day. Normally that would not even be possible without hurting himself- his shaft would chafe or his prostate and balls would start to ache from overuse. But there was no feeling of wear at all- every time he masturbated it felt like it had been over a week since doing it last, and every time he ejaculated a bit more cum than the last time. That also means that his orgasms lasted a bit longer every time. Not only were all his naughty bits extra sensitive and ready to go- but now thanks to him owning his OWN boobs; every time he moves he is reminded of them, and every time he looks at them he gets aroused. The rest of his body was still a fit male but the breasts were very feminine. Even trying to just check on his junk to see if his balls have enlarged again- he cannot see them without looking through the valley of cleavage on his chest. There is a two foot blind-spot from his feet forward that he cannot see on the ground thanks to his breasts. He can only imagine how awkward it must be for Melissa to move around with her mountainous behemoth boobs- they occupy so much of her vision she can only see straight forward. She probably can't even see the ground- at all. After the seventh time masturbating that day he simply passed out the moment he flopped back on his bed.

When Garry woke up, he sat up quickly at the pleasant surprise that Melissa was naked in bed with him! His second surprise was the pent-up sensation in his crotch again as he looked down to see his dick was slightly longer and a LOT thicker than before! His balls were each the size of a softball each which is well above normal for a human. The veins on his shaft were bulging huge too- not particularly tight but very fat.

"Nice package there, big guy~"

"Ah... hah ah... yea. It... isn't usually this big. Hey, how did you grow so big suddenly again? It isn't... contagious, is it?"

"Mmmm, well that is what I came here to talk about actually. It IS contagious."


"BUT it doesn't hurt you. I didn't want to tell anyone about it because it sounds insane- but since you have it now maybe you'll believe. This is the result of an alien come to our world to explore."

She gave a rather detailed explanation of what has really been happening to her, and the arrival of the Outsiders. Garry listened to her intently trying to wrap his head around it- but in spite of looking at her the entire time he never once noticed that the bed didn't sink in at all where she is sitting.

"-and so that is what is going on. If you think about it- it is a golden opportunity. They are so small and so numerous that they can offer you any changes you want. But... another confession? We did not want to scare you so we took a form that you would recognize..."

"W-uh, you're not really Melissa?"

She placed a hand on his and her hand phased through it like she was a ghost. "There is no one in the room with you right now. We are the Outsiders- we are manipulating your optical nerves to create the illusion of her being with you right now. She is back in her apartment, sleeping at the moment."

Okay, so they hijacked his body to use as an incubator. Not something he ever wanted to happen... but it is true that this is a bit of an opportunity. They can reshape his body into anything by re-arranging his cells and genome. They are the same size as a sperm- the body of which would be 5 micrometers- half the size of a regular cell. Garry had a hard time thinking of the bigger picture at the moment; both from having just woken up but also his junk was overflowing again. He paused a moment in thought- ejaculating and then cleaning up the mess... isn't that killing aliens now? They reassured him, if they needed him to never release they would have modified him with that in mind. It is true those outside of the body are on a limited timer- they DO need to explore beyond in order to learn of the world, so sacrifices must be made. His ejaculations and Melissa's milk eruptions release their explorers, and their maiden voyage teams are building a microscopic network in the area to extend the reach of their telepathy on this side of reality, so that future units that are expelled can venture further.

The only thing he could think to ask for the time being was to make him more feminine. He loved the view of his boobs, but every time he looked at the rest of his body in contrast it had the opposite effect. The other thing Garry thought of is if they change his facial structure to be more female; if someone does discover him in this unfortunate condition, they will not recognize him- so if/when he turns back, no one will know that had been Garry. They left his muscle structure the same, but caused his skin to become softer, caused his body hair to recede, removed a set of ribs, and softened his facial features and made his jaw much less pronounced. His hair remained the same but grew to nearly four times its length. Now Garry felt even better about his form. Now it was almost like he was borrowing someone else's body, instead of deforming his actual body.

