Love of a Lifetime (A Lore Friendly Star Fox Story) Chapter 2

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#389 of Star Fox art

Here is the final part. With this I have done what I needed to do with Wolf and Luna. But now I can take a break from Star Fox the rest of 2022 (Since it was that year during the time of posting this) and focus on some other things. But that doesn't mean I won't ever write of this loving wolf couple ever again or other pairings at all.


Read description First.


Love of a Lifetime

(A Lore Friendly Star Fox Story)

Chapter 2: Mating like Wolves

Author's notes: As mentioned it was better to split the story into two parts. Now we can focus on the more naughty and loving time between Wolf and Luna in a way that doesn't interfere with the first part. Plus with how much was in the first part by splitting this story into two chapters, it can allow the reader to take a break and digest what happened before jumping into the next heavy part due to sheer amount of things that happen between this loving wolf couple.


Both wolves awoke as usual the following day and once more things seemed normal. What neither of them suspected was the past five days spent as a couple here, the rest of the time on the vacation, and all they had revisited with the memories in their minds was adding up to finally become something more beautiful for the relationship. By this point, Panther and Miyu were ready to begin planning for their wedding but they only made mention of this to Wolf and Luna since that couple would play roles in it for obvious reasons. Other than that, it was pretty much hitting the gym and training facility, going over daily tasks, and the like. But for some reason the lupine felt restless. Maybe it was because things had settled down with the realization Luna was his girlfriend now. The bigger male wasn't getting cold feet and leave her. He wasn't going to start blasting or causing crime. After all, the she-wolf filled him with happiness and that wasn't something he wouldn't want to lose. No, this restless in his heart was different. Only tonight would the reason for that be made clear.

After dinner, Wolf and Luna spent time walking around Sargasso, talking about nothing in particular. Then outside his room, the loving pair hugged. "Mmmm..." Luna happily sighed.

He just stroked her back, not minding being a little more affectionate out here. The smaller female felt so warm and soft this close to his body. The long haired beauty filled his inner-self with a kind of calmness nobody else had. "Wait... Could the reason be...?" the bigger male wondered in his head but then shrugged it off.

"So, guess things will start to pick up again," the she-wolf stated as the couple pulled back to look at the other.

"Yeah; I'm honestly happy for Panther and Miyu."

"Same here. But let's not forget you and me babe..." There went her taunting side again, a look of playfulness on that light-grey colored fur muzzle of hers.

"You're pushing my buttons pup," Wolf said, but Luna knew him well enough to tell the bigger male wasn't getting mad. Instead they both knew damn well what was coming and why the she-wolf leaned up and found his mouth.

After some moments of loving contact, they broke their kiss. The feeling of leaving the other was felt, even if it was only for the night. It was a sad one and both didn't want to let go. But now wasn't the time to fix that feeling. "Get some sleep okay?" Wolf said softly. "I love you."

"I love you too handsome." The second the smaller female left his arms, the air felt cold all of a sudden. The lupine was confused; had it gotten to the point that he could no longer sleep or feel warm at night without his girl by his side? Wolf had heard of those things before but this was a first for him. The bigger male shrugged it off again and watched Luna head inside his room. Only when the door was closed did the grey-furred being go to the guest room that was his temporary sleeping area.

Wolf tried to relax but found he was unable to do so. Despite taking a relaxing hot shower and changing into a tank top and sweats, he just lay face up on the bed, starting at the ceiling. His eye patch could be worn in bed as it was comfortable for sleep ware and for wearing in the shower or swimming. But that wasn't what was making going to sleep hard. No matter what position he took, something didn't feel right in a good way. The bigger male at last gave up. It felt like an hour had passed but really it had been only 30 minutes. Wolf figured what could help was in his room. Even though Luna was occupying it, he guessed it would only take a minute to get the item he sought. It was a sleeping aid, similar to Melatonin in pill form, and sometimes used when the lupine got restless as he was now. With all that had been going on, it hadn't been needed due to tiring himself out so sleep was easier. That was why Wolf didn't have them in the guest room with him and needed to go to his own.

The grey-furred being made it to that door and knocked on the metal door. It was loud enough so if she was inside, that noise could be heard. There was no answer. Wolf tried again and still nothing. He shrugged and figured if anything she was in the shower and if he was quick enough, the male could slip in and out, unnoticed. Wolf punched the code to get in and entered as soon as the door was wide enough to allow his body to pass.

The lupine knew where the sleep aid was and so focused on the task, Wolf didn't even seem to hear the running water of the shower from the bathroom turn off. Wolf went straight for the closet in here and quickly found it. "Hello sleep," the grey-furred male said with his usual smirk. With a nod he made a quick beeline for the closed door.

He was almost to that when all of a sudden a soft, yet surprised voice tore Wolf out of his thoughts. "Wolf!"

The male jumped so bad, his feet nearly left the ground. All of a sudden his senses were working again and the noise came back to him a bit like a flood. The sound of dripping water from a finished shower, the clean and loving smell of his girl Luna, and her voice all hit the male hard. Wolf didn't yelp, but he felt his heart thudding with shock and adrenaline. "Fuck babe, you scared the shit out of me!" he softly growled, glad it was her in here or else he might have turned around and attacked.

Luna who stood behind him wasn't mad. She never could be with the male who was her boyfriend. "Then let me ask, what are you doing here?"

"Just this," he answered, holding up the bottle that had the sleeping aid. "It's a pill that's safe to entice sleep. I couldn't fall asleep tonight and just came to get this. That's all."

The she-wolf and him didn't say anything, just standing there. But for her, things began to build up in her body. Luna knew the bigger male wasn't a creep or stalker. She knew that him coming in here was a perfect and honest mistake. But in her mind, the heart, and especially her wolf slit stirred. There was a fire of love and wanting, even more hotter and burning than when masturbating and thinking of the grey-furred male. In this moment, Luna knew the chance to finally take that next step with Wolf was here. But the she-wolf wasn't going to force the love of her life to do so if he didn't want too. Luna's virgin blood began to boil, her heart rate began to increase, the blush rising to her cheeks. But there was no hesitation or shyness at all. Even if the female had been another specie, this wolf like love was the reason she and this guy had such a wonderful bond. To finally be with a loving and life-long mate.

Wolf hadn't changed position, just keeping his back to Luna and trying not imagine how his girl looked now. He didn't want to rush things and make a mistake. The bigger male would love nothing more than take her right here and now. But only if the smaller female gave the word. "That's all I came for. I'll be going now."

He only took one step when Luna's voice stopped him dead in his tracks. "Wait." The she-wolf's voice was not one of anger, but rather to hear her out.

Luna bit her lower lip with seduction. She didn't give a damn if some said this was too cliché at all. Her bare feet were silent as she slowly made her way to him until the smaller she-wolf could reach out and touch his back with a paw. "Tell me, do you think it would be a shame, perhaps rude, if you just left me like this? That we just part and didn't go further?"

The bigger lupine was stunned. The gears in his head were whizzing at what felt like a hundred miles per hour. He actually swallowed; was this really going to happen? Was he about to get in bed with Luna like the male had fantasized for so long? "I... I honestly didn't think you'd be ready babe," Wolf said.

He felt her paw touch his back and flinched for a second but then relaxed. "If you doubt Wolf, then look at me." Her boyfriend slowly turned and what he saw was something he was never going to forget. There was Luna in nothing but a towel wrapped around her sexy and gorgeous body. Seeing the one you loved in that was much different than a bikini. Especially with her long hair still damp with water, those double-d's mashed together, as well the look on the she-wolf's muzzle and in those eyes. The bigger male always knew there was something different about Luna than any other; special even. But in this moment he knew just how much so. Especially with what his long-haired girlfriend did next.

"Allow me..." Here Luna's fingers slowly trailed up that towel. "I'll show you without a doubt babe, how ready I am for this... I'm tired of waiting and I'm not going to let this chance slip by..."

To Wolf's utter disbelief, that towel was undone and it fluttered to the floor. There before his eye was the actual full naked body of the she-wolf. The male couldn't move. He was memorized as the lupine drank in all her features. This was definitely more than the seeing her in a bikini the first time. Now all of her was laid to bare. Wolf saw the sexy and curvaceous curves and hips, how beautiful and wonderful her legs matched the rest of the body, especially that front. It was more than Wolf's mind could ever envision; he saw those double-d's, the pink nipples pretty and begging to be played with and teased. But the most beautiful thing was that slit, Luna's opening and sacred hole. The bigger male looked at all that was out in the open before meeting his girl's light blue colored gaze. There was more blush on her cheeks but still that look in her eyes was the same. They still blazed with a deep love and wanting, no hesitation that matched the way she looked to him with that gorgeous smile and eyes narrowed. With all of this, her light grey-colored fur, and long silver-blond hair, it touched Wolf and set his heart ablaze.

"So... what do you think?" Her voice was filled with lust of the good kind, taking one step forward. Those orbs of loved jiggled slightly, turning on Wolf even more. "Is this enough to convince you?" There was that bit of sass and taunting again. "You could always leave. I won't force this on you Wolf..."

Here at last he made a move, his paws finding hers since they were close together for that. "Pup, after this, I'm not going to deny what we both want," he answered, his one eye getting another taste of Luna's body due to love. "I've imagined and wanted this for so long..."

"I thought so..." Their muzzles and bodies got even closer. "Then tell me Wolfy, will it excite you more to know tonight you'll be my first?"

The bigger male was caught off guard; he couldn't believe it. "Wait... you've never gone this far with anyone?"

"Not all of us loose our virginity early on," Luna stated. They were so close now. "But if you don't believe me, then try me. Come on..." There was that taunting and sass again going up in a way to turn Wolf on. "You can do that much, can't you Wolfy?" The lupine was almost at the breaking point, unable to hold back. "Even someone like you I can take even with my virgin body. I have only one v-card and I want you to be the one that takes it from me. I am ready for whatever you have for me Wolf. In return I will do what I can to pleasure you. Especially since do you honestly think you can resist once you've had a taste of me?"

Wolf's loving smirk emerged. He knew this was real and once again Luna was proving why he had no regrets falling in love with her and the two dating. Being a virgin and she-wolf was just a bonus. It was the personality, connection, and understanding that really made them a good match and pair to be in love. "Then I have no choice; If you are that willing and ready Luna, I will do what I can to give you the best night of your life so far..."

Her paws left his in order for those slender arms to reach up around the male's neck. Their gaze on the other was still strong. "I would expect nothing less from you..."

"Fuck I love you Luna; you're beyond amazing pup..."

"I love you too Wolf; now show me..."

His answer was to mash their lips together. A growl of love, want, lust, and that this female was his only, sounded from deep within the lupine's chest. But the smaller beauty answered back with a similar growl to match that had the same feelings in it. Their mouths opened for the tongues to meet and exchange taste and salvia. Instantly this make out became so much more as this time, this wasn't a kiss of love. What both wolves were feeling was beyond that; it was a primal kind of love and passion. One that boiled hot and raw to a basic level. Wolf and Luna had only one thing on their minds; it was to finally consummate their feelings of deep love to the other. This was no emotional or hormone fling; it was much more powerful. When you found that other person you couldn't live without in your life, all other things seemed to fly out the window. But for the bigger male as his paws trailed down that sexy hot body of Luna, he came to some realizations in the back of his mind and knew in his heart they were true. The reason Wolf had been restless was that his girl hadn't been by his side in bed. In this moment the grey-furred being knew he could never go back to that. He would always need this amazing female in his arms and nude to sleep comfortably again and far more better than any sleep aid for certain. To feel the she-wolf's naked and soft form pressed against his own as the male's strong arms held her body close was a feeling that Wolf longed for and was going to get in full from now on. The only reason it took had taken this long was due to being tired enough to pass out. Now that things have settled, his heart and body wanted the only one he loved with him in bed due to love and to keep the other warm.

As the grey-furred male's paws moved from stroking Luna's hair and head to trailing down her back, Wolf could feel the she-wolf answer him back as everything was hitting the right notes. The smaller female had shown time and again she truly loved him and accepted the bigger lupine even with after all he had done. That there were things in him to love that most never saw either due to hatred or only seeing Wolf, like so many of the other members of the teams, for one thing. But he wasn't some sex fantasy or toy to just pleasure their corrupted, twisted, fucked up, and disgusting sexual desires. From the wrong sexuality, to fucking the wrong female or male, even twisting his origins just to fit their fucked up amusement, including the wrong gender and genitals, it really showed how horrid many were. But Luna showed there were those out there who weren't like that and never would be. That they saw the whole picture and knew what true love and a real relationship was. For those who never got it and wanted nothing more than mindless fucking and sex with no real connection and passion, they could scoff, laugh, and try to put this down. But they would be missing out on something they could only try to emulate or steal but never get in full. While there were those that never would want true love and a relationship, or for those not ready for it, that was fine. But when lines were crossed, then it became a problem. But for those who embraced those two things with the only one for them after finding the right person to be with, it created a thing so pure, beautiful, and wonderful, it was like a bright light that could never be stopped or broken no matter what.

