The Pavlov Effect; A Fan Sequel

Story by Tiger-Shifter on SoFurry

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This is a fan piece of Killerpavlov's RP log called "The Pavlov Effect; Take One" I hope you enjoy it killerpavlov.

I got a lot of help with this piece most of which from a certain individual here on Sofurry. I will not name him unles he wants to be named. You will never know if someone doesn't want their name on something >.>

Before you read any further, please do not read if you are underage in your nation. There are laws on the internet and I hope you are aware of your actions becuase I surely am.

The tags are probably enough to give you an idea of what is to happen :P so without further ado......

The Pavlov Effect: A Fan-Sequel

It was a fine Autumn day perfect for a camping trip in the great forest near the tourist town of Glen Dale heights. Kyle and Marissa, a married couple that were doing some sight seeing as a part of their honeymoon heard rumors of a secret place in the great woods where lovers would bond together and get to know one another even more than they would ever dream. Kyle and Marissa had never "Done it" yet, which was unexpected for a newly wedded couple. Whether it was because Kyle was a little pudgy or Marissa was a little short and scrawny, with nearly non existent assets, in comparison was besides the issue. The crisp air, the sun bright and the falling leaves falling all around the couple was very pleasant. After several hours of hiking through the woods, leaving their car far behind, the couple came across a large waterfall that emptied into an inland lake.

Standing on the top of the falls, Marissa turned to Kyle and said with lights glinting in her eyes, "Oh Kyle, isn't this the most romantic place in the world or what?"

"It sure is honey," Kyle said grinning. The two embraced and were about to kiss when the tranquility of the area was shattered by the sounds of two flying darts. The tiny darts embedded themselves in the necks of the couple, who both fell to the ground unconscious with so much as a moan.

A large Figure wearing a hooded cloak over coarse clothing that covered the entire body stepped from its hiding spot from behind a large rock, the pistol it used to fire the tranquilizer darts still smoking. The Figure dragged the two unconscious humans on its shoulders easily and took them to the base of the waterfall. Fiddling with a hidden panel, the Figure took the two newest victims into.... The Lab.



Marissa shook her head groggily as consciousness came back to her. She opened her eyes to find herself strapped to a strange chair of some kind, completely naked with belts wrapped around her arms and legs, pinning them to the chair, though she noted that her legs were forced to be a bit a part, as if to give something free access to her bare Vagina. Strangely enough though, the small room she was in, was not cold at all and was rather comfortable. She turned her head to look around but saw blank featureless walls everywhere.

"Hello?" She asked tentatively, "Is anyone there? Where am I and how did I get here?"

Immediately the dim lighting of the room brightened up as panels on the wall in front of her lit up then started displaying images. Sound was supplied from the strange chair she was strapped to via the head rest her head rested comfortably on.

Music that was fairly reminiscent of the 1950s started to play all about he room As a logo that read "Welcome to Trans-Labs!" appeared on the screens. The Logo flickered than disappeared revealing slides to Marissa.

"Congratulations on choosing Trans-Labs to submit yourself for experimentation!"

"Here at Trans-Labs we believe that changing the world with renowned cure all medications and drugs starts with the safe testing done on our human participants"

"We are happy to inform you that the waivers you signed to become test subjects have all been approved, giving us permission to start testing and experimentation immediately!"

Marissa said aloud, "But I never signed any such thing!"

As if anticipating her words, the voice from the slide show said, "But what if you don't remember signing such a contract? All test subjects were required to take a drug that would clean out memories for the past 72 hours, giving our test subjects a clear mind and clearer resolve!"

"Thank you and have a nice day MARISSA"

There was an audible clunking sound as if a reel was being removed from a projector. The screen flickered then cut off to a video feed of a man with hidden features sitting behind a large desk wearing a white lab coat and white gloves.

"Test Subject number three, For the duration of this experiment you will be subjected under hypnotic and physical conditioning while being subject to a veritable cocktail of drugs. I will examine the effects of this experiment for data. Enjoy process while it lasts, because by the end, I'm sure there will be nothing of you left in that pretty head of yours, mehe, Ahahahahahahaaaa!" The mad scientist raised his arms up as he laughed.