Garry masturbated again, this time erupting like a fountain! His bigger balls are certainly not just for show. When he climaxes, his breasts firm up which causes some milk to automatically express as well- the Outsiders are working hard to engineer the ability for his breasts to orgasm. Once developed; they can run this change back to Melissa to enjoy. The only thing he can think of at the moment that he would want is more of those long, amazing orgasms. And in this- his wants aligned perfectly with the Outsiders. Their reproduction causes him pleasure, so they work in perfect symbiosis. His taint swelled up large and then forward into his urethra. Pressing in on the opening lightly caused it to pop open wide enough that he could almost slide a finger into his dick! The thickness increase put it at the girth of a beer can- so it was actually too thick for him to fully wrap his hand around the shaft. There is a very slight gap between his fingers and thumb.

He felt pressure in his balls and even further within- lakes of cum wanting to get out, but Garry just lay on the bed for now- having already masturbated several times. Each testicle now the size of an ostrich egg. When he lays back like he is now, the balls roll back and forth in the thick, loose skin of the scrotum- like a horse pacing on the spot, raring to go.

"You do not desire more pleasure, Garry? The next load is ready- you are an excellent breeder- a 'stud' as they say." Even after revealing their identity- the Outsiders still spoke using Melissa's voice in his head, knowing he enjoyed the sound.

"Heh... well it would be great but... my arms are tired, heh." He blushed. "I uh, don't suppose you can just get me off yourself?"

"We cannot- yet. We are looking into it, but it requires outside stimulus we are still trying to deduce. This is our first time interacting with a multi-cellular entity so we have much to learn. Our prime mind in the other plane is all-encompassing- and thus we learn very, very efficiently. We do not expect this to take long."

Garry groaned as suddenly his left arm pulled tight almost as if it were cramping, but there was no pain. The muscles bulged and tightened back and forth in pulses, and his entire arm started to get more muscular! His upper arm especially bloated massive, the veins bulging under the surface pinched between the taught skin and the huge, bulbous muscle below. Then as sudden as it started the tension left him, and Garry had a single arm like a weightlifter! Well... he could certainly masturbate easily with this, but he was terribly lopsided. He shrugged- he did not need to go anywhere right now so it was a problem for 'tomorrow's Garry'.

His orgasms kept getting better and better, and on his request they manipulated his eyes to create the illusion of Melissa being in the room with him again, naked with her mega sized chest. Thanks to her new job as a stripper; the Outsider's also already knew dance moves to have the false-Melissa preform. He came more each time, causing the orgasm to last longer. Each time Garry also peaked for longer- the sharp electrical pleasure that triggers the orgasm itself seemed to drag out; so he felt like he was already at climax for several seconds before it actually hit. His nerves were also more sensitive, causing his pleasure to build from a higher baseline. His taint and urethra swelled very wide, allowing him to sound himself with a finger easily- it also made each rope of cum he blasted out get thicker and thicker. It was like a stuttered stream from a garden hose! You know you are ejaculating a lot when each rope makes a wet slapping sound as it falls from the weight of the fluid. On top of that, every time he blasted out another orgasm the jets became stronger. The streams flew further from his body, splashing further across the room or higher up a nearby wall. And he never had to worry about the mess, because the fluid is sentient- it cleans itself up. He actually deliberately started to coat things with his massive orgasms, making a sort of game out of seeing how much of his apartment he could paint in cum before it cleaned itself up. His breasts also fully adapted to be able to orgasm with his cock! It felt like their outsides became tight and pull inward, while the milky load within erupts out through the middle. Between the tightened tissue around the stream and the force of the stream itself, his nipples filled with electric pleasure at the flow through them. Unlike his cock though, it did not fire the fluid like a hose- it was sort of like a sprinkler. His breasts also swelled larger, a bit larger than a watermelon- but still not as big as Melissa's current size. Though both his cum and milk were technically both the Outsiders- the consistency is still a bit off from the two sources simply because of how it's made.

He never thought it was weird how loud he could be with his moans without his neighbors mentioning anything. Melissa used the vending machine a lot after all- and occasionally her capacity spiked as she was looking at the machine and she unintentionally squirted several streams onto it. Then the Outsiders were inside of everything in the vending machine- and thus inside everyone in the apartment complex. They will not disturb Garry because they are all under the same influence. Melissa was nervous for her first night on the job in her new body, so the Outsiders also caused her butt to swell out into a perfect bubble butt shape and then her thighs wobbled on their own in sudden growth. She grabbed onto them with a moan as her fingers sunk deeper into the plush flesh as they became big and meaty. Her lips then also swelled up, becoming ruby red without the use of lipstick, and very plush. They can reshape her body as many times as needed, so... technically this was like putting on makeup. She can just tell the Outsiders to wipe the changes to revert back when she is done. Though... she really liked the meaty thighs; becoming fond of the change for her own reasons.