That was why as the make out and dancing of tongues took the wolves closer to sex, Wolf came to the next realization like Luna did as well. What they felt was so deep in addition to everything else, the two wolves knew they had not just found their significant other, they had found their life long mate. This wolf like trait could be found in other species. Even if Luna or say Wolf had been different in terms of that, the personality and traits of wolves could be there. But for the pair in this room, it was especially felt. In the case of Wolf's parents splitting when he was a pup, that had most likely been due to problems and personalities grinding in a bad way that caused it. How despite being the same kind of specie as their son and Luna, it hadn't worked. But that could happen to any pairing when you didn't find the right person to be with. Not everybody got it right as that was what could happen to any relationship, even those who were wolves. But in the case of Luna's parents, their daughter, who was still growling that same growl as her boyfriend, had found the right male to be with. Even with the differences, Wolf was the only one for her and he in turned had shown time and again why Luna was for him only. Sure others might hate it, and her parents most likely would object, the smaller wolf didn't care. All the silver-blond hair beauty wanted was to be like this with the bigger lupine forever. For it showed the relationship worked and the two connected on a level far more powerful that couldn't be stopped or broken.

By now Wolf and Luna's tongues were dancing out in the exposed air as those parts of them were no longer contained inside their mouths. Erotic and loving wet sounds issued forth in addition to their growling which hadn't ceased. Saliva began to glisten in the light of Wolf's room as the two got even more frisky with their paws and actions. For the bigger male, this was like no other kiss before. Already he knew even with Luna being a virgin, this was going to be the kind of sex Wolf had never had before. Sure, his girlfriend might be a little awkward. But Wolf knew this beauty was a quick learner and he would be patient and guide her. At least with what had happened in the past, the lupine would know what he was doing. And thanks to this raw love and passion, this night of love making would be the most hot, wild, and best sex of his life. He would make sure it would be the most wonderful time Luna had ever had as he took her v-card. But there were things Wolf would ask first to do and certainly never would while in bed with the she-wolf. For he saw her not just as another sexual object. He saw the sexy female as his love, his partner in crime, his mate, and the one who had won his heart. Just like how the grey-furred male now saw and had a better understanding how it was for the other couples on the teams too with their one and only.

The lupine's paws finally at last made it Luna's sexy hot ass that was to die for. They had gone pass the base of her tail where that part of her was swishing with excitement and wanting. Those parts of him found each juicy cheek and began to grope and fondle both at the same time. Every part of Luna to Wolf was perfect, warm, soft, and turned him on. The lupine would much rather have this she-wolf than anyone or anything else. Being straight, the bigger male had never once or was interested in any of the other guys on the teams. Wolf was also the kind of person not to share, swap, or cheat and would never be into threesomes, orgies, or above, especially not gangbanging, BDSM, or rape. And when it came to all the other females on the teams, and especially the ones that didn't belong in the Lylat, he had no interest in them romantically. Luna was the only one the grey-furred male would much rather have in his arms and hug from behind. Especially not in a fucked up story with Krystal where he for some reason fucked her while in heat when heats never happened to any species in this system. And that also included for some fucked up reason being with Fara in a thing that got his whole past wrong. After all, that vixen loved and was with Nicholas McCoy only, and wasn't the same age as Wolf and never would be. And the bigger male knew before this night was over, he would be hugging Luna from behind which would be far more pleasant and enjoyable.

For the she-wolf, she had been holding onto the back of Wolf's neck with the intent of never letting him go. Her paws had been stroking that part of the male while her body and blood was really heating up now. The female was flushed in the face as these were such powerful new sensations she'd never felt before. But despite them being unfamiliar, the smaller wolf never faltered or hesitated. But once she felt his paws grope and fondle her ass, Luna broke off the kiss with a loud gasp. The trails of salvia between their jaws broke, both wolves breathing heavily. Wolf also felt his pounding heart due to the amount of adrenaline and excitement flowing in his veins. Luna also had that going on as well. His red eye and her light-blue colored ones met. The fire of raw love and passion was burning even hotter now, binding the pair even more. "Get that thing off, now..." the she wolf growled with greater need. Her paws began to tug and tear at his tank top, desperate for what was underneath.

Wolf with reluctance let go of her to shrug out of that article of clothing. But it was worth it the second Luna saw the bigger male shirtless. Unlike in a fucked up story, there were no battle scars at all on that muscled chest or six-pack the lupine bared in fully view. It went well with the strong arms of his. The she-wolf had seen him without a shirt during that vacation time. But this was a far different moment due to love and sex. Softly mummering, the smaller female nuzzled her head against him, the slender digits on each paw tracing the lines of her lupine's upper body. But it didn't last for long for both moaned with great need and locked lips again. His paws found her ass again, the grip on those cheeks tighter. On instinct, the smaller female not only wrapped her arms around the bigger male's neck, her crouch and virgin slit began to grind and rub against Wolf's front. His growl began to mix with a moan. This whole time his erection had been coming up to bear. Being this close and erotic, the lupine meat Wolf wielded was forming a tent in those sweats and straining to break free. He wasn't the only one turned on for the she-wolf's juices were beginning to ooze out of her aroused flower petals.

The female then with a fevered moan jumped up and against the bigger male's chest. Wolf caught her by the rear with the right paw, the left supporting her upper back as both wolves couldn't take it with just making out. He felt her curvaceous sexy legs wrap around him as well as that slit of hers was still grinding against his covered meat. The bigger male felt more of that liquid leak out and that Luna's sacred hole was warming up. The thought of licking and eating his girl out and getting in there with his tool almost drove Wolf mad. For the one being held, the position really allowed the smaller female to feel for the first time someone's dick. Luna was stunned for her love and boyfriend felt huge. But the one with long hair wasn't going to be intimidated or wanting to stop. Like this beauty had accepted everything with Wolf, his tool would be no different. Her body, mind, heart, and soul was ready for this beloved lupine of hers and claim her as his only like she would with him. And Wolf wanted that very much for he only could love and be with Luna.

Finally they pulled back from that kiss, their paws still in the same places. "The bed..." the female whispered.

"Yes..." His voice was just as soft as hers and they nuzzled and licked the other tenderly.

As Wolf carried her by the ass to the bed, their licking of the muzzles turned to a more loving and sweet kiss. The two not only found each time they locked lips, it fueled these feelings of raw passion and love, and the wolves also felt closer to becoming mates. These kisses were not only better than the last, all the ones shared up until now as a couple, and even the moments long before that, Wolf and Luna also came to a realization again in their minds and hearts. The bigger male knew in this moment he could find a life of happiness and retire from the life of a mercenary with her by his side. To the grey-furred male, this amazing, sweet, kind, loving, and compassionate female with a bit of sass and could fight was all his and all that was needed. Wolf knew age would cause him to leave that occupation behind like Peppy. But with this silver-blond haired beauty, Wolf knew life would be all the more better with Luna. Even if things stood in the way, be it her parents, haters, or whatever, the leader of Star Wolf would ensure his she-wolf girlfriend and mate would be happy. And Luna also wanted that. She found the only being and male that could make her that for the rest of her life and beyond. Neither saw marriage or children yet. Right now in this moment it was not just living out the rest of their lives in peace together as a couple and mates, but consummating the feelings of love. By this point the two in their minds and heart considered the one they loved their mate even if it hadn't been said out loud.

The two made it to the bed and it was here Luna and Wolf slowly broke apart. She was quiet flushed in the face and it was a beautiful sight to him. Both wolves were panting. "Set me down Wolfy; I'm starting on you..." the she-wolf whispered.

The bigger male suspected oral on him and his ears perked up. But there was no reply, just a nod, before setting Luna on her feet with his back to the bed. The she-wolf grinned and began to nose and nuzzle against that toned and muscled body of his. Her head began to head south with happy mummers issuing from Luna's lips. All too soon the smaller female was kneeling in front of the lupine, spying the elastic waistband of the sweats and including that huge tent. The smaller wolf's light-blue colored eyes looked up at his face above to that one red one. But in Wolf's eye he didn't see Luna for nothing more than sex and certainly not just another bitch. What he saw was his love and mate that Wolf loved with all his heart about to give him loving sexual pleasures due to their strong feelings and bond. "Let's see what you have packing down there..." Luna's said seductively.

She wasn't naïve when it came to what genitals males had. What the long-haired female wasn't ready for was seeing just how endowed her lupine boyfriend was. Her paws pulled the last articles of clothing off of him in one go. As the sweats and boxers came down, Luna was greeted with what was between Wolf's legs. "Oh god..." the she-wolf whimpered in shocked. "Oh my god..."

What Luna saw shattered her expectations. Even her wildest fantasies of him couldn't have produced the real deal before her. Feeling it just some moments ago couldn't give the full picture. Luna suspected Wolf was big but this dick he had that was hard and erected, was far more thicker and bigger than what the smaller female could have ever dreamed of. Her eyes drank in the features from those fur covered balls, to the way that meat rod throbbed and pulsed with each beat of Wolf's heart, the veins on it, that big fat knot, to how red and swollen with need that cock was. His scent and the smell of testosterone wafting forth hit the she-wolf's nose and Luna loved it. Already the female wanted more of it which brought visions of what this member was going to do to her at some point. The mere thought of taking every inch of this monster of a rod into her holes made her wet and caused her pussy to drip the love nectar the smaller female had.

Wolf saw his girl stare at his tool that loomed up in front of Luna like a tower, wondering what was going through her mind. "Not getting cold feet are we?" he asked.

That snapped the she-wolf out of her shock. A wicked smile crept onto the female's muzzle as she licked her chops. "Oh that's not it, Wolfy..." Her tone was seductive and hungry and it made the lupine growl slightly as it was hot. He saw the look in his girl's eyes and loved they blazed with loving lust. "I was shocked at how huge this meat of yours is..." Here Luna reached with a right paw and wrapped her slender fingers around it. The owner actually gasped softly as her touch was so soft and warm. Once more the she-wolf was stunned. One paw couldn't fully contain the beast of a meat rod. But just like when seeing it, the female wasn't intimidated. She was going to take all of this no matter what.

"You know..." Here Luna's mouth got an inch away from his member. "You're far bigger than the few toys I have..." That seductive tone still lingered.

"Wait... what toys?" the male asked, stunned as his girl seemed to be more prepared than he had suspected.

"Every girl has needs babe. Fingers aren't enough at times and where toys come in handy for me." Luna's eyes met his, just burning with love and lust to match her tone of voice. "Unlike this..." The fingers on her left paw joined the right digits and still was unable to fully contain the beast Wolf had. "They are small." The she-wolf's soft and delicate tongue gave the male's prick a lick. The smaller female found the taste of the wolfhood in her paws was strong but not bad or disgusting. It would only take a little to get used to it and she licked up that length longer. The owner of it gasped again and let out a low moan. How long had he fantasized about Luna doing this? It was far better than anything the bigger male could imagine. But that didn't mean this gorgeous female should be treated any different due to love. Wolf knew in the back of his mind and in the heart he would return the favor with his tongue on her later.

Luna let out a happy moan and began to slowly and sexily lick and kiss up each inch. Her paws started to jerk that dick off and both felt it throb. But the she-wolf wouldn't let him climax just yet. Even with her status as a virgin, every action gave her more confidence as the smaller female began to head north to the very tip. "I have practiced with my toys Wolf and fantasized about this with you through masturbation... Now I'm going to use what I've learned on them to give you pleasures my lupine stud and conquer this massive tool of yours..." It was to be noted that even if the bigger male hadn't been big, Luna wouldn't have cared. She loved her boyfriend with everything that made who he was personality wise.

Wolf managed to get enough of his wits back to speak due to the pleasure. "Fuck pup, you're pushing my buttons again with your words," he whispered. "I've fantasized a long time of you doing this sexy."

