Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 3

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#3 of L&L 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

It's time for a bit of relationship bonding! No, not that kind of bonding! Wait... is that an S&M joke or a bounty hunter joke? Anyway... Yes, the girls are doing their own thing, and the boys are doing theirs!

What kind of things? Why meaningful relationship building of course! Nothing lewd on the horizon of this story, nope, no girl love or boy love what, so, ever...

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

It's time for a bit of relationship bonding! No, not that kind of bonding! Wait... is that an S&M joke or a bounty hunter joke? Anyway... Yes, the girls are doing their own thing, and the boys are doing theirs!

What kind of things? Why meaningful relationship building of course! Nothing lewd on the horizon of this story, nope, no girl love or boy love what, so, ever...

Let's jump right in!


Episode 3:

Are you sure about this?

"You handle a stick pretty well, isn't that sedan of yours automatic?" Joseph said calmly while leaning back in the passenger seat of his car. His eyes were closed and his ears were perked as he listened to the shifting of the gears while Isaac drove.

Isaac smiled at the words while shifting into the next gear and accelerating as he merged onto the interstate. "My first car was a manual, my first three cars were actually. Man, this girl's a monster though. I'm no car guy but even I can tell you've put the work in on her."

Joseph opened one eye to look over at the larger dog while he drove, seeing how supremely confident he looked behind the wheel. "I've missed working on her. I asked Mom to drive her to work at least once a week to keep her parts moving. So why did you get your current one in automatic then?" The fox flicked an ear as he noticed the slight flinch from the wolf at the simple question.

"I guess I just wanted something simpler," Isaac said, trying to sound casual.

"Hmm... I'm not as perceptive as your wife, but even I can tell I struck a nerve on that one." Joseph cast his gaze towards the front windshield. "Sorry about that..."

A silence filled the cabin of the car for several moments before Isaac finally spoke out once more, "It was a simple question, nothing you should have expected any kind of reaction over."

"You wanna talk about it?" Joseph looked back at him, Isaac having settled into a comfortable speed, and removed his handpaw from the gear shaft.

"Not really," He responded pointedly.

"Well, I'm here if you want to talk about it, Isaac," Joseph spoke put before closing his eyes again and enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun on his face while they drove.

Several minutes passed while the two sat there in silence. It was nearly twenty minutes before the wolf spoke out once more to end the stalemate of silence., "My ex-wife couldn't drive manual, so I got it in automatic in case she needed to drive it."

Joseph didn't bother opening his eyes as he responded, "Ah, so that's it. I knew you had been married but wasn't clear on the details."

Isaac nodded feeling a lump in his throat as if his body didn't want him to elaborate on the issue further.

"Sorry to drag that up. I didn't expect car talk to go there." Joseph said as he lazily opened his eyes, seeing the sun had sunk a few more inches into the horizon since he closed them.

"It's fine, you couldn't have known. I will tell you more about it someday," Isaac sighed before cutting his eyes over to the fox while he was on a straightaway. Joseph felt the wolf's gaze and looked back at him with a smile showing on his muzzle.

A comfortable silence settled around them once more and Joseph yawned wide showing his sharp teeth before huffing out and flicking his ears up. "Soooo... how did you and Karen meet anyway?"

Isaac grimaced at the question before looking at the fox apologetically, "That's probably a story I should tell you with her permission."

The fox snorted through his nose and looked out the window, "Damn man... is there anything you can talk about?"

Isaac felt a bit of sympathy for the other dog, all his questions having to be deflected like this. "Sorry, but I don't want to disrespect her and it was an... unorthodox meeting."

Joseph thought about it for a few moments before shrugging. "Alright, I will ask Karen later then." He nodded to himself in thought for a few more moments before speaking up again, "Well then... you said you didn't do the bounty hunter thing until you two got together, what sparked that?"

The wolf bit his lower lip at the question and Joseph shot him a look, seeing instantly he had struck on another topic he didn't want to answer. The fox sighed and looked back out the side window. "Nevermind..."

"Did Karen tell you what happened to her when she was younger?" Isaac spoke up in response.

Joseph thought back to the talk a few years ago, the one she gave him when he found out Isaac was with her, "She alluded to it, but she never gave me the hard details."

Isaac nodded and hesitated before speaking once more, "That person I introduced you to, Keys. I paid them to find the info on where the guy that did that to her was."

Joseph looked back at Isaac with a surprised glance, "Damn... you hunted the guy down for her?"

"Well, I had planned to..." Isaac grinned as he looked ahead at the road. "She figured it out, because as you know... there is no hiding anything from our rabbit."

Joseph couldn't help but grin hearing the wolf refer to Karen as theirs instead of just his. "Yeah... she is one perceptive girl..."

Isaac nodded as he continued, "At any rate... long story short. We hunted him down together and brought him back to pay for what he did. We felt the work suited us or more to the point, Keys thought it suited us."