To say the least- she was very popular that night. Sure, her dancing skills needed a lot of work, but the audience was fully captivated regardless and thrusting fist-fulls of money at her as she bowed forward thrusting her chest out. When one customer grabbed her enormous nipple and was awarded with a shower of milk- the security guards in the place actually had to step in because the men were borderline fighting each other to get to her milk shower. They quietened down considerably once they had been touched by her milk though. Becoming unusually quiet and many shuffled to the bathroom, feeling suddenly quite pent up and their balls swelling up with fullness. Even more customers piled in, in their place quickly enough. Melissa was quite aroused herself, which helped her warm up to the new job. All the customers she interacted with; she could see the bulge in their pants grow as the night went on. Their dicks painfully erect, stretching longer and throbbing harder, their balls bloating up huge with more and more cum demanding to be let out. If any of them had girlfriends to return home to- they would be awarded with growing oversensitive tits as soon as their boyfriends get in them. Over the course of a few days, the bar had an entire team of freakishly well-endowed women... because it did not take long in the dressing room for the other dancers to unintentionally discover Melissa's secret to success.

Melissa returned home from another night of work. Poll dancing was not easy- but fortunately for her, the men were so wild over her chest that she could do literally anything on stage and still make just as much money. She stopped by the corner store on the way home and picked up an absolute ton of random groceries and walked back out without having to actually pay. The store owner already accidentally got squirted from her overflowing boobs and fully understood the situation, so did not charge her. She plopped down on the first floor of the complex and just pulled out her phone for a bit. While she checked random things on the internet, the groceries around her unwrapped themselves and started to dissolve into the air only to re-materialize as various pre-cooked meals. These were the dinner orders of the other tenants of the complex. As the only one who is still normal enough to be mobile- Melissa acts as the errand girl. She introduces new people to the Outsiders, and brings back needed supplies.

Once the food is done she plucks it up and makes the rounds to all the other apartments. One person was almost unrecognizable now- a huge belly that is semi-translucent so you can see all the Outsiders in him, and his limbs had grown to the apartment itself and spread around its entirety, allowing him to reach and manipulate all his belongings at the same time. He had a cell phone, tablet, computer, and TV around him at all times- operating all of them at once thanks to his mutations. There was a 70 year old woman who now looked like she was 20 again, sporting five breasts the size of a small beach ball each and a giant clit that looks like a neon pink baseball bat, prodding the underside of her boob cluster. A man with a dick as thick as a fire hydrant and twice as long- accompanied by two more that were formerly his legs! One man inflated like a balloon- his entire body slowly inflating with more goo as everything is modified to store more of it. By now he is starting to look like a marshmallow man, and Melissa worries he might not show enough restraint at this point to prevent himself from simply bursting like a water balloon... though she supposed the Outsiders are smart enough to calculate his bursting point and prevent it. He does not even have any bones anymore- because his body has inflated so large that they would be dislocated anyway. He moves about thanks to shifting liquid pressure along, and the tension of his skin containing it. Every movement he makes there is a loud, muffled sloshing sound from the amount of Outsiders in him, and he is ballooned so big that he has to crouch to move around because he is taller than the roof. It is like someone stuffed a parade balloon into someone's apartment.

The most disturbing transformation is the one everyone called the Engineer now. He was a teen that loved the idea of aliens in the first place and jumped at the opportunity to be at the forefront of the operations here. So the back of his skull swelled up gigantically, becoming semi-soft but absolutely massive, swollen with the Outsiders directly interacting with his brain. His iris turned grey and he always had a vacant look because they see things on a different level of reality now. There is three fleshy tubes running from the back of his head, arching back into his torso at different levels- these contain his nervous system, removed from his spine. The bones of his spine tightened and became strictly structural for the body. Each testicle was the size of a beanbag chair and he usually had his laptop set up on one ball, and had Melissa put his dinner on the other- using the huge balls in the large scrotum as a table. His scrotum is loose, so it forms a canopy between the lazy balls. His hands and forearms were gone entirely- his fingers gained extra joints and now hinged directly to what used to be his elbow, making his digits extremely long and able to move around freely from one another like separate limbs.