"Oh is that so?" his girl replied, a bit of sassy coming onto her face as her head made it to the head of the male's prick. "Good. But from now on, we both come get the real deal from the other, got it babe?" The she-wolf gave the tip and the part of shaft a loving kiss. "Plus..." Here the fingers on her right paw trailed down to cup and feel each of Wolf's furry balls. "Better you show me what you really have instead of a fucked up story where the anatomy of this thing is way off, right?"

Wolf actually growled in anger at that. Not because of Luna, but because both knew what she meant. It was the same bullshit story from that individual who not only had no respect for Krystal, anyone on the teams, and especially Wolf, the asshat didn't know proper anatomy. Wolf would never have testicles the size of tennis balls and his dick would never be a thick as a can of beer. No male ever had that kind of oddly shaped and proportional tool and nut sack at all. At least now things would be right with this she-wolf who was about to perform oral on him. "Well in that case sexy, let's fill our minds with what will come tonight and beyond to prove him and others wrong," the lupine stated. "To show why I am with you only..."

"Mmmm... sounds like a plan," Luna moaned, licking and kissing that meat rod again, looking up at him. "And for me to show how much I love you..."

With no more delay her mouth opened and with a soft sigh, the she-wolf opened her maw and took the head of Wolf's prick inside. The owner bit his lower lip despite feeling that his girl was a little awkward and clumsy. But that was nothing compared to the sheer pleasure of feeling the smaller female's wet, hot mouth doing this along with that silky tongue against his member. "Ugh... that's nice..." the grey-furred getting oral love moaned, encouraging Luna. His one eye looked down to see the she-wolf tend to him with love.

Luan meanwhile found having that meat rod in her mouth was even hotter. The taste was more intense but the female found she liked it for it belonged to her boyfriend and mate. His words brought a warming fire to the long-haired beauty, making her strive to do better. But the first couple of attempts to sink further down didn't work out. It wasn't until the fourth time of bringing her head back that Luna got more of that throbbing meat rod in. "Mmmmm..." she hummed, tongue wrapped around Wolf's tool.

The bigger male had to sit on the bed as this pleasure threatened to make his legs tremble. With each passing second, the grey-furred being felt Luna was quickly learning and getting better with mastering his huge member. "Fuck... that's good..." he moaned, his right paw coming up to brush strands of that long silver-blond hair on Luna's head to the side. "God I love you..."

Her light blue eyes opened and met his red colored one. The peepers of the female blazed with a love that burned with fire, answering back she felt the same way. Each word and touch of the bigger male warmed her and turned the she-wolf on even more. More juice leaked from her flower petals. Wolf then couldn't take it anymore and placed that same paw on the back of Luna's head. It wasn't a hard grip to pin the female, but rather a way to encourage the she-wolf to go down deeper. The long-haired being did a louder muffled moan to show it was okay and not only tried to bring more of Wolf into her mouth, her left paw jerked the part not being wetted. Meanwhile the digits on the right paw began to cup and fondle that nut sack again. Luna began to suck harder and Wolf started panting. His face was becoming flushed due to loving sex. In his mind and heart, the bigger male realized this was going to be the best night for love making of his life. It would be that due to the love, passion, bond, and connection between them, even if this was his girlfriend's first time. Those other nights where it had only been a quick fuck for hormone and stress relieving, there had been no emotional connection. In truth, there had been no fun or lasting effect at all. But this, what he and Luna was doing, it was far different and much better. If anything, the she-wolf was quickly showing the pleasure from her mouth and oral actions was giving him far greater pleasure than any before.

Meanwhile the smaller female was trying her damned hardest to get more of Wolf in her mouth. But she quickly came to the realization that her lupine was too big. It wasn't due to inexperience, but his size. No matter, there was still plenty of delicious wolf cock to suck and wet with her mouth and tongue. The rest of the meat rod was attended to by the Luna's paws, jerking Wolf off. They both began to feel that dick throb, showing Wolf was getting closer. All the actions had been building up to a glorious climax. The sounds of wet, erotic, and hot sounds of oral got louder and louder as Luna blew Wolf as hard as she could. There was nothing lewd here unlike with the horrid stuff of the bigger being out there. From him being with the wrong being and fucking the wrong thing, to even that fucked up horrible gender bending shit. The grey-fur male had always been fine and comfortable with his gender and never once wanted it changed. Just like with never wanting the other females and especially not the other males on the team due to Wolf being straight and only loving Luna.

The she-wolf was putting in all her love and adoration for him, especially feeling his right paw that was still on the back of her head giving her loving head rubs. Her tongue then felt some of Wolf's pre-cum ooze out. The taste was new and while strong, the female swallowed it to get used to the wave of seed that would soon poor out. The bigger male felt the familiar pressure of climaxing approaching. "Ugh... Fuck, I'm not gonna last..." Wolf moaned, his paw coming off of Luna's head. He gripped the bedsheets, just looking down at this amazing beauty continuing. She showed no signs of stopping, knowing full well what would come out and was ready. The smaller being wanted the male's seed, to taste it, and show what a good job she had done due to love.

It then became too much and the male burst. He let out a loud sound that sound like a loud growl and moan combined into one. Meanwhile Luna felt the eruption of lupine seed and her eyes went wide with shock and let out a loud muffled gasp herself. It wasn't the taste but rather the sheer volume that the silver-blond haired beauty hadn't been ready for. "Oh god!" she gasped in her head, trying desperately to swallow what she could. "There's so much!"

The female loved the taste of her boyfriend and mate but found it was such a volume, Luna couldn't swallow it all. Unlike in that bullshit story from that person, there was no leaking out from the nose which was disgusting. The beauty of a she-wolf pulled off, panting with the tongue out, and jerked that meat rod to milk the rest of hot and sticky white cum. Nothing on her was sparred for Wolf's seed marked and painted her hair, face, neck, and glorious double-d's white in a messy, yet not ridiculous way. Wolf was still panting like his girl and both wolves managed to come down from their high. "Huff... Jesus you came so much..." Luna gasped.

He managed to get enough of his breath back to speak. "Fuck babe... That was great..."

Their eyes met. "You really mean it?"

"You did well pup. I'm kinda surprised to be honest, but you certainly did even if that was your first time..."

"Oh? Even better than the others you've fucked in this room?" This made Wolf pause as he wasn't sure how to downplay the fact of how many one night stands and short flings he'd had. Luna saw the look on his face and smiled with reassurance at the bigger male. "Wolfy, I'm not stupid. I'm certain you have had others. We both know it was long before you hooked up with me and won't ever go back to them. Just like how you've never fucked anyone on the other teams, right? I'm not mad and you can tell me..."

"Well.. Yes, you're right on all accounts. But I'm much happier to be with you. You make me that and why I only need you to be that way. At least I'll know what I'm doing and put everything and my love for you into this night to give you the best since it's your first time pup. You're the first and only to make me feel this way and that just shows you are far better than any due to my feelings for you. I can tell this is going to be the best sex of my life because of our bond and love. Nobody can come even close to you..."

Luna's heart burst into more love for the bigger male as she began to lick up the seed on her face. "Awww... That's so sweet of you to say babe. Well no wonder you know how to kiss. You are certainly experienced and I look forward to what else we do tonight in this room." The beauty's finger began to gather up more of his cum on her and transfer it to the mouth. "As for you dear... You taste good. I'm not gonna lie, being marked by you this way is hot because it's you..."

"It's hot for me too, babe. You really will allow me?" Luna nodded in response. "Although I think there might be too much for you. As much as I love seeing you marked as mine this way, I much prefer your clean face."

"Yeah, I'll give you that one." The smaller beauty stood up, her eyes narrowed with love and lust. "You wait here and don't you dare move mister. I'll be back soon..."

"You're crazy if I'm going to leave, pup," Wolf growled in a playful way as he knew his love was being sassy and taunting in a good way that he loved. Luna stuck her tongue out and winked at the bigger male in a seductive and loving way before walking to the bathroom. The she-wolf could feel her boyfriend and mate's eyes on her back and moving ass cheeks before disappearing from view.

"God damn, what a female," Wolf said softly, happier than ever. Luna really was the best thing in his life and the male had no regrets. She was perfect for him and he wouldn't have her any other way. Her body, her specie, the personality; all of it was beautiful and what the lupine needed in his life. The she-wolf could be another female of a different specie and still be the same. Erotic and sexy thoughts of what would come next entered Wolf's mind. The sight of that delicious ass moving and in his paws, to licking that virgin slit, to fucking the female, it all turned the grey-furred lupine on and got his dick semi-hard again even with climaxing not long ago. Wolf certainly had intentions to pay Luna back good with his tongue before taking the she-wolf as his loving life-long mate tonight. She was the only one and being he could be with forever. And in the bathroom as the female cleaned off, she was thinking and feeling similar thoughts too.

It wasn't long before Luna returned, clean as could be and holding some extra towels. "Now then, why don't-" she began but then stopped. The smaller beauty giggled when seeing Wolf's member getting hard again when looking at her.

"You naughty boy Wolf, you friend bellow gets too excited to see me..." Her eyes narrowed with love and lust to match her seductive tone.

"You make me and him that," the lupine shot back.

"Awww... Well I don't think you should be left hanging like that..." Luna bit her lower lip seductively before dropping the towels and once more getting on the floor in front of the bigger male. "So let me take care of him again..."

"Mmmm... Sounds good with oral..."

She brought her paws up to jerk that meat rod again and return it to full hard mode. "Who said I was going to use just my mouth this time?" An evil and wicked grin flashed across Luna's muzzle. "No, I have something much better planned for you, Wolf..."

He got a little confused at her words. But then it clicked, to his shock and surprise, when seeing the she-wolf bring up her double-d tits and wrap he massive member up in them and began to tit fuck the male. "Mph...!" Wolf grunted in pleasure.

"I've seen you stare at these ladies of mine one too many times Wolfy..." Luna cooed with seduction, tit fucking him harder. "I know from sources that my chest is the right size to do this to you. Now I'm going to make you bust a nut for me again dear so we'll both be truly satisfied..." Her mouth opened to engulf the rest of the upper part of the beast between Wolf's legs and got it all inside that part of her. Now she was tit fucking and blowing his rod at the same time.

"Ngh... Oh fuck me... That's good babe..." the male moaned in delight and began to pant again. Such words of praise turned the smaller beauty on and made her pussy drip. Like with Krystal and Fara, the long-haired female had a very similar body with tits that could do this kind of thing. Even the curves and ass was nearly the same and worth dying for. But the male would rather only have the one he loved doing this. And Luna was going to show how much she loved him back, the only one and being she could be with no matter what.

"UGH!" Wolf suddenly growled loudly when feeling her got even harder and faster. In the back of his mind, he knew that thanks to the earlier thoughts and this new exciting thing, it wouldn't take long to get him to climax again. "Such a good girl..." His right paw went back to her head again to rub and hold it in place in a playful way. "When this is finished, I'm going to return the favor to you pup. I'm going to make you howl with my tongue..."

The bigger male was going to eat Luna out after this one way or another. Meanwhile, she heard his words and had a pretty good idea that's what he meant. The mere thought of his tongue licking and stimulating her most sacred of holes got the she-wolf's flower petals fully open and really leak her sexual juices. Luna hummed in response, really going for it with her loving treatment on Wolf. The erotic sounds of tit fucking and blowing was heard among Wolf's panting. Luna just kept going, bringing her love and mate closer to the edge again. It will still take time but he just sat back, loving every second of it. To help, the bigger male began to thrust his hips a little even while still sitting on the bed. His girlfriend and mate met his one eye with hers to show through unspoken words that was a good thing to do and kept going.

The two wolves were starting to sweat a little, adding their combined scent and the odor of loving and passionate sex to the room. Luna kept tit fucking Wolf and sucking the part of his meat not wrapped up in her bust. The sounds of panting and this act reached a fevered pitch as it kept getting closer to another climax. Wolf was in heaven; her mouth was so soft, hot, and wet, her orbs of love so lovely and warm. By this point, his paw had been removed from the she-wolf's head as after what felt like forever, the two could feel the throb that signified release again. "I'm... getting... there..." the lupine panted.

Luna just hummed in response, going for it. Then after a few more minutes, Wolf burst another nut and let out howl of delight. The love of his life was once more fed a huge payload of cum. The she-wolf was stunned that it was just as much as last time but eagerly drank what she could. Even so there was still too much and the silver-blond hair beauty pulled off that erupting dick with a gasp and pant. Once more seed ending up staining and marking her face, head, and glorious chest. "Oh god..." Luna whimpered while her orbs of love kept tit fucking that rod to milk ever drop out. "You're giving so much..."

