Celest's Surprise

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#1 of Domination

Disclaimer: The following story contains explicit sex between consenting, anthropomorphic adults. If you are not of a legal age to view such material, or if such content does not appeal to you, you're probably in the wrong website.


Celest's Surprise

Celest lounged on her living room couch and sipped at a can of lemonade as she watched her favorite television show, smirking as the two competitors circled each other warily in their square, roped-off arena. They were testing each other's limits, she knew, each waiting for the other to make the first move while they measured the length of the other's stride, gauged how light the other was on their feet. Matches always began slowly when both competitors preferred defense over aggression.

The cat, Celest knew, was right to be cautious. The points of her ears barely reached her human opponent's shoulders, and her slight build made her appear to be a child, though Celest guessed she was in her early twenties by the way she carried herself. The male opposite her wasn't large, for a human, but he dwarfed her by comparison.

After several minutes of circling with their live audience cheering and whistling encouragement, it was the human who made the first move. He took two swift steps toward the cat, but it was only a feint; when she dodged to the side, he swung a leg out and caught her in her stomach with his shin, sending her sprawling into the ropes behind her. Celest winced as she watched, setting her lemonade on the coffee table between the couch and the T.V. The cat was now in the last place she wanted to be.

The human charged the cat and tackled her when the ropes bounced her forward, carrying her onto her back at the edge of the ring. The camera zoomed in on them as they wrestled, the cat trying unsuccessfully to squirm free of the human while he straddled her narrow waist and fondled her breasts through the thin green tee shirt she was wearing. She reached between his arms for the waistline of his baggy red shorts, his only garment, making Celest roll her eyes. Trying to fondle your opponent when you were pinned down was a novice's mistake. The human's hands flew from the cat's breasts to her wrists, and he fell on top of her, carrying her arms straight above her head on the arena's slightly padded mat. The camera panned down to show the cat's black and white muzzle gasping for breath under the human's chest, then zoomed out enough for Celest to see her bringing her knees up, trying to hit the human between his legs as he straddled her. Celest snorted an incredulous laugh. The human's butt was high enough on the cat's body that she couldn't reach him, so her legs and tail were just flailing around feebly.

Holding both of the female's wrists in one hand, the man slid his free arm down between them and slowly pulled the hem of the cat's shirt up over her body, struggling to keep her pinned all the while. Celest almost gaped as the shirt rose up to the cat's armpits. She was wearing a white lace bra. Had the cat even SEEN this show before?

The human was surprised, too, but only for a moment. His hand dropped her green shirt to dip behind her back and expertly undid the bra's clasp. Pulling the undergarment free, he brought it up to circle her wrists, then tugged her arms up toward the lowest of the arena's three ropes. He didn't even have to shift his weight on her waist to bind her securely. The cat writhed in such a panicked frenzy that he lost his balance and rolled to his feet beside her. For a moment the T.V. showed only a close up of the cat's white chest, pink nipples barely showing through the long, black-dappled white fur that covered her modest bust. Her small breasts jostled over her ribs as she struggled furiously against the elastic rope she was tied to, until the back of the human's brown-haired head blocked the camera's view.

The human was just enjoying himself now; unless something drastic happened, he'd clearly won the point for foreplay domination. Squeezing the calico's breasts and licking her nipple served no purpose in the match aside from arousing them both and bringing howls of approval from the audience. Celest caught herself squeezing her own soft breast through the light sweat shirt she wore when the cat arched her back in surprised pleasure and she mentally put herself in the cat's position. She was losing, but Celest didn't think she'd be able to complain if she were the one tied up right then.

After one last squeeze of the cat's breasts, the human sat on her stomach again, this time facing her legs. He soon had the button and zipper of her loose jeans undone, and reached down around her hips to release the clasp above the root of her tail. She was still kicking and thrashing her tail about frantically, but he used her movements against her, pushing her panties down along with the waistline of her jeans until the clothing bunched up around her shins, trapping her legs together. When the human reached a hand between her thighs to rub at her now exposed mound, she brought both legs up sharply, trying to catch him off guard with her knees in his face. The human was expecting the attack, though, and tucked his free arm behind the cat's knees and dodged to the side before he even withdrew his other hand from her groin.