Melissa shivered at the thought of some of their forms as she slowly made her way back to her own apartment. "So this is your goal, huh?"

"Yes, and no. Melissa- are humans self-destructive?"

"Uh..." That caught her off-guard. "Some can be, yea. Why?"

"Most of those inhabited so far request things based entirely on sexual stimulus and nothing else. If we did not maintain their physical health, we are unsure if they would survive. While they still serve our purpose, we worry for the life they so blatantly disregard."

"Well... humans are pretty sexually driven creatures. We don't really have a breeding season or anything like that, so we just go at it whenever. And the changes you induce create pleasure which causes them to get horny..."

"And when they are aroused their mating instinct takes charge- and gene preservation takes priority due to it being required to perpetuate the species as a whole. Hmm. That is a problem. We are unintentionally perpetuating a terminal 'breeding season'."

"Well. Yea... it is a bit disturbing to me too but... it feels good? They are happy, and YOU keep them alive. So as long as you don't try to take over the world..." There was a pregnant pause. "... were you trying to take over the world?"

"In our plane of existence we stretch beyond what you call a solar system... to build that sort of network on this side of reality we would need a lot of time- the more people who pitch in, the less time is required. So, yes, we had originally planned to recruit the entire populace of your planet. There are no life sign readings from other worlds other than the airborne creatures in Jupiter's eternal storms, but they are currently well outside of our range."

"Wait, there are aliens on Ju- well, wait, besides that. You can't take everyone or you will erase humanity!"

"We understand that now. We will have to recalculate our projections and simply account for much more time. We did not come here with the intentions of disrupting; we cannot properly learn, if we ourselves have tainted the results."

No one welcomed Melissa's deliveries more than Garry, who is still embarrassed to show his body at the door, even knowing everyone was having similar mutations. His own changes increased as he became better at making more cum, and more and more pleasure. One night he was in the middle of an orgasm, but the pleasure kept pushing even after it seemingly ended! He groaned from the strain of being at his peak for so long and his balls pulsed hard. Squeezed against his torso from tension with empty scrotum bunched up under them- his balls swelled rapidly but the new growth also caused a divot to form in them! Between the new growth pushing in two different directions, and being squeezed against his pelvis the balls split into four ostrich egg sized balls! His orgasm suddenly resumed as a new eruption of cum came from the new balls! Now when they squirm in the scrotum they gently rub against each other, because none of the four contract at the exact same time.

With every orgasm, his refractory period shrank; he was able to go again sooner. His cum started to become even thicker and a bit stickier, because it was more condensed now, so whatever it hit became absolutely painted. He accidentally hit himself in the face with a blast as he was bucking his hips so hard, and actually managed to block his own breathing for a few seconds till he wiped it off his face. His stomach started to round out a bit- though from lower down, not the middle. It was not his stomach itself that was enlarging- the bulge is actually from his prostate which is now abhorrently giant, and shoving his other organs out of the way. That means if he pushed in on his belly below the belly button he would actually cause his pleasure to spike- because he would be remotely pressing on his prostate from the FRONT of his body. His balls also slowly grew- their growth never stopping but also going slow enough that you could not visibly tell they were growing without comparing them to something else. As if being stretched by the force of the hot cum streams; his penis stretched longer with every orgasm as well. The shaft almost aching from how hard it became while growing bigger. The new length seemed to stretch from the base, and that caused it to become progressively thicker toward the bottom. His glans were stretched horizontally from the girth of the shaft- not having grown with the rest. It did not take long for the tip of his penis to brush the round curve of the bottom of his breasts. Then it penetrated the cleavage with its new length, allowing him to titfuck himself!

