Mending and Connecting

Story by michael crest on SoFurry

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#4 of Prince Here, Action Where

chapter4: Mending and Connecting

A wolf and fox walked in a barrack's storage room. Crest found a barrel and slouched on it sighing with regret of what happened at the consul. "I feel terrible of how I treated Clat." The wolf spoke.

"Why? The feline deserved that and we can go to the temple now." Alex responded shrugging in his armor. The fox walked over to his king and sat with him.

"While I'm grateful to the gods for having us go, that was a bit rash." He sighed and removed his vest of regency. Crest's ears perched up involuntarily. "Hm, magic? No...too subtle."

"Something wrong-?" Alex's question was half interrupted as another knight entered panting. "Yes, fellow knight?"

"L-library...s-s-a knight was slain! And Clat was knocked out at the s-spot." The fur was shaking uncontrollably as he gave his message.

"Why are you shaking? What caused a knight to fear?" the king hopped off the barrel he sat on and rushed to give support.

"See for yourself." Crest guided the knight to a crate and helped him sit. The king and Alex turned to each other and traded nods.

"Why do all our questions get answered before we ask?" the fox asked while on their way to the library.

"Gods maybe..."

When they arrived, someone directed the two canines to Clat's study. Arriving there, they saw two bodies, one with a frozen face of fear and a bloody tail. The other was Clat though face down and on top of the dead knight, but without a mark on the leopard. Around the two bodies were excess blood, dry cream colored substance, and a pure gold necklace.

"Gods, what happened here?" Alex spoke appalled at the sight. Crest walked to the necklace. It practically screamed of magic to the king. As the wolf examined the pendant on the necklace, Clat groaned and lifted his head. Alex gasped.

"That's...mine. But..." the feline tried to speak but passed out again. The two canines stared at each other for a minute before Alex spoke.

"I'll get the priest..." the fox ran off. Crest looked between the pendant and the two bodies. The gold gem was shaped in the form of a lizard's head and nothing else. Gods...what does this mean?

Hours later, the three males were in the priest's patents room. The priest said that Clat would be fine after some rest. Crest was relieved. He felt extremely bad for mistreating his trainer. Alex stood at the door watching as he felt he wasn't part of this. The fox felt hate and concern for the feline. Alex was intimidated by the leopard but even he felt that this event was harsh. A moan from Clat snapped the two out of their reflections.

"How are you feeling, Clat?" Crest asked quietly next to the leopard in bed.

"Uhg, oh, huh? Oh, my king!" Clat took a while to wake up. When he did, he was shocked with Crest sitting next to him. "Where-the priest's room? Crest? Oh gods, what happened?" Clat held his face in his paws. The two canines remained silent without answers to tell. "Did someone die?" Clat asked raising his head. Nods were his answer. "The necklace! Where is it?" Crest was mildly shocked but took out the golden chain from his pocket. "Thanks the gods...oh, Crest, Alex, be safe going to the temple." That shocked the king even more.

"T-thank you but what about your pendant?"

"Keep that away from me, the thing's cursed!" Alex walked over and spoke to the feline's reaction.

"No it is not. Crest studied it and although he couldn't find what it does, he found no evil in it." The fox crossed his arms proudly and smiled at Crest.

"We'll leave after tonight but I'm not leaving before I return this to its owner." Crest slowly moved to place the necklace in its spot on Clat's shoulders. The feline backed away as much as he could in a bed but the wolf gently attached the accessory. The magical hint that screamed to the king quieted down when the necklace was placed on its owner. Come seconds passed and Clat relaxed.

"Oh good, nothing..." he whispered to himself.

"What?" Crest tried to hear the feline.

"n-nothing, thank you for proving your trainer wrong." He smiled strangely for a sincere statement.

"Ok...come Alex, the day was long. Let us return to our rooms." Crest led his fox out the room with a wink. Alex obeyed grinning. When they were gone Clat lifted his necklace to eye level. What is holding it from changing me? The answer struck him foolish. "User of transformation jewelry can not control the instant change unless triggers are added during the change." He created a trigger for the pendant to activate. What the trigger was he didn't fully know, yet.

The two canines opened the door to Crest's room. Once they did, Crest turned around and pinned his knight to the door. "What..." the fox yelped with eyes wide.

"Did you dream or are you not tired of following rules of rank?" the king didn't give his knight a chance to think as the wolf pulled the other male into a kiss. Alex only fought back because he was caught by surprise but opened his mouth to welcome a prodding tongue. They wrapped their arms around each other when they kissed. The younger knight murred as the kiss lasted. Chills of pleasure rang though Crest feeling his fox murr. He broke the kiss and stared into Alex's eyes. They seemed to glitter in front of him like moonlight he thought. Alex pulled Crest back into a kiss. They made it last longer and played with the other's tongue.

