Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Twelve

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#13 of Gaining Lost Time

Chapter Twelve

"Unexpected Events"


Furry Sith Lord

I stood outside with Justin waiting for Oziah to arrive so I could go to the vet and Justin the library. Our plans seemed derailed though because Lou came out and began to bark orders to Justin on tasks he wanted him to do. The list got so long that Justin had to grab a notebook and write everything down.

As Lou stood there in his suit I wanted to reach out and strangle him with his tie.

"Guess I won't be going to the library after all." Justin whispered glumly after Lou had finished and Justin was reading over the tasks he was given.

"We'll see about that." I whispered. Finally Oziah arrived followed by his chauffeur to drive us in the limo.

"Sir," I said to Oziah and he looked at me with interest. I caught a glimpse of Lou brooding out of the corner of my eye.


"I need Justin to do some research for the project we're working on. Your son gave him a list of tasks to do but could we postpone them so he can do the research and we'll both finish up the tasks tomorrow?" I asked and I lowered my ears and held my tail with my eyes shining to help manipulate my grandfather.

"Lou! I need you to clear up Justin's agenda. He will be doing research for me of a highly important nature." Oziah ordered and Lou scowled at me then bowed respectfully to his father.

"As you wish, sir." He said then when Oziah was not looking he glared at me.

"Good then that's all settled. Hop in kids we have a lot of stuff to do today." Oziah said as Justin and myself climbed into the limo.

"Oh, son." Oziah suddenly said and Lou looked at him cautiously. "I believe we have a matter to settle. You and I had an arrangement that should you beat me... in chess. You would be given a plot of land to grow a garden of your own choice of your favorite grass." Oziah said. He walked Lou, and us because he got out of the limo to see what was happening. Oziah led us to the spot where my father had his garden growing. Right now it was just a large patch of dirt but it was perfectly squared off and waiting to have the seeds planted to grow grass from different areas.

"As promised. I bought grass and other plants that I know you love to eat so you can plant them." Oziah explained as Lou looked at the spot and he looked ready to cry.

"I'd add a spot for clover to grow. You never know when your tummy might feel bad and need something to make it feel better. Plus, I'm told, it tastes delicious." I said but I saw that Lou was ignoring me.

"I don't have any adequate attire to wear to work in the garden." Lou protested.

"Can't have you ruining your suits." Oziah said to himself as he thought things over.

"Have the maid take him shopping! She picks out the best clothing." I added and caught Lou glaring at me again as he watched me from the corner of his eyes.

"Good idea. Now that that is all settled we better get going." Oziah said.

"Is there no one else that can go shopping with me? Surely, she is busy with her daily tasks." Lou pried to protest but the look on Oziah's face told me he was uninterested.

"She loves you and knowing her she'll not only drop everything to take you shopping but she'd feel insulted to not be asked. Rather than making her feel unwanted, go ask her to take you shopping for suitable attire. Oh and I do mean suitable! This is not a trip to buy more suits. I want clothing you can ruin as you play around in the mud setting up your garden. You know the garden you worked so hard to win from me." Oziah said and Lou looked down at his feet.

"Wow, I'm jealous. My father never lets me near his garden. You've been given an incredible gift. I bet you'll turn it into the best garden ever." I said as I stared at the spot. I had memorized how it would look from the number of times I stared at it. Looking at it now amazed me because I knew what it would turn into.

I also started to understand why my father loved his garden so much. It was a living gift from his father and he wanted to make it the best to honor his father's memory. Judging from the size and the amounts and seeds it was a clear indication that Oziah loved his son, even if he was not good at showing it.

"How do I know where to plant the seeds to get the best yields?" Lou asked. I think he was asking me in a way by not asking me because he hated me. I did not know the names of the grass and plants but I explained what I remembered of the grass and plants by the colors I saw.

"Oh, I get it! To get the best yield I need to plant similar grasses near each other to make them think they are in their own environment. That will encourage them to thrive!" Lou said and he started walking towards the garden but I quickly stopped him.

"Not in those clothes you'll ruin them!" I cautioned. Lou looked down at himself. I could see the passion for his garden developing. I then felt a firm hoof touch my shoulder and his other hoof touched Justin's. Oziah led us back to the limo and it was clear he would accept no objections.