The Outsiders had not foreseen the consequences of essentially deleting Garry's ability to worry when they first arrived. They ask of him repeatedly if he is okay with the changes, and if he is sure he really wants more pleasure... but when you cannot worry about the consequences... who would deny more pleasure? Ever? The veins in his cock became as thick as a shot glass at the base! They started to bulge out on his crotch as well, and then creeped up his stomach a bit. There is so many fat veins visible on the surface of his shaft that there is more veins visible than actual naked shaft. His gut continued to balloon out as the prostate inside became more and more engorged! His tail bone started to stretch out and muscle swelled and branched from his lower back, stuffing itself into a meaty tail as it grew bigger and longer quickly. Because his genitals were becoming so large he was being dragged forward- putting him off-balance all of the time. Over the course of a single day he grew a tail as tall as he is, and its weight pulls his center of gravity back to where it should be. His tail also unconsciously feels around and gently wraps around objects it approaches- so if he trips his tail will instinctively grab onto whatever was closest to stop his fall. That is why the Outsiders gave him a tail anyway. What Garry used it for? He could get a good foot and a half of that thing stuffed up his butt, wedged against his giant mutated prostate! The tail is hairless and perfectly smooth with a tapered end- easy to fit into tight spaces.

Using illusions of Melissa when the real Mel was not present and whispering encouragement to him as he worked himself up, the Outsiders made sure Garry was as comfortable and pleased as possible. The time he spent on other things and daily life continued to shrink though. Even aside from contributing to the Outsider's efforts; Garry wanted more pleasure. He had the opportunity to have the best orgasms ever, whenever he wanted. He could just keep asking for more without any limit. That isn't an opportunity most have, so how could be possibly say no? And in changing to have better orgasms; his body became more sexually charged which made it hard to not get horny again, and slip back into working into the next climax. He was quickly become addicted, and that addiction was growing into obsession.

His balls swelled to the size of a soccer ball each and his dick stretched longer and longer, getting thicker at the bottom while remaining the same at the top. The base is so thick now that it has taken on a vaguely triangular shape to it- the urethral bulge on the bottom connects to his taint under his scrotum- both the urethra and taint as big around as his arm. Then the two cylinders that made up the 'blood-sponge' that makes the bulk of the shaft create the other two 'corners' of the triangular base of his cock. The two top portions actually overlap his thighs slightly because of how wide it is. His cock became as long as his torso, and then even longer than that. As it grew its movements in orgasm became more wild- thrashing about as the cum erupted up its massive length and splattered across the roof and walls. The longer the shaft is, the more pleasure nerves the flow tickles along the way. The longer it grew the more complex the muscles inside became- and Garry soon realized it has become prehensile; he can move it around the same as his tail. It just didn't move nearly as well as his tail because it's filled with blood pressure all the time.

The eternal blood pressure within was another side effect of his progressively growing pleasure. His refractory period shrank with each orgasm, but eventually it just did not exist at all. When one set of balls emptied the other was ready, and by the time he got off that pair; the first was recharged, so there is no refractory period. But it did not stop there. His body just kept thirsting for more pleasure. As much as the Outsiders puzzled over this and fret over giving it to him- they needed to appease the host, and so more pleasure was given. Melissa worried over him too, and started to stay at his apartment instead of her own. Now that everyone was under the influence of the Outsiders the entire complex became like one big shared apartment; everyone having been unintentionally made into a strange sort of family. Garry put off eating to 'finish' masturbating sometimes, and then would sometimes need a second go, putting it off longer. Eventually they decided it would be better to just have Melissa eat his portion, and then she cradled his head and fed him from her giant engorged breasts- transferring the nutrients to him that way to bypass his procrastinating. Her enlarged thighs made a great pillow for him to rest his head between while she rest her huge boobs on his face for him to suck from. Garry certainly did not mind. More time to masturbate and feel more extreme orgasms, while also being fed by the giant tits of his crush? Hell yea.

Garry's refractory period continued to shrink even beyond non-existence. Not only COULD he cum whenever, his penis was actively erect more frequently, and more frequently... and soon it was always at least at a half-chub. And then it was always erect. Even immediately after blasting his disturbingly gigantic load, it was still hard. It was incapable of going soft anymore. But it still did not stop. Soon he started to feel pent up if he did not orgasm every few hours. And then fewer hours. And then every hour. And then he was always masturbating- working toward the next orgasm immediately after the last. He had another stunted orgasm that trailed beyond his load- this time his four balls seemed to adhere to one another. They swelled like before at a rapid rate and then in a sudden jerk they shoved apart again- now a third pair of testicles added to the mix! Half of either new testicle was born from the existing pairs. The load of cum then immediately resumed, now powered off the third set.