Crest pulled out only to grab at his knight's armor, trying to pull it off. Alex helped his king and stood nude at his whim. Crest growled with delight. "Now remove mine." Alex mentally laughed for all he had to do was remove his wolf's pants.

"I love how you never wear a shirt." The fox said in what he hoped was seductive. He succeeded; Crest smiled and raised a brow waiting. Alex obeyed the silent order and kneeled at his king's sheath. He breathed in the scent with all his lungs and looked up at Crest with anticipation.

"We didn't return to stare, did we?" the king laughed. Alex yipped and extended his tongue to taste his mate's sac. Crest felt the warmth of the prehensile mass suck his balls into his fox's mouth. Moaning, the wolf placed a paw on Alex's head. The knight continued to suck on the king's furry sac alone. Neither of them noticed a red mound rising from Crest's sheath. Gods this feels not only so good...this feels right! Both had the same thoughts.

Alex looked up beamed with excitement. Crest's member was already half his and from the looks of it not even full yet! The fox gasped and growled teasingly. The king wasn't looking at his mate as Alex wrapped his tongue around his king's soft member. Crest gasped then moaned to the new sensation. The king pulled the fox's head closer as he quickly became solid. Alex stroked his begging wolf's hard on with his tongue before reaching the tip.

By then it reached its full size and the knight stared down its length. A foot not counting the knot throbbed under the fox's nose, at least 4 inches more than his counting the knot. That's when something attacked his nostrils. A torrent of addicting scent spiked Alex, giving off a murr from him. He opened his eyes to find the course behind the delightful strike. Crest's member flowed of pre; his red canine cock seemed to sparkle to the fox. "Gods stop staring or I'll find something to stick this in," the wolf growled above Alex.

"That's a perfect plan." Alex stood up and walked over to his king's bed. When he reached the decorated furniture, Alex didn't turn to face Crest. Instead he lifted his tail for his king to see. The fox looked to the wolf with eager eyes. Crest's member twitched in anticipation. The wolf walked to the presented tail and pointed his member towards the small ring of flesh.

"a-are you sure? I'll be your first right?"

"Yes and thankfully yes." Alex begged his own member started to poke out just staring at his mate's. The king moved closer and rubbed his hard on around and upward on the fox's tail hole. When it was nice and slippery Crest paused again.

"Ready?" he asked lining up his member. A whimper was his answer and he pushed in. only an inch slowly passed though before both started moaning. "Gods, it's like...your tongue but warmer and tighter!" the king cried out trying to slide more in. Alex lost his frontal control as his head fell onto the bed. Three inches in now and the fox's tail hole started to loosen up to the invader. So warm... both of them screamed long and softly in their minds. Six inches and the tail started to tighten up again making Crest growl a moan. Alex's member left its owner's sheath completely and started to throb. Just a little more... The two canines screamed in their minds again.

Crest leaned his body over Alex to get gravity on his side. All of a sudden, all but Crest's knot hilted the fox. "Gods yes!" they howled together but Crest held his position to felt with his feel inside his fox with his member. "Don't stop." Alex whimpered and his king obeyed slowly pulling his cock out. The treasured the sensation until Crest pushed back in. "Ahh." Crest sent his full length back in. neither of them was ready for what they felt that plunge. This time Alex's bowels were coated with Crest's pre. As the wolf pulled his member back out, both moaned to how easier it moved and felt. The king drove into his knight again, but this time they were ready and moans escaped their mouths again.

Crest kept a constant motion flowing as he continued. He reached over Alex's waist with one paw and held the base of his fox's tail with the other, the first hand wrapped around his mate's member and stated stroking it against his thrusts. He quickened his thrusting feeling some warmth grow in his member. He felt Alex's hard on get warmer too and held onto the knot. The two felt the king's knot penetrate. Howling Crest let loose his seed inside his mate while he squeezed the knot firmly. Alex yelped and yelled a moan as he too shit his seed.

Crest fell on top of his knight panting heavily. "That felt like a gift from the gods..."

"Yes it did..." the fox responded falling asleep unable to wake himself regretfully. Crest waited until get gotten his breath back. They were still tied by his knot so moving Alex with him to get more of their bodies in bed was easier. When he gotten them in bed he held his fox tightly and fell asleep. The two idols on the nightstand glowed with pride instead of magic for the rest of the night.


they finally yiffed :D! comment+critique please^^