Finally Wolf was spent for now and he opened his one eye to see her marked as his again. He managed to get his breath back. "Fuck babe... That was incredible..."

"Mmmm... Well I loved it as much as you..." The she-wolf beauty removed her tits from his tool and began licking up the sticky hot cum. "And I'd love to do that again as much as you want. Seriously, how do you cum so much?"

The bigger male just smirk. "Can't say. Maybe cause it's you pup."

"That works for me." Luna then grabbed one of the discarded towels and cleaned up the rest of his cum that she couldn't get.

Once the female was cleaned off, she joined Wolf's side and snuggled against him at the edge of the bed. The grey-furred male wrapped a strong right arm around her body. "So... what happens now handsome?" the she-wolf cooed.

"I think you know what," Wolf said and the two made eye contact. "I think you pup, you're overdue for my turn on you." He smirked. "After all, I want to taste that slit of yours and it's only fair as you've tended to me twice now..."

Luna's virgin pussy tingled, the thought of his tongue licking at it turning her on again. "Well aren't you being thoughtful and bold mister," the light-grey furred female replied, eyes narrowing with love and lust before nuzzling against him with affection. Wolf did it back before letting his girl and mate go. He turned around and watched as Luna sexily got on the bed. Her head was looking over the right shoulder at him. Luna knew he was checking her nude body out and turned on even more. The she-wolf winked and stuck her tongue out at the lupine in such an adorable and cute way that made the bigger male smile a little.

At last the beauty made it to the head of the bed where the pillows were and Wolf got on the piece of furniture. He saw Luna get comfortable, her long hair splayed out underneath her body like a beautiful fan. One pillow supporter her head as she looked to see the big male approach her. With no shame, hesitation, or shyness, the she-wolf spread her legs, ready for this like him. "So... do you like Wolf?" the female cooed, eyes burning with love and lust. The fingers on her right paw trailed south over the fur to the aroused flower. "You like this tight little virgin slit of mine?" The digits were placed on her pussy lips to spread them and Wolf saw how wet and shiny that place was with his girl's juices. It was just a beautiful sight, pink in color like Luna's nipples.

Wolf made it to where she was and grabbed her like a hunter did with his prey. But the grip wasn't to hurt the she-wolf and she knew it too. The smaller female let out a mock gasp at his actions before meeting that red eye with her own two peepers. All three were blazing with love and lust like they could set something on fire. The bigger male licked his chops. "You have no idea how much it is to me and how beautiful you are..." the grey-furred being on top growled.

Luna licked her lips. "Then do it Wolf," she demanded. "Eat me out and taste me. Make me howl and orgasm..."

His response was to go in and bite Luna's neck on curve of her neck. It was a love one, meant to start marking her as his alone. The female gasped and moaned as it felt good. Wolf just kept growling during the bite. The lupine then made it to the right tit and took the nipple into his mouth. "NGH!" the owner really gasped as it was such a wonderful thing. This was a new sensation and the feeling of it wanting to continue grew. "Ohh... More Wolf..."

The male sucked, licked, and toyed with that part with the tongue, teeth, and mouth before pulling off and heading to her left orb. His paws fondled both of them and the pleasure sent waves that went deep into Luna's core. Wolf had longed and wished for this with her and now had her for real. He had no intent of letting Luna go or sharing due to deep love as Wolf released her left tit from his mouth. "You are beyond beautiful..." the grey-furred male whispered. "And now you are all mine..."

His muzzle went down to Luna's stomach area and began to nuzzle and head south. Wolf wasn't normally as romantic of a male. But this amazing beauty brought a bit of that out. Unlike with those random females, this was different. It felt far better with someone he actually loved. Certainly the knowledge of how to lick and kiss the opposite gender, especially when eating out that slit was going to help bring Luna true pleasure. But Wolf was also putting in all the deep love for this beauty only into this. Unlike what others tried to show, the idea of him being with any of the other ladies on the teams disgusting him. This especially included any other female that he'd never be with. Just like in a horrid thing with a female who would not only never be met, but also was treated horribly. It was just another fucked up sexual thing with this yellow-furred female where she got pregnant by Wolf. That was a thing that was never going to happen like the bullshit story where Wolf's history was done wrong. And certainly better to do oral on Luna then sucking dick or having that sucked by a male due to being straight.

Wolf then made it and pulled back to see and smell Luna's dripping wet sex. Her scent was unlike anything his nose had encountered and it made the male want her bad. With another growl, he went in with no warning. The male's tongue raked at that hot flesh and the owner flinched and gasped with surprise. One second later pleasure exploded for Luna as the she-wolf bit her lip and arched her back. "Oh fuck!" the female gasped. "Wolf... you have... no idea... how long... I've waited... for this!" That was said between each pant as the bigger male dug into his tasty meal. Luna then threw her head back with a cry of pleasure. It was a pure and lovely sound of delight that was music to his ears.

"Fuck you taste so good," the male whispered, pulling back to lick the juices of Luna that clung to his chops. Wolf then flicked her clit with his tongue, hitting it a few times to stimulate his beloved even move. He went back in, growling and licking inside Luna's hot love tunnel.

"NGH! OH MY GOD! OH FUCK YOUR TONGUE!" Luna howled with delight. Her noises stroked Wolf's ego and pride. They showed she was being treated well and with each passing second and lick, the approaching orgasm was that much closer to happening. It was complete bullshit that a male couldn't do this to a female. That somehow only another of that gender could do well. The truth was a male could well if given a chance. And Wolf was doing an excellent job as indicated by the noises his girl made.

He began to lick and eat her out harder, his fingers pulling her wet pussy lips apart to really get inside with that tongue. Then it got the she-wolf on another spot that was always debatable and said to not exist. But that was also another lie covered up by bullshit. Wolf's tongue got Luna's G-spot and her whole body shook and trembled as she let out a pleasured filled scream of delight. "OH FUCK WOLF! KEEP LICKING THERE ON MY G-SPOT!"

But he didn't and instead pulled out with his tongue. His girlfriend and mate felt that and looked to him with dismay. "What?! No don't-!" she begged but suddenly her cunt was invaded by the lupine's right index and middle finger. Those digits got that special area again with fingering.

"Not yet," the male growled. "I want to finger you too..." He got harder and faster with that.

Luna began gasping and panting in addition to her cries of delight. Her eyes were rolling up in the back of her head. Her whole body was trembling with these pleasurable sensations that were so new. The she-wolf could barely think and it felt like she was going to lose her mind. The beauty also felt her climax approaching as due to all the earlier actions, it had made Luna so wet and turned on, it wasn't going to take long with what Wolf was doing to get her to orgasm. "UGH! OH GOD THIS IS GOOD WOLF! OH PLEASE KEEP GOING!"

The lupine growled again and withdrew his fingers from her wet sex. They hit the tip of Luna's sensitive opening and clit which caused the she-wolf to gasp and arch her back. The bigger male went back in with his tongue. Her paws shot out and grabbed his head, effectively pinning him against her crouch. But he didn't mind and instead got her G-spot with hard licking and probing. Luna's moans of delight and other noises got more passionate and higher in pitch as the female felt it approaching. "I... Wolf...! I'm gonna...! Gonna...!"

It then happened and her whole body exploded with pleasure as she climaxed. Luna arched her back and let out a howl of delight as the sexual juices from her sex rushed out. An orgasm from another felt so much different and thousands of times better than any her fingers or toys could produce. Wolf in the meanwhile lapped up his juicy and tangy reward. Such a taste made him want more but not until Luna had recovered. During her climax, the paws had come off of his head so the bigger male had no problem pulling out. There was a wet and erotic sound while doing so. He hovered over her panting form, licking his chops, and loving how beautiful his she-wolf was, flustered in the face and sweating slightly. "That was a real treat pup," the grey-furred male said, his right paw coming up to stroke her until she came down from that climax.

Luna slowly opened her eyes and looked to his red pepper. "Ooooh... oh god that was so good..." she moaned happily before reaching up to him. "I love you..."

Wolf brought her into his strong arms and the loving wolf couple hugged. "I love you too," the bigger male said softly before nuzzling and licking her hair. "That had to be the best for me..."

"Cause I'm a virgin?"

"No." The two pulled back so the lupine could look at this beauty directly. "Because Luna, you are the only one I love like nobody else. I don't care if you're a virgin, that's just a bonus. Even if you weren't I'd still love you for who you are."

"Oh? And what of my ass and tits?" the she-wolf asked in a teasing sassy way. "They've both quiet the thing you know in terms of size."

"That doesn't matter to me. What I love about you is who you are as a whole. You are perfect for me and I wouldn't have you any other way. I do love those parts of you too, but also the rest of you. From your hair, eyes, all of it."

"Mmmm... then I guess the way my body is type wise, that's a bonus too?" Wolf nodded. "Then I say you are one lucky lupine..."

"I feel it's more than luck pup. And now I want to taste you again..."

Even though she had just climax, the thought of feeling that tongue once more made the smaller female wet again. "That sounds wonderful stud. Go ahead Wolfy..." the she-wolf's eyes burned with need again as her tone took on a seductive tone. "Lick me and make me howl again. You can do whatever position you want..."

He made no answer but instead flipped her body onto all fours with the ass sticking up. "HEY!" Luna exclaimed with a laugh.

"Oooooh... oh that's nice..." the she-wolf then moaned feeling her boyfriend and mate grope and spread those juicy ass cheeks apart. In the light Luna's wet pussy still glinted with her juices. But the male also saw that extremely tight tail hole she had.

"God damn, what a view..." he growled with need and leaned in to lick at those tasty folds.

"MPH!" the owner gasped. "Kee- oooohh... going...!"

Wolf's tongue bathed that part of his girl and mate with love and affection. But then he his head inclined up and his tongue started licking and rimming that naughty tail hole of hers. Luna instantly felt that and let out a noise that was between a gasp and a squeak as getting his tongue there was different than her pussy. "Oh you naughty boy, licking my tail hole..."

"Look who's talking," the bigger male replied, pulling back to grin at his girl since she was looking over the right shoulder at him. "Seems you're a dirty and bad girl..."

"Oh I'm more than you could know mister..." Luna taunted him. "Go ahead babe; my holes are all yours... Lick and finger them and make me howl stud..." Wolf's response was to give each ass cheek she had a playful spank. That caused his girl to moan louder before giggling in response. That was also a turn on for her.

For the bigger male he went back to rimming and licking that dirty hole of hers, hope that doing anal with this beauty would be possible. His right index and middle finger went into her dripping wet cunt. The pleasure filled noises of the smaller female once again sounded out. But the grey-furred male didn't end it there. The lapping tongue then moved back to her pussy and instead the index finger now lubed up with her juices went up that tight and naughty opening. Luna arched her back, biting her lip. "NGH!" she gasped. "Oh fuccckkk..." Wolf went into that hole a little deeper but took it slow. He didn't want that part of her, like any, to be damaged for he loved his mate so much.

Due to having both holes tended by him as well as the earlier eating out action on her, Luna felt her climaxing approaching once again and much faster this time. But she tried to hold back for as long as possible. "MPH! Oh yeah... fuck that's good..." the beauty of a she-wolf moaned, feeling Wolf switch his tongue and fingers again. "God I love that..." She was panting and her muzzle was flushed once more. The eyes the female had were rolling back up due to the pleasure.

Wolf was loving this too. He still couldn't believe this amazing she-wolf, his girl, was more dirty and naughtier than he thought. The male began to finger and lick harder. He heard her lovely moans getting more louder and pleasure filled. The flow of her love juices was increasing as well as feeling her body starting to shake and tremble for release. The lupine didn't stop, but continued feasting and eating his meal upon her sex with the tongue and the finger up the tail hole. Occasional that juicy ass of Luna was spanked. From the exclamations from the owner, Wolf knew she liked that too. But he wouldn't go that far as he wasn't that kinky or into pain. And Luna was in the same boat with that as well. "I... I'm getting close...!" she then gasped.

The male switched his tongue around so now it was eating Luna out and hitting her G-spot while her ass got that index finger. Then the she-wolf's body shook and she again orgasmed, howling with delight as the taste of her nectar rushed out. Wolf greedily lapped and drank it up before removing himself from both holes. "Thanks for that again, pup," Wolf said with a smirk, but he watched his girl slump onto her stomach on the bed.

Luna was panting and both were sweating a little. But now the female was glowing with happiness. "Ooooh... that was even more fun and wonderful," she moaned, pleased as could be. Wolf lay next to her on his right with a loving smirk.

