Good Morning - Now And Then #2

Story by lamoxlamae on SoFurry

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#2 of Memory Remains- Now and Then

Ooh, the plot thickens! Kinda. =^.- Welcome to Chapter Two of "Memory Remains- Now and Then." I know, quick submission, but when you're on a roll, you're on a roll!

If this is your first time reading this series, be sure to read the intro "Tuesday- Now and Then" to get a feel for the characters.

I hope you enjoy the story. =^.^=

As Shadow got up from the couch, I noticed she winced a little. I smiled and offered her a paw up, but she just smiled back and said it was nothing. The story of what had brought her over in tears came out in bits and pieces through the night, some while I was cooking dinner, a little while we were eating, and a lot of it afterwards in the still of the early night.

"You know all those hang-up calls I kept getting?"

"Yeah, the ones you thought were a telemarketer.", my heart sunk, I already knew what she was going to say.

"It was will. He kept calling me from work to see if I was home like a 'good little girl'. Today as soon as he woke up, he was angry. He sat there, accusing me of doing all sorts of things with Dave even though he had no evidence at all."

"Kissing him goodnight eight months back wasn't a good move, you know."

"Geez, you sound like my mom. It was only a tiny close-lipped innocent sisterly peck, and Dave and I both apologized for it over and over, but Will won't let it go. Will just kept whining how HE was the victim, how EVERYONE hates him, and how I'm just another little tramp and that I'll always be a tramp unless I kick Dave totally out of my life. I said I refuse to abandon one of my best friends, then Will got silent."

Shadow paused and her copper eyes grew watery again. I held back a shudder. What did that greasy Tanuki do to her?

"Since Will had said nothing, I thought it was safe to give him a hug, you know, to comfort him. When he's upset, he always wants attention. Much to my shock, he picked me up and threw me. I landed on top of my leg with my foot under me at a 90-degree angle, I was worried that I had broke my ankle at first. Will Didn't give a damn until he heard me scream while I tried to stand back up. Soon he was there with ice and apologies, but I couldn't stay. I fought my way past him, hopped on the first passing bus and got here as fast as I could.

Please, don't be worried about me."

"Shadow, we need to wrap that ankle and get ice on it. You also need to see a doctor."

"No! I don't have the money, and, even if I did, how could I explain it? It would end up in court and Will would say I was restraining him from leaving and that throwing me was in self-defense and I would be the one in jail, not him! I clawed and bit him getting out, he has more marks than I do..."

"At least let me see it."

Shadow took off her boots and rolled up her pants leg. Sure enough, it was badly swollen. If those boots of hers didn't offer any compression, I doubted that she'd be able to walk. Carefully, I felt the muscles and bones, trying my best not to hurt her. I'm no doctor, but the boys in my squad got injured enough that I could tell a rip from a sprain from a break. Yeah, Will had hung a number on her- it was a sprain, a bad one at that, and the muscle was torn near her calf. I did my best to wrap her leg and put it on ice, resting it on a pile of pillows on the couch.

"Thanks Jackal." Shadow said, the corners of her lips turning up to a smile, her fine fox ears perked but relaxed.

I sat down in the recliner and flipped on a movie until Shadow fell asleep. I watched as her lithe body almost seemed to meld with the pillows of the couch, it seemed so natural to have her nearby, it felt right. I couldn't let her return to that apartment to be harassed by that pitiful excuse for a man, but she couldn't support an apartment all by herself and she really shouldn't be walking with her leg like that. Still, how was I going to support BOTH of us on my measly army pension?

I didn't realize when I had drifted off to sleep....

It was morning, and through the fine curtains of the princess' room, the sunlight filtered down. I awoke to her gracefully chiseled visage staring at me, face to face. For a moment, I didn't remember where I was... did I do anything last night? Quickly, I checked my pants- they were still on. A smile painted itself upon her face, and pearls of laughter filled the air.

"Why, Jackal, you look like a lost child! Just a sweet little ball of fur laying in my bed.", she reached out and messed with the fur at the top of my head, then continued in a hushed voice, "Though you are far too old and well built to be confused for a child. Let's just not tell Father about this, shall we? If you don't tell, I won't.", her voice began to raise in volume again, "Besides, you make a great bedwarmer and you're just the right size for snuggling!"

My right ear tipped in confusion, " do not care that I'm old enough to be your father?"

"What does it matter, it's not like he has to know anything.", she said with a wink, "And, if anyone asks, you were just protecting me, weren't you?"

My tail swished limply in reply, what can you say when the very one you have sworn to protect has decided to turn you into... a doll? I, the bringer of night, slayer of the barbarian hordes, protector of the emperor's daughter, had now been downgraded to bedwarmer.

"What, it's true, isn't it? What male would dare slip into my bed with YOU in it! You're so big, and fierce looking, nobody but us has to know you're as harmless as a kit."

My other ear tipped and I tried to hide my embarrassment, "Well, I guess you have a point..."

"Oh, wonderful! I'll be sure to have the bedmaids expand my bed a little, I think we'll need a little more room from now on. I'll just tell them I want more space, they won't question. Thank you, Jackal!"

"Errr... your welcome, Shadow."