Kneeling beside the trapped cat now, he pulled her knees up to her chest, leaving only her tail to curl up and protect her black and white rump while he tugged her pants off her digitigrade calves and paws. He tossed her jeans aside, but wrapped her white panties around her ankles, then hefted her legs up to finish tying her ankles around the highest rope. Celest shook her head and laughed. The cat couldn't have lost the foreplay point more thoroughly if she'd tried. Her bottom now dangled inches away from the arena mat, and though the human let her tail flatten itself against the backs of her legs protectively while he calmly stepped out of his shorts, the cat's sudden bout of modesty wasn't going to last much longer.

Celest's ears perked up when she heard the front door open and close. John had been at work several hours longer than usual. "Hi, dear," the husky said, stepping behind the couch and touching her shoulder. She scowled up at him. Celest hated it when he called her that, since she actually was a white tailed deer. He just grinned down at her, knowing how the name irked her, then nodded at the T.V. before she could reply. "This still the Tennessee tryouts?" he asked, watching while the human stroked his member to full attention.

Celest decided to let John's teasing slide, for now. "Nope, Georgia already. Tennessee finished about an hour ago, and they showed all of Alabama's in a series of highlights."

"That's too bad," the husky said, walking around the side of the couch.

Celest shrugged and tucked her legs up so John could sit beside her. "Even in a week, they don't have time to show all the tryout matches in every state. Besides, they did well with the highlights." She watched the television for a moment while the human gently pried the cat's tail away from her legs and butt. "So, why are you home so late?"

"I'll, um, tell you on a commercial."

She glanced at the husky and stifled a giggle. He was only sixteen, so the sight of a nude female still had an immediate and obvious effect on him, even though he spent so much of his free time watching Domination matches. He was perched on the edge of the couch with his elbows on his knees, watching unblinkingly while the human kneeled behind the cat and stroked her slit. A cylindrical bulge was evident along one of John's thighs inside his khakis.

Celest didn't know why she wasn't as affected as the husky by Domination, or by pornography in general. They were both the same age, but nudity and sex had never been able to mesmerize her like it was doing to the husky now. She liked watching the sport for its competitive aspects as much as anything else. Then again, she definitely felt a familiar heat in her lower belly when the camera focused on the human's crotch, where he was cupping his neatly trimmed testicles underneath his pulsing erection.

Kneeling with the cat's tail pinned between his legs, the human shuffled forward until his member's tip nestled between the cat's folds, and the screen split into quadrants to show four different camera angles, all close ups of his erection burrowing inside her vagina. The scoreboard at the top of the screen displayed two points for the human: one for dominating foreplay, the other for dominating first entry. All points from first entry onward were given each time a competitor made their opponent climax, and since the match couldn't end until both competitors had at least one orgasm, the cat had little chance of winning unless the human came three times before she did once.

Celest glanced at John again when the screen returned to a single view of the human pounding himself in and out of the bound calico, and she couldn't help but grin. Her husky companion was sitting on his hands to keep from touching the long bulge in his pants. "Would you like some help with that?" she teased.

"If you're in the mood," he said hoarsely.

The cat's sudden rowl of pleasure caught her attention, and her hand dipped between her own legs while she watched the small female arch her back and grind her hips against the human's lap in the throws of her orgasm. "Um . . . on a commercial," she told John, and he chuckled quietly.

The human had already won. All he had to do was climax himself and leave the arena to bring the match to an end, but since he'd already scored three points, he could have two orgasms of his own and still walk away the victor. He kept himself hilted within the cat until she dangled limply from the ropes, panting in her afterglow. Then he slid out of her and dragged his glistening erection down her slit until it was touching the small pink star of skin above the base of her tail. The cat tensed and stretched her neck to peer down at him, a shadow of fear in her eyes. There was no rule against anal penetration in Domination, except in specific matches. The cat could use her safe word to end the match immediately, but doing so would forfeit all of her winnings. Of course, her "winnings" were just a hundred dollars for reaching the state tryouts, little more than a consolation prize. Nonetheless, she just laid her head back on the arena mat and moaned when the human began pushing into her tail hole. If the moan was supposed to be her safe word, none of the officials around the ring recognized it as such.