The Screen flickered again and changed as images of sexual genitalia were flashed across the screen constantly, male or female, cocks, breasts, and vaginas of all shapes and sizes flashed across the screens in front of her at fast rates. She closed her eyes reflexively and turned her head. The Chair however had other ideas. thin robotic tentacle arms came forth from the bottom of the chairs and a strange apparatus came forth from the head rest to force her eye lids open. The sides of the head rest formed a vice that forced her head to look forwards towards the screens with the offending images.

She struggled against her bonds until she felt a needle prick her skin and inject something inside of her bloodstream. Immediately she relaxed, staring forwards at the screens of sexual genitalia. She barely felt anything as her eyes were riveted to the screen. A phallic tube formed from one of the tentacles of the chair and started to insert itself in and out of her vagina eliciting pleasurable experiences that permeated her body. Another phallic tube went to her face and forced its way into her mouth slowly deep throating her while supply her body with nutrients and air. A few more tentacles came out of the chair and started to slowly stimulate her erect nipples on her nearly flat chest.

She stared at the screen for an undetermined amount of time, to her only seconds seemed to pass as her awareness of time was completely suppressed. During this time period she noticed a pattern in the back of her mind. The images of the cocks were from a perspective of receiving the big fat juicy things. The images of the breasts and vagina were always done so at an angle as if she was the one fucking or touching them. She stared at the sexual images in front of her, her pleasure growing until she finally fell unconscious from exhaustion.

Marissa woke up in the chair, her mind more alert and clear. she found that her arms up to her elbows were now free while her midriff was now bound to the chair. She struggled to remember the events of the last time she was conscious but only flashes of sexual genitalia and the mad scientist came to mind. Just the thought of those flashes brought her to a state of arousal. she stopped herself from reaching down to her vagina to finger herself, a forbidden pleasure that she has never done in her life in a strict and unloving household. It occurred to her that Marissa never thought of her husband through the ordeal, where was he? was he trapped in this horrible place as well? Before she could explore those thoughts further the screen in front of her flickered to life again.

The image of the mad scientist appeared again, "Why hello subject 3, lets see how your first session went? Lets start with the obvious..."

The image of the mad scientist was replaced with a video feed of a man masturbating. His pubic hairs were completely shaved away giving Marissa a good view of his dick and scrotum. Immediately she felt herself growing hot and needy. Her heart rate increased dramatically as her mouth watered and her pussy started leaking. She moaned unable to stop herself from tweaking her own small nipples, which were hypersensitive to her touch, with both hands. Marissa was shocked at her reaction. She had never reacted this way outright just by seeing a man's penis out. She forced thoughts of getting that fat cock into her mouth to suck on or to ride on to dissipate by focusing on images of her husband's facial features and expression. Her arousal did not disappear and was a constant irritant in her mind.

"Excellent." The mad scientist said.

Next the same man in the video was shown fucking a strange creature. It looked to be the cross between a woman and a wolf with multiple breasts all of which were leaking copious amounts of milk. The man was grabbing her by the hips and shoving his large red pointy cock into the beasts waiting vagina doggy style. The man growl as he did so. His body seemed much more hairier than the last time Marissa saw him.

Instead of fixating on the female creature's pleasurable experiences and wanting that cock very badly. Marissa found herself fantasizing about herself in the man's position, being so dominant and powerful. The images of the female genitalia she was flooded with ; with the stream of male pictures, came to mind as she fantasized about having a cock of her own to fuck woman with. Her body rocked as she orgasmed, juices spraying from her sensitive vagina.

"Excellent." The mad scientist said again, "Let us begin stage 2."

There was a hissing sound as a strange smell began to permeate the room. She couldn't figure out what it was, but it made her feel even more horny. Her hands were once again strapped to her chair as new images started to flood the screen. Images of skunks that were half merged with humans appeared on her screen. The males had large black cocks with well endowed packages hanging between their legs, the females had multiple black teat like breasts from which milk seemed to flow constantly from. The creatures in the images had sex, lots and lots of sex. The smell that permeated the room soon reminded Marissa vaguely of those skunks as she as bombarded with the videos and images constantly, unable to move or look away because of her restraints.