"That's actually pretty cool!" Joseph barked out with a grin. "You guys sure have an exciting life!"

Isaac laughed out at the statement and shook his head, "You're married to a pop star you helped create, you've already seen more of the world in a year than I've seen in my entire life, and you two have more money than you know what to do with it... but I and Karen have the exciting life?"

Joseph rolled his eyes and grinned, "Yes! Our life is all repetition and travel. We only see what we see from a tour bus or a plane. We don't get to lounge and vacation in the cities we stop at, we do our show, we pack up and we move on to the next one. The money is nice, but we are so busy we don't really get a chance to enjoy it much, ya know?"

He nodded as he thought about it for a long moment, "I suppose I can see your point."

"Also, you helped me make her by giving me the connections I needed." Joseph smiled at Isaac as he spoke.

"I just gave you a contact, it was your motivation and faith in her that made it happen," Isaac grinned back as he spoke.

"Yeah yeah, I remember that line from before!" Joseph said with an amused tone in his voice.

A few more minutes of silence slipped by before Isaac moved a paw to turn on the car's sound system. The moment he did so a ska band started playing out of the speakers and he gave the fox an amused smirk. "Really?"

Joseph folded his arms and grumbled to himself, "Why do all of you hate ska so much?"

Isaac grinned at the defensive posture of the fox and moved his paw to pat him on the shoulder. "Relax, I don't hate it, Just gotta be in the mood for it..."

"Yeah?" Joseph looked at the other dog skeptically and felt his paw sliding over his back to his opposite shoulder.

"Of course, I'm sure someday I will be in the mood for it, when I've had too much to drink," Isaac growled playfully and gripped the fox's shoulder before pulling him over.

Joseph growled at the words then grunted out as he was dragged over to Isaac and held against him. The smaller dog flicked his tail at the dominant display but settled down and leaned against the wolf's chest. "Smart ass... don't think I'm just going to be all cuddly and submissive to you..."

The wolf barked out a laugh while holding the other dog close. "Nah, just being affectionate, I'm not trying to be all dominant here!"

Joseph tensed again but relaxed before settling against Isaac, listening to his strong heartbeat against his chest. He closes his eyes and huffed out gently, "Fine..."

"Good dog..." Isaac hummed the words and lazily fondled the fox's red-brown ears while he was pushing into him. He felt as much as heard the growl coming from Joseph's throat and grinned in response. "Relax Joe, you're more than welcome to be dominant later if you want!"

The smaller dog huffed in response before closing his eyes. He tried to relax, to enjoy the larger dog's scent and embrace. It was an odd sensation to act so docile and let Isaac hold him, but not uncomfortable. Joseph had wanted this off and on for the last few years now after all.

The car grew silent once more except for the low volume of the sound system playing. After a few more ska and punk songs played, Joseph broke the silence once more, "Still worried about this whole thing?"

The wolf snorted through his nose and cut his eyes down towards the fox for a moment before focusing on the road once more. "Of course... all four of us are playing with fire here."

Joseph gave a nod as he mulled over the wolf's words. "Maybe so... anything I can do to ease your mind?"

"Just don't hurt Karen... or Ivory," Isaac spoke pointedly as he moved a handpaw to the lights and flicked them on, the sun having mostly dipped into the hills now.

"I don't plan on hurting either of them or you for that matter," Joseph responded before pulling from Isaac's grip and sitting up straight, rolling his neck before giving a stretch.

"You're worried about hurting me?" The older dog grinned and showed his sharp teeth as he looks over at the younger one.

Joseph shrugged. "I mean, sure... you're just as vulnerable as the girls are. I don't want to hurt you any more than I would Karen or Ivory."

Isaac pursed his lips in thought at those words. It was true he was mostly worried about the girls, but he didn't expect the fox to so keenly be worried about him as well. A little part of him still had been thinking maybe Joseph had just been drumming up the scenario to be with Karen, but here he was worried earnestly about him as much as he was about his wife and Ivory.

Joseph watched Issac for a long moment then huffed out, "What? You don't believe me?"

"I do, I was just thinking about things," He spoke back calmly.

"Things huh? Want to elaborate?" Joseph prodded.

"I guess I'm just glad you care, and it's not just about Karen," Isaac just threw the words out without thinking, he was too used to Karen being able to see through him so he didn't bother trying to hide his thoughts.

The fox clicked his tongue as he looked away. "Dumb wolf... of course, it's not just about her. Me and Ivory like both of you..."

Isaac nodded and cut his eyes over to Joseph once again, "I wonder how they are doing"

"Ha! Probably something girly like painting one another's claws," The fox barked back at the wolf with a grin.


"Fuck! Crazed rabbit, take it ea- mph!" Ivory hissed then cut the words off as Karen shoved her on the bed and climbed on top of her, pressing her muzzle to her own. The two kissed fervently, both their tails rapidly flicking and thrashing about.