"It was for me as well gorgeous." His girl got her breath back and rolled onto her left to properly face him.

"That was certainly hot babe. Climaxing like that is so different than when I did it with my fingers or toys."

Wolf nodded. "Having the real you is far better than anything I could imagine."

The she-wolf reached out with her right paw to cup and stroke the left side of that handsome and rugged muzzle. "Then I would assume we're not finished yet?" Luna's tone was light and playful.

"Not by a long shot pup," Wolf answered. "What you said during that and allowed me to do is making me think you'd like to try anal out right? And don't try to play dumb with me. Even a virgin like you loving what I did has to be."

Such a thought of that huge lupine dick up that passage sent shivers of pleasure through Luna's body. But she didn't play an innocent act. "You got me there Wolfy. Yes, I would love to do anal. The truth is, I've masturbated of you doing so and stuck my fingers and my toys with lube up that hole. Now I want every inch of your meat up there..."

This little confession left him stunned. "You sure?"

Luna got that look on her face to taunt him in a good way. "Do you think my tight virgin body can't handle that monster of a cock you have? Haven't I shown I can with my mouth and tits? I told you earlier I'm going to conquer it. I can take it because I love you darling..."

Wolf just growled in amazement. "You are such a dirty bad girl, you know that? Although I thought there were those who hate anal."

"You're right, there are those that do. But some of us females enjoy anal and like it rough. And I'm your dirty bad she-wolf only. But don't think you can go that rough babe. There's things we both hate you know."

"Ugh; like pain, tying up, chains, rape, BDSM, and hair pulling. Fuck that." They were referring to the horrid things of him out there that Wolf would never do. "However, you do seem to like you ass spanked."

"It does turn me on..." Luna whispered with lust, rising up on the bed. "But make sure you take it easy Wolfy. It is my first time doing anal with another. But I want to give that virginity to you..."

"That makes me happy sexy. You got lube?"

"Yeah. Wait here..." The she-wolf hopped off the bed and returned with it after less than ten seconds. That was given to Wolf who then moved to give his girl and mate plenty of room.

The smaller female got on all fours again, looking over her right shoulder at him. Her juicy ass was stuck up. "Mmm... Do you like Wolfy?" Luna cooed seductively and shook her rump back and forth at the bigger male. That part of her that was to die for made the lupine rock hard again. "You like my big furry ass that's all yours? Like with my chest I've caught you staring at it too many times. Now come get me..."

"Oh I'll do more than that pup," he replied, opening the tube of lube. "I've wanted this for a long time too..." He squirted some of the clear liquid onto that hole of hers after spread Luna's right ass cheek to get access. His fingers began working the substance in and causing the smaller beauty to moan with pleasure. Once Wolf was certain that part of his girl was ready, he poured a little more lube on his member to be safe.

He then got behind, placing his paws on that sexy hot piece of ass which caused Luna to mummer happily. His red eye saw her light blue colored ones holding nothing but permission and burning longing to go for it. Wolf began to inch his massive meat rod forward. The lupine told himself it would be worth it to go slow as neither had any intent of this ending by going to the medical bay area of Sargasso that had always been a part of this station. The head of his cock then made contact with Luna's tail hole. The bigger male pressed forward and pulled back. The she-wolf felt this and while there was an unusual feeling, it wasn't foreign. The silver-blond hair beauty was used to it thanks to her toys going up this dirty passage. "Mmm... that's it..." she moaned to encourage the grey-furred being.

Wolf took it as a sign to go further. He inched forward and the head touched that tight hole again. But this time there was no going back and the male began trying to get inside. There was a moment of resistance and then with a wet pop, the head and a little of the shaft went inside. The second that happened, Luna's eyes went wide with shock as there was pain but at the same time a different kind of pleasure with having something much bigger up there. It was far more different than her fingers or small toys. "NGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" came out of her mouth that sounded like a mix between a gasp of pain, pleasure, and surprise.

Wolf paused. "Ugh... Fuck what a tight hole..." he growled. He had done anal on a few of the random females but none of them had an anal passage this snug. It really showed Luna had never had a dick up here and was going to lose her anal virginity to him.

"Oh god..." Luna moaned, her body trembling slightly.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah... just give me a moment..." the she-wolf whispered. The long-haired beauty managed to look back at her beloved lupine. "Just start thrusting slow Wolf..."

He nodded and began to do as requested. Each second and action got his massive member in a little deeper and her anal passage a bit looser. Luna still felt the pain but like with her fingers and toys, there was a sensation of pleasure of something up her anal passage. Slowly the former feeling began to get accustomed to while the latter started to grow. For the lupine, this felt good but he still held back, taking it slow and managed to keep an eye on his she-wolf to see how she was doing. The two were starting to sweat and pant a little. "Holding up?" the bigger male grunted.

"Ngh... so far..." Not even half of Wolf was up her ass but Luna now felt like she could take a bit more. "Try a little harder babe..."

The bigger lupine growled with need and his thrusting power got stronger. The she-wolf clenched her rump in response and that seemed to help. Her double-d's started to jiggle with each thrusting movement. "Like that pup? I can be rougher if you want!" the bigger male said.

"Show me!" His response was to spank those ass cheeks. This time not as playful but certainly not to cause pain to Luna. The she-wolf arched her back in response and let out a lovely whine and moan of delight. "Do that again!" The smaller beauty felt both of his paws smack her delectable rear again. "OH GOD; HARDER!"

Wolf was growling with dominance and made sure to not only spank his mate but also grope and fondle that juicy rump. Those actions distracted Luna enough she began to forget the pain of his huge meat up her anal passage and all the pleasure and enjoyment from anal. She knew that after enough times, all there would be was a burning pleasure up her dirty passage. Wolf was now in deeper and her anal v-card had now been punched by him and both loved it. The two wolves were gasping, moaning, sweating, and panting. Luna felt a tingling sensation in her pussy and began to finger herself as this was incredibly hot. "Ugh... Fuck this is too good..." Wolf groaned. "I love you...!"

"I love you too!" the smaller beauty moaned back. "I love you so much babe!"

The stench of loving and naughty sex was emitting in the room, just like when Panther fucked Miyu up her ass. But now this anal was about to get even more hotter for the loving wolf pair. "C'mere..." the male growled and stopped tending to her ass with his paws. Those parts of the him reached out and managed to grab Luna's wrists in a firm, yet not harmful grip. Pulling her arms back caused Luna to really feel it who howled in response.

"OH FUCK BABE!" the she-wolf screamed with delight as there was more pleasure than pain now. "OH GOD I CAN REALLY FEEL THAT!" Her tongue was really out in a pant and the eyes were rolling up back in her head. "KEEP GOING YOU STUD! GET ALL OF THAT HUGE DICK UP MY ASS!"

His response was to growl louder, one that showed the inner alpha male beast was emerging and to give his girl real pleasures tonight. "You know I will pup!" the bigger grey-furred being snarled. "Better this than fucking the wrong being or thing up this hole! You're the only one I can be with now and I don't regret it!"


The anal continued, the smacking sound added to the other noises. Having her arms held back by Wolf like this stimulated the she-wolf who by now was ready to have all of him up this hole. No matter how painful it may be, the silver-blond haired beauty could take it due to being a tough female and having more than proven to be Wolf's girl only. He certainly wanted to be fully up there and figured the better way was to let go of Luna's wrists. Doing so caused her upper body to fall to the bed. "UGH! NGH! OH GOD!" she panted and whined like a bitch in heat.

That meat rod was buried inside and so close to going in. There was still resistance but now her anal passage was starting to be molded to take that huge tool. "Fuck it...!" Wolf growled, deciding to just go for it. He didn't care if there was resistance due to tightness standing in the way, he was going to succeed. Then it happened as with a loud and wet pop, the bigger lupine actually managed to fully knot and tie him and Luna up that dirty passage.

"KYAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" the female screamed and howled when feeling that, her eyes going wide with shock. A mixture of pain and pleasure made her body shake and tremble as it all was shot into her core. "OH MY GOOODDDDDDDDD!"

"Ugh... Holy shit what a tight hole...!" Wolf moaned.

"Ngh... oh fuck you are so big up there!" Luna gasped and moaned. Now that the initial shock was over, the pleasure from anal was greater than the pain. She began to finger her slit again.

It was too good for the bigger male who was beginning to feel the throb of his dick for release again. "Pup... I'm getting closer..." he warned her.

"Good... I want you to cum up my ass...!" his beauty of a mate replied. "Let's both cum together...!" She started to really rub and finger her cunt, the love nectar flowing out. Drops of it began to fly from that part of the she-wolf.

The loving pair kept going and then their bodies couldn't take it anymore. Luna was the one who orgasmed first and shouted as her pussy clenched and soaked her fingers and inner thighs with her sticky nectar. That pushed Wolf over the edge who erupted with his seed. So much was shot out in hard bursts, staining and filling up Luna's anal passage with white. The owner had enough sense to wiggled her delectable rump back and forth real quickly to drain the bigger male. And there was a lot to the she-wolf's surprise and delight. Unlike in the bullshit things, there was no inflation due to the cum. Instead it oozed out as even Wolf's big fat knot couldn't hold the tide back. The beings on the bed were gasping and panting hard, flushed in the face, yet happier than before. "Huff... fuck babe, you and your naughty ass..." the lupine moaned.

"Yeah..." Luna managed to look back at him. "But it's all yours only..." His knot then shrank and with a very wet, yet satisfying sound, the male withdrew from her sore and well fucked anal passage. So much of his cum leaked and oozed out of that hole.

"Fuck you still are cumming a lot and making a damn mess," the smaller female cooed, happy as she began to gather up what she could with her fingers. Wolf watched with amazement and love to see his girl transfer it to her pussy and rub the seed inside. "You keep this up Wolfy and we'll need to think about putting these bedsheets onto a roller due to how much we'll need to change and wash them."

He actually chuckled at that. "But it'll be worth it." Luna flipped onto her back to look at him better. She was still transferring his cum into her pussy but found there was still too much and just let it ooze out of her anal passage. It began to pool on the sheet and create a messy spot.

"So then..." The male saw that sassy and taunting look on her muzzle again. "You've cum so much and hard, you've got any left?"

"Pup, I can go for days if need be if it weren't for sleep," Wolf growled. It was that inner alpha beast kind again and it made a feeling of want and desire ripple throughout the she-wolf's body. The sexy beauty licked her lips and beckoned him over with a finger.

"Then come here Wolfy; I want you to fuck m up the ass again..."

His ears pricked up and the tail the male had actually swished a little with excitement. His member despite having giving her cum began to get hard at the thought. "That so?" the male asked, trying to remain calm and cool.

"It's too good and I'm not taking no for an answer mister. Besides, I had better get more of that rougher side out of you a bit more before you fuck me and take my other virginity. So come here babe..." Luna held her arms to him. "Take that dick of yours up my ass in whatever way you want..."

Wolf growled with approval and the next thing she knew, he had grabbed her up into his arms and off the bed. The female let out a mock gasp as his grip was once again firm, but not hard while the bigger male stood on the floor of his room. "Then you had better get ready..." His breath while growling softly into Luna's right ear made her drip wet. "You called me a stud and I'll show you what a real one and male is..."

"Oohhh... I can't wait..." the she-wolf moaned. "What are you going for babe?"

"You're going to be speared in full nelson."

His mate knew that was a pose and whimpered with need. "Do it; fuck me that way..."

Wolf got her legs up which caused the smaller female to feel good. Luna was certainly flexible and didn't feel any discomfort. The big tool between the grey-furred male's legs began to rub against her sex before finding that dirty hole still white with his cum. With a wet squish, it went in much easier this time. This was due to that passage being a bit looser but also still having a mixture of lube and seed up there. "NGH!" the smaller female gasped loudly, her slender arms wrapping around Wolf's strong neck.

"Fuck... such a tight passage sexy..." he groaned.

Luna bit her lip, feeling her pussy stimulated without having to finger herself. "Do it stud..." she moaned and whined. "Fuck me up the ass... fill it full again..."

This time the lupine didn't start as slow or gentle. But he still watched it as injuring either of them during this would be a mood killer. Ramming up Luna's anal passage that had just had the first round ever would be a bad idea. "Mph! Yeah, that's it..." the smaller female encouraged him.