She jerked suddenly as several syringes, which stealthily moved out of her vision via tentacles suddenly impaled themselves into her body. 6 on her chest, one in her vagina and one on her face. She groaned then started to shake violently as the serum in the syringes began to do their work. Pincer ended robotic tentacles came out of the chair and started to pinch the places on her chest where the syringes entered her body. Her nipples once again became hypersensitive and every time they were pinches, a moan escaped her mouth. The musky smell in the room became stronger as the serum began to take effect on her nose, Her mouth and eyes watered as her mind began to be filled with the skunks, it was all she could even think of. Her Vagina was feeling swollen and needy, but was neglected by the machine. She gasped for air as the thickness of it seemed to increase as the smell of the skunk musk overwhelmed her senses. The burnt rubber smell made her loins and her nipples ache as the smell was cemented into her psyche. She screamed in orgasmic pleasure as juices streamed out of her burning loins and milk started leaking from her small lactating breasts. When she was done, the pincers continuing, she fell into another exhausted sleep.

She woke up to find herself looking up at a reflection of herself. A full length mirror was suspended over her showing her the changes that have thus far taken place on her body. The first thing she noticed, as she stared at herself was her nose. It seemed to be upturned and flat as if someone forcibly pulled her nose up so that her nostrils were pointing away from her face. She saw it was black and wet, like that of an animal. Next her eyes moved down to her chest. Her swollen nipples have changed color to a dusky seductive black and were now the size of a man's thumb. The flesh of her breasts also expanded and swelled giving her definitive B cup mounds. She noticed that there were 4 other black patches on her midriff, all of which were in perfect straight alignment with her breasts. She reached up with her hands and touched her nose, feeling its wet leathery texture then moved down to her nipples and sore spots. .She squeezed one nipple and was surprised to see a small stream of rich creamy milk get squeezed out. She moaned at the sensation of pleasure. Then surprised even herself when she cupped a hand beneath it and collected some of the milk to taste.

She felt a burning sensation between her legs and gasped in shock. she brought her hands down there and fingered herself. Strangely enough it felt like her Vagina had contracted in its confines, as if her passage was shrinking, but something else was swollen inside of it. She felt around with two of her fingers, until they both touched her swollen clit. Upon touching it, her clit seemed to swell further until the tip of it was sticking out of her shrunken Vagina. She moaned and started to rub it more vigorously until she felt her body rock as her juices flowed out. Her tongue seemed swollen to her, so she stuck it out of her mouth in pure ecstasy where it flopped to one side of her mouth as she panted for breathe.

Her sexual explorations were interrupted as the cold mocking voice of the mad scientist was heard once again. "Ah, like what you see? Do you enjoy your growing additions Subject 3?"

Marissa nodded in agreement, her power of speech escaping her for the moment.

"Heh, good then, what about your husband subject 3? Do you still care about him or the world outside of this place?"

Marissa's face scrunched up as she tried very very hard to remember. An image of Kyle, or was it Ken? appeared in her mind, but for some reason, she couldn't remember her life outside of the forest, she couldn't remember her family. She knew she had a father and a mother, but she couldn't remember who they were, if she had siblings or even friends. She realized she was being brainwashed somehow and struggled to get past the conditioning.

"Hmmm.... it appears you need more conditioning subject 3. Let us continue this conversation when you are further a long shall we?"

Marissa growled in response trying to form coherent words...

"B-b-bashtarrrrrrd" She moaned from her lips swelling tongue and lips. She forced herself to concentrate on her husband and lover as an anchor for reality and for her self identity.

"Hish name ish Kyle" she whisper lisped to herself over and over again as the machine of her chair came back to life. The nipple tweaking pincers came back with full force, this time accompanied by brushes soaked in the serum slathering her chest with the stuff, especially around the erogenous black zones on her chest beneath her breasts. She felt the chair start to rise up and change her posture as it transformed itself more into a table that was angled so that she was nearly standing. She felt a breeze on her ass as the chair seemed to open up around that area. She moaned in lust briefly as she felt another syringe stick her there.

Her mantra slowed, then stopped as pleasure flooded her senses from the nipple pulling machines, a very large phallic protrusion inserted itself into her mouth forcing her to suckle on it. The scent coming off of it was full of a strong skunk musk that she couldn't resist. She moaned as she licked it and sucked on it until it started to release thick ropey streams of nutrition while simulating the taste and consistency of cum at the same time.