I had a feeling of dejavu as I sat on the table in only my underwear. I wore briefs today so I could seem like a normal cub and not have everyone stare at me for wearing boxers out in public. I liked briefs anyway but every time someone told me what I had to wear or how I had to dress it made me want to rebel. It might be a throwback from when I was a slave.

Oziah sat in a chair reading a magazine he had taken from the waiting room. He seemed uninterested in me as he read the financial details written in the articles. Finally after what seemed like an eternity the vet finally came in. The end to the uncomfortable silence was refreshing.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Salber. Who do we have here today?" A large husky in a white doctor's coat said as he sat and looked at a chart. Since there was no information about me there; there was very little for him to read.

"This is my grandson. He's been having trouble with his paw cramping up as of late. Is there anything you can do to help him?" Oziah asked calmly. I saw the look of surprise on the vet's face.

"What species is your son?" Salber asked as he took out a notepad and started writing notes.

"He's a red deer like me, however my son was originally adopted. I am unable to have biological children of my own." Oziah explained.

"And Eastwood here was also adopted?"

"I was. My father transferred his blood into me to make it official. He originally bought me as a slave but decided to give me my freedom and make me his own." I explained and I saw Oziah watch me calmly

"I wish more species would do that. Never understood why in this day and age the writing of a cub's book has so many species fooled into hating species because of their fur color. I always hoped we'd grown past all that." Dr. Salber said. He rose from his desk and came over to me and asked to see the paw that was affected. He lightly squeezed then put on his reading glasses and examined my paw close up.

"How often do these attacks happen?" he asked.

"Every so often. I can't really predict when it will happen." I replied.

"His paw seems perfectly finem it could be something neurological causing it. Perhaps an allergy to something that we never knew about before. Are you being exposed to anything that you've never been around before?" Dr Salkber asked. I shook my head because everything was the same as it's always been except for me traveling through time.

"I'd like to get a blood sample from it. Maybe a few tests can tell us a thing or two about it.

"Is it possible to do a DNA test to find out who his parents are? Maybe they have a history of things like this?" Oziah asked. I groaned and they looked at me but I remained silent. I didn't think it proper to tell them that my parents had not given birth to me yet so I doubted there would be a record they could follow to find my birth parents.

"Sure we can see if there is any record of them." The Doctor said almost as if he read my thoughts. "The trouble is not many want to record their rare white fur children so it may be difficult to find an exact match.

Justin slithered up to the service desk of the library. A middle aged female Koala smiled as she turned to face him.

"Hello dear, how can I help you?" She asked softly then smiled at his shyness.

"I'm looking for a book but my school library card doesn't work with your system."

"You don't have a regular library card?" she asked.

"Well... I left it at home but after school let out for the break, I got a job here and was not able to get back home. All I have is my school card."

"I can print you a new library card if you want. If you have your school ID then I can use that to prove your identity." she replied.

"Yes please." Justin said and he used his tail to hand her his school ID. She took it and saw the close up of him smiling.

"What a handsome young man you are." She said and she typed away on her computer then he heard the sound of a printer activating. She took the card from it and then handed it to him.

"Thank you," he replied.

"What are you looking up?"

"I wanted to see if there is a book by someone named Mikabeans. I heard a radio program that had him on and he said he invented time travel. I wanted to do some research to find out if he was real or not."

"You're interested in time travel?" She asked skeptically but still kept her smile on.

"Well my friend thinks it's possible so we've been looking for books on it to see what the experts say about time travel." Justin said.

"Oh, we have a book titled: 'I'm Not Mad; How Time Travel Exists.' by Mikabeans."

"That sounds like him. The radio host called him Mad Mikabeans." Justin said, his voice sounding excited.

"What show was he on?"

"A Toast To The Coast." Justin said and she giggled.

"I hope I don't hurt your feelings but that is not a real show. All the guests are staged and they read from a script." She said as she then wrote down where to find the book.

"So none of it is real?" Justin said as he tried to hide his hurt.

"Sorry, but here's where the book is so you can read it for yourself. I just would not take it too seriously. That is why we keep it in the fiction section." She said as Justin slithered away with his head hung low.