Wolf just growled and managed to move some of the long hair on the right side out of the way. It was all to playfully bite Luna on the curve of her neck there. This was not a loving mate bite yet. But it still caused her to yelp with pleasure and then moan. The idea of Wolf biting her there for real was something Luna wanted and hoped that would happen after this. If so, she would do it right back to mark this powerful and handsome stud as hers only like he would with her. But those thoughts were torn away for now as the lupine began to fuck the female up the ass harder and bring the beauty back to reality. "UGH! OH YES! OH GOD!" the she-wolf panted.

"C'mere..." the then growled after letting go of Luna's neck. She turned her head so the loving wolf pair could lock lips with a fevered moan. Despite how dirty and naughty this hard sex was, there was still a very loving bond and connection between them. One that couldn't be broken by anyone or anything.

The two came apart with loud gasps and Luna felt Wolf was supporting more of her body. She let go of his neck with the left arm and began to finger her pussy. This brought more pleasure for her, especially when feeling more of Wolf's meat up her anal passage while going harder and faster. This time the two lost sense of time. All they cared for was this to continue and climax again. But in the minds and hearts of both wolves, they knew what would follow would be more loving with her true v-card being taken and punched. "God, she's amazing and all mine..." Wolf moaned in his head as his powerful thrusts brought both of them closer. "I don't care if others have a problem with us being a couple. I love Luna and that's all that matters..."

"Hooooo godddddd... he's so good..." Luna whined in her head while still panting and her eyes rolling up. "I love him so much!"

There was no pain or discomfort for her being held this way. Sure the anal still had some but that was only due to have the first real experience with it tonight. But never once had it been too much for the female. Wolf had been rough but carrying, loving, respectful, and in a sense, somewhat of a gentlefur. While certainly not like the level of say Fox or Nicholas, the lupine still cared and loved Luna in a way he hadn't with anyone until her. And while there were many parts of him that were still the same, the few that had been change were things that had been deeply buried for a long time. Only this amazing she-wolf would see this other side of him, as well as seeing the male beyond what most did for the wrong reasons. And for that, Wolf couldn't help but love her and knew after this, he would truly make this beauty not just his one and only, but his life-long mate. The only female and being he could be with forever. Little did he know that Luna wanted that when it came to him and once more show the bigger male how deep her love for him ran in her body. It really was the kind of thing that a couple deeply in love and as mates could feel that shown with a beautiful and wonderful white light that could defy some things and certainly a lot of expectations. That sex could be even more hot, wild, and steamy when one had it with someone they truly loved and those feelings were returned. As well as when it was with the being meant to be with no matter what was said or done. For Wolf and Luna had found their other half they couldn't live or be without.

Both wolves in the present were still panting, sweating, and moaning. They felt the throb of his tool and Luna could tell her climax was swiftly approaching. "Luna...!" Wolf growled. "I'm close...!"

"Me too babe!" she gasped. "Knot and cum up my ass!"

The slapping sound of balls reached a fever pitched like the wet sound of her cunt being fingered. The bigger male then did the deed which was heard by a loud pop. Both wolves shook and trembled before howling in unison with delight as they climaxed at the same time; just like wolves who were loving mates. So much of his white sticky seed was blown into the smaller female who took it all while her hot and wet juices stained her fingers and crouch again. "Oh godddddd..." Luna moaned uncontrollably while shaking and panting, her eyes rolled up due to the delight. Once more there was too much cum and it oozed and leaked around that fat knot.

There seemed to be no end to the amount of seed Wolf had, showing he could fuck and cum with so much of that and had the stamina too. Each round of climaxing had given out such hardy loads. "Ugh... Fuck babe..." Wolf whispered, nuzzling her head with affection.

She slowly turned her head to the right to nuzzle him back as well as give her darling some tender licks. "Wolf..." the she-wolf whimpered and the two kissed with moans and love in that action.

They then pulled back and it was the smaller beauty who spoke. "At this rate Wolfy, you're going to leave such a mess and I'm going to need another shower."

"What if I liked you dirty and marked this way?" he shot back.

"Mmm... Well tonight is fine. But we should really consider for next time..." His knot than shrank and it came out with a juicy sound. Her fingers reached down to catch the falling seed from her tail hole. "All the same..." She began to rub his cum into her pussy again. "Can you get another towel stud? I want to clean off a bit more."

Wolf nodded and moved Luna out of that position and onto the floor to get one of those. A mess wasn't made on that part of the room and the she-wolf took her sexy sweet time with the towel. She saw her beloved looking and her eyes narrowed with love and lust. "I hope you're ready for my last hole babe," the smaller female said, making sure to get as much cum leaking from her tail hole and cleaned the inner part of her love tunnel as best as possible. Her voice was seductive, loving, but also a little taunting as well.

"Pup, you know good and damn well I'm not going to stop until I give you the best night of your life so far."

"Mmm; good." The she-wolf finished and then turned her head to look at her beloved over the right shoulder. The female winked and stuck her tongue out in a mischievous way, purposely walking so her delicious asscheeks and lovely tail swished with every step. It was fucking hot to Wolf and his member began to rise to full salute again even after having orgasmed.

He watched her get on the bed and make her way to the pillows. There Luna rearranged those before laying face up on the covers. Her head was supported and once more her long silver-blond hair flowed out like tiny rivers that gleamed in the light. Nothing was hidden to Wolf's one eye as the she-wolf spread her legs for him with no hesitation or shyness. The smaller female's eyes were narrowed with love and lust, those parts of her burning for him. "Come here Wolf," Luna whispered in a loving tone. Her right index finger beckoned him over. "I am ready... I'm ready to you to punch my v-card..."

The bigger male got on the bed, just taking in the full view of her. From Luna's gorgeous eyes and face, that hair of hers, down to those double-d's, the light grey colored fur, those curvaceous hips and legs, and finally to the she-wolf's aroused slit. He could see the flower petals were fully aroused. There was no doubt that virgin pussy was ready to accept all of him as was the owner. To Wolf, this moment would always remain in his heart and mind of Luna. Right now, she was the most beautiful he'd ever seen her, the most gorgeous female in all of the Lylat that his one red eye had ever laid sight on. The beauty was the only one for him, the only one that he could connect with on such an emotional and loving level. No other would have his heart but her no matter what. Luna was the one for him now and forever to be by his side due to deep love and Wolf wouldn't have it any other way like with her.

The lupine made it to where she was, his muscled body hovering over her smaller frame. Such a position made his member fully erected, every inch of that monster cock red and needy to be fully buried in her warm depths. Luna's eyes and his one met, their bond and connection allowing the other to peer like they could see the other's soul. Such a look that Wolf was giving her, that she was his alone and all he needed, it filled her core and soul with a warmth of love. Her right paw came up to touch the male's muzzle, stroking it, and mummering with happiness. The bigger being closed his eye, content, before reaching to run a finger down the she-wolf's left cheek. The two wolves felt the powerful bond a mated pair of their kind had with a significant other. But even if Luna had been another specie, the same thing would still happen. Only she would ever see this loving and tender side of Wolf who was still the same male at the end of the day, but with some things changed a little that made up who he was.

Even in this loving and beautiful moment, the bigger male still had enough sense to still hesitate and for good reason. "Should I try to find a condom first?" he asked.

Luna shook her head. "No condoms," she replied without missing a beat. "I'm in no danger babe. I'm on the pill and protected. I'm not going to be that risky. Besides, my first time I give to you, I want to feel all of the real you, not some rubbery version. I want to feel you pump me full of your seed..."

Her love breathed a bit easier and nodded. "Yeah, you're right pup. It'll be better for both of us to go at it raw as long as your protected..." Their bodies shifted a little to prepare for the bigger male to enter her. "However... Luna, I need to talk to you about something..." The male was going for it and didn't care. He had made up in his mind and heart.

"What is it sweetie?" the smaller female encouraged him.

The lupine took a deep breath and his one eye met hers again. "Luna McCay, you are the first and only one I have ever loved this deeply. I know you feel the same way and you're the only female and being in all of the Lylat and universe for me... That is why I don't just want to do this and take your first time due to love. Luna... I want to take you tonight as my life-long mate..."

The second the she-wolf heard that, her heart burst into a bloom of flowers. Her light-blue colored eyes teared up with happiness and a small gasp of joy leaked from her mouth. "Ohh..." Luna whispered, a few tears from that moisture in her eyes leaking out and running down her furry cheeks. The love of her life got them with a gentle thumb. The female leaned up to lick and kiss his noise with affection. "Wolf, of course I will be your mate forever... I want you to be mine too..."

His heart melted, happy beyond no end as finally a true smile came onto the male's muzzle. Only in moments like this would Luna ever see it. But that look on the lupine's face was one of warmth and love. This was the final proof that this amazing female fully accepted him despite his past and everything else. His lips went in to kiss and lick Luna's forehead before he nuzzled that part with loving affection. It had taken a lifetime, but Wolf had finally found the only one for him to be with forever content and happy. Neither was certain of the future. The two certainly had not thought of marriage or kids just yet. Right now, all the loving pair wanted was to consummate their feelings of love to the other; for him to take that v-card and to truly become mates. But whatever came next, the loving wolves knew they had their other half and together they would face whatever came.

Wolf pulled back and braced himself a bit more. It was Luna who became the spark to set off what would happen after he looked her in the eyes. "Do it Wolf; fuck me. Take my virginity. Make me your mate and bitch." It was to be noted, the male would never call her something like that and Luna was only saying that to spur the sex on in a good way. He had a lot more respect for his girl than that. It would be no different like the term breeding bitch or bitch in heat used. Just something to get him to really fuck the she-wolf hard. But not yet as the bigger male wanted her to get used to this when being de-flowered.

His huge lupine dick inched forward to that aroused slit. The head touched the her pussy lips and Luna let out a small gasp of pleasure. Feeling the real deal, as well as Wolf's junk touching her most sacred of places felt like nothing before in a good way. He could feel she was hot and already a little wet down there. Wolf let out a soft growl, to hold back as he began to probe and tease that hole with the end of his tool. It was all to get his meat lubed up with Luna's juices and to prepare her pussy for entry. Each second the beauty below him began to moan and whimper louder, her eyes begging for the male to get inside. It was too much and Wolf pulled back with a grunt, and then the head and a bit of the shaft of his prick went in.

"NGHHHH!" Luna gasped and whinnied loudly as she winced, gritting her teeth due to the pain mix with pleasure.

"Ugh... God you are so fucking tight and warm pup..." the bigger male moaned with delight. Wolf pulled back and began to thrust into the she-wolf.

"Mph...! It... hurts...!" the female whispered, trying to fight and ignore the pain and focus on the pleasure. "But... I'm gonna... bear it... for you...!"

"I'd expect nothing less from you sexy." Their eyes met. "You're a strong female and she-wolf who's tough who took all of me up your ass."

"Fucking A I did... Keep going...!" Luna replied, smirking her sassy smile despite what was going on.

The two were starting to sweat but Wolf did as she asked. With each thrust, the lupine began molding that virgin pussy to fit his dick, stretching the inner walls out. The owner began to adjust to the pain, the pleasure of having his tool inside growing. Then the growl of Wolf's inner best was heard as it became unleashed from him. Unlike in that horrid story, this time there was true love and passion shared with the one in his bed and not the wrong male, female, or thing that Wolf would never in anyway fuck. This was the true him, not the sex crazed fake versions of the male out there in all that horrid abomination stuff. Luna knew this too and she began to gasp and moan with pure delight, her tongue out in a pant. The slender arms the beauty had wrapped around his strong neck and head while those sexy shaped legs went around the male's waist. "Come here...!" Luna then growled and brought her mouth to Wolf's, locking their lips with a fevered moan.

The male just answered her kiss back, their tongues dancing among their moaning and growls of love. Her paws stroked the back of the bigger lupine's head and his back, her grip showing the intent of never letting Wolf go. His paws held Luna in the same kind of hold. This amazing female had shown him the other sides of life and there was more to it then fighting and money. Now the two wolves were closer to being one tonight. By now, his meat rod had speared in deeper, getting to the knot and tying them together even with the size being a factor. It was here that Wolf ripped apart from her mouth. "Fuck it..." he growled that alpha male growl before going in and biting his mate on the right curve of the neck. This time it was a real mate one of love, to begin marking this she-wolf as his and his alone.

"HHHHH!" Luna yelped due to the pain of that like all who had been bitten that way. All canines from wolves to foxes and dogs did this to their mate. Even felines did like Katt would do to Falco. Even he as an avian could nip that part of her with his beak. For the other species of the Lylat who couldn't bite their one and only that way, that was fine for they had other ways of showing love to their mate. For a bite like this was a sign of who was mated to another. Wolf's teeth sank into that part of Luna. Doing so enough times would leave a permanent mark like a scar on the she-wolf, another sign to show that Luna was his mate and his only. But the female below the male's body wouldn't be outdone. The she-wolf then let out a feral growl and her maw opened before latching onto that part of Wolf's neck on the right side. The beauty bit her darling, giving him a mate bite of love to start indicating this male was her loving mate only.