Marissa jerked suddenly as a suction like tube was placed over her vagina where her clit was sticking out swollen and still growing ever so slowly. The tube started to pump pulling on her growing clit while supplying a separate environment around her vagina filled with a gaseous form of the serum that started absorbing itself into her sensitive flesh ever so slowly.

Over the days and weeks that passed, Marissa soon found that her need for sleep diminished entirely and that she never seemed to black out again. Thoughts on things other than constantly pleasuring herself or finding a male, or even a female to mate with fled from her. She found that she could barely remember the face of her nameless husband. What was a husband? She didn't know, or perhaps she once knew? She watched and enjoyed the sensations of 4 more nipples being formed on her midriff by the pincers that still pinched the area. As if sensing the lack of mental resistance on her mind, her bonds on her arms were released. Immediately, she moaned as she rubbed her hands on her multiple nipples, twisting, tweaking, teasing them eliciting wild yells and screams of ecstasy from her. Soon fat formed beneath her new nipples, filling them out and forcing them to become full fledged breasts of the same size of her original breasts pre change. Her original breasts swelled even larger as the brushes coating her chest with serum, continued to do so undaunted by her flailing hands. She started to pull on her breasts forcefully, which forced growing streams of milk to spray out of her nipples, as a result her nipples started to stretch out and swell even larger, forming teats. She pulled on them until they were roughly 4 inches of hard and thick teat, large enough to suckle on for a full grown lover.

Through this process, she finally lost the capacity to form human words as her face started to change. with the nourishing phallic instrument still in her mouth, her lips darkened then thickened as the teeth inside of her mouth sharpened and lengthened. Cracking sounds clanged around her fogged head as her face seemed to stretch forward slowly until it formed a muzzle with her swollen nose at the end forming a proper skunk snout. Her tongue became long and pink, wide and flat, perfect for deepthroating and sucking the cum out of a large eager cock. She soon found that her tongue was long enough to just barely reach one of her nipples, if she moved her head down to its limits. The sensation of licking herself in that spot threw her over the edge a few times as her juices sprayed all over the area and the milk of her teats, all over her body. She began to reek of skunk as more of her body slowly transformed.

Her vision blurred for a few days as the color of her eyes changed from a sky blue to an earthy hazel like brown. Thick black hairs formed on her head and chest areas. Her ears became triangular yet rounded and moved slowly to the top of her head where her human hair has long since fallen out in clumps that fell into a shriveled pile on the floor beneath her. A shock of white fur starting from the bridge of her black velvet nose went straight up her head and down her neck to where the fur was starting to grow down her back.

Her hands grew black paw pads and claws as she desperately tried to milk herself with them. The frantic movements spread the serum that was already coated on her chest all over her hands and arms. more black skunk fur grew on her arms while white fur grew all over her torso except for her large black and firm teats that stuck straight from her body even as she jerked them. The fur seemed to rush down her back then stopped as a long, sexy, and thick and furry skunk tail grew out of her lower back complete with a white stripe to connect with the one running up and down her back.

The images in front of her saturated what remained of her independent thoughts. She continued to grope herself without any other thoughts than heightening her pleasure as the images slowly but surely changed. Images of the male anthro skunks that were in the constant orgy changed to them simply masturbating their large red cocks. The videos seemed to focus on one skunk in particular. He was wearing what appeared to be a two piece wresting uniform, a wet spot forming quickly in his pants. Shyly, he slowly pulled off his spandex sleeveless shirt revealing his washboard abs and large erect nipples. He slowly reached down accentuating his tight ass as he pulled down his spandex pants, inch after inch of throbbing red cock revealed itself as he shivered and moaned, finally succeeding in pulling the offending piece of clothing off. A single large bead of pre-cum leaked from the tapered tip of his cock, which slid, ever so slowly, down the length to the white fuzz of his throbbing balls and knot. Marissa stared at this porno clip wishing she had her own cock to display proudly and play with. She licked her lips and stared at the over sized balls and knot imaging what it would feel like to suck on them, to take them in her ass and to finger it. The skunk man in the clip started to moan as he brought a furred hand to his throbbing erection and slowly rubbed it up and down panting in a faster and faster pace. Marissa following the panting with her own as he felt herself nearing orgasm as well, when the skunk man finally released his cock, thick ropey jets of seed splashed everywhere from the perspective of the camera until the camera itself was covered and the video fed was lost. The largest orgasm, Marissa ever had came as she created a pool of her own juices on the ground, milk running down her chest and front in small rivulets. She wanted real cum so badly, to taste, rub all over herself, and inside of her.