Melissa tried to talk him down, to make him settle down but Garry loved the feeling; he wanted more. Having her tell him to stop or slow down created inner turmoil and seemed to stress him- because he could not will himself to stop. So rather than get him to stop, she was just making him feel bad about it, so she quickly silenced herself. There was clearly no course-correction at this point. She gently encouraged him, whispering things like how big he is and how much of a stud he is. It is hot. Disturbing, but also hot. She tasted his cum more than a few times- her boobs are technically filled with almost the exact same thing anyway. Almost every other time, he was tasting his own. He could throat-fuck himself and had done so, so frequently now that he was sort of addicted to his own taste. When he finally went to sleep Melissa used his gigantic shaft like a body pillow since it never deflated or retracted at all.

Garry's left arm became even larger- now not just with muscle but actual size. The huge bulging muscle spread across his back and partially onto his chest now too, to better support the lopsided limb. This giant arm meant he had a very strong and very huge hand- better to cover more of his shaft with while he masturbated. The head was always down his throat now. Being prehensile- the first thing he tried with his mobile phallus was stuff it down his own throat. He did not need to bend his neck or body at all, the cock came to him and thrust itself using its own muscles entirely so his body did not even need to move. It is extremely long and large though- only a fifth could fit down his throat at best. His massive hand covered more, and then Melissa helped massage more throbbing taught mass. His still normal feminine arm squeezed his breasts, which had started to grow again too- though were very lopsided. If his left breast became too large it would start to interrupt his giant arm, so it only grew to a wobbly G cup. The right breast however grew to the size of a large beach ball! He was never actually using his legs anymore so they started to devolve. The bones softened away to nothing and the muscle and flesh started to balloon out. They became more and more round and then the skin and muscle layer divided! The muscles transformed into testicles- the flesh ballooned out into scrotum! He now has one scrotum that contains six balls the size of soccer balls, and then a scrotum on either side of it that contains one beach ball sized testicle each!

For the rare times he actually does wish to move, his tail grew still larger and still thicker at the base- allowing him to slither around on it when he wasn't using it for self-insertion. The base became wide enough that it occupied the underside of his hips in place of the legs that no longer existed... well, as legs. This also pushed his anus forward so the opening is actually on the base of his tail, facing forward. He pulled his phallus from his throat suddenly during one session, trailing a thick strand of saliva and precum as his cock started to mutate even more. The glans started to balloon larger now- his foreskin also grew huge but remained fully pulled back, making it look almost like a drawn back hood because of how much soft flesh pooled there. The head became massive, but even more than that- the corona flared wide. Each of the tiny almost unnoticeable bumps along the ridge started to swell and stretch with blood pressure, turning an angry shade of purple. The bumps reduced in number but grew vastly in size, turning into very long but narrow barbs! The head of his penis almost looked like some sort of exotic mushroom cap! The urethra is so wide the slit opening is always lazily open, always drooling pre. Occasionally it burps up a large gob of precum while always dripping it lazily at some level. But even that increased. Soon it was always spurting erratically, and occasionally would jet it out hard enough that it almost seemed like a mini orgasm. His actual orgasms were never more than forty minutes apart. The Outsiders whispered encouragement to him, urging him to cum everything he could all at once each time while Melissa did the same. The Outsiders projected more images of Melissa into his vision- giving him an entire team of his favorite girl crawling on him seductively- even though in reality only one was real.

Melissa seen his cock arching toward his mouth again but rather than thrust in, the muscles below the surface seemed to squirm. His shaft was deforming a bit, shuffling around. More than that- she could hear the subtle sound of stretching tissue as it engorged still bigger. Two bulges started to travel up from his crotch, digging up his torso, and even the base of his tail started to bulge with muscle, threatening to grow. His body was stretched thin around these new mutations designed only for pleasure, and it seems it's at its limit- ready to snap. Everything that is not dedicated to cumming is threatening to fall away, like a dam breaking in front of an unrelenting white tide.