The human moved slowly in and out of the cat's rectum, holding her hips at first, then leaning around her bound legs to fondle her breasts. His pace picked back up, and as close as he must have been to his own climax, it didn't take long before spurts of white cream began spraying out of the cat's tail hole around his shaft. He kept thrusting throughout his orgasm, then he pulled out of the cat and gave her rump a quick squeeze before ducking between the arena's ropes and hopping to the floor in front of a roaring crowd.

The camera zoomed in on the bound cat for a moment, her chest heaving and her face slack in exhaustion, then a Windex commercial claimed the television.

Celest had already hit the mute button on the remote control. She leaned toward John and glided her fingertips lightly from his knee to the bulge along his inner thigh. "It's a commercial," she said, trying to sound seductive.

"Oh yeah, you want to know why I'm home so late, right?" He got to his feet swiftly and yelped as his khakis tugged his erection downward.

That wasn't quite what Celest had been expecting. "Um, sure. . . ."

"Well, come on, then. It's out back." John grabbed her waist and tugged her onto her hooves, then led the way to the back door, limping slightly.

"Wait, what's out back?"

Instead of answering, the husky opened the door and pulled her outside, gesturing like a dramatic game show model at the back yard.

"My trampoline!" Celest's hug nearly knocked John off his paws. "How did you get it set up without me noticing?"

He laughed, hugging her back. "I think the Alabama highlights helped me a bit with that. Plus you kept the curtains closed."

"My parents didn't mind you taking it?" she asked, nuzzling his chest. Conditions with her parents hadn't been very pleasant since she'd moved in with John a few weeks ago.

"Well, they weren't exactly around to complain. . . ."

She pushed him back by the shoulders and gave him a stern look. "You didn't steal it, did you?"

"How could I? It's your trampoline, not theirs." He just chuckled and raised his hands in a placating gesture when Celest groaned. "Don't worry. I talked it over with your mom yesterday, and Ben helped me pack it into the truck, so they'll know it was me who took it." He looked at her with wide-eyed innocence.

It only took a moment for her to decide whether or not to be angry with John, but she let that moment drag out until he began to get nervous. Finally, she smiled. "Well, if Benjamin helped you, I guess it's okay." Benjamin, Celest's younger brother, had been their family's peacekeeper for years. If her parents did have a problem with John taking the trampoline, Ben would calm their tempers.

John's grin returned. "Well, are you just going to stand there, or do you want to knock the rust off of it while there's still some daylight?"

"I'll go grab my slippers." Celest darted back inside. She didn't know many other deer or horses who used trampolines much, since they had to wear special, thick soled slippers to avoid ripping the fabric with their hooves, but it was one of her favorite pass-times. It had been fewer than three weeks since she'd moved in with John, but that was enough to make her miss doing her acrobatics.

In their bedroom, she quickly strapped on her protective slippers, securing the slender loops around her ankles, and traded her sweat shirt for a black sports bra. It was chilly out, but she'd work up a sweat after a few minutes of jumping.

When she walked back through the living room on her way out, the next Domination match was just starting on the television. A tall, male bald eagle was glaring across the arena at a rather frightened looking mouse girl while a referee in the arena's center introduced them to the audience. Celest sighed as she stepped through the door to the back yard. Males tended to have an advantage in domination regardless of species, but the Georgia tryouts had been particularly one-sided so far.

"Something wrong?" John asked from on top of the trampoline, noticing her expression.

"Not really, an eagle is about to have his snack, is all." She gestured vaguely back toward the house.

"Squirrel?" the husky guessed, kneeling at the trampoline's edge and offering Celest a hand up.

She ignored his paw and vaulted onto the trampoline beside him. "Mouse."

Celest did a few basic flips to warm up while John sat on the springs at the trampoline's edge and watched. He applauded dramatically when she landed on her back from a high jump, then sprang into a rapid forward flip that carried her onto her stomach.

"Was that one and a half?" he asked, referring to her rotations.

"Yup." She pretended to stagger toward the husky, and he caught her when she "fell." She giggled up at him, a little breathlessly. "Makes me dizzy."