There was a time, only a few months ago where Marissa would have severely berated herself for even considering what was going on through what remained of her mind. But since the start of her changes, lust was her only driving thought in her barely human mind and body. Her identity as Marissa faded as the next cumshot on screen caused her to submit to her own pleasurable touches.

As she watched the porno clip over and over again, her clit swelled larger and larger growing within the tube until it started to chafe against the edges of it. Marissa grunted as she attempted to dry hump the thing for days upon end, losing herself once more to the growing sensations that formed in her thickening rod, her endless masturbation sprees and constant images of cock, tits, and sex.

after several more days, the tube removed itself from her body revealing her cock clit in all its glory. The flesh of her cock clit was a bright pinkish color, but soon it became darker and darker shades of red until it became an apple like color as it was exposed to over stimulation by the immediate efforts to masturbate by her paw hands and the actual air reacting to her flesh. The head of it slowly formed a pointy spade like shape and started to leak a milky white substance down its length, just like the images she worshipped. A throbbing sensation pervaded her very being as the base of her dick swelled out into a fleshy sheathe, obliterating what remained of her Vagina in the process, that soon grew white fur over it. She groaned as audible popping sounds were heard coming from within her sheathe. A pair of balls popped into her sheathe from the confines of her body causing her to gasp and spray pre from her new cock from each pop. Her new balls swelled slowly until they were each the size of baseballs hanging heavily in the sheathe between her legs. The length of her cock grew the more she furiously masturbated it over time. It grew, longer and thinner until the sensitivity of the glands of her new sex organ drove her over the edge. She cried out in bliss as copious amounts of white skunk spunk shot across the room, in the air on top of her and even into her face, which she greedily licked the contents of.

Behind her heavy balls, the smooth skin beneath the fur became sensitive to the touch. Naturally she started to finger herself down there moaning as she felt her fingers going in deepe rand deeper into herself. One of the images on the screen in front of her changed giving her a clear image of the area behind her balls. She watched as, in only a few days, the skin around the area she was stimulating started to form a swollen cleft in what appeared to be a growing, sexy mound. Her fingers went in deeper and deeper until finally she felt it, she felt a nucleus of pleasure within her that instantaneously made all of her sexual organs and her breasts orgasm simultaneously. Her Vagina was back and ready to take in the cock of any thing that would supply it.

Her transformation completed, the machine that slathered her with the serum stopped as the rest of her bonds receded into the chair before releasing her to the floor. The constant images on the screens in front of her flickered them became a dull black. Marissa was dumbstruck, there wasn't a memory left in the remnants of her mind that was different from where she was, on that machine. She stood hunched over, idly fingering one of her teat like nipples staring across the room and limping around on her new legs barely remembering what standing was. Confused, with a growing feeling of being trapped in the room, making her perpetually erect cock go slightly limp, she started to pace around the edges of the room, looking for an exit, any exit. She started to ask herself where the sexy skunk males went, where did the wild orgies go? She wanted to find one of those sexy skunk males to orgy with but there was nothing to be found in the empty room.

Suddenly the black screen flickered then changed revealing the mad scientist. The scientist cloaked in his dark office seemed to peer at the new anthro skunk herm as if he was making note of the changes that happened.

"Subject 3, it has been a while hasn't it? Did you know it has fully been a year since you were inducted into the lab? No? well that's ok. The decrease to your inhibitions and the sectors of your brain containing your memories have been damaged as a part of an "unintended" side effect of the serum. Don't worry, we will do everything we can to take care of you, now that the experiment is finished. But what's this? Do you want to see your husband? Kyle? I'm sure he will be happy to see you. In fact we have not subjected him under experimentation yet! Here, why don't you see him?"