A nurse came into the room after the doctor finally left. She had me squeeze my paw to make a fist then she tied an elastic on the upper part of my arm. I felt a little queasy as she took out a long needle and placed a glass tube in it. I had blood taken from my arm before and mostly it was fine but the sight of the blood made me faint. I had learned that when they are drawing blood out I need to close my eyes.

"This isn't right," The nust said as I turned my head with my eyes closed. I felt the needle stick into my arm and it pinched a little but felt different than last time.

"This doesn't make sense." She said as she removed the needle the filled it with water and flushed it out. I opened my eyes and looked at her then I saw there was no blood in the vial. I looked at Oziah. He leaned forward and was watching the whole thing with interest.

"Let me try another needle," She said as he opened a package and took out a new needle and tube.

"What happened?" I asked .

"Nothin' honey, there was just a little problem with this needle. I'm gonna try a different one." The nurse said. I looked at Oziah and although he said nothing, the look of concern on his face told me otherwise. As much as I did not want to, I knew I had to watch the blood being drawn.

I flinched as the needle went into my arm and I watched the tube but as she pulled back on the plunger no blood entered the tube. The nurse's eyes looked at my arm in annoyance.

"You are a difficult Stick, Mr. Eastwood." she replied.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It means it's difficult to get blood from your veins. This can happen for a number of reasons. Your veins might be too small or you have rolling veins." She replied.

"Yes I remember being told he has that trouble. We never figured out why exactly, only that it's almost impossible to get blood.... By normal means. I forgot to bring it with me but I was given a device to help making blood samples easier with him." Oziah remarked.

"Aw grandfather you forgot... the device." I said as I tried to follow his lead.

"We'll have to come back once I get the device. Come along Eastwood." Oziah said as he rose and the nurse frowned at him. She did not object but it was clear that she did not approve. She was probably also wondering what device Oziah was talking about.

Oziah made me get dressed then he ushered me out. He did not speak until we entered the parking lot. He looked around nervously to make sure we were alone and that no one would over hear us.

"Since you arrived, have you bled at all? I mean even once?" He asked me.

"Not... that I recall. However it's not like I'm running around trying to cut myself." I replied.

"Fair enough. Have you ever had trouble bleeding in the past?"

"No, never, and I've had blood taken before and we never had this trouble." I replied.

"Interesting. There is something wrong with you, something really wrong." Oziah said.

"Well.... Thanks for putting it bluntly." I retorted.

"You don't understand what I mean. You're living but you are not normal. You should have blood coming out of you but instead you have air. I believe the hypothesis that you are going back to your original time could explain this." Oziah mused.

"Wait, so you're saying I don't have blood in me anymore and soon other things will vanish also?" I asked.

"Indeed. As a matter of fact I think you'll just vanish out of existence here and find yourself back home safe and sound." Oziah said. He reached out with his hoof and began to touch me as if trying to make sure I was even here

"Maybe," I replied glumly.

"What do you mean? Maybe?" he asked.

"It's still too early to rule out the other hypothesi. This could the the result of changing the past and wiping out my very existence. Oh my paws, if I never existed what will happen to my brother? Will things turn out different without me?" I wondered as I tried thinking about what would happen to Lyon. Would Leggo still convince Lou to adopt him? Would he ever be bought or would he become Master Fox's slave for life?

I wondered what would happen to him because of the accidents he used to have. Depending on who he gets as a master he may be beaten and picked on mercilessly. After everything that happened with his adult I wonder if he might kill himself over it! I had to think of a way to solve all this.

Justin sat at a table reading 'I'm Not Mad; How Time Travel Exists.' and for the most part he was bored to tears reading it. Mad Mikabeans may be a good scientist or even a good story teller but as a writer he was terrible. Everything seemed vague and incoherent.

The book was basically everything they heard on the radio program except the radio program was more detailed. He wrote this book 5 years ago so his story was not as fully developed as the one he told last night on the radio show.

The book explains why he is called Mad Mikabeans and not because it was a playful nickname. He actually lied on the radio program because he said he had started with screws then he worked his way up to non sentient gerbils. That was not true! According to the book he hired some sentient mice, mostly ones that needed money and agreed to the experiment to help their family pay off some debts.

They had trackers they wore so that once they went through the machine they could be tracked. It seems the team working with Mad Mikabeans did not have to go searching; they just followed the signals. This was also how they determined that the mice were found towards the west and east of the warehouse.