"H-hey... uh... maybe you've had enough? I know you want this but, it is good already, yea?" She had little faith he would listen, but it was worth one last shot.

"Yes... b-but... more... just a little more... " He groaned long and loud as the sound of stretching tissue rang out from his shaft again, even more assertively. "So much... but... a little more, just... a bit...MORE."

His shaft suddenly surged horizontally, then the bubble of growth erupted both up and down his shaft and the muscles inside seemed to reject one another. His shaft stretched a bit longer but was becoming very strange looking from the shaft deforming wildly. All of his balls- including the ones that used to be his legs- started to swell even larger! Garry's upper back started to swell out, but not with muscle. It almost looked like a giant boob was forming but no nipple developed. It was like a camel hump, though bigger and softer- a jiggly sphere of flesh filled with more Outsiders. Every time a change paused or stopped, it was an unspoken question of whether or not he wanted to go further, but the answer was always yes. So now he was going all the way- turning into a cum factory. A living orgasm. His tail surged in length and then with a wet sticking sound; split into three tails! His gigantic cock started to blast out another long orgasm but the stream also split into three! The three tails reached around to grab the end of his cock and like someone peeling a banana- pulled the shaft into three as well! The urethra split in the middle, giving him three glans shaped like soft-cornered triangles! The urethra of each pressed together and the three triangles could be pushed back together in the middle to form a single round glans again. Only the outer-facing side of each of the three heads retained the barbs, so they did not get tangled together.

Garry moaned for more, beyond all logic. He shoved one tail into his butt, one cock in his mouth and grabbed the other two cocks with his other two tails! His spine started to make dull, hollow pops and stretch longer. Pink spots formed on his torso and very quickly developed into nipples, then the coloration spread to form areola, then they pushed up as two more breasts formed below his existing two! The G cup breast started to inflate now to match the monstrous beach ball sized one- you can see the thick veins toward their base, where the flesh is soft enough to reveal the fat milk veins to the surface. Each of his four nipples nearly as big as a tiny penis itself. The bulges travelling up his body that Melissa seen before seemed to vanish as they dug around the bulging mass around them, but were visible again on his shoulders now and bulged massively out the sides of his neck! His torso stretched longer- the bones of his spine popped apart from the stretching but his body still held erect from fluid pressure. His hair rapidly started to fall out and his head started to swell; though just the portion the hair had covered, not the rest. His entire body- every part of it- started to grow now and Melissa quickly darted back to the doorway to avoid being crushed! The sounds of stretching tissue and deep *glorp* sounds of liquid like a bubble in a watercooler filled the room as he grew. His moaning almost an inhuman sounding droning in the background now. She backed up further as he quickly started to outgrow things. His balls pressed into the bedroom wall and started to bend it outward, bulging out of the doorway, and eventually rupturing it! The doorframe broke first causing his balls to lurch forward, which hit the surrounding walls with enough sudden pressure to explode it out completely. His balls all came sloshing into the living room area and his growing torso flopped mostly straight- his head was still propped up against the opposite bedroom wall. The giant boob-like mound on his back wedged between floor and wall and actually provided padding to prop himself up with, like a mobile beanbag chair.

Melissa gasped as she realized what was happening to his head. The part that swelled out looked like the glans of a giant penis! The tubes on the side of his neck running up his body from his crotch converged together on the back of his head as a giant urethra! He basically grew another dick- but the shaft of it is his entire body! His face still remained as normal just below the glans where the frenulum would be. When he cums, you can see the split urethra bulge up the length of his body before his head-glans swell up and erupt. To him, it sort of feels like two huge dicks on either side of his neck throbbing. His tri-cock continued to grow, so large his tails could only masturbate the bases of them. They randomly drift around the room spraying everything down. His four breasts became nearly as big as Melissa's entire body- each. Unable to fit on his chest- obviously- they flop to his sides and rest on the remnants of the bedroom while he paws at their sides with his hands. Even just the nipples flopping off the ends of the breasts are as thick as a pint glass!