Karen pushed her tongue into Ivory's mouth, rolling it against her own, both paws moving to squeeze and knead at the larger breasts of the blonde beneath her, feeling her peaks growing hard to her touch. Both their bodies were fully nude and exposed, their fur still a little damp from the soak in the hot tub.

Ivory gave a soft moan against the bunny's muzzle before pulling back and panting, her tongue showing as both her handpaws gripped Karen's shoulders. "D-didn't think soaking in the sauna with me would get you so raring to go!"

Karen's large mocha ears flicked up at the words and she gave Ivory a hungry grin. "Being without you for so long didn't help..." She sighed the words as she pushed her chest against the cats, moving in for her throat, both their breasts pushing against one another.

"Hgn... Horny rabbit, you just had me last night!" The cat groaned the words as she felt her throat being nipped and sucked at, stinging as Karen marked her.

The bunny's small brown tail flicked excitedly as she suckled at Ivory's throat before parting her lips and looking at the bruise she left behind in the thin cream-colored fur, grinning proudly at the results. "You think one night is going to make up for it? I haven't had you since I started dating Isaac..."

"W-well it's not like I wasn't willing! Ngh!" The cat clenched her sharp teeth together and flicked her ears up as the rabbit shoved a paw down between her legs, moving right in for her sensitive pearl.

Karen grinned as she watched the cat beneath her snap her teeth together and jerk from the touch. The bunny bit her lower lip and rubbed her fingertips against Ivory's sensitive little spot listening to her pant and mew more fervently by the second. "That's it my kitty... don't hold it back..."

Perky brown and white ears folded downward as Ivory lolled her tongue, her claws digging into Karen's shoulders. Her body burned with need and longing for the rabbit and it only took a few more moments of coaxing before she was giving in to her lover eagerly. "Ngh! H-huff... Missed you..."

Karen bit her lower lip feeling the cat's honey slick her fingertips while she gave in to her. "I missed you too, my little kitty..." She panted out before grinning at Ivory and turning around to straddle the cat's head with her knees.

Ivory bit down on her lower lip seeing the bunny petals before her, dripping with desire. She moved her paws to grasp Karen's curvy hips, claws sinking into the dark fur before pushing her maw right up against her.

"Ha! Ngh! Good kitty... that's my good girl..." Karen moaned the words while laying across Ivory's body. The rabbit pulled her dark hair back before moving down between the cat's legs and pressing her own muzzle against Ivory's petals, her tongue darting out to lap at the lust she had already coaxed out of the cat while she teased her pearl.

Ivory shuddered as Karen worked her with her mouth, the rabbit had always known how to drive her crazy. The idol shuddered with a pant before digging her claws into that full round bunny butt and rolling her own tongue against the sensitive little spot before her, lapping at the rabbit while her hips squirmed against her paws in response.

Karen clenched her teeth together and folded her large mocha ears down, her body shivering while Ivory worked her. "Damn... s-so good..." She groaned before moving her maw against the cat's pearl, suckling hard, her tongue rolling against her intently.

A mew of pleasure escaped Ivory's throat before she likewise pressed her lips against Karen's own spot. Both the cat and bunny fervently licked and suckled at one another until their walls tore down again. Ivory felt as much as heard Karen give in to her, the rabbit's whole body shuddering as she let out a muffled groan against her petals.

Ivory folded her ears and hissed out in pleasure as her own body gave in once more to her rabbit, her hips jerking in response while she felt Karen lapping at her eagerly. She groaned out and joined in, lapping up the rabbit honey that she had coaxed forth.

Both of them took a few moments to affectionately lap up and clean one another while enjoying the euphoria of release. Finally, Karen grunted and forced herself to turn around before pushing her muzzle to Ivory's in a loving kiss. The cat was all too happy to return the bunny's affection, both their tongues gently rolling against one another while they kissed for several long moments tasting one another's lust their heads tilted slightly to get as close as they could.

Ivory pulled from Karen's maw after a while and blinked up at the rabbit looming over her. Her blue eyes met Karen's green ones and they shared a loving gaze for several heartbeats before the bunny finally gave her a playful grin. "Are you going to say it first, or shall I?"

She rolled her blue eyes and slid her padded-fingers up into Karen's chocolate hair, lovingly rubbing at those dark ears. "I missed you, and I love you."

Karen flicked her little mocha tail about happily and shifted her own fingertips into the blonde hair of her lover, rubbing at her own ears before moving in for her lips once more. The rabbit brushed her muzzle against Ivory's before whispering out, "I love and missed you too, Ivory... my cat..." She pressed her mouth to Ivory's and both of them embraced in a long passionate kiss once more.

Ivory fluttered her eyes open after a few moments of kissing and pulled from Karen's mouth with a grin. "You want more, yeah?"