Subject 3 cocked her head in confusion. The stream of words was barely decipherable for her as she tried to piece together what it all meant. Experimentation? Husband? memories? Why did they matter to her? Before she could go any further with her thoughts, a hidden door behind her hissed open. The door opening revealed a tall and pudgy man timidly looking around as if he has just woken up in a strange place not knowing how much time has passed. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. He wore a white medical patient robe that covered him. His brown hair was very long as if he had not cut it for an extended period of time and his bears covered his face. He rubbed his head as if he was suffering from a major headache and took a step into the room. He stopped when he noticed Subject 3.

The screen with the mad scientist shown on it flickered then turned off quietly.

Subject 3 stared at Kyle, Kyle froze then stared right back at her noticing her skunk like form, her 3 pairs of basketball sized breasts capped with long firm teats and her huge, in length and girth, apple red cock that stood at attention leaking pre cum, its tip level with her second pair of breasts.

"W-w-w-what the hell are you?" He asked, gulping nervously.

Kyle smelled something strange in the air, something overpoweringly musky that pervaded his senses. He started to feel aroused and was embarrassed to see his dick making a tent in the fabric of his robe.

Subject 3 did not answer, instead a soft growl escaped her muzzle. Kyle started backing away from her very slowly. Subject 3 took steps forward, her hips swaying seductively her tail raised.

Kyle's face flushed as he soon realized that the strange creature in front of her wanted him. Kyle gave a deep breathe as his back hit the wall of his own chamber. He started to stutter some words, giving up, then trying again pushing an arm forwards as if to ward Subject 3 away from him. By the time he did so, Subject 3 was alrady upon him.

"D-d-don't touch me, please, I'm a married man!" Kyle protested feebly. His dick rebelling against his thoughts as it strained against his robe.

Subject 3 smiled, baring her perfectly white teeth to him, before reaching down licking him passionately on the face and tearing off his robe. She grabbed him and forced his mouth open with her extremely long tongue. At first Kyle resisted with all the strength in his human body and even considered biting down on the creature's tounge, but Subject 3 over powered him until he was being mashed between her boobs and the wall. Subject 3 released Kyle from her kiss and stared intently into his eyes.

The effects of the serum in Subject 3's saliva was already taking effect in Kyle. Kyle's eyes started to glaze over and become unfocused. He felt his mind being fogged as thoughts of resistance to the strange creature's sexual advances seemed silly to him. He stood there in a daze as the chemical balance in his brain shifted and become overloaded with hormones. His entire body started to burn, feeling like it was on fire.

Subject 3 proffered one of her leaking teats to him. Kyle leaned down and put his lips on the long teat, sucking on it as it filled his small human mouth. He moaned in pleasure at the taste of the rich and creamy milk and sucked on it with earnest. With his other hands, he started to fondled her other teats getting his torso and legs soaked by the serum filled milk. The more the serum was splashed onto his body, the more the heat seemed to abate briefly and be replaced with an overwhelming sense of pleasure.

Kyle started to rub himself against his new lover as changes started to take place on his body. Unlike Subject 3, his changes came quickly as the concentrated serum changed him much faster. Kyle moaned as his own nipples started to swell and become much more sensitive, his growing nipples giving him sensations he has never felt before as he rubbed his chest on subject 3's coarse fur. His body slowly started to feminize as his hips widened drastically and his shoulders narrowed slowly to an hourglass shape. The fat of his stomach moved to his chest where it filled out his formerly male moobs into seductive, full and sensual breasts. His nipples became brighter shades of pinky flesh the more sensitive they became. The more he drank of Subject 3, the larger they seemed to swell. The flab on his arms and legs similarily disappeared as they became longer and more slender. His facial features became more streamlined and sharper as his skin tone also seemed to become more fair.

Kyle stopped exploring his lover's body for a moment to stare dumbfounded at his own. His mind was awhirl with the fact that he now had boobs and a hot body and was shocked when he realized that he couldn't remember who his friends and family were or where he even came from. But before he could try to resist the changes happening to him, Subject 3 tweaked his nipples then knelt down in front of him. Kyle gasped as he felt his nipples become erect and leak their own milk. He brought his hands to them and squeezed, marveling at the milk that dribbled out. His mind was blown away when he felt a sucking sensation on his cock. He looked down to see Subject 3 sucking on his dick giving him the blow job of his life slurping noisily her tongue rapidly licking him.