The interesting thing was that once he fell, or jumped as he told the radio show, When he woke up he had no idea who he was. He had complete amnesia that slowly over time diminished as bits and pieces of his memory returned. At the time that the book was written he said he felt 85% of his memory had returned.

He speculated that the size of the machine did not affect how long it took to travel but the key was the amount of energy. Given an almost unlimited energy source he speculates he could travel to any given moment in time. At the time the book was written he should have been the equivalent of 45 years old but he was only 43 years old because of time travel.

Justin wondered if he could get ahold of Mad Mikabeans research once the machine was built. It was possible that parts could have been incorporated into the machine then they would have an unlimited energy source. This could explain Eastwood being sent back in time!!!

"Hey buddy!" I said as I sat next to Justin while he was totally immersed in the book. He jumped then looked at me blankly. It took him a minute for it to register then he snapped out of it and looked happy to see me.

"Oh, sorry I was lost in thought for a second." he replied weakly.

"Oziah is outside, we're going home so get your stuff ready." I told him. He used his tail to grab the book and rose to put it back.

"Aren't you gonna borrow that?!" I was surprised he was so quick to return it.

"There was not much interest in it. I mean the story in here is a little different than what he said on the radio. Of course when he wrote this he said he was having trouble with memory loss. Speaking of which, did you have memory loss when you first arrived?" Justin asked.

"Honestly, just between the two of us, the answer is 'no.' I was disoriented but having been struck by lightning will do that,"

"Static discharge you mean." Justin corrected me and I tried to not roll my eyes.

"I kinda pretended I had memory loss because that kinda explained why I was out of sorts but in reality there was nothing wrong with me." I explained.

"Mad Mikabeans' book said that he thinks the amount of energy the machine uses determines how far a species can travel through time. If he had an almost unlimited energy source he could travel at any given point in time." Justin explained.

"Wait so you think his machine is a part of our machine?" I asked.

"It's possible your machine somehow operates the same as his did. We really don't know how it was built but you could have found a way to recreate it unknowingly. It could also have been deliberate!" Justin mused.

"But how does string theory fit into all this?" I asked.

"Maybe it fits by not fitting at all!"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It could be a play on words to set things in motion. Hear me out. The message is written on the machine to get you to research what string theory is. We first met because you were trying to find out. That led us up to this moment and learning about Mad Mikabeans.

A string of events leading up to all this. I'm thinking this is why it was written on the machine. I mean it may be part of how the machine ultimately operates but I believe that might be minor compared to everything we've been through." Justin explained.

"You know something Justin, I think you're right. The only reason I've come this far is because of everything we've been through." I said.

"How was the vet?"

"Not good, not good at all," I replied glumly.

"What happened?" Justin asked.

"For the most part everything seemed fine except the nurse was unable to draw any blood out of my arm. It was like there was nothing inside of me except air."

"Impossible, how else could you be alive?!" Justin asked.

"I dunno. This is why we gotta figure out how this time travel works to know if I'm gonna die or be sent home once the machine is built." I said as my voice took on an edge of panic.

Justin used his tail to touch me and I looked at him annoyed as the tip began to poke me all over. He could see that I'm solid but he seemed to be trying to test that and looking for a spot where his tail would pass through me.

"Do you remember the questions on energy you asked me?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, sort of."

"You wanted to know if your body could be transformed into pure energy and then reassembled. I think it has, in a manner of speaking. I presuppose that when you were struck by the electrical discharge that your consciousness was absorbed and when the energy was sent back in time you went with it. When the energy arrived it coerlest and the energy became the body you are in now. That energy is not eternal so as it runs out, your body is breaking down. Once the last bit of energy runs out there will be nothing holding you here and your consciousness will return to your body." Justin surmised.

"Can we be sure of that? What if my consciousness is lost forever?" I asked, my voice cracking with worry.

"I have no idea." Justin said as his voice was filled with depression.

"What's happening to my body, I mean my real body back in my own time?"

"You are probably in a coma waiting for your consciousness to return." Justin said.

"Will it?" I asked.

"That... is a good question." He replied. I quickly ushered him out so that we could return to Oziah and explain the new theory we had. The latest developments were making me panic more and more. The fear of never being able to return home again was my biggest fear and everyday it seemed to be becoming more and more real.

To Be Continued...