Wolf groaned through the pain but neither were letting go. His thrusting in Luna's pussy was getting faster and harder. The knot was dangerously close to going in. The wolves then removed their teeth, panting, sweating, and moaning. "OH GOD! OH WOLF!" Luna gasped, her double-d's jiggling.

"Hgh... Fuck you are tight...!" he panted.

"Please...!" Her voice became a whispering bed. "Please knot me! Make me your mate like you have with that bite!" There was still resistance in that love tunnel that was all but deflowered. Wolf and Luna wouldn't be denied any longer. He grunted and growled his alpha male one and then with a loud and sudden pop, that fat knot and the huge length had gotten inside her.

"GAAAAHHHHHH!" the she-wolf screamed due to having all of that massive thing up that hole as well as feeling her barrier break. There was pain like when taking Wolf's dick up her ass fully the first time but a second later pleasure and ecstasy flowed through her veins. The female's eyes were rolling up, her body shaking and trembling as the deed had been done with losing her virginity to him. Finally the wolves were joined as one body, melded together in perfect harmony. The feeling of their bare fur and connected this way showed this night was going to be one magnificent one due to true and deep love. Even if the sex had gone to the hard kind, that bond and feeling was still there. How beyond wonderful the warm feeling of the tight embrace on the other couldn't be described by words.

For Wolf, the feeling of her inner walls fully embracing his member was tight, griping it like a vice. It was too good and he actually shuddered and stopped. "Ngh... fuck this is good..." he moaned. His prick throbbed and a bit of pre-cum oozed out, the first part of marking that passage of hers as his.

He looked to see Luna's face twitching with delight and pure bliss. "I finally... gave you my virginity..." she whispered. "I can't believe how good this feels Wolf..."

"You have no idea how much it is for me too pup," he said. "And I'm not going to stop until I've properly mated with you..."

His girl and love wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head next to her mouth to softly growl into the left ear Wolf had. "Good. Then do it my beloved stud and mate. Show how much you love me. Show what a real male, mate, and stud is to counter those horrid things of you out there we hate like all the others on the teams. Fill me full and beyond and give me every drop of your hot cum..."

Luna nibbled on that part of the bigger lupine who snarled the inner beast growl and began to thrust and hump his she-wolf like she was a bitch in heat. The female held onto his body for dear life as they started sweating for real now. The bed was creaking and groaning as their scents mingled with the passionate smell of love making. The beauty being fucked right in her cunt was really gasping, moaning, panting, her noises of delight pure and bright showing Wolf was giving her true pleasures. Her vaginal walls were soaking and clamping on his member, coaxing the bigger male to blowing his load while now really being molded to fit his tool. Luna's eyes were rolling up, her body shaking and trembling while feeling her climax approaching. Her legs had his thrusting waist in a death like grip while her arms were also wrapped around the male's neck. All with the intent to keep his body close and never let go. Wolf was grunting with delight, his paws gripping the bed sheets. They could feel his dick was pulsing with the need to release.

Neither was sure how long this lasted as time lost meaning. But then the mated pair felt it. "Luna...!" Wolf grunted. "Fuck, I'm gonna...!"

"Me too!" she gasped. "Do it! Cum for me!"

His thrusting and the sound of ball smacking reached a frenzied pitch. Then the two burst. Wolf and Luna howled in unison as they both orgasmed together, exactly like wolves who were mated. Waves of pure passion and pleasure crashed like waves in their veins. So much of her juice soaked that prick while her vaginal walls clamped and milked all the cum the male had to offer. It was a gargantuan amount of seed that flooded out of the male, filling the she-wolf beyond full. Her entire passage and protected womb was stained white and took all the cum. Whatever couldn't be given oozed and leaked out for there was too much for even that huge knot to stop it. There was no ridiculous bulging or cum inflation at all.

The two beings on the bed were left panting and gasping. Luna's body was trembling and shaking while she and Wolf felt the sweat. The smaller female was the first to recover enough to speak. "Oh goddd... There's so much babe... So much of your warm cum in me..."

"Ugh..." Wolf moaned, still feeling her tight pussy not letting him go and draining his balls of seed. "I can't stop it..."

"Just let it all in me stud..."

Finally the two stopped trembling and the bigger male felt the last drops exit his dick. His one red eye opened to meet her light blue ones. Both wolves were smiling, happier than ever, and just glowing in the light of the after sex. "Wow..." Luna whispered. "That was wonderful and more than I could ever dream on how it would be..."

The bigger male gave her that real smile and stroked her left cheek with his right thumb before leaning in to lick and kiss his mate's forehead. "You have no idea how good that was for me, pup," he said softly, licking the she-wolf's neck before playfully nibbling and biting her.

The silver-blond hair beauty began stroking his muscled back and nuzzled her mate. "Then let's just say we both tied Wolfy for feeling beyond amazing..." Her teeth gave him loving nibbles too.

"Not a problem with me." He pulled back to look at his beloved. "I love you..."

"I love you too..." The wolves came in to kiss with love. Only when they came apart did they nuzzle and lick the other with affection along with playful nibbling and biting. It was during this time the knot on Wolf's member shrank and he was able to pull out of her. There was a gush of his fertile seed that oozed out of Luna's sore but well fucked pussy. A mess was created as the liquid pooled on the sheets right between her legs.

"God damn babe... you cum so much each time and make a damn mess," the she-wolf cooed as the bigger lupine moved to lay on his back by her side. The smaller female raised her head up to look at her slit to get a proper look at what was going on down there. "You have so much stamina and seed love..."

That stroked his pride a little to make Wolf smirk. "For you pup, I'm going to give you nothing but the best for the only one I love who is now my mate."

"Mmm... All the same you should get one of the towels to clean this up. We really need to think about this for the future times you fuck me silly..."

The grey-furred male got off the bed to get another clean towel. It was a good thing Luna had brought as many as she had. This time he took care of the mess on her and the sheets. The actions of Wolf earned a dazzling smile of approval from his girl and mate which was matched by her happy mummering. Once that task was finished, he tossed the soiled towel to the side to wash with the others later. "Mmm... Good job," the smaller female praised her boyfriend and mate. "Come here; I want to snuggle with you as a reward..."

Wolf had no objections and lay on his back so his darling could do so. She felt so warm and soft against his body, to feeling Luna's right paw on his chest, as well as her head and that long flow of hair on him; these things filled the male with warmth and a sense of calm and peace in his body. Her scent helped as well, the lupine knowing and realizing Luna would be what could help him sleep from now on. His strong right arm wrapped around the smaller female and the beauty of a she-wolf felt the same way. To be this close to the male she loved so much was a feeling that couldn't be described. The loving pair also knew this wasn't going to be the one night stand, but rather the beginning of something new in the next step of their relationship. "So..." Luna began, looking up at him. "You think you can sleep now Wolf?"

He looked down to her with a smirk. "Yeah. But not without you by my side. I don't think I'll ever be able to again."

"Funny; I'm feeling the same way too. I guess that means after tonight we need to think of making sure this bed stays cleaner."

"That works for me pup." Wolf decided to go for it. "Especially since after what we both just said, it only makes sense for us to share this room from now on..." It was the same as him asking her to move in with him. Others might say things were going was too fast for the pair like becoming mates. There were those who would sneer and hate for certain. But to the loving wolves, they were more than ready having been in love with the other for so long. That was why quite a few rounds of sex had already happened due to cutting through sexual tension and want that had been building up for a very long time.

Luna got him on the cheek with a kiss. "I would love that Wolf," she happily sighed. "I want nothing more than to fall asleep with you holding me and waking up to see you first thing in the morning..."

"Sounds like a plan." Wolf smirked. "Especially considering how the idiots here call me Lord, maybe it makes sense you Luna, who they call Lady in respect, should as well like some pair ruling from a keep or something."

"Mmm... sounds lovely..." The wolves shared a passionate smooch. Her head settled against his strong body, loving how his right paw was stroking her fur. "This has been so wonderful for me. What about you even after the others? I know you don't need them but I still can't help but wonder."

"Luna, you have made this the best night of my life so far. I can certainly say not a single of the random females for the one night stands or short flings can even come close to you..." Their eyes locked. "You pup, thanks to the love and passion I have for you only and our connection and bond had made tonight the best sex for me. I'll never need anyone or anything else but you. Plus, I'd much rather fuck you than the wrong females, be it those on the other teams or anyone else who doesn't belong in the Lylat."

The she-wolf nodded in agreement. "Or say the wrong male as you're straight," the female added.

"Fucking A on that."

But then thoughts of that tight body Luna had filled his mind, causing the male's dick to become aroused. She in turn began to have visions of the bigger male plowing her. It was most likely due to knowing the horrid art and things out there of Wolf and with the female getting a little jealous and angry. For him it was anger and wanting to show this amazing she-wolf was all he needed. Luna decided to poke at him a little. "So..." She rolled on top of him, a teasing smile creeping onto her muzzle. "Got more in you stud?"

"Hmph; always," he grunted, liking where this was going. The she-wolf murmured with lust and her body moved, getting into the doggystyle position. The beauty was looking over her right shoulder at him, eyes narrowed and burning with love, lust, and need.

"Come here Wolfy..." Luna's tone was seductive while she slowly shook her juicy ass back and forth at the male. "Fuck me again unless you think I can't handle it..." Such words and actions got him raging hard. "Think you can take me on Wolf?"

They both knew where that line had come from. It was from a horrid gender bended pic of the male as it and all of that was fucked up. There was no alternate version of the lupine as a female as those were all fake. He never wanted to be the opposite gender ever or ever have Fox fuck him. But seeing his girl and mate like this certainly got Wolf ready and turned on. He felt his heart thudding but then the bigger being growled that alpha male sound, one to indicate Luna was his. Such a noise turned her on and made the female drip. "You have better get ready pup," the bigger male snarled with need, getting behind Luna, his paws on her rump and grinding his dick between those sexy ass cheeks.

"Mmm... I'm more than ready..." she moaned, loving her mate doing this. "Go ahead hot stuff. Mate with me; make me your bitch again. Show what a real male and stud is like. Show how rough and loving sex can be when done due to love..." Such words were good to spur this one for Wolf who pulled back and with no warning entered her. Though still tight, this time it wasn't as hard to get in due to Luna being de-flowered now.

"NGH...! OH GODDDDDDD!" the she-wolf howled with delight with the sudden invasion of his tool in her pussy.

"Ugh... fuck what a tight hole you have...!" he growled in a dominating way and began to hump and thrust into his mate.

"NGH! OH FUCK! OH GOD! OH YES!" Luna exclaimed, eyes rolling up, her tongue flopping out in a pant. A pure look of delight was on her muzzle, matching her noises.

Suddenly she felt Wolf's right thumb enter her tail hole which got a loud gasp in response. "MPH! You naughty boy..." the she-wolf managed to playfully scold him.

"You love it pup..." he growled. That digit of his went in deeper and pulled out. "And I'm not finished yet!" Wolf gave her right ass cheek a good spank to turn her on.

Luna arched her back, trembling from pleasure as it wasn't a kind of thing to truly cause pain. "Spank me again!" she ordered in a whisper. Both cheeks got it and that made her eyes really roll up. The two were starting to sweat again as their combined scents and the stench of love making once more filled the room like their sounds.

"Yeah that's the way you want it huh!" Wolf growled.

"UGH! YES! I DO!" the female moaned with delight. "I LOVE IT ROUGH LIKE THIS! KEEP PUNISHING ME BABE!"

He stopped spanking his mate and instead reached out to grab Luna's arms and pull them back. It was just enough to let her really feel it since his thrusting got harder and faster. Unlike the first time there wasn't as much resistance and more pleasure than pain for the smaller beauty had really begun adjusting to having her pussy ravaged and fucked. "OH FUCK! OH GOD!" Luna began howling. "OH GOD WOLF YOU'RE FUCKING HUGE! I LOVE THIS! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"

"I love you too babe!" he grunted as the smacking sound of balls reached a fevered pitch. "I'm going to make you howl!" Her double-d's were really jiggling with every thrust. It had now gotten to not just be hard, rough, and loving sex, but of the two fucking like animals in a rut. All like Wolf and Luna were going at it like she was in heat with the intent to mate and breed even if they weren't at the point of considering kids yet.