Karen blinked at Ivory and gave her own cocky little grin. "Of course I do, you know that wasn't enough for me."

"You know, they say statistically, only a quarter of girls actually get off from intercourse?" Ivory purred happily and pulled from Karen's arms as she slid out of bed, trotting over to her nightstand.

"Yeah? Have you ever been with any that didn't?" Karen asked curiously, perking up her large ears as the cat withdrew what looked like a double-ended blue sex toy of some sort, her eyes going wide at the length as she squirmed.

Ivory gave the rabbit a toothy grin, "I wouldn't know, I've only ever been with one woman, and I'm happy to keep it that way." She cooed the words as she trotted back over to her lover with the toy in paw, seeing the obvious anxiety on the rabbit's face.

"Uh... t-truth be told, I've never used toys before?" Karen huffed the words shyly and then bit her lower lip. "T-that thing looks really big too!"

A purr erupted from Ivory's throat as she climbed onto the bed with her and grinned, "Me either, I just bought it today, and we're supposed to use it together, that's why it's so big. As to the girth, well... look at the size of our dogs, I think we'll be okay!"

"T-together?!" Karen huffed out and bit her lower lip at the thought of it.

Ivory winked at her lover and moved a paw to her shoulder before moving the tip of the large blue length to the folds of her still-soaked bunny petals. "Relax, it will probably be like when we did the scissor thing a few years ago. Awkward at first but fun once we get into things."

"That's easier said thaaaan...ngh!" Katen clenched her teeth and grunted out as the length pushed easily into her thanks to her built-up rabbit honey. She folded her ears and lolled her tongue as she felt the length force in under Ivory's guidance, her walls clenching at the toy. The dildo didn't feel as rigid as Isaac or Joseph's cock and seemed to easily bend or give, probably a good thing given the nature of the thing.

Ivory grinned as she moved the length back and forth a few times, Karen braced on her palms panting, letting the cat fuck her with the toy. "Ha... you look so good Karen... I love making you feel good..." The cat purred happily, giving the toy a few more thrusts before taking a seat in front of the rabbit.

"H-how...?" Karen panted out watching the cat grab the other end of the toy, making it stir and move inside her own body.

"Just relax... I got this... I think..." Ivory purred the words and slid her left footpaw under Karen's bent knee, hiking her right knee up over the rabbit's hip before grasping the other end of the toy to press right up against her own dripping entrance. The cat let out a mewl of pleasure as she forced a few inches into herself.

Karen clenched her teeth hard, the force of Ivory pushing it in making the length move deeper and press into her core. She blinked at the cat and braced on her paws before pushing her own hips forward curiously. Her lover hissed and dug her nails into the sheets of the bed as the movement made the length push into her under Karen's own guidance.

"Ha... t-take it easy rabbit..." Ivory moaned the words out and pushed her own hips forward in an awkward movement. The length sunk fully into her as she pushed forward and it bumped into her own core. She groaned out in a pleasurable moan as she looked upon her lover before her, their legs were tangled together now, their soaked petals pressed against one another, the toy not even visible, simply buried inside each of them.

"Ngh... see... it wasn't too big..." Ivory moaned the words out as she ground herself against Karen, their sensitive spots rubbing against one another, her movements making the length inside them move and stir.

Karen parted her maw, her tongue lolled out as she panted. "Y-you say that but... ngh!" The rabbit clenched her teeth together, her body giving in under the stimulation of grinding her pearl to Ivory as well as the toy fucking her in time to the cat's moving hips.

Ivory folded her ears and let out a soft moan, her own orgasm following a few heartbeats later, their lust for one another making the point where they were joined together a sopping mess of cat and rabbit honey. "Isn't this fun my rabbit... ha!"

Clenching her teeth again, Karen huffed out before grinding her hips against Ivory's, seeming to get into the rhythm of things. "Ha... Yeah, I love feeling you up against me. I can feel it tense and stir when you clench down and release too..."

The cat sighed hotly, her ears drooped as she moved her hips more intently and ground them, her full breasts swaying while she moved against her bunny. "Fuck I love listening to you... I love making you cum... Ngh! I just love everything about you, Karen!"

Karen grinned and folded her large floppy ears, feeling her body giving in again, Ivory's obviously going through the same process. "Mmph... s-should have told me that years ago, we wouldn't be stuck with dogs now!"

Ivory opened one eye, grinning at the rabbit as her hips began moving and grinding anew. "Huff... you love our dogs... It worked out w-well..." The blonde bit her lower lip, feeling the rabbit buck her own hips more wildly, grinding frantically against her and making the movement of the toy within them more forceful, feeling herself growing closer to another release.

"I love all of you... ngh!" Karen gritted her teeth and shoved her hips hard, feeling the toy jab into her core, the movement making the other end shove heavily into Ivory as well. Both cat and rabbit alike let out throaty moans of pleasure as they gave in to one another, the fur between them soaked in their love.