John pulled her up so she was sitting sideways on his lap. "I bet you could do a full double."

"And die trying," she laughed. "Even I have my limits, John."

"Bah, limits were made to be broken!" he said in perfect imitation of their high school guidance councilor's latest motivational speech. They both laughed at that.

She draped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his furry cheek. "Thanks for the trampoline."

John hugged her tightly and lightly scratched the back of her neck. "Aw, you're welcome, dear." He just laughed and let her go when she thumped him between the ears with the side of her fist.

Celest crossed her arms between them and scowled. "Are you going to jump at all, then, or just sit there like a big, stupid rock?"

"I kind of like just sitting here," he said, and she rolled away from him when he reached for her waist. Laughing, he tried to pounce on her, but she just hopped to the side and jumped on his back, circling her legs around his waist.

"What now, pooch?" She tried to cover his eyes, but he swatted her hands away and twisted his neck to look up at her.

"Pooch? Clearly, you don't know who you're dealing with."

"Oh, and who might that be?"

The husky somehow struck a dramatic pose with Celest clinging tenaciously to his back, one arm over his shoulder, the other at his waist. "I am Jonathan Tentbrief, King of Domination!" he proclaimed. "And you're in the middle of my arena."

"Oh, is that so?" Unbeknownst to John, Celest had been stealthily undoing the fly and tail clasp of his khakis during his unsubtle introduction. "In that case, your highness. . . ." The deer put her slippered hooves at John's waistline and dropped off of him, carrying his pants past his knees in the process. ". . . Your scepter is showing."

"Celest!" he yelped, playacting forgotten as he spun away from her and reached hastily for his pants. "It's broad daylight; what if the neighbors see?"

"They're probably all watching Domination on T.V." She reached between his legs as he tried to get to his hands and knees and squeezed his softly furred testicles, making him go rigid, his tail twitching when she slapped his firm bottom with her free hand. "I doubt they expected a live match to start out their back doors. Besides," she murmured, dropping John's sack and poking her nose between his thighs, "you started it." She licked the backs of the husky's genitals, then traced her tongue back over his groin to his tail hole, her cool nose pushing his buttocks to either side. She reached around his hips to put both hands to full use on his privates while kissing and licking her way back down his scrotum. All the while, he was hunched over with his hands trying to cover his growing erection from any unseen onlookers, scanning every window nearby and finding only closed curtains. Celest had already made sure the coast was clear. "You're losing the foreplay point, Lord Tentbrief," she breathed against his sack.

A growled, "Have it your way," was the only warning John gave before he grabbed Celest's wrists and used the trampoline to jump back over her, leaving his khakis behind and holding her arms low so that his thighs passed cleanly around her head and shoulders. He dropped her wrists to hold the sides of her sports bra, and as soon as her arms were free, she spun to face him. She winced at the sound of ripping cloth; one of John's hands had clawed through her bra's fabric when she spun. At her glare, he snatched his hands away from her sides as though burned, taking a hasty step back and grinning in wide-eyed, toothy innocence.

"You're going to pay for that." Celest leapt at the husky, her tackle carrying him onto his back at one side of the trampoline. He landed with his curly tail between his legs, which she grabbed before they stopped bouncing and, one hand on his solid abdomen to hold him in place, used as a feather brush against his balls and unsheathed member. John alternated between squirming with half repressed giggles and murring in panted breaths, his tail tickling and arousing him at the same time. She'd have to remember that, but she relented when he yelped, his writhing making her accidentally tug at his tail.

Without letting the husky catch his breath, Celest dipped her head and wrapped her lips around his red penis's pointed tip, moving her hands up his front to carry his gray work shirt up to his armpits while he moaned. She swirled her tongue around his smooth flesh, his musky scent and taste arousing her. He took her wrists in his hands again and sat up with a blissful groan, his tail slipping behind him from between his thighs, but Celest didn't let up even when he raked a claw up the back and shoulder of her sports bra, tearing it off her. She had him right where she wanted him. Moaning as her nipples stiffened under her fur in the brisk spring air, the deer began bobbing her head over the husky's bulbous shaft, suckling lightly and clutching his hips.