And still his pleasure grew- ushered ever onward by his growing needs. His absolute obsession to drown in endless orgasm; a ceaseless tide of hot, thick, white goo. His dicks spurt pre constantly like a broken faucet, stopping only for the powerful jets of actual cum. And even then the gap between the two narrowed. More cum, less pre- always shooting. Shooting harder, and greater volume. Then it was always cum, either a dribble, a lazy stream or the hard powerful jets of actual orgasm. But still the gap narrowed. More jets, more orgasms. And then the gaps closed entirely. He was always in orgasm, always cumming. Long, jets of cum then a brief moment of weakness between contraction and then right back to it. His prehensile dicks lost mobility simply because the pressure of the cum streams erupting through them prevented them from bending. His breasts lifted themselves from internal pressure, bloating round and taught and the massive nipples erupted a steady arching stream of fluid; the lactation about as thick as normal cum, while the cum from his actual penises was like a heavy thick glue. It painted literally the entire apartment in an inch-thick layer. Before the layer of cum cleared another was painted over it. Rather than spill out the open doorway where Melissa stood, the cum swirled into the area just on the inside of the door and lifted into a huge sphere. As the sphere churned you could see thin circuit-board like metallic lines in its surface. The Outsiders were in such great numbers here that they were building a hub outside of the host.

But still it continued, still it intensified. The brief weakness between spurts vanished- it was just a continuous, uninterrupted stream! The bulge of his obscenely giant prostate in his gut swelled so huge it almost resembled the knot on the base of a canine phallus! His tri-cocks grew still bigger, stretched and engorged by the unrelenting internal pressure. They touched the roof and were forced to bend, then the walls, floor, and curved back toward the roof! Tree-trunk thick shafts coiled around themselves wrapping around him and the room itself, trying to fill in any unused space as they continued to throb bigger and blast harder! And still his orgasms grew in power! The streams of cum started to lift, trailing up the walls as the pressure of the stream increased, then they hit the roof- then his cocks lost their mobility as they became locked in position by the pressure of the unending stream. Not a single thought could enter his head and he became trapped in a half-sleeping limbo. A blinding orgasm filled his entire malformed body every moment of every day and night without so much as a pause! Now the glans on his head almost seemed symbolic- like he had literally cum his brains out.

Every so often, Melissa would hear a piece of furniture rupture, or a wall collapse from one of the other apartments. She eventually seen flesh start to spill out of windows and broken doors and wrap around the building. So many others were recruited thanks to her strip bar job, and she was expecting to see it on the news eventually but it never happened. If there are witnesses; they get recruited, and suddenly no longer want to rat them out. Everyone seemed happy enough- and when the Outsiders have enough mass able to survive... well, OUTSIDE- they will leave the humans. Still; looking at the mass of engorged flesh writhing about that used to be a complex full of people, Melissa cannot help but wonder if she inadvertently started the end of the world by touching the geometric egg.

She returned home after work, just before dawn started to peek on the horizon and sighed, seeing another part of the complex having collapsed from the throbbing wall of expanding flesh behind it.


"Excuse our observations, but as interlopers in this plane of reality- our initial assessment is that the beings of this dimension are quite unusual. We were able to trap them in a perpetual loop of pleasure entirely by accident. Although they are pleased by the results, we must insist they revert to their prior forms when we are done. These shapes are only plausible because of our continued presence, and cannot function independently."

"Well... duh. I certainly hope you'd turn them back. And ME."

"Your form can function independently."

"I don't want yoga-ball sized tits forever, thanks. I might keep the thighs."

"As you wish."

Mel groaned. "How long is it going to take you all to grow big enough that you can build a body to survive our dimension?"

"Our initial estimate was not at all long- at least by your perception of time. Then we recalculated, and were disheartened by the fact we could not acquire much assistance due to the potential harm aiding us may inflict." There was a hollow chuckle. "But thanks to your lover; our current assessment is once again- not long." His output was almost a hundred times what they originally estimated one person capable of.

She huffed, wandering around the building to see if there was still a way up to her apartment without having to climb someone's engorged naughty bits. "Too bad other lifeforms can't pitch in too."

"What? We have been using every multicellular body we have encountered."


"If you think this is messed up- you should see what the plants did to themselves."

So the next time you feel extra horny and ponder if perhaps you could go again in the same day- make sure it is your own desire telling you to do so, and not an Outsider that came from beyond.