Several more minutes of frantic sex and a few more orgasms later, Karen collapsed onto her back panting, her small pink tongue showing as she gasped for breath. "I- I can't..."

Ivory purred drunkenly and pulled back, the drenched length of the toy dislodging from the two of them. Karen clenched her teeth and hissed out as it slid out, her honey and lust drenching her thigh fur.

Ivory purred drunkenly and climbed over to her lover, collapsing as well, resting her head against the bunny's soft full breasts, feeling her chest rise and fall in panted heaves while she nuzzled the soft fur. "Huff... me too... I'm so spent... that was awesome, Karen... my love..."

The rabbit blinked one eye open and weakly rested her paw on Ivory's head, petting and stroking her cat's hair and ears while she was nuzzling her breasts. "Fuck... we're a mess... the sheets are drenched too..."

"The cleaning service will understand." Ivory purred lazily and closed her eyes, cuddling up to the rabbit and sighing blissfully while hugging her.

The two of them settled into an exhausted silence, the room filled with their soft pants of pleasure and fatigue while they held one another. Karen finally spoke out after several minutes, "Sometimes... I wonder if I should have said something sooner..."

Ivory flicked her ears and huffed out. Truth be told the words had actually pulled her from a faint slumber she had started while laying against the rabbit. "Mmm... what do you mean, Karen?"

The rabbit smiled and ran her fingertips through the cat's brown and blonde locks, feeling the sweat that had built up from their frantic mating. "Sorry I woke you..."

Ivory purred at the touch and shook her head slowly. "You're fine. Tell me what's on your mind?"

Karen nodded slowly. "I just wonder if I should have said something sooner... I've always had feelings for you, Ivory, well before I was with Isaac."

"Yeah? I knew you liked me, but I didn't think you liiiiked me, you know?" Ivory purred and forced herself to raise up slightly, looking down into the rabbit's bright emerald eyes.

The rabbit's eyes met those Icy blue ones of the cats, the color similar to her husband and bit her lower lip, feeling her heart race a little faster. "W-well, I figured you were always just wanting casual stuff I guess? You were always off with some guy."

Ivory grinned wide, "Well I do like cock quite a bit, as I've told you for years." She purred and leaned in, pecking the rabbit on the lips with a soft kiss before huffing out gently, "Had you asked me to be with you seriously though... I would have said yes in a heartbeat. I've always loved you, Karen."

Karen bit her lower lip at the words then gave Ivory a gentle smile before shaking her head. "I suppose it works out this way though. You certainly wouldn't have become some famous pop star had you settled with me."

She purred in response and huffed, "Also, wouldn't have a fox and wolf to bang the hell out of me!" Ivory cooed the words playfully then slid both handpaws over Karen's cheeks and stared into the rabbit's eyes for a long moment before shaking her head, her dirty blonde-colored bangs bouncing about. "I would give up all the fame and money for you... and Isaac."

A grin showed on Karen's face, her cheeks burning and her eyes growing wet. "Would you really? That makes me so happy to hear... But you wouldn't give it up for Joe?"

Ivory snorted a laugh, "W-well he kind of made it all happen, ya know? I figure he just came with it at this point. Besides I would never give that fox up, I love him with all my heart and soul!" She purred the words happily then looked back down at the rabbit before her and grinned, "And I love you and Issac, all of you are worth more than all the fame in the world."

Karen bit her lower lip and shook her head with a grin on her face, her large drooped ears swaying with the movement, "Damn... and I thought Isaac and Joe were mushy..."


"You could have joined me in the shower you know." Isaac grinned while walking out of the bathroom of the hotel he and Joseph had taken for the night, the towel he had used to dry off slung over his shoulders.

"I could have, but I had to do some work on my phone to make sure Karen's lesson was set up properly tomorrow." Joseph huffed out before plugging his phone up at the nightstand and grabbing his duffle bag to make for the bathroom to take his own shower.

The wolf gave the fox a wide grin, showing his sharp teeth. When he attempted to walk past him, Isaac shoved his paw against the wall in front of Joseph barring his path and leaning in on him. "Such a diligent fox... working so hard for our wives..."

Joseph's ears perked up and he huffed at the action while the wolf loomed over him. Even fresh out of the shower he could smell Isaac's feral musk in the air. "Tch... Of course. It's my job."

"Pretty sure it's not just your job..." The larger dog growled the words and moved his free paw over the fox's jaw. Isaac was shirtless and had just tugged back on his blue jeans after the shower, his large strong chest fully exposed, showing the hard muscles and toned form of his body through the thin reddish fur that blended to a lighter collar along his middle.

Joseph felt a little excitement jolt up his spine as the larger male touched his face and leaned in on him. "I-I should probably clean up as well..."