And Shadow sprung from her bedding, and began to skip about the room nude, gathering her clothing. As I lie in bed, the thoughts were streaming through my head. Though the entire situation had an undertone of rebellion and mischief, perhaps this wouldn't be so bad? I had, indeed, wanted to hold her in the garden, and, now, I could at least be by her side sometimes. My state of meditative thought was broken by a knock at the door. As my head snapped up, the first thing my eyes set upon were Shadow's shapely breast, covered in smooth silver fur, glinting in the morning light. Her chest bounced merrily with her movements as Shadow approached the stairs.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Mi'lady, your father is holding a formal lunch for some merchants from across the sea in four days. You will need to be fitted for a new robe today so we can dress you properly.", called the voice of a chamber-maid.

"Yes, tell Father I will get myself fitted for my robes as soon as I'm done with my morning prayers."

"Yes, Mi'lady."

Shadow snuck up by my side, "So, ready to go pray?" she said, towering above my place in the bed. You know, sometimes a change in perspective can only improve a woman's appearance, and, indeed, looking up from below her breast, seeing her copper eyes looking conspiratorially down at me, her headfur a wild mane flowing down to her back, I felt desire, as strong as ever, creep back into my loins. This time, it did not go unnoticed as Shadow gave a slight chuckle and gently touched my cheek.

"You know, if you keep being so good to me, I may get to trust you to the point you won't need to hide that anymore."

I swallowed hard as, subconsciously, my tail began to wag behind me.

Gods, I'm having that dream again. Why do I keep having these dreams! I'm always the brave, steadfast guard and Shadow is always the coy princess... and yet, it always feels too real to be a dream. I could almost smell her scent and feel her touch. Why....?

Shadow was still sleeping on the couch. I half wish the dreams were real. I don't care when or where they are taking place, I'd do anything to see her skipping so merrily. I find myself sighing as I watch Shadow sleep. Suddenly, she begins to toss uneasily. I rouse myself from the recliner and sit beside her, then reach out and gently stroke her hair.

"It's OK,'s just a dream."

Shadow's eyes half open into slits of copper against her silver fur, "...I know... I'm dreaming...", and she smiles gently to me.

"What time is it?"

"About 10 AM. When you have work?"

"Not today."

"Just rest. When you get up, I'll make breakfast."

The days begin to pass. All the while, I begin to make things more comfortable for Shadow. I gave her an old crutch to support herself on while she heals so she won't have to walk on her bad leg, I made a bed for myself out of the old couch in the den and let Shadow take the bed in my room, and I even started to look for a few of her favorite foods while I was grocery shopping. Shadow, in return, tried to help out some around the house, even though I was always discouraging her from overexerting her leg. Though it had only been a few short days, her temperament improved and soon she was smiling contentedly, ears perked and tail swishing behind her in a calm fashion. Her headfur was brushed daily and Shadow took time to brush her fur as well and her little brass-rimmed glasses perched spotlessly on her muzzle. It did my heart good to see her this way, eyes shining with gratitude with a glint of hope instead of pain. Imagine my shock when she asked to go back.

"Jackal, it's Monday. It's almost been a week. Will has been calling at work... he's begging me to come home."

"Let me guess, he says he's sorry and he'll never do it again... then he starts demanding and from there it starts up again. Do you really want to go back to that?"

Shadow looked sheepishly down at her feet for a moment, "But... how... could I ever repay you for all of this? You've been my best friend and yet... even more. I just don't know the words for it, but you're very special to me and I'm really starting to trust you. I don't want to feel like I've let you down or that I'm using you."

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.

"Shadow, you don't owe me anything. I just want to see you happy and safe, I wish I could give you the world...", my hand reached up and I gently ran my fingers through her hair, "...but I'll give you all I've got."

Shadow just Nuzzled my chest; it was all the reply I needed.

The evening passed as it always did, I made dinner, she did the dishes, and then we watched television for awhile before Shadow retired to bed. I ended up watching the rest of an old film before retiring, myself. As I wearily wandered into the den, there was Shadow, sitting on the couch, sprawled out with her head upon the arm of the couch and her tail limply laying across the other arm, swishing lazily, her arm hanging off the side of the couch. As I entered the room, her ears perked and her head turned towards me.

"Hello, Jackal. It's kinda a cold night tonight, and I really don't like sleeping alone. Could you keep me warm tonight? I'm sure there's room for both of us in the bed."

I shuddered to myself. It was just like my dreams. Despite the eerie similarities, I found myself becoming aroused. Shadow grinned just a little upon seeing my mixed reactions.

"Hey, it's OK. All we'll be doing is sleeping. I'm sure you'll make a great bedwarmer. No one has to know, I won't tell if you won't.", her eyes wandered and her voice dropped to a hush, "Besides, once we get to trust each other more, maybe you won't have to hide those reactions."

I found myself openly blushing, as a grin spread across my face as well. I pretended to take off a hat, and bowed low, "As you wish, m'lady." Shadow chuckled, then I reached down and swept her up into my arms. She laughed and pretended to fight me as I carried her off to bed.

You know, maybe all these dreams aren't half bad after all.