John reached around her shoulders to cup her round breasts, his palms pressing against her sensitive nipples. When he tried to lift his hips toward her muzzle, she rose away from him, kissing away the bead of pre on his tip. If she brought him off now, there was no way she'd outlast him once they were joined, and even though they were just rough housing, she had every intention of winning. She rose up to his face and kissed him passionately, their tongues exploring each other's mouths, then stood with a coy smile to hide her breathlessness. Keeping a watchful eye on the husky sitting in front of her, she unbuttoned her jeans and began pushing them down her hips and thighs.

She'd expected the furry foot that arced toward her hooves when her jeans were around her ankles and jumped over it cleanly. John's other foot, though, caught her calves in midair and spun her onto her belly. The trampoline bounced her up onto her hands and knees, facing away from John with her jeans tangled around her ankles.

Celest knew full well the position she was in, and the effect her rump had on John on his calmest days. She had a genetic disorder that left her vagina without flowering inner labia, and her pelt extended into her vaginal canal more than an inch past her slit. Her clitoris hid in the front of her vagina just beyond the extended fur, never exposed, and her fur dipped into her tail hole in the same manner, so unless someone was closely examining her, Celest's crotch appeared completely furred and sexless, save for a slight inward crease in her mound. The strange, yet harmless defect was becoming ever more common in female anthros around her age, and some males were developing similar traits with fur growing partway or completely over their penises.

John had told her several times that her seemingly unbroken groin turned him on more than should have been possible, and he had an admitted butt fetish as well, so it was no surprise when he assaulted her in her prone position.

Celest ducked to the side as soon as she heard the trampoline's springs creak behind her and caught the husky's shin with her ankle, sending him tumbling past her to the trampoline's other side, where the back of his head hit the metal springs with a solid crack.

John half curled into a fetal position on his side, cradling his head in his hands and wincing, and Celest's heart sank into her stomach. She hurried over and knelt beside him, carefully touching his shoulder. "John, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to""

Her sentence turned into a short, surprised scream when the husky pulled her hooves out from under her. She was still bouncing on her back while he spread her legs and rose to his knees between her thighs. Reaching around her hips to grab her soft buttocks, he pulled her rump up and briefly rubbed his slick length against the subtle cleft in her velvety, white furred mound before lining himself up with her crotch. Celest gasped and arched her back when he slid into her, his shaft appearing to make its own opening as it pushed the two halves of her mound apart. Already brought close to orgasm by Celest's ministrations, the husky sank into her up to his throbbing knot, then immediately and frantically began humping her, his paws alternately squeezing and spreading her soft rump cheeks.

Celest tried to cry out a melodramatic, "I've been deceived!" while John beat himself against her, but gave up after three attempts were cut off by her breath getting knocked out of her. "I've been d-- I've-- I've be-- Ah. . . ." She moaned and panted as she let her head fall back against the trampoline's quaking material. ". . . Screw it."

John complied.

Celest may have earned a point for foreplay, but there was little doubt who'd dominated first entry. Now their scores were tied, and everything hinged on who climaxed first, though she wasn't really worried about winning any more. With the top of John's erection gliding against her clitoris on his every thrust, her body was already screaming for release. Her hands were fondling her breasts of their own accord, adding to her stimulation. Still, a part of her mind knew that she'd brought John to the verge of his own orgasm, so she just had to last another few thrusts before he caved.

When one of his paws crept over her flank to the root of her tail, though, any chance of victory was lost. As soon as his fingers closed around it, the flood pent up within her escaped. Her back arched, and her body tugged at the shaft within it. Once again, John complied, grunting with the force of ramming his knot into her, Celest's orgasm clenching and trembling around it. She cried out in pleasure at being stretched to her limits and felt the husky's sack twitch against the back of her mound an instant before a stream of hot, sticky semen filled her. John's entire body locked up, eyes and teeth clenched, claws almost breaking the skin of Celest's tender rump as she ground her hips against his pelvis. He held his breath throughout his orgasm, then whimpered quietly"Celest always found that so cute"and fell on top of her.