"I quite enjoy smelling your musk and sweat from the day, fox..." Isaac growled as he leaned in, huffing along Joseph's throat now, his paw sliding off his face to grab at his hip and pull him closer.

Joseph flicked his ears at the grasp and the proximity of the wolf, huffing out once more as he was pulled against Issac's chest. He pushed his padded-palms to the larger dog's chest, feeling how hard it was, the results of a lifetime of regular training. "Ha... take it easy I'm all sweaty from the day!"

"Now you sound like Karen..." Isaac snarled confidently and brushed his muzzle against the smaller dog's throat, biting gently against it with nips.

Joseph hissed and clenched his teeth, closing his eyes tightly, his tail wagging behind him as the wolf marked him with possessive love nips, his flesh beneath his fur stinging. His claws dug into the hard muscles of the wolf's chest while he panted out in protest, "Again?! Stubborn damn wolf..."

Issac parted his jaws, admiring the bruise left behind through the fur, matching the one he had left on the other side of Joseph's throat. "It's okay, you can take a shower with me after we make one another a sweaty mess. Besides... you can only see them if you're right atop you."

His cheeks grew hot at the words then the fox growled and folded his ears, brushing his fingertips over the second bruise he now had from the wolf. He felt happy but also irritated that the wolf had been showing so much dominance. "You think so huh?"

A growl rumbled from the larger dog's throat as he moved his palm to Joseph's jaw and jerked his face upwards to look him in the eyes, his icy blue meeting the soft brown. "I know so."

Joseph blinked a few times then snapped his teeth together in a wide grin. Isaac showed his own toothy grin, seeing the defiant look and knowing the fox was going to try to shift things around. It reminded him too much of his wife, a constant struggle for dominance they had endured for years since their marriage and now it seemed he would have to deal with it from his new boyfriend as well. "Something on your mind, my fox?"

The younger dog flicked an ear and huffed in the older dog's face before he slipped out of sight, dropping straight down away from the wolf. Isaac perked his ears up at the speed of the smaller dog and found himself flanked by him. Isaac showed a wide grin at the display but then barked out in shock as Joseph hooked a footpaw along his ankle and grabbed at his shoulder, pivoting to shove him forward onto the mattress of the queen size bed.

Isaac let out a grunt as he slapped into the soft mattress chest-first and braced on his paws, laughing as he looked back at the fox. "Ha... did I strike a nerve little fox?" He growled the words in a mock challenge then perked his own ears in concern as the fox reached around and grabbed at the front of his jeans while he was bent forward on the bed, feeling Joseph deftly jerk the front of them open. "H-hey!"

"What? You gonna panic now that I'm tugging your pants open, dog?" Joseph growled mockingly as he jerked the denim open. Isaac's heavily swollen length spilled forth from the opening, fully slid free from that base of fur, the wolf having not even bothered to put on underwear.

"Heh... you get so worked up from trying to dominate me, or is this from me taking over the reins?" The younger dog growled confidently as Isaac felt his left handpaw grab at the base of his throbbing length of flesh and give it a few hard pumps as if testing his resolve.

Isaac lolled his tongue at the grab, his tail wagging in response against Joseph's chest. Truth be told the fox was reminding him more and more of his wife now, shifting the power struggle so deftly and he loved it. "Ha... a little from column A, a little from column B..." The larger dog panted the words, his ears drooped and his body relaxing slightly, letting the fox have the lead.

Joseph gave him a knowing grin and moved his free paw to undo his own pants while pumping at the wolf's throbbing cock, feeling its pulse in his padded-fingertips. "That's fine... you can be my dog this time, Isaac!"

When Joseph withdrew his own length that was just as eager, the wolf perked his ears up in a mild panic, realizing his situation now, and barked out in concern, "H-hey! Do you even know what you're doing back there?!"

"O-of course I do!" The fox huffed the words awkwardly and reached for his duffle bag with his free paw, leaving the left still pumping the wolf's pulsing length, feeling hot sticky pre dripping along his fingertips.

Isaac huffed and let out a groan as he felt the fox grip harder on his length while pumping. "Y-yeah? Thought this was new to you too?"

"Yeah, I looked it up on the internet!" Joseph barked the words cheerfully, taking a small bottle of lubricant out of the bag that he had bought that day while Ivory bought the toy she had used with Karen.

"What happened to no road map?" Isaac grinned as he felt himself relax slightly then perked his ears up a few moments later when the fox grabbed the base of his tail and jerked it upwards, pulling it out of the way and fully exposing his rear and tight tailhole to him.

"Ngh! Is this really okay like this?!" Isaac barked out, wincing when he felt pressure against his hole but not how he expected it to feel. He perked his ears up and jerked his view back once more to see the fox having taken a knee and shoving his tongue against his hole. "The fuck are you doing?!"