However, Wolf wasn't satisfied with this and let go of Luna after a bit. "Here, roll over," he growled. Luna felt his meat exit her. Before the female could even object, the bigger male had moved both of them so she could ride him in the cowgirl position.

"Oh, you want to watch me from below huh?" the smaller beauty asked in that cocky and sassy way that Wolf loved when it came to her. Luna began to shift and raise her crouch up to be speared on that monster dick, her paws moving to his muscled chest.

The one laying on the bed face up smirked. "More than that, I'm going to give you another wild ride," he growled.

"Mmm... I can't wait stud..." the she-wolf moaned, licking her chops.

There was a pause and then Luna sank onto that tool, taking it and shaking from such a feeling. "NGGGHHH! OH GODDDDDDD!" she panted, true delight spreading onto her face.

"That's it..." Wolf growled, his paws making their way to support her by the ass. "That's a good girl; such a good girl..." Her asscheeks were grabbed and held. "Such a good girl who's all mine and my mate...!"

He began pushing and thrusting into her while the she-wolf on top look down at him. Pure delight sparked in Luna's eyes as she kept panting. Her paws were on his muscled chest, her hair swishing back and forth. Those orbs of love were jiggling like mad, her tail wagging back and forth. The smaller beauty helped by grinding and wiggling her hips around, all in an effort to tie them together by that knot. "OH GOD! IT'S SO GOOD! SO FUCKING GOOD!" Luna gasped and moaned. "HARDER WOLF! FUCK ME HARDER!"

"God you're so fucking tight!" he snarled. "Fuck I love you pup! I love you more than life itself!"

"I LOVE YOU TOO! KEEP GOING BABE!" The male did but knew there was a great way to end this. But not yet, not until they both were closer. The bed was creaking and groaning again, showing how animal like this mating was going. Feral in nature, it was just raw love and passion the two wolves felt. Just like how any of the other couples on the teams felt for the one they were dating.

Time once again had no meaning for the pair. Neither was sure how long this lasted. It could have been 20 minutes or an hour but both wolves didn't give a flying fuck. But then Wolf felt his dick starting to throb. "Now then..." he suddenly growled.

Luan felt him move. "Wha-?!" she began but then felt her lupine stand up and took her for the ride in order to fuck her while holding. The smaller female got his intent in a second and got a devilish grin.

"Oh yeah that's it Wolfy... Fuck my tight little pussy hard this way..." she said seductively.

"I'll do more than that you gorgeous wolf," he shot back, his paws going to that delectable rump his mate had to cup and support her. Those sexy legs wrapped around him as did the slender arms of the female. Their grip once more had the intent of never letting go.

"C'mere..." Luna growled and mashed her lips to his with a fevered moan. Wolf just answered back, feeling her tongue tangle with his. Wet and erotic sounds were heard as the wolves made out with love. Their mouths then unlocked, their tongues dancing out in the open air. Slavia glistened as it was swapped, a hot and dirty kind of kiss with passion. But then the smacking sound of his balls were heard as Wolf began to really fuck Luna in her tight cunt.

"NGH!" she whined, breaking apart from him while he moaned in response. But it wasn't enough and the female then growled and bit her mate on the neck, just like the first time. Wolf hissed and then did it back. Luna groaned through her teeth but neither was letting go. In time the mate mark would appear there for both.

Then the two felt his member throbbing again as Wolf just went for it. With a loud pop, he knotted her and that caused them to let go with their teeth and for her to cry out in delight. "OH YES! FUCK THAT'S IT WOLF!" Luna yelled.

"Ugh.. Luna..." he moaned.

"Please...!" she whispered, their eyes locking. "Cum in me again Wolf! Hold nothing back and fill me full as your love and mate!"

They connected their mouths as the fucking reached a fevered pitch. His dick was burning with the need to release, her vaginal walls tightening. The sounds of her passionate and loving mixed with his growling and snarling. The smacking of his prick and balls were at a high point. And then they both came. Wolf and Luna howled and screamed for their mate as they burst. Her body shook and trembled as so much of her juices soaked his meat. The lupine gave his she-wolf a hardy load again. She was quickly filled full and beyond, the excess oozing and leaking out around the knot. The loving wolves panted and gasp while the bigger male slowly sank onto the bed to sit on. His thighs and legs were trembling but neither let go of the other. "Hoooo godddd..." the beauty in the strong arms of Wolf moaned, eyes rolled up and a pure happy and satisfied look dancing on her face. Only a couple truly in love could have that feeling. Not the mindless fucking from the horrid abomination stuff image and art wise when the ladies on the teams were with the wrong male and especially the wrong female. This included the guys on the teams like Wolf. But for him, he had found the only one to be with and it was going to remain that way forever.

Finally the two wolves managed to come down from their highs enough to speak. They pulled back just enough to look at the other with such burning and loving passion. "I love you..." the bigger male whispered, his forehead touching hers and two nuzzled affectionally. "I love you Luna..."

"I love you too..." she softly replied. "I love you so much Wolfy. I always will and can't live or be with you, my loving mate..."

"Double for me. You are not just my mate as well pup. You are the love of a lifetime that I've finally found. I'll never love or need anyone or anything else but you forever..." The two smiled and kissed sweetly.

But even after his knot shrank and the male pulled out, they both knew this night wasn't over. The two kept continuing to consummating their feelings and making love due to unable to get enough of their significant other. The two wolves would bite the other on the neck of course. But Wolf made sure to fuck Luna good some more. Her anal passage was invaded to the female's great delight and filled with his seed a couple times before she rode the lupine with his dick buried knot deep in her slit. After four intense rounds, the two finally felt sleep come onto them. With the she-wolf by his side, Wolf found true peace and happiness. But it was only the beginning. In the morning it was off to the shower where Wolf fucked Luna silly. Sure, they had to make sure the bedsheets were washed before changing them and the towels taken care of that had been soiled. But none of that would stop their wild animal like fucking. Each time the long-haired beauty got better with handling and blowing Wolf's massive member. And he in turn fucked his mate like a wild and savage beast combined with that inner alpha male growl but still done with love and passion. That made the sex very wild, hot, and steamy that was far better than mindless fucking with no emotion or connection. It showed what true love and sex could be and why threesomes, orgies, and above, gangbangs, BDSM, rape, tentacles, disgusting lactating breast milk, swapping, sharing, cheating, and all the stuff Wolf, Luna, and the rest on the other teams hated would never be right or be what true sex was.

The two wolves certainly kept showing this with what they did in their room. Outside of it, they still kept the same air and behavior as before, but definitely felt closer. But in private, things were so much different. Luna showed her beloved just how naughty she could be. From wearing nothing but an apron, to the naughtiest of outfits and skimpiest of lingerie that Wolf loved; it was all do to her deep love for the love of her life. Now there were things neither would do and lines that would never crossed like behavior and outfits never done or worn. But the smaller female even got a striper pole to dance on for just the male in private. One of his fav things his mate wore were long black stockings with matching length arm wear like in a horrid image. All of this lead to much hard, rough, but wonderful love making. But Wolf never did things to hurt his Luna physically or emotionally and certainly allowed her to take control when riding or saying what position she wanted to go in. The female loved that about her lupine mate and did things to show how much how deep that love ran for him. Just like he did in turn. But the two never forgot their duties outside of the bedroom.

The first was really helping Miyu and Panther prepare for their wedding. Slippy and Amanda's would happen first and Wolf did go to that with Luna as the female amphibian had been a teammate to the she-wolf. But even he was curious to see how the others were doing. One look showed Fox and Krystal were happy as a couple, clearly and deeply in love, and even that they had fucked since confessing. Everyone else on the teams looked very happy to be with the one they were dating. But Wolf's eye was only on his she-wolf who looked beautiful in the dress chosen. It was here that he even danced with her so as not to be shown up by the others and also to show some things could change. The same thing happened during the time when Panther and Miyu were wed. When the newly-weds got to the reception area, the lynx tossed her flowers and Luna caught them, much to the surprise of both wolves. This was then where the two began to consider their future a little more. Up until then only being mates and consummating their love had been the goal. But now they wondered what it would be like to marry.

While it was true Wolf and Luna weren't going to want anyone else, the lupine wasn't 100 percent sure. But the she-wolf felt a little different. So the female decided to tease and test her mate. The smaller beauty began to act like a loving and naughty housewife. It wouldn't change how Wolf saw her in general. But he loved this new side of his mate, thinking that since it was Luna, he could be okay with having her as his wife too. Which then led to a talk because while the female had no plans of going off the pill, she did ask her love, what if by accident he go her pregnant with his pup? Wolf had to consider that. He wasn't sure about kids and a bit nervous around him due to how his past was. But the male also knew despite everything, he would be an asshole monster and run away from Luna and leave her alone if that did happen. That made the female relieved and love him even more. But there were still a couple of obstacles for the wolf couple.

It wasn't just the ones out there who hated the pairing and bitched, complained, and moaned who didn't get why Wolf and Luna were together and didn't think they were a good match or made for the other when the two wolves were. It was dealing with her parents. Luna's father, whom she still called daddy, was the most explosive in anger about the situation. Her mother wasn't happy either but began to notice and see the love and bond the younger female had with Wolf. That it wasn't just another crush but a deep mated love. It was here the will and fiery strength the she-wolf had burst forth. Luna stood her ground, shouting and arguing back with her old man. He asked what was there in Wolf that he had. Luna told Michel that what she and Wolf had was deep and that he wouldn't understand. That he connected and understood her and if had wanted to, could have hurt her a long time ago. And if need be, Luna shouted she would leave the family of McCays if that's what it took to be with Wolf for Michel couldn't keep them apart. Because the bigger grey-furred lupine had her heart and always would. And above all she was a grown adult and allowed to fall in love with who she chose and could make her own choices and decisions.

Michel was stunned, his wife as well, but Janie now saw the convection and fire in their daughter. Luna wasn't backing down. Wolf also reassured, showing with proof that what he and the younger she-wolf had was true. It was all of this, and his daughter's argument, that made her old man bend the knee. But not without a strict warning as he felt he wouldn't be a real father if he didn't do that. But at least her parents accepted the relationship. It was a good thing because Wolf and Luna's love grew deeper every day. It helped the two could talk and be open with the other, especially when it came to showing the lupine that kids could be fine in general. This happened when Miyu got pregnant with Panther's child and gave birth to a son. Wolf and Luna decided to babysit the little one as a test to see how he would react in general as he'd never been around kids before. But there was nothing to fear for Wolf actually found Miyu and Panther's son to be alright and figured that if Luna wanted his pups, then he and her could raise a family if it came to that.

Both wolves did discuss and talk a little about a family and things like that, but Luna never pressed the subject too far. However, things got better as thanks to the other teams Wolf found a way to return home to Corneria. While the charges were dropped, he was put under probation. But that was fine for the ex-mercenary after finding a place to live with Luna. It then happened for after two years of dating, Wolf knew what he wanted. It was there at a lovely place, he got down on one knee, asking his mate to marry him. He was finished with mercenary life and work, having saved up and was ready to retire and settled down with the female by his side in marriage. The she-wolf accepted with no hesitation and a joyful yes. That caused that loving and warning smile he had to emerge. It was seen on the day the two became husband and wife and later on during the honeymoon. Wolf had not regrets like with her being married. It was during this time Luna asked if he wanted or was ready for a family with her and wouldn't force the choice. But the lupine knew what was in his heart and told his newly-wedded wife that now his desire and wanting a family with Luna was here. That this time there would be no protection used. His beloved smiled with warmth at her new husband, moaning to fuck her like a bitch in heat and fill her fully of her baby juice to impregnate. Wolf certainly did, fucking Luna like a wild animal to mate and breed.

The female had been off the pill and got pregnant. The pair first had a beautiful daughter and then a son. Wolf got that same smile again, the first time he held their first born and then the second one. That loving father side came out of him like a wolf in real life with his children. But there was no doubt the lupine and Luna were happily married and it remained that way with raising their family. There were no regrets for the love of a lifetime had been found and Wolf had the peace and happiness he needed and wanted to last forever.


Author's note: That was a long write and time it took. But I'm very happy and satisfied with this. Not only have I've covered Wolf in the history and personality that is most likely correct, I've even gone on to develop Luna more as she should have been. Now with this I can use it for helping write future things with them and showing why canon and lore wise Luna and Wolf belong together only. I hope you have enjoyed reading this.

Hope you've enjoyed.