Gasping open-mouthed for breath over the exhausted husky's shoulder, she rolled them onto their sides to get his weight off of her. Each nuzzled the other's neck lovingly, snuggling close while his knot receded inside her and they regained some of their composure. Celest stroked his back and shoulders, and though his paws never strayed from her round bottom, he began licking the side of her face in a habitual display of affection. Giggling breathlessly, she kissed him to stop his licks, letting his overzealous tongue entwine with her own, and he moaned into her mouth when she squeezed his hips with her thighs.

"You're . . . really good at this game, you know that?" he breathed against her shoulder after breaking their kiss. He pulled out of her gently and pinned his softening member between their bellies.

"Mmm, you think so?" Celest murred, slipping her knee between his legs and raising her thigh to press his balls against his groin. "Maybe I should audition for the Ohio tryouts," she joked.

"You could. They're still holding auditions in Cleveland through tomorrow."

She laughed, certain he was joking, too. "Fun as this was, John, I doubt most competitors would be as gentle with me as you are."

The husky's eyes widened in half-feigned surprise as he pulled his head back to stare at her. "You thought that was gentle?"

Celest laughed again. "You know what I mean. We keep seeing anal finishes in the tournaments. There were five tonight alone."

"But how many of those were male on male?" he said, raising an eyebrow, and she shrugged, granting he had a point. Then his tone became ornery. "Besides, if you keep waving around your butt in front of me, I might not be able to resist it, either." One of his fingers slipped between her buttocks and began rimming her uniquely furred tail hole.

She tensed only a moment before reaching under his tail and finding his own anus with her index finger. "And what makes you think your own fuzzy butt is so safe?" The star of skin under John's tail was so hot after their intercourse, her finger pad began to sweat.

The husky froze and blinked at her, his finger stopping on the center of her hidden tail hole. She matched his pressure carefully and gave him a warning glare, both of their fingers keeping firm contact, but neither violating the other. "It seems we have a standoff," John said with a lopsided grin. "Tumbleweed should be blowing between us."

Celest arched an eyebrow and reached between them to jiggle his sack, still nestled against her thigh, which set them both to laughing. "All right," John chuckled, "I yield." He let go of her bottom and raised his arms over his head.

"Smart dog," she said with a coy smile, and lowered her finger from his tail hole to scratch between it and his scrotum while her other paw kneaded his sheath and testicles.

The husky closed his eyes and laid his head on his arm with a delighted groan. "Oh, Celest. . . . Wait a second." He glanced sharply at her. "You're still trying to win, aren't you?" She just batted her eyelashes at him innocently and slid her thumb across his penis's tip as it hardened again. A Domination match didn't end until a competitor left the arena, and as it was they were tied two against two with Celest's earlier orgasm the only thing giving John a victory. If she gave him another climax before either of them got off the trampoline, she would win.

With only a deep breath for warning, John took Celest's face in both hands and kissed her forcefully, keeping his lips against hers until she became dizzy, and then some. When little blue stars danced across her vision, she let go of his member to push weakly against his chest. Only then did he pull back, leaving the doe gasping for breath as he gathered up their clothes.

"Nice try," he said, hopping over the side of the trampoline with both of their laundry in his arms, "but I win this round. I'll be in the shower if you want a rematch."

As soon as the sky stopped spinning above her, Celest followed him inside, suddenly all too aware that she was lying naked out in the open in a puddle of their mixed cum that was dripping through the trampoline's mesh onto the lawn beneath it.

On the living room television, the mouse and the eagle were finishing up their match. Both her fur and his feathers were plastered to their bodies with sweat, but Celest's eyes widened at finding that it was the eagle on his back, the mouse straddling his brown hips with her bottom slowly bobbing over his pelvis. The scoreboard showed that the mouse was winning by a decisive margin, four to zero. The eagle, his head tilted back and tongue lolling out the side of his beak, seemed to have no complaints.

Celest found herself rubbing her naked mound, fully aroused again as she mentally traded places with the mouse.

She entered the bathroom just as John was stepping into the shower and closed the door behind her. "You know, you're not half bad at Domination yourself."

* * *

Standing in the middle of a very long line of applicants, Celest stretched her legs and looked at the husky beside her. "So, whose idea was this?"

John grimaced and glanced again past the crowd to the old stadium where the auditions were being held. "I'll tell you after I decide if it was a good one."