Joseph huffs hotly and pushed his tongue against the tight flesh, lapping and flicking at it, trying to loosen the wolf up a little. "Huff... relax, you just got out of the shower cry baby, even lube won't help if I don't work you up a little... I do this to Ivory from time to time too ya know. Are you saying you don't do it to Karen with that magnificent ass she has?" The fox growled and pressed his tongue back against Isaac's tailhole, continuing to prod at him and force his tongue a little deeper with each lap.

"Hgn! N-no I haven't!" The wolf barked the words out, clenching his teeth and snorting out a huff through his nose while the fox lapped and worked at him, feeling his walls give way as more of the smaller dog's hot tongue slithered into him.

Joseph took a few more moments to lap and tease the wolf, prodding his tongue deep before pulling away with a growl in his throat, "That's a shame... don't think I'm not gonna eat that bunny's ass later!" The fox barked the declaration and stood again. "That should work..."

"Should?!" Isaac snarled and looked back at the fox, feeling him prodding at his entrance now with the tip of his swollen length, his own tongue lolled out at the pressure the fox was making against his entrance.

"Ha... it will be fine... haven't you and Karen done this sort of thing before? Me and Ivory have," Joseph panted the words and pumped the large dog's length awkwardly with his left handpaw, his right still gripping the base of the wolf's tail. The tapered head of his cock was slowly inching forward but the wolf's nervousness was making him extra tight. "Ngh... fuck will you calm down already?!"

"N-not really..." The wolf snarled then took a calming breath, trying to relax, his claws from digging into the sheets of the bed. His ears folded and his teeth grit as he felt the fox pushing against him until he was finally past his entrance.

"Son of a... fuuuck..." The wolf lolled his tongue and let out a throaty moan as he felt Joseph push into him slowly from behind. His large crimson tail wagged in the fox's grip as the younger dog jabbed deeply into him.

"S-see... it's not so bad huh?" Joseph panted the words and began to grind and push his hips, pumping against the wolf's rear, feeling his length respond in kind, a violent throb spreading through it, his knot starting to show against the fox's fingertips. "Ha... you're really getting into it huh my wolf?"

Isaac shook his head and growled through clenched teeth, claws dug hard into the mattress once more while Joseph prodded against his spot again while pumping against him. "N-never felt something like... damn it..." Isaac moaned out the words, his tongue hanging out of his jaws in a loll as he pants.

Joseph bit his lower lip hard and huffed out confidently as he pushed into the wolf again and again, feeling the larger dog's knot growing against his padded-fingertips as he stroked his length. He could feel his own knot starting to show as well. "No need to hold back my wolf..."

The bigger dog clenched his teeth and let out a feral snarl, as if his body were at the foxes command. Crimson ears folded and the wolf groaned out in a defeated moan. Joseph grinned wide showing his sharp teeth along his muzzle as he felt the heavy throb against his padded-fingertips before Isaac erupted, gushing his pent-up lust forward all over the bed sheets.

"Damn, so much... even after filling my wife up twice?" The fox hummed the words and pushed harder into the wolf with his own throaty groan coming forth, "Speaking of filling up..."

Isaac yipped out at the push, he was still in mid orgasm when the fox shoved into him hard, his hot creamy lust rolling down Joseph's fingers while another gush spilled forth. "D-don't you dare knot me!" The wolf panted the words then jerked his folded ears up sharply and clenched his teeth as he felt the fox forcefully shove against him, knot popping in as a stream of heat rushed into him from behind in a thick tide that made his whole body feel warm.

"Ngh! S-sorry love... I didn't catch that, were you saaaaying something?" Joseph moaned the words in a mocking tone as he bucked against the wolf's backside, giving in to his body again and again while feeling the last of the larger dog's own release taper off.

Issac shuddered and collapsed onto his chest, panting and drooling on the bed sheets, his tail weakly flicking in spastic twitches as he felt Joseph continue to fill him for a few more heartbeats before the fox's own release tapered off. "Jack...ass..."

The fox huffed weakly and slumped against the larger dog's back, sighing happily and flicking his own tail weakly, growling into the large set of drooped red ears before him. "You enjoyed it..."

The wolf took a few moments to compose himself before looking back at the fox and giving him a grin, "Fair enough... but no complaining when I bend you over next time!"

"Uh huh? Because you managed to pull it off so well this time, right?" Joseph growled the words teasingly.

Sharp teeth showed as Isaac grinned at the fox and growled playfully, "Ha... a challenge huh? You let a fox top you once and he thinks he's the boss. You're as bad as a certain rabbit I know."

"Well knowing how much you love said rabbit, I will take that as a compliment and keep doing what I do!" Joseph cooed the words into the wolf's ears before puffing against them playfully.


"So you got that shower with me anyway huh?" Joseph spoke the words playfully while scrubbing a washcloth over Isaac's back.

"Well, you did make a mess of me right as I got out!" Issac grinned as he looked back at the fox through the stream of water.