Kyle moaned softly as black fur started to grow from his skin in patches on his face, chest, and back. As the fur grew, his human hair fell off of his soaked body in clumps from places that were especially soaked from the serum his lover sprayed on him from her teats. His vision blurred as his eyes changed color to a green gold and his pupils became narrower and narrower until they were catlike. His ears became pointed and moved slowly to the top of his head becoming triangular in shape and black furred, tufted on the inside of the cartilage. His nose became pink and triangular and flattened as his face stretched forth into a short cat like muzzle. He bared his new sharp fangs revealing carnivorous teeth and a long flat tongue covered in tiny sensitive and coarse hairs. A nub formed over his now feminine ass that slowly grew out into a long cat like tail covered in black fur with a white tipped end. Whiskers grew from his face as his tongue lengthened even more. He stimulated his breasts wildly trying to squeeze out the milk from his swollen quarter sized nipples.

As these changes happened, Kyle's dick, within the confines of Subject 3's muzzle also transformed. Kyle spent his human load almost immediately into Subject 3's maw. She shivered as she tasted it in ecstasy then skillfully stimulated the human dick with her long tongue. Kyle's cock hardly softened before it grew hard again, harder than it has ever been in his life. He groaned as he cummed again, and again, and again, each iteration happening later and later as his stamina increased drastically. His cock started to grow in her mouth until as human balls also swelled in size churning out new cum faster than what should be possible. He started to purr loudly among his groans of lust as small spines formed on his cock head. His cock swelled much more in both girth and length forcing Subject 3 to reposition her head to take in more. As if changing her mind, Subject 3 instead released Kyle's cock from the confines of her muzzle then started to lick his balls and the area behind it. A furry sheathe formed their covering his balls and the base of his cock in black fur. Kyle looked down to admire his foot long ebony cat cock. He stopped tweaking his own nipples and reached down with both hands to stimulate its slick surface. He groaned feeling the pressure in his balls build and rubbed faster and faster.

Meanwhile, Subject three stopped licking Kyle's sodden balls as a wet slit formed behind them. Subject 3 smelled this change as her victim slowly became a she rather than a he. She stood up and took Kyle by surprise by embracing him in a long and passionate kiss, one that he returned with earnest kissing wildly and rubbing his breasts and cock against her own. As the pair kissed, Subject 3 took the opportunity to slowly slide her long erect length into Kyle's newly formed vagina. Kyle gasped as her new virginity was taken from her. She cummed feeling the pressure in her balls suddenly release splattering Subject 3 all over her front. Juices flowed from the wet folds of her vagina as she orgasmed a few more times in straight succession. Subject 4, formerly known as Kyle, reached down with a few fingers into her folds gasping as she rubbed her fingers against her new clit. She yowled loudly at the new sensation as Subject 3 licked and sucked on Subject 4's breasts furiously.

As she sucked on them, Subject 4's nipples slowly swelled into teats equally as long as Subject 3's. The fur that grew on Subject 4's body soon covered the entirety of it. Claws grew from her fur covered hands and feet as her stance shifted to become digitrade. Her black pure pelt signified her new species as a black panther, her large pink nipple teats sticking through her fur. She groaned as 4 more nipples that soon became teats formed under her main breasts and yowled in pleasure as Subject 3 orgasmed all over Subject 4. Subject 4 moaned as thoughts and memories of her past life as Kyle drained from her mind permanently. Both of the test subjects growled and purred to each other, memories of their past lives completely obliterated, creating new memories with each other. The pair continued to have sex for the next few days, only stopping when the Mad Scientist sedated the both of them, put them into an artificial coma to study their new bodies further.


"Hmmmmm..... .the experiment was a-rousing success" The mad scientist chuckled to himself. He made notes of the results of the experiment in his computer and noted especially that the condition of subjects 3 and 4 were very contagious unlike his first two experiments where he changed a former guard and another hiker into feral animals. The mad scientist was not sure where the serum he was trying to perfect would take him next. After all he injected Subject 4 with a dormant feline growth serum before exposing him to subject 3. He needed more research, more test subjects..... with a wry smile in his hidden features, he navigated on his workstation until he saw a video feed of a few new victims entering his neck of the great wood......