Redwall: The Darkblade: epilogue

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of series3

Now the setting is back in Badgermother Crea's bedroom...

Crea was just about to close the pages together when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." she said.

It was Mylechua and Aurora who entered, with more.

"Oh, you're back. How was your time with other otters?"

"It went well enough. There's someone we'd like you to meet, though."

Aurora pulled away the shawl she was wearing to reveal a newborn otter pup.

"Oh my goodness, isn't he precious? He looks just like his father did when he was his age."

"Myka named him Myles. And here comes his sister. Mina, sweetie, don't run please."

"Myka was just as much a pawfull as she is, you remember."

"No doubt about that. Say, what was that you were reading?"

"Oh nothing, just remembering when I first met you."

"You gots a story about Grandpa? I wanna hear it." Mina squeaked.

Crea chuckled, "Maybe when you're older. Well, if I hear right, there's a feast waiting outside for you. We don't want to keep them waiting."

The End...