The flow of water had wet and flattened both of their sets of hair down, really showcasing how long Isaac's was compared to Joseph's, coming down almost to the small of his back, while the younger dog's hair only came down to below his shoulder blades. Isaac's natural wave and curl in his hair simply pulled it up a few inches when it was dry.

The fox thought about it for a long moment and gave the wolf's wet tail a playful tug, eliciting a surprised grunt and then a grin from him. "Was it okay? I mean... I feel like I could have done better." Joseph prodded the question while moving to get the shampoo for his own hair.

"Well, I've got nothing to compare it to, but I had fun with it, you seemed to as well." Isaac grinned and flicked his wet tail before moving out of the stream and shaking it out in the corner of the shower before slipping out to get a towel.

The fox lathered his hair and then stepped into the water flow to rinse it out while talking out towards the wolf who was drying off, "Sure, it was a lot of fun, I just worry if it was good enough."

"Did you worry like this with Ivory and Karen too?" Isaac mused the words while fluffing his wet tail with a towel.

"Of course I did!" Joseph barked out with a huff and moved to turn the flow of the water off, shaking his own tail out before pulling the curtain back only to get a dry towel tossed into his face playfully by the wolf.

Issac grinned as the fox fumbled with the towel and gave him an awkward smile before moving to dry off his own hair. "You shouldn't worry so much, we both had fun and neither was disappointed."

The fox thought about it for a moment before he nodded as he dried his tail and then hesitated before speaking once more, "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

"Are you?" The wolf responded right away and curiously curled a brow.

"Well sure, I've never done anything like this before." Joseph shrugged as he spoke and stepped past the wolf to the sink. The mirror was still fogged up from the heat of the shower as Joseph rolled his eyes and tugged the door open letting a blast of cooler air fill the steamy bathroom.

"Jeeze!" Isaac growled at the cool air and quickly snatched up his clean pair of boxers, tugging them on with a fussed look. A second later he gave a shrug. "I don't get nervous, but I do get solemn and serious about it when it comes down to it. You never know what someone is going to do, so best to be level-headed and ready to respond."

The fox thought about the words and looked over his shoulder at the wolf, "You get a lot of guys that put up much of a fight?"

Isaac shrugged in response to the question. "Honestly, most of them just accept it and come willingly. A lot of them are just scared and know they've already messed up. It's rare for them to struggle or put up a fight."

"Well, that's good, I would hate to see you get hurt," Joseph spoke the words quietly as he brushed his still-damp hair out.

The wolf grinned and moved over to smack the fox on the butt, making him yip and glare at the larger dog. "Ha! You're worried about me? I've got a better chance of suffering injury from pissing Karen off!"

"Well, I worry about her and you, all the time actually..." Joseph huffed the words and moved to tug on his own boxers before the wolf could smack his bare ass again.

Isaac grew silent and shook his head before responding, "Wouldn't pay so well if it wasn't dangerous. My wife and I enjoy the adrenaline kick."

"I've only been in situations like that a few times. I pretty much just go all calm and calculated, then after the adrenaline wears off I'm a nervous wreck. Same with my matches I would do in kickboxing. I was fine during it, but once I came down from the adrenaline I would be shaking and rattled." The fox flicked his tail about as he explained.

"I just get angry when people confront me, that's one of the reasons I never did well at sports in school. I took it personally." Isaac spoke the words as he took his own turn to brush his hair out, the tips already starting to curl slightly to form the wavy look he tended to have when it was down.

"How does Karen handle adrenaline?" He asked curiously as he slipped on a large t-shirt.

"Before or after she tears your clothes off and ravages you?" Isaac replied with a wide grin.

"Ah, that's pretty interesting!" Joseph grinned and blushed at the thought of seeing her like that.

"Lusting after my wife again?" Isaac hummed playfully as he stepped out of the bathroom into the bedroom of the hotel.

"Guilty as charged, both of you are just so damn cute!" Joseph huffed as he trotted out of the bathroom behind the wolf.

Issac paused for a moment then turned and snatched the fox by the collar of his shirt, growling as he spun him around and shoved the smaller dog down onto his back on the bed. The wolf loomed over him showing his sharp teeth, his large tail wagging playfully. "Speaking of cute... I think I should pay you back for that little stunt earlier..."

Joseph yipped as he was forced down and grinned up at the large dog, his own tail wagging. "Ha... but we just got out of the shower and are all clean, you horny mutt!" The smaller dog cooed the words playfully up at Isaac while sliding his paws over his large strong shoulders, claws digging into his fur lightly.

"Too bad... I guess we'll just have to take another one in the morning..." The wolf snarled and went in for the fox's throat once again, nibbling and kissing along his neck eagerly.

"Tch... insatiable wolf..." Joseph groaned, moving his paws up into Isaac's damp slightly curling hair. "You keep this up and we're not going to have any energy for hunting tomorrow..."

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